Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    CTDAYjgSUAEY 18, 1920.
H ground Town
-vk. it-Judge McCarnant
at public library.
""leS? ll-l'-SO 8alm Auto
haWi armory.
T" ,, Marion county
... ., clinic at
'a uui"- -
With Ezra Haurer as administrator
- 4c and W. J. Culver. I J. rm. n '
V K.eercK as appraisers. Judge w. Jt.
Busney signed an order Monday for
-the management of the estate of Otto
. insurer. Marlon county nroDertv nl
?T il club,
res. Z3
ued at 11750 is represented.
Special meeting of Pa
cific lodge No. SO A. P. &
A. M. this evening. Work
in the M. M. degree. Visit
ors welcome.
a. Kent from Portland, and his
daughter.. Mrs. Ivy Gray from Hood
Kiver. returned to their hnmu wi.
nesday after a few days visit with
xar. ana Mrs. o. Cotterman. 1535
Highland avenue.
Mrs. J. A. Caroenter
Helen, 1445 Highland avenue, went to
rortiana Wednesday where they will
attend tne wedding of Mrs. Carnen
ter's brother. Willard Smith, to be
neia in that city Thursday.
.Ha D. A. K. and other
tiona armory S P -
!6-Month.y meeting
JT Business Mens league,
2Tmclal club. 8 p. m.
2- Business men1.
JorV Commercial club.
"TTh. S -Cherry City Bak- .
J. i entertain Rotariana
2 it snd friends at a
tenquet at 6 P. m.
un watchmaker. Jeweler, Salem.
Good 7 room Mrs. Bert Townsend and Ron. ITIwl
rood bam- large lot on car (from Prineville, are spending a few
saved street. Must act quick- daya visiting at the homo of Mr. and
.-500. Laflar and Laflar. j Mrs. Clarence Townsend, 145 Myers
vmV I street, .this city.
aulis Hanauska, executrix of the Men in the signal corps of th ar
Hanauska estate has been grant my to hand,e mgeMy m
j emission -
' . for a consia
nf JU40. The order was wgn
ZX) County Judge W. M.
LL rh Drouerty was originay
.ied t U300.
0, account of the smallpox and ln
Zn epidemic we feel it necessary
imeiua ok .., v,ii ntll inch
a dote me """' " " . V.
1, as the possibility at reading
.' ....
Ostitis is eunuua.-u
a Gilbert, J. N. Skaife and a
. Endicott appraisers in the Mar
Li Ostrander estate, have filecVa
iLrt SPd inventory in which the
l and personal property are ap
prise at a valuation of 12625.
A suit for the repayment of a eer
hja promissory note has been made
, the Oregon Holding company
tplnit the Labish district improve
ment company, of whom M. Jj. Jonea,
Iriiss Voget, J. 0. Hayes and E. B.
Knights of Maccabees will hold an
opes meeting and smoker tonight.
State Commander J. W. Sherwood
cill be with ua. The attendance of all
umbers is desired. Bring a friend.
lUsi Mable Robertson, principal of
Ike Highland school will be able to
nttrs to her duties soon after an at
tack ef the influenza.
Attention B. P. 0. B. Your attend
tm Is requested at the meeting
Ttariday. Exalted Ruler Archerd will
tpptmt all aub-comniitteeB for state
(sanation. .2
Attorney W. C. Wlnslow Is again
t rtaitor to the court house after a
even attack of the flu.
rnlllp M. HoUlen, organizer for the
United Timberworkers, is one of the
Uteat subjects to the flu epidemic and
k reported to be quite ill at his pres
ent 8lem residence, 266 South Cot
Use street. Mr. Hidden is quite well
kwm here having elicited praise
from several large Salem firms be
euae of his fairness and sincerity in
wguiilng locals here under difficult
tirctwutances. 'Holden's circuit Is a
jw portion of the Pacific northwest
Nt he calls Salem his home. About
t months ago, JTr. Holden married
Kisi Emily Phillips, former Salem
Wduate who Is well known here.
Br. and Mrs. Gray Day and two
all children, Marjorle and Clarence,
i Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Day drove
from Portland Saturday for the
end to visit at the home of
IMr mother. Mis. Day. on eaBt Cent
f street, who is ill. Mrs. Glenn Day
remaining for the week to visit at
er mother's, .Mrs. Jennie Tolman.
demand, according to a communica
tion received at local recruiting head
.quarters Wednesday by Corporal W.
W. Sites from the office of the chief
signal officer at San Francis. Th
local recruiter is urged to exert his
etrorts to enlist men for this work.
Mr. and Mrs Gus Brown, residing
on Cherry avenue, have as their
guests- for a short time Mrs. Brown's
parents from Portland.
The fire department at nine o ,..rck
Wednesday morning answered a call
to the home of Mrs. Hattie Jackson,
541 Center street, and xtiniriiihH
small chimney blaze.
The robbery of a store at McMlnn-
vuie late Tuesday night by an un
known man who drove a small 'bug'
machine, with the words "Bull nnr.
ham" and "Tuxedo" painted ou the
siaea was reported to police here by
snenrr Henderson, who asked the M
of the local authorities In the hunt
ror tne thier, A large quantity of sev
eral brands of tobacco was taken by
the burglar.
Th theft of his blcycV from the
alley between High and Liberty
atreeta, on State, -some time Tuesday
night was reported to police by Merl
Putnam, employe at the Gray Boll.
The collision of his machine with
one driven by A. Jones on North Com
mercial street at 7:30 a. m. Wednes
day, was reported to police byMorris
Race. Mr. Jones is said to have driv
en his auto, up to the side of Mr.
Race's machine, striking It in tne side.
Both machines were slightly damag
ed. Differences were settled on the
spot, police reports said.
H. F. Woodry, the auctioneer of
Saskatoon, Canada, who 'with his wife
and daughter visited his brother, F.
N. Woodry, of this city for a month
at Christmas time, and then sojourned
to California and Mexico, returned
Wednesday and has left on his return
to Canada. His wife and daughter will
stay in California until April. Mr.
Woodry Is very prominent in Canada
as a registered farm and stock auc
tioneer. He was much taken with Ore
gon and California and says he will
return next fall.
Thursday's tests is- about normal,
around 38 being registered.
Carl D. Shoemaker, state game war-
"n- Kicnant o. Hansen, former-
w uHegrapn. editor of the Statesman.
but Who iS BOW tmnlnnJ
Oregoatan. were Salem visitors Wed-
wwmj, making the trip .down th val
ley-ln Mr. Shoemaker's car.
The organization nmnh.. u.
r - -"e-. V. iuc
Enterprise irrigation district of Kla
math county are held to be valid and
hi due form in an opinion rendered
"y "orney ueneral Brown Tuesday,
for the guidance of the statu itera
tion securities commission. The irrt-
gauoa district has made application
to the commission for the certifica
tion of a M0.008 bond issue, and an
opinion on tha leealitv nf th.
had been sought for before passing
on mo application.
H. H. Corev nf th rirairnn n..Kt:.
service commission has been named
as a member of the committee on
grade crossings and trespass on rail
roads for the national association of
railway and utilities commissions, ac
cording to information received to
day. Corey last year served m
ber of the utilities rate commutes of
tne association and succeeded in se
curing the adoDtion nf th r
plan of rate making adopted as the
aianuaru oi tne national association.
In the window of a Salem drug
store is an odd appearing article doll
ed up in. a small bottle of alcohol
Former Salem bar .patrons might be
interested In the alcoholic portion of
the bottle'' contents until the nature
of the article "in pickle" is ascertain
ed. The mysterious substancn is
cancerous growth which until recent
ly arrected the lower lln of a Ttnia
boro resident. Dr. S. C. Stone claims
that he removed this cancer In
ord time, starting treatment January
31 ana releasing the erowth FVhrnarv
17. Dr. Stone denies that he has the
bottle on .exhibition purposes of ad
vertlsing, but merely as an interest
ing exhibit.
R. A. Harris of 'this city, formerly
in charge of the voters registration
department In the secretary of state's
office is back in the United States af
ter sixteen months service in France
as a T. M. C. A. secretary, according
to information received today by Gov
ernor Olcott from the international
headquarters of the association in
New York city. Harris served first
in the records department of the T
M. C. A. and later was superintendent
of inter-allled games In Paris where
he made an excellent record, accord
ing to the letter which highly com
mends Harris for the "fine work that
he accomplished" in connection ' with
his overseas service with the "T."
T. H. Gumbler, who sustained a se
vere cut on hlB leg Tuesday afternoon
when anauto In which he was riding
with Dr. Catherine Schleff, of Medford
plunged Into the glass front of the
Otto J. Wilson garagle. Center land
Commercial streets, returned to his
home in Eugene Wednesday. Dr.
Schleff, who was driving the machine,
and whese face, head and hands were
badly lacerated, is yet in this city, re
ceiving treatment from local phyai
dans. ,
Fred G. Buchtel, public- service
commissioner, is in Portland today in
conference with J. N. Teal of the
Portland traffic and transportation
association and representatives of
the Willamette valley lumbermen's
association relative to the car short
age situation In this state.
We office of County Clerk U. G.
W -presented a forlorn appear
Tuesday, with three members of
Personnel absent because of re
"wtai attacks of the Influenza. The
members of Clerk Boyer's
are Mrs. Lenh Rake Miss Anna
rmes and Mjss Ruth Wallace.
JJjf Hel(,n Savage, who has been
"JIy Ul due to an attack of flu
' "ordered on pneumonia. Is re
to be recovering in a uatisfac
"T manner from the effects of the
Miss Savage is a deputy in the
oo of County Recorder Mildred
Mn Brooks.
ttX on gasoline and distillate
Oregon during January by the
-""d Oil company of California
d I51M.H, according to a
'td With th8 retary of
office here today, accompanied
for the tax. Sale, of the
fcifaiL 'he montn a 8nwn by
mer.t wele rl08,609 gaolls of
IT and 19 415 Baon. of distil-
1 iifra
-6 mure.
Members of Sedgwick post No. 10,
G. A. R., and all other Civil war vet
erans are urged to turn out and at
tend the funeral of the late Comrade
E. Albert Hart of Co. A 111 N. Y. in
fantry, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
of Thursday February 19, at the un
dertaking parlors of G. E. Terwilligei',
770 Chemeketa street In the announce
ment of J. M. Watson post comman
der, by D. Webster, adjutant.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent ft the Southern Pacific, was a
Wednesday visitor In Salem looking
after company Interests.
Lausanne hall is making transition
into a new and admirable addition to
the Willamette university campus,
but the Lausanne hall girls were very
much in evidence at a Valentine par
ty at the temporary dining room, Sat
urday night. Valentine exchanging
and the opening of a large valentine
box were the feature, of the evening.
Decorations carried out the familiar
heart motif of the good saint of Feb
ruary 14.
County Judge W. M. Bushney sign
ed an order Monday, appointing An
na Newman as guardian of Clara Ja-
Icobson, 13. The little girl's parents
are both dead. She has an estate of
about $6i0 left by her father. Of the
'amount named, $300 is represented by
life insurance.
eon m a" Iliea m cir-
hlJ Cd transfer of 21.000
Claim. I Car1' for wnlch
icuum, he is entitled to $49.
Mrs. Nellie Geer passed away at
the home of her mother In Portland.
February 16, 1920, following a brief
HlnAM nf bronchial nneumonia. Be
side, a husband, Guy M. Geer, the de
ceased leaves a son Morris s years
nlrl a ri.iiiphter Elma Louise, age 16
months, her mother, Ida A. Morris; a
brother HarlalTd R. and a sister Kutn
Morris all nf Portland. Mrs. Geer
was formerly Miss Nellie Morris of
11 o r
Nell Bvkes. former domestic sci
ence teacher in the Salem high school
but who ba. been serving with the
American Bed Cross in Vladivostok
for the past year, will arrive In San
Francisco Thursday aboard the trans
port Great Northern, according to a
cablegram receive?! by her brother.
"Horace Sykea of this city.
f The regular monthly clinic of the
Marion county childrens bureau will
be held in the auditorium or the
Commercial club at 1:30 o'clock
Thursday afternoon. Despite the prev
alence of various forms of sickness,
the number of children entered for
general in charge of the legal.depart-
ment of the state highway commis
sion, Is in Portland today on legal
- H. C. Gram, state labor commis
sioner, is in Portland on official bus
iness today.
Judge Robert R. Butler of The
Dalles is in Salem today, the gutfet of
his brother, Chauncey Butler.
Daily Statistics.
TRACY Silas J. Tracy, 74, at his
home at Llvesley.
Funeral at chapel of the Webb &
Clough company at two o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. Burial Odd Fellows
BOCHRINGER To Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. A. Bochringer, 260 West Wil
son street, February 17, a 10 pound
The boy has been named Richard
Man Convicted Upon
Second Indictment
Medford, Or., Feb. 18. Lark Eaans
formerly of La Grande and Klamath
Falls, Or., was Indicted today by the
ranrf inrv fur the theft of an auto
mobile and robbery of W. O. White
of Grants Pass near Jacksonville, or
last September. This is the second in
intmiir.t niralnst Evans te first one
being dismissed when the defendant
established what the state believed to
be an alibi. Evans who has recently
been employed in a local garage Is
a local garage Is at liberty on $1000
Well Known Telegraph
Operator is Stricken
rwti.inn. Or.. Feb. 18 Ben Dur-
kee, chief operator in Portland for
the Postal Telegraph company, and
one time champion receiving opera
tor of the United States, died at his
home here last night from heart
trouble. He was 47 years old.
fUDtCR O'Neill
IjirffiiBush rMButef
lStOr. Slate and
nfE , LUUU
I fs6ZSV
Washington, Feb. 18 Vigorous
cross examination of Ludwig C A. K.
Martens, Russian soviet "ambassador"
to the United States, began before the
senate investigating- committee today
with Wade Ellis, counsel for tha com
mittee apparently bent on developing
the extent to which the witness might
have been connected with revolution
ary propaganda in this country since
he received his appointment from the
soviet government.
Throughout tho examination Mar-'
tens sought to draw a distinction be
tween the acts of his government and
his own "official activities and those
of the Russian communist party. The
witness said he had not incited revolu
tion in the United States and Mr. Ellis
produced a letter signed by Lenine, so
viet premier, dated January, 1919, urg
ing American working men to estab
lish a soviet government and "over'
throw "bourgeoise parliaments."
Martens said the letter did not come
through him, but added that "under
certdiirfciTOumstanoes such k letter
might be. justified." The letter was
"war propaganda," he said, adding
that Russia was at war with all pow
ars during the last two years."
"Tho United States did not declare
war on Russia, did it?" asked Senator
Brandegee, republican, Connecticut
"It made war without declaring it,"
the witness said.
Mr. Ellis called attention to the third
international in Moscow March, 1919,
"long after your establishment here."
He read the-manifesto drawn up at
Moscow and signed by Lenine and
Trotsky. Martens said he was "not
concerned" with what Lenine wrote
"a. a member of the communist part
ly," but added that personalty he
agreed with it.
"I don't want any camouflage
about this," he said. "I am a commun
ist and support the principles of that
Martens Insisted that the third in
ternational was "not the soviet gov
Mr. Ellis then took up a proclama
tion of the soviet government, refer
red to as "document number 8" and
which affirmed the intent of. the
"Russia ngovernment to come to the
aid ot the left wlng,o workers in ev
ery country, reganBless of whether
they are at war with Russia or not
and appropriates two million rublea
for the purpose." i
"I think much more than that was
appropriated," Martens said. "At the
time Russia was at: war it was justi
fied. The American government spent
much more than that to Incite rev
olution in my country."
Taking steps for the efficient oiruu-
ziation of dog owners and those In
terested In the fight against reaction
ary measures directed against dogs, a
meeting of all persons interested will
be held in Salem Thursday night.
The meeting is called for in a peti
tion signed by more than fifty promi
nent citizens of the city and notice Is
posted as follows:
'Owners of dogs and friend, of hu
mane treatment of animals are re
quested to meet at the Bligh hotel,
Thursday evening, February 19, at 8
o'clock to protest against present un
just and conflicting statutes regulat
ing the keplng of dogs in this state."
The meting notification is signed By
Colonel E. Hofer and Thos. O, Bligh
and mnny others.
The esenne of two boys from the
Institution about 2 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon Is reported by the super
intendent of the boy. training school.
Wednesday afternoon.
The boys were aiding in the work
nr inoAintr n car of wood when last
uan anri are sunnoscd to be making
their- way east toward th Bllverton
railway. Search was started at once
but no trace of them had been found
n tn imp hour In tho afternoon
and the usual reward of 15 for infor
mation leading to their capture had
been offered.
T, hnvn were Clarence Bland, of
Bend, and Edward Dunn, of Mount
Vernon, Oregon. The Bland boy is
Seats on Sale Now
Oliver Morowo Present the Ever
Popular Hawaiian Romance
Richard Walton Tally's Play of a
Woman's Woul
A Brilliant Cat, Winding
I'rfci! 50 to $2.00 Mail Orders Now
deecjlbed as being IS years old and of
light complexion. He run hh
is a feet I inches tall and weighs 115
'poundsk Dunsv la i feet t tm-ho. i-ii
o fliarnt compiesion and is described
a being slightly stoep-ahouidered.
Petitions Placing
Hoover's Name On
Ballot Rejected
Lanainr. Mich. Feb. 1 X nrtinv
to place th name ot Herbert Hoover
on tea oemocraUo ballot in th presi
dential primary April S, was reject
ed by the secretary of irtata today be
cause it rhd not designate th candi
date's residence aa required by law.
Supporters of .Mr. Hoover hnu un
til noon March 1 to file new petitions.
Washington. Feb. 18. Despite the
request of th North Dakota conven
tion, yesterday that republican- prrsi
.dential candidates tile no primary
petitions there. Senator Johnson of
California announced today h desir
ed to have the people of th state
pas directly on his candidacy and
that he had no present intention of!
withdrawing the petition he ha. filed.
In. a telegram to Richard Wlleox,
Johnson manager at Bismarck, Sen
ator Johnson said:'
"I am not willing to have my can
didacy abide the ultimate determin
ation ot delegates who say they are
unpledged. I want the people them
selves to pass upon my candidacy."
The telegram denied that there
had been any agreement between
Senator Johnson and North ' Dakota
politicians for control of the state.
San Francisco, Feb. 18. Plans for
a membership drive of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union were
taken up at a regional conference of
the organization, today, and national
leaders told of Americanisation. child
welfare and oyier work Being umler
taken. The states of California, Ore
gon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming,
Nevada Vtah and Arizona were rep.
resented at the conference, which will
last two days. , . j
Mrs. Jennie Kemp of Tortland an-'
nounced that It was planned to dou
ble the membership of the national
organization. A committee was nam
ed to make plans for the drive and
includes Mrs. Mattie Sleeth, president
of the Oregon W. C T. U., Miss M.
El. Brown, president of the western
Washington organization.
Mrs. Kemp acted as secretary of
the conference, assisted by Mrs. Ida
Marston of Portland and Miss Mau
rice Cory of Seattle. Other commit
tees Included In their membership: I
Publicity, Mrs. Lillian Vincent, Se
Subscriptions to official publica
tions. Mrs.. Hattie Wilson, Oregon;
Mrs. Clara Merman, TUrlock, Mrs.
Mary Stillwell, Seattle.
Enrollment, Mrs. Marian Gilbert,
Auction Sale
270 N. COMX. ST.
"Be On Time"
Eugene Court Makes
Record in Fraud Case
Eugene, Or., Feb. 18. Within one
hour yesterday Mrs. Bertha Shifflet.
18 years old, charged with oblaintVig
money under false pretense, was In
dicted by the Lane county grand
jury, pleaded guilty, waved delay of
sentence, was sentenced to two years
In the penitentiary and then paroled
to her husband on good behavior.
State Hospital Raced
Under Quarantine Today
The state hospital for the insane
was placed under rigid quarantine,
this mornina aa m. nrwrautinn sninot
the influenza epidemic by orders of
superintendent R. E. Lee Sterner.
There arc seme 40 eases of
in the institution at this time, all of
a mild form, according to Superin
tendent Steiner. No death, have oc
eurred as a result ot th epldcmio
this year, Steiner states, The sara
precaution, were taken during the hig
epidemic a year ago when the insti
tution escaped with a record of no
deaths from influenza.
To whom, this may concern I win
say that I was afflicted with a can
cerous growth In my temple to the
annoyance of my self and family.
I advised with Dr. S. C. Stone, Sa
lem, Oregon, who applied a medicine
for five days and then a simple oint
ment and after a few days the CAN
CER came out entirely to. my great
satisfaction. I can '.ruly recommend
Or. Stone's.
Reaslde. Oregon, box 683.
Live Stock for Sale
.The Great Central Market for horsts, cattli
and hogs is the Want Ad Columns of this news
paper.1 Dealers in all kinds of live stock use our
Want Ad columns as a Buyejs'. and Sellers'
Many exceptional live stock bargains are
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realizes that the short route to a quick sale or a
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Selling Live Stock, begin today.
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