Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 27, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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life are beln gemphasited in this dis
trict The twenty minutes of physical
training required by law is diuided
intA ftiMa wukrti1 Windows . Are I
thrown open and the time spent in
active exercises, drills, games and
races. When the weather permits
these are carried en out doors. Daily
report on clean teeth are made and
are marked on monthly report cards.
Fresh air, at home and school, day
and night is enjoyed, Talks on per
sonal cleanliness are given
COLORED 111 roe
It A. Bst, , colored
found guilty by a jury
man, was
in . Judge
The board of directors for the Sa
lem Homebuil(tor anonfn Hnn pnr. i ThA whnnl nrpftnixfttion constats of
poration formed to build homes In a health doctor, secretary, state and Race's court Friday morning of a
this city to accommodate the increaa- school libraries and two flag bearers, charge of using vile and obscene lin
ing population was elected Thurs-, The health doctor, assisted by two gg Ja&g Race 11 impose sen
day night at an adjourned meeting lieutenants (who have charge of the ., 10 o'clock,
of the stockholder, of the firm In children marching In and out) en- tenoe Saturday morning at 10 o clock,
the Commercial club. The board of deavor to keep the school grounds Penalty provided for the offense Is a
directors, with E. W. Hazard. W. a free from trash, prohibit rough lan- fine of from $14 to $100. or a jail
Walton, 8. B. Elliott. Dan J. Fry. 8r. Jguage and assist the teacher in su- sentence not to exceed 20 day
and J. William Chambers as mem-. pervislng the play. . . tjost was arrested Sunday night by
bars, is composed of some of the A grocery store, open during the patrolman Jack White following com
most prominent and Influential bus- arithmetic period, once a week gives pin 0f Mrs. R. C Cook, waitress,
foeas men of the city, lending a sense some very practical training. - Some thAt ne , creating a disturbance
of assurance to the future of the cor- pupils are clerks, others give out Jn th( Blue Bir(j jgg Bouth
porxtlon. i fundi at the bank, while the rest or rnmmerclni street. Mra Cook chum-
the school are the patrons. All blll e y,at t called her vile names,
must be o. w'd by the bank and teach-Bogt admitted tearing up a sign in
er and correct change returned. . window that reclaimed only
The school by putting in wooa - white tratle was catered to.
cured money to purchase a voney nan Tna trial began f police court at
Noons and recesses tne scnooi room. 10 0-cioclli and the jury rendered Its
windows wide Open. Is left vacant and , deciglon after a half hour's delibera-
every one Is outside engaged in some tion which ended shortly after noon,
game. The Intermissions, during in- Bogt wa- Meniei by Guy Smith,
clement weather are made almost as and waa prosecuted by City Attorney
enjoyable by lnBlde sports. Bert w. Macy and John Carson, en
gaged for special prosecutor. The
Jury was composed of Thomas B.
Kay. I. I Farmer, W. E. Anderson,
HA MCI 17 Qnlatn T. E. Gibbons. C. a Hamilton anfl
VV 111 UK I UIHUWH-in Homer E. Imprey.
William Green, another colored
Sheriff W. I. Needham has received testified In Boat's defense. He
word from Sherikk Sickles of Lane said that he was In the restaurant at
county of the recovery of the Ford car the time Bost was and that he did
stolon from Salem Wednesday night, not hear the defendant say anything.
"Hie car is the property of'F. I Catlln Besides Mrs. Cook other waitresses
and was taken from Its parking place for the prosecution were Joseph Gil
near the office of the Spaulding Log- bert and Mrs. Lulu Baumgartner.
ing company. Both testified that they heard Boat
The Eugene authorities reported call Mrs. Cook slanderous names.
that the tar had been abandoned afte
The meeting of the stockholders
w - hy Theodore Roth,
temporary chairman. William Burg
hardt was temporary secretary. A
nominating committee of five was
chosen to name a board of directors.
Their recommendations, which was
the foregoing men, was voted unani
mously. The board of directors will meet
tonight In the Commercial club to
discuss the constitution and by-laws,
and other matters pertaining to the
conduct of the association, and to
nresldent, manager and other,
The stockholders will meet again
next Thursday evening at 7:80 In the
Commercial club chambers to review
the activities of the corporation's
board of directors.
Stolen Car Found
Tl Grip Broken
! Health Men Claim;
Report Few Cases,
Influenza Is rapidly abating In the
tire trouble had developed.' To the
present time no Information has been
received which would lead to the cap
Suit For Back Pay
Covers Many Years
For. services alleged to have been
performed for Nicholas Lambert dur-
vicinity, If reports of recoveries from tare of the miscreants. Mr. Catlln left
the uiwaso Can be usod as a basis for.'or Eugene. Monday mr"i-g wher
determination. Ihe will complete Identification of the
For '.he 14-hour period, ending at car and return It to Salem.
noon, February 27, five new cases of The stolen machine was found about lng nI lifetime, Arthur Branch has
filed suit In the circuit court demand
ing that $3000 pay due himself and
wife, be awarded.
Mr. Branch specifies that during tne
Mme, February 15, 1904, to October 1,
1914, .hat Mrs. Branch and hlmse.i
work with and for Nlcho'as Lambert
(now dead). Branch alleges that there
was an arreement whereby reimburne--ient
wasLo be made when a certain
piece of property was sold.
In filing suit for recovery of the
nnev Indicated as wages, L. S. Lam
bert, administrator of the estate, is
named as defen lant- Coats of the ac
tion are ulso asked for.
flu were reported to the cltv health 'eight miles east of Eugene, the thieves
offlacr. During the same Interval, 16 having evidently left it there some
cases were released from quaratine I time during Thursday afternoon.
as having fully recovered from tne I
disease. Oll T Ti T..
There have, been no new cases of OUM? J U I tt IV
smallpox within the past 48 hours.)
The smallpox outbreak that occurred
at the high school during the early
part of the week Is now regarded as
productive of no new ca-eR r .
Filler For Use In
Asphalt Road Work
this can be given to the prompt action
of the authorities In taking immediate
tops to fumigate all rn a . c ,
tact may have occurred, and also of
vaccinating all contacts.
One case of measles was reported
Thursday. There have been very few
can of this disease during the win
ter. With the opening of the rainy av
son, phvalclans predict that the danger
of further spread of the intluenea epl
demlo will be diminished, if not eradicated.
Witzel School Has
Own 'Health Board'
In keeping with the general cam
paign, the health education program
being carried nut by Miss Dorothy
Taylor. Instructor at tho WIUol school
district No. 9.
Healthy, bodies, praotlcnl training
and wholesome enjoyment of suhool
Decision to tost the crystalline silica
from the mines at Oregon City with a
"lew of entering If l"to the snoclfoa
lons for state highway construction
was reached Friday by Stoto Engineer
Nunn, followln g a conference with
Charles F. Terrill, president of the
Silica King Mines company, operators
of the mine pronertles. Mr. ''"hi'
snent Friday morning at the state
house conferring with Mr. Nunn and
other sate highway officials.
Tent of the silica, which has been
used extensively by Clackamas county
for asphaltio highway construction
and hns proven superior to coment or
any othsr filler heretofore used, will
be made nt one of the state paving
nlants within two weeks.
Omah.i, Neb., Feb. 7. 'Fire of un
determined origin which started ea-lv
today at the Bchmollor & Mueller Pia
no company did damage estimated at
(400,000. It spread to buildings ad
Joining on the east.
Salem Hi In Army
Essay Test Makes
Good Showing
The Army Essay contest for pub
lic schools has given Salem High
school an opportunity to achieve
fame. Of the IS entries made by High
school students, S have received local
awards. AlUof the letters have been
forwarded to the Portland office
where they will be adjudged for the
presentation of the writers' view
points concerning the United States
Captain Barker, in charge of the
contest here reports that many letters
have been received and forwarded to
Portland. The district awards will be
announced soon, but the national
awards will not be available for some
At present, only the high school re
sults are available, the local wards
mentioned being made only for high
school students. The generous prizes
offered by Salem merchants as an in
ducement to city and rural school
children will be awarded later. -
Kenneth Aspinwall, former over
seas service man, was winner of the,
first prize in the high school awards.
These prizes were a pennant offered
by the Associated Student Body and
a watch chain offered by Gardner &
Other high school awards were
Znd prize. Art Class award, dresser
cover, Justina Heupeman; 3rd prize,
suit case offered by Meyers store. El
win Thompson; 4th prize, six months
membership in Y. M. C. A. Fred
Hopke; 5th prize, book offered by
Potton's book store, Lorenzo Lom
boy. The fifth award was made to Lo
renzo Lomboy, who Is one of the
Filipino students in attendance at
the high school.
London, Thursday, Feb. 27. Three
British airplanes which left Chester
for Dublin Saturday, where they
should have arrived within three
hours, are missing, according to a
report issued at the air ministry. A
machine whi h Is presumed to be one
of the three was 6een to fall in the
sea off the Scllly Islands, but efforts
to resuce the crew were unsuccess
ful because of a rough sea.
Keeley Allowed To
Appear In Court
Portland, Or.,- Feb. 27. Lee ToV
E. Keeley. formerly of Los Angeles,
whose application for permanent per
mission to practice law in Oregon
has been protested by -'
the Multnomah Bar association, and
whose application is still pending be
fore the Oregon bar, was granted
temporary permission to appear in
the federal court by Judge Robert 8.
Bean today. A certificate testifying
to his "good moral standing and of
fair professional standing." which
was submitted to Judse Bean, was
'signed by R. A. Letter and Charles j
J. Schnabel, Portland attorneys.
From One Small Store To
mm. if t v a Nation-Wide Institution
M II V Crfff (tf CiF IfjfCtf How long since your first store was start-
Thnt is a question we frequently hear In
our stores. Perhaps the some question bus
H M m f f n come to your miud. We are grateful for that
Iff atl f f M f j. J MM Inquiry, because it convinces us of your tin-
MM vl ill Ml Vf Cill cere dcslre to know more about us, our meth-
hs ods, and our growth.
Our first store was opened in 1903, at
Kcmmorer, Wyoming. Small though that
store was, it was instituted with the Idea of
giving the greatest possible service, and ask
i lng in return the least possible profit.
' The few years that have passed since 1902 have brought most gratifying rewards from our many
thousands of appreciative patrons. .
Our rapid growth from one to two hundred nlncty-seven stores is convincing evidence that our
policy meets with popular approval to a nation-wide extent.
Buying In vast quantities for cash, eliminating middlemen's commissions almost entirely selling
for cush. and at one price only; having no delivery system or other needless expenses; content with
small profits; these are some of the reasons of our growth from one mall store to A Nation-Wide In
stitution. It Is undeniably true that our store In your vicinity is a decided benefit to you In many ways.
. It Is a good habit to buy cpnstantly at this store, because the greater our growth, the less cmr op
erating expense, -
Therefore the more you benefit by our service. ' '
Boys Bib Overalls, Good Goods ---$125 to $1.49
Red I or Blue Handkerchiefs ... 10c Jumper to match : ."$1.98
Medium Weight Suspenders 39c to 49c rAiWeV. n,wei!a
Good Heavy Suspenders 59c to 69c C Jt eralIs 7
Machine Cap 23c to 39c n . . I " '7, '
Chambray Working Shirts 98c Painters Overalls $1.98
Khaki Working Shirts 98c " Jumpers to Match .. ; ...w..$1.98
Black Sateen Shirts, good grade $1.49 Men's Heavy Khaki 1-piece suit........ $2.98
Sifc8 r -15c :5c Men's IIeavy Elu Denl 1-Piece V
Leather Faced Canvas Gloves 39c suit $3 98
Good Heavy Weight Eib Overalls Men's U. S. Work sSSTper jSOrZZIOe
B,ue -.11.98 Men's Dress So.xs, black !
You Can Always Do Better at -'
V -TO Vd
Incorporated , &
Household Fur
niture We handle only secondhand
We have the name of be
ing the fairest priced house
In ,tpwn and are proud of It.
Lucas & Lucas
Phone 1177. Liberty and Ferry
PHONE 1400
1 i vssllv
This Is
An Informal Introduce
To .
Rust-Proof CofSeh
Which have made hosts of friends iB m
this manner. m
And you will understand whv,
wear your first Warner's. It wil I
smart, so becoming and so delightfu'v
comfortable, that vou . win rJ
want to tell other women of your dW
And you will know later of another 0n-
uenui recommenaauon : That it wears W
ter than any corset you have ever ua
- Of course they are guaranteed not t0
rust, break or tear J 2
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Gale & Company
Com'l. and Court Sts.
..Formerly Chicago Stow
II mi i w
Service. Our earn
est endeavor to give
satisfaction, and su
perior service, is ev
idenced by the cour
tesy of our stnif.the
ewwielency of our
management. The
sat inf act ion of our
clients and the qual
ity of service ren
dered. Quality Cour
tesy, Efficiency.
m . , -
Now On Sale
See Our Classified Advertisement Under ''Poultry."
Held Over
'All New Pictures
, The claim of DougJai couniy k
tss kit ha..k taxe en the Cool P
,vagon xom erant land. hM"
lowed. Most of the money wi l
placed in the general county twi-
en iiraso i his unnomnny
H ' - . M
We now have two lines of suits which we offer you for
)35. 00 Eac
- 3KfL -imfr;,", , ..TT - W : mr -w
A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Earned
Take advantage of this low price as it may be a lone time before you see
offered at this low a price again,
The quality of the merchandise purchased at Bishop's is second to none.
us prove it to you.
Salem Woolen Mil
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron
CP. BISHOP, rr j