Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    l'AGE SIX.
(Continued from page one)
court of Justice t bear and decided,
In accordance with the principles of
taw and cuuUv. dlsnutes that are J'.is
tlciable in character arising between
nations, and for an international con
ference, meeting at Mated intervals,
to declare and to revise the rules tti
intcrnatloal law and conduct; and to
urge upon the civilised nations as I
long step forward In promoting per
manent peace, their assent to such a
code of law defining the rights and
duties of nations, such as was adopted
by the American Institute of Interna
tlonal Law at Hacana, republic of Cu
ta, on January Z3, 1917, known as
the recommendations of Havana.
"The chief enemy of democracy
based upon universal suffrage and
mnjority rule no longer Is the arbitrary
government or of a hereditary aristoe
racy but the cruel and relentless don..
lnation of a class bent not upon pro
tecting liberty and eouality of oimor
tunity but upon exploiting oil who are
not of their own kind and group. We
support and urge the most vigorous
measures to prevent by education the
spread In this country of the doctrines
of this dangerous nnd undemocratic
"We earnestly urge upon the leg's
lutures of tliose state that have not yet
acted on the spending amendment to
the constitution of the Fulled States
that It be promptly ratified in order
that women generally may participate
In the elections to be held in Novem
ber next for president, vice-president,
the senate nnd the house of repre
sentatives. '"The wage worker is entitled, as a
human being, to a proper wage, rea
sonable hours and healthful conditions
ci' labor and a voice In determination
of circumstances In which his person
ill co-operation shall be given. The
strike Is a weapon of Industrial and
should be made incren-Ingly unneces
sary mid Infrequent by the better or
ganization of Industry and by the nes
tabllalimet (if a commission or com
missions on, Industrial relations.
"Increased production, stimulation
of enterprise, checking of private e.;
travagance and waste, and the reduc
tion of public ex pcutflt ures are a na
tional necessity. Our system of tac
tion and of business regulation should
be linmctliali ly revised, with tbn defi
nite purpose to promote rather than to
prevent enterprise anil production.
"W' urge the prompt passage of leg.
Nation to nuihorizc- a national budget."
l'OI.F.S NF.AItl.V
Warsaw, Wednesday, Feb. 18. Po
land's peace program to be submit
ted to -the Uussliin soviet government
Is nearlng completion and will bo com.
muulcated to France and lOngland for
approval before being dispatched to.
inoseow. Premiers Allllcrnnri olf
r ranee and Lloyd-George of Great Itrl
i. un nave already been consulted
several of thu chief points,
(Continued from page one)
ill ( ou:iti;i coi
aitf.u rii
TV vi :us
Fifty years ago when the founda
tions were being laid for the Washing,
ton slatue In front of Independence
Hull In Philadelphia, John Nash, then
a policeman, threw a two-cent piece
into the bole being dug for the founda
tions. Recently when some changes
were being made to the statute, Nash
recalled the Incident and stirred up
the dirt and uncovered the coin. It
will be hung In independence Hall. In
elilenlally, Mr. Nash recalled that two
cents had it buying capacity at that
time treble dial of toils v.
K'lTN'P TO Cl lti: IllCCOlYill..
A Spanish physician claims to have
been very successful In eurlm; stub
born eases of hiccoughs by this treat
ment: The patient lies down and draws
up his knees until his thighs iv. press
ed tightly to his abdomen; tun lower
part of the legs being pressed against
the thighs by bending the kneel. The
position is held for several minutes.
The effect of this Is to press the abdo
minal organs up against tlio dia
phragm nnd to sustain the
until the diaphragm
modlc contraction.
pressure I
ceases Its spas-1
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"It vn recently announced that
Lady Miuvilek It willing to offer
herself ns a candidate for Pa ilia
rurnt, and sho hai now continued
(bat statement It Is not tier Inten
tion to come forward ns nomi
nee of a political party, but to
limit! at an Independent candidate.
political questions In the state.
Publicity Tax Favored.
Approval of a tax levy in the state
and communities to advance publicity
work was expressed In resolutions
passed during the convention, Mr. Pen
ton said. This would automatically
end campaigns often conducted by
civic organization such as the Com
mercial club publicity fund campaign
in Salem now for funds to promtc
general publicity for the state that
should be provided by the people gen
erally, he explained.
Astoria is wonderfully developed,
Mr. Denton said, lie ucciarea mai
Salem will have to look well to Its
laurels and move ln a co-operative
spirit if it is to hod its place with As
toria." Astorians have recognnea me
resources of the city, he said, and have
worked them out.
II. C. Ij. Discussed.
The high cost of Iving came In for
discussion also at the convention, Mr.
Denton said. It was generally felt
among the delegates that a gradual re
adjustment of commercial affairs
throughout, the country will ensue,
bringing conditions cback to normal.
No Immediate relief from high prices
could be seen by the retail men.
Home products week was conducted
In Astoria at the same time as tn-i
convention, Mr. Denton said, and he
declared that Salem was "by far out-
The capital cty came In for rcpre
sentatlon at the huge banquet Tues
flnv evening, however, Mr. Denton
when bottles of Salem's famous Applu
lined the lengthy festive board.
Commissioners to Hear
. Testimony on War Crimes
One of the large manufacturing
companies of the rutted Stages is en
gaged in the construction of a great
number of houses for Its employes,
and while there are many novel fea-
u res In the way of making conven
iences, the most striking thing about
the homes is the total absence, of the
usual pallor. The space Is thrown
into the other rooms. It looks as If
the parlor was out of fashion.
A vein of coal has been discovered
n tile Philippines which is said to be
p to the quality of the, Chinese fuels,
lie uiuotint has not been ascertained,
lit It Is certain Hint it will answer
he demands of the islands for many
i rs.
The rate of spread of Infection)
diseases Is determined not only by
the nature of the transportation facil
ities of the region or the era, but
towns and villages, mainland and Is
land, are Invaded early or late or pre
served entirely from attack according
as they He within or without the
avenues of approach or are protected
by InaceesHilillty, ns In Instances of
remote mountain settlements and of
Islands distant from the ocean lanes
or frozen in during winter periods.
Albany, N. T., Feb. 20. The social
ist party never attempts to "dictate"
to labor unions when strikes are to bejjn
called, but labor unions "striking ror
betterment of working conditions' may
always rely on the assistance of the
party. Otto ltranstetter, national sec
retary, testified tday at the trial of the
five susiHnded socialist assemblymen.
The prosecution has charged the party
approves the general strike as a wea
pon for promoting its class struggle.
liorrls Hillquit, socialist leader, yes
terday predicted that control of the
United States government would pass
peacefully into the hands of the social
ist party, when it enrolls the working
class. He issued a warning, however,
that "it is not Impossible the people
of this coutry will be compelled to sup
plement their political action with a
little shooting," If the profiteering
class revolts after the majority of the
people are ready to introduce "sub
stantial reforms" by "legal constitu
tional methods."
testifying before the asse-nbiy ju
diciary committee, Mr. Hillquit denied
that the socialist party Intended o
promote its program by other than
'legislative action, parliamentary e-
tion, and in a peaceful way."
Hut while he asserted the party was
not plotting bloody revolution to
achieve its aims, he declared history
has shown that "when the privileged
minority is aboutt o lose its privileges,
"it becomes desperate and tries to de
stroy reform or lawful revolutionary
movement by force."
"In that case it will be up to the ma
jority of the people to defend their
rights against such lawlessness, pow
erful privileged minorities and in a
case of that kind it may come to snooting."
Police here Friday were endeavor
ing to locate the thieves, who some
time Thursdav night jacked up an
auto belonging to Henry Ttnel-
sen, Salem Heights, as it stood parked
front of his home, and removed
"the tires from the front wheels. A
wicker case containing tools valued
at about $20 was also j-emoved from
the machine.
This is the second case where
thieves have bothered to jack up an
auto and remove the tires that has
been reported to police this year. The
other one was when thieves broke
Into the garage owned by County
Clerk U. G. Boyer, raised his auto,
and took off the tires.
The utility of the Blink miscroscope
as a means of detecting the proper
motion of the stars is absolute. In
comparing photographic plates taken
by this means at an interval of 25
years the smallest proper motion that
can be detected is 1!4 second for the
Interval, or five seconds per century.
According to lnnes there are about
three such stars over each square de
gree on an average, or 120,000 In the
entire sky. It is estimated that the
number of stars with sensible proper
motion will Increase with the square
of Hie time Interval considered. Ac
cordingly, when plates taken at a cen
tury's interval are available, it should
be possible to detect the proper mo
tions of some two million separate
Fighting Between
Japs and Reds In
Siberia Reported
London, Feb. 20 Fighting has been
in progress on the Amur river in Si
beria betwen Insurgent forces and
Japanese .a Moscow wireless message
states. "White" troops reinforced the
Japanese nnd r, fierce struggle is rag
ing with the insurgents supported by
Chinese, the dispatch declares.
In regard to the situations in south
Russia a bolshevik communique to
day says:
"Enemy ships have bombarded
(leniehesk (on the sea of Asov). Stub
born fight la occurring 25 verts north
east of Staxropol (on the left bank or
the Volga)."
Take Your Cholcu of Poisons
Thirty-two new poisons were dis
covered during the great war in
munitions experiments in the United
States alone.
For Rheumatism
The shortage of paper in this coun..
try Is being relieved by shipments from
Finland, the very first consignment
consisting of more than 20,000 bates.
This material was loaded at Koto, by
women stevedores.
Alcohol alone is not suitable for
use In existing types of high-speed
Internal combustion engines, such ns
are used in motor curs, but mixed
with an equal part of benzol it forms
an excellent fuel for this purpose,
A good hot mustard plaster or poul-
eice is pretty sure to overcome most
rheumatic pains
and even sciat
ica and gout but
it's a mussy af
fair and general
ly blisters.
Heat is abso
lutely necessary
if you want per
manent relief.
Iiegy's M ustar-
1 n e, made of
true yellow mus
tard with other
pain reliaving in
gradients added
is just as hot, is
cheaper, cleaner
and more effec
tive than the old
fashioned jjuultice or plaster and can
not blister,
Besides rheumatic pains and swell
ings Begy's Muetarlne Is speedily ef
fective for lumbago, backache, neuri
tis, pleurisy, bronchitis, sore throat
chest colds and all aches and pains
because heit eases pain 30 and 60
60 cents at druggists or by mail, S. C.
Wells & Co., LeRoy, N. Y.
That's what Motorists say of our large, well assorted stock of
Up-to-Date Auto Accessories
Have you inspected the HOOD EXTRA PLY TIRE?
We have just added the HOOD to our other lines of tires and have what we consider without
question the BEST ON THE MARKET. We have YOUR SIZE in the HOOD, no matter whe
ther it be a cord or fabric that you want. Until you have used a HOOD you will never real
t? mv l'ua ly wonderful tire Come in and let us explain THE WHY OF THE EX
1KA 1LY, then you will let us equip your car for the season's driving with HOODS 25
KAnn Tr th a,ny other tire ori the market- and guaranteed 7500 miles on fabrics
ana 10,000 miles on Coras.
Robes, Spotlights, Pumps,
'Jacks, Bumpers, Chains,
Light Lenses, Motometers,
Clocks, Trouble Lamps,Spark
Plugs, ' Flashlights, Tools,
Shock Absorbers, Brake Lin
ing, Light Bulbs, Everything
for your car.
Hartford Tires
Cord and Fabric
Racine Tires,
Every Tire a
Good Tire
jouA-AuvaJi -tiAcof J
Better than a Retread
Better Than a Half Sole
Cor. Court
and Com'l.
Cheaper Than Either
London, Feb. 20. Persons iving in
reat Britain. France "and Belgium I
who are witnesses against Germans ae-
cused of war crimes will not have to I
go to Germany to testify, it is declared '
in a Berlin dispatch to the Rxchange i
Telegraph company today. Such wtt- j
nesses, it is stated, will be examined j I
by commissioners sent to the countries
How Soldier
Dispersed Attacks
"For two years my stomach trouble
was very bad, my doctor had to in
ject morphine on several occasions
when I was stricken with these at
tacks. Since taking 4 bottles of
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy I have
been entirely well and am serving in
the artillery, having been pronounced
in- perfect health by government
physicians." It is a simple, harmless
preparation that removes the catar
rhal mucus from the intestinal tract
and allays the inflammation which
causes practically all stomch, liver
and intestinal ailments, including ap
pendicitis. One dose will convince or
money refunded.
See Our Beautiful
Spring MillinerY I
TT WTT T. PAV VATT Tfl Of r. rm 1AirE !
oi.c ua ist ORE YOU BUY '
Salem Variety Stott
152 North Commercial Street
t t M I M t M 1 1 1 1 M I 1 1 M M M t M t-M
WI0 :
is fortunate indeed that our purchase
of spring wash goods were" made many
months ago. Otherwise we should not
now be in a position to offer much exten
sive assortments on display. The wash
goods shown in our first display are quite
as dainty, pretty an dserviceable as any
we have shown. And the prices are most
MEN'? .
The best food you can possibly
consume is good bread. The best
you can buy is BAKE RITE.
The whole family enjoys it be
cause it's a real meal.
Try Our High
Cup Cakes with oodles of raisins in them. Cakes, snails
doughnuts and cookies that always call for more.
Do You Like
Hot Rolls
Drop in on your way home this evening
Bake Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street