Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 27, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Spokane, Wash., Feb. 27. A reso
lution, formed in the days when he
was toiling as a locomotive engineer,
to make lite easier and more pleas
ant If he fvar was given the oppor
tunity, for parentleas boys and girls
than hi own orphan boyhood had
been, saw Its fruition here recently
with the completion by L. W. Hut
ton of this city, at a cost approxi
mating half a million dollars, of the
Huttsa settlement for children.
The opportunity caine soma years
afterward, when fortunate invest
ments in raining properties had plac
cd Mr. Hutton In the class of reput
ed millionaires, and in 1917 construc
tion of an orphans home was started.
The entire institution, consisting of
five fireproof buildings and a large
dairy barn situated on 280 acres of
woods, farm and pasture lands near
this city, has been built from Mr.
Hutton's personal funds and under
his personal supervision.
Wa have sought to avoid all sem
blance to the ordinary 'orphans'
home' in planning and building the
Institution," Mr. Hutton said. "It is
my desire that no suggestion of 'or
phanage' be attached to the entab
lishement In any manner. I exper
ienced what it means to lark a father
and a mother, and I want the chil
dren who are to live in this institu
tion never to be forced to contend
with that handicap."
The Institution resembles a large
country home, multiplied by four or
five, more than it does the traditional
orphanage. Besides a large central
building, housing the offices and liv
ing quarters of the staff, a com
pletely equipped hospital, an assem
bly hall, bakery, refrigeration plant
and laundry, the establishment in
cludes four "cottages." Each of the
latter, constructed of pressed brick,
Ja in fact a large dwelling house, ac
commodating 25 children and their
The Joys of country life, with some
light work in the gardens and fields,
Are promised the hundred boys anil
girls of the Institution next summer.
Meat, vegetables, milk, cream and
butter, and the grain for the bread
to go with them nre to be raised on
the farm, 'where last year some 700
ancles of potatoes and 700 bushels of
wheat, among other crops, were
The Institution Is managed by the
Ladles Benevolent society, an unde
nominational religious organization
f this city, but the expenses of the
Institution not otherwise provided for
nre met by Mr. Hutton, who has sig
nified his Intention of endowing the
home upon his death.
Tacoma. Wash., Feb. 27. If. V.
Alexander, president of the Pacific
Steamship company, yesterday denied
reports from San Francisco that the
turbineiviji, the. Yale and Harvard, are
about to be purchased by his com
pany. Mr. Alexander said that Captain
Farley, who, aceordlngto reports from
San Francisco, has submitted the high
est bid for the two ships, does not rep
resent the admiral line in uny way.
Bribery Charges In
Fraud Case Killed
le.troit, Mich., Feb. 26. Charges of
bribery against the six men being
tried In federal court here on Indict
ments alleging a conspiracy to defraud
the government of millions of dollars
worth of army ordnance material were
dismissed by United States District
Jndgr Tuttle today.
, The trial began last December and
presentation of rvldencn was ram
Itlotaid yesterday, Hummiug up argu
ments were expected to be completed
today. Captain Hoterios Nicholson with
lrant fllugh Prowne, millionaire
Hrtsinnn and four others, were ac
cused of conspiring through pre-ar-rnnged
bids to purchase ut their own
M-I.50 ordnance material which thu gov
eminent planned to dispose of.
Oil Seekers Flock
To Alaskan Fields
Howard, Alaska, Fob. 26 Thousands
of acres of western Alaska laud be
llevod to contain oil were being eluim
nd today by locators who left Seward.
Cordova, Kodlk, Anchorage and other
tHiints yesterday when word came that
President Wilson had signed tho oil
and coal lun.l leasing hill throwing gov
eminent reserves open to development.
Alaska's oil country stretches from
Cordova westward to Dutch Harbor.
tn one of the Alnetian islands. Last
night twenty locations had been made
within a radius of ten miles of Seward.
Chapel Cars To Be
Added To Railways
' Chicago. Fell. 20. Chapel cars.
,rnch equipped with living quarters for
(I minister and his family and with
"eating accommodations for ninety per
suns, will be built for every railroad
out of Chicago "as money i available
HcoorriinR to an announcement made
y the Northern llaptists today. Seven
mioh ears alreadv are operating norom
tuej continent, the announcement said.
nt I9, i0 men and women have pro-
ii'Mimi conversion in them and 8137
were baptized.
Guards Patrol Oil
Fields To Prevent
Claim Jumping
Casper. Wyo.. Feb. 26. Armed
guards last night patrolled the oil
field of the Salt Creek field, said to
be the richest oil region in the Rocky
Mountain states to prevent claim Jump
ing on the first night after release of
the lands under tho national oil lano
leasing bill signed by tha president
A raw wind sweeping across the
frozen country did not deter claimants
of tha land. Automobile headlights
were turned into searchlights and
mounted men rode the country, fol
lowing every suspicious movement of
unidentified persons. A considerable
part of tha land has been partially
developed and claimants of the land
were anxious to prevent outside par
ties erecting a derrick during the
night and thus initiating long litiga
tion over the land.
Trap Set For U. 5.
Revenue Agents
Iron River, Mich., Feb. 26. It w
learned today that a party of one
hundred miners, woodsmen and hunt
ers gathered yesterday near Stambagh
near here, prepared to capture the
federal prohibition raiders' train, had
Major Dulrymple carried out his
threat to arrest District Attorney Mc
Donough in the prohibition enforce
ment fracas.
They said they intended to take
McDonough away from Dalrymple.
Hunt Nominated
Minister To Siam
Washington, Feb. 26. George W. P.
Hunt of Arizona was nominated today
by President Wilson to be minister to
Spokane, Wash., Feb. 26. J. A. Yeo.
mans, vice-president of the. Old Na
tional bank of this city, with whloh h
has been connected for 25 years, (Ilea
here early today of pneumonia, lie
was aged 45 years and is survive ! by
tils father and mother, his widow and
a daughter .and two brothers, William
leoinans, a business man of this city,
and Henry Yoomans, a member of trie
faculty of Harvard university.
New York. KVh ti,., i,.,...... i
promises to beeom It. nrnflful,!., fi,,.
bearing animal. Pelts of tho best do
mestkuted felines brought $1.25 each
today at the annual tir rn,..n., ,i.
New York auction snles corporation.
This is nn advance of no nm- ,,
October prices.
Yankton, si n .i,:
... ..... . ..... ,,. iHilj.,r
Generul Leonard Wood, majority re
publican cundldate for president in
tho March 23 primaries, urrlved here
touay to make the first speech of bis
South Dakota campaign tonight. He
fore leaving the slate he will deliver
three addrissea.
Km nos Aires. Chile i t-
formation concerning anarchistic u-
MVlttVH tint 1 f.i,. Ill ,l,, i. 1 .....
" ,Mllli ,111,1 IM
ollective action y ii,n ..,,.1,. .,,
Uml wariiinKN when OlM'Hflllu Llinwn In
he agitators leave one country for an
other will he furnished a H. 1
iii ..,1 1.... ... ..
..... .,,,,,,,,, m resolution at mt'
South American police congress here
Ir Colds, Grip or Inllueiia
nnd as a Preventative, take LAXA
Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. 30c. (Adv)
Stiff Joints. Sore Muscles
IJinbcr l'p gnlckly I'nder tho Sooth
log, IViH'liaUng Applimlioii of
Hamlin's Wliiml Oil
la cases of rheumatism and lame
back it penetrates quickly, drives out
nrsaess itnd limbers up stiff, aching
Joints and muscles.
Wizard Oil Is nn absolutely reliable
ntfaerptlc application for cuts, burns.
tha and stings. Sprains and bruises
lical readily under its soothing, pen
etrating qualities.
Ct it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle uml
ft your money back.
. Kver constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Wait, pleasant little pink pills, SO
cesrto. Guaranteed. (Adv)
Kt the things that count
when it raina ..irlwviMi
: s v&Mt. Ail V
have made o V
since 1636 j
a VMar ak
V IT at n (-
:l m .TIfe asut Hai " ,1
."i'-'h. '
HUB. eP1-!;-
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 2T. How many
potential presidential nomineas will
seek the endorsement of Michigan's
delegation to the national convention
remains a matter of speculation. The
complete list wCl not be known until
noon Mirch 1, when the time for fil
ing nominating petitions expires, al
though the preference primary res
not take place until April S.
Party managers are making every
effort to. get the greatest number of
candidates on the primary ballot, hold
ing that a true of expression of Mich
igan's sentiment cannot be obtained
unless a large field is placed before
the voters for choice.
Foremost among the republicans
who will be on the primary ballot are
Major General Leonard Wood and
Governor Frank O. Lowden, of Illinois,
who already have appeared several
times in the state. Senator Hiram
Johnson of California, also has Indi
cated his Intention of filing nominat
ing petitions. In the absence of a def
inite pronouncement from President
Wilson on the third term subject the
democrats have been marking time.
Although Herbert Hoover has an
nounced he does not seek presidential
honors, incomplete petitions In his be
half already have been filed at the sec
retary of state's office. It is generally
expected Hoover's name will appea
on both republican and democratic bal
lots, the state's legal department hav
Ing rulod that the amendment to the
primary law passed by the last legis
lature does not apply to the president
ial preference primary.
As only 100 signatures are required
to nominating petitions to a place 01:
tho primary ballot, it Is expected a
number of petitions will be held up
until ue.irly tho last minute.
Yanks To Compete
In Olympic Games.
Chicago, Feb. 28. A committee to
direct the selection of an Olympic
team to represent America in Belgium
has been chosen by the Amateur Ath
letic Union, according to Colonel John
V. Cllnnin, president of the Central de-1
Selection of thletes to make the trip
Selection of athletes to make the trip
competition. The final tryouts of the
middle west will be held the last week
of June and the iirst wc--k in July. ,
Winners of the preliminary contests!
wiil go et to compete with winners!
of metis there and from these and men i
selected in Pacific coast tryouls will
be chosen the thre men for each of the
Olympic ever?.
Tokyo, Japan, has a club of :
women Journalists.
Chicago. Feb. 2. A pipe line to
carry oil from the Kansas, Oklahoma
and northern Texas fields to Chicago,
with a ditstributing center at St. Louts,
will bo constructed and in operation
in the :iext twelve months, two petro
leum Journals announced here today.
An organization composed of Inde
pendent oil dealers will construct the
line at a cost of $25,000,000 accord
ing to the announcement. The pip
line, it was said, would be the longest
carrier of refined oils in the world.
c Kecommend
to that friend witbj
skin trouble
If yem have friend suffering
with eczema or other itching,
burning eruption, wtut greater
kindness could you do him than
to say :
H Why don't you try Resinol ?
I know you have experimented
with, a dozen treatments, but I
believe Resinol is different. It
does not claim to be a 'cure-all'
limply a soothing, healing
ointment, free from all harsh
drugs, that physicians prescribe
widely in just such cases as yours.
XV get a jar today 1 "
Retinol Otntaent h told by all druegiitt.
Mil Of
Yick So Tocg
Ohiaeta Medicine and Tea Ge.
Eat medicine whieh will care any
known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. at,
until 8 P. It.
163 Bout High fit
Balem, Oregon. Phone 1st
worry, over-work or imperfect nourishment, all
in a measure contribute to and are the be
ginnings of nervous prostration.
is a decided help to those who are nervous, in that it
provides an easily assimilated food that quickly builds up
the general health by nourishing the whole body. Give
less attention to worry; enjoy regular rest and sleep
and take Scott'i Emulsion regularly after meals.
Scott's never faih to nourish and strengthen.
Tht exciurive t net of cod-llvcr ell used in Scatri Esnibwa 11 lot famous
S. Al B. Pntccda." inula fa Konrnv and tvtinfd in our mwm Amcricnn w
iUrWri. It U a guarantee of purity and palauoilitr nuurpaued.
cott ft Bowse, lloomntlo, M. J. 1MB
1 A
T " V 9 V ttttf tftttttttt tttff TTtTww44
The Problem of Today
Is not what you earn it is the knack of making it go
We have solved this problem for you in our econom
ically operated store.
We are receiving daily and selling it daily.
We do not store merchandise as that costs money and you
Mr. and Mrs. Customer are the ones who have to pay for it.
Our high grade merchandise at our low price attracts
all of our customers. If you are not one of them, we want
you to be as we know we can serve you right and save you
Our regular price is far below the ordinary, for ex
ample read the following and be convinced :
TfM larfrpst sturg-eona Inhabit tn
rivera flowing into the Caspian and
Blade seas and sometimes wclrh near- j
140 Court Bract
1. 'ffj"
Outing flannel, yd 30c
Good grade muslin, yd 38c
Highest grade gingham, yd 35c
Fine quality percale 38c
Large size, pure white cotton
batting $1.70
Our ladies millinery department is the most complete
in the city and our prices in reach of everyone. We will
strive to please you. Your patronage will be appreciated.
i Salem Variety Store
132 North Commercial Street
VL A Tor head ot threat
,Catar;h try
lyapct tteatnr.tnt-
"OiXcn ECSV6l.AP9.iS. 3' ec.-ii3
At encel Indigestion, Heartburn, Gas and Dyjpepsj
ty Acid Stomach is relieved. ' Buy a box 1 Eat meals without
feat ! Read ' ' Common Sense Rules Regarding Storcach" in padtajs.
Have You Seen
ool Jersey
For golfing, motoring and walking, there is noth
ing that can take the place of a Wool Jersey suit. ;
We have just received a wonderful assortment of
Jersey suits in all the most wanted colors. They :
are in the straight semi-tailored styles with nar
row belt of the material. There is certain to be 8
great demand for these suits so you will be wise
in making your selection early. The prices are sur
prisingly low.
This popular material is also used most effectively in some of the new Spring Dresses now
being worn. For indoor wear, you will find them most satisfactory and as attractive as can be.
145-147 Liberty Street
I IF"'
Who Can Afford to Delay
Thousands of dollars worth of choice merchandise is melt
ing away as this sale progresses. After 28 years of success
ful retailing in Salem, we wish to retire, and, knowing, that
we mean just what we say, people are taking advantage
of this boon to thousands. DonH wait another day.
1 Yy Af fMAfA Evcrv article in the store is marked in plain figures. On tags
lUO UI lllUl C remarked with red ink 20 per cent and,' in many instances,
much more has been deducted. All goods not so marked are subject to 10 per cent dis
ilks $1.95
l-ot i' f plain and satin striptU
Taffetas, heavy scrpre silks,
seed stripes and plaids 36
inches wide.
Plashes 1-4 Off -
What a saving for next win
tor's coat! Buy now, lay aside
until fall stylis are announced.
Rain Coats $7.45
Men's Rublwr lined rain Coats,
sizes 40 and 42. A genuinely
good article stylishly made.
Uiuonalls $3.95
This is Lee's Heavy Khaki.
Other brands of men's work
Suits $3 35 and $3.75.
Crepe de Chine
The entire line of this excel
lent material, except black, 40
inches wide, goinir fast at yard
Low Shoes $2:35
All women's low sfcies. sizes
-'4 to 5. Many with low heels
and broad toeu. suitable for
girls. ; ?1S
Boyjs Coats $2.50
(iood little rain Coats for boys
acre 4. Also Slickers the same
size at $1.S0.
Socks 30c
Men's good quality part wool
Socks in black., prey, tan and
natural. All sizes per pair 3e.
Linings $1.35
A lot ot good tiuality f"
and fancy Silk Lining
6 inches wide. Not nuuiy hft-
Caps 20 percent Off
Our entire stock of men's .nJ
oys' Hats and Caps rcaax"
of style and color.
Duck Coats 20 pert Off
That includes all of them
B1S' Blanket Lined Duck and
an excellent moleskin cloth tor
Collars 18c
Our Men's Linen Collar Wv.
never been advanced ""' - a
Now, less 10 per cent. ti
To be Delivered as soon as our stock has been reduced suf
ficiently to Dispense with them
ljr 3000 pounds.