rEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1920. rr STFIED RATES. ' FOR SALE. I .; ; r.";.".T."7rr2 1 v,-i kite. ' 5 -. word tacumm""-",M'"" o room House, Tn Jrtions 5 cents, one month , tat. . j; cents, one year, peri T V'teiits. -Minimum Per a'1 j i or"- I r insertion oni -V.V7.-i:- r cash in auvamir - 31. t,hone. unless advertiser has No allowance for XEW TODAY. -Tn-Stovlc hogs. Phone JF1I v address V. H. Egan. Gervais; or 3-i- -r each. Hens mid Pullets. V. Hiroiis. .241 42 -r".. a,,-.,,, vountr hens. roR SA1.E- - . ,,. . w..i of irouu win . c44 rK5TC3irblai'k pocketbook con 10 between 2 and $3 m $1. paved street.- ji;.uu. bottom hind, close in. h nee check book nnu ngm om ' ' ;..,'., ith address. Findec return r Jdress or phone 1619R -rrTflF liite Leghorn anil V-irrVd Rih for hatching. phwiejlll?-. j room h"se- ROod Iop;,tio" i0 Easy terms. r, room house Easv terms. 4 acres river modern bungalow, paved street and m line $400. F. L. Wood. 341 Suae St. . nlvTKli Cars to store. Low rate. Cherrv City feed barn and parking imionjij Ferry St. q47 JfJXTKli Housekeeper for Unlit house work. Prefer elderly lady. Iii47 Fir street. J. If. Cnrieo. Phone 17tiM 43 fl'AXTKl' Jliddle aged lady with jji'llf boy 3'J years, wants position as housekeeper. No lady overseer small children. Address A G Journal or Call at 588 X. Church. 42 AXTi:i) To rent a farm of SO acre or more. Would buy stock and tools, (live discretion and price in first letter. II. .1. Guiles. .Gcrvnis, dr.. Itt. 1. bj 4S. c47 FREE Copies Independent Oil News post yourself. Learn limv tlnm- saiuls are making surprising profits from marvelous lexas-Louisiana oil fields; postal brings yon valu able information, showing; your chances tor increased prosperity. Everyone seeking quick money mrik ins opportunities write Indepeml ent Oil News, Suite E3, Gilmore wac. Ft, Worth. Tcx. . 8 I WISH to borrow $700 from private parties and Rive Salem residence as security. Phone mo, 540 and I will call on you. - 42 WANTED Juen''to set out hops. juiim i.ropuj. i,.-uiu & r;ush, or nhont HH2. f4ij FOR 11KNT 2 nicely furnished. rooms, gentlemen preferred. Phone 12!!6W. - j43 6 room bungalow for "siileoSouTh l!th St., house In fine condition anil nicely arranged. Large lot with shade trees. Owner leaving city and would sell furniture also if desired. This is a very good buv for $51150 and tj rash will handle. Wance in a few years, S. R. Penr sot, OregonbldB. Plione4 3 . . n ' COOD V room plastered hoSsTcloie m, north; modern except basement Jw lot, larite bearing fruit tfees ' 'err,. Woil garden, barn, garage liiimeilmte possession. Oivnor do sires to leave In week or two Ex-' wptitmal buy $2250; terms. '$500 rash, balance easv. s. R. Peirmn I JMOregon bide. Phone J "a JKAUK "", fitrcrno lishts- 1 acre Rood land, all kinds fruit and berries; private water svstem $" 0, half cash, balance tera V See oner 17fi0-Valer st. " FOR SALK -T room ie7nhouie close in. small payment down, b" 1 anee Ji per month. A real sn', J-ox 5ft care Jntirnii : : THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PHP c ti n ," ." r ? .eC,,.J1Ki1,s- eit- ter. 2 nice lots- with froit trees and chicken house, near mute school, can b" see nut 1R -a. ' " De f lUt SALK i... 1 "77 c , . " owrier on . vviuiurmai. rnone 7SF1 a4 T h""st for MlTlnTlbeTtT iHq,ure M pi,one 118S a4r, FOR SALK- ry owner i.i,win.n . r.wept basement : gar- nire tviiml n. .... ' l!th St S42 npe, pavea street. 424 a-none 207 1M. plastered, electric l frht a42 A Tzrirwr v. . . : - i. oargain, good condi- o.pmB porcn. 3 lots, fruit trees, barn, driveway, paved stree nml sidewalk, near car line. a few blocks north of State street. Excep- LnI J?u,y- eriv 180a' r,oo cash, balance like rent 6 percent Many others. . R. Pearson. 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. Ri FOR C A T 1 -.. ci.-v.urj l"irp rjinm house with basement. 530 X., i;th St. . . t OK SALK Kino l oom honso ,1: liety Hill, very reasonable. 4X1 v Summer St. " FOR SALK Five room house. ,i, corner, close to two car lines, fruit trees and berries; hen i"TLH0u.8hed and st0le house; electric iights and citv water In. quire at 1080 rKorwav'st. citv" n44 FIVE room, modern buiiKulovv want- eu. jwaie oest terms, ilrs. Loblev Journal office, Rieh;r.,i-6i, posl- Ward K ettkrptrT .- -ill I7.SO ,w 5 ""."T P'ants n b;,v V,rc"u""u "sos 6. p. ir.l!j"rciu. w. dsn wen ms-. vigorous and W r ' "Kive Everbea, rH "ll8t,n- nd the v.Ja V- . . "l?e orders now iw ' V"' ?raso"'. North none 34. PAGE SEVEN For SaTeLristocE tOR SALE 70 ID. SllOMtU 4 sows and niirs n. i .aen oiy 80 acres - ..-ni-unn i leering new Ideii ny-0 aci-es. Phone 5 OF C44 l.LS'J.OSM.nion St. c43 nr.. .. ", R.""' ?p'y -Ilret house ... ... on j..,,. street C43 e43 FOR SALK Jersev helfe7 -JUPi'th o MTehj 36J . i i,Y vo,K teanl 1J00 ,na a. Sood work team -- . inquire 891 North calf, e43 lbs. and For Sale Wood. WAXTKIJ For cash, S room" r"ict r - modern-, bungalow, well located. Ailte Mrs. Ellis care P. o. box -fl. Salem. j -NIV fnf.... i -house paved street, six blocks -th I11 1 National bank for to 141 1,;"'? an(1,fu" WU- FOR SALE-Co,nploTeF7uTnls i tangalor including piano JKU" nen' furni,r-245 w ftw. Address C.Burr. ALl Tft Sale Poultiy HATCHING eggs, Rhode Island Reds 2? cC?0L nnd Productivity, 15 .for J1.50. Phone 1788W2. C A Rat- ciur, Kaiem, Or. ft0 r OR SALE S. C. White, Lenh'oTiT cockerels. Rig, vigorous birds from best laying strains. S. C. White Leg horn setting eggs from high lav ing fancy strains. $1.50 per fi'f- leeu. rates tor quantities. Rreese & Stockett Rt. 6. box 102. Salem, Or. - "uuc i-eum uuck eggs . for setting. Phone 48fi or 2049. f46 b S,lU(:KS baby CHICKS . m. tipgnorns. nuff Leghorns. R I. Reds, Rarred Rocks, Black AI1- . rnjuru.. unite wyandottes, - Buff pingions, Anconns. These vari "fri0e80, c- N- Nredlmm uo oi.ue en. rei, 400. , .ftil oi wood for km1 r- tZTi rr-. -"11 evenings 1678W ?r. it t. , T-. . mu-.-iivo Oui-oc Jersev hoar S, pten,ber Arrowing. Choice FOR automobiles: S.L,K Pi Vfl ri fi eun 11 ,m 11 - J urtuuy newiy built trailer T ..... 1 T : , U KK A-J condition, foi miu uie or trade, J325, 1296 Mar Kei at. ' vLS . 1'iousand pound trailer l'"ji. v-enter Kt. 045 . ne "IT Ford infirTt " je, snocn.arisorbers, speed v..rlr. h otner extras. Dining iTZ 1 ehairs' heatil'S etove! stand table, bed, springs, mattress, j rocKer, 1 range, "ew. i-ja is. Front St. c43 MISCELLANEOUST FOR SALE 1 9 1 8baby granck Chev .J1 vlT. i" "ne shape and cheap muiur oaiu. t-none 180.8J. A. H. Biedermnn. Q47 FCiI,lIJ').1 White Orpington nnd f.""ue annorca cockerel. Phone 1793J1. . . ti, wriiii((ton - natchiug eggs. 104 Columbia St. f42 For Sale Farms. Lihortv P inion. I28f, South I'OR SALE S aores all inxaltiv.-itinn close in, building ready to move in, bearing fruit nd -berries;. ruiminK water, mail and -creamery- route. $2500, $1000 down. Owner, bnv Has ....Salem. WE have several people looking for ui lauuern property, 11 you have such to sell let us know and we can lurnisn you a buyer. A. L, eeamster Realty Co., Phqne 853. ; n Cori'LE without children want ,,.,.ii apartment or housekeeping rooms i.i uuuiii one week. Will be perma nent. E S cnre,Tournal. 143 AtTOMOBILEliainting, fuTrmSrTTet finishing. The fiaiem nf;ii IJStJhSLPhiine 1673. ni67 " nJ?f 'I1! deliyfry bodies. The Salem jJtffinhlngjDo ,,,53 WANTED nressmaking, 1299 South Ji5t h-16 W ANTED G or 7 room house to rent by April l, plaoe with garden spot preferred. Address box 64 care Journal. IF you want a good Job of spraying phone D. A. White and Son. m46 IF. you have not yet olTyour house, .ee C. W. Niemeyer. 215 Masonic Temple. Have number of cash buy- ' ers.. Modern bungalows badly need ed. 1 WANTED 5 or 6 room modern bun- gaion. juu casn, balance nionthly. Box 666, Capital Journal. l FOR 1 plumbing and general repair work call 17.46R. i44 For Sale Miscellaneous. tr 1 : MUX f tin-, .s 1 . . . fil nai whon ! . 'e, ,1.'ucli that and irn,t(, ' i"u p Wcm most, ran Soe "tf, whp th- "Wn "Man-. , ('r;i'm-Rorn- eliire. 9vo . 6alpni' Auto ,hp'i- cheai n , st base betore h"- can "'"eS f!,il thtn- Bernstein truw, V ,The Gl'"ira """"i Auto r , homp rnf. Uto K'l'.ingc. 229 State. q4K m housekee"'"1 ro?'- Kill. 0r"e" Mate b ',nu'rlry fu'-'i. e bI,ml "fhool. Phono 1 For ttt; g ' W i7R',""l"l HamiltoTib oi-k SCO. . "ingle or double. years .old. weight , -iM St. Phone 345R. ' "ill receive J ,'"? rou'y, Oj-e-w eoii,..,on March 10. tB-n . mot ' ,",,vert. for INCOME tax records f8r sale at 141 N. High. Phone 340. 50 FOR SALE Old papers for wrap pmg anu packing 10c bundle; Cap iiaj journal otrice. FOR SALE Clover seed. W. F. Naf ziger, Salem, Rt. 7, Phone 10F2. . . d43 rOK SALE 5 turn pore hpost 5 w, men square oy v loot long, S 1050 Norway St. . m4:! I OR SALE One gas stove. Inquire ma stato St. c43 FOR SALE -Baled clover hay for sale at barn. C. S. Teeple. Rt. 1. Phone b to v.iio p. ni. ess PUBLIC SALE One fourth, mile northeast of the asylum, corner Park and D St. on Thursday, Feb. 19, 1920, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m, ail kinds of household goods Terms of salc-ensli. Barbara Ash- luru, owner. 001. w, r . Wright auctioneer. c4i A FlNEalmost new late model Conn cornet for sale at a bargain price and terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co. C19 Court St. ' e42 hi"t ' n the ':I icea concrete fev. near Xi f .he Pacific ,?rfn. Bidder. ai;lrion Poun rtlfif.,1 .1 must . 1? the bfc, p,?w ce'" the ?" .ma sneeir UVon on? all. "yi. Oregn. unty clerk YOt will be surprised at the amount of, money you can save on your new piano if you buy now. Come today nnd lef us explain we have some beautiful new pianos to select from. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St. e42 THREE good organs for sale; one n Mason and Hamlin, equal in tone to a pipe organ, fine for home or church or school.- Low prices and terms. The. Wiley B. Allen Co.. 619 Court St. - c42 FOR SALE 1 Russell firebox boiler for sale, A-l. Phone 8-25 Turner. Or. . c44 FOR ALL -KINDS of hauling and mov mg, pnone loutsj. uiedennan Trans fir Co. 150 WANTED Chattel loan of $400 against $1600 security at 10 per veni iur n months. Address Loan f2onreapitWui-nah J44 WANTED Old" junk, old clothing, tools, gems, musical instruments, cameras. Will call day or evening. Capital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone 493. WANTED.' RAILWAY mail clerks. $U0 month Asre 18-35. Experience 1111 n..... sary. For free piirtieulars examina tions, write J. , Leonardt former government examiner) 10S7 Enuit-' a), la 1,1.1 . 1 ' to, 1 1. f. .vicij woman tor general house work and care of children, $35 month, board, (edging and laundry luiuiMieii. rnunt ;i, Hlate school for blind. ' REAL ESTATE. YA.Ml.o A man to sell standard fire insurance, good conipanv, new policy, liberal commission. Put your self in communication with V R r uuiam, aist. agent. Wonrthnrn Ore. g5 ANTED Han for small ranch that knows berry and truck gardening Lota of room for chickens and pigs Will pay by the month or put on nre oasis lor right man. Box 555 Journal. - g43 WANTED Housekeeper and .wL- good wages paid. Appl yto Peoples M v , O.tiWill. 0.1 MR. CAR OWNER. Mi. Jlomewker what about this. Will accept Iodere or new Ford as a payment on 1 5 room bungalow, all modern except basement. block from car line. Estes & Magee. 428 tregon bldg. a43 DIRECTORY. Whj' Sell for Less." Aiit-u Competent male book keeper at present employed in Portland wishes to locate in Sa lem. What have you lo offer. Box Bookkeeper Capital Journal. h44 Wanted Situations.' WANTED Work Dn berry fa.iu or rancn thru season. Fued Itischoft, Rt. 6. Salem,-Or. . v,i ' WANTED Position by young man sienugrapner. experienced. Best of references. Journal. . 1,44 Personal THE International Correspondence school will have their local repre sentative at the Bligh hotel every Saturday to give their students all assistance possible. He also will be giatr to give the public information regaraing the schools and their courses. REAL. ESTATE. 10 ACRES e- acres bearing fruit: 4U n,,t nn good road. No improvements. You'll have to hurry to get this one. $2250, f"iw ;aan. Damnce t venrs ir..n tt Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n Special Bargains. No. 1. Finest suburba n (inula nam. Salem. 11 acres, nearly nil uinn ........Q pi-unes. r.iegant modern house. JO' moms wun not and cold water, full cement basement and furnace.' No. -2. Choicest 10 acres, 6 acres fine logans. 1 strawberrlos 1 f,.,n,. oa-chard. Good 8 room house. Income next 2 years, will pay for place. No. 3. About 6 acres hnnvlno- fr.,it and garden, fine houso and other ouunmgs, near street car. No. 4. 7 acres loranu nn.i f.,,,,11,. orchard, modern house. No. 6. 10 fccrcs bearimr nnm ,ir,i pples. very choice: No. 6.-43 acres nil nmW n,itti,. ' tlm, tiled. Fine imnrnvemfniu n,. duced 76 tons choice fruit in at v -no. 1. io acres , mile to station, miles from Salem. 83 eintiviito in acres beaverdam, 75 acres timber over 3000 cords - wood. Modern 9 room house; also f good bungalow, large barn and dairy barn and silo' $8000 in other buildings. Water thru place. Will subdivide. Price $32,000 iMvge storo room on N. Capitol. $2 -00. ' Several modern homes in city. Will be pleased to show all prop- Look These Over. 40 acres 5 miles of Salem. 20 acres cultivated, on a good gravel road; fair house. Price $3800, terms. 190 acres within S miles of Salem on a good gravel road, 90 acres in cultivation, fair buildings, family or chard. $100 per acre. 80 acres, 3 miles of Silverton: well drained; 73 acres cultivated, 12 acres in prunes and walnuts. Good buildings trice ?iu.ou, good terms. 11 Vt acres, ty, miles of Salem, all in cultivation, near paved road. Fine loganberry land. $2600, terms. H acres, H mile of city limits and car line, on paved road. All in cultiva tion, goon wen. i3uu 10 handle. 20 acres 4 miles from town. Id acres cultivated. well -drained, living spring on place. New bungalow and barn. $2500, easy terms. 13 acres 4 miles of good town, all in cultivation. Loganberry tips to set 24 acres, best of loganberry land. $750 to handle. 11 acres, hi mile of town, new bun-, galow and barn, 10 acres in cultiva-i tlon, one acre of bearing strawberries A real buy at $3000,. If what you .want isn't on this list,1 come and see us, we have other good buys in farms, tracts or houses. Lstes & Magee. 428 Oregon Bldg. Salem. Portland office. Chamber of Com . - n43 WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be- ior you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com- merciai street. Phone 734. Scavenger. feALLM sa ANGER Garbage and refuse of all kmds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates, cess pools cleaned. Dead ani mals removed. Office phone Main 101. Osteopath. OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur geons, Drs. White and Marshall, 60 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr White, res, phone 469; Dr. Marshall res, phone 834. . UK. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic 1 pnysician ana surgeon,' 403-4 Ore Ron bldg. Res. phone 58F5; office phone 1394. 57 Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 0 years experience; Depot National and American fence, siies 26 to 6S inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 121 1 Lodge Directory. Tn- CHEMEKETA lodge No. 1 meets everv Wednesday evening at 1:30 at I. O. O. F. hall. head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; Bnjs sell sprouts 16c; cauliflower $1.75 das; red peppers 2ac lb; rhubarb 121je; peas 15c lb. Ketail price: Eggs dozen, 43e; creamery butter S 70c; country but ter Sac; flour, hard wheat $3.253.49 soft wheat $2.90. Oregon, Land Co. 442 State street n44 WOL'LU like to get in touch with own er of a good 5 to 15 acre tract near Salem. Must have good buildings, and some fruit. Nebraska -care Journal. m NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture exchange, 395, South 12th, will han die your household goods on com mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining oeuer prices tnan selling to second hand merchants. At present have nice clean stock to select from Cannon, phone 19. YALE Hand laundry. 194 B. St. Phone 8. 12th TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur niture nnd appliances bought and sold. 141 N. High. Phone 340. 50 FOR RENT. FOR RENT Three modern rooms, close in for gentlemen. Phone 921 R- 144 FOR RENT One furnished house keeping room. 340 Division. .143 FOR RENT Front apartment; also single rooms at The Miller, 633 Ferr J43 WANTED To rent four or five room modern furnished house by young couple, no children references, j A B care Journal. WANTED To rent 6 jr '! room hous. with barn. Phone 104F25. 142 Fl'RNISHED rooms for rent ut 492 N. Cottage. Phono 1186. 145 FOR SALE OR TRAOR Good properties much below value. 5 room plastered house;' hnth nt. let, electric lights. Value 118 00! tniHA iur acreage near some good town. e room plastered house; two lots. iuu; casn and terms. 5 room home; ceiled downstairs, piasierea upstairs, lot 75x150, bath, toilet, wired. $1325; cash and terms. 4 room plastered house, electric lights, city water, fruit, large barn, 6 room house: celled, hath, tnllot hot and cold water, lot 45x160, very uiurso hi, 1 amu; iuu casn, balance lerms. , , ,: 20 room house; plastered, modern, lot 40x120. very f.lnse in. $5500. 65 .acres deep black soil; about 50 acres in grain, 15 acres in pasture, timber etc; well fenced, comfortable house, good outbuildings, In good dis trict on stone road, ,Vf mile to school. Mall and cream route. Eight head cattle and horse, all farm implements Price $10,000; $3000 will handle. See ing is believing, (let busy, Walter McLaren. Boom 21, 180 N. Com. Ht. n Good Euys. 10 acre loganberry tract, 8 -acres of loganberries, 8 room house," large barn, well, running water. Price $6500 S acre loganberry tract, 4 3-4 acres loganberries, good 5 room house, barn, well. Price $5000. 10 acre tract located on main Pa cific highway 1 3-4 miles from car line; S acres Italian prunes, balance nrst class loganberry land. Price $4, 500. 20 acre tract, 1 acre cultivated house, small barn, spring and well, close to school, about 600 cords of standing second growth fir timber. Price $2000. 6 acre tract located close to carline good soil, plenty of fruit and berries, small buildings. Price $3600. 5 Its acre tract located Hi miles from Salem street carline, about 20 acres of fine timber, 8 acres bearing prunes, nouse and barn.! Located on main Pacific highway. Price $300 per acre. H cash. 20 acre tract located on good hard road and R. F. D. close to Pacific highway, 4 miles from Salem; good 5 room plastered cottage, barn, well, 6 acres of cherries. 4 aores of logan berries. Price $9000. 5 acre tract, . 4 acres loganberries, 4 miles from Salem. Price $3000. nuusis BUYS 6 room modern home in irood lo- cation, all furniture goes; paved street. Price $5000. 1 6 room, house located in south Sa lem, corner lot. Prlco $2600, $900 down, balance $25 per month, 6 per cent interest. 8 room house and five lots locat ed in south Salem, not far out," large barn, good soil. ; Price . $5000, $2000 down, balance terms. 7 room modern home located at 1110 North Capitol street, large lot, garage. Price $5500. 6 room house located at 1330 South Commercial street.' Price $2800. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street barn, easy 5 acres close in. 6 room house fruit. $400 cash. ' balance terms. $33.50. 1 acre, 5 room house, fruit, chicken house and yard, 2 blocks car line Price $1850. 5 Room house, bath, well, fruit, barn corner lot 66x1 25 feet. $1100, $300 cash, balance $15 per month. 5 Room bungalow, electric lights, bath, fruit, lot 105x100. $800. Ru ral avenue. 7 Room house, electric lights, gas. bath. 1300 block Court street. $2900 W. E. Compton. 4G9 State St. Phone 930 or 84F13 n' $2500 lOacres 8 mlleB south on good road; 4 acres young 7 year old orchard, mixed. Terms $2300 11 acres 4tt miles out, some fruit, fino pruno and', berry tana. Terms. $23,000 300" acres good fruit land 64 miles out, 100 of same good stock rrrouosition. $1700 Nice 5 room bungalow on S. 18th. Terms. $3750 9 room' house on N. Winter. close In.' Terms. $4500 10 room house 3 blocks from State street on N. Winter. Terms. $2800 7 room house hu'Be lot S. Sa lem. - A. L. Seamster Realty Co. . 418 Masonic bldg. Phone SOT a KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at ftlc- t-Ornaek hall on every Tuesday at 8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J, KuntjJ IV. lb. o. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening in McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St i recorder, Mrs. Melissa Persona 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 143SM. LNITEIj AKTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every'Thursday at 8 p. m. in l. o. O. jr. hall. Glenn C, Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre tary, 340 Owens street. W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib erty St Visiting woodmen welcome. C. D. Ross, C. C; ij. SGeer, clerk MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA -.-Oregon Cedar Camp No. -6246 meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock 1 in McCornack building, uourt and Liberty streets. H. Q, Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner, cierK. Money to Loan. ' On good -real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ora. Legal Notices FOR RENT 6 room house ut 2265 N. Fourth St. Has built in kitchen and fireplace. Will make modern if desired. Phone 494 or 1267AI. J45" FOR SALE 1 square piano,. $50; 1 oak china closet, $20. Address box 34 Journal. - c42 L'n r, '-i'.LAomitClerk. T?rt - Wat..".. " P"red houl? .rEErrr; Sad "".'lea on stron pavl road elret ca: road. Phone 515. tt '.a5 lot lTFh Sri G W p- nd berries pSTwt H,ros, 2417 Trail 6 SAnTr . a43 1! ronmiriw.i "'ni room. ;;"? "u 01 tu, 'Bh. PrlV l co(d term. '.20: r 11700 FOR SALE Few loads of loose vetch and. oat hay $20 ton; also baled 1 cheatJiny at barn. Phone 86F22. c55 FOR SALE-Onions . cheap. - 899- or call 197 S.' Com'l. Phone cS6 10-20 TITAN tractor for sale, and 3 14-Inch bottom plows, all In good first -class shape. L. Townsend, flervais, Rt. 2. c42 For Sale Nursery Stock. FOR SALE A few thousand Italian prune trees, also grafted walnuts. Fruitland Nursery, phone 1UF2I. d44 STRAWBERRY plants, Wilsons $6 per thousand and I dig and deliv er. G. M. Zlelinski, Salem, Or. Rt. . . d45 "-ah CLpWed closehT HTT"i largo i,, 7 -neept 0rl hhS- R Pearson, a- Phone 43. a. FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants $4.75 thousand; $275 if you dig them yourself. Call 95S North 21st. (942 FOR RENT 4 room furnished house on car lino. Garden and fruit, $15 per month. Phone 112F13. J42 Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED To buy confectionery or cigar store on State street. Will deal with owners only. Address X Jour- "!- ! ' J42 WANTED Garments to remodel; new suits $45; cleaning and press ing. 644 State; Society Cleaners; Phone 195. Chas. Ezra Sparks, tailor. ' 62 HAVING sold my farm, I want to buy a modern bungalow, or 7 rooms. Would like a little fruit. Send particulars to M B Journal office.. i WOOD SAW Fisher boys will your wood. Phone 1004 saw m52 WANTED. Wanted Hel p. FOR SALE Loganberry tips 5c a piece. Inquire Journal office. d43 FOR SALE 1400 prune trees. 4 to C ft, size. "Will sell the lot at 45c .. each. Claude IL. Stevenson, Rt. 3. box 175, Salem. Phone 36F16. d4i WANTED A few more loganberry trainers for two - weeks work. B. Cunningham. Phone 21F2I g46 WANTED Nursery grafters. Phone 111F3. g4G Bargains and Investments" Extra nleo. 20 acre tract, close to Salem, high state cultivation, good buildings; orchard. Fine home for anv one, only $7000. 11 acres close in. choice dark loam soil, 2 acres cherries and other fruits, fair buildings, fino road, nice location. $4500. 12 ft acres 1 mile from car liie, 6 acres cherries and applessmall fruits farm buildings, choice land, good lo cation; 16500. 80 acre farm near town, 0 In cul- tivation. Team, stock, poultrry, ma chinery, crop, all ror I13S per acre, terms. 100 acre farm near town, good build ings, mostly in cultivation, orchard, choice location; fine home and a bar gain for $125 per acre. Perrine & Marster3. 211,12 Com. club bldg n STRAWBERRY plants, Etterburg 121 r extra fine. $3 thousand, dig them 1 yourself, mile east, fiunnyside school, Jefferson road. Hurl Pear . son, I'hone. 167F24. d43 WANTED Salesman and collector. Liberal contract; chance for ad vancement. 648 State street, g43 WANTED Wood cutters to cut 100 WANTED A maid at the Richmond hotel. Phone 1748. g42 Best Buys. 205 acres, 125 cleared, 60 slashed, balance timber; bottom and bench land; 9 room house and 3 good barns, also set of tenant buildings, etc; 2 miles from good town. Price $21,000. Terms. 60 arres, 45 in cultivation, part in fall grain; 15 in timber and pasture; family orchard; 6 roo mhouse, good barn and silo, hog house, chicken house, etc; good spring inpasture. 2 miles from town. Price $6000. Terms, 10 room modern house on paved street, good location, near the state house. Only $5500, easy terms. 6 room house, modern; large lot. close in. $4250, terms. , ? - 7 rooms, bath, toilet, fireplace., in first class condition. $3500, easy terms 100 lots all joining at $45 per lot. Socolofsky. 341 State 8t - Kinney & Smith. GARDEN TRUCK AND POTATO - LAND . 5 miles from Salem on graveled road. 65 acres. 45 acres of real river bottom land in cultivation. Finest kind of land for gardening and po tatoes, s room house: good barn. cnicken house, machine shed, etc. Family orchard and berries. Mower. rake, plow, 2 harrows, corn planter, small tools and few chickens includ ed with farm at less than $100 per acre, lou can t heat It. For oartlc-. ulars call at our office. We have ex clusive listing of this place, . 126 acre farm of mostly second riv er bottom land in Linn county. About b acres in cultivation, of which 10 acres is fine first bottom land. Few acres choice oak grubs. Land well drained. 30 to 35 acres In crop, 1-3 crop goes with place. No buildings, but price Is made accordingly. Can be bought for $66 per ucre. Owner will accept modern Halctn home well located, as part payment. SMALL MODERN ROOMING HOVHK 10 room bouse exceptionally well arranged and located for keeping roomers. Has all modern' convenienc es and is comparatively new and In fine condition. Priced right. See us about this. We have 2 clients wanting bunga lows ot 6 to 7 rooms, well located. Give us your listing. Kinney & Smith. 201 Bank of Commerce bldg. I'hone 1130. Residence phone 1061 W ... , n43 DIRECTORY. Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. -Hi end percent interest City building Inane A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masnnle Temple, ftalnm, Oregon MARION-POLK National FarmLoan Ass'n. Government money to loan at Sty percent. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. P. Smith. IN THE CIRCUIT (XH'HT of the State of Oregon, for Marlon CJounty . City of Salem, a municipal corpora tion, plaintiff, va Salem Bank of Com merce, and Edward Oem-ge, defend ants. Summons for publication in fore closure of tax Hen. To .Edward George, the above nam ed defendant; In the-name of the state of Oregon: You are' hereby notified that the city of Salem is the holder of certifi cate of delinquency number 1688 Is sued on the 80th day of June, 1915, by the tax collector of the pounty of Marlon, state of Oregon, for the amount of $10.27, the same being the amount then due-and -delinquent for taxes for the year 1913 together with penalty, Interest and - costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you,' of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said county -and state, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to. wit: Lot one (1) m block' three (8) of Burlington addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. You are further notified that city of Salem has paid taxes on sal prem ises for prior or subsequent yeare, with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows; Tax Amt Rate Year's Date Rcpt of Tax Paid No. Int, 1914 April 15, 1916..17136 $5.30 H 1915 May 1, 1917,18621 4.89 1916 Jan. 2, 1918..17589 4.28 1817 A-prii aO, 1919 .18198 4,29 1918 Oct. 1, 1919..14259 4.01 Said Edward Georga as the owner of the legal title of the above deaorlb ed property is hereby further notified that the city of Salem will apply to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the lien against the . property above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to npppnr within sixty days after the first publication ot this sum mons, exclusive of the day of ald first publication, and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shown, together' with costs and ac crued interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be ren dered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable George G. Bingham judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Marlon and said order was made and dated this 27th day of January, 1920, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 28th day of Jan uary, 1920. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon th un dersigned residing within the state of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. B. W. MACY, Attorney for plaintiff Address 202 Gray bldg., Salem, Ore IJVESTOCK . ; .. Portland, Oi, Feb. 18. . Cattle weaker;, receipts 153; steers best $13 12.76; good to. choice, $11411.50; medium to good $9.0010.00; fair to good $8.00 9.00; common to fair $7.0e8.00; choice cows and heifers $9.5016.50: good to choice $8,609 9 50; medium to good $7.5063.60: fair to medium $6.60 7.60; canners $3.50g6.50; bulls $6.25 8.50 : prime light calves $15.6017; medium light u. 15.50; heavy 'calves lie 12.60; stockeis and feeders $S9.50. Hoes steady; receipts 127: , crime mixed $15.7616.25; medium 315.26 15.75; rough heavy $11.00015.25; pigs $13(g l5 Sheep steady; receipts 648: eastern lambs $l?.al!t.eo; light valley $18 1T.60: heavy $14.60$ 15.50; feeder lambs $1!15; yearlings $13.5014; wethers $1313.50; ewes $1012. : Butter Portland, .Or,.-Feb. 18. Weakf cubes extra 59H(S0c; parchment . wrapped, box lots 62c; cartons SSc: half boxes Ho more; less than half hoxes lc more; butterfat 6960c f . " o. b. station: 62 64c Portland. ' Poultry and Bags, Portland. Or.. Feb. 17. -Weak; Eggs sailing price case count. 42 He buying: price, case eount, 2uf buying price. 4c; selling price, candled 61g; selected candled, in car tons 46c - Poultry: Hens 884o; broilers tS 40e; roosters 20c; turkeys dressed 4950c; geese 20L26c; ducks 35400. Wheat and Mill Stuffs. Wheat: $2.20; barley, : $72; oat $6000 bid; corn No. 3. yellow $B8.0 bid. Hay: Buying price, valley tlmoth. $2028; alfalfa.' $31.60; grain ' $26; cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch $26. ' , Millstuffa: Prices f.o.b. mill, eltf artage $2 extra. - Mill run. car lota o mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $7$ rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $73 scratch feed $80. Corn whole $66; cracked $8. gon. Salem Auto Exchange. J ' Monitor cars now on display. Come and see them. 229 State Ut. Phone 869. Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. 610-12 U. H. bank. Pbone 141. Water Company. FOR SALE Good Gernsey eow, some cords of fir and oak wood. Hkyllnel sheep and shoats, one - registered Orchard, Rt. 3, box 187. g43T" Jersey bull coming 2 years old- Dan Rosebud s Soutau 3S0224, sire Pagls of Pleasant Valley. No. 116, 022. Call 87F:i eveninxs. t!3 SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Hta. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 7. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first Installed at A. B. fcftew art Repair Shop, 347 Court at Grain: Wheat No. 1 $202.10; feed oats 80 85c; milling oats 85888c; cheat hay $19020; oat hay $21022; clover hay $2324; mill run $47. Butterfat: Butterfat, (2c; cream ery butter 64 65c. Pork, vaal and mat toe: Fork oa foe It 3-4c; veal fancy 23c; ateers 100 89o; cowa (l 8-4c; spring lambs 11 He; cows (t 3-4c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings 13c. Dressed pork 1821e. Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 37c; light hens,- 24c; heavy hens 26c; old roosters 15 16c; springs 24c. Vegeta&W; Onions per pound 60; eelery doc $1.76; potatoes, Yakima 6c ' Oregon 3 H 4Mc; aweet potatoes to beets per sack $2; turnips per sack $3.60; carrots per sack $1.26; parsnips per sack $160; spinach 10c lb.; rad ishes 446 dos. Fruit: Oranges $4.60 $.00; I meni, $f 01.(6; aisnanas llx; honey extract 29c; hunch beets 40c; caobaga 2c; ALLIES REPLY TO KOTE ONWAYTOWASHHI London, Fett 18. -The reply of the supreme-allied council to r President Wilson's note relative to the Adriatic settlement has bee coded and for warded to Washington by "the Ameri can embassy here. Announcement has been made that the question of mak ing public the text of the reply win rest with Mr.; Wilson. It Is understood tho communication sent to the American capital objects to a reopening of the Adriatic question. It Is said to declare that circumstances existing when Premiers' Lloyd -George, Nlttl nnd Clemenoeau framej the Tlr tual ultimatum to Jngo-Slavla In Jan uary could not be Ignored, and the president, it is asserted, Is told the de cislons reached Inst December, to wich Mr. Wilson adhered In his note will be carried out if Mr.' Wilson -will indicate the way this may be done. INVESTIGATION HAUSERCASEIS ORDERED MADE , Washington, Feb. 18. . Attorney General Palmer today directed the federal district attorney at Portland, Ore., to make a "full and thorough Investigation" of the charges made against M..H,. Houser of thu. United States grain corporation, by. a, fed eral grand Jury at Spokane. The attorney general's Instructions were given at the request of -Mr. liouser who, in a telegram to Mr. Palmer, declared he could "not per mit the statement of tho grand jury go unchallenged." He requested that the 1'nltcd States attorney after his Investigation, give "equal publicity to his findings as were given to tho insinuation in the repost of the Spokane grand jury." KLAMATH LAKE LAND NOT TO BE LEASED - LANE Klanmth Falls, Or., Feb. 13. A dispatch from Washington received here today said Secretary Lane' had decided not to lease ten thousand acres of marsh lands on Upper Kla math laket o Doak & Brown, San Fran Cisco contractors, under any conditions and that at far as he was concerned the mutter was finally closed. The American Legion has been op- posing the lease ot the lands and urg ing th'i restoring of the homestead en try with prior rights to ex-snrvlce men, "JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT .lOltftWAIi WANT Am PAT. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT AD8 PAX FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 ,per cent. ITawkins & Roberts t 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem Oregon