Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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viwxDixti or thk i.Kn:
Won Lost
Aiiilt-rinii-Iirown 5 1
Capita) National 4 2
Hauwr Kros J S
l S. Nutloiml (
Staging a romehack that had some
of the cmhuaintic fans nearly falling
out of the bleachers, the Mauser liros.
quintet won In the last minute of play
from the Capital National hank war
rioni 23 to 22 at the Y. M. C. A. last
night. It was by all odds the hottest
foujjht and closest game of the Com
mercial League series that hag yet
been played.
In the first six minutes of play the
bank team piled up a score of IS while
Ilauser Hi us. were making four points
and owing to the fact that the bank
five were successful In defeating the
Imhku leaders, Anderson-Brown lant
week, everyone began to feel that It
wu going to be a walkaway. How
ever at this Juncture, the Hauser tiros,
stilfenei! up, and neither side scored
liguin during the first half. From the.
time the starting whistle blew for te
si'cond half, It was a battle royal.
Springer, captain of Hauser liros. team
mulled down the floor time and again
fur a basket, the final score crediting
him with IS Individual points. When,
the score was about tied time out was
called and a shift wits made enabling
Ilulsey to guard Springer. Hut even
the veteran high school star couldn't
entirely stop the lliiumr Urns, captain,
who got away for four baskets after
the change, the last of which turned
defeat Into victory.
In the secoiul game of the evening
Anderson-llrown easily won from the
1'. 8. National bank five 117 to 15. The
league leaders played in excellent form
but did not have to extend themselves
iU liny time. I
Next Tuesday evening Hauser Bros,
will meet Andetson-lirown and the
two bank teams will mix. , Coach
Hi had referred both frames hist evening.
Detroit, Allen.., FeO. 18. Mtcher
Love and Second Baseman Young have
signed contracts with the Detroit Amer
lean League club for the 1920 season.
This loaves five regular and two
utility men still to be a'gned up. They
are Harry Heilman, first baseman;
Chick bhorten and Ita Klagstead, ou.
felds. Bob Jones, third baseman, and
Doc? Avers, pitcher. Dyer and Ell. son.
utility men, also remain to be signed.
Al are expected to be with the team
when it begins spring practice at Ma
con. A squad of 31 players is expected to
make up the contingent that will start
south within the next few weeks. Cobb
will not Join the club until it begins the
trip north with the Boston Nationals.
Eight recruit pitchers will be given
an opportunity to show whether they
are ready for major league company.
MLUUilibUV HVdU 111V
Berlin, t"eb. 18. The aniline or
ganization, comprising most of the
leading German chemical factories.
: has doubled its capital stock, makmg
The Salem high basketball team de
feated the Willamette freshmen In thejSchatt's men performed in good style
against the older men. their superior
team work largely accounting for the
victory. Leslie Springer refereed.
Eastern Inter-collegiate
Base Ball Opens April 19
Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 18. Michi
gan s baseball nine which will open
the Western Intercollegiate season at
Bloomlngton, Indiana, on April 19th,
will be whipped into shape with a
southern training trip that will Include
six g; with three fast college
teams of the south.
Alabama Polytechnic will oppose
the Wolverines April 13 and 13, at
Auburn, Alabama; the tTiilverslty of
Georgia will provide competition April
14 and 15. at Athens, Ga., and Vander
bilt, at Nashville, April 18 and 17, will
wind up the training trip.
A constant circulation of sea water
is taking place within the sponge In its
natural habitat. This flow is accom
plished by a series of cells, the like of
which are not to be found In any of
the hiher animals.
.i:.GU; Kt llFDl'LK
American Bowlers' Meet -'
Held in Illinois in March
TeoilH, 111., Feb. IS. The nnmml
inei'llng of officers, delegates iihjJ iiieni
lii'ts of Hie executive eominlttOH of the
American Howling congress will bo
held let the Hotel Jefferson here on
March 12.
The Inlern.'itloniil A if C tournament
will open here March HI and close
March Dl''wlth 7l)0 teams competing,
' rdlng to Secretary A. L. T.nngtry.
Two hundred JVorlit teams will lie en
tered and Chicago will he next In line
with 170 teams. Tho prize list will to
tal ;io,ouo.
Teams from every state In the union
have been enetered, and for the nrst
lime In history one team from Mexico
will try for the championship. Can
ada will also be represented.
Th l!!l congress will he awarded
at tho annual meeting on March 12., HuffaJu, Louisville, t.
Louis and Indianapolis, will ask for the
1921 tournament, It is said. Secretary
I.nngtry will move his headiiunrters to
I'eorlu from Milwaukee early In February,
Kansas City, FebJ 8. Club owners
or tne western league gathered here
ror- a meeting, at which, among other
tilings, the 1920 schedule will be con
sidered Whether possible chanires in
the circuit membership would he con
sidered hud not been announced. Sev
eral towns are said to be seeking mem-
Vienna, Monday, Feb. 4 8. Systema
tlo vandalism and robbery In cetne.
tenes pas led. to demnnds for police
protection. Newspapers say graves
and vaults have been despoiled, arti
cles of the slightest value stolen and
coffins smashed for firewood.
Willamette gym Tuesday afternoon by
a score of 22 to 14. Superior teamwork
won for the high school, as they w
able to work the ball down the floor
at will. The freshmen excelled at
shooting when they did get an oppor
tunity to shoot, and with a little more
practice together as a team they wirr
be a winning aggregation, Amor)
Gill and Boise shot the greatest num
ber of 'bajketa for the high school
team, and Socolofsky and Thomas
played the best game for the fresh
men, who were handicapped by the
absence of Gancans. who has a sprain
ed ankle.
The score.
Freshmen High School
Ell's (4) F... (12) A.Gill
Canzans (2) F Shatei
Stone C (8) Boise
Socolofsky . G (2) E. Gill
Thomas (7) G Ashby
Bain (1) S
Notson S
Referee Springer.
In a game that was hard played
fittm Mtnt-t In finluh link fiabm hiirh
school basket Ball five defeated the;thet otal 600.000,000 marks, in order
Willamette freshmen. 22 to-14 at tne to buiid new factories for the produc
Willamette irvmnasium. Coach i tion of nitrogen fertilizers. It is con
sidered nigniy prooaoie mat ueronanj
will Boon be able to export instead of
import chemical fertilizers.
Paris. Feb. 18. French savings
banks deposits for 1919 exceeded the
withdrawals by 929.2S3.49S francs, ac
cording to statistics Just published.
The new Missouri state house has a
bronze chandelier, which weighs 6500
pounds and carries 150 electric lamps.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
"The new cook certainly
makes good tea."
"It isn't the cook; it's the
tea. You're drinking
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
patchmyn-lined-moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Francisco
his church were smash
" to.
Tulle, France. Feb. 18. The vicar guilty of the of Z
of the village of Aix, near here, de- "ense-
nounced modern dancing and balls Six miles abovh
during his sermon Sunday morning seems to be the 1 t earla's
and on Monday night the wind
"" latest skv
"Nowls theTime to Do ip
says the Good Judge
Go to real tobacco
the small chew with
the rich tobacco taste
that lasts a long time.
It will cost you less to
chew than ordinary
tobacco. Any man
who uses ''the Real
Tobacco Chew will
tell you that
Put Up In Two Stylet
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
m Firearms Ammunition
Shooting Rkhf
8 m
r.:Sj,l';niiincf.,-i.Li iu'Ti
The Horrible
Handicap of Catarrh
You Must Drive It Out Of The
15Imd To Get Rid Of It
Adam never luul a handker
chief is another way of saying
that Catarrh i.s an ailment that
we owe to civilization and the ef
fects of modem life. Catarrh is
not a disease like pneumonia or
typhoid fever. Catarrh is caus
ed by Impure blood, laden with
irritatintr.and poisonous matter
acting upon cells lining the na
sal passages and, throat, that
have already been inflamed, ir
ritated and caused to overwork.
no effect upon the blood,
. b ,b. is a purely vegetable
blood remedy, made from roots
ami herbs direct from the forest.
which combat promptly any dis
ease germs or impurities in the
Once you get your blood free
irom impurities cleaned of
mi .ii.i.l. ..I ' i i .. .
iiiiDiinui miaous wnien if is
now a prey to because of its un
healthy state then you will be
relieved of Catarrh the drip
ping in the throat, hawking and
spitting, raw sores in the nos
trils, and the disagreeable bad
breath. It was caused, in the
iuM piace, because your imnov.
it is not
S. S. S.
by exposure to dust, dirt, sud-erished blood was easily infect
i ::1' c.1,,anr3 ' .temperature, ab-.ed. Possibly a slight cold or con-
z : r ysuLis$ md acf h had
i v ' ' ; uaa com. r;ut the point isd,
. , i V I . r.r " ine. suiter with Catarrh i
nose and throat. The unhealthy necessary. The remedy
condition of th i.w,i mn,i k.J.i:, .. J.'"v
. .7 V""'v uinuuxt'reU Over IlltV venr n rrn
overcome . purified and restored tested, true and tried is obS'
to a healthy condition. able at any drug store
0.1 must realize that the dis- proven its value i in thoLnds of
ease itself and not its symp. cases. It will d Ho TyZ case
toms, is what you have to cure. Get S. S. S. at once and iSrin
Of course, you know that when1 treatment . 1 yours If a &
you are cured of any disease its standing case be sire to wr fe"
symptoms will disappear. for free exnert W.S li iJJ-
iniiamation of the delicate vegetable blood tonic cleans
nembranes of the nose and air the impurities from the Kd
passages which choke up and by literallv washinJ it clean i S
niake, breathing, difficult. To will prove to vou tSSt&LXl
w na 01 tnese distressing ef- of sufferers from cimh7iZZ
jou must remove their eonsisfonr t,-utn
ii j j i j ' . . ' b. have been freed from the
blood is laden w ilh iW im. ,. lrvm ".e
r".....-u . i . -" . """wic nu mi us uisacreeahle
Catarrh germs which direct features and restored to Sect
their attack against the tender, health and vigor . IWt dem
and delicate membranes of the' the treatment. For fr US
nose ainl throat These germs' advice address Swiff? Med ica
cannot be reached by sprays or, Director, 167 SwifliboViorv
douches, which, of course, have' Atlanta. Ga a?v
It. was a hard life, but a good life,
and a life that built MEN"
The Recruiting Sergeant can give
you the information that will help
you decide which branch fits you
best In all of them you will get
the fine training as a soldier that
the United States offers all its men
in many branches you can get
highly specialized training.
INFANTRY Th men who have made the nam
of "doughboy" feared and respected throughout
, the world welcome you to the comradeship. Fin
fellow good fun and good training In any achool
t th post you go to.
CAVALRY When th horse are champing at
tli bit and th "yellow legs" mount up and the
0 troop rides forth, there la a thrill that no old cav.
alryman can ever forget. A horse of your wn
good outdoor ill and training for future eucc w
FIELD ARTILLERY "Action Front" come
th command then watch the boy with tho red
bat cord I nap (mo It. A happy outfit with th
dash of mounted service added to interesting work
that call for head and band. Motor if you wish.
CORPS OF ENGINEERS Army engineering Is
known th world over for its excellence and an en
listment in th engineers can be .he start of
.young man' training In th various branches of
engineering and In any of th mechanical and
building trades.
COAST ARTILLERY Living on the sea coasts,
guarding big cities with big guns, getting time for
Study and a wide and good technical training, th
. C A. C. man Is preparing for a useful life and good
pay and is having a good time while he's learning.
Th C.A.C. also mans th mobile big gun rcgi.
menta throughout th country.
Th man who gets th early edge in experience
with aeroplane and balloons lias a chance to cash
In big on his army twining. For flying is only in
Its Infancy and It's going to ba a profitable business
for men with th right experience.
to th aradious young American. To wide oppor
tunities for study, it adds a business as well as a
technical training.
SIONAL CORPS Whether It's laying a wlr
from a reel -cart at a gallop or Installing a wireless
tation that will flash Its message half around the
world, th Signal Corp is Aen, and a man who
learns radio telegraph and telephone work in the
Signal Corp Is always valuable.
MEDICAL rTT.-rJood experience, good pay.
and training in a.j branches of hoepltal work. Excel
lent opportunity for future auccess. Tne Veter
inary Corps teaches the car of horse as well as
trieat and milk Inspection.
TANK CORPS Th man , U . jtKiws gas motors
and tractors or who wants to know them i In
vited to Join th Tanka. Radio, machine gun and
ordnance work are all parts of th Tank Corp
feeds and clothes th Army offers s valuable train
Ing for tutor butine. Interesting work for th
man who likes horse In th Remount Set vie.
In th many trad i part of th every day life of th
Construction Division. Many opportunities to
lei.-n th trad of highly paid specialists.
with little kr,owldg of chemistry or for any
ambitious young man who would likn to get that
knowledge, thr is Interesting work and rapid
advancement in th C W. 3.
practical training in motors and their accesso-es,
and in driving a wall, is given In the well-equipped
chooU of the Motor Tranaport Corpa.
WHEN I got out of the Army, I raised
my right hand over my derby and
said, "Never again, I hope!"
And I am here to state that I was just one of
about 3,000,000 who felt like that only stronger.
It was my privilege to kick and believe me, I
did. I couldn't get out too quick I wanted a
feather bed, restaurant food and trousers that
flapped around my ankles.
But now that I'm out, civil life is not all that
we cracked it up to be I And the Army looks
like a pretty good place, after all.
I've been and seen and done things that I
wouldn't give up my memories of, for anything.
I had a fine crowd of buddies two-fisted
men with a regular man's outlook on life.
I learned how to take care of myself and all
comers to hold my own with the best and
with the worst. ,
And I learned the sort of discipline that makes
a man able to handle men.
I got pretty fair clothes not as
good as the Army gives in peace
time, but warm and plenty of them
and they didn't set me back
sixty a suit, either.
Where the
U. S. Army Serves
American troops ere serving In
Panama, Hawaii, the Philippine
Alaska. China, Germany, Siberia
end here in the U. 8. A. The Re
cruiting Sergeant will gledly give
you ail the details.
Llk every one elae In the Army
from General to Buck Private,
you're under ordera and If your
outfit moves and you're needed
elsewhere, your duty Is (o go.
Meals well, did you ever see a hungry
looking soldier ?
We all kicked then. Some of the rear-rank
generals will always kick. You. can't please
some birds ever.
The Army never was a bed of roses it was
not meant to be. It is a powerful fighting
machine. And even right now, with the peace
time lack of hardship, it's still no place for the
lad who won't "play ball."
But, the man who does his duty, who snaps
into the spirit of the game, who stands on his
own feet, who pla,vs hard and plays clean there
is the chap who gets along and eats up the
Army life.
He learns how to handle men, he rises in rank
as fast as he proves-himself.
He is intrusted with important and interest
ing work.
He gets more money clear than he could; save
in civil life.
He comes ouf with a better
education he has a real time with
a good crowd of regular he-men.
He's seen something an4 been
something and done something for
the little old U.S. A.
The Nearest TJ. S. Army Recruiting Stations Are:
Worcester Bldg., 3rd and Oak Sts., Portland .
462 State Street, Room 5, Salem.
A personal interview involves 'no obligation