MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, ,1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE KEGRO IS ARRESTED fOR DISTURBANCE ID BLUE BIRD CM 1 a wsro. h0 eav hl" nam to po MingH. A. Bost. 10. as at Zrty Monday under bon 0. ,uds B"ce was awalMn the .tmight hold court h at the case, and po'ic were "lTthe outcome of a rumored in colored circles "h-t one. of r-oee "carries a fawty-faw ana TSn gunnin- - as a resuU an up lf:rfi.d disturbance Fun'v nlirtit In ZlZ Bird Cafe. X63 .South Com- ortlrW-LJ- White arrsted Bost Jon eomplit of M-.- R A Conla tr i he cstabUshment; that he " -mating a disurbance there, j She !SS oolice that Bost had e-te-ea tne wvn pointed to a sign in the idow that whites only , are accom modated she said that Bost in a fu-louB to- the s'pn fom ft"4 c-lld ter a vile name. She then siTonec the off'cer- Bot admitted to Night Sergeant El mer White that he tore te s'y down wd id "there ain't no p'ac- c l-rel jeieman can eat. rind they w"n't even let 'em sleep any more" he guess ed, tlartKad in ADtlPAr before no w . Judre Race at 10:30 Monday morning, hot because or tne nnnnav in trial vat postponed until Tuesday mornrnf. TST OXB OF SALEM -S Sunday Sermons Rev. A. R. BelL Severn Day AdrenUst Church. IHI CHIGAN REFION REVOLTS JuM as it ia In the courts of men. so It is at the judgment bar of God. Law is the ru'e or standard of judg ment In reference to the judgment, we are told in Hebrew 10:11: "It is a fearful thins to fall Into ih h.,i. the living God." In Gen. 18:25. Abra ham tells us that God is "Judge of all the earth." and in 1 Chmn m-? .... read that there is no "respect of per sons" with the Lord, "nor taking of orioes. K. u. In I Bam: 16:7 we are told that the "Lord lookelh heart." and In I Chron. 29:9 that "the Lord searcheth all hearts and i.n.i. standeth all the imaginations of we thoughts." . Judgment Is True. ' At the bar of God men ia judeed for '"every secret : thine" rhl hr.,. Ecolea. 12:14; for "every idle word." Matt. 12:36; and for "'he things don (his deeds) II Cor. B:10. Before that court It w'H not be the testimony of Our own life or others, win o..o or condemn. Judgment is according to inose tnings which were written In the books" Rev. 20:12. We each have a soul to tmva- an. one of us has a case pending at the Judgment bar. - How Important that we be prepared to meet thn ioctm Ignorance of the law is no excuse In tr courts of men. Do you think it will bo at the court of God? Surrounded by so manv evident of His love and care; made subjects of His grace throueh the hlemed of His son, God calls us to salvation in the words "My son, give Me thiney heart," Prov. 23:26. The counsel of Jesus is "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all hv soul, and with all thy mind," Matt. 22:37. And the wise man sums It all (Continued from page one) from them. Hfi- nnWnln !q.w A t a force of approximately eighty officers assist him in 'cle;,nln,? up th co n ty, he said. It would b co m posed equally of prohih'tton " s mi me n bers of the stato constabulary. Prosecutor Denies Revolt. P. A. McDonough , prosecuting at torney of Iron coun'y, 1" a itp' ent Issued last night assumed "all respon sibility" for takiner th "I" f o :i the federal agents and d"-- ' that the ciranty waa in "open revolt." Attorney General Pa1 me , who pass ed through Chicago last right, said he could take no action until official re ports reached him hu d"" n d 'a'or Wrymple had full authority to en force the law and would have the com plete support of the government, machinery. Iron river ia a small villa th" mining country a few miles north of the Wisconsin line. The population lordly is composed of, Italian and S' cilians and much "bootlegging", has been reported there recentu Statements of Mr.'aicD nougi anl Leon J. Grove, supervisor of federal prohibition enforcement In the unper peninsula, on whose repirt Major Dalrymple based his appeal to Attor ey General Palmer for aid in arres'ing the prosecutor, two deputy sheriffs, to poliqemen and the three owners otthe wine, agreed in part as'to the (teps that precipitated the present . status in Iron county. Room Is Seized. Grave, accompanied by Lieutenant G. Sttrope and two troops of the state constabulary, had. seized eleven barrelB of wine at the Virgil location, a mine two miles from Iron' River, statement of both jnen agree, nen Grove and his party, were met by Prosecuting Attorney McDonough and the officers. That the federal officers right to have; confiscated the e was questioned and the liquor m taken from him by force, state mmts of the two further agree; " ' L"1"6 their stories diverge, how- up In the words, "Let us hear the con clusion of the whole matter- nj and keep His commandments: for this wnoie duty of man. For a shall bring every work Into judgment, with every secret thine' vhuh i. k, good, or whether It be evil." Eccles. 12:13. 14. Notice how the keep ing of God's, .imiiiiiiuinenis is set before ua in view of the judgment The keeping of them on our part ia thn t character that has been formed in us. ii is cnaracter that stands or falls in the judgmnet of God. In James 1:25, this same ten com mandment law Is called Yhe perfect law of liberty." Th Paimi u law of the Lord is perfect." Ps. 19;7. tut into the granite of which the Woi cester. Mass.. court honu t k.. i . the words yObedlonce to law is liber- u . nen uowmor Coolidge explain ed his success last Xnvemhor h . ... i t ntvii: Kor nearly tlwee centuries there has ueen an unsnaken determination on the part of the neonln r,t rn.oo-K setts to preserve their liberties by liv- unaer me law." (See Capital Jour nal, Nov. 6, 1919.) This ten commandment law. God's, great rule of rie-ht m.i .. changeable ns Jehovah himself, will be me sianuartl you and I will face before 't'he judce of all tho e.lrh V- m jot or tittle missing, not a single pre- cepi cnangea, with tho fourth com mandment Still savins as it nl-nv hix, said and as it always will say. "The seventh day Is the sabbath of the Lord thy God," that law will judge yo., when the obedient will stand, and when the disobedient will fall. "Bless ed are they that do His command ments." Rev. 22:14. ever. Tho prohibition agent main tained that he was acting within his authority in seizing the wine, which was the property of John, Joseph and Steven StalcquzzI, brothers, principal directors of the Peninsula Packing company at Iron River and owners of the little town's --largest store. Mr. Grovo asserted the liquor was kept in the store and becauso of that was subject to government seizure. Mr. McDonough said tho wine was; maintained in tho men's home, their twull.t1. 1a(n. Kn.. 41.- -1 .. si wciiiq auuvu mo mure, anu that after being tried in the state court in connection with ownership of the same wine, the StalcquzJs were found not guilty of violating pro hibition laws. IS over to Connors all the money they could amass, said to have been be tween $250 and $300. When the parole of young Branson, was not forthcoming as promptly as expected the elder Bransons wrote to Governor Olcott to inquire concerning the progress of their son's parole. This letter which contained a state ment of Connor's offer exposed Con nor's operations and his arrest as a parole violator was ordered. Prema ture publication of a newspaper story to this effect, however, warned Con nors, and he made his escape. His arrest in Seattle is the result of re lentless search for the fugitive since that time. Whether any charge will be lodged against him for his duplicity in mulcting tho elder Bransons out of this money has not yet been deter mined but state officials connected with the prison management ore firm in their determination that he shall serve out at least the major por tion of his unexpired maximum sentence. , With eighteen years of a two to twenty year sentence still to do, James Charles Connors, arrested In Seattle last week was returned to the state prison here Sunday as a parole violator. Connors was received at tho penitentiary on June 1, 1917, for de frauding Mary Obermelr out of $2200. Valient service among the convicts at the institution during thei influenza epidemic of 1918 secured his parole shortly thereafter by Gov ernor Withycombe. . . . Shortly after his release from pris-' Branson of Willamlna, Yamhill coun on he visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ty, with an offer to secure the release of their son, Willie Branson,, also a convict at the state prison. Accord-( Ing to the story told by the elderly, Branson after the realization of Con nor's duplicity, - Connors had repre sented himself as able to secure tho release of young Branson for a con sideration. - The Branson's, yie;dlng to their desire to aid their son, paid ROTARIANS ATTEND SUNDAY SERVICE TO By J. V. irtitrluison. As a part of "All Rotary" week tho members of tho Salem Rotary clun a... tended church last evening at the Con gregational church. Did I say attend ed? I made a mistake a small per centage attended. Can't tell a thing about the reason tho attendance was so small.. As all Rotnrians are sup posed to be four sq uare and equal to any and all emergencies I supposed every member would be present. May. be most of them thought they might hear' some things about what a Ro larian should be that they couldn't live up to, but such was not the case. I don't think It was oversight for I am k Hew H 9 osmy ilk, lisle Off Of! Here COTTON, PAIR 19c TO 50c are the :iw JfUno-a n nrrnmnftnv nniVs new footwear and new apparel. They in colors of Springtime and in qualities that will give, splendid service. . We can rec ommend them dohe most discriminating. Note how reasonably priced they are. WOMEN'S SILK HOSE, PAIR CHILDREN'S HOSE SILK LISLE, PR. $1.25TO$3.00 45c75c WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE, PAIR . 50c $1.00 WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE, PAIR 25c TO 50c LADIES' : STORE 466474 STATE STREET . MEN'S STORE 416 STATE STREET sure the meetinir was n-en ni-arti It could not have been- because some fact to go lo tneir own church wr me meeting was placed in he e eni fo that very res so Anv n rrrnr Ro tarians stayed away than attended and as long as they have a good reason oi no reason I have no criticism to offer. i vn giaa i aiienaed t d 1 I 4t e that every Rotarian an h wife who did attend were glad that thor cam out. Excellent Sen lot. The church had heen decorated and as the Rotarians tiled into tneir seats the delightful strains from the pipe organ ca a t off- welcome. . . , A well trained quartet furnished most excellent music unit Mr ram. rendered a solo In his usual perfect uaoit. Rev. W. C. Kantner took hi i-t these words. "Wanted. A Man." and I assure you that for the occasion. His talk was won- X. T lNOT much money, as money goes nowadays but you'll be surprised how much good food a nickel will buy when invested in packet of Morse's seeds. Take your pick: Radishes Cucumbers Lettuce Beets Onions Carrots Turnips Tomatoes and dozens of others. At gro cers, florists, drug and hardware stores, etc., everywhere. C.C MORSE &CO. M 1 25 Market St Son Francitco Horn's tos derfully Inspiring and his r spect i "Rotary" were right to th pi t. I am sure that every member present will be better n'a- fir hav n 1 tened to Dr. Kantner as he measured man as he should be. He d d not ask that he belong to some church, but he did Insist that he be a n an. Dr. Kantner pointed out that the Notary club wou'd V a gr at b ef to Salem and especially to th i divH. ual members. He pred'oted great hings In store for the organizatio-t in the future and admonished the mem bers to study to live up to the teach ings of the society. ;j Movies Too. "'"wo reels of er- "cn after the regular church services. The cnurcn nas a fine mac hire and a rood operator and the rels were a fitting finish to the evening". The Rotary club meet at -v lunch eon every 'Wednesday at noon. ever the comins Wednesday will see the program changed and the mem bers and wives and friends will go to '-a cry at S m. where they will be the guests of Roy " lse a' a banoueL Therm sill ha .n cial music and good speaking and the beet of eats. I Dredi.-t fall tr. ance ror this meeting closes the week ana all are expected to come. The world's largest glacier is Malr in Alaska. K5 What causes to . o n r ASK FOR and GET EJorliek's The) Original r-w Infif ' An excess of acid In the stomach sours the food and 'starts fermenta tion. Distressing gases form. Your meals dont dicest but lav liim lnmno of lead. Then you have heartburn, flatulence, fullness, belching, head ache, and real misery in the stomach and Intestines. A few tablets of "Ps ne'fl T)tn Mn. sin" bring relief almost as soon as they reach the stomach. "Papc's Di apepsin" costs little at drug stores. (Adv) JOrRJTAI, WANT ADS PAY BEST wild state. me Is nowhere tumid in tr? 8eals seldom use their fore feet swimming. R03UST CIIILDneJ A'child should not look pale, 'thin or worn. Such condition denotes malnutrition. To keep up growth and robust- ness a child needs a plenitude oi food rich in vitamins, SCOTT'S EMULSION abundant in growth-promoting" properties, U an ideal supple mental food that could well be pan oi tne diet ot every Browing child. Children Jwy do well on Scott's Emulsion.. m BlMM M. J. 11-3 BASKET Two Big Conference Games WILLAMETTE U. VS. STANFORD U. Tuesday, February 24th, 8 p.m. WILLAMETTE U. VS. U. OF IDAHO Thursday , February 26th, 4 p.m. Salem Armory . Admission, 50c ie-r ioor neatnig 11 Reduces living costs fov the small home! ABnOn Wlure two or m hmUiw occupy s bulldini d theft U so iwite rict sviikMe. thai trmirant tltf JT ? tl i7hfc AMERICAN Rsdiston ctwctl thertto) oBen b Iuu. Efch tnent nrty of hit rimptotectint outfit t(.olh,ut go . j toUie RUtt UU)tiitRUi)teittBdtgU6ic. BidttcstatcMtreUU.tMituautaitsriiamej. I b vum liaily tua cut of ti4tt Bttwtoi bU ia ton. New IDEAL Areola Radiator-Boiler Pat$ IDEAL Hot Water Heating comfort at low cost in "-deckers" ' or flats, bungalows, stores and shops, with or without cellars Even the $15 a month tenant would be glad to pay $1.50 a month extra for this IDEAL Hot Water Heating, as it would save the tenant investing six times that amount in a short-lived stove with its one-room "spotty" heating. Dots sway with the annual blacking, taking down and storing of stoves. And the $1.50 a month increased rental is good interest to the building owner and secures him a better satisfied, Iwiger-staying tenant. The IDEAL-Arcola is therefore an investment, not an expense as it will outwear the building itself. Investigate at once this IDEAL Heating bargain! Each tenant controls the exact degree of warmth his family prefers or needs-makes bis own ia ri.WM The IDEAL-Arcola reauires no cellar. Same water b circulated over and over for many years! There is no danger to children cr fire risk to baadiag. as tha iron surfaces do not get red-hot like a stove, nor can the Areola Be over turned or a kg kicked out. Stops all coal-watte-thus bring ing betting costs down to lowest notch. Orcttcst comfort, cleanliest bestir , ssvss work tad awry pcottcta fsmlW bethh. saves doctor bills and repsif bills. Tbs eosVumcf toco rrpsys cripa! cost Put QuickOy into OLD of mw tnuhSocsi jrottf local desks today. Catalog allowing open views of hsutr Individual ftate, store, office, ate., with the IDEAL-Arcola Boiler In position will be mailed (fro). Writ today FboM 2 AjW PMssrviB (ariMSi la skat Is saH mm m c1umu waditUiM. - STS " " - in 270 314 KiauitiM Tuk lea DraJs V)m. Prim 4t M Inrlud, l.bof . cIm aSSUtass, IKM.ItWraliilwIMo N.cM S-nh,fra AMSKICAN Pnfi.H. In dm m areata cult mat ram BAS FAVMSNTS, if Snlna. OuiKm Itilmil aaaaatel I a, b. aur sanwqt wsasa( at Saa riaoclu at Sf.Itlt. SfaaSaJ nnlganA (m Vuralnf f m of U ca bt hraJaaaa If 4alrta, it .lira ihrnit. MERIGANRM)IATOlr0JlPANY Phone or write us tt J219-21 Fourth Ave. Seattle, Wash. gold by all dealers do exclusive afent .Mi, at cu,M. mew Vork. BViotaw. Sarisdhid "ilaoaa, WoranW, rh3drl4da. Banhkwf. wrt. Raidfas. Witttw fchiraWiblotf5a. ftkhaMBd, yaMMitUCl t Uoavra. Oauaia, kaa ftaiKUca. U aw SmIU rwtiaaS. lgtM, fculM lOnt-1 aaSBT " apa. w v. war - - w