THE CAPITAL JOIKNAL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, K, PAGE TWO. omqd mi AS DISUSED' BY HOW PAPERS At th time of the Gopperfleld raid tie news was cabled to Europe nd an aoocunt appeared In 'The News of 1 the Day" a" Amsterdam paper. A young Hollander Interested in the event and who had seme command of Bngtish, waa pleased to translate and forward to Miss Hobba the story a It appeared in the Amsterdam paper. It follows: "la the American town, Copper fielO, In the State of Oregon, were since a long time severer Improprieties. The local authorities allow conuivautly the evasion of the decree against the abuse of taking liquor, even they accelerated it fceoauM they took advantage of It The Burgomaster and some members I ';! of the town council themselves, name- I ly are Innkeepers. This bad excited . the ill humor of many citizens and T the Lord Lieutenant of Oregon had menaced to take- the necessary precau tions. "Waiting for tho military expedition . : amiouitced by him the 'Alcoholista of f t Copperfleld armed themselves with - revolvers. At the time that the sol tilers of the Lord Lieutenant would arrive ail the citizens of the town, who j liked a sensation very much, were be fore the station. Great was their ns i touiahment when nobedy came out of the train except a young girl. She went to the Burgomaster and showed by proxy she required the Immediate resignation of the daily government. The flurgomaHter, who found the rig orous meusures of the girl as comic as bold, refused flatly. But tho young lady. Miss Kern Hobbs, was not put out of countenance. Accidentally thera were In the train some artillerymen ; commanded by a colonel. Perfectly In due form and always by proxy, she commanded the colonel to proclaim the town under a state of siege, to take prisoner the Burgomaater and three of the members of the town coii.i oil and to search the persons who were , at the station and to disarm thorn. ' 5"he colonel could not do else than to obey. The armed became disarmed. The inns were olosed and the Innkeep ers; were commanded to send their pro visions of alcohol abroad If they dM not want these provisions to be con fiscated. Miss Fern Hobbs had such a fleclrtod way of acting: that nobody dared to think about opposition. Th9 secretary of the Lord Lieutenant i not j easy." piiru rriTimrn RETAIL MERCHANTS' flEEIGATASTOi Music Study Is Library Lecture Topic For Tonight At the third of a series of loclurns lieing given at the publlo library this later, which, will be held Weilins. day evening at 8 o'clock, Miss Mary Holm.m, nsslsted by the Willamette ntudonts of music, will devote tho eveuliur, to. a Ntudy of Ainorloan immio. "! affair will be in tho form tf a leoluro-recltal and will oonslst of both instrumental and vocal selections. The following program has boon nrrumieil for tho evening: "How Sleep the llnive" f!lnrk "Wars end Htrlpes" .. .Sousti Willamotte Glee Club. Indian liusio "My Bark Canoo" Jibwny) "Indian Bong" (l)itkotahs)..."..". Vnrnlty Quartet. Violin Solo "I'rom tho Land of tho Sky Blue Water" Cudmsn Miss LolKla Ituby. Negro Music -"Hteal Away (Spirit- nal) : "African Class Meeting Song''...!!! Varsity Quartet. "Awllitlll for de Moon to Shine'' " Hastings ,lo,"T Town" Weldenor Willamette Clee Club. "Kilning: A Bevorio" HmoD Vlulln Solo "Kvening: a rteverle".. Kcrgh . Mls Hu by. Olio Solo "Forgotten" Cow.s "Minuetco from Vluaretle in I) Malor" Ui'orgn liarrett. llano Solo "Polonaise" McDowell Miss Holmiin. Although no effort was made by the delegation from the Business Men's league here to win the- next convention of the Oregon State Re tail Merchants association while at Astoria, it paved the way -for great and future resognition. In the report of his activities as a representative of the Business Men's league at the Astoria meet Walter Denton told the members, at their meetlna? In the Commercial club Tuesday evening, of tne tendency of business men in all parts of the state to look to Salem to set the pace. Reading from excerpts of his speech made at the Astoria convention Mr Denton revealed the stroke made for this city there by the Salem delegates, Of Which he himself was Hnnkemn.m Salem was pictured as the city beau tiful, the land of opportunity and en terprise, in his speech to the Astoria convention. Mr. Denton did not enter into a de tailed report of all that passed at the convention, but rather confined him self to a resume of tho league's dele gation activities there. The league meeting Tuesday night was well attended. P. E. Fullerton, who automatically became director upon the resignation of R. ir Phnnio waa formally elected by unanimous vote. Complaint contained in a communi cation from Willamette university students that costs for printing a booklet here waa from 50 tn ftn m.r cent higher than in Eugene caused the business men to appoint a com mittee to investigate and report to the board of directors of the Com mercial club. $300 Raised For Defense Of Boy Slayer A t Bandon Bamlon. Or.. Feb. 2B A fund more than $300 has been raised hen. and at Pruspoct for the purpose ov as sisting the county in securing the serv ices of an expert criminal lawyer tol prosecute the Harold Howell case at the third trial. Younir Howell i 16, Is accused of having shot and kill ed Lililan Leuthold, aged 18, near her ranch house in Coos county last July. He has ben twice tried on the charge and both parties disagreed, The money was. contributed in small amounts ly signers of a petition to the governor asking for the appointment of a deputy to prosecute the case. The signers are both men ni wnmn a fund was recently raised by popular xuuHcnpuon ror young' Howell's defense. be featured by horse and auto races and fihta at the state fair grounds. The grand opera house will be charter ed for the three-day convention and special high class entertainers will be provided for the visitors. Dances un equalled in this city will be stage 1 at opportune time. . Trips for the visitors and families to the state institutions and other points of interest In the city are scheduled. Committees Complete. Following- are- the committee who adjusting the scenes for th; big convention: Executive August Huekesxsm, chairman; Harry J. Wenderoth, Thos. B. Kay, W. D. Evans, Arthur S. Ben son, secretary. Accommodations B. A. Kurtz, H, W. Meyers, C S. Hamilton, W. I. Needhan, Fred S. Lamport. Decorations Wm. MotJilshrUt. jr., George E. Halvorsen, U. CJ. Shipley, '. J. Rlgga Irwin Lewis. Dances -Kail ' H. Hinges. -Harry Levy, James Young, John Brophy, Frank H. Spears. . Golf H. li. Smith, H. H. Olingcr, Ercel Kay, W. I. Staley. John nrrar. Races and sports Frank Durbin. F. G. Delano. Watt 8hlpp, O. L. "roll er, Arthur H. Moore: - Vaudeville A. E, La fie r, A. J. Rahn. D. G. Drager, F. L. Waters, Ray E Pomeroy. Eats Wharton. I West, F. A. Erick son, Curtis Cross, John W. Caughill, W. J. Buslck. BrandsOscar Steelhammer. Parade Oscar B. Gingrich, V. G. Dyer, J. C. Perry, E. N. GIlliiiEhuni. Chalmers George. Publicity and programs Walter L. Tooze, Sr., J. F. Hutchason, E. Coolrc lVitton, W. W. Moore, H. a Bosahard Reception Frank T. Wrightrrm W. H. Byrd, Louis Lachmund, vY'atlor R Keyes, P. H. D'Arcy. Registration and badges O. A. Hart nan, George O. Brown, D. W. Eyre, Charles Knowland, E. M. Pag Transportation Albert A. Micks!. 3. W. Ritchie, Bdw. Rostein, John IT. Scott Cuyler Van Patton. Ladies' reception Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. George H. Bprnett, Mrs. V. S. Walton, Mrs. B. W. Olcott, .Mrs. R. E. L. Steiner. the republican party's presidential choice as expressed under the pri mary law." Capitol Briefs State Engineer Cuppor has been in structed by the state land boara to start an Investigation relative to ap plications tor the leasing1 ot gravel bars along the Umpqua river. J. L. McAllister ,an assistant engineer in the state engineer's office, has been assigned by Cupper to take charge of this investigation, leaving for the southern part of the state today. W. D. Clark, an engineer In the Mm- ploy of the public service commission, has resigned his position to accept the position of district engineer with the state highway commission. Clark will be In charge of state road work in Lincoln, Polk and Benton counties with hoadquartors in Salem, ELKS SHAPING PLANS Articles of incorporation for the Wasco county bank to be located at; The Dalles were filed with Will H. Bennett, state superintendent of banks Tuesday. The bank is capitalized atj $100,001 with the following incorpora tors: George C. Blakeley, The Dalles. H. D. Doods, Dufnr; T. H. West ana; R. T. SteTens, Portland. I; For Colds, Grtp or Inf Inenza and as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROilO QUININE Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c (Adv) EAT What Toa Will When You Will Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets WlM Help Digest the Men! Easily and Surely Good food in. itself is harmless. The usual reason stomach troubles arise- Isv due- t faulty digestion brought about by overworking the body or brain, sickness, overeating, late hours, etc. The best way to correct faulty stomach troubles and digestive mis takes is .to do what nature wants. All that nature usually needs is a little assistance to do this work. This is why doctors tell you to diet. By not eating nature is compelled to aid herself. You do not then over work her when she is already ex hausted. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets go in to your stomach just like food. They help digest this food. Then they en rich the blood, and thus when the next meal is eaten the system is bet ter prepared to do Its work without assistance or at least less harmfully. By following this natural habit many have corrected their stomach troubles, and have conquered the old "bugbear" of indigestion. Always take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet after meals or Just before bed time. By doing this you will be act ing wisely and playing safe. Co to your druggist anywhere and buy a box now. Price, 50 cents. Adv. Sanitary Beauty Parlors (Miss Harper) Now back In our former location 202 Bank of Commerce Bldg. (Continued from page one) autoB at their disposal from the time tney augiit from tho trains tit the de pots to the time thev lenvo tho ,.t Suveral auto dealers In the city have promised tho use of machines and drivers for tho occasion. Parades, auto and lim-un vaudeville shows, band concerts, prlzo iignts, boxing matches and wrestling mutches in short every form of enter. tainmentls Included in the tentative program. Tho last day of the convention will The authority of the state public service commission is not Impaired in the least by the railroad bill as finally passed by congress, according to H. H. Corey of he Oregon commission. Tin' only material change from post con dltions contained in the new measure, accordlngto Corey Is a provision giv ing to the federal commission addi tional power to remove any undue ad vantage, preference or prejudice as Hope was voiced that the vise would one hund ;and interstate or foreign commerce on the other hand. nua sneep are the only animals wivuig circling horns. e ILO 30BSKCOUGHS HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of AH Kinds Best PrloM Outran teed CALL 398 CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal Boon tTl Obeaeketa St. Phona S9S JLM.HUM ; WUt Of Yick So Tosg CMaeM ktedlelD sad Tea Osv U$ nadieia wbieh will tore aay knows disease. Opea SoBdart from 10 A. 11. astil IP. H, 158 Soatk Big k SU Salesa. Oregon. Phosa l ft,!,):!, ' . yoi; i ax't lmrsii on WASH Ol'T l M)ltl I-F $ The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve It, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces or ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently wllh the finger tips. Do this timiuht.' unci liv most if not nil, of your dandruff will no gone, and three or four nioru ap plications will completely dissolve and entirely destrnk every single sign and truce of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all Holiing and digging of tho scalp will stop at once, and your hair will bo fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times bet tor. You ran get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is Inexpensive and nev er fails to do (ho work. Officials of the North Unit Irriga tion district in Jefferson county, a part of the , Deschutes project, were here Tuesday, In consultation with State Engineer Cupper relative to plans for proceeding with the development of tho protect. The district Includes some 100,000 acres and a total of $5,000.0lu In' bonds have been voted for Its de velopment. In an opinion by the su preme court a week ago this issue was held to be valid and the way is now open to actual construction work. Oliver M. Hlokey of Portland has ambitions looking toward a seat In the republican national convention In Chi cngo next June. His petition for a place on the republican primary bal lot as a, candidate for de'ega'e from tho slate at large was received by the secretary of states office Tuesday. Hlckey declares that ho "will support DREAMLAND IK BAND MUSIC Wednesday, Friday and Satur day Evenings. Ladies. Free Skates, on Monday and Friday afternoons and Fri day night. l - A A A A A M DANCE Wednesday Evening, Feb. 25. A R M 0 R Y GIVEN BY CAPITAL POST NO. 9 : American Legion EVERYBODY WELCOME Bring Your Friends DRAPERIES HADE TO ORDRR TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS CS.JLIYJLTON S40 Court Breet FORD Tltt'CK WITH TWO TON ATTACHMENT. RUNS LIRE A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. W.W.MOORE House Furnisher HOME OF TUB VJCTROLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. Now In Progress Our etiring from Business SALE ' After 28 Years of Successful Business in Salem, we have Decided to Retire! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN THE STORE RE DUCED WITHOUT A SINGLE EXCEPTION From 10 per cent to 20 per cent and in many odd lots and broken lines even more in order to dispose of our large stock quickly. You may think that merchandise is high at present prices, hut the advances since January first ha-e been alarming and the prices announced this week by Eastern Mills for Fall Lines are absolutely staggering. The following list of a few staple items will give you an idea of what is happening in the wholesale market this season. Taffeta Silks cost before the war 70c per yard, now cost $3.00 yard Skinner's Satins cost before the war 90c per yard, now cost $3,25 yard Dress Ginghams cost before the war 8 l-2c per yard, now cost .....37 l-2c yard Calico cost before the war 3 l-2c per yard, now cost 21c yard Outing Flannels cost before the war 9c per yard, now cost 42c yard Cotton Blankets cost before the war 70c per pair, now cost , $2.90 pair Wansutta Nainsook cost before the war 12 l-2c per yard, now cost 60c yard Peqnot Sheeting cost before the war 22c per yard, now cost $1.10 yard . Yams have advanced $1.10 per pound in the Eastern Market during the past two weeks. Corsets have advanced one-third in price since January first. Women's Mercerized Hose Which formerly cost $2.30 per dozen have advanced to $8.00 per dozen. The Dry Goods Economist states this week that Fall prices on Wool Dress Goods show an ad vance of 60 per cent over l?st Fall's prices. Merchandise is scarce and continually advancing. You know the standard quality of goods we have always carried. If you knew the present condition of the market as merchants know it, you would provide for your wants for the next two years. Every, purchase during this sale means a substantial saving over present prices and ' will protect you from the tremendous advances which have already become effective in wholesale lines. - All Store Fixtures For Sale To be delivered as soon as our Stock has been Reduced Sufficiently To Dispense With Them. Just out-JAeTleu) i MS Be sure to ask yovr grocer for Karo Maple in th Green Can. It is guar an teed to please you or your grocer re turns your money. n v 4j EVERYBODY knows Maple Syrup is a rare article hard to find and still harder to be sure of. Pure maple syrup, what there is oi it, is sold at extremely high prices. Naturally, one turns to Karo Maple Flavor with its flavor of the purest maple sugar. H has the appetizing1 tang of pure maple syrup but is so reasonably priced that you. can serye it at every meaL Just compare tke flavor and price of Karo Maple Flavor with other maple syrups 1 CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery Place . . New York Salting Repntntmtif JOHNSON, UEBER COMPANY, Portland, Ore. w 1Hi 'IP. . 7. ' ' cj'iiiii 4juTf "jjffiii' ii-JuiiLi..'ii--iiriiiM-i if-iT iiiiMHiinii jimipJlMW"'1 "i i' iiiwnrniiiiiiiiiili i ' J"'-f K,m lfT;r " r""" " - ' ' " ' " " ' 1 ' , .aill r'iiniiw iiimmiiibwnhiiii wirm mi n ' bww . i'111 'r""'