Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 26, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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to power mm
.London, Feb. it. All political quoa-
tieua arc fur the moment completely
eclipm-i ir fvmer Premier Aiuith'
trhunphmt return to parliament by
majority which astonUhed everybody.
Tfce refi'ilt Is reeosniaed aa a notable
jiersenal achievement even for a state
man with Mr. Asquith'a long record,
wtule the restoration of bin presence
in parliament ii expected to havo im
portant conDequenres in the politics of
Great Britain and probably the world.
U ia uuderstood II r. Astiultb. will
take his neat in the house next Mon
day and he ia aaeured a hearty ova-
Meet newspapers heartily welcome
the return of the liberal leader, even
those which opposed him politically.
Their views tlx to the significance of
his election, however, differ widely, it
being variously declared to be due,
naaeng jther things to growing popu
lar liHt,-ust with the coalition gov
emrant, popular hostility to labor pro
Bras of nationalization which Mr. As
quilh emphatically condomne and re
awakening liberalism.
The eiifTKleg of Lady Eonham Car
ter, Mr. Asqulth's daughter, substan
tially helped in gaining victory for her
father and It Is announced that she has
received seven separate invitations to
become a candidate for parliament,
theucht she has accepted none of
Capitol Briefs
An IncreaHe of $645.94 over tho i
herHrtnce tax duo the state under the
original appraixement of the estate of
the late Clarence 8. JncobHon of Mult
nomah county, is represented in the
tax of $1508.48 paid Into thn state
treasury Wednesday by Jacobsun'B
heira. Under the original appraise
ment as filed with the state treasurer's
ofHce the Jacobaen estate was valued
at ft2.302.67. Objection was taken to
MUa valuation by State Treasurer tit
who, after an Investigation of the es
tate declared Its not value to bo $11,
al.T, an increase of (34,000 over the
original figures involving an increase
f 4G.4 in the inherltanoe tax flue
tie state.
Prompt Action
Prevents Closing
Of High School
The outbreak of a case of small
pox caused a sudden flurry at the
high school Tuesday. Thorough fum
igation of school rooms ana the vac
cination of all persons who had been
in contact with the patient were the
measures resorted te in order to pre
sent general spread of the disease
and closlne. of the school. Due to the
pretupt measures taken, city and
school health authorities are satis
fied' tha danger of general contagion
has been obviated.
Two cases of smallpox have been
reported during the present week and
while general vaccination Is not com
pulsory, it is pointed, out by the
health authorities that needless ex
pense, exposure of other individuals
and interference with school work
and employment could be avoided if
all persons would give more thought
to the general good results obtained
from modern day immunisation methods.
Dr. C. E. Cashatt, county health of
ficer, states that there seems to be
a noticeable tendency on the part of
some physicians to avoid the report
ing of Influenza cases in country dis
tricts. This is required by law altho
it does not impose as stringent a
quarantine as is necessary in the
city, where opportunities for conta
gion ore more numerous. County
health officials are also investigating
reports that caws of the more con
tagious diseases, smallpox and scar
let fever have not been quarantined
or reported in rural districts. To what
extent these reports are true, has not
yet been ascertained.
Klla K. Mead of Albany will, be
reappointed as a member of the stat
beard of optometry examiners when
ler term expires April 30, next, ac
cording to a statement mado by Gov
ernor Olcott today.
Aa original nctlon in mandamus to
compel H. K. IMummer, Portland city
hvitding Inspector, to issue a building
permit to the Berkshire company for
the erection of a six-story apartment
tense to cost aproxlmately $225,000.
waa fUetl In the supreme court here
Wednesday Ivy tleorge II. Kelly and
C. V. Kverett representing the Berk
tflrtre eom puny. In the petition for tho
writ of mandamus it is assarted that
no objection was found by Pluinmer to
the building except that its erection in
the location specified is forbidden by
the ctiy ordinances governing rextrtct-r-4
residence districts.
Representatives of the Merchants'
Kxctianxn have no rlirht to break thn
neala of cars and inspect grain upon Its
anrtmu in rortlaml, according to an
opinion lust Drennred bv Attnrnav
Oeraral Hrown. whn hniiln tlin Hii
right la reserved by law to the chief
lOHpoclor, his deputies and weighers
t-Mieutd with the state public service
The resignation of W. P. Wood of
Hillalmro us state senator for the 11th
nnatorial district comprising Wash
ington county, who filed with (lovei'n-'
or OUmtt this afternoon. In his letter
of resignation Wood announces hi lot
teation of filing his petition for the
republican nomination as a candidal'
for aocrctary of statu within the next
few days. Wood's resignation will
ncocesltate the election of a successor
rt the forthcoming general election.
Harmony Needed
In Big Irrigation
Project Cupper
An organization of the directors of
the various Deschutes river irrigation
projects and the harmonizing ot all
interests included in thn liiir Den-
chutes project is urged by State En
gineer Cupper in a letter to Fred N.
Wallace, project manairer of the Tu-
malo project. The Tumulo project is
recognised by the state engineer's
office as in a position to ourtlelimte
In any plan which may be adopted
lor me reclamation of the big Des
chutes project, Cupper states, sug
gesting the immediate organisation of
still aiiothtjr irrigation district to In
clude the lands In the west unit which
would make four districts in a posi
tion to UUrtiuloate In thn pimnti-nf
tion ot the Deschutes 'project.
Cupper calls attention to the fact
that all water rights and public land
rights required in connection with the
Deschutes project are in the hands of
the state and federal government and
that no undue advautago can be se
cured by one unit over another In
the distribution of these rights.
Success of the project, he insists,
can only be attained through hearty
cooperation between all interests affected.
JohnsonJs Name
Placed Before
Oregon Voters
' The name of Senator Hiram W.
Johnson of California, was officially
placed before the voters of Oregon
as a candidate for the republican
nomination for president of the Unit
ed States this afternoon when his
nominating petition, was filed with
the secretary of state's office here by
Sanfield MacDonald of Portland,
Johnson's petition hi confined to a
bare stereotyped request for a place
on the Oregon republican primary
ballot and contains neither a declara
tion of principles nor a slogan. His
is the first nominating petition to
be filed by a presidential candidate
and is unusual only ia that it is filed
at the personal request ef Johnson
himself and not through any move on
the jTart oi his supporters in this state
Water Permits
Permission to sell $125,000 worth
ot refunding first mortgage bonds in
Oregon was granted to the St. Joe
Orchards company of SIcMinnville to
day by H. J. Schulderman, corpora
tion commissioner. The company owns
and controls a number of orchards
throughout the Willamette valley with
a total authorized capitalization of
Permission was also granted to the
Doric Masonic Building association of
St. Johns, .to sell $12,200 of its capi
tal stock.
Articles of incorporation were fil
ed today as follows:
Geo. T. Mickle Lumber company of
Oregon, Portland; $100,000; Harrison
O. Piatt, Robert Treat Piatt and Ar
thur D. Piatt.
Willamette rtiver Lumber company
Portland; $50,000; R. II. Neison,
John R. Latouretto and H. F. Latour
ctte. Air Compressor & Equipment com
pany, Portland; $21,000; (luy A. Mal-
coin, Warren E. Thomas, George Lar-
Standard Service company, Port
land; $1000: R. E. Williams, R. M.
Couch and Frank H. Hilton.
Ore-Col Film corporation, Port
land $100,000; A. D. Frost, O. D.
Wodward, Josephine E. Frost.
The name of the Umpqua Light &
Power company of Marshfield is
changed to the Gardiner Light and
Power company in supplementary ar
ticles just filed and the capital stock
of the new company Is decreased
from $10,000 to $5000.
The official capital of Abyssinia is
changoUfroni time to time as the sup
ply of firewood in tho neighborhood
becomes exhausted.
Banger Signals
Of Bad Blood
Pimples on the face, bunches in
the neck, sallow and swarthy com
plexion, sores, ulcers, scaly skin af
fections, constipation, inactive liver,
dyspepsia and stomach troubles are
common symptoms of blood troubles.
There is no remedy offered today to
the public that has so successfully
cured these diseases as "NumBer 40
For the Blood." An old doctor's pre
scription containing the moRt reliable
alteratives known to medical science.
Put up by J. C. Mendonhall, Evans-
ville, Intl., 40 years a druggist.
Sold by Sohaefers drug store. Adv
Pimples and Skin Eruptions
Danger Signs of Bad Blood
For folds. Grip or Influenza
and as a Preventative, lake UA.XA
Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. 20c. ( AdV)
Avoid Sulferliig by Heeding Tliese
Pimples, scaly, itching skin, rashes
and burning sensations denote with un
failing. :ertainty a debilitated, weaken
ed and impure state of the blood. The
trouble Is In your blood and no mat
ter how you were Infected, you must
treat It through the blood. It is a blood
disease. Vou must use S. S. S. if you
expect certain relief. For clean! Ill thn
system, nothing is equal to It. The ac
tion ol ,s. s. B. iH to cleanse the blood.
It soaks through the system direct to
the seat of the trouble acting as an
antidote to neutralize tho blood poi
sons, it revitalizes the red blood cor
pnscles, Increases the flow sa that the
blood can properly perform Its physl
cm i worn, rne null, sluggish feeling
leaves you the complexion clears nn
Even long standing cases respond
promptly. But you must take S. S.
Drugs and substitutes won't do. Get
H. S. S. from your druggist. If yours
Is a special case and you need expert
advice, write to Medical Adviser, 257
Hwift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. (Adv)
Flu and Colds
How They Can
'Be Prevented
Sleep WciV-Eat iely Exercise
Regularly Avoid Persons Having
Cold Don't Worry
Inflamed Air Passages Make Ideal
Breeding Grounds for Flu Germs
The United States reclamation office
announce that bids will be received
ait Klamath Falls up to to March 6 for
the leasing of 3000 acres of manh
land on the north and east shores of
Tula lake.
Can't Suffer
From Piles
ate PsekuKP of he Peniina
lrramld I'ilp TrrnlmrX Xan
Mitred ' la Prove Wkut
It Mill U fr tee.
Pyramid Pile Treatment prlvm
mefc'k rlief from Iti'hintr, blee.lio
r protruding piles, linmoi i holds and
" : ' ,'
l J 4 V
v " ""A
PjnraaiM b Certalal Fliw mm Werks
Smeh fVoaerrs So UalrUr.
each rectal troubles, in the prlvac
C yenr home. 0 rents a box at all
IrtMtfttnts. Take no substitute. A
ile box often relieves. Free waia
mm ear Trial mailed in plain w rap.
er. If yea cend coupon below.
rnuuntD rmwi company.
IOtl m IW tirapl. of
aVnMU ru Treuanat, la Uis miner.
Outfitters to
Quality 4 Popular
Merchandise Prices
Flu This Yea is Milder
While we know very little more
about tho flu bow than we did lust
year the germ Itself has never been
positively identified still most au
thorities agree that the. flu germs are
breathed in. If the system is in good
shape and the membrane or lining
of the air passages is in healthy con
dition these germs are thrown off.
A good plan la to melt a little Vicks
TapoRub in a spoon night and morn
ing, and inhale the vapors, also ap
ply a little tip the nostrils several
times a day, especially just before
being exposed to crowds.
Treat All Colds Promptly
etc. so that when the salve is ap-
colds irritate the lining of the air
passages and make them real breed
ing grounds for germs. Prompt use
of Vlck'a VapoRub aids in prevent
ing colds. For head colds, sore throat
or hoarseness, rub Vicks well over the
throat and chest and cover with a
warm flannel cloth. For deep chest
colds, severe sore throat or bronchi
tis, hot wet towels should first be
applied to the throat, chest and back
between the shoulder blades to open
tho pores. Then Vicks should be rub
bed in over the parts until the skin Is
red spread on thickly and covered
with two thicknesses of hot flannel
cloths. Leave the clothing loose
around the neck, so the vapors, re
leased by the body heat, may be
freely inhaled.
These vapors. Inhaled with each
breath, carry the medication directly
to the lungs and air passages. At the
samo timo Vicks is absorbed thru and
stimulates the skin, thus aiding to re
lieve the congestion within,
t'se of External Treatment for Colds
Vlck's VapoRub is the discovery of
a North Carolina druggist who found
how to combine in salve form, the
standard time tested remedies, Cam
phor Menthol Eucalyptus- Thyme
etc. so that when the salve Is ap
plied to the body hoat, these ingredi
ents are liberated In the form of va
Vicks is particularly recommend
ed for children's croup or colds, since
it is externally applied and therefore
can be used freely and often without
the slightest harmful effects.
The best evidence of tho value of
Vicks is the steadily increasing num
ber of people who have been convert
ed to the uso of this "outside" treat
ment. Beginning with the customers of a
small retail drug store, the use of
Vicks has grown year by year state
by state until now more than 17
million jars are used annually. And
this in spite of tho.gact that Vicks is
a new form of treatment to many
folks in the north and west. Vicks
can be had at all druggists in three
sizes 30c, 60c and $1.20. (Adv)
Roseburg Senator
Seeks Re-Election
State Senator B. L. Eddy of hose
burg officially entered the lists for
reelection today when he filed his
nominating petition with the secre
tary of stute's office asking for a
place on the May primary ballot as
the republican candidate for state sen
ator from the fifth senatorial district.
In his slogan Senator Eddy declares
"for Americanism, economy, moral
and material progress, general wel
fare against special interests."
, Samuel E. Xotson of lleppner, al
so filed today as the republican can
didate for nomination to the office
of district attorney for Morrow coun
ty. If elected N'otsou promises to "per
form the duties of my office to the
best of my ability."
Eastern Walnut
Grower Seeking
Crop Information
S. H. Van Trump, county horticul
turist, reports the receipt of many
letters from persons who have invest
ed heavily in .Marion county orchard
and berry tracts and who- express an
anxiety regarding the true valuation
of the property in iiuestion. many
having evidently purchased their
holdings without personal investiga
tion. While Mr. Van Trump, cannot
in an official capacity give full re
turns on all inquiries, he has observ
ed that some of these eastern invest
ors are receiving- an impression of
the Willamette valley which is hurt
ful to this regian, to say the least.
One investor- inquires if the yield
of 30 pounds of English walnuts
from a five acre walnut tract in the
valley is "reasonable." The letter
states that the writer had purchased
such a tract of 11-year old trees near
Salem and has "expended consider
able money in care taking" and that
the caretakers had reported the crop
as given. Mr. Van Trump is uncer
tain as to the intent of the letter.
whether as an error or a hoax, but
has replied to the effect that the yield
for each tree should equal the total
yield given for the tract, that is for
good trees of this age, a yield of 30
pounds of nuts should be expected.
Training School
Escapes Caught
Morris Stearns, 15, and Glenn
Tost, 15, who escaped from the
grounds of the boys state training
school Tuesday night, were appre
hended near Marion Wednesday morn
ing and were returned to the reiorm-
atory. The pair fled the school while
in the barn milking, and were last
seen Tuesday making their way thru
the brush and darkness along the
creek leading past the institution to
ward Salem.
The return of Clarence Brand and
Edward Dunn, two other young in
mates who escaped about two weeks
ago, to the reformatory was also re
ported by Superintendent tiilbort.
Mexico City, Feb. 25. Schools,
churches and other public meeting
places have been closed indefinitely
because of influenza. Estimutes of
the number of cases here ran as high
as several hundred thousand but there
have been comparatively few deaths.
Ladies! Use Butter
milk To Beautify
This Delightful New Vanishing Cream
Containing True Buttermilk Is
nnteed to Moke You Look
Younger or Money Back.
Just Try It.
Now On Sale
See Our Classified Advertisement tfntler.. "Poultry'
Before I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
I could hardly stand, says
Mrs. KwarcinskL
Chicago, 111." I suffered with dis
plaeement and irregularities and I did
not know what to do.
My mother advised
me to take Lydia E.
1'irikham'i Vege
table Compound and
use the Sanative
Wash so I took her
advice and used
these remedies and
cured myself. I feel
fine) and do all my
housework which I
could not dn before.
J 18 1 could hardlv
stand ud and I have three healthy chil
dren. You can use thia letter if you
wish, for your remedy is certainly won
derful for sick, run down women."
Mrs. A. Kw wciNSKI, 8627 W. Oakdaie
Ave., Chicagov M.
For forty years Lydia E. Pinkham'e
Vegetable Compound has been making
women strong and well, relieving back
ache, riervousnesa, ulceration, and in
flammation, weakness, displacements,
irregularities and periodic pains. It has
also proved invaluable in preparing for
childbirth and the Change of Li'e.
Women who snffet are invited to
write for free and helpful advice to
Lydia E. Pinkhanv Medicine Co. (con
oV .1). Lynn, Mass, It is free and
always helpful.
lis.-.- -SI I
. -
illll'i S
Get a small quantity at any phai'i
macy by simply asking for Howard's
Buttermilk Cream and massage it
dally into the face, neok, arms and
hands. The directions are simple and
it costs so little that any girl or wo
man can afford it. Your complexion
must quickly show a decided im
provement or your .dealer is author
ized to return your money without
question should you be dissatisfied.
No matter whether you are troubled
with wrinkles, hard little lines around
the mouth and eyes, eoarse, sallow,
faded looking skin, or simply rough
ness and redness caused by wind and
sun, you will find that all these trials
quickly disappear with the use of this
old-fashioned beauty recipe brought
up to date.
Howard's Ruttermllk Cream is only
sold on a positive guarantee of satis
faction or money back. (Adv)
Yellow Mustard
For Rheumatism
A good hot mustard plaster or noul-
elce is pretty sure to overcome most
rheumatic pains
and even sciat
ica and gout but
It's a mupsy af
fair and general
ly blisters.
Heat Is abso
lutely necessary
if you want per
manent r e lief.
Begy's M ustar-
1 n e, made of
true yellow mus
tard with other
pain relieving in
gradients added
Is just as hot, is
cheaper, cleaner
and more effec
tive than the old
fashioned poultice or plaste
not blister.
Besides rheumatic pains and swell
ings Begy's Mustarine Is speedily ef
fective for lumbago, backache, neuri
tis, pleurisy, bronchitis, sore throat
chest colds and all aches and pains
because heat eases pain 30 and 60
60 cents at druggists or by mail, S. C.
Wells & Co.; LeRoy, N. Y.
U-' 1 ! ' I
S40 Court Brest
tare at
Oainese H Stilus taa Tea Oa
Baa aedieiae iie wUl rare aay
kaowa dneaaa,
Opaa Saadart front It A. If.
aatll S P. 1L
138 Boat Hih St
Ailments ?M
DISORDERS of the stomach and constij'
the most common diseases of children, T0
correct them you will find nothing better thaa
Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bed time wi3
tto the work and will make your child bright and
cheerful the following morning. Do not punish
your children by giving them castor oU. Chamber.
Iain's Tablets are better and more pleasant to take.
Our First Annual
Anniversary and Dollar Sale
Begins on Saturday Feb. 28. Continues
Until March 6th.
An 8-day Profit Sharing Sale. Don't miss this if a sav
ing of many dollars means anything to you. Watch for our
full page "ad" on Saturday morning.
This will be no odd and end sale nor will it be a dosing
out sale of left-overs.
New, Bright Staple Goods.
Is offered to you at such prices as to make your 1920
have 1916 purchasing power. ,
Arrange to attend this sale, now. Don't be one of the
"I wish I had" be one of the "I'm glad I did."
NOTE: Each day different useful items will be given
FREE to customers. '
BREAD for rebuilding tissue
bread to send energy tingling and
sparkling through the body.
BREAD contains the essentials for
both in the proportion the body needs
the mand yields them both to the last
delicious crumb. i'lli
BREAD for boys and girls whose
growth and activity demand the high
est and best form of nutrition.
BREAD is rich in vital health ele
ments, the most economical food in the
world. Order an extra loaf today and
save on your food bill.
Now is the best time to srray and better get busy and i
. .. . ,, ... ...... Frurt
get your spraying done while the weatnei t,-
s on the
is going to be high and this is the year to have
ni. atr Dnnva ;r,-ii lAfu all the best spray
market including Zeno Oil Spray, Sherwin-Williams
Lime Sulphur Spray, Dependable Sulphur and Lime o -tion,
Sulphur, Lime, Eluestone, etc.
In order to secure the largest crops it will pay 'oU
use Commercial fertilizer and increase your crop.
We have fertilizers for all purposes, Orchards, Bem&
Gardens, Corn, Potatoes, Lawns, Flowers, etc.
255 TState Street Phone 160.
Salem, Oregon.
Oreaoa Phoae til
t -1 1 1 1 1 ,',-. ;;T.