Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 25, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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NEW YEAR, 4618 13
Unusually quiet during the present
Kew year week, hu been Salem's Chi
natown. Staccato explosions of man
darin firecrackers, outside display of
paper lanterns, posters and all other
Indication of exuberant celebration
ax mining.
Representative Chinese citizens of
Salem attribute the dearth of cele
bration to three causes: at present the
Oriental population of Salem la very
mall; secondly, there Is general at
titude among modern Chinese to
adopt the Gregorian calendar com
monly used among other nations. The
third reason for laoJc ui undue cele
bration of the new year, is one with
which the leading Chinese families
here ara well satisfied and that is
the lack of gin and other exonerat
ing fluids.
According to Chinese computation,
this la the sixth day of the new year,
9, from the beginning of the Chinese
republic In old computation the rev
olution took place in the year 4609.
While 1926 Is the English "leap
year" the calendar of the Orient has
"beaten us to It" by having Just pass
ed the Chinese leap year, which con
tains thirteen months and about 380
iays. The usual Chinese year has 11
months or about 354 days. The Chi
nese "Leap year's" bears no special
privilege for the feminine sex so far
as broaching the proposal to enjoy
marital bliss is concorned.
The leap year of the Orient (Chi
na) occur every three years or with
slight addition of time, twice In each
tlve year period. The noxt leap year
by this old calendar will be In 1923,
according to local Chinese who ex
plained the time system very care
fully to the Capital Journal reporter.
This reporter states that all went well
until his informant started to ex
plain the transition of the Chinese
Qult.ndar, from the year 197 and a
half. Then politeness and courtesy
were summoned and a promise "to
call later" brought the Chinese New
year story successfully to a close.
Tha only general observation by
the local Chinese of the Oriental new
year during the past two weeks has
Ibeen the inevitable exchange and pre
sentatlon of gifts between friends.
Delinquent Care
Planned By Joint
Army Committee
Plans for procedure and organiza
tion were discussed at a meeting Tues
day afternoon of the Salvation Army
county advisory board Just formed, for
the purpose of promoting the care for
delinquents In the county. The board
will meet again March 4 and com
plete plana It is the purpose of the
Salvation Army to car for all delin
quents and parentleas children on
farms and in institutions that are sup
ported by them. It Is the duty of tin
county advisor- board to report such
delinquent children to the headquar
ters of the army.
The board for this county, that mm
Tuesday, Is composed of Fred Durtln.
Dr. B. F. Pound, Dr. W. Carlton Smith.
T. E. McCroskey, Louis Lachmund,
Harry 'Wenderworth, Charles R. Arch
erd, Paul Walalce, Luth 3. Chapln and
William McQllchriat. Jr.
Bill one BIO
Washington, Feb. IS. President
Wilson today signed the oil land leas
ing bill which opens up for develop
ment millions of acres of land in to
Washington, Feb. ti. The oil land
leasing bill was agreed to by the house
and senate conferees February 2 ana
after being passed by the house and
senate was sent to the president Feb
ruary 11. The bill Is expected to open
for development approximately sevan-
ly-five million acres of public domain
in western states.
The bill affects oil, coal, gas, phos
phate, sodium and oil shale lands and
s strictly a leasing rreasu e, all pro
visions for outright sale having been
eliminated. Under the measure ap
proximately 44.008,00 acres of gov
ernment coal land alone would be
opened for development as well as
about I.OOd.000 acres of oil lands.
The bill specifies only a mlnlmun
royalty. In contested claims on oil.
70 per cent of the royalty received o::
l-ast production is to go to the recta-
Sore Throaty Colds
matlon,.20 per cent to the states in l been returned against McBain but he
which the oil was produced and 10 pr
cent to the government
All royalties derived from oil, gas,
coal, phosphate and sodium producea
in the future will be distributed 52 ht
per cent to the reclamation fund, Z1M
per cent to the states and 10 per cent
to the government
Relieved by
Wizard OH
Portland Man Is
Found Bound In
Burning House
Portland. Or.. PVh Si; Pnii,.. in 'By musianne,
vestigation was in progress today of
the case of J. D. Bobroff, a resident
of an East Side suburb, who was found
by a neighbor at an early hour, bound
in his homo, which had been set on
fire by means of a pile of rubb'sh
lighted in ono of the rooms. Bibroff
told the officers that three mnekeu
and armed men had entered the house
when he was alone, robbed him of li
cash, compelled him to sign a cIicck
for 300 with the name of the payee
left blank, tied him to his bed and
left him after setting tho house on fl-e.
The fire only smoldered and BobroflS
shouts attracted the attention of a late
honic-comcr who released him.
Just Yellow Mustard
For Backache, Lumbago
Grandmother's old muesy mustard
plaster or poultice generally brought
relief alright oven
in the severest
eases, bat It burn
ed and blistered
like blazes.
'Heat eases pain'
reduces the in
flammation a nd
scatters o o ngea
tion but you'll
I. " UliH UMbl YV
Begy's Mustarine, made of true yel
low mustard and other pain destroy
ers is Just as hot as the old fashion
ed plaster It is much quicker, cleaner
and more effective and cannot blis
ter. It's a great external remedy just
rub It on wherever aches, pains, in
flammation, congestion or swelling
exists and in a very few minutes the
relief you have longed for surely ar
rives because "Heat eases pain." 30
es pain." 30 and 60 cents at druggists
or by mail S. C. Wells & Co., LeKoy,
N. Y.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a simple
and effective treatment for sore throat
and chest colds. Vsed as a gargle for
sore throat It brings quick relief.
nuooed on the chest it will often
loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in
one night.
now onen sprains, bruises, cuts
and burns occur In every family, as
wen as little troubles like earache
tooth ache, cold sores, canker sores.
stirr neck, and tired aching feet.
soothing, healing Wizard Oil will al
ways bring relief.
Get it from drusreista for 30 cenln
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
crver constipated or have iok-
acheT Just try Wizard Liver Whipa
Pleasant little pink pills. 30 cents.
guaranteed. fAdv)
Miss June L. Ongo, of Chlcngo, II!.,
Is treasurer of the American Fruit &
Vegetable Shippers' asosciatlon.
The Home of the Working Man
MWl Hill
f llfl HI
d7 ."maasw -itm-F&.r- -
f tL'l
From One Small Store To
a Nation-Wide Institution
How long since your first store was start-
That is a qucotlon we frequently hear in
our stores, perhaps tho same question hns
come to your mind. We tiro grateful for that
Inquiry, because it convinces us of your sin
cere desire to know more about us, our meth
ods, nnd our growth.
Our first store was opened in 1902, nt
Kennnerer, Wyoming. Smull though that
store was, It wns Instituted with the idea of
giving the greatest possible service, and ask
ing In return the least possible profit.
th0uJa!rd,fTf5a;Treclat.veTt?rs:,! "M b'U8ht '"08t awards from our many
Pol.c?,3i:,wr,aIZv ZSZ" " convincing evidence that our
for c";1atnsqprl"eUonlv.;aW TIT"" commissions almost entirely, seUing
small profits; tl e ? are some .,. T "yst0m 0r other n"dU" ": content with
stltutlon. Bm f ,h8 ren801,s ot wr S'-owth from one mall store to A Nutlon-Wlde ln-
!! lsUida!,,!nrr,thnt "r ",0,'e yUr VlC'nlty 18 fl dec,ded ben't " I" many. ways,
eratlng expeZ? ' ' " at thl a,0'' the greater our growth, tho less our op-
Therefore the more you benefit by our service. ' . 1 , "S . '
fi Good Goods $1-25 $1.49
"The funny man with
the su n ny smile."
When you see him
you will -agree that
he's the happiest, snap
piest, pejtpicet male
star on the screen.
Papers Prepared
To Return McBain
Requisition papers on the govern
or of the province of Alberta, Cana
da, were prepared Tuesday by Gov
ernor Olcott for the return of James
H. McBain wanted in Wallowa coun
ty on a charge of murdering Theo
dore Trost on April "9, IMS.
McBain was sentenced to from one
to 20 years in the state prison In
May. 1906. for killing Chas. Troet
and was pardoned by acting govern
or In 1010. A grand jury indictment
charging McBain with the murder
of Theodore Trost had previously
made hie eecape from the state be
fore the papers could be served on
PHONE 1404
Carlton Store Is
Robbed Of Cutlery
The Wardle 4 Campbell store in
Carlton, Or. .In Tamilll county, was
robbed Monday night, according to
word received by police here Wednes
day from Sheriff Henderson at tie
Minnville. Sheriff Henderson asked
the aid of authorities here in locating
the articles taken from the store.
Among the things taken were 84
pocket knives and one dozen razors.
Between 07 and 18 in pennies also was
taken by the burglars.
Baby Chicks
Now On Sale
558 State St.
Phone 400
C. N. Needham
Japan has a silk
of J1.5O0.O0OisSabs.;7
We are specialists and ev
Perts m the science of 5"
armruiig eyea and the fir
ting of them with
. (Over 19 Yarf.
lence.) w
We grind our on lens
and operate the only w!
gnnAng plant in Salem
We can duplicate any
broken lense. Bring or mal
us the pieces. Satisfaction
Henry E. Morris
Eyesight Specialists
305 State St. Phone 239
The True Cost of a Corset
Must Be Judged By Its Quality
The prices of corsets are high. We are not responsible for that.
But we are responsible for the quality of our corsets.
We must be and we are sure that the woman who buys a cor
set of our make, will be able to wear it longer than any other corset
for which she pays an equal price.
The true cost of a corset is at once apparent when the purchase
price is divided by the number of days worn.
The cost per day of a Warner-Made Corset is Low Because the
Quality is High.
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 AND w T0 $6.00
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Gale & Company
Com'l. and Court Sts.
mumm )(t( ,
Formerly Chicago Store
. V ! I 1-5
Retl or Blue Handkerchiefs I0c
weuium wcitfiit suspenders 39c to 49o
Good Heavy Suspenders 59c to 69c
Machine Cap 25c to 39e
Chambray Working Shirts ..... 98c
Khaki Working Shirts 98c
Black Sateen Shirts, good giade....'""$i.49
t "X?3 Gloves i5c and 25c
Leather Faced Canvas Gloves . 39C
Good Heavy Weight Bib Overalls
BIe : 51.93
You Can Always Do Better at
Jumper to match '............,.:.$1.98
carpenters Overalls, heavy
weight ;...$2.25
Painter's Overalls ;...:.;..;.$t.98
Jumpers to Match :........l....;....:.:i$1.9S
Men's Heavy Khaki 1-piece suit.'.......$2,98
Men's Heavy Blue Denim 1-piece'
suit : .' S3 98
Men's U. S. Work Rnva
Men's Dress Soxs, black 25c
IncorDorated &
A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Earned
i ma
1 k'A
x r.4
In Introducing the Cowden Service Suit to
the man who likes to keep cleany cool and
comfortable while he is "on the job", the
dealer is offering to his customers the last
word in a one-piece work suit. .
Its perfect fit, long wearing qualities and all. other-new
and practical features are built into it by men who have been mak
ing one-piece worok suits for years. The Cowden Service Suit is
the result of their combined experience, experiments and ideas.
You Will Like the
Cowden Service Suit
And it will give you satisfaction for the following reasons:
1. Perfect Fitting. 7. Never-Tear Button Holes.
2. Double-Strength Fabrics. 8. No raw seams in pockets.
3. Reinforced Belt. 9. All seams tailored.
t' Si? Military Pockets. 10. Ventilated jacket, .
5. Triple-Stitch Seams. n. Adjustable collar and cutis.
6. Anti-Rust Brass Buttons. 12. Union made.
MEN1 We now have this famous Cowden Service Suit to
sell to you. We recommend this suit to you because we know that
it is a quality garment
You take no chance to lose if you purchase here.
Salem Woolen Mills Store
"Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron"