THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1920 PAGE FIVE ; ocRREvr EVENTS l uMonthly tamp U J. La. class. T. It e- J!!n c,ub- I of South Jr,nrt Christian church. l2Soth Cottage street lrrjChnstiaB Science ' J! Graad oper. how C A. ' !yn U Salem- -Prof. Joha "rZ-initttion." mTVi Prof. Joha C. Al etture at si "i"c u,, .phool crad- yts. l. e rciw. go i .e nnmrians ,Uonal church at T:3. il - Basket . -i. war Veterans at ar- it pp" ! lT.-Concert I: (ttoii church. uovernur social. at First m District 1 nwtoa Williams and 25 vis , SiKotarians will lunch at uU Hotel. 1 P. m- wTl8 Judge McCamant Iwtsr. at public library, !i "OeorCT WashinRion. ? 1I-1S0 Salem Auto- I mnhiis Show, armory. II - Marlon County I OiWrea's bureau cllnlo at I CaamwcUU club. I wT -ci"y City Bak" I . will entertain Rotarlans I Ji wives and friends at a ban Thia will be Sunday school nijht in the union evangelistic meetings at First church. Hear Dr. Mahood on The San Francisco Earthquake. JT The Junior- Guild of St. Paula church" will hold, a cooked food sale and tea, at the H.. I stiff furniture store Saturday February 14th. 38 Alleging that her husband, John S Bennett, deserted her on November 11, 1911, and that he had been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment to ward her, Minnie Bennett has insti tuted divorce proceedings. The con pie were married at St. Paul, Minne sota, May 4, 1892. Mrs. Bennett re sides at Gates. No property rights or children are mentioned in the request for a divorce decree. Artisan dance Friday night Moose hall. Artisans and friends invited. 37 Valentine dance at armory Satur day night. J8 A program honoring Lincoln's birth day will be given at the Elks club Fri I day at 8 o'clock, by the Sons of the American Civil War eVterans. Com plete plans for the program have not yet been made but the following num- . bers will be rendered: Reading by Mrs. L. R. Clark; vocal solo by Mrs. F. L. Waters: Lincoln's Gettysburg aoaress Dy Konaia v. uiover; trom o'bone solo by Oscar Steelhammer; I reading by Miss Marian Howard; vo cal solo by R. F. Leadbetter; address es by Col. Hofer and Louis Lachmund It is expected that Governor Olcott will attend. t ,t at P- . - watchmaker. Jeweler, Salem. m chicks. 568 State St Tel. 400. Vum Saturday night Auburn haJL j n Barr. Portland engineer, was a . .. . .1.. t Cti Mans visitor at me r,leer Cupper in connection with the awetopment or tne Oliver iptiW district with wnicn no is touwtsd. A tree lecture on Christian Science a be given at the Grand upera Una, Thursday evening Feb. 13, at rtta. bv Dr. John it. Tutt, u. H. a tf Kansas City, Missouri, Member t tat Board of Lectureship of the Hitler Church, The First Church of ana, Scientist, in Boston, Massa dmttt The public is cordially ta rt 37 fni Williams, public service com tiaioMf, and Chauncey Butler left bttsicht for Medford where they will i:t4 the Lincoln day banquet to iuM. "i, -.' ' lUrtana notice: All Rotarians and iMt wins or ladles are expected to Mt it the Commercial club rooms Sufcj rb. 15 at 7:15 p. m. to go iufcxty to hear an address at the Cnmtauonal church, corner Liber ty mi Center streets. 39 Shriners from Sllverton, Woodburn, Portland, Albany and other cities will attend the formal-ball to be given at the armory Thursday night by the Arabian Knight lodge of this city. Elaborate preparations have been mads for the event, and the decora tions and music the best that could be seeured in the city. It is expected that this will be one of the biggest af fairs of this kind during the winter. CENTRAL EUROPEAIi REURS HELD UP BY 1 ahem cuss London, Feb. IS. Replying to a question asto what steps the govern ment proposed to take for the relief of Central Europe, Austen Chamber lain, the- chancellor of the exchequer, said in the house of commons this aft ernoon that the final arrangements couia not be made unta the congress of the United States has granted the necessary powers. Mr. Chamberlain stated that in view of the urgency of the ned and despite the financial situ ation in tho United Kingdom, the Brit ish government had informed the Uni ted States that in addition to tho 12, 500,000 pounds voted to the current financial year, it was prepared to con tribute a further sum, not exceeding half the sum contributed by the Uni ted States and not exceeding 10,00,009 pounds in all. . (Mil PAYS HOMAGE CAR ABAfiDOKED HERE 10 AERO!! iCOlN Portland. Or. Feb, 1 Portland and Oregon, today paid honor to the moroorr of Abraham Lincoln by pro grants in: sr boots ana special meet ings. Most active in tributes to President Lincoln, was the Lincoln memorial so ciety wntch supplied speakers, for public schools and meetings. v,wm r. .docm. presiaent. pre sided over a meeting under tho aus pices or this organisation. xonignt an elaborate banouet in honor of Lincoln will be held by the republican state central committee. NAVAL PRISON HEAD RESIGNS POSITION Washington, Feb. 12. Commander Thnnins f Sl n,. Ch,i ia th. nm.i,; "" "- tne American grant was limited to 50, 000,000, Mr. Chamberlain added, the necessarytonnage for transporting the American supplies could be provided. Naval officials said Commander Os vorne's resignation had no connection with charpes of immorality among lnt,an . 1 .... The Canadian government also, said nts th iZZZ. V . . e chancellor, hsfl lnfim. i,' l""'8. of ,he department of Justice several months ago. They said he the chancellor, had Intimated its de sire to make a contribution and the British government was confident that other allied and neutral governments also would co-operate In this emer gency measure for dealing with tne desperate needs of the central part of Europe. Acting upon telegraphic instruction from authorities at Marshfield police here Thursday morning arrested C. C. Tucker, 19, on a charge of defaulting hotel bill. The arrest was made in local pool hall by Officer Row. The bill, which amounted to $12.40, was paid by the young man After his de tension in jail for several hours, ana ha was permitted to go. fotambta river smelt, Boson Market. 4 lbs for 25c. 37 B !M care for the moral and spir tal future of the young people of city, be at First II. E. church to WalT:30. 87 Dr. J. Shelby Saurman has entered Partnership of Dr. W. B. Morse Dr. C. H. Robertson, physicians uiajrsMma, with offices in the Sa- Buik of Commerce building, and rtlUkeup his professional duties Im- Cotambia river smelt, 4 lbs for 25c, Market. 37 ttjou care for the moral and splr m mure of the young people of ty, be at First M. E. church to- w 7:30. 87 'WHauMr is on a business trip to r" He will return Friday or "nay, m. . . "' iiT 0nel1 rePair your Ford state. j 1 Trindle, G. F. Eooth and C. pnl"n 'n the J. A. Blsh -jTT "turned a report In --wraai interest in a $5000 note This is the only per- M, " hi me aianon Circnlt Court. Hubort L. Daue vs. J. A. Mothon, et al. Findings of fact and conclu sions of. law, v .'i ' Hubert L. Daue' vs. J. A Mbthorn et al. Decree, -r 11, H. Volhelm vs Willamette Valley Transfer company, a corporation. Un dertaking. W. I. Needham to S. S. Baumgart' er. ahorirt s certificate or. sale or real estate on foreclosure. H. H. Volheim vs. Willamette Valley Transfer company. Affidavit for re covery of personal property. H. H. Volheim vs. Willamette Valley Transfer company. Summons. W. F. Needham to M. L. Whltesell. Sheriff's certificate of sale of real es tate on foreclosure. Probate Court. H. A; Hoffard estate. Inventory and appraisement. bi river smelt. Market. 4 lbs for 25c, 37 tie rut, c. . lnC'7' hools will attend 1kuJL ,rlwrh to"lKht to . Mahood on " feels to " n earthannlfo it k.i... . focIal and eeneral ennd "f StiZ ' event"8. by mem. I. Balen chanter V a t-i.-j it Bargain- bta ..r0m noose- barn " ,r tM P st Un n,w 2500. Iaflar 0rgon bldg. Hazel Green Hazel Green, Feb. 12. Jas. Wilson made a trip to Sllverton Tuesday. George Parmenter is pruning for Gale Fox. Bliss Zeillnskl has enclosed . his front yard with a neat wire fence. Carl Johnson supervised the work. Mrs. Kirkpatrick of Dallas spent the week end wit hher daughter, Mrs W. G. Davis. Oscar and "Richard Tuve are work ing in Oregon City, Miss Louise Davis accompanied her grandmother and uncle, Elroy Kirk patrick, to Dallas Monday, to spend the week. Mr. Tuve went, to Portland last week and returned in. a. new Ford, with, his son Richard- as chauffeur. Mr. Moyer of Salem visited at the home of Ell Rhodes Sunday. T. P. Slattum got mixed up in a runaway Monday and as a result his left arm and shoulder are very lame and bruised. While plowing with three young horses, some part of the har ness broke and when the horses ran Mr. Slattum became entangled In the lines and was dragged several rods. Mr. Blackmer, who lives near, came to the rescue and caught the horses. Jas. Parker was over at Fairfield Sunday. ' Miss-Freda Chapman attended the Smile social at G. G. Looney's Fri day eve and spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Idyl Dunlgan. Theodore Blackmer is a pupil in Prof. Jones' room. The M. W. A. will meet at Mrs. C. A. Van Cleave's Friday afternoon. All mcnihers are asked to bring their thank offering boxes. Afl-Russian Troops Join , Czechs Against Bolshevik. Harbin, Wednesday, Feb. 4. (By the, Associated Press). The troops of. General Kappell, commander in chief of the Western armies of the all-Rus sian government have Joined with the Czechs and are fighting the bol shevik! In the vicinity of Cheremkova. Cheremkova, which Is on the trans- Siberian railway, 80 miles northwest of Irkutsk, has been retaken from the bolshevik!. CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends for their kindness and sympathy extended us, In our recent, bereavement. Carl Southworth and S. T. Munkers and famllv. 37 Johnson Advanced As North Dakoia Candidate first presented his resignation some time before the charges were made but later withdrew it. AT IAST IDENTIFIED After being in th possession of the Salem, pwifce. for about, three weeks and heW at a Tamer garage for four months,, the large Hudson Sis car abandoned near Turner early in No vember was identifMd Thursday thru Sheriff W, L Xeodhaiu's office. The car was erigiiutlly the property of the Colby Engineering- company or Statue.- but is now owned by. the Aetna Insurance company. The Iden tification of the car was brought about through the efforts of Deputy Sheriff Bert Smith. While on business in-Turner about' twe weeks ago. Depu ty Smith secured the engine number of. the car and later with the assist ance of Deputy Oarar Bower search ed "stolen, car" notice, finally find ing a corresponding; number in a, bulletin issued by the Pacific Coast Underwriters conference. Correspondence from the sheriffs office resulted in the arrival Thurs day of Ben Ludlow of the Aetna com pany and-Joe Keller investigator for the underwriter's conference. The car was identified by them, and tak en to Portland the same day. The car was brought to Salem in November by former Chief of Police Percy ML Vatney, but was later re turned to a Turner garage. No clues leading to the identification of the car thieves has been found. A bullut hole in the rear fender of the car indicated that some one had taken a shot at the fleeing car, when it was .stolen from Seattle about November 5 The identification lists by which the car was located arc furnished to all 'sheriffs office and police head quarters throughout the country. Silver and Go'd Thrown Away to Illustrate Waste Northampton, Mass., Feb. 12. Silver and gold wnre thrown away here vesterdnv to illustrate a talk on the waste represented bv the i. leged carelessness ainonir fan ' tory worker The treasurer- of a hosier company told the operatives that in- a week 11.. 7 needles, worth 1 cents each, had been lost. The effect was the same, he said, as if '$147 were thrown from the shon window. h. upon the treasurer took frnm his desk a pile of 147 silver dollars and tossed them out- of the window, Rickey Rickey, Jan. 12. Mr. and Mm fj. Edwards spent Sunday with Mr. and airs, will Edwards of Lincoln. Mr and Mrs. W. D. Horner were Sa. lem visitors Saturday. . L, Dickman and son: ' Paul, trans acted business In Salem Saturday, word has been received by relatives of the arrival of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Lyons Mrs. Martin was formerly Miss Nannie Lewis of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White were Sa lem visitors Saturday, Mrs. Sill and childr enand Mr. ann Mrs. Witte were callers at the M. M. Magee home Sunday afternoon, Louie Napke and "Eugene Osner spent the week-end with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Geaner. Mr. Callison spent Saturday after noon in Sulem. The Perry brothers are doing gome grubbing for Enff & Downing. Tony DeSantls was a Salem visitor Saturday. THmiiarck N D., Feb. 12. Petitions rreu uh-khwii .urn uwen rrysue nn,intli,n- Senator Hiram jonn8oni'iwi w oainu oujiunj. or preferment for the republican pre anu mm. oun iewis ana cnii- irtcntial nomination to be voted on indren spent the wee-end with relatives the North Dakota primaries on March iat Lyons. 16 were placed in circulation today. Tom Wallace has been reported A. W. Carlson of Bismarck, secre-lune hi. tn..v at the North Dakota Johnson iuie .usw a mo Kueai. oi ivtr. Marion Hotel to Bui'd Elaborate Banquet Room ri accommodate the ever increasing dfcinand in the city for a suitable ban quet hall, the management of Hotel Marlon Wednesday announced that work on the installation of such a place In the hotel will begin soon. Tne now banquet room will be Just bac of the main dining room and will em body all the latest improvements In this tine, including exquisite decorative features. It will have a glass dome, Costs of -construction and material used in the halt' will be approximate ly $3600. The-halt Is expected to be completed- in about two months. It was through the efforts of the Hal em Rotary club that the hall is being made. War Camp Commuuito Men Will Aid Memorial us! Here Assurance of willingness to old in r-ny advisory way it can the promotion or activity toward getting an ex-service men's memorial club in thia city was contained'ln a communication received Wednesday. -by City.. Recorder Race f iflin the-War Camp Community Serv ice at New York City. The letter was referred to Dr. TO. Carlton Smith, post commander of the American Legion here. The special nessiok 'of 'legislature passed a measure giving each county authortly to levy a special tax to pur chase ground and erect a building. What action will be taken on this in Marion county was left to determine by a committee appointed at the last meeting of Capitol Post No. 9 of the Lcgiuu. Tonopah, Nev., Feb. 12,A propo sition to the striking mine workers to contract for one year f,;r a mini mum wage of $5.60 a day wag drawn up by the mino operators of this dis trict at a meeting here last night. The offer will be voted on tonight by the workers The former scale was $5 minimumq. Highwav Between Pcrtfcui and Salem AH to Be Paved The end of the earning summer wilt see the Pacific highway entirely pave.l between Salem and Portland, accord ing to Herbert & Nunn, state highway engineer. At the present time 44 milee out of the GJ miles between here and Portland are already paved- and- the contract has been let for the paving of four miles just north of Salem. Contract for the pavement of the re maining four lliiles, between Canby and Aurora will be considered at the iuuxh meeting of the commission. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT Adults Camict he Adopted la Oregon, Brown Opines Adoption of adults is not permitted unor the laws of Ore Ron, according tn an opinion prepared by Attorney Gen eial Brown. The attorney general's opinion was given In connection with the proposal of California rancher who deadres to adopt an Oregon man, 21 years of age, ho he desires to make his legal heir. PIONEER DIES Victoria, B. C, Feb. IS, John A. Mara, prominent British Columbia pioneer, died here last night, aged SO. Mara was a member of the provin cial legislature from 1871 until 1SH. n 0Z r " STATE g STREET 71 8 Dr. CB. O'Neill - OPTOttETRIST-OPTICIAN XTf(Ir. State af 3J: icft LISTEN! I'm The Kastimo Rascal ill a ltogtime Play. I'm the Ragtime Bellhop and" Here-to Stay, . I'm a Ragtime Detective. Do or die, Checkered Cap and an Eagle Eye I'm tho Ragtime Souse, Glad to Say, And a Ragtime Bum In a Ragtime Play ' I'm Ze Ragtime Chef, I Jam and I Cook, Take My Lessons, From Ze Rag time Book, I'm a Ragtime Marietta bound in silk and lace. My figure is my fortune, to say nothing of my face. I'm a Ragtime Villain, I klltem by the pairs. . I meet my end, , alas alas in , a daring fight UPSTAIRS! MABEL NORMAND IN UPSTAIRS A Ragtime Romance SuirlK Friday Ye Liberty 6 5 6 10 LOOK! 7 ROOM beautiful home with every convenience fine view, east front, for , $anou 7 ROOM home all mod ern, about blocks from post office, good buy $800 ROOM bungalow with fire ' pluce, furnace, garage, ready to oc cupy $5500 ROOM cottage Just off pavod street. Modern, at $2304) ROOM modern bunga low on paved street. Furnace S00 ACRES, 2 mites out on paved road. All culti vated. 2 acres logan berries, 3 acres mixed fruit, bal. wheat, good bldgs, six room house Good shape. 2 wells. Fine big barn, fruit house, good team, I Jersey cows, wagon and all other farm ma chinery goes with the plaae for quick sale which Is $am0 ACRES 1H miles out with good 5-room cot- , tage. other out build ings I0IH) ACRES, close to paved road, good buildings, water piped to houiw. 400 fruit , trees. 140 acres In cultivation. It will pay you to see ' this if looking for a farm. $120 pr acn, CHEVROLET car with lli-'hts, starter, tires good. Cheap for cash. STUUEHAKElt SIX New top Just painted, will trade for lots. SEE US FIRST LAFLAR & LAFIAR 40B-7-8 Oregon IlldiC 170 campaign committee, said today that and Mrs. M. M. Magee Sunday. tho petitions will be filed February 15. Mrs. B. B. Ocsner and son, Virgil, Petitions recently were circulated a'. I were shopping In Salem Saturday Devil's Lake and elsewhere for Major! Little Hazel Kathrine Magee, who General Leonard Wood but they have (has been 111 with a cold la much tm no' been filed. proved. no. I D. A. Harris was a S ilom visitor Fri- Washlngton, Feb. 12. Former Sen ator John Franklin Shafroth, of Den ver, Colo., Is understood to have been selected by President! Wilson 'to be chairman 'of the shipping board to succeed John Barton Payne, who was chosen today as secretary of the Interior. day. ' W. D. Horner and Chet Horner call, ed at the Fryslle home Sunday. American committees of the father less children of France number 200 and care for nearly a quarter of a million little ones. RUINS OF THE FAMOUS VANDERBILT GALLERY - o p v St I I - - ".. mu?l;T rr v It t. ... - . i 1 t0 SONGS I I I "ti- BRI TK i 1 - 4 " 1 i J of water ooUie ruict of the famoo Vanderbiit Gallery :a oboto.rapt, o Hremen direct " T50(0oa .l.BMMin. icw York city. Tbeioaoiw.ii- prjggf (vjg at Meyers Special DELINEATOR OFFER AMERICAS' LEADING MAGAZINE A magazine that should be in every home in Salem. It is not only recognized as the leading Fashion Magazine, but contains invaluable RECIPES in C00K ING BAKING and Covers all phases of HOUSEHOLD PROBLEMS. In its pages you will find practical suggestions for CiyiciDevelopment and Home Community Progress . Some of the best American Fiction writers contribute wonderful stories every month stories of interest and benefit to young and old of both sex. Miss M. Robinson, the representative of the Butterick Publishing Company ; direct from New York will be with us for a few days with an xtra You can make $1.00 do almost the duty of two. Come in and meet Miss Rob inson and let her explain. You will meet her at our Pattern Counter, You Can Always Do Better At IV SvecM Offer Wh& Always Do Better By You 4 4 4-