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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1920)
f AGE SIX. THE CAPITAL JOLNAL MM CLUB OF W. CL LEAGUE TO BE HERE APRIL 10-24 The famous Moosejow club o( the MULTNOMAH FIFE BEATS BEARCATS EXTRA TIME CAKE The Willamette basketball team lost Western Canadian league will beeenjio M. A. A. C. in Portland Saturday in action in Salem during the week be-j night by a score of .30 to tJ. Each ginning Sunday. April 16. Tills Is the team had 28 points at the end of the result of a conference in Portiunu, Sunday between. Biddle ISishop, man ager of the Salem Senators and Nick Williams of the northern club. Williams will bring his 25 man ag gregation here and will train on the grounds of the new Salem club, plan ning a ten-day fctop in this city b. fore department for the 'north Arrange ments have been made for the playing of a five-game series between the Senators and the visitors during week end of the first half. .."Squint" Dimick days, these game will be culled at a s was high-point man for the -collegians, o'clock In the afternoon, so that bust-j while "Russ" Rarey played a great nss men and baseball funs, locally ' game on defense. In the Inst few mo em ployed, may have an opportunity to j n.ents of play Jackson, the Bearcat buck the Senators In their efforts to , center, sprained his ankle. He may be worst the crack Canadian outfit. jable to play in the games with Stan- The Moosejaw club, well known ford and Idaho this week, throughout the country is re-entering! Morton and Clerln played the best tlie game after the war period. Nick basketball for Multnomah. Wlll.ams has been recruiting from Willamette. Multnomah. some of the best eastern offerings and. Wapato (6) F (10) Clerln huH made arrangements with liishop j Oimiek (8) ;..F (19) "Morton for the mutual exchanges dished by i Jackson (6) ;...C (2) Mix SENATORS PROMISE PARK'S CREATION RRIGATION PUNS OF WESTERNERS NOT YET DEAD, REPORT Capitol Briefs Certification of a $29,700 bond is sue is asked of the state irrigation securities commission by the Rainier drainage district in an application i filed with Jhe commission Saturday. ! The issue is to be used in the com- With Billy Speas of the Regina ! Despite opposition from some of the club, Nick Williams of the Moosejaw : leaders in congress to the proposed regular playing time, and Multnomih managed to score a field' goal Id the five minutes overtime, while Willam ette connected with only one point. The Bearcats put hp one of the best f.;htg they have shown- this season. Hvery man was going good, ond there was, as the score shows, pract cally I othing to choose between the two teams. Willamette led, 18 to 14. at the league and Billy Stcpp of the Portland Elks' team, angling for openin games, Biddie Bishop is working overtime in an effort to get the field at Twelfth and Oxford streets in shape for arly play. Salem baseball fans, upon learning that there is a good chance to bring j ington, D. C. of the Canadian clubs here lor a -ufjcr, $250,000,008 bond issue for reclama tion and irrigation projects in the west there is a chance for the westerners to succeed with their project, declares to succed with their project, declares School district No. 43 in Grant county has failed to satisfy the re quirements of the state law In voting its $1000 bond issue for. a new school house in that there are no minutes of a board meeting previous to the dec tion at which action was taken favor able to such an election. The state (law, according to an opinion prepar led by Attorney General Brown for information received today from Wash ,he Kujiance of State Treasurer O. University Man Talks At Liberty On Americanism MONDAY, FEBRUAKY( G", Infk "u s izard OU by State Engineer Percy P. Koff requires that the school board shall select the form of indebtedness one of the Canadian clubs here for a scries of games and perhaps for com- I t probable that the measure win 1 10 be entered into before any election pletion of spring training have submit, j nave 10 e widened so as to inciuae t0 authorize the contraction of such ted proof of their desire to put the8wamP anl cm-over lands but the fact a ,iebt can be had. Senators up against these tean.s ojjthat the west is now in the saddle sn subscribing liberally to the fund neces-1 congress and in addition occupies a Although there is nothing in the sary for park construction. strategic political positio makes the (aw providing for and regulating While these voluntary subscriptions ! chance for success goods, Cupper s port districts which would make it give definite promise of about 11000 i Informant declares. I illegal for a member of the port the delegation from the west has succeded in overturning a long es tablished precedence in resuming hearing directly from the steering F.ishop expects to encounter little dif ficulty in raising the necessary amount which contractors estimate will be about three thousand dollars. both managers. In order to accommodate the vt. tors, Bishop is Jumping intj the work of securing funds necessary for the completion of the Tweltth-Oxford street grounds. All fans who are in terested in the promotion of a good 111 park here are urged to get Into touch with bishop. A phone call win bring the hustling bnseball man with Ills receipt book for any donation, large or small. Bishop's place of busi ness is the Willamette Valley Transfer company. The Moosejaw club and other visli oih brought here will spend their train ing money liberally, suya Bishop, be sides these games "ill put Salem on the Pacific coast Demi-professional roster, a good form of -civic advertis ing In Itself. The Sulem city council, lOlks club, Commercial club and other organiza tions have endorsed the organization of the Senators and Bishop argues that now Is the time to Insure the establish ment of a well equlppi'd i-eiul-pro club in Salem. McKittrlek (7) O :'... Twining Karey (2) 0...i. (2) Toomey S (2) Duniway S (4) Clerln Referee Goode. With the promise of permanent committee. Already the sieering corn grounds for the Senators, Salem fol- niittee has given decided encourage li wers of our of door sports have "lent to the proposed legislation and, evinced a determination to establish wnat more, a vacancy on the ste?r a well equipped field. The six-acre lnS committee probably will be filled tiact at Twelfth and Oxford streets, is by tne appointment of Representative j of its own members, laying the corn considered ideal in location. Bishop s Nolan of California. This wiil give the mission open to public criticism and plans to thoroughly fence the park west control of that committee an hs I would not be good policy in the opin and to get it in such condition that it a" powerful influence for the bond is-'ion of the attorney general. The opln- can be also utilized for football, field 8JC ls regarded by many as certain. lion was piepared in reply to a query commission to receive compensation for work performed for the district, according to Attorney General Brown yet the attorney general advises against such employment of port members when other assistance equal ly as good can be had. Such action would place the commission in the po sltion of employing and paying one Chemawa Runner Second In Cross Country Contest Albert Spoarson, Chemawa five-' rniler, has again made a good showing for the Indian school, taking second place In the Portland Telegram's an-1 tiunl cross city event. Saturday. The five mfle sprint across the city was contested by over fifty entrants and was won by M. Payne of the Mult nomah Athletic club, i Payne's tim.v wus 28.02 minutes. While Payne led him by about a hundred yards, Hpearson's run u made in good form, Speaisnn has se cured Illinois for his school In other events. I meets and other out of door exhlbi- William Spry, former governor ol Among the innivatlons planned for Utah, and one of the western delega the park are: protected parkings, and tion Pointed out to the ways and means a triangular, all-view grandstand committee that the reclamation fund faced by a batting cage. A small club bond 'ssua is a different proposition house, equipped with lockers, dressing from appropriations for rivers and har rooms and showers is also included In bors- That money, as he stated, ts not the project. returned, while the bond money will The Senators have been avat..-:: be repaid with interest." themselves of Ihp irnri u-entHn.. hv I getting together f rr a bit of practice after working horns, as all of tho boys ; Varsity "Frosh" Defeat Newburg 'I lie WI'laim-Me freshman bus leut ball team ilefHtml the ISVwh.-rg IiIkIi i i Imnl team Saturday night at N.'W n SIMM of 20 to IS. The fresh- i i shower great improvement In teamwork over th ir former game, (ian.uns and fiuciilu;'nky played Hie, best game fur lliti lonks, while tin1 .liuies kii-ni Ium-.s KUinetl fu v. r. iaitzans ( 1) V Thomas ).;.. F.:. Hi one (2) C JIlliH (41 (! Pocolnfsky (2) (1. ...'.....'. H Dallas Quintet Wins Fast Game are employed locally. The lineup as chucked at the pres ent time is: Hays and Kracke, catch ers; Cox, Sshroeder, Cole, Craig, pitch ers; Bishop, first sack;' Holmes sen ond base; Alike Miller, short; Proctor, 3rd bag; Knickerbocker, Huniplireyn, O'Mulley, Hall and Adams, outfield. Bishop announces that he intend t ) put more time into fund sulicithirr, '.his week and will make a daily canvas and publication of support received. BIG SCOUT-EIK FKBIU'AKY 27 ItOI.KAM IOIt is i'osrpo.'Ki from H. T. Stewart, secretary of the Port of Port Orford. NIGHT FfltE DRIVES GUESTS FROM BIG NEW YORK HOTltfi Water Permits The nppropriation of 200 second feet of water from Wallowa river In a very f ist and evenly mtitchd j for 41 supplemental supply for the lr- Siinic, the Dallas Athletic c ub defeat-i acres in viauowa ed Ihe Lincoln Junior 'high. IvMtetha'l quintet nt the V. M...C..A. gym S it tirday nlulu by tile score of S to 0. The Dallas team was coinpnsed ol heavier and older men, but Ihe lor-. bllVS belli the RenrA ilnurn t,i A.R until Newborg. i i,),, , .,,,). I . ve ..minutes of'r i rsewbeig. I , ,ay Wlla required before the v'fillor ' " 1 - -oiil a host the cheek-up, two points. M iri'is' T ii i,r..i!.lii...i.i. '; t. t.i i. ,V.. K. church team .defeated the . M. C! A. with The score of 8 to 3. 12) Lulu SI. Jillie:4 (S) W. JoncR .(2) Sanders KANSAS DEMOCRATS GATHER 1UXGIW KIXG T) VISIT RIO .lAVEIRO THIS SPIIIXG Topi-ku, -Kan,, l'Vli. 23, I U'lnncrat 1c leaders from virtually all parts of it he slnte lire here today for the nii inml (leiiiocrallc "love feast." Infor mal discussion of national and stale isMit'H anil raiulltbitox is the order of ihe ria'. - . Rio Janeiro, SuiuVcy. .;Vh. 22. An nouncement Is made tftut Albert, king .of the Belgians, w 1 1 f visit tills city in June. Tpartiueuts In inip of the most beautiful palaces In the city are be ing renovated .t receive the royal guests. ... , county Is sought by J. Louis of Lo stine, In an application filed with state engineer .Percy A. Cupper Sat urday. Other applications for water rights were filed Saturday as follows: By C. K. Weston of Grants Pass covering the appropriation of water from Rogue river for the irrigation of a small tract In Josephine county. By W. A, Mack of Kerby covering the appropriation of water from Alt house creek, the East Fork of Illi nois river and Sucker creek for the Irrigation of small tracts nc-if Klr- by. By N. S. rhelps of Myrtle ..Point covering the appropriation of water from a small 'unnamed stream for domestic supply. By Anlone Spinas of Selma cover ing the nppropriation of water from Draper creek for the irrigation of 20 acres in Josephine county. Although the big program sched uled by the Salem Elks lodge has been postponed because of the prev alence of sickness, the special com mittee In charge of the event is tak ing advantage of the delay by perfect ing arrangements for special program features not originally included in the scout work exhibition. The affair was to have taken place at the Salem armory, February 2 7, the public being Invited to enjoy the presentation of combined scout and Elk exercises and drills. The special committee in charge: F. A. Erlxon, August Huekestetn, M. L. Meyers, Charles Knowlund and S. M. Eruli cott have made new arrangements with Scout Executive Harold Cook for the later announcement of the event. AV.I SHV itXV.VV IVKHaOP A Yd SUV iXVAV MVXJLIOP iVd SOY J.XVAI 1YHi10f Sure Reli&f V sELL-ANS hot water Sure Relief TOR INDIGESTION New York, Feb. 23. Four hund red guests at the Marie Antoinette hotel, Broadway and 67th street were driven from their rooms early today by a fire which started In the apart ment of AVilliam H. (Big Bill) Ed .wards, collector of internal revenue and former Princeton football cap tain The hotel was damaged by wa ter to tho extent of $25,000. Mr. Edwards' football trophies, which he considered priceless, were destroyed. The origin of the fire is not known. GUNS TRAINEE ON GREAT CROWDS IN BERLIN I J. V ' . - --Vh-''.' M'.Af AtV.-:J u, -J- r A ' L - i I h'l, . ' t '' ' ' . - - ' - - l ij f"' S-x v ' i ...... . ..t. t 'V-" i" -'T f'' V : : t . .. ' .'. .... .t, , ,. ; .' - ,w g ,k, , .Kji't ' ' ,. ( Muny iholisaii ! of the iMiva,,. :.i or '4uunm:s, In'sk-geti I lie lU -Ut.iS :i J.iutlar,v I J waile IIk wo: k- iiicii's intiiH'!iatltm tucasmva were under consideration. 8 !ilier used barbed wire lu th? strccta to resulate Hie flow of ri!".i!sr!iMl jimn'lc and picketed r!ic lV!.-ht',j; Luildltij; vvith iiiacldue guns and crows ready for any emergency, For a ttW Inu'is rivolti(lon was Imminent Smoke Too Much?Let Nicotol Help you quit Do Jou smoke too much? Thou sands of nun d limi know it. Thev want to smoke less or quit altogether but will not punish themselves to en dure the craving that fallows leaving off. Such men need Nicotol which kills the craving and makes cutting down the use of tobacco or tiuittlnsc altogether easy and pleasant. Nirotol cures the craving fur tobacco, tones up the nerves and keeps you feeling fine and ft. Go to any druggist for a package of Xicotol tablets sold un der a steel bound guarantee -off sat isfaction or money refunded. Note: Ask your drustsist what oth ers say alout the wonderful pcw.r uf Nicotol to break the tobacco h'i li lt. He knows and he ran be tru.uert to tell you Die fuM inilt, MAdv) WALKS MIXERS STRIKE forth. Wale. Feb. 23. Thirty thousand miners went on strike to day in the collieries of the Rhondda valley. The shutdown was almost com plete. Friday evening, Prof. L. C. Douglas, of University of Oregon extension di vision lectured on the subject, "Amer icanism" before an interested crowd. He said that Americanism was hard to define since every party and peo ple were only too glad to claim it as their main principle.' In the last analysis. Mr. Douglas. stated demorcacy as developed in the new world and Americanism were one and the same thing and most to be guarded. A short program preceded the speaker and consisted of the following num bers: Bass solo "A Sailor's Dream" Claude Stevenson. Reading "An Alligator" H. Judd. Piano Solo Miss Grace Hastings. Following business meeting refresh ments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. SALT RIYKR FLOODS WANES Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 23. The peak of the flood of Salt river which was expected to reach Phoenix early this morning, failed to arrive and the r.ver is gradually receding. The property damage from the swollen streams been slight and there! is no further alarm over the situation. During influeT..;, the nose and throat Jl mic 5nr day with onehnatC two parts water, u,inT 09 M " you haven't an TilT he throat and , V t the nose. This treatmen, mi5tar antiseotic wi . . ent ttn,' Chest 1 &infr colds ana . .. to grip. Stop them ard Oil before thev ?,W. a dangerous influena tlap Get it from drui.',. . not satisfied. ..:" ,w Mc. . "" " boou ... I. ache? Just trv u-i Z. 1 7V? ka t little pink run. IH Guaranteed. M 4"- satisfied. get your money back. i.ver constipated i pleasant little gists. a, VIA A A lAihi fur m. m. i LO 30S?S?SCOUGHS The Indian elephant rarely breeua ,n captivity. pATARRH; Tf Tot head or throai Catarrh try the . iyapor treatment- VICKS VAP0RU - jy,, 00( j( ;j Welcome Relief from Tortures of Rheumatism Russian peasants kiss each other on Easter day. The strawberry family. belong to the :esa Can Come Only From the Proper Treatment Many forms of rheumatism rt caused by millions of tiny germt that infest the blood, and until the blood is absolutely freed of these germs, there is no real relief in sight. And because so many people treat the pain, and not the disease itself, is one reason why rheumatism in many cases ls a permanent disease, increasing in severity year by year. The most satisfactory remedy for one of thj most thorough blood purl, fters known to medical science. Thu fine old remedy cleanses . the blood of impurities. Being purely vegeiabk without a particle of mineral ot chemical in Its composition, it worn by eliminating impurities, acting u a tonic to the entire" system at tta same tme. S. S. S. is sold by druggists every where, and any of them will tell j that it is a thoroughly honest and reliable old remedy. Write our medical department fer valuable literature and free advici Address Chief Medical Adviser. 31! rheumatism is S. S. S because It Is Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. '(Ad) '111 Wtw are " ' . " If n rp r1 khmbihI flavors like the pyramids of Egypt? ... Because they are long-lasting. find weiSLEYB is a beneficial as well as a Ions-lasting treat. It helps appetite and digestion. ' keeps teeth clean and breath sweet, allays thirst. CHEW IT AFTER EUERV WEfiLI 3 - 4