Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 24, 1920, Image 1

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Tonight and Wednesday fair, senile
' Average for Quarter Ending
. - December 1, Ilia
5 4 5 8
Member Audit BurMQ of ClreuUtlea
Associated Press Full Leased Wire
iiwd Radicals Who Refas
72 Food Friday' Outline
Menu Acceptable to Them
in Note to Sheriff
Montesano. Wash.. Feb. 4.-Three
ore Jurors in the trial of ten alleged
1 ff. W. here for the murder of War
ren 0. Grimm, Centralis Arniiou uay
victim, were reported ill
before court was to open today at the
; inning of the fifth week of the
Edward Parr, because of whose ill
ness the trial was temporarily halted
last week, was reponeu uuiumuu. i
would be impossible, according to the
court to go on with the case today,
,d it was unlikely that any of ths
tick Jurors would be discharged at this
To discharge more than two of the
lick men would mean a mistrial, it was
explained, and there was said to be a
chance that those reported ill today
would be sufficiently recovered by
Thursday to occupy their places in the
Jury box.
The three men reported sick today
re: V. G. Robinson, Hoquiam; Frank
Olenn, Brady, and Aubry T. Fisher,
F.lma. Their illness has not been diag
nosed, but the county health officer
ki8 influenza is suspected.
Three more defendants joined the
hunger strike in the county jail this
morning, all of them with the excep
tion of Loren Roberts refusing to ac
cept the food placed before them.
Better Fond Dcniiimlcd.
The six prisoners who refused their
food yesterday, throwing It Into ive
jail corridor, today presented a writ
ton demand to Sheriff Jeff Ilartell, out
lining a menu upon which they insur
ed. Their demand is as follows:
"Breakfast Toast, ham or bacon,
coffee and fried potatoei.
"Lunch Hulled dinner conslstin.-j ,.
und meat and lots of vegetables
with bread and coffee.
"Supper Fruit, bread and butter,
coffee and beans, or other vegetable."
They Insist that they shall be served
no., more mush nor-macaroni. Their
regular food, according to the jailors,
inn consisted of .mish, with suijar,
three slices bread, syrup or iipple
cause and coffee, and occasionally hot
cakes, for breakfast. For lunch ti?
bave been receiving boiled potatoes
occasionally boiled beef or macaroni.
bread, beans, coffee. The evening meM
n: consisted of boiled potatoes or
macaroni, beans, bread and coffe".
Meals Are Refused.
With the exception of Roberts, all
of the men refused their food today,
""eral of them throwing it nwav.
while others placed it in the carr.Jo'r.
-.'.oucnea. rirltt Smith, Roy
Hd Mike Sheehan Joined the hunger
"us mis morning. The demand up.
-' .r snernt was signed by tho gix
"inai recalcitrants: James Mclror
' ,l D'ana, Kugene Barnett, O.
niana, r.lmer Smith and
Xinsc Is Provided
Judge John M. Wilson, after a enn
ecence with state and defense counsel
". announced that he would an
'" a nurse as additional bailiff for
- ru.pose or taking care of the sick
Oeore. p v T ronference Attorney
.. .u.iufiveer announced a
-".ngness to stipulate to the seimrn
nrl. the,l,r"ra. providing one of the
-"i oaiiirts. A. V. Jackson Is dis-
IT: but JuW mi. would not
agree to it
Vanderveer has
complained of
wKson befon
alleging that he was
r,t Z . S,a,e- but Ju1Pp Wilson
fused to remove him. The Jury will
r .-,ri.ieci. Judge Wilson raid
.11 ; .tnUrS' wlU vatch the health of
-on sm .u 18 Probable. Judge Wil-
nTi,,:a,t.Misa Ruth t'Pton. county
-mu ne appointed
..ueneer today told Judge Wilson
a'nlt U':ic"'Ject t0 n"y mow
niSt emp!oye(, by progpcutlon
fZt:en "ne of the de-
" hen H. nom a plea o' Insanity
hi.i,.: , ",cren- H" said he bawa
. J"ons on the wnv ak. t. n.a
e treated Roberts.
HR"hrn Kah"' of
""tnankian from nn
iwla i f iu idusp, sue-
" Imposing an organizeo
""""u upon a
most unruly peopl?.
During the period 1883 to 1891, Herbert Hoover spent
" boyhood in Salem and Newberg. When he first came
v,regon he was about nine years of age and the greater
portion of the eight.years of Hoover's Oregon residence was
sPent in this city.
it Th,e Capital Journal will publish reminiscences of
noovers boyhood, submitted by Journal readers. Those
T member him as a young man and as a boy, are rnyit- ,
to furnish the Journal with any interesting biographical
fits of general interest. -
Undoubtedly, the boyhood of this man, who is now in
"e foremost ranks of internationally known personages,
m replete with character indications which should be made
fro ;tnot for Purposes of partisanship or propaganda, but.
rom the viewpoint of specific interest.
;ti, iVe older residents of the city who came into contact
"n Hoover are invited to take part in this work. Articles
be submitted in the writer's own style, or if difficulty
Jn,f5nenced composing the story, phone the Capital
urnal and a member of the reportorial staff will aid you.
Congressional Inquiry
Into Packing Industry
Is Opened In House
Washington. Feb. 24 Another con
gressional inquiry into the meat pack
ing industry began today before the
house agriculture committee, Repre
sentative Tichener, republican, Kan
sas, declaring that the "stock produc
ers are going bankrupt, the packers
are rolling in wealth and the consum
er is facing want."
It was decided to allow advocates
and opponents of federal regula.i
of the industry twenty hours each.
Attorney General Palmer then will be
askedto "Plain the recent decree ac-
ers, excluding them from handling
other commodities than meats and -lied
products. After that the commit
Amsterdam, Feb. 24. About 80
percent of the red army in Russia is
not "red" at all, but is neutral, ac
cording to the staff correspondent
of the Handelsblad, G. Nypels, who
has Just returned . from an extended
tour through soviet Russia. He says
about 60 percent of the officers, who
are largely drawn from the trained
military men of the old upper class,
are "czarist" in inclination, rhis
leaves only about 20 percent of the
soldiers and 40 per cent of the offi
cers, thoroughly attached to the so
viet regime, the rest being neutral
or czarist.
Nypels, one of the few neutral ob
servers who was permitted to visit
soviet cities recently, writes in a ser
ies of articles that he was more cour
teously treated by the bolshevlkl than
by the Poles, through phose country
he had passed.
In general he observes that "there
are two kinds of bqlshevlkl." The
first class, he says are cranks with a
lot of adventurers and rascals fol
lowing them. These people, he says.
are very vain but if one knows how
to treat them they are as wax In ones
hands. The second class are the true
theorists, the adherents of Marx's
principles who are serious, well mean
lug people and Invariably treat one
fairly. -
"They either admit you into their
country and receive you very well or
don't admit you at all," he declares,
Northern Russia
Being Overrun
By Soviet Forces
London, Feb.- 4. The capture of Ice
breaking and other naval craft by the
red forces which are overrunning the
Archangel and Murmansk section in
north Russia is reported in a soviet
communique received from Moscow to
day. The statement reads:
"According to supplementary Infor
mation from Archangel our troops
captured the battleship (?) of the
Chesniarvr flotilla and two heavy and
five light ice breaking ships.
"The enemy is bombard ng Ghen
Itchesk (sea of Asov) from the sea.
"Fierce fighting is continuing
around Rostov and Nakhltchovan (on
the Don).
"Red troops have captured the forti
fications of Gulitch."
Prohibition Suit
Set For March 8
Washington, Feb. 24. Arguments
on the government's motion to dismiss
the original suit instituted by Rhode
Island to test the constitutionality ot
the federal . prohibition : amendment
will be heard in the supreme court
larch 8. Assistant Attorney Genera:
Fiiedson and Solicitor General King
will appear for the government.
While the suit will be heard on the
motion to dismiss, ail the issues in
volved will be argued, Mr. Frierson
said today, and the entire case sub
mitted upon its merits to the court.
tee will decide as to further Investiga
tion. '
Representative Anderson, republi
can, Minneapolis, opened the inquiry
by explaining his measure similar to
the Kenyon bill Introduced in the sen
ate, proposing a federal livestock com
mission, the divorcing of packer-owned
refrgerator cars and federal licensing
of the packing packers,
Mr. Anderson charged that the stock
yards at Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago
and elsewhere were owned or controll
ed by Armour, Swift ( Cudahy, or oth
ers of the "big five" and that it was
this control "to which the producers of
the west object." As it was used, he
said, to destroy competition and to
keep prices down.
Natives Fearful
As Traditional
Tree Falls Down
Jerusalem, Feb. 24. Dur
ing a snowstorm the famous
tree, "el butini" in the Garden
of Gotlisemane was blown
According to tradition, this
tree would fall when the Turk
ish empire fell.
Twice it was bound with Iron
braces to support it.
The occurrence has impress
ed the population.
Washington, Feb. 24. President
Wilson will not aot immediately on the
compromise railroad bill passed yen-
terda, by -the senate It .was oun-J
(fU lit mo-' jwjius nvuso iwuaj mm .
the president had directed that the
measure be referred to the department
of justice as soon as it reached the
White House from congress.
The executive has ten days in which
to pass upon the act before it can be
come a law without his signature. It
is generally expected that he will be
urged by organized labor to veto the
bill because of its labor and other pro
visions. The railroad brotherhood oppose
this section because It provides for In
partite labor boards whereas they de
sire to return to the old method of ne.
gotiation and decision by representa
tives of the workers and the ralloads.
nrrak Isf Possinrp
Washington, Feb. 24. Threats of a
break in the affiliated railroad em
ployes organizations militated toouy
against immediate solution of the
questions before the representatives of
2,000.000 rail workers conferring here
on President Wilson's proposal for a
settlement of their wage demands.
Because of the wide divergence of
views held by the committeemen called
to Washington to consider the Wh'te
House policy, executives of the organ
izations admitted that they did not
know whether they could hold tn
strength they had gained when It was
agreed ten days ago that the organ
ization should affiliate to consider the
In every conference, It was said, de
mands for an appeal to the president
to veto the railroad bill continued to
grow more Insistent. The leaders
therefore, were confronted with the
task of explaining to the local chair
men the basic reasons for their tenta
tive acceptance of the president's pmn.
Kcyitlment Divided
The leaders also were forced to com
bat moves of radical elements In sev
eral directions. They said these might
take definite form at any time.
That the general committee men are
not all in ravor ot me i. at , '',
position was indicated by private -
cussions among the executives as to
courses of action In event tne is lnJecUon into the spinel Shortly
rejected. E. J. Manlon president ot J 1 hi8 rec0VPry of memory
the Brotherhood of Railroad Teleg-1 "j,
raphers, was said to have suggested that January 1917
that the whole controversy be referred )n Npw york and rPmeml,er
to the general membership. This pro. , boardin(5 a tratn tor Chicago but
posal his not gained jieaaway m?
the othir executives, it was said, but It
serves to Indicate the trend of thought
of the leaders.
Washington, Feb. 24 80
nora state authorities have
been instructed by the Mexi
can federal government to re
lease G. L. Usher and M. L.
Wolf, American army aviators
who have been held since
their forced landing about
two weeks ago, the state de
partment was advised today
by the American embassy at
Mexico City. The airplane al
so is to be released.
begin to breed at the
Guinea pigs
''tt'tf- ,.. - . ... . . .
Jack La Rose. Who Escaped
From Pen Here Year Ago,
is Captured in Oklahoma
According to Telegram
Jack La Rose, 33, known to auth
orities throughout the state as "the
gas pipe murderer", who escaped
nearly a year ago from the custody
of state' penitentiary guards here, is
held by the chief or police at Shaw
nee, Oklahoma, and an officer from
the prison will leave tonight to re
turn hint here La Rose wan sentenced
to life in prison for murdering II.
Newman, a Portland pawn broker,
in May, 1909. He escaped March S,
The first information that La Rose
had been captured was revealed Tues
day morning with the receipt of a
telegram by Chief of Police Welsh
from the chief of Police at Shawnee,
asking the amount of the reward of
fered for the slayer's capture. Pen
itentiary officers said that they had
received word from the chief of police
last Saturday saying that they had
taken a man who gave the name of
Roy Casey, but whose description
answered that of LaRose. There
can be no doubt that the man held
there is LaRose, prison authorities
First News In Year .
This is the first information con
cerning Jack LaRose that has been
brought to the attention of state and
city authorities herto for almost a
year. He was r arrested during a
running gun fight In the railroad
yards at Portland with Portland po
lice and Joe Keller, then state parole
officer, and .was admitted to the pen
itentiary here on May 26, 1909. He
walked away in broad daylight from
a gang of convicts working In a stute
wood yard 6 V4 miles northeast of
Salem on March 6, 1919.
Six weeks after La Rose's escape a
corpse was found floating In the
slough at Wheatland, near here,
which was first thought to have been
his. It was later identified, however.
About fc pHor tQ tmU
time it was reported that a man an
swering his description was seen at
Arlington, in eastern Oregon. Coun
trywide Beafch for him, conducted
because of the heinous nature of the
crime and the man's reputation as a
"bad character" produced no trace
of him, however.
Sent lp for Life
La Rose was sentenced to life im
prisonment en a charge of second de
gree murder, by Multnomah county
courts. He' was convicted of slaying
H. Newmp.n, a pawn broker, by
striking his victim over the head with
a gas pipe. The killing was prompted
It Is said, by a dispute over a "split"
on pawn. La Rose also assaulted New
man's partner Max Herman, and
John Chung, a Chinaman, who were
In Newman's establishment at the
Guards at the penitentiary regard
ed La Rose as a "fair" prisoner, and
he was made a trusty. He had given
no Intimation of his intention before
Convict's Mind
Restored Through
Serum Injection
San Francisco, Feb. 24. The res
toration of tho mind of a prisoner
serving a sentence in San Quentln
penltentlury who was suffering from
aphasia, was announced last night
by Dr. Leo L. Stanley, resident phy
sician at the prison.
The prisoner, Robert Lockwood, is
27 years old and entered the peniten
tiary September 14, 1918, to servo a
term for grand larceny. Dr. Stanley
asserts he has established that Lock
wood's real name is Fred Bruley, a
son of Peter Bruley who formerly
lived in Plattsburg, N. Y and that
he has a wife and child in the east.
Dr. Stanley said he became Inter-
,ted in the prisoner shortly after he
i tne on and on September
; Rruley a eerum treatment
, nQ detllll8.
"I just seemed to come to mystir
in the hospital," liruley said.
Socialists Will
Rule Paris Meet
Paris, Feb. 24. Socialists of the extreme faction will hold a
large majority of the delegates sent
I from the Seine federation to the na-
!tlonal congress to be held at Htras-
Ilk..... .hi. eek. Of the 24 delegates
fifteen will be unaer me leaaersmp
of M. Loriot. who Is in favor ol tne
immediate seizure of capitalistic pow
er and Its replacement by Soviets or
something similar . to them.
Th reconstruction 1st socialists led
by Paul Faure,
gates, while the
have but one.
ill have nine dele -
conservatives will
Feather, are b-lieved to have evol
ved from the reptilian scale.
24, 1920.
Sugar Shortage
Failed To Stop
Heavy Exports
Washington, Feb. 24. Although
there were general complaints of a
sugar shortage in this country last
year, exports of the commodity dur
ing that time exceeded those of the
year before by more than one billion
p ounds, according to department of
commerce records. Exports reached a
total of 1.475.407.673 pounds compar
ed with 407.290,324 pounds the year
One explanation of the increase ad
vanced is that Englaiv) sent imuch
cane to the United States to be retwteu
and re-shipped. Exports to that coun
try, however, were, only 425,170.564
pounds whereas France imported 627,
682116 pounds or nearly half of the
total. Italy took the third largest
quantity, 68,931,947 pounds.
Relaxation of restrictions on ship
ments by the allied countries after the
war is believed here to be largely re
sponsible for the Increased exports.
London, Feb. 24. The allies will
decline to deal with soviet Russia
"until they have arrived at the con
viction that the bolshevists harrows
have come to an end," it was an
nounced after a meeting of the al
lied supreme council today.
The decision of the supreme coun
ell, it was recognized, precludes diplo
matic relations between the allied
governments and the Moscow admin
istration in the Immediate future.
' The council expressed itself
pleased that the international labor!
bureau had decided to send a dele
gntion to Russia to study conditions
but it stated its belief that supervis
ion of the delegation should be under
the council of the league of nations,
giving the investigators greater auth
ority. The council, It was stated, decided
that the allies could not accept the
responsibility of advising the border
states to continue war against the bol
shevlkl. If the bolshevlkl attack with
in the territory of the border states,
however, the allies promise "every
possible support." ' ' '
Formal Order In '
Injunction Upon
Board Is Signed
Washington, Feb. 24. Associate
Justice Bailey ot the district supreme
court today signed the format omet'
of injunction against the shipping
board to prevent the sale of twenty
nine former German liners. The court
consented to the request of the ship
ping board that the ship Suwanee,
which has been sold for 2,000,000 be
'excluded from th order of Injunc
William Randolph Hearst, who
brought the proceedings, furnished a
bond of $10,000 to indemnify the
shipping board against loss.
No notification of an appeal was
given by counsel for the shipping
board, but it was said that a special
appeal r.iay be taken later.
League To Hear Of
Convention Last
Week At Astoria
A full and detailed report of the pro
gress made by the Halem delegation
from the Business Men's league to the
Oregon State Retail Merchants asso
ciation convention held In Astoria last
week will be made by Walter Denton,
lone delegate from this city, who at
tended each day of the meeting, at a
meeting of tho league in the Commer
cial club tonight. The meeting begins
at 8 b'clock and all memuers arc urged
to attend.
Mr. Denton, in a talk before the
business men at their regular lunch
eon Monday, touched briefly upon the
convention. In his talk tonight he is
expected fto explain -several ailfvan
tages Salem derived from Its repre
sentation there. Joe Baumgartnnr, the
only other delegate out of the 22 from
this city who attended, was at the con
vention the second day.
Wapato Winner In
Oratorical Tryout
Paul Wapato took first place In the
oratorical tryout at Willamette yester
day, the subject of his oration being
"Americanization." By winning In this
tryout Mr.. Wapato earns the right to
represent Willamette In the state old
line oratorical contest which win ,f
held at Forest Grove March 12, Roy
Sk.-en,.a freshman, took second place,
and Frank Bennett, junior, third
Skeen's topic was "The Meals for
i America." and Bennett took for his
I .,,f4fr.t "Tli. UlK'n. T Inlnv " Tha thn.
""."- -
speakers score! an even number of
points on delivery, but Wapato won
out on composition and subject matter.
His oration took up the question or
Americanization, showing that the
; people ot America snouiu Americanize
! themselves first, and then help the
I immigrant later.
-I The poems of Hafiz are known by
1 heart in Persia.
Action Against Iron County Officers Charg
ed With Conspiracy To Obstruct Prohi
bition Law Awaits Approval Of Federal
District Attorney At Grand Rapids.
Marquette, Mich., Feb. 24. H. B. Hatch, United States com
missioner today refused to issue federal warrants for the arrest
of six Iron county officials charged with conspiracy to obstruct
the prohibition law. Hatch declared he could not act without the
approval of District Attorney Walker at Grand Rapids, Michigan,
Federal Judge Sessions or Attorney General Palmer.
Major A. V. Dalrymple, federal pro-
hibltion director for the central states,
who asked for the warrants; notified
Hatch that unless telegraphic author
ity to issue the warrants was received
from District Attorney Walker by
p. m. he would proceed to Iron coun
ty with a company of his own men
and a squad of Michigan state polloe
and make the arrests wthout warrants.
Information Asked,
Commissioner Hatch, after conferr
ing with Major Dalrymple, wired Dis
trict Attorney Walker at Grand Rapids
asking tor Instructions regarding issu
ance of warrants.
Major Dalrymple said after the con
ference that Commissioner Hatch told
him he was wflllng to issue the war
rants but was following instructions
from District Attorney Walker,
Marquette, Mich., Feb. 24. Major
A. V. Dalrymple, federal prohibition
director for the central states, arriv
ed In Marquette early today to apply
United States Commissioner Hatch
for warrants for the arrest of six
officials of Iron county and the vil
lage or Iron River charged with ob
structing enforcement of the prohibi
tion law.
Sixteen federal Agents, brought
from Chicago, Milwaukee and other
cities of the central states detrained.
at Negaunee, headquarters of the
state constabulary In the upper pen
insula, and Major Dalrymple will
leave for Negaunee this afternoon for
Iron River accompanied by a troop ot
state police. The federal raiders are
scheduled to reach Iron River at 11
o'clock tonight,
Health Of School
Children Badly
Neglected, Claim
I Cleveland, 0 Feb, 24. The lives of
hundreds of thousands of persons are
sacrificed annually, human power Im
measurably wasted and ' staggering
economic loss results from the failure
to apply' scientific knowledge to the
prevention of needless weakness, dis
eases and death, said Dr. Thomas D.
Wood, professor of physical educa
tion at Columbia university, New
York, addressing the national council
of education today. The council is
composed of 120 of the leading edu
cators ot the country attending the
national education association conven
tlon here.
"Our schools are wasting enormous
sums in trying to educate children
handicapped by ill health," Dr. Wood
said. "Seventy five percent, or 16,
000,000 school children of the United
Statos have physical defects which
are mostly remediable. This shows
that the business of keeping the
school children of the country In good
?LTMon " B mgrac 10
Josephine Corliss Preston of Olym
pla, Wash., presnftent of the National
Educational association, said a sub
stantial salary increase was neces
sary to secure trained and competent
teachers to fill the 20,000 vacancies
and replace 7S.000 teachers below
professional standards In ability.
Kolding. Denmark, Feb. 23. A
number of Danish offlcluls today
crossed the frontier preparatory to
taking up the work of administering
northern Schleswlg which recently
voted to be Included within the king'
dom of Denmark.
Capital Journal's Straw Vote for President
Vote for One, placing X after name; then cut out and mall or bring to
Capital Journal Office.
Party Affiliation
Chicago, Feb. 24. The "liquor re
bellion" in Iron county. In the upper
Michigan peninsula,, today apparently
had subsided -in the face of the ap
proach of Major A. Tf. Dalrymple", fed
eral prohibition' enforcement-chief for
the six central .western states and at .
picked force of eighteen armed as st
ants, reports from there Indicated
Major Dalrymple said he was cloaked
with full permission to handle the sit
uation in his own way. He announced
he would "clean up" the county, arreet
the state, county and Iron River city
officials who had Interfered with his
lieutenant in the seizure on February
II of contraband wine' or "give up my
The foreign born cloment today was
reported greatly excited over the pos
sible use of fedoral troops and in si
number of Instances white flags, mads
from pillow slips, sheets and towel
flew from windows and house tops.
Much home-made wine was reported
to have beep hauled to-. oaves In the
hills on sleds pulled by nert, women
and children or secreted In mine shaft
tunnels and Underbrush. Quantities of
It were reported ta-lm Been poured
out. v" 'i.-, v '
Murtln S. MoDonough, states attor
ney for Iron county, who assumed re
sponsibility for ths disarming of Major
Dalryfnple's assistant, Leo Grove, and
s small party of state constables and
taken from them the wine they had
confiscated, today was ready, he said.
to submit peaceably to any federal ar
rests. While announcing his willingness to
co-operate with the federal
Mr. McDonough protested against the.
charges of Major Dalrymple. .
Indications last night were that &it-
Jor Ralrymple's forces would meet no
opposition in Iron county. He said he
was empowered to make arrests either
with or without warrants and thut
Rtatcs Attorney McDonough would b
the first arrested. Twenty-five round
of ammunition was Issued to each man
of Major Dalrymple's party.
Legion Dance Will
Be Given Feb. 25
Just to remind Salemltes that they
are just beginning to grow up with)
the country, Capital Post No. of
the American Legioti, will give an
other dunce at the armory, Wednes
day night, February 25, 1920.
This Is the third dance given by the
local Legion post during the winter
and promises to equal the successes)
met at the other dances arranged by
the post. Dan Fry, of the arrange
ments committee, is planning some
thing special in the way of refresh
ments and music. The dance will b
open to the public, an admission of
J1.10 being charged to meet espies
of tho affair.
Washington, Feb. 24. WHIii-iu
Phlllpps of Massachusetts, now bmhIrI
ant secretary of state, was nominated
today by President Wilson to be min
ister to the Netherlund and Luxftnw
age of ten months.