Capital WEATHER FORECAST T .night and Thursday fair, gentle CIRCULATION Average for Quarter Ending Dectmbw 11. 54 5 8 Member Audit Bureau of Circulation 1 Associated Preaa Full Leased Wire PRICE 2 CENTS. ourn 4t!t!i .sir ; 1-7. r-CH THIRDYEAR-NO. 42. SALEM.OREGON, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1920. RAIL WAGES MAY STAND UNTIL SEPT. Sill State Rests Case In Trial of Centralia s Alleged Radicals yiiuncc w mane kjooq Hoover Tells Miners SJIlfflSltl CASE ARELOST Prosecution Unable tp Pro duce Documents Signed by Witness When Demand Made by Defense Mmtesano, Wash.", Feb. 18. Tlie state, lu the trial of eleven iillogwU. W. W. charged with the 'murder of Warren O. Grimm, rentralia Armistice day parade MUu, rested at 11 o'clock tills morning. Statements Lost Montesano, Wash., Feb. 18. Two statements alleged to have been sign ed by T. C. Morgan, important state witness in the tlal of eleven alleged I. W. W. charged with the murder of Warren 0. Grimm, Centralia armistice day parade victim, have disappeared from the files of the prosecution, it became known when court opened to day. Defense counsel asked that the statements be entered as exhibits, and prosecution counsel announced that they had been mislaid. The statements, according to state representative several days ago and have not been returned. The state continued to place wit nesses on the stand today, in an ef fort to conclude its case before ad journment. It expected to rest before the day was over. Dismissal lo be Asked Defense will make offer motions for directed verdicts of dismissal, At-i torney Vamlerveer announced today. The motions, he said, probably would ask for dismissal of all the defend ants, and particularly of Bert Faulk nes, Elmer Smith amf-Mike Sheehan, (Continued on page two), v IH Of NINE IS E Washington, Feb. 18. Abolishment of the nine sub-treasuries, the offices oi thirteen state siirveyors-getirrai nd two assay offices is proposed in the legislative appropriation bill, ' re Ported today by the house appropria tions committee. A reduction 18, MIMJOO from deartment estimates for clerk hire and miscellaneous expenses was mode, but the bill's total of $104, MiM l one of the largest peace time illative appropriations on-record. The ub-treasuries which would be Wished at the end of this year are Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, ";n, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, " Orleans and Sart Francisco. The wy,?'gtn"r,U t0 be '"Bearded on 30 nt would include those In M m"4, California. Colorado, Idaho, r . South Dakota, Utah, Washington, A a DMa1nd A'aaka- Th f i would be closed June 30. are tr07 made by the committee wnt seT, lhruuehout the govern W?' a"J lnClude 80me - IHI.M I In J'"'"5 Cuts "Mxegatlng "I'LIll UJ Villi- in- ciudin.. . ""aneous services. ""Win .m,,i o new v Wished hJn!trnnient """''ces are es- !ionur;'ov,e forelgn and domr- 01 ad,l,ti.,f .u!vau hy appointment fa- New York, Feb. 18. The return of the railroads to private ownership on March 1 will mean the placing of pri vate operation on its "final trial," in the opinion of Herbert Hoover, ex pressed last night in his inaugural ad dress as president of the American In stitute of Mining Engineers. Mr. Hoo ver attacked government operation of either railroads or shipping as "exper iments m socialism, necessitated by the war" to which there .were many funda mental objections. "No scheme of political appoint ment," Mr. Hoover said, "has ever yet been devised that will replace compe tition in its selection of ability and character. Both shipping and railways haet oday the advantage of many skilled personnel, sifted out In a hard school of competition and even then the government operation of these en terprises is not proving satisfactory. Flnul Trial for System. "The return of the railways to the owners places predominantly private operation upon its .final trial. If in stant energy, courage and large vision In the" owners should prove lacking in meeting the immediate situation, we will be faced with a reaction that will drive the country to some other form of control. Ttie speaker aserted that as gov ernment officials could not engage in "nagging in fixing rates," they must take refuge In rigid regulation and fixed rates. "The effect of our large fleet,"" he went on, "in the world's market, is thust o hold up rates, for so long as this great fleet in one hand holds a fixed rate, others will only barely un derbid. If we hold up rates as in creasing number of our ships will be ,Jdle...a!tJjB(jrivafcB fleets jrow. "tVe snail yet be taced with the question of demobilizing a considerable part of this fleet into private hands, or frank ly acknowledging that we operate for other reasons than interest on our in vestment." The problem ef the relationship be twen the employer and employe was next discussed by Mr. Hoover. He as serted that the country had until re cently "greatly neglected the human factor that is so large an element In our productivity," and that this neg lect had accumulated much of the dis content ad unrest throughout the uni versal population and had reacted In a decrease of production, "I am dally Impressed," he said "with the fact, that there is but one way out and that is to again re-establish through organized representation that personal co-operation between employer and employe in production that was a binding force when our In dustries were smaller the attitude of refusal to participate in collective bar gaining with representative of the em ployers' own choosing Is the negation of this bridge to better relationship." Mr. Hoover declared that he was convinced that the vast majority of American labor "fundamentally wish es to co-operate In production and tr.i this basis of good will can be organ-, lzed and the vitality of production re created." In a brief reference to the interna tional situation he declared the safety of European civilization "was hanging by a slender thread" and America was faced with a new orlnentatlon of world problems. "We are today contemplating," he said, -"maintenance of an enlarged army and navy In preparedness rot farther upheavals, while falling o. even, provide some Insurance against war by a league to promote peace." Farmers Face Hard Times. In urging an increase in national production, he asserted that If such an inctease was not obtained there would be repercussion upon the fun damental industry of the "United States that is, agriculture." He maintained that the farmer will be unable to main tain his production in the face of a constant increase In the cost of his supplies and labor, and that the pen alty of such a condition would come MO SAYS HE DOES NOT W INT THE PRESIDENCY PAY lIE EM PRESENT SCALE IS nmo mi imrno IS GIVEN IN TODAY Diud un LinLtio Shipping Board Heads Recom mends Offers for Former Down in Report i Washington, Feb. 18. Wages es tablished by the railroad administra tion during the war would continue In effect until September 1 under the railroad reorganization bill, the con ference report on which was pre sented In the house and senate. rr mm I'uuer me wage provision, pay or uerman Liners be Iuroedrailroad workers wouw be stabilized i wie presem levels lor six months after the rail properties are returned to private control and operation. The bill also seeks to stabilize rates tor the same time, providing that prior to September 1 no rates may be re duced unless approval of the Inter state commerce commission Is ob tained. Conference Called The restriction on wage increases "Washington, Feb. 18. Rejection of all bids received for the thirty lormer German passenger ships offered for sale by the shipping board was recom mended to the senate commerce com mittee today by Chairman Payne of the board .who asked authority to re new npffntlntlnnc fn .nl. A , u .. sels for operation under th"American i J00ked J,p0B .W'th 8peclal ?,nter: est by members of congress, railroad officials and union leaders In view of the re.-ent demands of the more than read to the committee. He recalled I IT . "q women, ror an i g ... , ."""iw pay- flag. The resolution was embodied In a I prepared statement which Mr. Payne i that the board had sold 188 ships In accord with its policy to dispose of the fleet to American cltibens for opera tion under the American flag and that eighteen former German cargo vessels were Included In this number." The price received was '993,545, 947. Companies Must Operate. Chairman Payne said if the congress New Tork, Feb. 18. William Gibbs McAdoo announced today that he would not permit his name to be used on presidential primary ballots In the various states and. that he advocated the sending of uninstructed delegates to the democratic national convention. The former secretary of the treasury said he believed the highest construc tive leadership can best be obtained if the national interest "is not submer ged in a contest of individual candi dacies.1' "Personally," Mr. McAdoo contlimea "I would be delighted If the next na tional convention might actually be a great democratic conference where the 'utmost freedom of action should prevail and where the motive of high service alone should control." Invitation Is Declined. Mr. McAdoo's views were expressed in a letter sent to Miller S. Bell, may or of.MIlledgeville, Ga., in response to a telegram saying the citizens of his boyhood home had pl,ced his name on the presidential perferentlal ticket. "I an. deeply moved," wrote Mr. Mc Adoo, "by this manifestation of the confidence of my friends who live In the city of my boyhood and In the state of liiy nativity". It Is indeed an honor to be considered by them worthy or such high station. . I feel, however, that I should candidly state my. nosi tion. 1 am not seeking the nomina tion and am reluctant to do anything that would create the appearance of a candidacy. I cannot help feeling mat this Is peculiarly a time when we should fight for principles and riot for individuals. Problems Brought Forward, "The momentous years through which we have just gone have brought to the fore great human problems which go to the very roots of our so cial and economic life and Insistently, take from six to twelve months to put back The fourteen railroad union heads have called a conference to" begin Monday to discuss the policy to be adopted In dealing with a commission either created by law or appointed by the president to arbitrate existing wage controversies as proposed by President Wilson kin his recent con ference with union officials. Director dpsir.ii? ir rha n tr Vjo nnlU.. 1.,, I A . ... . , lu puunu uenerat nines nas requested a corn ownership of ships the passenger liners mlttee of railroad officials to confer should not be sold and congress should on the subject with him tomorrow, direct the board to pend the J75.000,- Chairman Each, of the house man 000 estimated as necessary to convert 1 agers, announced today that the con tnem from troop to passenger vessels, j ference report, would be taken up in It should be understood." he said. I the house Saturday and Chairman that the ships whether owned by the j Cummins of the senate managers, ex government or by private capital must pects to call It up In the senate at a m enner case oe operated Dy the ship- later date. ing companies which are bidding for the ships. The government has no adequate organization .... . 1 upeiauun or snips. 1 , Compulsory submission of labor it tne government continues to e disputes to a permanent federal board the owner, it must pay the operators a ! appointed by the president and com fixed fee and a commission upon re-1 nosed of nine members e'nunllv rtl- Flndlnga Summnrlzed The outstanding points of the ineas for the direct lure as finally agreed upon are: . t I Compulsory submission of ceipts and take whatever profit re mains, or If no profit remains must bear all the losses." ' , '- Prices iww High, ,, The chairman went on to say thaf in accord with the Join Resolution of con gress under which the ships were tak. en over ,a naval board Jiad appraised the craft, and that the prices at which the board could sell now were sub stantially in excess of the appraised value. .. Mr. Payne sild passenger ships were scarce now and building prices high, hut that these conditions might chanse and the value. of the ships be corre spondingly lessened. . , . , "If. we proceed to re-condltlon the ships, making them fit for passenger use," continued the chairman, it will vided between the employes, employ ers and the public. No provision is made for' enforcing the board's decision.--- -r- -- - , f 4,.-.. . . . Adjustment f rates by the inter state commerce commission so es to yield to carriers a return of 5Vi per cent with another half of one per cent for improvements, Distribution of half the net rail way operating Income Increases, six percent of the property value, equally between, the carriers reserve fund and the federal railroad contingent fund which will be administered by the .commission for the assistance of weaker roads. Government guarantee to railroads against a deficit during the first six months after the roads are turned 10 Mild TODAY- PROCLAIMED INCH PRESIDENT Paris, Feb. 18. Paul Deschanel to day became tenth president of the French republic, succeeding Raymond Poincare, who laid aside the robes of office after one ot the most critical periods in the hiBtory of the country. The formal transfer from the olew s the new regime occurred at the Palace of the Elysee this afternoon. The inauguration ot the French president is a formal ceremony and the numfier permitted to witness the transfer ot authority Is limited to the presidents ot the senate and chamber of deputies, committees from each house and members of the cabinet Premier Millerand, shortly before the hour set for the ceremony drove to the Palais Burbon where, as presi dent of the chamber, M. Deschanel has maintained his residence, and called for the president-elect. Entering a state carriage and escorted by a, regi ment of crulrasslers and preceded by a flag bearer, they drove to the palaco wnere the ceremony was to take place. While .the crowds massed along the route on both banks of the Seine were cheering M. Deschanel as he passed with his escort, the members of the cabinet and the officials of the sen- ate and the chamber assembled around M. Poincare In the palace to greet the new president. AVlth the arrival of M. Deschanel at the Slysee the formal transfer of pow er tooK place. On the conclusion of the foimallty President Deschanel and ex-rresiaent Poincare were driven through the crowded streets to the city nan wnere theyiwere received by the president of the municipal council, the prefect of the department of the Seine and the president of the general coun. ell. . Greetings were extended to the pres ident and the retiring executive and a formal reception followed In which Paris society was liberally represented. It was noted that the band at this function played a number of American airs. BIG 3-DAY AUTO SHOW OPEHS HERE TODAY AT ARMORY With 40 cars on display and the show room thronged with spectators the second annual automobile show under the auspices of the Salem Auto Dealers association, opened at the ar mory r; 2 p. m. ' Wednesday. The hlgn. ly decorated show room, with flags, palms, vary-oolored lights and the neatly arranged machines bespoke the care taken to make this one of the greatest automobile shows ever staged In the state. ' The show will continue until Friday evening, and perhaps longer. If the armory can be secured for a longer period It likely will be extended until the end of the week, It Is said. The dealers who were represented when the show opened are: Lea I Gil bert, H. F. Bonesteele, American Auto company. Valley Motor company, Ole son Motor Car company, J. R. Ring- rose company, Marlon Auto company, B. & C. Motor company, Reedsel 4c Rutherford company, Kirk wood Auto company, GInrich Motor company, Ba-. iem Auto F.xchmige, Otto J. Wilson, Sulem Velie company, Salem Auto com. pany and the Case Auto company. An American Red Cross ambulance,, placed on display by the Valley Motor company, was attracting much atten tion. . . I troops, mm demand settlement. The destiny of them into service. Our conviction Is the human race will be profoundly af-, that we will not iereafter be able to fected by the things we do and by the I sell the ships for the cost of re-condi- wisdom we show during the next fouritlonlng plus the price at which we can years. Patriotism and constructive leadership of the highest order are necessary and I am convinced that we Permissive construction ot roads, If approved by the Interstate com merce commission. ' Labor Board Provided now sell." Appropriation of 1500,000,000 to be Questioned as to the possibility or used as revolving funds from which the vessels ultimately being sold to! to make loans to carriers and pay foreign interests, Chairman Payne told claims growing out of federal con- supreme consideration or tne national i"" uonnume me snips couia not ne iroi. unexpenuea iuhuh now in me Interest Is not submersed In a contest l transftrred from under the American ! railroad administration's hands are of individual candidacies for the presi- jflag wlthoutjiermission from the shlp- dentiil office. Therefore I should like jP'ng board. to see the next democratic convention! Vessels sold to private operators for composed of untramelled men and! service ln "nea designated by the women bound to nb particular candi- board could not finally and'unalter- date and allowed to express their nref-1 ably be held In those lines without their officers, employes and agents ences freely through the abolition of ' congressional guarantee against loss, to exert every reasonable effort and also re-approprlated for that purpose and an appropriation of 850,000 for the federal labor board Is provided. The labor section provides that "It shall be the duty of all carriers and "t. Cm... . u "ffents in the " F..rr d South America, and mainly out of the farmers' own earn- rrmnt. . . ' . wns denied. - ines. State Aid In Defense 0 Bandon Boo Sought ."ar'hfield Or.. Feb. "it t'un,;: 18. A. J. ' counsel i ,,u"lc- "no was assist l , in ihV rict Attornpy John eil, "the me nmm.n' . - the r, : uuu" . arom niurdi er of youth accused rethd f. . "'"an Leuthold '..." leav 1 '"tornev ir ,, . r- 'cav"iB "is """a in . one the work th. ,t .,r"g the Hi.u pll hnv f,pwi,m:-The triai wi - resident. . rnln8 ot thla 1." ln the Bandon neieh "t c,? "?I'rtakn to provide 'rnor m.7. um intend lor such. asking The movers In the new phase of the case declare they were induced to this procedure by the belief that spe cial counsel was to be provided for the Howell boy. It is said the Bandon residents who are backing the state's third trial will ask the governor to send Attorney' General George M. Brown or some other able prosecutor and L. A. LIlJ?qvist, former district attorney ot Coos, Is mentioned as a possibility. It is understood here that Attorney General Brown is not in fav n. r.t interfering In the case unless 'ordered Into it by the governor. the unit rule. "I cannot consistently enter the prl mary in any state when It Is my earn the chairman said. adopt every available means to avoid PRESSCOfUWSI New Tork, Feb. 18. Mexican gov ernment troops are pursuing the ban dits who kidnaped Wilson Welsh Ad ams, an American mine superintend ent, but contact with the outlaws has been lost in the hills 'of Zacatecas, Mexico, according to a thlosram re-:, celvtid today by the1" America Metal company, limited, Adams employers., from its offices at Motiterey, Mexl. co. The telegram also Stated, that th bandits assured -ethers at the. Pr, vidoncla mine where Adams was cap tured, that , no harm would befall him. Ransom Of 125,000 was demand ed for his release. , Mrs, Adams, who lives In Los An-, geles, Cal., has been informed of her husband's plight by the, Monterey of WOMEN URGED :, WITH PARTIES NOW EXISTING Asked about tse ownership of the Interruption to the operation of any International Mercantile Marine. I carrier growing out of. any dispute be est conviction that the delegates from j Chairman Payne declared that Investl-, tween the carrier and the employes every state should go to the conven-jgation by the board had shown the, or subordinate officials." . tion without Instructions Bave for the companyt o be 100 per cent American. Such dispute should If possible be better Interests of their' country.' KERENSKI JAILED BY BOLSHEll, REPORT London, Feb. 18. Alexander Keren ski, the former Russian premier whose regime was overthrown by the bol shevik! ln November, 1917, has been imprisoned in the Caucasus according to a Central News dispatch from .u penhagen quoting the Esthonlan news paper Va'ranlas. The message declares that Kerenssy recently proceeded to the Causasus on board a British steamer for the pur pose (of inducing he population to promise their support to the Russian democratic center party. The Caucas ian leaders, however, gave him a. cold reception It Is asserted and on his ar rival at Baku he was arrested and thrown into prison. Discussing the authority given the,aec'(led h? railway boards of labor DEMONSTRATION MIXES ASKED New Tork, Feb. 18. A plea for "demonstration coal mines" along the same lines as demonstration farms maintained by the United States de partment of' agriculture was made be fore the 121st annual meeting of the American institute of mining and metalurglcal engineers here tqday by J. J.'Rutledge of the United States bureau of mines. The object of these mines which would be located ln the nrincioal areas, he said boardto sell ships, Chairman Payne said: "We understand It is the policy of congress that we cannot operate ships if we can sell them and we must sell nil ships after five years." Replying to Senator Calder, repub lican, New York, Chairman Payne said shipping men felt that the govern ment would not "discriminate against American ship operators in competi tion with foreign ships In the matter of prohibition.'' Concluding hlo statement, Chairman Payne said the resolution presented to the committee was approved by the shipping board by a vote 'of 3 to 1. Commissioner Stevens, who voted against further attempts to sell the ships at present, then was called. He said he maed, his objection to the present sale of the fleet on the ground that true value of the vessels had nev. adjustment established by agreement between the Carriers concerned and (Continued on page , two) AND WILL GO TO EAST Berlin, Tuesday, Feb. 17. Copi mentlng on the allied note to Germmiy making concessions regarding the triul of Germans accused of war crimes, the Tageblatt today says: "The awakening of the democratic spirit In England and Italy has ha its effect in inducing the leu ,1pp. n the entente to recede from their pre vious attitude on the extradition is sue." Vorwaerts says that the note is in no wise free from traps which are H'ce- ly to lead to complications later, but it aeciares tne document represents the victory of sanity. The) Vosslsche Zeltung thinks the entente will do well ln nh.tuinino- from Interference with the trials Ger many n to hold as the allies will thus be spared the "Ignominous defeat awaiting them In ease they attempt to reninrm meir charges before an Un biased ccurt." The Pan Deutsche Zeltung finds the note unacceptable. roll ln a political nartv that vou will I ne natives of India show the rent-! never ote a ticket until it has been est Interest in phonographs and It is submitted to your Intelligence and rat considered a good market fur )hU (fieri hv vnnr coimrlene. Don't ha a Chlcngo, Feb. 18. Alignment ot women voters with existing parties and abandonment of efforts to lnagurate a political organization of their own was advocated today hy the leaders of the League of Women Voters, successor to the National American . Woman Uuf fraee association. Republican anil democratic! (members ,tf the leugim urgel the women to affiliate with their respective parties and expressed their opposition to the formation ef a nit- man's party. The retiring president of the suf frage association, Mrs, Carrie Chap man Catt, urged women to enroll In one of the political parties. In a farewell address Mrs. Catt cau tioned women voters against "stand put" politics and the role of followers In the political parties. "Ho not go to the polls as a mere) lndorser of a platform that others have written for you In some back office," she said. "Take a vow before you leave Chicago and before you en- Instruments. 'regular.' ' After an. affiliation of eight years with the V. G, Shipley store as super-1 Intendent E. H. Choate Wednesday! tendered his resignation, and tonight j or early Thursday will leave with m wife and two children for Chicago! where he will engage in a more ex-! tensive merchandise pursuit. j Mr. Cheats came to Salem In 108 from Boston, Mass., and soon after be-1 er been determined and the board'scame identified with progressive move. estimates were "guess work." menu In the city. For several termsj Mr. Stevens will be heard again to- he na, gervea as director of 'he Sa- j jlem Business Men's league. Ho wi'l be susceded in this capacity by j. j Fullertnn, first elected associate ill-! rector. ' ' Reluctance at leaving the city was. expressed by Mr. Choate. He sal 1 that i his longing for the valley, the climate and his many friends here may lmmHIj pirn to return before many mom ha. morrow and then John D. Ysk, rep resenting William Randolph Hearst, will appear. ' Hampshire Sows Bring New Record Price aTSale , Nehawka, Neb., Feb. 18. Whai the owner said were worlds record prices for Hampshire sows were brought here yesterday t a sale by Raymond C. Pollard of this city. Forty two head sold for l21,SSt5. an t.verags of .i2J ould be tolas compared with the previous high i - dA . . - Vs- 'i II nan make experiment wun various ut- w - Uil of coal mining to discover the top for this breed, uuyer. mun non effective local method. , 1 y eight states were present. The construction of one of the great dirigibles which are now being built by Great Britain requires a building one sixth of a mile long. The possibility of communication between the sky force and submarine fleets has been demonstrated .and this is destined to i be an Important factor in coast de-J tense in any future warfare. Capital Journal's Straw Vote for President Vote for One, placing X after name; then cut out and mall or bring to Capital Journal Office. BRYAN COX GERARD - HARDING HOOVER . JOHNSON LOWDEN . McADOO - OWEN .. PALMER PERSHING POINDEXTER POMERENE TAFT WILSON . WOOD Party Affiliation Name Address