Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 25, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    BESDAY, FEERTABY 25, 1920.
.iTdEaoh airuon one
Vf' ",,ns 5 cents. on.
year, per
-prt'on only in Today. .
V fl'a, aavaiue and not tok
. , ads i'afh " .,nPS advertiser has
UccSrTo aUo-unee for
. "
FOR SALE 2 lots lo&iiia f.
room house. 500 Turner siwt, on I For Sale Wood.
streets, a?? dky -..... t...
. ivur loot,
sale or rent at 1,1 us sawed. Colt itw
Mill between 22 ami
A HOI'SK f.i
X. 4th. Phone f.SS.I.
iron SALK tv.whi.
Phone lOaOM.
ti'"- -vi?vvrTODAY
: : r i i.,,-,.-. o v r it- .
for right liaiui. up.
house. 4H lots with plentv of fruit I
good barn, chick. house, fruit 11KST cl:lss IS-inoh mill wood from n mi wooo. shed. 2 blocks Oliver falls Timber Co. Csr
irom cr line, l k:U Realty! 'rack at Church and Trade
tOr. nru to this Kt
VSfTtop. front Olilmau.
oBiEB lHi2hiand ave. mi4
f,S?!r!,t' "'Si;
Phone i.4; -
chicks. Having
j-OR f--"-" incnubtors. I have a
"Ugore hundred for Blur. 1st
fc. r h delivery. Heavy laying
9". i thorns, wintered right.
WZ a rUM. io each. Grape
toU v.,ultrv Farm, Turner. Or.
i"-"' orchard
rf;Sv at Oak Grove. John Lo
ft ' T.".il 1153
Mil J.i-' --
JTPu Work on gram larm. no
.vM experienced. Box
50 Journal. . .
-VTuL Bv owner, modern five
Fl , Min"alov, full basement, two
S'e -ken house and corral;
k l,v of fruit, cement side walks
Caplfl-nd Summer. UTU
s ..iroiTTKllS wanted. $3.50 per
S oak. 10c for Vst, Pearoy
Mf 210 OteuonJMde. g.'O
room lumt!:).
low and 2 large lots. Inquire at
124j X. Front. a4s
WANTED For cash. 8 room sirvt-
ly modern bungalow, well located.
Write- Mrs. Ellis care I', O. box
256. Salem. j.
FOR SALE Good room , house
electric lights, city water. 2 nice
lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute school. Can be
see nnt 2446 Hazel ave. nB3
FOR SALE Store with Urine rooms
1390 S. 12th. Salem. Or. Inquire
1C9 Center.
For Sale Farms.
Big Bargains.
Farm, milo of Kingston,, bottom
land, about 76 acres. Price J1600.
taken o nmortftase, get easv. Write
owner. Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermens
bids. Portland, Oregon. b4i
i-rntay. t-'.ncttv cash.
Fred E. Wells.
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE Hatching ee:gs 11. 1.
Reds. 15 for $1. 1552 Market St.
I'hone 827R. ct1
FOR SALE 2 "White Leghorn roos
ters. Clark strain. Call at 2S5 S.
16th street. m
-Dueks and geese. Call
rr,.7vpi."Ri:Y urowers. nottoe au
erors not affiliated with tin
Seen Growers Cooperative asso
oby notified of a
. vp n
Cumiflvrcial club Saturday, 1-eb.
SSlh at 2:3' P- "' usle8S of great
piod b.-ufiaiu in u
l ... t.- new cord tires, i-none
fop"5I.K A new 2-ton Diamond
T truck, all ready for business.
Phune 16W.I. A. lLTliedermaii. nil 9
iv(.TEl-Caiv of chiuiren durlxtt
d:ly. 4MNJjlli2FJi!j
fiiirTu.K Secotidhund lumber 1-
ilK-h Stuff. "l. ,ixS :ilHl
all lmsllis. -T S: Lee St., Salem,
Or. " EXCHANGE ISi4 i're of
land all in iiiltivaiioii. B room bun
galow and other buildings, situate
5U miles nnrtli of Gervuis, near
f'aVilii' hishway. Will accept Sa
lmi resiiieiu-f property in part pay
,iiii vv. A. I.iston. aeent, 484
Conn St. . "51
( IWK'M liouse. Iiarciin, north on
cottage St. I.arav lot. barn or. gar
age. i-Ki't'llt'iit fruit trees. Garden,
iiKiv school; cement side walk,
$iinl streets; bath. etc.. etc. Price
sunn (ash or $Mlo cash, balance U
1 others, bniisalows, similar
tt, tliis north and south, modern,
except basement, near carlines.
Priced at $10110, $1700 , and $1800,
from t.'i'iO to 's cash and all good
Inijs. S. R. Pearson, 40". Oregon
Wiij!. I'hone 411.
fim 'SALE 2 nillis pi.its. ri'ust
fresh. Cull any day but Sat. 2751
Iiunvl Ave. Salein
VIU, fi room tnudein house to
nam' buying some furniture. Rent
SK.r,0 month. Call 5S9 Trade St.
TU(i iiwirly new llOx.'l ii tires and
tub. for sale, cheap. 1215 South
Citniraeroial. 48
'OR SALE 74 acres two and one
half miles of Salem, one half mile
off of paved road on good graveled
road, all in cultivation and cood
buildings, some orchard. This place is
prieea at s-juo per acre. If you are
looking for something good at the
right price see Fred W. Jurbin at
275 State St., and look this over.
Phone din. h
EXCHANGE For improved acre
age near Salem, 200 acre farm lo
cated near Aberdeen, Bingham
county, Idaho, under the Duboise
irrigation project. 90 acres in wheat
buildings, assessed value $7000, Kilo
or exchange' JS000. W. It. Gniben
horst & Co., 275 Stnte St. 48
FOR SALE F.y owner, a fruit farm
close in, on paved road. For full
particulars write1 box 259 Salem.'
Or. boO
WE have several people looking for
close in modern property, if you
have such to sell let ua know and
we can furnish you n buyer. A. L.
Seamstcr Really C., Phone 353.
HATCHING eges, Rhode Island Reds
of color and productivity, 15 for
$1.50. Phone 17SS.W2. C. A. Hat
cllff. Salom. Or. ffio
.White Leghorns, Ruff Leghorns, R.
I. Reds. Barred Rocks, Black Mi-
noreas, While Wyandotte. Buff
Orpingtons, Anconas. These vari
eties each week. C. N. Xeedham,
558 State St. Tel. 400. f63
WOULD like to get In touch wtth own
er of a good 5 to 15 acre tract near
Salem. Must haw good buildinsrs.
and some fruit. Nebraska care'
Journal. m
FOR SALE 8 room modern house
on Salem Heights, new and mod
ern in every way.' has furnace,
fireplace, dutch kitchen, ount tn
features all thru house, sightly lo
cation and in fine condition, has
two lot. with fruit and nut trees
and many beautiful flowers and on
paved street. A god buy at $5.
000. half cash and terms on bal
ance. ,
room modern house four blocks
from center of town, hot water
furnace, fireplace, garage, new ann
very attractive. So many built iu
features that it would require very
little furniture. Location cannot be
excelled. Price $6500 and can be
had on good terms. . 1 ,
15 acres of river bottom land locat
ed 1 miles from steel bridge,
about three acres peuches in full
bearing, and one acre timber, no
buildings. Worth $300 an aero but
can be bought for a short time
only at $200 an acre.
Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State
street. Tel. D15. n48
Wanted -Help.
WANTLIi Widower wishes house
keeper between 18 and 30 years.
Write Dean Taylor. Gen. Del., Sa-
leni. Or. gis
WANTED Good experienced gro
eery man. Call at Peoples Cash
store. g
WANTED To hire as a farm hand,
have had sufficient experience, by
the month preferred. Call L E.
Blish Jiotel. hfi:
WANTEl r-r-Girl for general " house
work. Phone C27. g48
WANTED Housekeeper.
1035R or call 180 Miller
WANTED Mother with two small
children wishes position as house
keeper. Phone SUFI 2, or Salem
Rt. 8, box 7A. ill
For Sale Miscellaneous.
INCOME tax records for sale at 141
N. High. Phone 340. 50
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay for sale
at barn. C. S. Teeple. Rt. 1. Phonj
8 to 9:30 p. m. c50
MAX with ear wanted for real estate
work.s-Ctill at 201 Rank of Com
meree liltlg. g
FOR U touring, late model. This car
haii only boon run 400 .miles on
liiivfiiiiiit, nnn-skid tires all around,
Iit feht, bumper, shock absorb-
m, extra tire and tire carrier. The
estnis alone cost over $60. You can
not tell this car from a new one.
iml ii scratch on it. $250 down, bill
awe easy terms. Phone Adams,
J: ttjJH;
WAXTi-;i) Man with ftemily
for hop yard work immediately.
Jj"i liirniyh.-il. I'hone 8F21. fifi
M' ST sell at once well mated team
Murky hays, ma re mid gelding, age
5 snd. !, weight 3'JoO lbs., heavv
'miied, found, gentle and a ren'l
mirk team, 'rite verv low. Club
StaHes, 4S
Tt:A.i Ftm SALE Alare and geld
a" 8 ami id. weight 2200 lbs.
'eiiihv trusty and trite workers,
uii-'lf or double; good team for
mnll ranch or orchard work.
-P flal' stable. 4S
'"It SALE ltllie!.- "wiV
FOR SALE First class grain hay,
$18 per ton. Phone 2F4. e50
FOR SALE Large ' disc" luirrow72
work horses and 1 driving mare.
I'none hms. c49
FOR SALE Violin and bow.
N. 24th St.
Fine piano for salo at. a very low
price and terms. The Wilev 15. Al
len Co., 519 Court St. C4R
PLAYER piano for sale just like
new, but very low price and easy
terms. Lot of music included. The
Wiley R. Allen Co.. 519 Court St.
feeding stock or table use, $12 per
ton at the place. Phone 14F15. c!9
ONIONS at 2y2 cents lb. sprouted
good for seed 1 cent lb. Call 197 S
Coin 1 or phone 399. co2
OAAT and wheat hay for sale $20
per ton. Rt. 9, box 13. A. E. Peter
sen. o'
FOR SALE Gold Coin potatoes for
seed and table; also a few tons of
corn on cob. East Indopendenre.
Phone 79F2. C48
FOR SALE Rubber tired top bug
gy. Phone 41T5. cf.O
WANTED Some one to board and
care lor three-months old babv.
Will "pay fair price .also stay with
her two or three evenings each
week. Address box 72 Journal, gal
WANTED A good real estate' stiles
man. Phone ."nil, evening 1723. g
WANTED One good farm hand;
also one ninn with wife or small
family. C. C. Russell. I'hone 3F3
20 MEN wanted for farm work. Phez
fa rmes Co. I'hone 204. g!8
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Ily elderly lady, one o
two unfurnished rooms. Call 670
N. Liberty. 148
WANTED Kitchen heater. Call 1924
WANTED To buy 5 or 6 room house
modern, within easy walking dis
tance from downtown. Address box
4:1 Journal. J48
WANT to borrow $200 for 0 months
on good security. Will pay bonus
or commission. Box 333, Salem. i48
WANTED To buy six or seven room
modern house. Call 492. 148
WANT To rent or lease six or more
room house. Phone 492. 148
WANTED Garments to remodel
new suits $45; cleaning and press
ine. 544 State; Society Cleaners
Phono 195. Chas. Ezra Sparks
tailor. 62
HAVING sold my farm, I wivnt to
buy a modern Imngalow, 6 or
rooms. Would like a little fruit.
Send particulars to M B Journal
office.. i
Ql'IwK SALE Improved 10 acres,
fine sell, 80 rods east on D St
from city limits at Park and D Sis.
buildings, fruit, best of water,
stock, tools furniture:' 10 minutes
walk to Asylum ave. car. total 20
tainutes from business centur city.
This is on beautiful Salem prairie,
fast becoming the ,'hoioe and most
desirable for Salem homes, scarcely
any tog In winter, cool breeses in
hottest days of summer. Apply at
place to owner. B. K. Keefer Rt.
. 7. box 14. n.12
Liston's Bargains in Real Estate
86 acres with S9 acres tn prunes.
30 acres- in bearing. 5 acres S-years
old, balance yearlings; 3 acres good
farming land, 1
ter 8c; flour, hard wheat $S 23J.4
fsoft wheat $S.90.
Portland. Or. Feb. 25 Cattle very
acres pasture snd I weak; receipts 28; steers beet $10.25
57 acres choice land almost ad.
joining city on fine road, well drain
ed and in high state of cultivation;
air house ana baru. A- beautiful
home priced at $19,000, easy terms.
for a few days only. Let us show
you today.
10 acre tract fine land, barn and
well. 7 acres fine bearing prunes and
choice apples, close m; good road.
7 acres adjoining above place, some
oganberries and garden. Modern
house and good Improvements. $5000
5 acres nearly all in choice fruit:
model improvements; n minutes
from state house; hiust be seen to
appreciate. Price $6250.
xa acres, a room uouse: 6 acres
finely groomed logans produced last
season 26 ft tons; 1 acre strawberries.
1 family orchard, balance fine Har
den. 2 crops will pay for place. Price
$10,000. Yook at this today.
ii acres very choice, close In on
good road, which will be paved this
season;' mostly all in fine bearing
prunes; large modern new house with
built in conveniences, furnace in ce
ment basement; hot and cold water
in rooms, hard wood floors; fine barn
garage and poultry house. All for
43 acres fine orchard, produced
last year 76 tons; good house, large
new barn, frost proof fruit house, 200
chickens, horses, cows, machinery.
tools; 4 miles out. All for $20,000.
This is a fine home and income prop
osition. Let us show you this property.
Good "Buys. .
63 acres of first class fruit soil, 55
aei-es cultivated. 6 room house, goed;
barn, well, buildings built several
years ago, rock road, 5j miles from
Salem. Price $125 per acre.
Well improved 6 acre tract, good
5 room plastered bungalow, barn,
fruit, gravel street and close to car
line. Prica $6000.
Improved. S3 acre tract 'located
south-of Salem on rock road: house
and barn, well, good fruit kind. Price
& acre of loganberries: good
house, barn: located 5 mile from
Salem.. Trice $5000.
270 acre , farm all cultivated land,
with exception of about 2 acres in
pasture; house, barn, best of grain
and clover land. Rock road. Price
$125 per acre.
10 acres of good prune and logan
berry land, nU cultivated, located Bij
miles south of Salem. Price $1500.
60 acres of good timber located
northeast of Salem, mostly old
growth. Price $100 per acre.
10 acre orchard located on main
Pacific highway. Prunes, cherries,
some apples and pears. Sightly loca
tion. 2". miles from carline south of
Salem. Price $5500.
10 acre tract, 8 acres loganberries;
8 room house, good barn, running
water. Price $6500.
'6 room house lueated 1330 South
Commercial street. Price $2800.
5 room bungalow located in south
Salem. Furniture goes. Paved street.
Price $4600.
7 room' modern house located at
1665 Fir. street, Fairmount Hill,
sightly loratlon, east front lot, bear
ing fruit, garuge. Price $6000.
room cottage located In . south
Salem, just outside of city limits, 1
block from-carline. Price $2000.
W. II. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street n
timber, 5 room house, two barus and
fruit dryer, two horses, two cows, 5
stioats, 2 brood sows and all farm
machinery and tools goes wtth the
place for $25,000.
30 acres with large dwelling with
pressure tauk . water system,
barn and pumping system: land all
in cultivation, fine layout for logan
berries: three miles out; will consider
trade for good faun worth $25,000
and pay cash ditterence.
24 acres with cheap buimmgs, nnt
all seeded to groin: a splendid logan
berry proposition. Easy terms. Price
40 acres with 15 acres bearing
prunes,- 2 acres cherries and apples,
good house, barn and fuuit dryer, sit
uate 8 miles fro mclty in famous
ltosedale prune district. Price $1600.
Two bungalows of six rooms each,
on paved streets with furnace; terms.
Price $3200 each.
4 room bungslow with fire place,
bath and lights, east front, paved
streets, terms. Price $2000.
. W. A. Listen
484 Court street n51
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture rc
finishlng. The Salem Retintshlnn
Co. 156 S. 12th St. I'hone 16.'3. ni(!7
WE build delivery bodies. The Salem
Refinishing Co. m53
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bin be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Oregon Land Co.
442 State St.
First Class Buys.
4 room cottage, fine lot. fruit, out
buildings, east; $1200.
8 room house, modern, fine loca
tion, close in, $4200,
6 acres all In cultivation, bottom
land; no buildings. $1500.
65 acres deep black soil, about 50
acres seeded to grain, 15 acres in
stumps and pasture mid timber! pret
ty good buildings, in good locality;
10 head stock and till farm imple
mcntH. $10,000.
135 acres, 16 acres in wheat, 30
acres clover, 25 acres in oats and hay,
30 acres ready to seed; good 5 room
house, plenty of outbuildings, fine
well. $150 per acre.
814 acres, '200 ncrfflr m cultivation,
balance in oak timber: good buildings
on fine road. See us for full descrlp
Hon. Very fine farm, $35,000.
Walter McLaren.
Room 21, ISO N. Com, fit. n'
FOR SALE Few loads of loose vetch
and oat hav $20 ton; also baled
cheat hay at barn. Phone 80F2S.
For Sale Nursery Stock.
Folt SALE 3 or 4 hundred seed
ling cherry trees, 3 year old. J. E.
Ounsley, Rt. 7' box 82. Salem, Or.
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
garfted walnuts, filberts, and all
other kinds of nursery slock. Buy
direct and save agents commission.
Brooks Nursery, Lafayette. Or.
touring car
fine condflion.
"ol work horse, sttit
I tract; will plow. E.
S. 17th. er,0
s than yea. old.
nio!ie 71.
.1W,. fur siuti
J!- VI:, ke. r,!l
"It f-Al.H 1 ,., Ullme Sluj ,wo
l"'e "ts Cheap. $100 down. n a
. also house about 3 blocks from
"'"'"'v for $17n0: will take $.100
'iid $10 nionih. l.,.,i i.,...,ti r..n
; I'ellovuo just off of Winter
' v-.w:s u. , i
.l - . iu iuih more oi
""ii to sell. Bring In your car
!J come he,-,, to buy. Salem Auto
2aTlfe.22:. State. i,4t
j L'Kht Sis: for speed, for rld
2 comfort, for g0l! economy, for
K :"' Salem Auto Ex
Stato. - Q4Q.
W. 1.1
room mod.. rn ponira-
argc lot 66x128. 1530 Broad-
n C l
i . .
ri.e. iMani. ,,
WE have Oregon Champion goose
berry plants, prune trees and Maz
itnrrt seedling cherry trees for sale.
Call early. Pen try Bros, horticul
turists, 210 Oregon bldg, Salem:
phone 003. dta"
FOR SALE -Am closing out my en
tire nursery stock of Royal Anne
and Bnrtlot Dears. Jacob Idolwint
C 12 3 X. Broad wny. d62
ETTERBUROS 121 "strawberry plants
$7.60 per thousand; Wilsons $6. P.
O. box 214 Salem, Or. d.10
FOR RENT March 1st, 7 room
house (5 rooms furnished), close
in, garden, fruit treos; no children.
Enquire 1140 Leslie St. J48
FOR RENT Large front room, with
board, 461 N. High, phone 1627. J46
FOR RENT Rooms for light house
keeping. Parties with children need
not apply. 1309 X. Coin'l St. J 19
Lost and Found,
LOST Auto license No. 26263 and
tall light. Henry Lee, phone Xti.
1179. k48
LOST Fraternity pin, arrow shape
set with pearls, with mime, Kate
Chatbiini engraved on back, Find
er please return tojhis office. k4!)
LOST From 171 S. Church street
last Sunday afternoon, one gray
and white cat. $5 reward. I'hone
221. E. M. Croisan. k49
STRAWBERRY plants. Etterbtirg 121
extra fine. $2 thousand, dig them
yourself. t mile east Suiinysiilo
school, Jefferson rond. Hurl Pear
son. Phone 107F24. d50
STRAWBERRY plants, vigorous and
well rooted Progressive Everbeai-
inp. Etterburg 121, Wilson, and the
Gold Dollar. Place orders now.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 North
Front street. I'hone 494. d
For Sale Livestock.
'' terms. I
le at a low price
,. L. Miller, 519
t-ourt St
,,, V "ea.iiimii baby grand pi
t r r sp?Pi:" lr'"" Vice and easy
'"'i ,nIs ""..ok only. The, Wl-,-li'!!jLr'"'-
519 Court St. 50
'r ' ,S V 1 1 Paid to soiti eone
a ,,;, ,'"' ' ""' Khn I ca" lease
in. ... 1 . slx or seven room ho,iP
T :, u
FOR SALE Three nice milk cows.
776 S. 12th street. e4J
FOR SALE 6 year old black horse,
gentle, true, to work, weight
Center street feed barn. Inquire for
R. E. Neal. ?i$
THE International Correspondence
school will have their local repre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Snturday to give their students all
assistnnco possible. He also will be
glad to give the public information
regarding the schools and their
Good Inve.stments.
Nice 50 acres fi miles from Salem
about 35 in cultivation; good set
farm buildings and water system
nice orchard, good soil, good road
Bargain $8500.
Good 15Vj acre tract near Salem
mostly In cultivation- and best soli
good set buildiiiKS, family orchard
several cows, fowls, horses, macliin
cry, tools, crop, feed. All for $5000
Nice 11 acre tract in high state of
cultivation, 2 miles fro mSaleni, or
chnrd, buildings, fine locution; $4500
120 aores near Oregon Eloctri
and good town, an hour's drive from
Salom; mostly in cultivation, best
loam soil, good sol buildings, oreh
ard, phone, good timber. Exeli.ingi
for good acreage near Salem or res
idenco property.
Nice close in 1214 acre tract, goo.
improvements; orehurd, stock, tools,
machinery, crop all for $6500, easy
For square deals see us.
Jerrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com. club bldg. n'
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools oleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
167. "
Real Investments.
Just listed a dandy stock ranch for
$7700. Some stock and machinery.
irons most all in. We ran tell you
what we think of it Wednesday. Also
have listed one of the best $6000 buys
near Salem until Saturday only. Let
Us tell you about it.
1200 acre stock ranch near Browns.
vllle, including stock and equipment.
40 acres. 20 acres In cultivation.
some good stock, equipment. $21,000
40 acres. 20 uvrcs In cultivation,
some goo J timber, fair house, 6 miles
out. Price $3800, Snap.
20 acres, new buildings, sou to. 1,
carried 24 heud of cattle lust year,
Clover hay made 4 tons per acre. Wo
know It Is worth more than our
price $2500. It is our property and
is the last that we have In that sec
tion of the country.
200 acres tit $5 14 per ncre. Asses
sor says that It Is worth more.
Homestead relinquishment $100.
Why not work for Undo 8am. a
good salary. New bungalow nnd barn,
worth $1000. ine u.ling Ford car. Lo
cated in a good town with a good
blah school. All for $2700. Must have
$1500 cash. No civil service exami
nation, wight consider saiem propor
Good house in Ml. Angel, good lo
cation. For Salem property,
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon Bldg. ftilem.
Portland office. Chamber of Com
Money to Loan.
On good real estnte security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
"Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 2-29 State St. Phone
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. is. stew
art Repair Shop. 347 Court Bt. '
OR SALE Thousand pound trailer,
feed barn. Centerjrti-eet. iB2
ii 10.75; good to choice J'J.OOf 9.75;
good to choice $10.0J'i 11.00;
medium to good JS. 00$ 9.00; fair to
medium $849, common to fair
$6.00 97.0); choice cows and iteifsrs
$9.00 ti 9.75 ; good to choice $S.u
9.00;; medium to good $7.0098.00:
fair to medium $6.00$ 7.00; Conner
$3.09$ 6.00; bulls. $5.00 7.60; prime
light calves $15. 501T; medium tight
$10.00913.59; heavy o&lvee $7&
10.00; Blockers and feeders $SQ.5.
Hogs steady; receipts 814;- prime
mixed $15.50 610.00; medium $15.0
15.50; rough heavy $11.00 15.00;
pigs, $1.1.00 oil. 00.
Sheep weak; receipts none; eastern
lambs $17,00418.00; light valley $1
17.00; heavy $14.5015.50; feeder
lambs $12$15; yearlings (15916.50;
wethers $13lS.50; ewes $10612.
Portland Or.. Feb. 25. Cubes, e
tra 6S0; parchment wrapped, box Sots
66c; cartons 7c; half boows ta more
fat 64o f. o. b. station; 68c Portland.
Poultry ami Errs.
Portland, Or., Feb. 25. Egge sell-
iug price case count 40c; buying price
case count, -40c: buying price 44c:
selling price, candled 48c; selected
candled in cartons 4Hc.
Poultry: Hens 80t'S4o; broilers $5
40c: roostoi-s 20c; turkeys dressed
4950c; geese 20L25O; ducks 35?40o.
Why Sell for Less.
Wheat and Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $73; ou
$60.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $57.60
Hay: Buying price, valley tlmoth,
$20(3)28; alfalfa $31.50; grain $2ll
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch
MUlstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, clt
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots o
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $7$
rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $7t
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $66; cracked 188.
Safety Razor Blades.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
5 H and 0 percent Interest.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple, Oalem, Oregon
MARl6xPOLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at EH percent. 303 Salem Bunk of
Commerce, w. u. umitn.
trlst.ontlc an., eyes thoroughly ex
amlned, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. B. bank, I'none 31.
Water Company.
comer Commercial and Trade Bis.
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Phono 67.
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water,
in the Morning
Wash away alt stomach,, liver,
nd bowsl poisons before
WANTED Hooond hand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pity the highest prioes
for everything. The. Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 285 N.
Cnm'l St. Phono 947.
DIRT for the hnuling, 965 X. Sum
mer or at Uth and Center. m49
WANTED To buy second hand 14
or 16-Inch riding plow. 905 Spruce
vv.Vr.ii kwv Fisher bovs will saw
vour wood. Phone 1004. ni52 1 good- terms.
Houses, Farms, Small Tracts.
6 room liouse, on 17th and Trade
streets, lot 100x100; bath, toilet and
electric llglils. $2500' on easy terms.
6 room modern bungalow near fair
grounds, large lot. $3250 If sold soon.
A snap. ' '
7 room strictly modern house, close
In, large lot, some fruit, furnace heat
$7000, easy terms.
8 room bungalow, close to school,
north Knlem. A -real snap. $3200,
777;: We have a list of old houses from
i our office and we will tell you ubout
MOO cashlZiance" monUily. ' 0 to $1500 on easy term. , C all at
Box 6C6. Capital Journak
FOR SALE Holstein cow jut fresh
and 4-ycnr old colt. O. L. John
ston nhone 109F2. e51
In ,
Ih'm'14.,C;,sl1 fnr "-'od UJ 11"n0'
M',:i evenings. JilO
Hfio ni f ','-h,Hr r. Run only
W.1,les" ,:"x r.argain Capital
rRl:ir- ET
m. rwoT; r?'"" hmm and sooa
CyN. 2.,,,. Prioe ,550j ,
hem ft7To rent pasture for Rf
d,lri'ialso horseB and oat--
-Lwnhone 69F14. jm
'ft fcTTrr r
'hoZ "L.a.
r"MiK fn.o wnu, an in
3 0 nllill St. Price
H. a,,"1- modern bumraL.w ,."
fnal offt' ,erms- 1Ira- IWey
Sale-5 '-.
w"'kn hZl,L T00.m house' arn,
?od& ?"rl "eht: 1
trrpru"1: a kinds fruit and
176o Pa,anco terms. See
FOR SALE Guernsey and Jersej
cow and calf, fresh. Phone 41111.
Fred Lindbeck. f49
FOR SALE New Zenlands. a feu
choice bucks and does from pedi
greed and registered stork, selling
out bucks cheap. Capital City Rab
biirv, Rt. 5, box 161, Phone eve
7i.-V e49
FOR ALL KINDS of hauling and mov
Ing, phone 1608J. Biederman Trans
fer Co. '50
exchange, 395, South 12th, will han
dle your household goods on com
mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining
better prices than selling to second
hand merchants. At present have
nice clean stock to select from.
Cannon, phone 19
TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur'
niturc and appliances uoukiu im.
sold. 141 X. High. Phono 340. 50
Kinney & Smith.
FOR SALE Brown m.are and black ,.,..,,.,,. alK f,.vv cows. 24
gelding weight 2660. and 8 years lanu 14 acrL,B cuitivat
old. good workers and gentle, .lust . . pasture and 2 acres
in from the farm. Take fairgrounu ,.,, fir. nark. rich loam soil.
car to 1311 X. 4th Btreet. e4t fTl.rlt or aimost anything. Fine
FOR SALE Team, weight 200, 1 nPW 8 room house, good burn, gar
Gooseneck wogon and harness. Seeage alui PB chicken house. Gas en
Lnrmer Transfer, 469 State St. 1 glne and big water tank. Witter pip
ti in c48 .,1 .. hnuse. barn, pasture and
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Phone 3F11
or address W. H. Egan, Oervais.
Rt. 2. ?:
FOR SALE First class milk cow.
Phone f.F3. fjl
Cr,I ml li7 head of sllOHtS 01' Will
trade for some hay,
Phone 65F12.
chicken house. With the place go 1
light team, harness, wagon, plow,
harrow, cream separator, stump pull
er 175 chickens, wheat and oats in
barn and nearly 7 acres of fall wheat
looking fine. Price for everything
$8000. Terms. Located on good grav-
leled road: 15 minute drive lo Ha
75 acres on highway, Joining Sa
lom 6 seres logans, 3 prunes, 8
pears, 2 cherries, 10 .apples, 20 acres
cultivated peat land, 12 acres fine
rolling cultivated. Some valuable
wood land and good pasture. Very
fair improvements. $50,000.
154 acres, 6 miles out. 120 In
wheat, balunce In pasture. Good farm
buildings Just off hard surface road.
$175 per ncre on good terms.
50 acres on highway, l,j miles
southeast of Oregon City; good house
barn and other buildings; 2 silos, 2
acres family fruit; wire fence and
cross fences. An Ideal property at
$250 per acre.
67 acres Joining Salem all In wheat
fair house. This is a good buy and
will go soon. $20,000.
can l. TRACTS
10 acres, good 7 room plastered
hnnue basement, bath, toilet, run
ning water, good family orchard, 1
H acres of good timber. $3300.
9 nores. Kood 4 room plastered
house, bath; running water, fair barn
I acres strawberries, gooa lamny or.
.horrt 10 acres in cultivation, bob
on.o in rmiffh land for pasture with
7 acres of valuable timber. $3500, $1,
000 cash, balance to suit.-
Best Buys
80 Acres, joining city limits of
good town. 50 acres cleared, 22 acres
beaver dam; 3 room house, large
barn, family orchard. $135 per acre
146 Jirres 3 miles from good town
on gravel road; nearly nil best river
bottom: 50 acres cleared, balance
timber; 1 acres loganberries, 1 pencil
e nnd 1 family orchard; 0 room
house, old burn. $85 per acre,
205 acres, 2Vi miles from town on
good road, 125 cleared; noit leiipes,
9 room liouse and tenant house,
good burns and other buildings; wa
ter piped to house from spring. Price
$21,000, terms.
40 acres 1 miles from Salem, best
vulley soil, all planted to walnuts $225
per acre
30 acres, 20 in prunes, ;i logans ann
4 In apples and cherries, 4 room
house, good bam and new dryer.
$12, 500. terms.
42 acres all cleared, 35 prunes 4
to 6 years old. family orchard, sandy
loam bottom; 6 room house, good
barn. At store and post office. Price
$20,000, easy terms.
30 acres, close to city limits, black
soil; all fenced and cross fenced,
good barn; all iu cultivation. $3250,
very easy terms.
" For Sale.
40 acres. Vi. cultivated, 10 acres
fine timber, balance pasture; small
house. 5 miles out. Price $400(1.
20 acres. 6 prunes, 13 Vi cherries,
walnuts; 5 roo nibouse. full basement
5 miles out. Price $H5n0, terms.
307 acres, 220 cultivated, 40 acres
fine timber, balunce pasture; family
orchard. 6 miles Salem. Price $.0
per acre. Vz cash, balance 6 percent
hart McKillop Co.
208 Oregon bl.lg. n4
WANTED Dressmaking, 1299 South
High street. '50
long distance hauling. Office 445
Court St. I'hone 998, night phono
079,1, 71
To feel your best day in and day
cut, to feel clean Inside; no sour bile
tn cout your tongue and sicken your
breath or dull your head;, no consti
pation, bilious attacks, sick headache,
colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid
stomach, you must bathe on the in
side like you bathe outside. This is
vastly more important because the
skin pores 'do not absorb impurities
Into tho blood, while the bowel pores
To keep these poisons and toxins
woll flushed from tho stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before
breakfast each day, a glass of hot wa
ter with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In it. This will cleanse, pur
ify and freshen the entire alimentary
tract before eating more food.
Get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from your pharmacist. It
is Inexpensive and almost tasteless.
Drink phosphatod hot water every
morning to rid your system of these
vllo poisons and toxins; nlso to pre
vent their formutlon. (Adv)
nHTUtrTpATHtn nbvslclana and sur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall,
508 U. S. bank btug. i-nono o. ur.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834
DR".JOHN L." LYNCH, osteopathic
nhvslelan and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F5; office
nhone 1394. 057
FOR SALE By owner Modern
room house, fireplace and 3 lots,
east front. 1145 N. Winter. Price
$3000- terms.
18 acres miles from Salem, 10 acres
sowed to grain, 4 acres of pasture,
good seven room house and barn,
lots of fruit. Price 4N.r.(i.
Sawyer & Emmett
Bavne bldg. room 3. n4S
Lodge Directory.
CHEMEKETA lodgo No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
KNIGl ITS OF 1' YTViLVH nieet at Mo-
Cornack hall on every Tuesday ni
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunts,
K. it. ft S.
Oregon (huge camp No. 1JB0 meois
every Thursday evening In Mi.Cor
nuck ball. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
Pails, Feb. 25. Tbe Paris, Lyons
and Mediterranean railroad strike was
called today. All shops were idle, no
trains left the Lyons station and tha
Marseilles and Lyons yards wore also
paralysed. It was expected the system
will be paralyzed by afternoon.
Legal Notices.
bly No. 84 meets every Tiiursuay ni
8 p. in. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or.
wT67wr BALEjTCAMF 1 18 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornnck hall, cor. Court nnd Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome,
C. D. RoHSaC.: L. S. Goer, clerk
iirnimn C!.lnr CamD No. 6246
moots ciry Thursday evening at 8 .
o'clock in McCornacK ouuunm,
Court -ulfet Liberty streets. H. O.
Course v, V. C; Frank A. Turner,
$12,'io, $200 down; four room house
plastered, lurge lot, garage or bam.
Easy terms.
.,..,,,,iA lika nt
8. '-on room house, plastered, large! 15',. c; veal fancy 21c: steers lie;
t - - lambs 13"4c: cows 7sf9c; ewes 9c;
$3500, terms; six room bungalow, sheep, yearlings 12 140.
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $22.10; feed
oats 808frc; milling oats 8588o;
cheat hay $lfc20; oat hay $21022;
clover hay $23 24; mlll'run 47.
Buttorfat: Buttcrfat, 66c; cream
ery butler, 68 U 69c.
Pnrk. teal snd mutton: Pork os foe
Notice la hereby given that the
county court of Marlon county, Ore
gon, will receive sealed bids up to 1
o'clock p. in. on March 10, 1920, for
the construction of one 5 by 10 foot
reinforced concrete culvert and for
two 6 by 10 foot reinforced concrete
culverts on the line of the Pacific
highway, near Salem, In Marlon coun
ty, Oregon. Bidders must deposit a
certified check for 6 per cent of the
amount of the bid. Bid on ono or alt.
Plans and specifications can be
seen at the office of the county clerk
at Salem, Oregon.
IT. G. BOYEK. County Clerk.
Of City of Kak'in Improvement Bonds
Notice is hereby given thnt the city
of Salem has on hand sufficient funds
to redeem the following Improvement
bonds; upper State street Improve
ment bonds, Nos. 2 to 8, inclusive,
dated Sep. 1st, 1908, Issued for the
cost of Improving Slate street from
Church street lo Twelfth street. Salt
bonds will be redeemed by the city
treasurer on March 1, 1920, upon
which date Interest on said bond
will cease.
State street railway Improvement
bonds No. 1. and Nos. 32 to 42, In
clusive, dated Hep. 1st, 1908, uwuci
for the cost of Improving State street
from Church street to Twelfth street,
Bald bonds will be redeemed- by the
city treasurer on March 1, 1920, upon
which date Interest on said bonds will
C. O. KICK, City Treasurer.
X Salem, (rood location
$2200, $750 down, good terms. Six
room house, 8. Halein, largo lot, ten
blocks out.
$5000. $1600 down, balance 6 per
cent. Seven room modern house, gar
age, basement, furnace, paved street,
eust front, fine location, good buy.
$4200, terms; six room modern
bungalow, basement, paved street,
fine home.
A. L. Seamster Kealty uj.
14 acres, 400 prune trees, 1 acre'4'ig Masonic Temple. Phone 363 n49
lem. 10O yards to station and mUe ,' ahoUt 4 cr eVin eu.tlva:
FOR SALE 2 good Jersey
Phone 7F23 after 8 P- m.
cows. (0 school
Give us some more listings
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone
1130. Residence phone 1061W
tion, balance In rougn lano wnn
some timber. $3500.
3 acres. 7 room house, good fami
ly orchard, small stream. 10 minutes
walk from street car. $3000, $700
cash, balance $10 per month.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
Dressed pork 21c.
Eggs and poultry. Eggs cash 34c;
light hens, 24c; heavy hens 28c; old
roosters 15 01 60; springs 24c
Vegetables; Onions per pound Bo:
celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yaklms
6c Oregon 14 4c; sweet potatoes 8c .
beets per sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips
per sack $3 50: spinach 10c lb.: rad
ishes 40c do- .
Fruit: Oranges $5.60 6.60; lemons
$707.50; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage ic;
head lettuce $1.25: carrot 45oi Brtia-
8TOVE8 rebuilt and repaired. 50 I wu , grouts 16c; cauliflower $1.75 dos;
years experience; tiepot nauowi tf peppers 25c lb: rhubarb 120
and American fence, sizes 20 to 6S -"lh
nlnta nil and VHm- I ' ' ' . .
Stove Repairing.
inrhei hlch. Paints, oil and varn
ishee. etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Balem Fence and Stove
Work. 250 Court street. Phone 12$
Retll nrlce: Eggs dozen oc;
creamery butter 73 76c; country but-
Any amount. Low rates. Full
repayment privileges. Very
prompt service. Ask aboul
our 20-year loans at 6 per
Hawkins & Roberts
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
'""" J1. b66