Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 27, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every evening except tun
4mj by The Capital Journal Printing Co
lli South Commercial street.
Telephones Circulation and Business
Office, II; i-aitoriai room, s-.
MUCH CONCERNED over the fact that petitions for placing
II I -4 tl ...., v,.,m In Via fracrnn nrim9ri flrP heillt
Xlcrurt I Iiwci b name in vv&iyi ...-. - -
GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor-l"utlisher
Entered as second class mail matter
t Salem, Oregon.
By carrier 50 cents a month. By mall
SS rente a month, Jl.Si for three months,
1I.SS lor six months. J per year in
larion and Polk counties. Elsewhere
Is a year.
By order of U. S. government, all mall
subscriptions are payable in ajvance.
Advertising- representatives W. D.
Ward. Tribune Bids. New York; W. H
tockwell. Peoples lias Bldg, Chicago.
The Associated Press is exclusively
ntitled to the use for republication of
all news
"I didn't know I was impertinent,
hut perhaps I did resent a. little your
characterisation of my dearest friend.
Helen Gaylord."
circulated, the Portland Oregonian declares it can't be done i and lis, JZ
digging up legal authority to prove that only dyed-in-tne-woolM ,
nartisans can come before the people m a party primary ami as ... ... IV, had
Hoover declines to join either party until he Iinds out nnat "iej,iu.irrellcd. In a note wi,ich John
party represents, he is therefore barred. j wro(e me from tne bath house he told
The wish is father to the thought. This is, of course, the me he was going to New York for
political construction of a law designed by politicians to P?nt--oJ wlth h' pro"
uate control by politicians of parties and give them the naming of Mow. IifS8 justified
candidates branded with the hall-mark. Only one of their own; "Katherine, why do you treat me in
?i i- : . -i- -:ii.. r V... t, anA tbQ conr rio-hf nf this high-handed manner? You know
UK is eugiuie iui eie-hum u.v ic ...... mv. i well that I have seen the paper.
and you are, perhaps, more or less
justifiably angry with John. I pre
sume you are taking this way to get
"What way?"
"fioinsr out of town with the one
woman that I would not allow in ray
house and whom John has forbidden
you to see."
"How did you know this?" I tie-!
mantled, thoroughly aroused.
John Hid me so himself when I
noliticians to put up their puppets must not be interfered with
bv the rank and file.
rtLLuiuu.s tu ulc vi -" vt,- "V even with him.
the self-seekers chasing onice tne avowea canaiciaies. ine 01-
fice has no right to seek the man and the members of the party
dispatch credited to it or I ,.;,,ht tn pvnrpsa a nrpffrence for someone outside the party.
lull ai8orocaBi news published herein. ; 9 a matter of fact the Oregonian regards it as a crime to scratch
a ticket and would read out of the party those who refuse to vote-'er-straight.
It regards party as sacred as the constitution.
Of course, politicians, themselves, are not bound by any such 1 uked what he was goins t do about
red tape regulations thev are only to restrict the dear people. I receiving the Gnyiords here, i piain-
' . .. i , ... , I lv told him what I thought about it.
I The republican politicians went outside tneir ranKs to nominate ,;uti knowin5 tnilt you an,i Mrs. cay-
. I General Grant, vho had always voted with the opposition, and the - lord were such great friends, r was
i,, (:ramk..--.. . ii.uni ... . ; H politicians later followed the same course in nominat-"t ure what you would a,.. He
been re-choled to the office of supei- ." -i. i sured me that you would do exactly
itilondeiit of the I .a ('ramie public I lllg Horace Greeley, a republican. las he wished."
ml s for the term of two year". file intent of the primary law is tO permit the Voters Of the "I am sorry that John was mis-
A.hiand-Tiohlnd canning co.nj various parties to indicate i their choice of candidates and to rm M ol(U1. ,nan you
iany owned an.i op. rated by ii.e. and; vent the politicians from bartering the nomination. If the ramV .ini am, r woukl Iike ((1 ,lilvise you
hi nee i.ininger. cloned a most success- j an(i fie prefer an independent, to a partisan, that should be their j that the wife is happiest who does as
fill season with n total pack exceeding ... . , - f fh Imin(, n,.p intput 1111011 lijiminir the candi-; h,,r l'"sband wishes."
i" 1-"- 1 -Well, then, not many modern
(late, the politician Will have to give way. wives are happy!" I said somewhat
It will be remembered that Judge Hughes was not a candidatej wearily, i was tired of the whole vimi-u mm nml u'linm voir rnnspnt in lici'omp nnp in the linm-! '"'"
.1 1 i . . 1 . . .i . ii. 1 ii ..a . i. ! Now,
aries. iseverineiess, nis name was piuceti on ine uanoi wniioui
his consent and the rank and file of the republican party made
him Oregon's choice and he was forced on the politicians, regard
less of tiuibble and technicalities.
The people want Hoover, not only in Oregon, but all over the
United States and if the politicians prevent his selection by one
jimmy rabbit The Word
Fop the
Little Ones
Starts on His Visit to the "Kiddies" in
Saturday's Capital Journal
thai of any previous year and
at $:!S,fpOU.
MiiK'cno. Addison V. Diman has
filed his peiilion for the republican
nomination fur jtole of l.aiie county.
Mr. luan bos been a resident of Lane
county for 3" years and lias lived at
WondliuH, Springfield ami Eiieene.
Maishfield. A. P. (Iridley and oth
er clitircli representatives appeared
before the .Marslifi. ld city council and
requested u censorsliip to be establish
ed for coulrol of pictures shown in
movie shows.
1 Ject to the preference rights of actual
i Soldiers applications may be filed
'from April 12 to May 8. ,
j Soldiers' preference was reserved by
1 1 lie law passed largely through the ef
! forts of Senator Chamberlain and Rep
jresenta'ive Sinnott.
1 Soldiers claims will be allowed May
10 unless they are in conflict with ac
tural seniors, in which case they must
;give way. If in conflict with t'aen
other drawings will decide on May 14.
, Land remaining .after preferences are
1 satisfied, will be opened to general
j homestead entry July 9. Most of the
land lies in the Roselmrir land district
Madam "Agreement for the filing of the dc-iand a small part in the Portland aim
l Continued from page one)
Katherine," said
Gordon in a more conciliatory man-. t.reei Ul. puimer said in announcing Vancouver districts.
per, "it won t do you any good to fly, Dec,ml,( wouU, have ,he ef-1
to pieces about this . thing. 1 inson- establitihill,, ..tne rinch,le thai A gasoline tank on lY? .'. II HalgM
any, 1 am sure uiui. rvun . -
. , ... .1,.! no group of men. no matter how now-
niusi nave saio boiuciiiiob eiy uhij - . .. l,..n
x. .- 1.1 ..... !... ..tjerful, ciin ever attempt to control the,1"-"'
IO JOIlll, Or IIO IVUUIU Ui'i u.ivir "'"j Ki.iv.rnH- lun-n.wl
tacked him. I know nothing about! f'' taW the American people or "-rcl b'nt'd
1 ho ,,,,.,r,ei oveenl whnt T have read.i'iuy one of the necessities or compo- L
or both of the conventions, an independent party should be form- but from the reports it looks to niepl"t pans of it." jiNOne Knew one
d to see that his name goes before the people, who after all, have;"" though Karl shepard was " ""e '1 Dyed Old Coats
itractor blew up v. hilf
operated by
b.1 i:iac;iioe was
: s jo, .viio was
Kugcne The sale of about IS, (Hill. -000
feel of government timber In the
vicinity of reserve on the upper Wil
Itiinetle river is contemplated by the
forest service, according to N. I'. Mac
Duff, supervisor of the Cascade na
tional forest.
the final say and cannot be denied.
it JIMMY RABBIT", third of the Tuck-Me-In Tales that the Cap
ital Journal is printing in daily installments for the Kiddies
and little ones, starts tomorrow. The amount of interest attract
ed by the two former stories, "Cliffy Bear" and "Jolly Robin"
purchase of si acres of nmoiiir the little folk, warrant making these tales a permanent
Sp'heri;;';::':!;!;:,,;::':,,!::: z:t1 the capital jou,., despite the shortage me m
' " 'II' .1- ! .... - JJ
the Lion county fair board to be used lllgll puce 01 paper.
as a site for the coming county fail
next fall.
A i bit nv. Plans for the Inshillat Ion
of K'ir.,0110 worth of euulpment In me
new Albany fruit cannery have been
coiiipleted. The plant will commence
opeili,ilons May 1 and will employ
about 'jr.n persons.
Itend. At the close f a con fere tfti
hold between tleorge L. lluitt. wealthy
potato broker, ami representative
lieschotes county ranchers and busi
ness men, n contract was signed last
nlfchf in which Sir. llurtt agrees to
Ilmil Hip niiniber of Japanese whom
he will employ on Ills central Oregon
poialo lands to six.
Albany. Something new In the line
Club" similar to the "Corduroy Clubs
of California, for the purpose of fore-! of biol'lp-v.
"Didn't Alice tell you anything:
about It? She was there."
Oh, I think Alice was prejudiced.
Holders, general counsel for Morris Ai
company, as illustrating the "spirit of
true Americanlsnii" of the packing in-
For some reason, ever since you anrtidustry. Henry Veeder, counsel for
John were married, she has seemed: Swift t company, asserted his com
to take an active dislike to poor littleipany had met the request of the gov
Ross Moreland." I eminent because it was felt "that the
I looked Madam Gordon in the face' same spirit which caused the business
men of the country to submit to ticr
sonal sacrifices during the war is Just
is essential during the period of re-
To you parents, guardians, teachers and all others upon
whom devolves the supremely important responsibility of direct
ing the early years of development of childhood, this series of
Tuck-Me-In Tales which sketch such vivid and delightful scenes
of the vibrant lift of meadow and woodland should have tremen
dous appeal. In this collection of stories you will find precisely
the sort of healthy, imaginative entertainment that is an essen
tial in stimulating thought-germs in the child mind.
Merely from the standpoint of their desirability for helping
the growing tot to pass an idle half hour, any one of these stories j
would be worth your while. But the author had something fur
ther than that in mind. lie has, with simplicity and grace, worthy
of high commendation, sought to convey a two-fold lesson
throughout the entire series, the first based upon natural history
and the second upon the elementary principles of living which
should be made clear to every child at the earliest age of under-
of clubs for Albany lias been proposed; standing
w.."":;;:;;:;: ,,nttr.r-o ' The first of these aims he has accomplished by adapting
every one 01 nis cnaraciers to ns living counterpart, in tne reaim
The child learns very definite truths about which the
hiK down the high prices of men's! .,,, ;., . i. ,., ; .., f.,o,.l..( !,, ,.,.,i. fVinf Viu n-MI
. ,. j , . S ,1 ,1, I fM.1'1 in UU1C . lUill ll.-l 111 VII Ad.-'l.llltlLlIlt lllttllllVl WKll. ill. "HI
clolblnt. F.inployes o Ihe Albany , . , , , . , , , .
posioifi.e are behind the proposition.! not iiuickly toigetand is brought into such pleasant intimacy
mid as s i ns twenlv-five members , i h:ir liis iniinodiiitp svniii.'it liv is iirniiscil.
The author accomplishes the purpose of driving home simple
Vb.sebiiiH. That the lower t'mpiiua lessons on good coiuitict oy aiu'iouiing ine many oi tne same
-section of ibe county win vote betw ecu j traits ot character to his heroes and heroines that are to be iound
ti ono a,,.! i.i.i.t. i bomb i t a special! wherever the liunnm vac e made its habitation. The praise-
sclmul election to be held in June fur .. .... .. , .... , . ,, . V ,
(he purpose of building a large ami worthy qualities oi courage, love, unseUishness, truth, industry,
modern school buibliug fur nrobabiv and humility are port raved in the dentines of the field and forest
folk and the consequential reward of these virtues is clearly
shown; he also reveals the unhappy results of greed, jealousy,
trickery and other character weaknesses. The effect is to impress
indelibly upon the imagination of the child that certain deeds are
j their own desirable reward while certain others are much better
; left undone.
I If any further recommendation is necessary, would it not
; be well to resort to the court of final appeal, the child himself?
Too "Largo for Babying
"As nearly as I can judge, Eliza-
both Moreland is five feet seven Inches: construction.'
tall, and I would judge also that she
carries a little more weight than she
would like, even for that height
She's large enough not ,to be babied
"There you eo agrtln. I wonder
sometimes, If you talk to John this
way, that he doesn't beat you."
"Perhaps he's afraid to. Anyway,
you and I see things so differently
that we could never agree. Won't Washington
you excuse nie while I pack myj'"ent Is made by the interior depart
trunk ?" I me,,t of dates and regulation for open.
"It is the first time In my life that lug 3b0,000 acres of Oregon & Culi-
?tj Dates For Opening
Of O.-C. Land Are
Announced Today
: 'Diamond Dyos" JJakc nil Her Faded,
Sluibhy ApiKircl Turn New
j Don't worry about perfect results
Use "Diamond Dyes." guaranteed to
'give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen
i cotton or mixed goods dresses,
Houses, stockings, skirts, children's
toats, feathers, draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book n ith each pack
age tells so plainly how to diamond
dye over any color that you can not
make a mistake.
To match any material, have drug
gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color
Card. (Aav)
nri' listed, the club will b,
moo act Ivo.
forniu grant lands classified since last
year s opening.
Actual settlers residing on the lands
since December 1, I'M), who by law
are granted preference rights, must de
clare selection between April 12 and
1 have ever been turned out of any
one's room."
I turned away so tlia't Madam Cor
don could not see me smile. Many
times she had dismissed mo from her
room most summarily, and for once
she was realizing the sensation that1 May 8.
she had so olten given me. Service men of the war with Ger-
Then she said, as a parting shot, "I, many, granted preference rights bv the
am going to take your advice and call recent law, must exercise this nre-Vr-up
John, for I am sure that he would, (,1H;P between Mav 10 and July 8 sub-
mil. .i'iiuin in inn ,iuu uic wuiu.S'
"That will hardly interest me at the
present moment." I said, "for I have
not approved of anything he has done
for months."
"John will forbid your going."
"John lias put it out of his power
to forbid me to do anything."
Tomorrow John Disapproves
Help Your Digestion
When ncid-diitrened, relieve the
indigestion with
Dissolve easily on ton-rue ar
pleasant to take as candy. Keep
tout stomach sweet, try Kl-moldt
11-5 A
(.ltZl(i rr.RMITS JlAt
six or seven newly consolidated d's
tricts, was the Hlalenient made to
County School Superintendent 1 1. c.
l'.n.wn In a letter received from Clif
ford Itelisoll.
The Dalles. Coinini llclng March 1.
the Columbia Ulver highway between
Hood Kiver and Cascade Locks win be
closed in,, tor travel between Ibe
ilai (line bonis of 7 In the mnrnlne and
o'clock In the evening except the
noun hours between 1 :! and I o'clock,
in-cording to iiifornialiou from the
highway contractors.
Hums. St. Joseph's hospital f
l'.urns is to have n new ".o.Oiio home
Within the year. It will be a two
story atone structure with full basi.
nient, an elevator, steam heated with
pressure tank for water service and
Pvcry in ,, lei-it convenience. The build
ing Is to be .Itixioo feet, so comorttef.
ed thai other units may be added as
lloseburg. Or., Feb. lit. The federal
forestry office here has completed :
compiling data for grazing permits In
the Vmpqun national forests, these
showing that $?4tli)0 head of sheep and'
1400 head of cattle can be taken carej
of the coming season. Notices to that
effect were mailed to cattle men today!
in compliance with the laws reuuir-i
ing the forestry office here to give!
notice of the amount of land available.
I'orty-four grazers used the forests in
1919, cattle leading. !
As N'l-w York's first woman magis-1
Irate, Miss .lean Norris will recelvn n !
salary of $ S 0 00 a ytar. ' I
Rippling Rhymes rnA'mUMX
void in Mead.'
The Food Situation Is Most
Critical Abroad
FF00D costs in Europe are prohibitive for
even the middle classes. Therefore, money sent
abroad by friends and relatives over here is of lit
tle value.
But those Food Drafts, which are orders for
the delivery of certain specified Food Supplies to
people over there by American Food Depots, are far
more practical.
You'll find the United States National
Bank Co-Operating in this work.
Attend to it now. Put Turpo, the!
onlv Tllt'lionliiin ,,iiu,.. 1.. ,t,
- , ."11,,,11-ul, in tut- IIIIW-
Mcoomc- i Ktr
i,-- -rs- 1 A 1 1
Each year I go to see the show where autos are displayed, : "'lis. niso on forehead. nose, throat and1
those works of art from every mart, the finest wagons made. The , h''st " 'Vl'" I
limousine in brewster green, with cushions large and fat! "Some1, 05
day." I sigh, "I hone to buy a gorgeous van like that. The new,1
sedan of noble plan suggests a lifelong bliss. "Some day," I
.-..,.1.1 "1 Ii.mi 4, mvn inf mi, di ii line 'lo fhiti " Ailil Ul'iirlif onrl
(l,u u, nmiiui iiniunla fn nw vvii hrt h.u I tliA wnrl T VI j TvaPfNTtNt OIMTMIMT
scorch abroad in such a wagonette. 1 view them all, the big and I lTrB!Tl1
small, the open and the closed; they are so fine I shed some brine, j AsU f01' Froe s-nuie. rerrys Drug
m oaleni
BisSjsittsii i ,i. ,
Kaf -aj-;i Oreoa I
BJ2T a' f",-I ureoor
-?T1',F1l Iff , "'
as haply you've supposed; the luscious peach beyond your reach
is wormwood to the soul, and gorgeous boats cost many groats,
and I've mislaid my roll. I walk the floor and look them o'er, and
siglUo gaffers near, "The old tin boat that gets my goat must do Large Volume of
, . J
business can be sue-
Dip tne noiccu alienor G
Idah MSGlone Gibson
cessfulon small
Overmire Steel Construction Company
Wo have in stock for Immediate Shipment
!'n I vvr'. v "i" 3 21 "H l'0S- I,p 60 " Um.rUis.
Vvri t .,f"1"", 5 15 ",,,MS- 1 to 60 ft lengths.
Jn ' i s 2':,.",',MT "H """ "P 0 foot lengths.
w 't J v kx I t r' Wl,'- " 'V8 l'"'"'s iWrk. u. well
Matnifacturers f Tauks Roller stacks. PI.k-. Fabricated Males-
lal for .Building and Bridges Water Ntrce. ami Hawthorne Avenue. POKI.TAXIJ ORFGOX
Phone Fast 8721
MM)tl t.OKOtiN ;Krs THK
where John is going. I am twins on j
a trip with Mrs. Cay lord."
for the man to bring my! 'V'" ,m"a" . V' m -WU T .That 18 U1" Will be pleas-
going on a trip with that woman who .
y room brought Madam alienated the affections of younu Oay-! ed to OUote prices.
Cordon to my door. lord from his wife? N'o wonder John
"Where are you and John going?" insisted that he couldn't come home
.,, , . , , .. ,,..,i .i,i,.,i tiud wanted his bagnage sent after!
! My order
: Irulik to i
knocking a habit of hers which al- p , .llatp j t1l,-t th!nk Joln'
tf'ill bis petitioned th' court ways exasperateil me. "John has or- knows lam itoinit away." I answered.
illlll i 1,1., ,..,,,.1. ... I... ......1....I .v..t IIT1- .11 1'.. t. .1.. If 1- . It I
fer a soft drink name. i got up ni - - ' ', '" ,'"" "
all o'clock this niornln'. dresseil.! Ilu' "ltu"1' 1 ,," 1 s' wh' l he would put a stop to It I" j
. , iireakfunt an' 01,11 ' come home and do it himself. "You might get him on the phone'
started a me. 8 'tii..ii .-,,,. i.-m.-l ,..,,ii.i ,i v..u ..n him i iiii,,i .,, ,.i. i.1.i
eyebriws an w uz - '-
seven-thii't. ooiu. n:ni in seclusion at tne iiirmsn oixui
j - it wont ,io tor us tins time, i an- mores no use Peine lmpeKtinen
iwervd iiuictly, -because 1 don't know to me about it!"
Al K.
made a couple o
downtown at work 1
wi id Miss Myrt 1'ash,
t day.
Cherry City Milling
Church and Trade Sts.
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Is not in the diction
ary-but it migU
well be. Everybody
knows the word. For
as many people can
remember it ftas
meant a better made
mattress that gives
lasting service and
the maximum of
sleep comfort.
If you have never
slept on an Osteh
moor you can't real
ize what a difference
There can be in de
grees of mattress
If you are in need
of a new mattress-it
your present mat
tress is lumpy and
sags if you feel yon
deserve the best sleep
you can get then try ,
an Ostermoor.
Ostermoor comfort
is BUILT in, not stuf
fed in. Made of pure
cotton-felt, hand-laid
in a tailor-made tick.
Ask to be shown an
Ostermoor. It is a
real pleasure to show
such a good article of
Deceive yourself with the
thought that you will buy any
thing in the furniture or car
pet line for less money than you
will right now for a long tims
to come.
Listen! What John Wana
maker says, in a recent ad,
speaking of present prices:
"You may just as well know
it. as nnr. we believe these are
lower than f urniture prices are
going to be for a long, long tirne
(if ever again)." And we might
say Wanamaker sells more fur
niture than any store in this I
S. A. -
For dependable, merchandise
at right prices, see
467 Court Street