Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Worth Salem Improvement as-
Highland avenue. Therefore
M .Uion asKed y tha pessimists
"VSvers in any marked proe
"iTtor Safc-ai. is most pertinent.
I ,w pave Highland avenue?
"Sfaer is: Because it U the
?!!r broad, unobstructed route
pacific highway to the heart
JST than any other unpaved street
SVngth in the city.
iSuse the ten year bonding per
JTr this street expires this year
Z i. city will not be forced to keep
to repair as heretofore under the
JL of the bonding ordinance.
Wauw the present cost of annual
JZ is very great and entirely out
proportion to the results secured.
im Walter Low.)
Wise, having a well graded and
-wrved macadam base, It can be
more cheaply than any similar
23 in the city. (See Walter Skel-
toBuse paving Highland avenue
amuy increase the desirability,
th lability, the rentabllty, and the
ttnotveness to investors, of proper
ty on this street sufficiently to cover
L oost of the Improvement with a
profit before ull the annual assess
ment! fall due.
Because we know that the paving
o( Highland avenue will lead to the
ivi,g of other residence streets In
North Salem, which in turn will tend
to Increase values on Highland aven
m, for instance the paving of Hazel
street to -the deaf school. is already
practically assured.
Because, in spite of fine natural ad
jutages and proximity to the great
north and south arteries of valley
traffic, North Salem must cither have
more pared and improved streets or
become a veritable shack town, that
painful nightmare of luckless prop
erty owners, who wake up too late.
The reason is simple. In this auto age,
lensible people of means will not
fcuild good homes on unpaved streets.
Because most of the thirty thou
sand visitors In a day at the last state
lair had to drive over Highland ave
nue and, considering the many thou
sands of dollars which the state fair
ave n Salem every year, the most
elementary common business sense
and civic pride would seem to de
mand that the city bestir itself to see
trial a broad paved street is extend
ed to the fair gates, and that much
at least Is done toward making the
attendance forty thousand next year.
Because all traffic to another state
institution, the state school for deaf,
must pass over Highland avenue, and
as this school has spoilt nearly whalf
million dollars in Salem since it was
moved to its present site, some civic
recognition of the fact is about due,
th money no doubt being very ac
feptablei Because big talk of a mighty wel
come and the glad hand to new in
dustries such asthe Valley Tacking
plant and the King's Products com
pany, are very nice, but swift and
decisive action to get the main traf
fic arteries paved to their place of
bsslness, paved streets that will save
them and their patrons time, temper
and money, every day In the year, is
tin real welcome the kind that will
attract more such plants.
Finally, because with the three
Mast states spending over 125,000,
M on roads, and the near proMpect
f paved roails from Canada to Mex
H Salem public spirit and Salem ini
tiative will look pitifully weak, if,
after 1920, she continues to welcome
hr U(,ts over fifty mllos of pave-
Bent from Portland or a hundred
ad fifty miles from Astoria, with a
disgusting half mile of bumps, mud
w dust, inside the city limits, and
wse thus speed the parting guest
n the south to the north, glad in
"teral sense to shake the dust of
salem from his clothes, knowing that
" has pavement by the hundred
mA ahead
1' the property owners of abund
ant means on this street do their
M, there is not a particle of doubt
Z.i T "nd be Paved, that its
r! as a main traffic artery will
""ntained, that other s'reets lead
n!.v " 80011 fo,low 8Uit. ana
"the public institutions, and prop-
my In North Salem will be benefit-
M well as these owners them-
nd the city at large.
Submitted by, Mark E. Elliott, W.
J. A. Carpenter, committee
" Property owners on Highland ave-
" f North Salem Improvement
Ward K. Klchardson.
Sprigs Surprise .
h Trial of Socialists
Keb. H.-TothVas-
m iirniuu m
IU I UflAll &
nW ,",l,-uunse, for the five sus-
"Odallst assemblymen being
S MHeBlbly Judiciary com
'uon'l",0' dl9,oyalt-- th.
Penln. ? ' t0k lne loor "
sg of today's W8aion. -. .
J Conboy read into the record
h'Ch hB cIalmed "PP0K-
PM. ' i- " memb." not to par.
to ni ar but called on them
twsT!! munlti" of war. The
Ulea d n the Sruni that
PIeaI antedated Ainen- b
tat4 the world conflict.
ttV" Feb- T" eoat
tUr r Itaa reported by radio
M of rv M, one hundred miles
r t jkout lightship tow
tCer . into port
taZ,tif i" eWM not Klven-
M to d nooner' also was
tou,ka inking condition thirty
of the lightship.
aaT ,nvntT has invented, a
J- m , 'lh an lectric wah-
Tt; reduce ,hp wwh-flay
' 10 minimum.
Chicago. Tee. IS. Th. v.i i
t - - - -muviiai
League of women voters today adopted
resolutions recommending the passage
of pending legislation which provides
for the expenditure of il00.000,0u0
for education. This money is to be ui
vldsd abong the states.
The following seven n.itinnni
ora were elected from the seven reg
ions ouiunea yesterday: Region .1
Miss Katherine Lndincton. rturitnt-A
Conn; region 2, Mrs. Louis Slade, New
xorac City; region 3. Miss Delia Dortch
Nashville, Tenn; region 4, Miss Eliza
beth Hauser, Girard, Ohio; region 6,
Mrs, James Paige, Minneapolis; reg
ion 6, Mrs. George Gellhorn, St Louis
Mo; region.?, Mrs. G. B. Simmons,
Portland, Ore. .
Bills introduced are the Smith.
Towner bill, the Kenyon bill and the
house bill on naturalization.
The women of the leairun Alan noV
for an educational Qualification fnr the
vote in all states after all not quail?
fied have had ample opportunity to
make good their lack of training.
Compulsory education, nine months
of the year, between the ages of six
and sixteen is recommended.
Thorough Provision for the oinrm.
tion of new comers and all others, who
have not vet been absorbed into Amor.
lean citizenship by education arid
training are asked,
The report of the committee on the
unification of laws concerning the legal
status of wome, Catherine 'WaugK
McCulloch, Chicago, chairman, asks
for independent citizenship for mar
ried women.
Two recommendations hv this m..
mittee, which evoked great enthusiasm
in the meeting was one which recom
mends that the ana of consent In nil
states be made 18 years and another
which asks that women of the league
refrain from using their connection
with that -organization to assist any
political party.
Just civil laws and mothers pensions
in all states were also recommended.
m i
American Headquarters, Coblenz,
Germany, Feb. 18. Claims for dam
ages to streets, buildings, farms and
even individuals all reputed to have
been dono by American soldiers or
American equipment of some kind
kind since the army of occupation
reached the Rhine, aggregajjey something-more
than 6, 000,00ft "marks.
Those allowed total approximately
250,000 marks. Many claims are
unique and some without any justifi
cation. A woman who contendod that her
facial appearance had been marred
for life, owing to cuts caused by fly
ing glass due to an explosion at an
ammunition dump, sent in the mod
est claim for 250 marks. It was al
lowed. Another woman, whose husband
had been killed by an American mil
itary policeman who was chasing dis
tributers of contrabrand liquor, sub-
Til'ted a claim to the Americans for
250,000 marks, contending that her
sole support had been taken from
her. The Americans maintained that
the German had been killed by the
American soldier who was acting
within his rights in line of duty. The
claim was disapproved.
Some of the claims are humorous.
Last summer, the Eighty ninth divis
ion borrowed a goat for a circus at
its headquarters. Recently a claim
was filed, with the American town
major asking damages on the conten
tion that the health of the goat had
heen injured. The claim was pigeon
holed. A Rhineland farmer recently de
manded five marks for a bean pole
alleged to have been stolen by an
American soldier. An army commis
sion heard the case and threw out
the claim on the ground there was
no evidence to show that an American
had committed the theft.
San Francisco, Feb. IS. Those who
may come to San Francisco at the
tihie of the democratic convention th
latter part of June H(H .k- .
- -" iwrc n i
experiencing a thrill by visiting th
'-wsi win be disappointed.
Many of the reeorta, celebrated In
story and verse as the scenes cf dee
perate adventure, vher. nkon k
- . - - ..... uvMini-
ing house operator commonly known
as 'crimps," freely plied their trade
of shanghaing sailors for unscrupu-
. r. chains, are permanently
closed. Others ha.v ht tv,-
the places that once flamed with col-
vi, mime ana revelry.
Long before national prohibition
was generally considered a possibility,
...J, -ua. a section of Pacific
street extending back from the bay
front a half dmn v.ii
Chinatown touches the Italian district
rrnuerea innocuous by the
prohibition of the sale of liquor in the
long row of dance halls there.
The main
'to Market street, San Francisco's prin-
v.,,. norousnrare, is Kearney street
where once it is declared, within an
' -usn recKiess spirits could be
picked un to start ni,. .. .
. .w, ini.v ajrt or
desperate enterprise. Now Kearney is
one of the Quietest and n,n.i
able business streets.
Paulus Confers With
Hawley on Tax Matters
Washington, Feb. 17. Robert' C.
Paulus of Salem, manager of the Ore
iron Growers' Co-operative association,
conferred Monday with Representative
Hawley concerning the proposed!
amendment to revenue law to remove
the uncertainty as to tax exemption of
that association as owner of the grow
ers' products turned over to it for sale.
Hawley plans to offer the amend
ment as part of the bill revising the
law which is now pending In the ways
and means committee.
Women Need
Swamp Koot
Thousands of women have kidney
and bladder trouoie anu uevci
Women's complaints often prove to
be nothing else but kidney trouble,
or the result of kidney or bladder
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other
organs to become cuseaseu.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of
nMkt,inn nan-nitiinMuL are often
times symptoms of kidney trouble.
.... . . . . , ..... nut Tir
lon t aeiay siarung utum-
Kilmer's Swamp-Root a physicians
at nnv drug
store, may be Just the remedy needed
to overcome sucn gunuium,.
- - . ! finftlo
Get a medium or large
immediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N.
Y for s sample bottle. When writ
ing be sure and mention the 8alenij
Capital Journal.
London, Feb. 14 The need fr
ernmcnt protection nf tending n-iKci,
key industries was emphasized by sev
eral leading experts at a meeting of
the Society of Chemical Industry.
One speaker who had visited th
German chemical works on the Rhine
valley, described them aft "nrm hucrj.
and highly efficient organization tem
porarily paralyzed but capable of sup
plying 80 per cent of the world'o t,o,i
of dyes, with the necessary raw mater
ials and labor."
His point was that with such an nr.
ganization in existence immediate
steps should be taken by the British
government to ensure some form of
protection to British ndustres.
111 IHllriMU
Buenos Ares. Feb.
onimendation of the countv snnprin.
I tendent a life certificate will be Issued.
Miss Toflit, dean of women, and
At: r ;.. ... ...
.viaiviu, suae iiorariau, nave re- ...
turned this week from v.: .Arl"19 of mcorporation were fil
ful visit to the Orient. They left San f ? , , :orp"ratlon department
Francisco in October for Japan wh!" t0jay by tha, dard Gas
they made a leasurely trio "t.1"?5 .m?y. 1 PmtUlna' "
country by land, thence to various ""l i '"T.?
j. .MuiunnenKe, tJuara E. Saurtl and
buser. are ronorted h. k.. ,"" V " 1" " " "'" -!". AH son
.... -1 uiik in me rnuiipines and' at various
genune cattle hides on contracts which! Asiatic pom they turned through
would include the greater part of what Japan, taking the Inland Sea'- tr?P on
u" ,nkTa" ?Z??l?Bk : 'her" ju.rny and reached Oregon
! L J ,. ' via aan i-Tancis"o on Sunday. February
American buvers. sccon n t . t. I . 1 ru uaI
American buvers. accordinir tn t. tj.
in, are anticipating Qerman purchases
which are expected to be facilitated by
the resumption of maritime traffic
with German ports.
'At present." says La Razon. "the
Berlin, FeT l.An All-Russian,
fiuv, cMn nawn, inei ui irusai'its, io o Held in
United demand for cattle hides is very Moscow beginning today in announced
!iytlva all ax-am Via nn.M mi . tt i . . In a mi-.v
iK-uve ail over the world. The United m wireless from Moscow. The form
siaies Dougnt during the war the I estaoiished for the elections provides
greater part of Argentine's nmdnctinn I for one. deleeat from
Kilt nm itociMnf iln Viu Irturlniant na t.t!..U . ..i.
Holland, and theecountries todav nr&
dlsputinsr the market. An a trmanv la
commencing to operate on a 1ai-u
scale in the international hide market
tne united States will not find the
same facilities that she had in l'JlG-li
to impose her prices on th nun-tot
"It is estimated that Argentina next
year, will be able to diimrto ,.r
than 6,000,000 cattle hides."
A notable conference of Indian
missionaries and district superintend
ents of the Methodist church, is be
ing held in Salem today. Representa
tive workers from Idaho, Washington,
Ofegon, California, Montana and Ne
vada are registered here. During the
day, special committees will assemble
and formulate reports.
Tis is the first conference of mis
sionaries and workers among the
western Indians, In many years. One
district superintendent expressed the
situation in these words, "We have
been so busy in our calling, that
there has been llttlo time for-assemblies.
The large scope of the field and
the little understood importance of
our undertakings make it necessary
that every day in a missionaries year
be give nfor the Master's service."
The conference is under the. direc
tion of Dr. Edward L. Mills, frontier
superintendent of Indian missionary
work for the Methodist church.
Dr. E. E. Highley. D. D., of Des
Moines, Iowa, will deliver a special
lecture, "the American Indian" at the
First Presbyterian church Wednesday
night, February 18. Dr. Hlgley is well
known fo rmany years of effort In this
work and the lecture will be of more
than usual interest to those In at
tendance tonight. Illustrations for the
tal kwlll be from colored slides made
by Dr. Hlgley. There will be no ad
mission charge.
President Ackerman made a bust.
ness trip to Portland lasi Sutiiiduv in
the interest of the millnge bill.
A new member of the facultv In the
department of science has arrived and
taken up his residence at the home of
L. P. Gilmore. The ni-esdlent i un.
decided as yet In lust what c.tunnltv
the young man will serve tha n,.n
department and Mr. flilmore's time is
entirely occupied Just now in receiv
ing congratulations over the lad's ar
Miss Senska will give her chapel
talk Wednesday of this week.
The Independence training school
enjoyed a unique Valentine party last
Friday afternoon. A feature which
was much appreciated was the pop
corn balls which were served at the
close of the entertainment.
On Friday Mr. Gentle made a trip to
Salem in his capacity of Chairman of
the faculty's committee on courses to
confer witn Superintendent Churchill,
chairman of the regents' committee on
courses. The conference had to do with
the certification of graduates of the
new special courses recently author
ized at the normal. .
As a result of the above
the superintendent of public Instruct.
tion announces that ho will grant spe
cial certificates to those completing
the special tavo-y'ear course in d
lntr, music and physical training. These
certificates entitle the holder to teach
these subjects either In elementary i
in an nigh schools and to suoervw..
said subjects In such school. He also
will issue to graduates of the sneclnl
two-year course in household ernnnmv
a' certificate to teach that subject in
elementary schools and in one, two and
three-ytar lilgh schools.'
All the above certificates a Issuert
on graduation for a period of one year.
After six months of successful teach
ing and upon recommendation of the
county superintendent a five-j'ear cer
tlficate is issued. After thirty months
of successful teaching and upon -rec-
Gasoline production in the United
States has increased from 35,000,000
to 70.0ff0.O0O barrels a year since 191 4.
Men and women at forty
'otand at the portal of a crucial
period. Strength must be kept
up, the body well nourished.
is the tonic of wonderful helpful
ness to those in middle life.
SCOTT'S nourithet and iiu
vigorate and helpt tht
body keep up with tha
daily wear and tear on
strength. Let Scott'l
help keep yoa robust
Scott ft Sewnc, llool14, M.J.i 19-U
1 sjrjs J
I can shut
my eyes
and tell
from any other
cornflakes nn
They taste so much
better and they
make a mouthful.
with more than 5000 resident
1 ne subteot's to be dlm-moed ln.-).l.
The political position of soviet Russia,
the establishment of the soviet regime
in cossack territory, and the elections
to the cossack section of the All-Russian
w - - - v-s3. n
rurrtmanf 1: t
wuv iiww vtimiui u hub iur me reason s '"in, ur iuv.auiM military eec
that the tanning industry has progres- tion one delegate from each cossack
ijr iuuvu in N;fr.u countries feW tnun ovt innaDitant
such aa Spain, Sweden, Norway mm and two delegates from each village
Hnllnnrl anA thaiia nnnnHinn J With mnra f hnn f AAA v..; A
New York, Feb. IT. Prices of lib
erty bonds at 2:55 p. m. today were:
SVe 96.70; first -i's 90.50; second
4's 90.20; first 4Vi's 91.30: seennd
4K"s 90.68; third 4i's 93.12; fourth
s i; victory 3 3-4's 97.76; vic
tory 4 3-4's 97.76.
Chinese locomotive enirineora hnva
the gentlest sense- of touch with the
airbrake of any in the world. A break
in two is almost unheard of, and there
is very little damage to oars in shunt
ing on Chinese railways.
"Grippe" LeaVes
Kidneys Weak
ine epiucnuc fil colds and grippe
that has been sweeping the country
has seemingly left' even a greater
number of people than ever in a
weakened condition from which
there is but a slow recovery. Much of
this after weakness affect ta vi,l.
neys and bladder, making it difficult
for them to perform their natural
functions. Sufferers have to trot in
and out of bed half a dozen times a
night, their backs are weak and pain
ful, sick headaches and diizlnews are
common symptoms. No Berious trou
ble may exist but the time to rhrU
such symptoms is at once before mat
ters grow worse. No complicated
treatment may be needed if a few
doses of a good safe kidney regula
tor like Solvax is taken rixht awnv.
Solvax straightens out en ordinary
case of weakened kidneys in about
twenty-four hours in many instances,
sifts out and neutralizes poisonous
uric acid and drives . the clogged up
poisonous kidney waste from the bodv
so that you can begin to feel better
right away.' Solvax is harmles. con
tains no alcohol or habit drugs and
Daniel J. Fry and other leading drug
gists agree to refund its full purchase
prlc It hi aiiy'ihe l( fails, to give en
tire .satisfaction. '. " ' Ailv
J. F. Healev
Other corporations filing articles
today were:
Valley Land company. MeMinn
ville; 110,000; N. M. McDaniel, Jack
McDaniel and Frank Holmes,
Greater Eugene Investment com
pany. Eugene: 110.000: E. J. Ailnnw
C. H. Fisher and A. A. Rogers.
Resolutions of dissolution were fil
ed by the Astoria Exchange com
pany of Astoria. " "
Wash Away
Slim Sores
D.D. prarcd itirlfi tcmukaM
Knedy. If roe r k suftrar turn ikm
4Ikms, ine I id I nf aktra. piouk
nln, eruitj w Bcmm Is My term,
Uiit itnedj wtll m( if iM point ro.
It sm rtood the tot and today U th
uter pnpustlwa for all it i dltrtm
Try a D. D. todr V f wamnlM
tlMlntbotU. tScaeudll.(.
0. Terry's.
The bread that has reached the high standard of quality.
Baked by Electricity.
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street.
With 35 years experience, with
mo In my dental office
302 V. S. Bank Hldtf.
Remnant Store
264 North Commercial
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Oas Tank!
Repaired '
Tractor Radiators (specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
19S a 12th Street Salem, Or.
House Furnisher
You get more for your
. Money at Moore's.
' 840 Court Breet
871 Court Street Phone JJII
art of
CKlneie Mefllclne ana Te Ce,
Eai medicine which will cure $mj
known diseate,
Opea Sandays from 10 A. M,
until 8 P. If.
i53 Bout High Bt.
Salem, Oregon. Phone III
Also Junk of AU Kind
Beit Price Guaranteed
CALL 898
The Bauart Deal House
171 OhemekeU Bt. Phonf 868
' jMbokimm
C e AN DIE (? S ( )C
Famous For lisMarvelou$ Motor
'tit -Mr-l--"'i'T'- frB"
- : -3.. g-fZ r.z..aid-
If You Don't Want to Wait
, Next Spring, Order Now
I AST year's production of the Chandler Six wa f record volume and
J this year's production will double It; but if you don't want to wait for
your new Chandler next spring, we would suggest that you order It now.
This year's automobile shows have attracted crowds greater than ever
before, partly perhaps because hundreds of thousands of Americans were
unable to secure new cars last year. And these great crowds of motor
enthusiasts have found no better value In the whole tihibit of six cylinder
cars than that which Chandler offers.
Chandler leads so distinctly in the medium-priced fine car field
because it doe? offer such splendid value; because of its really marvelous
motor developed through seven years of production in the Chandler plant
and seven years' service on the road in the hands of a host of owners; be
cause of its sturdy, dependable mechanical construction throughout tbe
entire chassis; and because of its attractive and comfortable body.
Comptr them all. all the six, then pieK out yours. .
It will hm Chandler if rou eK Chandler owners.
Stttn-Patttnttr Tourinf Cot, liWi Four.ptitn$tr Koadittr,
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, tlWt
Stn-rsntet SUn, $U9S , Four-Passenttr Coupe, tZti Limousins, IJJfl
(All rum f. .. . Clml)
349 N. Commercial St Salem.