Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 27, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 27, 1920.
lBy Fred tooklcy in the Portlana?
1 . . Journal.)
When I fir moved to Salem, in the
J, -Me. w lived on Front street, near
Marion Square. Later we bought a
k out near Charley Moore's, in
SSdand addition to Salem Our next
,r neighbor to the west was B. S.
J L now of Portland, while
C? ov on the east was Dr. H. X
tCnc now ot Newport. Or..
we had known when he was In
of the Chillocco Indian school
'.toe Cherokee strip In Indian Terrl
f now a part of Oklahoma. Bert
over "on of a sister of Dr. Mln
home, who had been a Quaker evan
eenst. stayed at Dr. Minthorne's houso.
He drove the team for Cook and Mln
; .hu firm name was the Oro-
1 t',..,a mmuanv. when they took
Prospective customers out to see land, j
We kept our w -
Bert kept his horses, so we saw each
other dully. Bert cleaned the stable
and curried the horses each morning
while I out ln tn0 corral mlJKmg
the cow- I think Cert would have been
an mcrcduous as I would have been If
some one had told us that in time to
come several million people in Bol
riuin would place his picture on the
wall beside that of King Albert and
that a whole nation would regard him
as a benefactor. If we had been told
that the day would come when the peo
pie of his own country would unite in
a demand for him to become president
of the United States we would have
been mill more incredulous.
Hoover Sends Check.
While I was in Salem a day or so
ago I ran across Joe Albert, who told
me he had just left Joe Smith, one of
the officials of the Friends' church at
Salem in which KHebert Hoover still
retains his membership, and that he
had just received a check from Bert
for $200 toward the support of the
church for the coming year. That
evening Governor Olcott and I sat In
his office at the state house from 8
o'clock till nearly midnight discussing
sundry and various subjects. The sub
ject of Bert Hoover's becoming a pres
idential candidate came up ami we be
gan cheeking over the list of our boy
hood friends and acquaintances of Sa
lem. It is rather surprising to find
how many have climbed high.
"When Os West and I were room
ing together." said Governor Oloott, "t
had no idea that the day would come
v,hen he would be governor of Oregon.
Another roommato of mine has made
cood in fine shape, and that Is John
'IcCourt. When he roomed with mo
lie was driving a milk wagon. In those
days West was a bank clerk, and I was
wiling shoes for William Brown."
Other Kiilrm Boys Make Good.
Charley MeNary, another of our boy
hnod friends, is lotted States senator
from Oregon, bo Steiner, who at that
timo was a drug clerk, is now super
intendent of the Oregon state hospital j
and has made a remarkable record fo.- j
efficiency. Dell Dlnsmoor was HTrmp
ing out a little grocery store in North
falom ard delivering groceries. Now
he is one of the big men w!th Olds, j
Wortmin & King. Phil Metcchan was j
getting Walter Shopard to help him j
translate Caesar's Oommentaires so he
could have more timo to devote to the j
fair si x. N'mv l'hll is at the head of i
the Imperial hotel at Portland, and J
Profess ir Walter Shepard, after grad
uating at Harvard and winning a trav
eling feluhvshiri. lias the chair of no-'
lltlcAl economy nt the state university
of Miasoori.
Jay Eowernian became acting gov
ernor. Frank Griffith has made a that is more than statewi?
as the head physician at the Oregon
state hospital and was in charge of the
institution while Dr. Lee Steiner was
acting as head of the Oregon state
penitentiary. His brother Carl is rec
ognised as one of the leading physi
cians and surgeons of eastern Oregon.
Hert Haney has won high honors both
in law and in politics, and Rate Bon
hirn, whoso father, Judge B. F. Bon
ham, wag postmaster at Salem, has
become head of the United States im
nueratlnn service for the Pacific north
'f Kalph Watson has made a name
w himself as political writer and edi
torial writer on the Oregon Journal.
Ben Olcott has risen by sheer efficien
cy to a place of trust nnrt
chief executive of the state. Officials
irom ouier states, and government ex.
perts, come to Salem to study the
methods he has installed in the office
of secretary of state. Eert Barker,
another Salem boy has become wealthy
as a corporation lawyer at Chicago.
Frank Matthews is one of the leading
Physicians of New York. Edgar Piper
Claude Catch, General Harold Fisk
Colonel Percy AVillis, Geo. F. Rodgers!
Paul Wallace a G. Sargeant the Bish
op boys Joe Albert. Otto Wilson, Clyde
Kelelr. Wyatt Shipp and several score
more old Salem boys have rung the
bullseye of success. So ne time you
are inclined to joke fun at Salem as a
slow and sleepy old burg, just remem
ber that a lot of mighty useful citizens
hail from Salem.
Memorial tribute to Silas J. Tracy,
an Old time printer by Judge P. H.
During my absence from Salem,
there died was buried here an old
there died and was buried here an old
Mr. Tracy came to Salem many
years ago, was a friend of mine In my
boyhood days. Being a practical prin
ter 'like .myself we set tvpe together
on tne uany statesman. I saw much
of him. The boyhood opinion form
ed of his sterling qualities was con-
iirmea when I grew to manhood.
I love to think of the pioneer print
ers which I knew in my childhood.
They are with us no more. Wm. Haz
litt, the Pilgrim printer, hag ceased
to make his annual pilgrimage to our
city. He has been dead for several
years. He was a curiosity to me in
the old days. Now Mr. Tracy has
been called upon to give an account
of his stewardship while on this
For more than twenty five years
Silas J. Tracy has been a farmer liv
ing south of Salem. He lived t'no
simple life. Under a rough and un
couth exterior there dwelt within his
frail body a nobleness of soul which
only his most intimate acquaintances
had any knowledge. Ha loved nature
in all her marvelous beauty and gran
deur. The picturesque character of
the scenery about Salem and vicinity
appealed to him.
In my boyhood dav i t
ed with him on the Statesman he was
for some time the "father of the
chap..l." Tho words of wisdom and
splendid suggestions that he offered
to us were a revelation of his inner
most thoughts. Hid love for are. povt
ry, literature and hlxtory was one of
the noted characteristics of his mind.
Ho n?ad much and although he ex
cluded himself from mingling with
the people in recent years, he kept
well informed on eurjvnt events and
took a deep interest in the well being
and. welfare of our state, county and
nation. With his sensitive and high
strung mentality he lived tersely to
himself. Beneath the brusque and ap
parently unsocU nature, he was of
a chivalrous mould. He was honest
with his fellow men. . true to his
friends. Ingratitude had no part in
his mental makeup. Hence those who
knew him well entertained a high re
gard for hhn. To those whom he knew
he was genial, whole souled and gen
erous. He was true as steel. Ho was
one of the last of the many printers
I worked with in my boyhood days.
His noble qualities were little under
stood by tho present day residents
of Salem.
.1 treasure in my memory the old
time printers as one of my most pre
cious recollections of a uerind in tho
i history of Salem when it was a prim-
itlve village.
I As I had unwavering confidence in
Silas J. Tracy's sincerity, his honest
and kindly feeling toward his fellow
men. I tender to him this tribute of
t respect and good will.
j Just Yellow Mustard
I For Backache, Lumbago
Grandmother's old mussv mustard
plaster or poultice generally brought
relief alright even
in the severest
cases, but it burn
ed and blistered
like blazes.
'Heat eases pain'
reduces the in
flammation a nd
scatters c o nges
tion but you'll
find that while
Begy's Mustarine, made of true yel
low mustard and other pain destroy
ers Is Just as hot as tho old fashion
ed plaster It Is much quicker, cleaner
and more effective and cannot blis
ter. It's a great external remedy just
ruo it on wnerever aches, pains. In
flammation, congestion or swelling
exists and in a very few minutes the
relief you have longed for surely ar
rives because "Heat eases pain." 80
es pain." 30 and 60 cents at druggists
or by mail S. C. Wells & Co., LeRoy.
X. Y.
I B a Si 2 il i It &2 I
For Infants
& Invalids
No Cooking
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
Quick Lunch at Home or Office
4void Imitations and Substitute
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
Sanitary Beauty
(Miss Harper)
Now back in our former location
202 Bank of Commerce Blilg.
Also Junk of All Kind!
Best Prices Guaranteed
CALL 398
The Square Seal House
S71 Chemeketa Bt. Phone 388
S71 Court Street Phone 63B )
Make Less
Housework I
WhatSs the use of
cooking when you
can have
How to Keep Baby
Smiling and Well
See that the daily function are regular and normal
YOU can't expect the little
ones to be happy and play
fid when the bead feels dull
and the stomach bloated. The
normal habit, of children is to be
happy and when you notice them
cross and fretful you will usually
find constipation is responsible.
Perhaps they have missed that
daily function so necessary to
comfort and health. Look at the
tongue end we if the breath is
bad.. Watch for belching. These
are the tell-tale symptoms of con
stipation. Tonight give a little
if Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
which you can buy at any drug
tore, and it will act in the morn
ing aud the troublesome symp
tom! promptly disappear.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin. Unlike the
barf her pbyms it acts gently and
without eiiping to that while,
grownups tao use it freely it (an
hlso be (liven to a tiny baby with
perfect safety. Thousand of
American families would cot think
I. p
of being witltout a bottle in the
bouse for the emergency arises
almost daily when it is needed.
In j.fte of t!ic fact tlutt Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepjin is the largenstlling
liquid laxiitive in the world, there
being over 6 million bottles sold each
year, many who need its benefits have
not yet used it. If joti km- not, send
your mime and address fur a free trial
bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, ju
Wajfiinjton St., Mvnticcllo, Illinois.
The Bake-Rite System of Bakeries have reached the high
est standard in bread making.
BAKE-RITE is made just righty care being exercised to
make it fluffy and soft, to make it state sweet and appetis
ing. It is baked with electricity in regulated ovens, which sg
gives it a crisp, uniform, crust ivithout drying out the
After the first loaf you will agree that it is the best you
ever ate.
BakeRite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street
862833$ 3S3B
you wanted a cow you wouldnH buy a
for one that gave a good quality of milk.
cull just because the price was low;'youyd rather pay more
A cull cow would be dear at any price.
If a $3.00 Standard Overall outwears two to three pairs of $1.98 off -brand Cull Overalls, or a $9.00 pair
of Solid Leather Shoes outwears two or three pairs of $5.00 or $6.00 part paper, Cull Shoes.
Ifs the length of time it wears, and the hard service they stand, that makes any article a real bargain
jpgp- . we stand back of every :.mmMmmm-mm
Maxeror Washington Shoes, or U. S. Rubber Boots; Levi Strauss or Boss of the Road Overalls; Rich
mond Hanes or Athena Underwear; Oregon City Woolen Mills Mackinaws and Overcoats; Black Cat
or Bear Brand Hosiery; Black Bear or Sunset Shirts and many other standard lines.
240-246 N. Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon.