Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 25, 1920, Image 1

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    T -if
1 . Tonight and Thursday fair; "gentla
northeasterly winds. . .' .
Average tor Quarter Ending
December 31, III
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glO T
Fanner New York Republican
and Later Progressive
Leader Under Roosevelt
Selected for Post by Wilson
Washington, Feb. 25. Bainbridge
Colby of New York, who was one of
the leaders In the progressive party
under Theodore Roosevelt, will suc
ceed Robert Lansing as secretary of
state. Announcement of his selection
by President Wilson was made today
at the white house.
The selection of Mr. Colby came
as a surprise, most officials assum
ing that Frank L. Polk, acting secre
tary, would be the president's choice.
The first inkling that the president
was to appoint some one outside of
his official family came when Mr.
Colby visited the white house early
today in company with Raymond T.
Baker, director of the mint. '
Was Lifelong Republican
Mr. Colby was taken to see the
president on the south lawn anl a
few minutes later the formal an
nouncement of his selection was made
His nomination is expected to be
' sent to the senate within- a day or two
Mr. Colby was appointed a mem
ber of the shipping board and the
emergency fleet corporation in July
1917, and also was a member of the
American mission to the inter-allled
shipping conference at Paris In the
same year. He retired from the ship
ping board more than a year ago.
Mr. Colby was a lifelong republi
can until the famous Bull Moose bolt
at the Chicago convention In 1912.
He had been actively Identified with
the candidacy of Theodore Roosevelt
(or the republican nomination for
president that year and was In charge
of contests to seat the Roosevelt del
egates In the Chicago convention.
. Bolted With RmMvveH '
When Cotonel Roosevelt bolted the
convention Mr. Colby helped to found
the progressive party and was a del
egate to its Chicago convention In
1912. He continued an active leader
In the party and in 1914 nd again
In 1916 he was a progressive candi
date for senator from New . Yark
state. .'
When Colonel Roosevelt threw the
weight of his influence to Charles
Evans Hughes In the 1916 presiden
tial race, Mr. Colby identified hlm
elf with the democratic party. j
Mr. Colby was horn at St. Louis.
81 years ago and was graduated from
"imams college, Massachusetts. lie
spent one year at the Columbia law
chool and has practiced la w in New
Tork since 1892. He was a member
ot the New York assembly in 1901
Polk Will Retire.
aner nr. Colby has taken office,
Mr. Polk who has been secretary ad
iterim since the resignation of Mr.
"nsing nearly two weeks nrn la ..
Pted to carry out his Intention of
"ring rrom the state department
'"ui nas t,een in 111 health for
more than a year and his physicians
"'" "uviseo. a long rest.
Should Mr. Polk retire two Import
lp;ts" e state department
WM be left vacant, that of under
wetwy to which Mr. Polk was ad-
Phlllpps, the newly
1ST n'9ter t0 the Netherlands
"no Luxemburg
cAK"" th9 Whlte 'Hon,Mr.
lTJrT Wi'h the great confidence
dwe,? ina,1e1uat8 'o these great
ionCofbhiSa'a that Pend,n cons,d
ftent did not to make a state-
countries "apSwitz"'nnJ, the oldest
""W backward r6' are amo"s tne
Kiir,r Kard States, from n wnman
hi, 5UingJtl,e Period 1883 to 1891, Herbert Hoover spent
to Or 1 m Salem and Newberg. When he first came
Dortin0.!!6 was about nine year? of aSe and the 61LteT
Mttni ; L -he eiht vears of Hoover's Oregon residence was
"pent m th18 cjj.
He Capital Journal will publish reminiscences of
whTrJ8 J'1100 submitted by Journal readers. Those
ed tr mrr him as a ymns man and 83 a are invit
bits r,f Urnish the Journal with any interesting biographical
Tt -j ------ .uilicot.
the f doubtedl'. the boyhood of this man, who is now in
waUn T"ost ranks of internationally known personages,
Publif- le,Wlth character indications which should be made
from u . PurPoses of partisanship or propaganda, but
Th Vwpoint of specific interest,
with w 6 er residents of the city who came into contact
inav vrv?r are invited to take part in this work. Articles
is nf ?ubmitted in the writer's own style, or if difficulty
Jour3 fei in composing the story, phone the Capital
131 and a member of the reportorial staff will aid you.
Elks Shaping Plans for
Big State Convention to
Be Held Here In July
. A royal time and jollification befit
ting the dignity and importance of the
antlered herd will be provided by Sa-
iem wage ISO. 338, B. P. O. E., for the
m.uuu eiks who are expected to at
tend the state convention here In July.
ine committees appointed from the
Salem lodge to form plans for the
mammotn roundup of the antlered
throng met Tuesday evening and
shaped a tentative program for the
Most elaborate are the features dis-
cussea tor the program. Ifc is ex
pected by the members Of th pom.
mittees that when the time comes to
stage the numerous events arranged
they will be little changed from the
original draft.
To Provide Autos.
Nothing will be left undone to maka
the visiting Elks glad that they are
uuie io noia tneir. convention in this
city. The committees plan to have
(Continued on page two)
portundITls to
sell lumber cheap
Portland, Or., Feb, 25. In order to
stimulate building activity here a ma
jority of the lumber mills of Portland
have agreed to sell a portion of their
cuts of lumber to local builders at
prices lower than those quoted to
wholesale buyers for foreign and do
mestic shipment, according to admis
sions made today by members of the
trade, following receipt of charges
from Walla Walla, Wash., that dis
crimination was being praoticed here.
"Some of the mills lay aside as much
nfi ftn tKUMjA "f their output for local
builders," said O. G. Hughson, of the
Builders' Exchange. "Prices on the
outside increased so rapidly and the
demand has been so great that Port
land's allotment has been cut down to
some extent, so that even now there is
danger of curtailment of building oper
ations here."
Outsiders Protest
Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 25. It
was charged here today by lumber
dealers of the city that wholesale lum
bermen of Portland were selling to
Portland retailers at prices consider
ably below those quoted to wholesale
buyers for foreign and domestic ship
ment. ' The reason attributed by the
Walla Walla dealers for such actions
was a desire to stimulate building
operations in oPrtland. There is little
building being done in this section of
the country owing to the high price of
Bigger Scope For
Ordinance Plan
Of Attorney Macy
The provision in the city charter
covering the disturbance of peace and
disorderly conduct will be changed to
enlarge its scope to include many
other minor infractions of the law in
an amendment being drafted by City
Attorney Bert W. Macy. Mr. Macy ex
pected to have the amendment draft
completed and in the hands of the
mayor, ana cnairman oi me puuw
and ordinance committee by Thurs
day. The particular charter provision be
ing amended is section 33. This does
not provide all the elements enter
ing into the disturbance of the peace
or disorderly conduct. Mr. Macy said,
Li.i. - ,,1 of winfHne-!
and it was
that have heretofore had no
provision prohibiting that the amend
ment was made.
There are about 15,000,000 women
in the United States who are about to
assume' the active duties of citizenship
this fall.
The man arrested by Alberta, Can
ada, authorities as James McBain
wanted in Wallowa county for the
murder of Theodore Trost in 1905
was not identified as the long sought
iugitive by the sheriff of Wallowa
county, according to a telegram re
ceived this morning by Attorney Gen
eral Brown from the superintendent
of the Alberta provincial police. The
sheriff, failing to Identify the man.
was now returning to Oregon, the
telegram states,
McBain was pardoned fro mthe
state prison in 1910 by acting gov
ernor Jay Bowerman after having
served five years of a term of one to
twenty years for the murder of
Charles Trost. He Immediately left
the state before papers could be serv
ed on him charging him with the
murder of Theodore Trost and Wal
lowa county officials have been search
ing for him since that time. It was
believed that the man arrested In
Canada last week .was McBain until
the telegram received here this morn
ing stating that he had not been iden
titled as such.
Complete Probe
Of Prohibition
Revolt Ordered
Washington, Feb. 25. A complete
jnvestigation ot..the promotion con-
trovers? 1ft Ir6n county, Michigan, will
be made by the bureau of internal
revenue, Commissioner1 Roper an
nounced today.
H. M. Gaylord, deputy prohibition
commissioner, will leave tonigBt for
Grand Rapids and Iron River city to
take up with the authorities there the
controversy which led District Prohibi
tion Commissioner Dalrymple at Chi
cago to declare the county In "open
Iron River, Mich., Feb. 25. States
Attorney M. S. McDonough of Iron
River county could not be located to
day by Major A. V, Dalrymple, fed
eral prohibition director for the central
states, but the wine which was taken
from the federal authorities last ween
was found and destroyed.
Nine barrels of wine were located In
the cellar of a priest's house, where it
had been placed for safe keeping and
rolled into the street, where the agents
knocked the ends off the barrels and
let the liquor run Into the gutter.
Major Dalrymple and his agents ex
pected to leave here Immediately for
the 'Virgil mine where another rata
will be made.
Oregon Members
Of Congress Get
Soldier Bill By
Washington, Feb. 25. An Oregon
senator, George E. Chamberlain, and
an Oregon representative, N. J. Sin
not, were instrumental in putting
thru congress a Joint resolution
granting preference rights to soldiers
of the recent war In all openings of
public lands during the next two years
Sinnott, as chairman of the public
lands committee of the house, first
P"ted the measure through that
oouy, ana iiiaiuuviuiu, as a mem
ber of the public lands committee of
the senate, reported it from that com
mittee, and called it up for passage
in the senate. It has gone to the
president for approval.
Supreme Court To
Hear Keeley Case
Lee Roy E. Keeley, Portland attor
ney, will be given his "day In court"
before the Oregon supreme court
Wednesday, March 10, at which time
the court will hear arguments pro
and con relative to Keele'y's applica
tion for permanent admission to the
Oregon bar.
Keeley was denied admission to
the bar In an oral order handed down
by the court last week. This order,
however, was later set aside and sus
pended on petition of Keeley for a
chance to present his side of the case
before the court.
A. B. Ridgeway. secretary of the
Oreeon Bar association, who has fil-
ed objections to Keeley s admission, ;
is expected to appear before the court I
u-nmen have been awarded the dis-
fnm.ihed iiervice medal and the dts-
tino-,iihed service cross by the war de-
partment during the world war.
Text of Negotiations in Recent
Controversies Made Public
at Mexican Foreign Office
at Capital Last Night
Washington, Feb. 25. Bar
ry Ilogarty, an American citi
xen, was kidnaped by Mexicans
at Matlmt, Durango, and Is be
ing held for ransom, according
to information received today
by the state department.
Mexico . City, Feb. 25. Texts of
three notes which have recently pass
ed between the Mexican government
and the state department at Washing
ton were made public at the foreign
office here last night The first was
a request from former Secretary Lan
sing that the Mexican government vise
passports of Henry Forres, an Ameri
can witness before the Fall sub-committee
which recently sat at El Paso,
Texas, inquiring into Mexican condi
tions. The second was the Mexican re
fusal to accede to this request and the
third was Mr. Lansing's refusal to al
low the issuance of permits for the
shipment of arms and ammunitions to
Mexico from the United States.
Passport Squabble Aired.
The state department's note relative
to Forres called the Mexican govern
ment's attention to the fact the Mexi
can consul at Eagle Pass had refused
to vise Forres' passports because the
latter had testified before the Fall
sub-committee. The note pointed out
that Forres had no choice in the mat
ter, and expresesd the belief the Mexi
can government cquld grant the vise
without sacrificing her right to refuse
admittance to an undesirable alien,
Hope was voiced that the vice would
be granted as soon as possible.
The Mexican reply datd February
zu pointed out mat Forres, in testify
ing, alleged that anarchistic conditions
prevailed In Mexico. It was Forres
denounced article 27 of the Mexican
constitution (dealing with petroleum)
as confiscatory and robbery and made
other "harsh and sarcastic comments
on the 'Mexican 'constitution." The
reply, stated Forres. "inaugurated anti-
Mexican propaganda" among those at
tending the hearings of the Fall com
mittee. - Other Notes Cited.
Due to these reasons the foreign of
fice said it was "appointed because, It
was necessary to decline the North
American government's request that
orders be issued granting Forres per
mission to enter Mexico.
Mr. Lansing's reply to the Mexican
government's request for permission to
import arms and munitions from the
United States gave a list of notes by
the state department from Ygnacio
Bone, Mexican ambassador to United
States, relating to the subject and In
substance stated the permission de
sired could not be granted under pres
ent conditions.
Gleaners To Enter
Newspaper Field
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 25. The Glean,
ers are planning to enter the newspa
per field the first week in Har,
Grant Slocum, head of the organiza
tion announced today, with a national
newspaper, the initial circulation of
which will be 60,000.
The paper will be known as ths
Gleaners Forum and replaces the farm
ers magazine of that title. It will be
Issued monthly for the present but
later will be weekly. Verne E. Burnes
will be editor.
Marketing news and" development ot
cooperative agencies and the Gleaner
chain of grain elevators in the middle
west will be features.
Erzberger Quits
Hun Finance Job
Berlin, Feh. 25. Under Secretary of-
at.. UnMla hAM been selected tn sue-
ceed Mathias Eraberarer, who res'gned
yesterday as minister of finance.
Moesle was appointed deputy to Era.
berger January 27.
The retirement of Erzberger from
the cabinet is only temporary, declares
the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung.
Newspapers whose sympathizes are
with the elements of the right say hit
retirement Is the first step in his fall.
Berlin, Feb. 24. Mathias Erzberger,
In tendering his res'gnatlon as Hun
ter of finance, based his action, It is ;
said, upon a desire to have the Invest!-1
gatlon of his allegedly falsified tax
returns proceed without prejudice or'
consideration for his official position.
t"UHIU:iOl,"U --. w. . j
Since the Installation of the Amer-
lean Rescue Home for Armenian girls;
-rn Turkey the Turkish costume 'lis;
'been changed from trousers to sk'rw.
London, Feb. JS. The gov
ernment's bill for Irish home
rule was presented in the
house of commons today. The
measure at once received Its
first reading.
Silver Shortage
Over World Is
Marked, Report
London, Feb. 25. Use of the
silver standard in oriental coun
tres, coupled with the enormous
commercial expansion now in
profiress between the West anrl
the bast, indicates that there is
an immense shortage of silver
to , meet the demands of trade, says
tne American Chamber of Commerce
in London.
One result of" this shortage, savs
the American Chamber, is that Amer
ican and Mexican silver mines may
look forward confidently to an era of
unprecedented prosperity for many
years to come. Silver, it is under
stood, must also be found to back
over 130,000,000.000 worth of paper
money issues floating in Europe to
day, in addition to which America's
increasing volume of trade with India
and China calls for almost unlimited
nish nearly three-fourths of the
supplies of the metal.
The United States and Mexico fur-
world's yearly output of silver, the
larger portion coming from the
United States. As the price of the
white metal advances It has become
profitable to most countries to con
vert minted silver into bullion, Small
change" continues to disappear on
the European continent with remark
able rapidity, postage stamps largely
replacing the former silver coin of
small value.-
The United States is said to be the
one country In position today to buy
silver for coinage without debasing
its standard coins.
London, Feb. 5. President Wilson's
reply to the allied note on the Adria
tic stiuation reached London today and
was delivered to the allied supreme
council. :!
: Washington, Feb. 25. Arrlvm m
London today of President Wilson re
ply to the entente premier's note on
the Adriatic question will furnish the
European chancellories with an equlv
lcal statement of this country's posi
tion as to the forming of agreements
for disposal of territory without the
participation of the United States.
President Wilson has refused, ac
cording to well Informed circles, to
agree to the settlement offered mi
Jugo-Slavla as an ultimatum, but he
has not insisted on carrying out pre
cisely the Adriatic settlement reached
December 9 with the consent of the
United States. Seizure of Flume by
D'Annunzio and other subsequent
events were said to have made requi
site some changes In that plan.
Attempt To Kill
Serbian Prince
Is Unsuccessful
London, Feb. 25. An attempt has
been made to assassinate Prince Re
gent Alexander of Serbia and Premier
Protltch, according to a dispatch from
Triest to the Glornale D'ltalia, for
warded by the Central News Rome cor
respondent. Both the prince regent
and the premier were wounoea, .ie
report declares.
Washington, Feb. 25. The
program of republican house
leaders to omit universal
military training from the
army reorganization bill was
accepted today by the house
military committee, which or
dered a favorable report on
the bill without any recom
mendation as to training.
Fair Democrats Of
New York Convene
Albany, V. Y., Feb. 25. Demoera-!
tic women all parts of the state came ;
to Albany today to select two women
as candidates for delegates at large to ;
the national convention. State party
leaaers nave oeciaea to give women
equal representation with men on thej
big four."
The democratic state convention will
take place here tomorrow. Party lead. ,
ers expressed the opinion today that
the "big four" would go to San Fran
icisco uninstructed.
Thirteenth Juror Seated In Place Of Parr9
Discharged Because Of Illness, And
CaseOf Ten Alleged Radicals Is Rc
. sumed; City Quiet; Uneasiness Felt.
Tacoma. Wash.. Feb. 25 Tommanrlflr hv Ma
asey, a detachment or Camp Lewis troops left for Montesano on
a special train this morning. Every man of the detachment, the
size of which officers refused to state, was equipped with baU
Especial significance was attached
m.e.a,oai oeiacnment
tne troops.
It was also said at Camp
Lewis that veteran troops, many of
whom had riot experience, were
selected to make the trip.
Army officials considered the situa
tion at Montesano grave enough to
order a special train. A regular train
a few hours later could have drawn
the troop ears.
Thirteenth Juror Boated -Montesano,
Wash., Feb. 25. James
A. Ball, thirteenth juror In the trial
of ten alleged I. W. W. charged with
the murder of Warren O. Grimm,
MdVitesano, Wash., Feb. 25
Trial of ten alleged I. W. ,
W. here for the murder of
Warren O. Grimm, Centralia
armistice day parade victim,
resumed today after a delay
of several days because of
Illness of Jurors, adjourned
again shortly before noon,
when the defense ran short of
witnesses. There will be plen
ty of witnesses on hand to
morrow defense counsel an-'
nounced. " "
Centralia Armistio Day parade vic
tim, was seated as a permament Juror
when the case reopened today. Ball,
Montesano blacksmith, takes the seat
of Edward Parr, Hoqulam, dis
charged today from jury service be
cause of Illness.
Instead of solectlng the Juror, by
lot, as provided by statute, counsel
for stats and defense agreed to ac
cept the thirteenth Juror. Both state
and defense exercised their peremp
tory challenges on filling the thir
teenth place and it was argued. that
oecause oi tnis it would te proper
to use the thirteenth man. The court
agreed when both sides stipulated to
such a course.
Continuation of the defense case,
halted last week by Parr's illness,
was expected to be resumed after 0
brief recess.
Citizens here were expecting the
arrival of a detachment of the 85th
United States Infantry this afternoon,
word having reached here that Ma
jor General John F. Morrison had
ordered the troops to move rrom
Camp Lewis this morning. Troops
were asked for by Herman Allen,
county attorney of Lewis county, who
sald vague rumors had convinced him
that the presence of federal soldiers
would prevent any trouble.
Troops Only Precaution
. Montesano Is more quiet than It
has been since the trial started, but
Allen declares his action In asking
for troops was dictated by desire to
preserve the peace and Insure a fair
trial, both for the state and defense.
Only rumors of trouble have been
heard, many of them vague, Allen
says, but he Is of the opinion that
the presence of troops would help to
quiet even these rumors.
"We have reason to believe that
most of these rumors are Idle and
unfounded," Allen said last night.
"At the same time no harm can be
(Continued on Page Six:)
Capital Journal's Straw Vote for President
Vote for One, placing X titer Mine; then cat oat and mall or bring to
Capital Journal Office,
Party Affiliation
Member Audit Bureau of CireuTatioa
Associated lYos Full Leased Wire
No hope for any Immediate assign
ment of additional ships by the fed
eral shipping board to Columbia riv
er ports for the purpose ot handling
phosphate rock cargoes from Idaho
to the Orient is held out in a tele
gram received from Senator Cham
berlain Tuesday by r red G. Buchtel,
chairman of the public service com
mission, in reply to Buchtel's appeal
for more ships Saturday.'
On account of present heavy out
ward cargo offerings the shipping
tonnage on the Pacific coast at this
time is barely able to meet general
cargo requirements, and maintain
regular services already established,
declares Senator Chamberlain's tele
gram, quoting a "shipping board of
ficial. Phosphate rock Is a heavy
weight cargo and not attractive to
general rargo steamers In either full
cargo or parcel lots, the board ad
vises. k
The phosphate offer had been pre
viously made, It Is explained, and !
now under consideration by Assist
ant Director Eby of the shipping
board at San FranciscO and will re
ceive the best attention subject to the
limitations of the available tonnage.
Murderer Kills
Woman And Sets
Fire To House
Lot Angeles, Cal., Feb, 25. M'ss
Florence Housel, 60, owner of the
Huntington Hall school for girls in
South Pasadena near here, was shot
and killed In her room lust night by an
unknown assailant, who then piled ex
celsior In the kitchen and H fire tn
the building. The fire was discovered
by Miss Housel's father, aged 80, who
extinguished the flumes.
The father then attempted to call
Miss Housel but repeated rapping
brought no response and when her
room door was forced she was founil
Examination showed that the sltiy-
er httd entered the house through a
Pantry window by forcing tne locks.
The police began searching for a re
cently discharged male employe.
.The body of W. M, Bowen, husband
of the school housekeeper, was found
later In a school room, with a bullet
through the heart. Mrs. Bowen sax
she and her husband had been sep
arated and while he had threatened
her, neither she nor Miss Housel had
felt that he would attempt violence.
Paris, Feb. 25. One hundred and
ninety thousand prisoners of war. In
cluding 43,110 officers, have been re
patriated from French camps since
January 20, according to an announce
ment from the French war office.