Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 24, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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London, Feb. 84 Agitation In favor
of expelling the Turk from Constanti
nople which ha been a conspicuous
feature in one section of the press dur
tng the last few days and which has
lud the support of religious and phil
anthropic bodies, met a cuuater buut
frvcn auother section of the London
newspaper world today, which' con
leaded the question was one et such
importance that It could not be set
tled on sentimental consideration but
mast be left to the mature delibera
tive! of the supreme allied council.
la a lengthy argument the Telegraph
asserted that British statesmanship
turn "neither the duty nor interest to
rape the sultan from Constatlnople,"
ad expressed the opinion that ag.ta
tiM to this end, was "ill inspired and
ill considered."
The ua.iy News, which has always
been a staunch champion of the
meafauis and a supporter of Glad
stones demand to "sweep the Turks
oat of Europe," says the real question
la the weight to be attached to warn
ings of Moslem unrest as a result of
the expulsion of the Turks from their
spiritual capital.
tlnuer the caption "A Too Success
ful Agitation," the Morning Post says:
"The British government by making
aasty announcement throughout In
dia of the decision in favor of the u
taa has burred i-evilun of that decis
ion." The newspaper weeks to show the
decision was merely a concession 10
political agitators in Hindustan who
nay not be temporarily modified by
The recent campaign in favor of the
expulsion of the Turks is said by t
Hipre8 to be "based on a prefervld
sentiment" and the newspaper arB.u
there Is not a single advantage to be
obtained In drawing the sultan away
from Constantinople.
Subscriptions To Ball
Club Fund Mount But
More Coin Is Needed
I hereby subscribe I.
being raised for the purpose of
is to be used for baseball, footba
future. ,
Name . ..
payable on demand, to the fund
building proper ball park which
11 and all kindred sports in the
. Number City ......
Public Forum
Bdltor Capital Journal: Having at
tended to a more or less successful
business of my own for 18 years I
Heel that It will not be out of place
to express myself on the subject of
whether or not married women shall
be employed outside her home If she
he fortunate enough to have a hus
band. There have been times when wo
men have lost their positions on the
ground of being married, but who
ewer heard of a man losing his Job
beoauee he was not married? It would
be Just as sensible to turn him out
tm that ground as to dismiss a woman
because she has a husband.
t have heard the remark made
many times and my own observation
has convinced me that married men
are more diligent In business than
Mngle men and why would It not be
tho same with women?
Questions that are discussed are
nearly always righted In time and of
rouroe the time will come when em
ployment will rest on service and ef
ficiency without regard to the ques
ttoa of Whether you are male or fe
male, married or single.
Entente Plans To
Partly Recognize
Russian Soviet
London, Feb. 24 Hucognitlon of tho
lluaulan soviet government by entente
nations Is not cuutempluted by the su
preme ulllud council, but trado rela
tions may bo resumed and mutual eu
Kagiiments relative to aRK.tftnljn
Mgrecd upon as a result of yester ay's
renveruatiuns by the council, accord
ing to newspapers here.
Prvmior Millerunrt, of France, Is un
derstood to fear that united Hirs a
might ho a serious menace to western
Kurope whllo Premiers Lloyd -Oeorge
and Nittl believe Kussla has b. e i
broken up and Is not dangernus. Its
forts, therefore, that Premier IU 1 cr
and has agreed to decisions reached by
the nouncll are taken to moan that' a
middle ground has been f.mnd on
which the allies can stand until de
trHopments ahow true conditions.
Poland Is said to have been won over
to the llrltlsh view.
By J. V. Hutcbasoa
IX too signs are right Salem is to
have a first class baseball team,
Nothing better could happen to this
city and the live wires are awake to
the advantages which will come to
Salem. Already the hustling mana
ger Blddie Lliahop has secured
Nick Williams aggregation from the
Western Canadian league to come to
Salem for the training season. This
means real ball fellows. This is some
thing many larger cities would glad
ly pay real money to secure. They
have picked Salem and we are o be
congratulated. First for having a man
among us who has the hustle and
pep to secure such a well known ag
gregation of players to represent Sa
lem and to go still further and secure
real ball players to train here. It
means big advertising for Salem. It
means good clean sport which will
bring thousands to Salem from the
surrounding country. It means enter
tainment for the large transient pop
ulation which is bound to be in Salem
in the season. It means entertainment
for the hundreds of berry pickers
who will come here to harvest the
berry crops. It means that Salem is
breaking Into the city class and emerg
ing from the village whiskers.
Endorsements Plenty
This movement has been endorsed
by the Elks, Salem Commercial club,
the Cherrians, the K. C. and other
organizations in the city. The banks
and buslnnss houses of the city and
many individuals have contributed
funds to build a ball park which will
be adequate and suitable and a credit
to the city. $15(10 has been subscribed
already and the names of ninny of
the subscribers appear below. The
live people of Salem see the advant
ages of this team coming here and
are backing It In every way and have
promised to attend the games.
83,000 Is Needed
This moans that there still remains
11,600 yet to raise. No organised ef
fort has been made, but the work
must begin at once, therefure w are
calling on every "good fellow" In
Salem or anywhere this paper is read
to contribute to this good cause.
Come on fellows, lets have a real
ball team and have it right now. The
Capital Journal will receive your sub
scriptions. You don't have to send
In the money, Just write your name
and address and mail It r bring It to
this office, but do It today, or as soon
as possible. Fill out the coupon
abovo and get it to this office on the
double quick so that the work can
commence this week on the grounds.
Those who have already subscribed
A, N. Bush $100, Herbert L. Stiff
B0. Valley Motor Co. $,10. J. C. Perry
$30, Tho Gray-Tlello $25, The Spa
$25, W. W, Moore $25, F. A. Kurt
$25, C. P. Bishop $23, Anderson &
Brown $25, Mauser Pros. $25, T. (1.
Bllgh $25, F. O. Peckenuaeh $25,
Clifford W. nrown $25, J, L. Van
Doren $21. 11 art man Pros. $25, Gard
ner & Keene $25, Kufoury Bros. $25,
Royal Cafeteria $25, Adolph Itros.
$25, J. L. Puslck & Sons $25, Quack
bush Auto Supply $-!, Salem Hank of
Commerce $25, Marlon Auto Co, $25.
Drafter Irult Co. $25, White House
Restaurant $25, John Roberts $25,
Snlem Auto Co. $25. T. A. Llvesley
$25, Vic Is Bros. $25, Hotel Marlon
Co. $25, C. S. Hamilton $25, Oscar
B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co. 2S.
V. S. National Bank $25. George E.
Waters $20, Lee L. Gilbert $20, P
M. Gregory $15, A. Tyner Walport
$15, F. W.fWooIworth Co. $19, The
Price Shoe Co.- 10, J. F. Hutchason
$10, B. & C. Motor Co. $10, Ray L.
Farmer Hardware Co. $10, Hawkins
& Roberts $10, Mangis Bros. $10, U.
G. Shipley $10, W. Gahlsdorf $10,
Z. J. Riggs $10, Scotch Woolen Mills
Store $10, Frank F. Rlchter $10,
Clark & Maris $10, Patton Bros. $10,
O. J. Shel $10, Walter Hoffman $10,
Jeffs Photo Co. fit. Dr. C. B. O'Neil
$10, II. W. Miles $10, T. W. Davies
$10, M. W. Rowley $5, I. W. Lewis
$5, E. F. Smith $5. A. F. Frazler $5,
W. H. Prunk $5, H. Pohle $5, Pearcy
Bros, $5, Laflar & Laflar $5, Gumiell
& Robb $5, S. R. Pearson $5, Busi
ness Adj. Co. $5, Roy F. Shields $5,
A. A. Lea $5, Monty's Tire Shop $5,
Dr. Morris $5, Aug. Huckesteln $5,
James H. Nicholson $5, W. D. Livock
$2.50, McNary fc McNary $2.50, E.
Hofer & Son $2.50, M. E. Reeves $1,
E. M. Norton $1, H. G. Coursey $1.50,
VV. L. Cumminga $1, Robin Day $1,
W. E. Hansen $1, H. O. White J5.
If you want to keep your hair inj
good condition, be careful what youj
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries;
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
Is very harmful. Mulsifled cocoanut
oil shampoo (which Is pure and en
tirely greaseless), is much better than
anything else you can use for sham
pooing, as this can't possibly injure
the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonfuls will make an abundance Of
rich, creamy lathter, and cleanses the
hair and scalp thoroughly. The lath
er rinses out easily, and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and It leaves it
fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo at most .any drug store. It
is very cheap, and a few ounces Is
enough to last eteryone In tho family
for months. Adv.
Washington, Feb. 54. By a vote of
nearly three to one 4T to 17 the
senate last night passed and sent to
the president the modified railroad
reorganization bill under which the
carriers will attempt to adjust them
selves to conditions arising with the
end of government control.
Thirty two republicans Joined with
fifteen -democrats In voting for adop
tion of the conference report, while
three republicans and fourteen dem
entia comprised the seventeen voting
against it. There was never any doubt
as to what the senate would do, in
view of the wide margin by which
the Cummins bill, more drastic than
the compromise, was passed. The
bill goes to President Wilson and the
general opinion was that he would
sign It, although labor leaders will
urge a veto.
During the five hours debate, led
by Chairman Cummins of the inter
state commerce committee, senators
expressed varying opinions as to how
the public and the railways would
fare under the bill, which was warm
ly defended and attacked. But the in
tense interest which attended pro
ceedings Saturday in the house, was
lacking, frequent quorum culls bein
necessary to get members in the
chamber. Around six o'clock' the pa
tience of the senate apparently was
exhausted after much speech making
and Insistent demands for a vote cut
short the desire to prolong presenta
tion of views.
Discussion Monday related largely
to labor and rate making provisions.
Senator Cummins, with feeling, de
nounced widespread claims that in
fixing freight and passenger charges
calculated to give the roads a return
of 6H percent meant taking huge
sums of money from the public treas
ury. The bill, he declared, would not
take one dollar in that way. Such re
ports, he said, were part of the prop
aganda put forth in an effort to de
feat legislation on the eve of return
of the roads to their owners, March
mmm n
Jcupied nearly three hours, during
which time the company was put
j through the various evolutions in a
j manner creditable to Captain Mawlett
and Lieutenants Miles and Rice.
1 While here, Colonel Koester was ac
companied by First Sergeant L. M.
iBlenner of the Twenty-first V. S. in
While the opossum is a marsupial or
pouch-bearer, there are some species
which have no pouch.
Colonel F. G. Koester, Fifth cavalry,
T. S. army, regular, supervise the
first federal inspection of company M
Tthird Oregon infantry, at the armory
Monday night. Local men in official
,....i.,.- v...- Malar Miller. O. N.
m. .mini' . - -
n .nh nf h adjutant general's
.tnft- Maior Mevcrs. commanding
third battalion. O. N. .G.; First Lieu.
Ravmond Attebury. adjutant
third batltalion, O. N. G.; Lieutenant
Cfwtnrt adiutant. O. N. G.
A nn.innv drill in the manual of arms
.. iv.n. followed bv foot drill ana
equipment inspection. Captain Leroy
Hawlett. commander of the company,
expressed himself as feeling assured
that .-omnanv M will soon be able to
carry off honors from any similar or
mni.tln. That Salem has a com
pany worthy of the best support was
also demonstrated.
The strength of the company at pres
ent is alMut 80 men, 59 of these Being
present last night. The inspection oc-
Fnr Colds. Grip nr Influenza
and as a 'Preventative, take LAXA
Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. 30c. (Adv)
Single Tax Men
Plan New Party
Cleveland. Ohio, Feb. 24. Single
lax clubs throughout the country pro
peso this year to form a new . a
party, according to James A. Robin-j
sen of Philadelphia, nntional organ
iser. Tho tux on land values only will
tho platform frame work.
"Our candidate for president has
nut been selected but General William
b ""an who o'ean 1 mv h
rwuima canal sono Is a. member of
ho aarty and we have reasons to be
lieve he would run," to.. Uoblnsoa
said. I
"iot-Il" Stop Pain IiiMUinily nnd
Corn S Lifts Right Off.
A few drops of "Gets-It" quenches
corn pains like water quenches fire.
Gives you immediate relief.
Pa's favorite
cereal;- e ,
Give him y'
a quick
to work
aw ... i
rwuuot f frf! f
7 Ti
In the midst of outdoor
sports, nothing is so
comforting to the skin
as the protection given
by a good powder.
Soul Kiss Face Powder
gives the complexion
softness of tone fra
grance and beauty.
Meyer Brothers Drug Co.
Saint Louis
taxi Kv C-.'d, Cream
V KM V t t VSf .-.r.
Don't Suffer
From Piles
Sample Package of the Famous
Pyramid Pile Treatment Sow
Offered Free to Prove What
It Will Do for Ion.
Pyramid Pile Treatment gives
quick relief from itching, bloeding
or protruding piles, hemorrhoids aud
Pyramid Is Certainly Fine and Works
Sack Wonders So Quickly. -
such rectal troubles. In the privavf
of your home. 60 cents g box at ai.
druggists. Take no suBstltute. A
single box often relieves. Kree unni
ple for Trial mailed In plain wrap,
per, if you send coupon below.
Ki r;rtuiid BWg., Marshall, Ucb.
Jil!l,'!,,'i."w " Pr "ni f
rimi4 ril plain wmppr.
" flt.t.
Premature Grayness
Need Not Now
Be Feared
Col-Lo Hair Restorer will bring
back tho original color of hair that
bus turned irruv.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer is a scientific
discovery of the well-known bacter
iologist, hair and scalp specialist of
Chicago, Prof. John II. Austin It is
me oniy lasting and satisfactory
method for restoring the original
color to the hair in a mild, healthful
A perfectly harmless preparation,
clear as water, that Is pleasing and
simple to apply it contains neither
lead nor sulphur, and has no sedi
ment. Will not wash or rub off.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer can be used
with equal satisfaction for ell shades
of hair
AS for black und all dark shades
of brown.
A7 extra strong, for jet black hair
A8 for all medium brown shades.
A9 for all very light brown, drab
and auburn shades.
1 Co-Lo Hair Restorer on sale at
Parry's drug store. Adv.
Dr. Carters K. & B. Tea
Makes Fme Laiaiivc Syrcp
Make It at Hone and Safe A bait
1.0 tblldrei Lore to Take IU
Full Directions With Each 30-CmU Package.
For a lea) tonic and blood purifier.take
a teatpoooful every night or every other
tight for al leaat three weeks.
Banish Catarrh
Breathe Ilyomei for Two Minutes
and Stuffed up Head Will Go
If you want to get safe relief from
catarrh, cold in the head or from an
irritating cough In the shortest time
breathe Hyomei. v
It will clean out your head in two
minutes and- allow you to breathe
freely, awake or asleep, or money refunded.
Ilyomei should end a cold in one
day, and relieve you of disgusting
snuffles, hawking, spitting and of
fensive breath in a week.
Hyomei Is made chiefly from
Eucalyptus, a soothing, healing, germ
killing antiseptic, that comes from the
eucalyptus forests of Inland Australia
where catarrh, Rsthma and other
bronchial troubles are seldom known.
Hyomei is pleasant and easy to
breathe. Just pour a few drops Into
the Hard Rubber Inhaler, use as
directed and relief Is almost certain.
A Complete Hyomei Outfit, includ
ing Inhaler and one bottle of Hyomei,
costs but little at druggists every
where and at Daniel J. Krys. Adv.
Lydia E. Pinkham'. W
table Compound SurelX
moves Suffering M
Here is Proof.
Cf TV...! - , ... "
1 1WR" RiRWi .
periodical psin far tbont f.
Mil r t work-
wines. Atnefcjtou
took it h
every way j
troubles. YonKl'&
for the teifitof wwif
Will Thomas. St Paul kUx
Lydia E. Pinkbam'i Vegeuble Cm.
nound, made from Batw
herbs, contains uo narcotic M
drugs, and today holds the S
being the most successful rSffe
... we unow , and UwiMivj,
of voluntary testimonials od He
Pinkham laboratory at Ln u. :
seem to prove this fact
For fnrtv fraami ; 1 ..
- -- - j jvwioh uao ueen rue ataiuL
an) remedy for female ilia Jl!
stored the Lalth of tCfe
who now are free fmm
its use. suiim
Sanitary Beauty
(Miss Harper)
Now back in our former location
202 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
840 Court Brest
71 Court Street Phnn-
unas inaigestion
It relieves stomach misery, tour stom
ach, belching and all stomach disease or
money back. Large box of t&blets 60
cents. Druggists in nil towns.
Also Junk of AS myflt
Beit Prices Qnaruttej.
CALL 398
The Bquaxe Deal Hoggs
171 Obemeketo St Phoiw I9t
1. tplnj (Efl.
Outfitters to x
t Quality Popular t
Turn .a
merchandise Prices
S- -"-Tr-rw
The corn begins to lose Its rrln
at onee. In a day or two It Is so
loosa that you can lift it off. roots
and all, tvvlxt thumb and tin
That's tho last of it, as millions have
found out. It Is the slmnle rffootlvr.
and common-aonse way to be rid of
"Oet-lt," the never-falllng, uar
anteed. monrv-back corn remover
costs but a trifle at anay druK store.
Mfd by E. Lawrence & Co.. Chlcnci
Sold In RjUem and recommended a
the world's best corn remedy by J. C.
Ierry, D. J. Fry, Capital Irug Store,
Wm. Neinioyer, Frank a Ward,
Crystal Drug Store. Adv.
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
aara. f
laiaeee ttrdlctna tad Tea Oa.
Taa Bdima whtok 1H .r eat
- kaewa disease.
Opea Sundays fron 10 A. 1L
utU IF. 1L
in Boatk Elfk St
alem, Oreiroa. fbooe 1st
' Court Street Phnn. M, il r'Y
IT-gti0$0- y i
A road test in the SPECIAU g
SIX will give you a new 0
I conception of how a modern ?
motor car should perform. I
! Phone for a demonstration A
I - -at your convenience. jj
I 1 ' 1785 a
1 II ' f.o..Dtf : I
I KC-Ji Con, IuUm apkoiMwr. i
TTbls Is a Studcbaker Year" f
Soft and Pliable
For Working Comfort
Your feet are in constant uce, no
matter what kind of work you per
form. Give them a fair chance to
be comfortable by wearing
Blue Ribbon Service Shoes
with the Munson Army Lest
They "stand up" under all condi
tions of service. The leather used is
specially prepared for the purpose,
and fashioned into footwear by shoe-i
makers who "made good" on Army
Marching Shoes.
Blue Ribbon Service Shoet are mda in
Tan and Black leathers, with light, me
dium and heavy soles, ta suit working
conditions. . , :
We carry a full line of shoss for mtrij
women and children, at reasonable price
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
125 N. Commercial
- 1