Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 25, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Although "Lefty" Schroeder, the
big Portland lefthander is no longer
With the Senators, Biddle Bishop is
satisfied that the remaining members
of the staff. Cole, Cox, and "Lefty"
Craig can give ample delivery to the
certain support of the Salem team.
6chroeder Is said to have signed
up a contract with McCredie, where
by he Is to pitch three games per
week at a substantial pay advance
over his ISIS ogreement.
While the news comes as a surprise
after "Lefty's" talk of settling "the
family" here, yet many local sport
(ana have opined that "Lefty" was
too valuable a man lor tlie Mct-re-dlea
to part with so easily. Another
factor was that Salem could not af
ford to pay the Beaver schedule,
while starting on a soml-pro basis.
Ail member of the Sonntors are res
idents here and depend upon other
employment to assiRt in keeping them
in the Cherry city.
Tieldinpt to the lure of bigger mon
ey and hotTtng for the mud IrIoos of
the Beavers, once again, "Lefty" has
silently folded his tent and left Sa
lem. According (to I'ortland sport
writers, the Albina portsldcr conduct
ed a successful strike of his own, fin
ally securing his terms from the Mo
Credit's. Schroeder made n Rood record
with the Portland club last year, de
spite the fact his hurling limb balk
ed after the Mackmen kept him in the
box on an average of three games a
week. Camt. contract time, this spring
nd "Lefty" is said to have spurned
the "no pay increase" diploma offer
ed by McCreedie for the 1920 Beige.
When the McCredles snid "lake it
or leave it," Bch'roeder took the train
for Salem and whilod away his time,
playing "Join the Senators." Biddle
Bishop scoured Around and secured
manual labor for the erstwhile Beav
er, but "Lefty" was listening to the
north all the while and Thursday, the
summons camo.
Berlin, Tel). 24. The Saxon minister
of labor hus appealed to workers to
emulate the example of coal miners
who have recently Increased their
hours of labor. Ho points out that this
voluntary uctlon on the part of the
miners will Increase the monthly out
put of the Saxon conl fields by 200,000
"Grippe" Leaves
Kidneys Weak
The epldxmlt: of colds and grippe
Unit bus heen sweeping the country
bus wemtiiKly left even a greater
number of people than ever 111 a
weakened condition from which
there la but u slow recovery. Much of
this alter weakness affects to kid
neys and bladder, milking It difficult
for them to perform their natural
functions. Sufferers have to get in
and out of bed half a dozen times a
night, their backs are weak nnd pain
ful, sick headaches and dizziness are
common symptoms. No serious iron
bio may exist but the time to check
such symptoms is at once before mat
ters grow worse. No complicated
treatment may be needed if .a few
doses of a good safe kidney regula
tor like Solvnx Is taken right away.
Solvax straightens out an ordinary
easo of weakened kidneys In about
twenty-four hours in many instances,
sifts out and neutralises poisonous
mill acid nnd drives tho clogged up
poisonous kidney wnsto from the body
ho that you can begin to feci better
right away. Solvnx Is harmless, con
tains no alcohol or hnblt drugs and
Daniel J. l'Yy nnd other leading drug
gists agree U refund its full purchase
price If in any ease It f;ills to give en
tire satisfaction. Adv
The University of Idaho basketball
teama last night defeated the Wil
lamette "Bearcats" 31 to 23 In a game
which it took three extra five-minute
periods to decide and shoved the local
quintet another notch down the per
centage column in the Northwest In
tercollegiate conference.
From the standpoint of basketball
displayed the game was a fizzle, both
teams playing raggedly, and except for
the fight displayed would have been a
disappointment to the spectators who
swarmed the armory. Team work was
entirely absent, except for an occas
ional flash here and there and most of
the playing was featured by hard
struggling for possession of the bail.
Lazy refereeing added to the slackness
of the early part of the game.
Another Wapato would have turned
the t2ide in favor of the "Bearcats,"
for the playing of the local captain at
forward was the one treat of the even,
ing. Besides annexing 14 of the 29
points his team gathered together,
Wapato was the active factor in break
ing up the offensives started by Idaho
and was the pivot point for all of Wil
lamette's floor work. Jackson, at cen
ter, struggled gamely through tho con
test with on injured foot that kept him
out of the play a largo part of 'the
time. Substitutions, beginning when
Mathews pulled McKltterick out in the
first period, were the rule with the
"Bearcats" but they were unable to
work out a combination that couM
wrestle the lead from the visitors.
The lineup follows:
Wapato (14) V (5) Fox
McKlttrick (3) ... F () Carder
Jackson (2) C (18) Perrine
Rnney O Crozier
Dlmlck (8) (i Flndley
r'"lctte S Evans
Ksteb S Campbell
Doney (2) S
(Continued from page one)
Poland In Favor
mi. i .mi iisui u mam , . 1. 1 ux'.vm.wmh
-if ' J v ,
1 . , " V:Y"Y
3 i
ILr,. m-,,1,..,.,,, .1 , J Vi ,,?
District Munuger The Mutual Life of
N. V office 371 State St., Flume 09.
I need your business. Let me prinv
that Jou need insurance.
ii.WK Kxi'fcnT rLvri: man
Willi 33 years ois-rlcnce, with
me In my dental office
DM. D. X. BKI.t lll.KU
302 V. S. Bank Blilg.
Fraser Of Salem
Wins Second In
Motorcycle Race
Allen Fraser, a Salem motorcycle
enthusiast, whs runner-up in the hill
climbing' contest at Eugene, Sunday.
William Davis, of Eugene, made tuc
one-third mile climb up Skinner's
Butte, In 7B seconds, driving a spe
cially geared Hurley Davidson machine.
Frascr's time of "7 ' seconds was re
garded as an excellent exhibition of
rlillng ability, considering the fact that
his Hurley Davidson was one of the
regular stock models, fully equipped
and with the standard solo gear.
In the second portion of the pro
gram, a climb of the steep hill on high
gear was also won by Davis, driving a
Hurley, in competition with other machines.
The Salem motorcyclists who made
the Sunday Jaunt to Kugcne in attend
ing the motorcycle events were Fred
Alklre, Hiram Smith, Allen Fraser,
Hurry Scntt, Henry Heinle, Lester
Sniulc, Lyman Snndin, (ieorge Fry and
Robert O. Kelly.
Motorcyclists from all over the Wll-1
inmeitn valley attended tho day's
events. In addition to the contests,
the visitors were entertained nt a din
ner itnil special musical program.
done by taking the proper steps to
anticipate and forestall any possi
bility of serious friction.
"The request for federal troops for
Montesano is very obviously a piece
of propaganda," declared George V.
Vandcrveer, counsel for the ten de
fendants, today. Vanderveer said
there was no need for troops here
hat there was no sign of trouble and
no possibility of trouble.
Burnett Recalled. 1
The defense recalled Eugene Bar
nett, one of the ten defendants, to the
stand shortly after Ball took his seat
in the jury box. Barnett testified that
the package he mailed from Centra
lla on the day of the shooting was a
Geranium plant, and that he sent it1
to his mother-in-law in Cottonwood, j
Idaho. The mackinaw coat which
Barnett claims he left at the Roderick;
hotel was entered as a defense exhibit
as were also some papers Barnett said!
he had carried on the day of the
shooting nnd about which he went to
the office of Elmer Smith, Centralia
attorney and one of the defendants.
The papers referred to a homestead
claim, he testified.
Barnett testified that he walked
down Towor avenue, shortly after the
shooting, naming S. A. Hand and Alex
Slgurtsen as men he met on this walk.
He declared he would not have had
time to walk to a billboard a half
mile from the hall and deposit a rifle.
The rifle Barnett is alleged to have
used in firing from the Avalon was
found under this signboard, accord
ing to state evidence.
S. A. Hand, who testified to cor
roborate Barnett's story of his walk
down Tower after the shooting, left
the witness stand in tears. He is a
gun dealer in Centralia, He said he
walked down the street with Barnett
shortly after the shooting, nnd that
he noticed nothing unusual in Bar
nett's demeanor. Jle identified a 30
caliber rifle as one similar to Bar
nett's and declared he never knew the
defendant to have a 38-55 rifle. The
state alleges it was a bullet from a
38-55 rifle which killed Grimm
Hand's tears apparently came as the
result of cross-examination from At
torney C. D. Cunningham of stat
counsel, who upbraided the witness
for not mentioning his knowledge of
Barnett's alleged walk down th
street after the shooting. Hand said
he did not mention it to Cunningham
because he was not asked about it.
Hand said ho was a member of th
Dunkard faith and had religious oj)
lections to testifying in court.
best definition of "What is Rotary?"
.t .v.rv member asked to give his
Of Peace With RedsZ&ZTSTSl
. tricts in wnit-ii io 4 v -
Warsaw, Tuesday. Feb. 24.-Poland i clubs will Participate, ,
One 01 tne oeiiuiiiuua .
is inclined to enter peace negotiations! &g ivea at the "Anniversary;
with the Russian soviet government ; jieeting" of the club this week, was
immediately. .n official statement to ; as folilows: I
. . .1 .!,... is mnr than a man. It 18
this effect was made ton.ght by tnei "". ft ife. A Rotary club ;
foreign affairs committee of the diet, i (han an organization. It is as-
The Polish conditions would include jgoejated vision and effort; it is co-j
restitution of territory taken from Po- j operative, not competitive, service. I
land in the first partittion of 1772 and transmutes kindly desires into help
subsequently. The right of self-deter-, ful deeds, and turns dreams into ac-.
... , . ,.. . k. 1 I . a in T, fa n trfllninp.
uiinuiion ior lnnaoiiams in me i-nu- i comousiieu u;i. .
ogical areas between Russia and Po-I school in unselfishness, where per-j
. , . , ... i. ui, I , ;,. ...V.n..i;n..ln In nil hi IC
ituiu is io De insisiea upon, u &aiu, koiiui phui ouuvi , .
and peace must he ratified by repre- erood. Rotary values men for what.
scntatlves of the Russian nation. J they are. more than for what they.
j have: and Tor wnat tney can ue, mmo.
ASQCJTH IS ELECTED j than for what they are. Rotary wel-,
. n vision of need, and views i
London. Feb. 25. Former Premier ' service as a privilege to be sought,
... . . A - - n V . . .l n tn Ka o .'ll .1 n
"Rotary never side-steps a respons
ibility or 'passes the buck' to tho other
fellow. To the Rotarian, life Is an
invosimpnt that must yield dividends
that are better than dollars, and that
are not measured m terms ot com
merce. To the Rotarian, community
prosperity is more than personal
profit. He never knocks a good;
thing, nor praises a bad thing. Hie
city is the best in the country, and
his country the best in the world. '
He is an all-wool, yard-wide Amer-j
lean or Canadian, or whatever his!
nationality. He works hard, plays!
square, and gives with a smile. He I
has an eye tor a neighbor's need, aj
hand trained to help, a foot used to
paths of helpfulness and mercy and'
a heart for true men, good women,!
and little children. j
"Rotary may not be a religion, but)
it has woven Into the fabric of its'
helpful activity, that, without which
even religion is but 'as sounding brass
and a tinkling symbol' 'Faith, Hope
and Love .
s4'!Iltproof '
end of the second ye J
Soviet Springs
To Being In Italy
London, Feb. 25. Workers at Pleve
1)1 Soligo, Italy, have seized the murf
clpal buildings and proclaimed a so
viet government, according to a Home
dispatch to the Central News. In fight
ing between workers nnd carabiniersJ
many persons were wounded, Disor"
llcrs have also occurred nt Vittorlo,
Montebelluna and elsewhere, the dis
patch says.
Berlin, Feb. 25. Food riots are re
ported at Ludwigshaven and mobs are
said to be plundering shops. Numer
ous arrests have been made according
to advices received here.
Naples, Feb. 25. A general strike In
sympathy with striking metal workers
has been declared by the labor cham
ber here.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 24. Arthur 13.
Grlndell, Seattle, director of the di
vision of provisions and supplies of the
American Red Cross commission in Si
beria, died at Vladivostok yesterday
of pneumonia, according to a message
received here today.
"Some Men Don't Know It Yet"
says the Good Judge
This class of tobacco
gives a man a lot more
satisfaction than he
ever gets out of ordin
ary tobacco.
Smaller chew the good
taste lasts and lasts.
You don't need a fresh
i chew so often. Any man
- who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that.
Pat Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Herhrt AsrmitH n-ne nlActed tn narlia
ment from tho Taisley constituency in
the recent byc-electlon. Announce
ment of the result was made today.
tContinued from page Seven.)
is kept by the secretary aid nothing
short of sickness 'or deatah can ex
cuse a member. Absence from the
city is no excuse, for there is a special
rule whereby a member may attend
the meeting of the club in the city
where he happens to be, and the sec
retary of his home club is officially
advised of this fact, and he receives
credit for attendanace just as if he
had been present at the meeting of
his own club,
Rotary clubs thus hold an enviable
record for high percentage of attend
ance at meetings. Clubs with as
many as two and three hundred mem
bers have as high as SO per cent of
their members present meeting after
meeting. There are Rotary districts
with jurisdiction over as many as
forty and- fifty clubs which maintain
a "district percentage of attendance'
at meetings of all clubs in the district
of from 79 to 80 per cent. New
records for high attendance percent
ages are continually being made and
as quickly being broken by some club
somewhere. Tho latest achievement
has been by a club on the Pacific
Const with sixty members which has
made the remarkable and heretofore
unheard of record of a 100 per cent
attendance, or every member present
not only at one meeting which
would he an unusual record in Itself
but a 100 per cent attendance at sev
en consecutive meetings.
A Definition of the Rotary Club.
Various definitions of Rotary and
descriptions of the Rotary Club have
been published from time to time
A contest has recently been held
throughout the Rotary clubs for the
Do you sometimes feel like this
The reason is because you brood
over your troubles too much.
Will make you forget lots of
them. A little recreation on our
newly finished alley will make
a new man of you.
Club Boivling T Alleys
122 N. Commercial St.
tually cured bv suet.
Deep Seated Disease Is Caused
iby Germs in the Blood.
Rheumatism is a sturdy foe,
and it never uses gentle meth-jfrom which you WoSS
ods with its victims. So if you results is a remedy tw
are afflicted with the disease,1 deep down into mS ttS ?
tu J- i ;r r v v " wihumiis me germs tM
the iirst that you have real: cause the disease TW
fight on your hands and that! germs multiply by" the W
you cannot win unless you can and scatter by means 7i
use the very best methods blood circulation throueCs
knT;v": a. - . I entire system. WTiether t5
If the disease was confined attack the muscles, the fa9
to the surface, there might be limbs or other Darts f i3
some logic in expecting relief body, they are still in th.iO
a hv lnpnl orvJ nJ ,:n j.. . rri
from its clutches by local ap-and will continue
iUr- tortnrinc lmina until
nhcfitirma annliorl in tha om. ' t..t, ,. . "i
"""" w"-' Ui 1 1 mi ig pains untu eummatea
xiut ju wm swii learn inorougniy irom the Wooi I
that a disease that can cause sol S. S. S. is a wonderful M
much pain and suffering is 'remedy, and is the logical trd
deep-seated, and has its source 'ment for rheumatism, becat.3
far below the surface of the lit promptly permeates the el
skin. The pains may be slight; tire blood suppply, and searcW
at first, and that is where the lout and kills the disease gerrail
victim of rheumatism is often You can take S. S. S. with tM
deceived. assurance that you are not o)
He does not feel that the first perimenting, for this fine old
little twinges of pain amount remedy has been in constat
to much, and hence they are use for more than fifty yean,
not promptly heeded. But they; during which time it hastei
gradually increase in severity 'giving splendid results. Sotoi
until it has your entire system 'owe it to yourself to take S.S.S
in its relentless grip. The pains' without delay, and discard tbi
that seemed so slight at first be-! use of local remedies that cai
come intensely severe and seem do you no good,
io taite aengnt in your sutienng. it your case requires aM
ut course there has been special advice, it can be obtain-
cases where some slight relief ed without cost togetther wits
was experienced from the use, valuable literature if you w
of liniments and other local ap- Write today to Chief Medical
plications, but there has never Adviser, 158 Swift Laboratory!
yet been a case that was ac-Atlanta, Ga. Adv.
Remnant Store
254 North OoauaareUl
I Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fendera and Gat Tanks
Tractor Radiator Bvrrtalty
Ford Radiator! for Sal
Valley Motor Co. j
The World's Largest Tire Factory
Building 30x3, 30x31 and 31x4-inch Tires
ll'IH1Ht!lltHljlt!li 1
1 V VVlliKW
Owners of small cars can enjoy the same
high relative value in Goodyear Tires that
gives utmost satisfaction to owners of big,
costly motor carriages.
They can take advantage of that tremendous
amount of equipment,skill and care employed
by Goodyear to build tires of extraordinary
worth in the 30x3-, 30x3V2', and 31x4'
inch sizes.'
They can secure these tires without waiting,
despite the enormous demand, because,
in addition to its larger sizes, Goodyear builds
an average of 20,000 a day in the world's
largest tire factory devoted to the three
sizes mentioned.
If you own a Ford,ClxvroAt,Dort, Maxwell,
or any other car using one of these sizes, go
to the nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear
Heavy Tourist Tubes.
' i
303',4 Goodyear Double-Cure inf
Fabric, AU.Weather Tread. ''ZO
30xJI4 Goodyear Single-Cure
fabric, Anti-SkiU Tread 1
Goodyear Heavy Tourut Tube, are thick, Wrong tube that
reinforce casingi properly. Why rule a good casing with a
!apJUu p00" Heavy Tourist Tubes cost littW more
than tubes of lest merit. 30x32 she in water- $J50
191 S. 12th Street Salem, Or.