Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ltids on 21 new bridKes. overhead
crossings and viaducts and on iilirh
war improvement Including JS.J
nailM of grading and 1 7.4 miles of
macadamizing wilt be received by
the state highway commission at its
next monthly meeting In Portland,
March 21, according to a statement
given out by the highway department
here today.
Contract for the grading and mac
adamizing of 17.4 miles of the The
bailee-California highway In letter
maa county from Madras to the Des
chutes county line will be let at this
faceting of the commission. This will
be the first state road work attempt
d In Jefferson county ami the coun
ty will co-operate to the extent of
90,000 on this improvement
Wasco Gt 1S.S Mile.
In Wanco county 11.5 miles of the
Columbia river highway from Seufcrt
t the Deschutes river will also be up
for contract. This Is a federal aid pro
ject with the state and federal gov
ernments sharing tile cost of the improvements.
Another federal aid jroject up for
consideration at the March meeting
of the commission will be that of the
Wallowa county section of the La
Orando-Enterprlse highway on which
bids are to be received for the grad
ing of 1.4 miles.
Overhead crossings on the Colum
bia river highway over the O. VV. H.
k n. at tiig Eddy and Dillon, and a
viaduct at Suefort will also be con
tracted for at this meeting.
Snntlnm Bridge Is One.
. Among the bridges on which bids
are to be received at this time are
the following:
Crook county One bridge over
Bear creek, one over Dry creek and
four over Crooked river.
Malheur county One bridge over
Iolo creek aritl one over Canyon
Marion and Linn counties Steel
pan over the Santlam river.
. Orant and Wheeler counties Nine
bridges on the Harvico breek-Valades
section of the John Day river high
Hot Spot Mauifods
Insure Easy Starting
In some ways, Senator Sherman
said, he regretted that Mr. Ford did
not become a senator "for a greater
refrigerator for his effervescing brain
does not exist," than the senate chain
ber, adding that nothing would
"cure him - better than talking to
empty benches"
Stanley Takes Exception
Senator Stanley, democrat. Ken
tucky, replying to Senator Sherman,
declared the Illinois senator had vio
lated every propriety by some of his
references. This brought a protest
from Senator Townsend. republican
Michigan, who said the facts in the
Newberry case would be disclosed
during the trial and that senators
should refrain . from any discussion
of it
Senator Walcott, democrat, Dela
ware, said Senator Sherman had
made the first reference to the case
and throughout his talk had been ad
dressing a jury in Michigan. Such an
addresa, if rendered in Michigan, he
said, "would render the senator from
Illinois in contempt of court and li
able to penitentiary imprisonment.
A feature that causes the motorist
no little worry, especially in cold
weather, is the trouble experlencea
in starting the motor and securing
perfect carburation while the motor
is cold. In the Cole Aero
D. C. Lewis of Portland, a member
Eight ' of tne h"w of representatives from
Water Permits
Permission to appropriate 5,000
second feet of water from the Dos.
rnutea river for the development of
UO.O00 horsepower is sought in an
application filed with State Engineer
L-upper today by J. C. Stevens of
Portland. This development contem
plates the construction of a concrete
flam 116 feet high and 860 feet long
na a canal uo feet long. No es
timate of the cost of the proposed
project la given In the application.
Application was also filed today by
Mi'iniuiTi and son of Enter
pruw, ur for the appropriation of
1M second feet of water from the
Wallowa river above Wallowa lake
ror the development of 881 horse
power at an estimatod expenditure
or aii7,ooo.
Other applications for water rights.
" wan mo state engineer toilny
wrrw as ioilows:
By Ludwlg Kaukonon of Car
bendnle, Wash., covering the appro
pnution of water from Llghtllng
creek in Grant county for mining
By Anderson Moe and IJda Moe of
Apiegntn, Or., covering the appro
priation of waste water from Daniel
uuicn unci Kuch Uulch for the Ir
rigation of 56 acres in Jmikaon ooun
y Atisll and Kmma O-llson of
jacKsonville, Or,, coverln the nn
pmprlatlon of water from the Little
iHCKuie river ror the Irrigation of
i acres m jaekson county.
MihVe Price of Gold
Discussed at ConyenHor
Spokane, Wash., Feb. 19 The price
of gold In Its relation to the world's
financial situation and the mining In
dustry was to be d'scuNwd by tho
Northwest Mining Association t (hi.
.uurm.ons s;slon of t nnnual con
Trillion here. Several renhitloiiH on
mo unmeet were expected to be Intro
nucea on tlio convention Hour bv th
resolutions committee or by delpgutPB
i oiy nail been designated "Wash
Ington Day" at the convention and
snaKnrs representing the faculties o
nmvers ty or Washington and
waamngion State college were to oc
cupy much (if the day's program.
It Is said that tho camel, if given the
essi encouragement, will quickly Ro
jsim a smoKlng habit, and that the
amui driver who has a fow cust-or:
cigar butts In his clothes for distribu
tion among the thlrstleas ones, Ciin do
wonders with the animals. They carry
a bit of wood rudely shaped Into a ol-
K ""luor anil adapted to the come
mown, ami u, a,iim wnich I, wrr.
..Mtm exnausted can be relied upon to
i ana travel many a n.Ue attar n
Washington, Feb. 20. Henry Ford
and all his works were attacked In
the senate again hurslday by Senator
Sherman, republican, Illinois.
Setting himself up as "one of those
persons who knew everything Instan
taneously from birth," Senator Sher
man said Mr. Ford Jiad reared a
Vflnancla! moloch," had secured con
gressional aid in acquiring and im
proving land for private purposes,
and had enlisted the services of the
federal government In promoting his
political Interests in Michigan while
his son, Bdsel, was making good his
escape from the military draft.
"And I limy say," added the sena
tor, "that I regard the Ford automo
bile as an international pest. It de
stroys more useful material than any
other sink hole In the world. It Is a
waste of time and substance.
I'ws Govcriimcut Agencies
"The government at best," ho con
tinued, "has become a philanthropic
Institution for the benefit of Mr.
Ford. It continually is engaged in
promoting his interests financially
and politically."
The senator declared Ford had
found the federal government ma
chinery inadequato, however, in pros
ecuting the Mtchlgnn senatorial case
and that "literally hundreds of Fords
private agents" were swarming about
the Grand Rapids trial "scrutinizing
every nook and corner within a hun
dred miles of the court room."
According to a statement given out
by the executive ofCtce Wednesday aft
ernoon Simon Benson of Portland will
be reappointed' as a member of the
state highway commission when hlB
present term expires March 30, next.
Benson, who was named as a member
of the original commission upon s
creation by tho legislature of 1917, Is
the 'only remaining .member of the
original organization.
The record yield of bone taken
from one whale was 8110 pounds,
This occurred In 1883.
models this has been eliraianted" per
manently by the employment of spe
cial "hot spot" manifolds. These
manifolds, as designed by the Cole
engineers, heat the raw fuel as It
comes from the carburetor and be
fore it passes into the combustion
chambers of the cylinders.
The construction of the manifolds
is most simple ana ine principle u
readily understood. The central in
take manifold is of the best grade
aluminum, lined with bakelite, and
is enclosed in an aluminum heat
jacket. Exhaust passe emanating
from the cylinders pass through the
exhaust manifolds and a part of it
circulates through the heat Jacket of
the Intake manifold. In this way the
gasoline .3 heated to the proper tem
perature in the intake manifold ana
an accurate vaporization of the fuel
Is secured, and. made more readily
combustible, before it passes to the
combustion chambers of the cylin
ders for Ignition.
A Cole Aero Eight touring car will
be displayed at the auto show by the
Salem Velie Co., local dealers.
Interesting Data Observed
in British Readers Review
London, Feb. 19. Sociology has
ousted religion in the British reading
public's taste, but fiction still tops the
list, says the Publishers; Circular, re
viewing the book situation for 1919.
Before the war, books on religion
stood second, science ' and sociology
fourth. Last year, however. 824 so
ciological works were Issued against
662 In 118 and scientific works have
dropped to seventh place. Poetical
and dramatio books dropped from 642
in 1918 to 495 last year, and there
were 200 fewer history books. The
whole output for 1919 was 906 vol
umes more than in 1918.
The Finger Null's History
The rapidity of the growth of the
nails Is indicative of the health. The
growth of the nails on the right hand
Is In most people more rapid than of
those on the left hand. Another cu
rious point is that tne rate of growth
of the nail depends directly on the
length of the finger; thus tho nails on
the two middle fingers of men grow
more rapidly than those on the first
and third fingers respectively, and
these in turn are more speedy In the
growth than those on the little
Why suffer t Rub Turno, the only
Turpentine ointment, where the pain
is. Continue till relieved. mrv it.
msk for i'ree Sample. Perry's Drug
Breakfast is
no bother to
For Colds, Grip or Influenza; 1
and as a Preventative, take LAXA
Look for M. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. 30o. (Adv)
The old full-grown tea
leaves you get in common
tea are loaded down with
tannin that's what gives
common tea its puckcry taste.
For Schilling Tea, we use
only the young leaves, rich
in fine tea-flavor.
If you like tea strong in
tannin, buy the common
kind. If you want fine tea,
without the puckery taste,
ask your grocer for Schill
ing Tea.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon-India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere,
A Schilling & Co San Francisco
Multnomah county, wants a promo
tion into the senate at the next ses
sion of the legislature. Accordingly
he has filed his nominating p tition
for a place on the Republican ballot
at the primary election with the sec
litary of state's offlc? here. Lewis
c'eelares himself as in favor of "leg
islation that -Till bring the state and
nation back to normal and aid m low-e-ir,g
the cost of living" Whether
he means it or not he further de
clares that "legislation in fivor of the
few and sgniust the nvmy ehouM be
tolerated." He would repeal all bad
laws and these of doubtful expelten
cy. As his slogan he ass that tje
words. "J w:i! do right ' ua printed
after his name on the primary bai-
i realize profits broadened out, and the
market reacted. Opening corn quoia-
tions, which varied from the same as
sterday's finish to 5-S higher, with
iv 1.34 S-8 to 5134 4 ami July
l$i 3ft 7-8 to 11.J1 1-8. were followed
!bv moderate general gaina and then by J
- - ' - a decided setback.
Chicago, Feb. 0. Fresh advances! A(ter opening 1-8 off to 1-8 a quar
in the prior of corn took place todayiter advance; mehuHng May at S0 to.
tin a result of a brisk UDturn in for-'.SO 7-8. oats hardened ail around eut
Switzerland Maj Become
I pa snip Momh.. n
rr? "ru VDe
Attack by Raiders on Irish
rofice Barracks Repulsed
Tralee County Kerry, Ireland,
Thursday. Feb. 19. After a three
hour siege. In which hand grenades.
rifles and revolvers were freely used.
an attack on police barracks by arm
ed raiders was repulsed here early
today. One police -officer was wound
ed and it is believed three raiders
were struck by bullets.
The raiders blocked all roads con
verging on Traleo with fallen trees
and barricades and dug deep trenches
to check the approach of military mo
tor lorries. Telegraph and telephone
wires were cut over a radius of fif
teen miles about this place. One end
of the barracks was demolished by
the explosion of a bomb.
Staggered Lunch Hours for Vicuna
The capacity of the illuminating
plants of v ienna are overtaxed at the
present time and there is a draft up
on them at noontime when the na
tlvcs are at lunch. In order to over
come this the residents occupying
nouses with even numbers must have
their noontime meal at half-past 11
and those in the houses with uneven
numbers at half past 12.
eign exchange and owing to various
orders likelyto bring about a radicm
change in distribution of railroad cars.
On the advance, however, sales to
She Just Dyes -
"Diamond Dyes'' Save Shabby, Old,
Faded Apparel -
Don't worry about perfect resulta
fse "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen
cotton or mixed goods dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, . children's
coats, feathers, draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book w h each pack
age tells so plainly how to diamond
dye over any color that you can not
make a mistake.
To match any material, have drug
gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color
Card. (Aav)
The box I L-rZ
Opal jar
Be sure to get
real Resinol
If yon want to get rid of eczema,
pimples, or other distressing skin
eruption, you will accept no "sub
stitute" for Resinol. Preparations
similar in name or appearance are
net "just the same as Resinol."
Although frv unscrupulous deal
ers may offer them as or for Res
inol, they are often crudely made,
of little healing power, and some
may even be dangerous to use.
Buy in the original Hue package.
Resinol is never gold in bulk
100 lbs. carrots 51.25
100 lbs wild hay $1.00
100 lbs wheat $4.00
Bale straw 75c
1 lb R. C. coffee 50c
3 lbs R. C. coffee ..$1.40
50 lbs H. G. salt 60c
50 lbs dairy salt 75c
100 lbs Early Rose Spuds ..$5.00
17 bars Swift's Whte Laun
dry soap $1.00
21 bars Savon soap $1.00
5 lbs Peanut Butter ...$1.00
Highland Grocery
Phone 496 746 Highland Ave
later related. - -
Provisions were
change and cereals.
firmer with ex-
heme. Thiir,i-. t..i.
--. ...... i ' , tm ...
ence by Switzerland to the
nations was recommended wl
Swiss government in a niessL
pnrliameni today. 19
What hHs been known as th. i
erican clause" by whi,h Switrl. '
entry to the ieague would
on similar action by the fnitea
has been abandoned andMr te
ment approves tho recomm.mhZ'
Cut i -,....(-. -.Ill V . . 'J
. ..v , ....... nn, vcevtuc 4
at once.
4 tMH tMft
- , : MOD ART !
Jersey Material
Is Popular
You will find here a fine assort
ment of Women's, Misses' and
Juniors Jersey Suits, Jersey
Dresses, Jersey Tuxedo Coats
and Jersey Sport Coats, in colors
as follows Beaver, Taupe, Jade
Blue, Cadet Blue, Buff, Tan,
Grey and Burnt Orange.
A Good Assortment of Sizes
Reasonably Priced
1. (&. titplFij (So.
We have in stock, recleaued, somo
of the best varieties of:
Utah Land Plaster
We have a car that will be here in
several days and will make soecliil
price If taken from the car.
Grocery Boy
will be in this
paper every
. week and tell
you abouir
Howdy! '
l know the grocery business. You'll SEE me here every week
My store sells QUALITY - troods th UnA v,. wiv-r k-
. 4 1 . " . . . " J -
muw inrj iresn ana wnoiesome.
When you use our good groceries once you will buy from at
J TRY OUR Groceries
385 Court Street pnon 409
899 North Commercial Street pone 4S6
We. manufacture Millrun, Short Ild-I
dlings, Ground Hurley, Rolled Barley.!
Ground Wheat, Rolled Oats. ..." j
Also carry mollasses shady brook
alfalfa meal Dry alfalfa meal andj
poultry supplies. I
300 S. Church St.
Cherry City Milling
Company j
No Time Like the Present to Enjoy the Beauty
and Comforts of a
And all Our Plushes Are Reduced One-Fourth
These Plushes are all 50 inches wide and are of a quality that will be hard to replace at any
price. Another season will certainly see the prices, on such Plushes far advanced. Contem
plate these wonderful savings.
nnr rs.25 nualit.v in hlack. brown, taupe and hunt-
x , .
er green at, yard : - ?Jl
Our $6.00 Silvertone effects in grey, blue and
Burgundy, at yard ?4,5
Our $13.50 Crushed Beaver, a beautiful fabric of
excellent quality at, yard
Suitable for many
purposes at, yard,
2c and 5c
A few pieces pf novelty silks in large plaids, also,
two pieces of Large blue check Mikado Silks, all
very desirable skirtings, formerly priced at $3.o0
a yard, now . $2-2a
I nn e
I Men s
U. S. Army Shoes. Mensson Army asf in
sizes II 1-2 and 12, AA-A-B 6 C width. These are
Real Shoes and must be seen to be appreciated.
To Clean Up at $6.85 a Pair
141 N. Commercial St. s