THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE EIGHT. More Than One Half of Needed Funds Raised I hereby subscribe t payable on demand, to the fund being raised for the purpose of building proper ball park which is to be used for baseball, football and all kindred sports In the fu ture. Name Street Number City At Armory Tonight Salem Hi Shooters Meet U.-O. Frosh i- "Come on. r.ilatts: imp in keep the put aboiiing" says I'.id'lie' bishop who lias given a great deul of his time to the promotion of a sterling Meiul-pro club for Salem. Time that a city of this size had a real fighting aggravation," siys the hustling manager. 'The right spirit had been shown as is indicate) by the amount already pledged. More than half of the needed money Is in sight. We need your financial assistance, it for (1 ir 100." Mall the coupon to lihldie liiBhop, care of The Capital Journal. Friday morning. Manager 15. shop was able to report two special dona tions winch indicate the degree re HiMinse met bv the Senators in their soliciting rounds. The Salem F.IkSj Willamette Bearcats on the armory club has set aside 50 for the pur-1 floor pose, while the personnel of the Laddj Jt game fn)m s(al.t ((j Itnsh bank has pledged 4G. finish, with the outcome never m Amnions to the suoscripuon list, re reived jp to Friday T FROM BEARCATS BY BIG SCORE; PLAY FAST The University of Idaho basketball team last night tightened their hold upon the loop game championship or the Northwest Conference when they saddled a 5i to 23 drubbing on the For the last time during the season. Salem fans will have an opportunity to witness the local hih school quin tet In action. Friday night, February 27, at the armory, the referee's whistle will open the return game played with the University of Oregon freshmen. In the first game played at Eugene, the frosh labeled the Salem boys with a defeat of 21-1 9. However, since the high school lads have cleared up the championship of the valley, they fee confident that the visitors will get the worth of their fare from Eugene Spartan style. Another factor to augur well for lo cal victory, is the splendid condition of the Salem boys. Wednesday night they defeated the Willamette univer sity freshmen with the score of 21-16. Coach Schott asserts that those who patronize the game tonight wiil see Sa lem high give a demonstration of the ability and team work that has won eight games for them out of the c.leven played. It is announced that Leslie Springer will referee. The Xorth Yamhill Water company has secured a temporary injunction against the city council retraining 1! from doing any work on a proposed municipal system for which bands have been issued. Bath room of the Oregon Bath House will be closed from Sundown Friday until Sundown Saturday. Phone 540. I.'i; V. S. Allen, $25; Central Cigar More. $10; Janus Linn, $10; Salem Laundry. HO; Messing Boone pool parlors. $10; I'erner-Cohen Show Co., r.; L. Waters. $5; II. C. Marvin, 1 7 . r. D : Oregon Hath Home, $10; Lowell 1. Will, $10; Salem iron Works, $5; Arcliord implement Co., $15; Salem Auto Kxchange. $'i. An additional list upon which about IUiO Ih subscribed had not been re turned in time for including upon this report. Cntisii notion to Stmt. Hy Saturday, tilings will be a liiini m i ii ' at the Senators' baseball park nt 1 of It anil Oxford streets. The Oregon Traction company, through the good offices of J. I.. Van Horn has donated a Twill City tractor, w hich will be seen making tlie home run in hauling ma terial and ill the Improvement of the grounds. Harry WVndoroth. who Is H"Oivtury reasiiror for the local club, has re ceived $1X74 In sut.s Tlbtlon pledges. With this ready response swelling up toward the desired $;'.intil goal, Mali nger llishop feels that the Senators lire Justified in starling work Imme diately. With the ii'oiuls of the earning of lb" iMooselaw club to Salem for a idioit period of spring training, Middle I'.ishop f"i lthat the only way to make Kood Is to get out and accomplish de sired ends. Middle Is looking ovrr Ills line-lip. limiting iiiic section of the list and add ing good players us they loom up. Waller Kraoke, well known California .Stale leaguer is In town nnil Is trying t o locate ii residfhtv. vma fter "More Hum n year ago I took a course of Mnyr's Wonderful ISeiredy for gall stones, severe, colic anil stout nch trouble mid have been entirely well ever since. I have recommended It In many other stomach sufferers, lis I felt II was my duly to tell tliein Just how much good It has done me." II Is u Hlmple, harmless preparation mat removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract ami allays the inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and Intestln nl ailments, Including appendicitis, one dose will convince or money re funded. .1. C. Ferry anil Hauled ,1. Fry and dmgglsts everywhere. lAdv) doubt for a minute. Nothing can keep morning are asi,h ,,, ,,,,,,,..,,,, ,,,,, ,., ,., , rung of the conference ladder if they continue to play the brand of ball they demonstrated to Salem fans last even ing, iiasketball teams have "tin" nights and "off" nights and Idaho was "on" last night, while the Leareats were "off." Nothing short of a broad cover ior the baskets could have kept the visi tors from scoring last, evening, and from no mater what angle, nor with what abandon they shot, they con nected with the scoring loop, Lut luck does not entirely explain the vic tory of the visitors. They played real basketball, passing fast and accurate ly , playing the floor like the veterans they are mid presenting a defense which Willamette could not dent. Had Willamette been able to keep Hunter, Idaho's star guard, covered the tale might have been not quite so sail, for he scored and scored and kept on scoring from whatever angle n distance he shot and was in the open a good half of the time. Individually and collectively, top Hetircats were "off." It Just wasn't their night and no amount of deter mination or fight could get them to going on the light track. They show ed no team work and passed blluniy. Three substitutions during the game failed to better the type of ball they displayed. As in the game of Tuesday night, Wapato, at forward, was the luminary for the lieaivuts. Fighting every min ute an. I toUuv. in.; the ball like a leech, Wapato scored 22 of the till points c'halked up for Willamette. The teams lined up as follows: Idaho Cozier and Carder forwards; I'crriiie, center; Hunter and Campelle, guards. Willa-notte Wapato and Mi K Ute ri.'!.. I'orwanls; Jackson, center: liar ' and I'ia.i.k. guards. UefereeWiu. Itarglss of Corvallls. J - ; " f s ;", s .1 f i J 7 x ' I. .j.1.:-.. ..... ' : V .:...';..H.;v; !! M v V V .. f 1 ' J. P. Hl'TCHASON, District Manager The Mutual Life of N. V., office S71 State St..' Phone 9. INFOKM ATION' KKKK. I need your busir.ess. Let me iiri)ve (hat you need Insurance. HAVE l'.Xl'F.HT 1'I.ATK MIX i With 8.1 year eKrl"inH, with nit III my dental offki nit. i). x. itf r.t iii.rii 803 l S. Kink Hid,-. Authors Writing More Now Than Ever In History Loudon. Feb. 2"., More books ntv being written today than ever befme In the history of publishing says J dri Murray, widely known publisher. "Toe average is better than it was 110 or 10 Mais ago," he added. "(I real num bers of people have contracted a fever ish desire to write novels, but many of them have no real knowledge iiif the author's craft, and are sadly unequal to the task they undertake, And suc cessful novel now seems to call Into existance a veritable host of aspirants who are fired to emulate the lu:;iv author. . "Two vital uuulltlos which arc ofieu lucking In the novelist of today, are ft sense of humor, nnd a really c.eyei working out of the plot. "It is too early yet to say whit w!l! be the efect of the war on fiction. "Iteeently there has been a temleuoy for novelists to deal w ith sex problems in their stories. I sincerely hope this is a passing phase. My experience Is that the 'wholesome' novel meets with success just now." Mr. Murray said the present demand in war books is for histories of regi ments and divisions, intiny of which are being written, and will form tin material tor a permanent history of the war. This he said could not be written for many years, 1 LI' CLAIMS 10 IX l'OUTLAXD Portland. Or., Feb. 26. Ten deaths from influenza were reported at the city health office today. These oc curred during Sunday and Monday, no reports having been made yesterday on account of It being a holiday. To day's report brings the total deaths to 84 since the epidemic reappeared here a month ago. noniti.Ks c;i:t $20,000 Seattle, Wash., Feb. 2C Japanese owners of a Seatle Jewelry siore re ported to the police todav that bur glars entered their establishment last night and stole Jewelry worth close to $20,000. Real Estate Transfers. $2000 4750 H At Sayr and Maud Sayr to Alice Kelly, .75 A Wood-burn Alice Kelly to H M Save "ami Maud Savr. lnri A In V. t w Clement. Schneider and Anna honneider to Joseph Lux and Martha T.nv in A in i:j 1 w ar.nn A L Seamster and Kuth Seam- ster to Kruce Brown, bl 11 Myers add Salem K C Price to J C Price and O K Price, it 1 bl 2 Wood burn William McCarroIl and Mary McCarroll to Frank Verbick and Louise Verbick, It 34 and 4!1 H'lmniU.M l'-n-lr Theodore Nienaber and Laura Neinaber to Kudolph ISern lng and Minnie Herniog. 2.3117 A sec 10 In fist 111' Frank Murk ami Marie Murk to Jacob A On now nnd Ber tha (lanow. tr 11-12-13-14 Kennedy Acres F.ffie Mishler and J 1 ilisliler to Henry C Lehman W id' SW ',4 sec 13 in S3 IK .. J Ci Flake and Addle Flake to Maude .1 Simons Mildred I. Simons, pit 20 Capital Park nlld ... John 11 .Scott and Maude nnd bl 7000 4000 2100 2200 $3000 4150 1250 lUU'ltllONS WOl'I.U lU'SH PACT. Albany, N. Y Feb. 26. The plat form adopted today by the democrat Is state unofficial convention demand ed Immediate ratification of the pence treaty "without destruutive reserva tions", commended labor for Its part in the world conflict, declared for ad labor that will end strikes, boycotts Justment of relations of capital and and lockouts; demanded congression al action that would reduce tax bur dens; commended -administration of io,ernor smith; opposed natiunla prohibition and declared for the speedy repeal of the eighteenth amendment. I BUY REMNANTS AT T3I Remnant Store 854 North CoaTe.-flai I'KI'M II IMPOlrrs GROW Paris. Wednesday. Feb. 25 Imports into France in January amounted to 2.002.2110 000 francs, an Increase of ts.i.ooft 0t0 francs over January, 1919. The extorts were 722. 3S9000 francs, an Increase of S74.92S.OOO francs over January of last year. Salem Auto Hadiator Shop Radiator, Fonder a:; J. Ga Tank Repaired Tractor Rndlntor sprcbtltt Ford Radiator for Sale 14 8. Uth Street. Salem, Or. JOI HNAL WANT A I) tiKT KHSl'LTS rACkl'.UX RF.DlCi: IORCKS Chie.n;.!. Feb. 2t". The number of employe in ! ncklng houses In Chicago and K iiiMi City. Kansas, recently has been reduced, due to an increased con sumption of fresh meats nt home and j ab'-oa l. meet' ling to statements made t idiyby representative of packing i houses r.i by official of labor unions. Scott to J W Hohn and Lnla i'.ohn. pit bl 5 Roberts add Salem N'athaii A Kinisey to David F, Swan, pit its 2 and 3 bl 2 Meliama S II lleltzel and . oJsophine lloltzel to Marcell (irurson and F C C.rurson, prt It 5 bl tf U Whitney add Stayton.... Lydia Campbell to T U Waten paugh and Alice Watenpainth 3.37 A Fwald fruit farms ... Farmers and Merchants Hank of Stayton to Stayton Realty and Holding company, 1 A see 10 in !'S 1W .... W .1 Dawes and Lydia A Danes to J 11 Dawson. It 2 bl 4 Fel ler add Donald Mario F Cooper to ,1 L Cooper prt see 1, 2, 11. 12 In HIS r.K Henry .Mulssig. William P. Wurster, 5.00 A sec 13 In 4S 1W -loscpn f rsathinan and So phie 10 Nathuian to Frank Vnchter, 54.71 A in 4H 2W Lulu Kink to Willie K Mailev and Kssie Bailee. 4. U0 A 7S I1W; also 2.97 A 7S 3W Allan Bellinger to J W Magee fruit It 87, Friends Oregon colony: also pit fruit It Sli J C Siegmuud and Inez Sioe-- miind to Charlotte Tlsch hauser 4tml Lillian Tiseh hauser. N It 9 bl 79 Salem II D Robinson to John H Scott and Arthur i: Peterson, Its 3 and S bl 2 Iiishop's add Salem . John C Clearwater and Ida O Clearwater to F. C Richards nnd Myrta Richards prt Its 1 and 2 bl 86 Salem William II Mersinger to C A VnnClenve, .45 A, also 10 A sec S3 69 2V N llickok and Ruth M Hickok to Ida Kraus, Its 3-4-5 bl t Snvders mill Ant-orQ A 1) Murphy and Mamie Mur- pny to j r; sioper. 1 1-3 A see 10 In 9S 1W J W Welly and May J Welly to William Arnold and Bes sie Arnold. 100.02 A sec 23 and 24 In 7S 1W O D Clearwater to Fred C Scherniacker, It 3 bl 1 1 Yew Park add Barbara A Ash ford to Klnora Wltzel, 2.394 A sit "S SW.... Hex It Randall and (trace ij Randall to Mary Kighmev, It 8 bl 2 B T RnndaJI add Sa lem " Knoch C Churchill and Sarah Churchill to Mary J Smith S 4 It 6 bl 2 Salem Mary J Smith and Oeorge Smith to Knoch Churchill and Sarah Churchill. S H It 8 bl 2 Salem Amelia Peyser and Charles M Peyser to Harry E Brown .74" A 8S SW 0 L Nelson to R K Wiekham Its 8 and 7 bl 2 Jefferson Myers odd Salem Kstelle CI Howard and Ralph S Howard to Alfred Real lots 3-4-5-11-12 M 22 subdiv of bis 21-22 Capital Parw add Salem John Westley nnd N K 'Wesiiey to E A Matthes and Florence Mntthes. I A In 1) L C John Force 7S SW John W Mlnner to Margaret Wright. It t bl 46 N Salem 6i)(l Margaret Could and Oliver Could to Robert It Duncan prt Id 39 Silem S125 Falls City-Salem Lumber Co to Marv Kishinev- prt It 7 bl 8 SW add SUem 559 4500 2S00 150 SEE US FIRST! 7 Room strictly modern buga low, on paved street and car line. If sold soon $,"000 6 Room cottage bungalow on paved street, modern with furnace S3000 6 Room house, modern, except furnace; big lot. and barn: paved stret and carline. sr sold by March 1 $2300 5 Room modern home with furnace, paved street and close to State street $3000 6 Room modern bugalow South Salem $3300 10 Acres of fine land on main paved road, 1 'i miles out; no improvements. Snap at $2o00 20 Acres 6 miles out on paved highway; 10 acres brush, bal. cultivated $2400 100 Acres of land; no bldjs.; deep black soil; paved road; per acre S200 100 Acres on Jefferson read; no bldgs.; 65 acres In cult.; per acre $200 80 Acres close In, (in paved road and close In; per acre $230 LIST YOI'R PROPKRTY WITH FS IF WK LIST IT WE ADVERTISE IT Laflar & Laflar 10C-7-8 Oregon Bids. TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BIG PT SALE OF BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES, TIRES, ACCESSOR Hundreds of people have supplied themselves with the many bargains offered at this afc You, too, should grasp the opportunity and lay in a supply for the entire season. Below we list a few of the many bargains -One lot of rep-ular S1.50 bicvele inner tubes, soecial at One lot of regular 30x3 auto inner tubes, special at ' . Regular 25c cans of Cup Grease, special at , 15t Regular $4.50 driving gloves, special at Save from $5.00 to $18.00 on any new bicycle. This list includes Dayton, Snell, Yankee, National and Harley-Davidson. EXTRA-SPECIAL- Regular $4.50 single tube bicycle tires, special at, each Regular $4.75 clincher casing, special at, each Regular $1.75 bicycle inner tubes, special at, each 42,9; t HJI Hundreds of other articles at prices you cannot afford to miss. So come tomorrow while the selection is good. 147 S. Commercial St. Phone 58 ill Kfce&&t.... Ford Car THE UNIVERSAL CAR earns a Order Your Ford Car Today It is necessary that you arrange for your car now; this not only permits us to secure the car for you, but saves you a long tedious wait when you need it. Did you ever see a Ford Owner Dissatisfied? ' Long years of experience have taught the FORD MOTOR CO., how to build the best automobile on earth and for the least money. They will go anywhere at anytime-and when it comes to "Up KeePthe FORD stands in a class by itself, for economy. B UY A FORD Insist on Genuine Ford Parts III II ydlley Motor Co. Insist on Genuine Ford ; Parts