Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 23, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    VCPAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1920.
r-rSTwrEM insertion one I
ri.Utti.. oae nl"!Uil
?.t.c 1IntS-,e,-;P
only in Xew Today.
' c.ish iu advance and not ! k-j 42 acres alt iu cultivation.- all
phone. u,lless rr-P !''' " hum. orchard, a few
"fflluV acoount. Xo allowance fur, .looks off ,,;lv,.,i r,.;ll,
--rT"ruT'V ring, probably at
U,.nf'riulc-Fina.r call 1121W.
K?i"T--' White Leghorn row
r(,'eV Clark strain. Call at S5 R
Ifth street r-
-r-r-STL'ntt'irtower wishes house
TkSer -between IS "and 30 years.
iv,n Taylor. Gen. Bel.. a-
TSTTk Three nice milk cows.
f s i?lhstreet ' e48
rSTsATK - Team, weight 2800.
rocweiieek wagon and harness. ee
Ur Transfer. 469 State St.
Phone 9M, Sl
ssVl K Hi'lstein cow just fresh
4-vear old colt. G. L. Jol.n-
niione i?Z!- Si1
7,n5LK3 or 4 hundred soed-
H'JfiPW trees. 3 year old. J. E.
t'uMey: Kt. 7 box 82. Salem. Or.
. d 4 ft
IsTrnTfoT "rem. Box37ruri7e7
tW'?- - - I6
wviJl'F.l) -March 1. boarders $0.50
or week. Write Mrs. Xett4e Gra-
Rilem. Or.. Gen. 1M.
ufsT W sol dto settle an estate;
interest in a lot and store building
in Falls City. Or. Appraised fit $500
vnthe liulldine can be bought for
? jmiO. J- .Haiuptou, Salem, Kt. 4.
. 46
GOOlTroom with hoard, for business
mnn. I'liom-lTslJ: -11
f ACTKl C.v dlh washer, (food
, ...,.;, no Sunday, work. Champions
..Laiieh. U'S 8. Liberty. , P47
poll SA1.K First class milk cow.
..L -. !? e4K
TTiXTlii ""borrow $200 for 6 months
on good security. Will pay bonus
or wmuissln. jinx Saleinv i4
fK' SAI.K. -Ul'LES rhe best small
team of mules In the county. Thoy
an- i'''R ilud smiiid. gentle-., dead
' uiir imllers. and (ravel us free as
anv horse team. Just the thinp for
small farm ami orchard. $160 takes
thorn. hh their harness complete,
wad 2l2 inch farm w.'igom $35.
Can lc seen at Farmers feed barn
across Oregon Electric depot.
' Henry Baunicr. it
Kol! H.U.l! il kooiI rooms, bargain,
must lc moved. Owner 152(1 Broad-
wny 46
AtlKXTS are coining money selling
Cramer Filler brooms. Outlasts six
corn brooms. Proposition worth
T3 to SlfiO weekly. Cramer Sales
Co., Imivit. Colo. 46
WANTI-Fl'Motlie'r with two small
children wishes jjosit Ion as house
keeper. Phone 90F12, or Salem,
lit. ii, box7A. is l
H'AXTKK To hire as n farm' hand,
liave hail sufficient experience, by
uV nmnth. prefwrud. Call-1. R,
Seyer,lJllsh hotel. h51
Full SAIjK 0 rooai bungalow on
uaved street, located lit 24" I.iu-
coin street. Price $4600; with fur
niture or ?:i60i) without furniture.
H. (iralieuhorst & Co.. 27f
State street. . n-17
FOB SALE u acres on rook rrifuf,
suiull house. i acres of bparliifc
lupins, located 4 miles south of Sa
luiT close to Pacific highway. Trice
S50; W. H. Crabenhorst & Co.j 75
Stale str&etj n47
A-HAWIA1N if 'takcii somi:Froom
boime. 4 4 lots with plenty of fruit
Mod barn, chicken house, fruit
house ami wood shed, 2 blocks
mini car Ilu.-. Sipiare Deal Realtv
JS; n49
WANT To nut or lease siiTor more
nuuse. i'lionc 4!2. i4g
lUiKR piano for sale just 'like
new, but very low price and easy
. ...... ,,vl ,. oiusic lncuutea. The
"'ley b. Allen Co., 410 Court St.
rp-;- 1
Im,T,"TTu huy six '"' even "room
niiiilern house. Call 4H2. (4S 6.r-sT.ieTrn vory low
""'.S' 1 Court Kt, c4K
'JjL1- f48
of of ?' 8a,"m- onp '"
' f .avert roaj, on KOod
bmL; I ' ''"l,iv""i and Rood
Sfi"' 80,,,0tI'n'B eod at the
Pho,'St- this over.
F(iuc,7' ' B48
F 'cIm"'1"1" Whom copkor':
I-"Klisli strain. Phone R4F12.
"AxKr5 ' -f-47
, "V'p-iont).s old baby.
h or i1;1"'0 !iiso s,ay wuh
w-k l,i, 0Vf,nies each
li r I r lease with op-
in. in- """ "' tive ac,'("1 'le
11 JT" llou" I'lione 1597W- or
lATi:i'.r;T ,. .
"Mern i ' 0r 0 ''"m l,use
from ," H!,y Uis
JlJourn"! (1,,wm"-. Address box
WVXTt-frf-,' 148
'gool w''I'"'V n,odern home In
htS,;1:" p, to sooo not
w l l'lV,'"' Tuesday. Strict-
!'l.a. tT, ,, 'I""? "traw noc' per
"m on ; 1 ml"' from a-
!,i . ""lleay
road. Phone 81F
Clitl, -t
pS-,1?1 hatched. Also
0n 8Hlem Hei?'" "lod;r" htuse
J11- in ever i ' an1 mod'
f"rlace. (iL.?,ay.:., ln" -ftirnnce.
'wture, ai ,, 1 J"tchen. ount in
H lots L 1 ,n,e "'mition, has
'"any b 'auti'fni nd nUt tre"
v trce ul fIow and on
hall wih ,B?d buy Bt 6--ra0c(.
sh and terms on bal-
?Cnoth?USO ,our blocks
?r nSVak. new anu
ff!ur th"t So many built in
furnft 'J' ;vou1 reiuirs very
ftWIea T- Ration cannot be
i1 thrU fro,n "tPPl bridge.
hrtn,h?e,acre Peaches in ful
r'WiRm.. WorV!T.?,T tlmhT- '
? t bo ,,1"'1 300 n acre but
va 2To L OT a 8h0rt
2Tel S'yJn. 275 State
fir U .
,0'i irnort ,room bu'isa-
R" homo . , K""(1 house. May
JOT " " Fhone
TAVer,:- -JJl- 16th St. B47
- v.r.ii -hi, T.:r-
must In- moved. Owner lij"l:d
Wiley B. Allen Co.. 519 Court 4
'k at tBU todav
drum. I'liu
viash. balanet- '3o lw ,-e:ir
209 nwes all in cullivation. firt
class miprovemenls, KK-ated 7 miles
from city. eood road. I -rice Jlon per
acre, terms. '
6 acres near liberty all in prunes
'5 room house, outbuilding. Price
J35I.0. Terms on part.
10 acres, S in prunes and some lo
ganberries. Price $1S0. -
8 roomed house, modem. $1350
room modern house. Sl 'so
1 handle sacrificed and bargain
property. List your property with me
if it has merit 1 can sll.
Tell your wants to II. S. Radciiff
room 4liayne blilg. - n4-i
For Sale Houses.
room bungaJbw for sale on Souih
1-th St.. houso in fine condition
and nicely arranged. Large lot
with shade trees. Owner leaving
rity- and would sell furniture Mso
if desired. This is a very good buv
for Sfif,o and cash will handle",
balance in a few years. S. Is. Peir-
....... v.. r-K,,u iiiui;. i-noiie a
C.OOD , room plastered" house close
in, north; modern except basement.
Large lot. large bearing fruit trees
. berries, good garden, barn, gara-e
Immediate possession. Owner de.
sires to leave in week or two Ex
ceptional buy $2250; terms, ' $300
cash, balance eny. S. II. Pearson
-.v., qui;;, f-nonp 4o. t
tOR SALK - 5 room house, barn
chicken houses, electric lights- i
acre good land, all kinds fruit and
berries; private water svstem. $2 -000,.
half cash, balance terms. See
"""ci 4 ion natter St. n66
cu l c-u-i?- i,ood 6 room house,
electric lights, city wnter. 2 nice
lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute school, can be
sec nnt S446jjiigejaye. r, ;,
I'X.U SALE Ky owner.'nt n bargalnT
6 roopi modern cottage, big lot and
barn at 1509 X. 4th. Also 2 flats
each 5 rooms, furnished. Pi,n
I.'i hi r. . . . . . '
ti.u hALlii 6 room, plastered House
cement walk, paved street, citv wa
ter, plenty fruit, lot Cfixir.T. ' good
location. Price $2000, $600 down,
balance to suit. Call 7! X. 14th.
a 46
FOR SALE A snap, 5 room bunga
low and 2 large lots. Inquire at
1242 X. Front. A
FIVE room, modern bn
od. State best terms. Mrs. Loblev
, Journal office. j
WAXTEO For cash," S roonT"sirct
ly modern bungalow, well located.
AVrite Sirs. Ellis care P. O. box
256, Salem. 1.
For Sale Farms.
. . ..Big Bargains.
Farm, mile of Kingston, bottom
land, about 70 acres. Price $1600,
taken o nmortgage, get easy. Write
owner, Claude Cole, SU, Lumbermens
old a. Portland, Oregon. b49
FOR SALK Ky owner,n fruit fiinn
close in, on paved road. For full
particulars write box 259 Salem
Or. i.r.o
WE have several people looking for
close in modern propertv. If you
have such to sell let us know and
we can furnish you a btivsr. A. L.
Keamster .Realty . Co., Phone 363.
' n
For Sale Miscellaneous.
INCOME tax records for sale at 141
N. High. Phone 340. 60
FOR SALE Old pnpers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay for sale
nt barn. C. S. Teeple. Rt. 1. Phone
8 to 9:30 p, m. cB3
FOR SALE First class grain hav,
$18 per ton. Phone SF4. c50
OA AT and wheat hay for sale $Ti)
per ton. Rt. 9, box 13. A. E. Peter
sen. r
FOR SALE Gold Coin notatoes for
seed and table; also a few tons of
corn on cob, East Independence.
Phone 79F2. C48
FERTILIZER for sale, in alley back
of White's feed store. c46
FOR SALE Rubber tired top bug
gy. Phono 41F5. c50
FOR SALE Few loads of loose vetch
and oat hay $26 ton; also baled
cheat hay at barn. Phone 86F22.
For Sale Nursery Stock.
ETTERBURGS 121 strawberry plants
. (.00 per thousand; Wilsons $6. P.
O. box 214 Salem, Or. df.0'
FOR SALE Wilson and No. 121
strawberry plants, $3 per thousand
190 8 N. Supimer. d 4J
STRAWBERRY plants, Etterburg 121
Pxtra fine, $2 thousand, dig them
yourself. mile east Sunnysido
school, Jefferson road. Hurl Pear
son. Phone 107F24. daO
STRAWBERRY plants, vigorous and
well rooted Progressive Everbeai
ing, Etterburg 121. Wilson, and the
Oold Dollar. Place orders now.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 North
Front street, rhone 494. d
WANTED 11,000 "Etterburg 121
strawberry plants nnd 1500 logan
ti'.s. How many can you furnish
and what Is the price? Address T.
E. Meeks, 1680 S. Com'l St., Sa
lem. d47
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Or trado pigs for cow or
work horse. Address C. Burr, Aums
vllle, Or. e46
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Phone 3F11
or address W. II. Egan, Gervals.
Rt. 2. e
FOR SALE 7 head of shoats or will
trade' for some hay. Phone 65F12.
FOR SALE 2 good Jersey cows.
Phone 7F23 after 8 p. m. eG0
FOR SALE 4 work horses in ulley
back of White's, feed store. e4 6
FOR SALE At a bargain, 2 good
work teams, weight 1200 and 1300
Also 3 good single horses at 2S4 8.
Liberty street under the Warring
feed store. e46
FOR SALE Must sell my farm
horses, 1 chunky Belgian team,
mare and horse, weight 3000 lbs.
guaranteed sound and true; 1 bay
horse 4 years old in Ma', weight
1450, broke to work; sorrel horse,
weight 1250, good chunk, broke
and S years old. Call at Farmers
feed barn. ce4
For Sale Wood.
DRY wood for sale, four foot, and
awed. Call evenings 1678W. 48
FOfi SALE Wood. Phone 10S0M.
FOR SALK - Hatehing"Js R. "i"
; c49
, SAKnhTsTnio7nfsTd
v to
W-.A . lea.. Or
Jtl WG Rho"dReTs
" Sla nd Productivity. 15 for
!,1!".r.hone l7SSW-- U. A- Bat.
xiiw. Kiiem. t.r. tea
FtR SALEvrntTTTkin duck eg'
for selling. Phoiejisi or -wo M
? h' Leshorns. Puff Leghorns. K.
I. Reds. Rarred Rocks. Black Mi
iw',t WI,Uo "'ya'ulottes. Buff
Orpingtons, Ancotms. These vari
eties each u.rwi o x-
Stae St" TeL 0.
Wanted Heli).
VAXTKO Co,,,! experienced gro
eery ma,,. Call at Peoples Cash
WAXTK r ExperTe"iTced .bTTdv
good wages; state experience. Ad
cTrss Sab'shidy care Journal. gir,
WAXTE1) A good real e7t alexia fes
1!!'2LiI':,iJiy!i'ig 1723. g
WAXTKl Seamstress. 3 or 4 davs
Plain sewing. A.ldress Carols Jolin
sonRt. Jbx 126,Salem,"or. g47
WAXTEI. Os good faTTiThandT
also one man with wife or small
family. .C C. UusselL Phone 3K3.
. . g
WANTEU Middle aged ladv coiir
pamon in business. C L I'! O box
2I3jii'i ; ni47
20 HEX wanted for farm work.Phe
-Lri".'".JciI'hotie 204. B4x
Wanted Situation
,. , w'1,Us (1ay Momlav,
Wednesday find Friday. Preferable
house cleaning or ironing. Applv
I'JIi S. Com'l; no phone. n47
U anted Miscellaneous.
WAXTED tiood three uuurter truck
WjigonJ2tione 11F21. 47
YV A XT E 1 ) a ooii room nnd Inir.t
.'or business man. Phone 17S1J. c46
I'OK SAL' Alan's bicycle anil a ten
gallon stone jar. 1080 Norway St.
WAXTK D To buy 50 or 100 stock
ewes with or without lambs. Phone
J3F1C. u6
WANTED Garments to remoileF;
new suits $45; cleaning and press
ing. 544 Stale; Society Cleaners;
Phone 195. Clias. Ezra Sparks,
tailor. K'i
fci.w 1XO sold my farm, 1 want to
buy a modern bungalow, 6 or 7
rooms. Would like a little fruit.
Send particulars to M I! Journal
FOR RENT Large front room, with
FOR REX;T Rooms for light house
keeping. Parties with children need
1101 appiy, ia3 j.. com 1 St. j49
FOR RENT Very desirable furnish
ed room, modern, furnace heat.
N.LjbertySt. j47
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep
ing rooms on first floor. 674 North
it--.?l!!lltiJ3piL,lInri01t'J J46
WAXTEO To rent four orfive room
modern furnished house by young
couple, no children; references, j"
A R caro Journal. "
. Personal
THE International Correspondence
scnooi win have their local rapre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to give the public Information
regarding the schools and their
FOR SALE Stock and implements
and lease on 40 acre ranch. F. L.
Wood, 341 Slate St. n47
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
yourwood. Phone 1004. m52
WANTED To rent a " farm of To
acres or more. Would buy stock and
tools. Give discription and price in
first letter. II. J. Guiles, Gervals.
Or., Rt. 1, box 48. c47
WANTED Dressmaking, 1299 South
High. h46
IF you want a good job of spraying,
pnone 11. a. u nite ami Bon. 1114a
WANTED 5 or 6 room modern bun
galow. $300 cash, balance monthly.
Box 666. Capital Journal. i"
FOR ALL KINDS of hauling and mov
ing, phone 1608J. Biederman Trans
fer Co. 160
WOULD like to get in touch with own
er of a good 5 to 15 aero tract near
Salem, Must have good buildings,
and some fruit. Nebraska care
Journal. m
exchange, 895, South 12th, will han
dle your household goods on com
mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining
better prices than selling to second
hand merchants. At present have
nice clean stock to select from.
Cannon, phone 19.
TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur
niture nnd appliances bought and
sold. 141 N. High Phone 340 6li
Real Investments.
20 ACRES, new buildings, $2500;
buildings worth the money.
5 ROOM bungalow, $2250; fire place
well built, close to car and paved
street, out of town owner-; worth
more, ask the adjoining owners.
WHY not work for Uncle Sam, a
good salary. New bungalow and
barn worth $1000, besides a Ford
car. Located In a good town with
a good high school All for $2700.
Must have $1500 cash. tKstes &
Magee. 428 Oregon bldg. n46
Kinney & Smith.
For chickens and few cows. 24
acres all new land, 14 acres cultivat
ed, 8 acres open pasture and 2 acres
fine young fir. Dark, rich loam soil,
excellent for almost anything. Fine
new 8 room house, good barn, gar
age and big chicken house. Gas en
gine and big water tank. Water pip
ed into house, barn, pasture - and
chicken house. With the place go 1
light team, harness, wagon, plow,
harrow, cream separator, stump pull
er, 175 chickens, wheat and oats in
barn and nearly 7 acres of fall wheat
looking fine. Price for everything
$8000. Terms. Located on good grav
eled road: 15 minute drive to Sa
lem, 10V yards to station and '. mile
to school.
Give us some more listings like
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone
1130. Residence phone 10(1 W
Houses For Sale.
7 room house: electric H;-:hts. bath,
gas. 1300 block. Court St. Price f " -
6 room bungalow, modern except
basement. 13U0 block Cheuivketa St.
$3650. . , ; -
room house, big lot, comer; bath,
electric lights. ftrVplace. $35iiOi good
npriiis. .700 nkick'K. 17th.-.
6 room, house, nwdern except base
mont. lot 90x125; terms. N. nth St
$2000. "
5 acre tract, house. Iiarn. chicken
yards, good soil: east of f;ur ground,
only 10 minute walk to street ur
line.' $3200.
50 acres fine soil, new ham. nil
under cultivation.. $225 per awe, ;
. V. E. ComptoiL
469 Statei Phone 930 or I4F1S. n
S7 acres choice land almost ad
joining city 011 fine road, well drain
ed and in high state of cultivation:
fair house and. barn. A beautiful
homo priced at $i:,oi, easy terms.
For a few days ouly. Let us shoiv
you today.
10 acre tract fine land, barn and
well. 7 acres fine bearing prunes and
choice apples, close in; good road.
7 acres adjoining above place, some
loganberries and garden. Modem
house and good improvements. $51100
5 acres nearly all iu choice fruit;
model improvements; 5 minutes
from -state house; must be seen to
appreciate. Price $6250.
10 acres, 9 room house; 6 acres
finely groomed logans produced last
season 26 H tons 1 aero strawberries. '
1 family orchard, balance fine gar
den. 2 crops will pay for place, price
$10,000. Yook at this today.
11 acres very choice, close in 011
good road, which will be paved this
season;' mostly all in fine bearing
prunes; large modern new house with
built in conveniences, furnace in ce
nmnt basement; hot and cold water
in rooms, hard wood floors; fine barn
garage and poultry house. All for
- 43 acres fine orchard, produced
last year 76 tons; good house, large
new barn, frost proof fruit house. 200
chickens, horses, cows, machinerv.
tools; 4 miles out. All for $20,00(1.
This is a fine home and income prop
osition. Let us show you this prop
erty. Oregon Land Co.
442 State St. n49
First Class Buys.
4 room cottage, fine lot, fruit, out
buildings, east; $1200.
8 room house, modern, fine loca
tion, close in. $4200.
5 acres all in cultivation, bottom
land; no buildings. $1500.
65 acres deep black soil, about 50
acres seeded to grain, 15 acres In
stumps and pasture and timber; pret
ty good buildings, in good locality;
10 head stock and all farm imple
ments. $10,000.
135 acres, 10 ucres in wheat, 30
acres cluver, 25 acres in oats nnd hay,
30 acres ready to seed; good 5 room
house, plenty of outbuildings, fine
well. $150 per acre.
314 acres, 200 ucres in cultivation,
balance iu oak timber; good buildings
on fine road. See us for full descrip
tion. Very fine farm. $35,000.
Walter McLaren.
Room 21, 180 N. Com. St. n
Good Investments.
Nice 50 acres 5 miles from Salem,
about 35 in cultivation; good set
farm buildings and water system,
nice orchard, good, soil, good roud.
Bargain $8500.
Good 154 aero tract near Salem,
mostly in cultivation and best soil;
good set buildings, family orchard,
several cows, towis, horses, machin
ery, tools, crop, feed. AH for $5000.
Nice 11 acre tract in high state of
cultivation, 2 miles fro m.Salem, or
chard, buildings, fine location; $1500
120 acres near Oregon Electric
and good town, an hour's drive from
Salem; mostly in cultivation, best
loam soil, good set buildings, orch
ard, phone, good timber. Exchange
for good acreage near Salem or res
idence property. , ..
Nice close in 12 ncro tract, good
improvements; orchard, stock, tools,
machinery, crop all for $6500, easy
For re deals see us.
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 t.'om. club bldg. n
Houses, Farms, Small Tracts.
5 room house, on 17th and Trado
streets, lot 100x100; bath, toilet and
electric lights. $2500 on eusy terms.
6 room modern bungalow near fair
grounds, large lot. $3250 if sold soon.
A snap.
7 room strictly modern house, close
in, large lot, some fruit, furnace heat
$7000, easy terms.
8 room bungalow, close to school,
north Salem. A real snap. $3200,
good terms.
We have a list of old houses from
$650 to $1500 on easy terms. Call at
our office and we will tell you about
75 acres on highway, Joining Sa
lem, 6 acres logans. 3 prunes. I
pears, 2 cherries, 10 apples, 20 acres
cultivated peat land. 12 acres fine
rolling cultivated. Some valuable
wood land and good pasture. Very
fair Improvements. $50,000.
154 acres, 6 miles out. 120 in
wheat, balance in pasture. Oood farm
buildings just off .hard surface road.
$175 per acre on good terms.
60 acres on highway, 1 miles
southeast of Oregon City; good house
barn and other buildings; 2 silos, $
seres family fruit; wire fence and
cross fences. An ideal property at
$250 per acre.
67 acres joining Salem all In wheat
fair house. This Is a good buy and
will go soon. $20,000.
10 acres, good 7 room plastered
house, basement, bath, toilet, run
ning water, good family orchard, 1
acres of good timber. $3300.
29 acrK good 4 room plastered
house, bath; running water, fair barn
2 acres strawberries, good family or
chard, 10 acres In cultivation, bal
ance In rough land for pasture with
7 acres of valuable timber. $3500, $1.
000 cash, balance to suit.
14 acres, 400 prune trees, 1 acre
logans. some fruit, two room house,
good spring, about 4 acres In cultiva
tion, balance In rough land with
some timber. $3500.
acres. 7 room house, good fami
ly orchard, small stream. 10 minutes
walk from stret car. $3000. $700
cash balance $10 per month.
John IL Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. '
( acres bearing fruit; 4S out on
good road. No improvements. You'll
have to hurry to get this one. $2250.
$1260 cash, balance t years. John H.
ftcoti Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n
Best Buys.
203 acrts. "125 cleared, to slashed.
ha Uwice limber; boltewi and bench
land; S room house and ! good barns,
also sot of tenant huililuisjs. etc; tl
miles from good town. Price $21,600.
Terms. , -
60 acres, 45 in cultivation, pari in
fall grain :i 15 in timber and pasture;
family-orchard: ( roo' mlmusr, good
barn and silo, hog houe. chicken
house, etc: good spring inpasture. 2
miles from town. -Price $6000. Terms.
10 room modern house on paved
street, good location, near the state
house. Only $5300. easy terms.
6 room house, modern; large lot.
close in-. $4250. terms.
rooms, bath, toilet, fireplace, in
first class condition. $3500. easy terms
100 lots all joining at $45 per lot.
341 State St.
$2,"0O lOacres 3 4 miles south- on
good road; 4 acres young 7
year old orchard, mixed. Terms
$2300 11 acres 4i miles out. some
fruit, fine prune and berry
land. Terms. 1
823.000 300 acres good fruit land V
miles out. 100 of same good
stock proposition. - - !
91700 Nice 5 room bungalow on S.
ISth. Terms.
$300 9 room house on N. Winter,
close in. Terms.
$4500 10 room house 3 blocks from
State street on X. Winter. Terms.
$2800 7 room house largo lot S. Sa
lem. A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic bldg. Phone 353 a
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
SALEM SC AV AXG ER Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Oyer Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or.
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor curs now on display. Come
and see them. 2-29 State St. Phono
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed nt A. R atew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
6 4 and 6 percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt. .
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon
MARION-POLK National Fnrm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 4 percent. 303 Salem Bank ol
Commerce. V. D. Smith.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted,
610-12 U. 8. bank. Phone 841.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Hills pnyable monthly In advance.
Phone 67.
WANTED Second hand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furnituro Co., 285 N.
Com'l St. Phone 917.
WANTED -Dressmaking. 129!) South
High street. 150
long distanco hauling. Office 445
Court St. Phone 998, night phone
679J. 71
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and . repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
' and American fence, sizes 26 to 6S
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street. Phono 121
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
gpons, Drs. White and Mai shall,
600 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res, phono 834j
DR." JOHN l7 ' L Y NCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phono 5SF0; office
p ho nel 394. o57
Lodge Directory.
CHEMEKETA lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening nt7:30at I. O. OF.Jhall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday al
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kuntz.
K. R. &
Oregon Gragc camp No. 1300 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
" Mrs. Carrie E. Runn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
20th. ' "
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. mi in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An-
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary-. Salem, Or.
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP lli Meet
every Friday night at S o'clock in
McCornnck hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. C.; L. S.Jleer, clerk
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at t
o'clock In McCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets. IL O
Coursey. V, C.J Frank A Turner,
LIGHT truck in A-l condition, for
quick sale or trade, $326, 1286 Mar
ket St. q45
WANTED Cars to store. ixw rale.
Cherry City feed barn and parking
station, 644 Ferry St. q47
FOR"SALE19l"rtaby grand Chev"
rolet car, In fine shape and cheap
for quick sale. Phone 1608J. A. H.
Biederman. q47
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re
finishlng. The Salem , Kefinlshlng
Co. 15 S. 12th Rt. Phone H13 .jmtj
WE build delivery bodies. The Salem
Refinlshlng Co. m63
Grain Wheat No 1 $293.10; feeo
nats lOOI&c: milllne oats ItAHt
cheat hay $l$O20; oat hay $21022;
clover har $21 24; mill ran $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat, c; cream
ery butter, 68 1 69c. 1
Pork, el and nruttoi: Pork oa ttM
13 4c; veal fancy 24c; s'eers 12c:
lambs 13 4c; cows "SflOc; ewes 9c;
sheep, yeurlings 12 4c.
Prossud pork 22c.
Kg-s and poultry:. Egsrs cash 34c;
liglu ileus, 24c: heavy hens 2Sc; old
roost. rs IDiftSc; springs 14c
Vegetables; Onions per pound Sc;
celery, do, $1.75; potatoes. Yakima
Ec. Oregou 3!j c sweet potatoes 8c
beets per sack $2; turnips per sack
$2.50; carrots per sack $1.23; parsnips
per sack $S.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c dos.
Fruit: Oranges $5.00 It 6.00; lemons
$7T.50; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 46c; cabbage 7o;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 4oc; Brua-
sell sprouts lc; cauliflower $1.75 dos;
red peppers I5c lb; rhubarb 12 He;
peas 1 5c lb.
Retail price: Eggs dozen 40c;
creamery butter 7S 75c; country but
ter 68e; flour, hard wheat $J.!5tS.40
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Ore,. Feb, 21. Cattle
steady; receipts none; steers best $12
12.75; good to choice, $llfll.50;
good , to chpioe $10.00 11.00:
medium to good $9.00$ 10.00; fair to
good $8.00(6 9.00: comuicai to fair
$7.00 S. 00:. choice cows and heifers!
$9.5010,50; good to choice $8,609 J
9.50; medium to good $7,506$ 60; I
fair to medium $6. 50". 50; caunera
$3.506.50; bulls $6.25$8.50; prime
light calves 15.5017; medium light
$12.5015.60; heavy calves '$70
12.50: stockers and feeders $3 $.60.
Hogs steady;' receipts 1071 prime
mixed $15.73 16.25; medium $13.26
13.75; rough heavy $11.00 $15. 26:
pigs $13 015
Sheep steady; receipts 15; eastern
lambs $17.00Hi'18.00; light vajley $18
17.00; heavy $14.50 15.60; feeder
lambs f 12(i 15; yearlings $15(6 15.50;
wethers $ 1 3 C 13.50; ewes $10(913.
Portland, Or., Feb, 21. Cubes ex
tra 63c; parchment wrapped, box lots
6U0; cartons 67c; half boxes 40 more
fat 64o f. o. b. station; 68c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Ore,, Feb. 21. Weak;
Eggs sailing price case count
40c buying price, case count, 39c;
buying pi-Ice, 44c; selling price,
candled 48c, selected candled ln car
tons 46c
Poultry: Hons 3034o; broilers 86
40c; roosters 20c; turkeys dressed
49 50c; geese 20L2oo; ducks 3540o
Wheat nnd Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; oai
$59.60 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $57.00
Hay: Buying price, valley tlmoth
$2028; alfalfa $31.50: grain $26
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and veto)'
Millstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, oltj
artage $2 extra. Mill run, oar lots o
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $7S
rolled oats $06.60; ground barley $7f
scratch feed $80. '
Corn whole $66; oracked $68.
No. Northbound
64 Orcgonian ... ............ 6:00 a.m
16 Oregon Express 6:65 a. in
28 Willamette Limited 9:17 a,m
18 Portland. Passenger ...... 1:56 P-m
24 Coos Bay 6:86 p.m
14 Portland Express .; 7:46 p.m
S3 Oregonlan 8:10 avis
23 For Eugene 10:06 ft.rr
16 California Express 11:06 a.m
17 Roseburg Passenger 4:08 p.m
27 Willamette Limited . 6:44 p.m
13 Sun Francisco Pass 10:03 p.m
73 Arilve at Salem 6:10 a.m
74 Leave Salem 4:60 p.m
161 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00 a.m
163 Leaves Salom, motor .... 6:28 a.m
166 Loaves Salem, motor ....1:65 p.m
Thru car to Monmouth and Alrib
171 Leaves Salom 6:16 p.u.
162 Arrives Sulom - 8:25
164 Arrives Halein 11:00 a.n
166 Arrives Snlom 6:20 p.m
172 Arrives Salem ............ 7:40 po
Train Leave Arilve Arriv
No. Portland Salem Eugem
6 Ltd 8:15 am 10:15 am 12:30 pn
7 10:45 am 12:60 pm Salem onl
9 2:05 pm 4:15- pm 6:35 pn
13 Ltd 4:46 pm 6:40 pm 8:60 pi
17 6:05pm 8:07 pin Palom onl
16 9:20pm 11:20 pm 8 ilom onl
North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son street 15 and 20 minutes later)
Train Leave Arrive Arrlv
No. Eugene Salem Portlan
9 7;15 am 6:30 ei
10 Ltd 7:25 am 9:45 am 11:30 ai
12 12:05 pm 2:30 pi
16 Ltd 1:66 pm 4:00 pm 6:60 pi
20 Salem only 6:80 pm 7:40 pi
22 4:25 pm 7:65 pm 10:00 p
North Bank station (arrive Jefte
son street 15 minutes earlier.) Lea
NortlilM ad
Leave Corvallis Arrive Bale
8:20 am 9:45 am
2:35 pm 4:00 pui
6:18 pm 7:56 pro
Leave Salem Arrive Corvall
10H5 am 11:37 am
6:40 pm 8:00 pm
4:12pm 6 '41. pro
Real Estate Transfers.
Florence A Restlne to Grace
H E-ff p-t I s ' and 6 bl
17 University add SalemN.. $4000
M J Hunt and Cora Hunt to
F F Pete- u . ..y 1
Central add Salem
Sus.l jvl Joi.s t.. sj deon Stolz
and Margaret Stolz and Len
ta Westacott, 69 A John
Ford D L C In S JW
J W Harriett and H C Har
riett to B W Walcher and
Blanche Waloher, It 6 bt 16
George H Jones Salem
Albert Perllch te Walter C
Wlnslow, pit It 9 C M Curt
wrlght add Bule m
John N Schneider Jr, and
Anna Schneider to Nicho
las Schneider, 214 A in 4S
2W 15,633
Mabel Bodeker and Benjamin
Bodeker to Joseph Dolezal
prt bl 18 Falrmount Park
add Salem
Mary E Ooudy to H P Jensen
and Mabel Jensen, 70 A
West Hubbard - 2600
Ida Krauss and A W Krnuits
to Sarah Si Hhimmin It 7
bl 1 Hnyder add Aurora. ....
L H"X Coleman nnd Cladis
Eva Coleman to He C Olson
It 2 bl 1 add C Woodburn.. 1600
Hallis Parrish Dnrdhal and
O. B. Durdhal to H P Kim
ball,' It 1 bl 83 Salem
L S and Ellen LauiberW Mary
and W H Tate. P II aU
Martha Lambert. N J Lam
bert to Jowph Zuber and
Cellia Zuber. 4-6 int in 1! ,
A Sec 2a nnit -ft "i i ill-
Kate Gourley and Thom.-m
Guurley t -Joseph Zur.-r
and Cellia Zuber l-t int u .
A sec 25 anil S ivi-
Frances Trine ami William"
rrlne to Jiwpli Zuher ami
Cellia Zuber. 1-6 int 13
see 25 and 26 aS 1V
Alex Rowland and Mary Ituw
land to A J Kverson nnd
Sarah Kvorsoii. p 23 Hol
lywood 17 71
C W Peters and Elimi rvVers
to H E Pembcrtoti and Kalo
Peniberton. It bl 19 Nob
Hill Annex stttam - 5
H E Pom be 1 ton mid Kat
reinoerton to C W Peters It
1 West Hollywood
M K Poguu ami Allium Pogiiw .
10 John- p Zeilinskl. 13.0S
A sec 24 GS !V
M E Pernio and AltheaT Pogue
to J C McFarlane, 10.06 A
"see 2 68 iw ' im
Alfred Beat and Fannie Deal
to Estelle O Howard. 100
A George NwiJ D L G No
30 In SS .!'
Alfred Ellwood Peebles and
huilora. Peebles to Margar
et Green and John P Green
It 9 bl 1 Boise's second add
Salem -; a
Clements Periling und Cecelia
Horning to Kudolph Berning
70.50 A bet nee 2 and 11
88 1V -
Rudolph J Bearing and Miii-
nie iteming to cjementa J
Reining and Cecelia Berning .
70.05 A bet sec 2 and 11 6S
1 W .1. A.
Henry Berning and Mary Bern
ing ana Minnie Borningi
150.50 A sec 36 53 1W.... 6006
WWW l',U.1 1. 4. lliJi .! , w
. -4 . t; mm ...
Edwin l. Morrow, Governor of
Kentucky, was forced to call out.
troops In Lexington to guard pegve
sliiyer against a mob Intent on lynch,
Ing lilni. In the clnsh which foll
owed four were killed and fifteen In.
Jilted, the mob broke ill bound's tn4
t relgu of terror followed.
Wilson's Answer
On Cable Tonighi
Washington, Feb. ,23. President
Wilson's rejoinder to thn entente pre
miers on the Adriatic situation was
expected by officials to be on Its way
to Europe by tonight. The state de
partment has finished Its work on
the document, which was to ba re
turned to Mr. Wilson for final read
ing before. It was placed on the ca
ble, No arrangement lias yet been
made for publication of this and the
preceding notes ln tho controversy.
Thousand Will
It you speak to them
with a Want Ad.
mm ar
xou u nna our reader 1 1
a great responsivt aud-
ium vi uibcuiaciit pcupic
eater to buy and itU property
For almost every buiuieu 1 4
purpose you should
Rsae aa4l Use the WsstMs k
Apv amount. Low rates. Full
repayment privileges. Very
promnt service. Ask about
our 20-year loans at 6 per
Hawkins & Roberts
203 Oregon Bid?.
5to!em Oregon
I t'.f '- , " "x
v. I - '
v , , t '
. -
v. vry
ji.; ''
i - V, -..'
';,: t.!-!.
(.,' , i
H Ti (t
K ;.T