Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 12, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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pditiam iionrn1 FVDPPTFn Tn OACQ
riiiiUuHUUil vmWi latluilu iu ihiw
Berlin. Wednesday, Feb. 11. The
German military evacuation of upper
tUlesia. preparatory to the plebiscite,
baa been definitely completed, it to
announced lu advices from that prov
A special dispatch to the Taeglische
Kandschau from Oppeln charges that
Ceoersl Lerond, head of the Inter-al
lied adminlstrativo commission, delib
erately Ignored the German civil au
thorities who reported for the recep
tion formalities in response to the in-
atrurtlona of the commission. Herr
BRta the first president of the prov
ince, and the heads of the local gov
erning; boards -were among the men
who responded to the summons to the
reception which, says the dispatch,
received Itself into a military meeting
and speech making.
General Lerond referred to the
peace treaty provisions and promised
to practice Justice in his administra
tion. It Is announced that French troops
are arriving in Upper SUcsin in large
There are 100,000 aliens, about one
tenth" of "the total population of the
state, in Oregon, according to Prores-
!sor John C. Almack, of the University
of Oregon, who lectured at the public
library Wednesday evening. There are
30,000 un-naturalized foreigners, 13,
000 who can neither read nor write
the English language, and 8000 for
eign Illiterates. . .
Professor Almack, who chose "Amer
ica nidation" as his topic, gave these
statistics as proof of the tendency of
immigrants to settle in little groups,
principally in industrial centers, and
refuse to affiliate with the American
or learn the language and system of
government. One peatton for this, he
stated, was the growing scarcity ofj
cheap public lands. During the per
iod ranging from colonial days until
about 1890, public land settlement was
Washington, Feb.. J 2. While some
opposition to the ranroad bill as fin
ally agreed upon in conference has de-
velnned. senate and house leaders
predicted today that the conference
rennrt on the measure ould be
promptly adopted so that the legisla
tion would be on the statute books
before the roads are returned to pri
vate control March 1. '
The final draft of the conference
report will be presented to the senate
Saturday or Monday. The- house will
take it up Monday or Tuesday and
leaders said it would be disposed of
in two days. '- '
Chairman Esch, of the house Inter
state commerce committee, one of the
.; authors of the railroad bill, and other
popular, and a great factor in Instill-' ,Klr, n,aMlnn hL
lng the spirit of democracy Into or tne b,u wouW pflgg upon the fact that
forefathers. Now the tendency of for-
as rewritten In conference, it is sub-
eigners Is to seek the larger cities for stantlally the same as the Esch bill
settlement, and here small groups are re.ently pasOTa Dy the house. Senate
formed, with the above mentioned un- provisions to which there was objec
deslrable consequence. tion, including the anti-strike section
Mr. Almack expressed himself as creation of a transportation board
In favor of more atringent laws deal- and compulsory consolidations were
lug with immigration. - One require- stricken out in conference. The essen
ment advocated was the possession of jtial addition to the house bill was the
' Jii . . i . r . .
HI Paso, Texa9, Feb. 12. When W.
K. Hlmons of Denver presented his
passport tor vise at the Mexican con
sulale general here yesterday, he was
met with a refusal because he had
testified unfavorably td Mexico before
the senate sub-committee Investigat
ing Mexican affairs, two days before,
according to an official announcement
tnade today by Alberto Ruis Sandoval,
acting consul general hero. Honor San
idoval said he acted under special In
structions from Mexico City covering
Mr. 81mons' case. '
, "It Is inconceivable to me that a
man should testify that conditions in
Mcaioe Ulty are as bad as they oouia
le, on February 0, and then ask to be
admitted into Mexico on February 11, '
Kenor Handoval said lu explaining the
reasons for the refusal.
"I do not question the rltslit of any
man to have his own opinion. I mere
ly contend that It Is Illogical for any
one to wish to return Id a country in
whose capital city conditions are bo
Mr. Simons wished to proceed to
Pnrral. Chlahuahuu at the time he pre
sented his pftHHpoi t to the . consul.
Paaport was drawn up by the United
Btatea Immigration authorities here,
8eor SttnUoval snlit.
' "The Ulrd of Paradlee." the play
that deal with life on the Hawaiian
lalnnos, those beautiful ocuan noae
aiona of Uncle Ham, will again be aeon
at the Urand opera house, Wednesday,
robruary IS. v
, I'roduced by Oliver Morosoo eight
irars ago, Klohard Walton Tully's re-
roi.rkubln drama Is now in Its ninth
)i-nr ef unabated success and aounu
V-stiiwd to run for many years more.
ho long as the paying public will pat
ronise It. The reason for the hold on
the public tiiHte Is its exrtlc ntmos
t'liire, Its self sacrificing story of lore,
anil tile fatKtimllng Hawaiian melodieH
Which gives much charm to the drama.
The play is n story of the Hawaiian la ae thy are i! ml the American
iiiiunoa as It in. It is not only plo-iurr-wiue
but thrilling. Florence ltock
v.oll will be Ni.oii In the title rolo,
TtaagLlless Passerby
Rebuked by Socialist
Wednesday nt noon, the new service
utittlon of the Union OH company at
Mich and Htnte stroeta was dodlratod
tiy a simple flag ralNlng ceremony.
About 26 persons wllnessed the rals
Injr of the Stars and Stripes on the
nvell mounted stuff near the service
station. A wltneHs of the Incident re
potted a rather unique circumstances
In connection with the unfurling of
Old ntory. Of tlm persons who wit
muted the ceremony, the only civilian
who removed his head covering, was
a' wilt known aiirlHllst of Salem. It
van noticed that his gentleman ob
wrrnd the ceremony with all the rev
erence indicative of thoughtful cltlsen
Khip. IXtring this week, the Poy Scouts
if Halem are olntervlng the ceremonies
a sufficient means of earning an Inde
pendent living before the immigrants
were admitted into the country.
Monmouth, Jan. 12. The third
term of the Normal school opened
Monday with an Increased attendance
of fifteen per cent, which was really
larger than the registrar had antici
pated. The members of tho faculty are
busy this week reading the proof for
the new catalogue which will be
reudy for distribution in a short time
A preliminary contest to select the
Normal representative for the state
Oratorical contest was held last Fri
day afternoon In the chapel. ' Miss
Arllne Hunch was chosen as the
Normal orator and Ray Penney was
given second place to serve in case
Miss Bunch cannot appear.
The following people were tried out,
Miss Arllne Hunch, Miss June Dun
lop, Miss Nellie Johnson, Mies Evad
na Hnger, Mrs. Maud Graham, Miss
Ruth Phelps, Miss Mlna Robinson,
Miss Margnret Mann, Roy Penney,
Miss Georgia Dlllcy, Miss Rheua Wick
ham, Fleming Oleman.
The party planned tor Saturday
evening of this week has boon post
poned, owing to the Illness of some
members of the committee, who had
charge of the affair.
"With the time already fixed by
President Wilson for return of the
roads and widespread demnnd from
the people that they be handed back"
Chairman Each said today, "failure to
enact necessary legislation before
March 1 would be disastrous. I am
satisfied, however, that the house will
adopt the conference report without
Mx (few SiuJer.ts Enroll Where Can I Find Relief from
At Willamette University i
Another carload "of surplus army
supplies were placed ou sale Thurs
day at the .army., store, 230 South
Commercial street, and all day long
the small market was crowded with
eager shoppers. Manager J. T. Con
way announced Thursday that the
supply of canned tomatoes and bacon
at the army quartermaster , depot at
Portland to exhausted, and that prob
ably Salem will be unable to get
more of these two products. He re
minded the people that the army
store is handling surplus stock only,
and that when "that is gone no more
can be obtained.
The present supply at the store
consists of solid pack tomatoes, 9c;
bacon, 20c; prunes, ISc; wood under
wear, II; blankets, cotton double
new wool blankets, i new cotton
and wool blankets, $5; hatchets, Jl;
towels, 20c; S-ring halters, $1; bar
racks bags, 75c: reclaimed barrack
bags, 25c; rubber hip boots, $5.25;
compass, $1; iodine, lie; safety match
es, three for 24c; wool togues, $1.50;
wool mufflers, SOc; wool sox 55c; cot
ton sox 15c; suiting goods enough
to make a man's two-piece suit $3.50
and $5 each piece.
Ei.s'ht new sttfl.'nts have entered
Wllametle university for the aet'ond
sv'ester, not counting auditions to
th. law school. However, a number of
students have also Irft school. The
total rvRistration in the college of lib
eral arts is now 442, which uddej to
the law school and Kimball college of
theology, places the tota number of
st'idents who have registertd this year
well over 500.
The students who entered last week
are: , Miss Margaret Lynn of Coulee
City, Wash.: Miss Ruth Mallow of Sa
lem, Lyman McDonald of Salem, Ouy
II. Holcomb of Wenatchee, Wash., W.
E. Buren of Salem, Bernard Mors-j of
Cnelan, Wash.. Alvin C. Olson of SI1
verton and Frank H. Foster of Hill
yard, Wash.
Itching, Terrifying, EczeEa?
Oil Production Shows
Big Increase During Year
Oil City, Pa., Feb. 12. Oil produc
tion In the United States during 1919
Mas 366,255,611 barrels, an increase of
roore than 24,000,000 barrels over the
previous yer according to the annual
review of the Oil City Derrick made
rubllc today.
The 1919 report is a new high rec
ord tn the annual petroleum output of
the United States, according to tse re
view. Fields which showed gains were
North Carolina, Texan, North Louisi
ana, gulf coast, Kentucky, Wyomfnr.
and the Lima districts. Losses were
recorded for Kansas, Pennsylvania,
West Virginia and southeastern Ohio.
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with..-
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
is very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut
oil shampoo (which is pure and en
tirely greaselcss), is much belter than
anything else you can use for sham
pooing, as this can't possibly injure,
the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonfuls will make an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the
hair and scalp thoroughly. The hither
rinses out easily and removes every
particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex
cessive oil. The hair dries quickly i
and evenly, and It leaves It fine and
silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man-;
You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo at most any drug store. It is
very cheap, and a few ounces is
enough to last everyone In the fam
ily for months.
Haney's Recommendation
In Equi Affair Goes East
Portland, Or., Feb. 12. Bert E.
Haney, former United States attorney,
has forwarded to the attorney general
at Washington his recommendations In
the cane of Dr. Marie Equl, found
guilty under the espionage act and
whose conviction on appeal has been
upheld by the federal courts and now
rests with President Wilson on par
don petition. Haney said he had no
statement to make public other than to
say that ho had acted upon request of
Washington officials.
Judge Robert S. Bean, who senten
ced Dr. Kqul to three years In prison
and to pay a fine of $500 also will
make his statement direct to the at
torney general at Washington, A pe
tition fpr pardon was recently laid be
foie the president and Is the lust hope
of the accused. ' '
Famous Gambling Hal
Razed by Fire, Rebuilding
Mexlcall, Lower Calif., Feb. 12.
Work of rebuilding the Owl , theater,
gambling resort, which was destroyed
by a 8Hctacular fire February 9 at an
ebtlmnted loss of $250,000 was begun
yesterday. The management has open
ed temporary quarters and guinbling
has been resumed.
Sick 17 Years, Relieved By
Taking No.10 For The Blood
"For 17 years I was troubled with
dropsy and bad blood. I tooK every
kind of medicine that whs recom
mended to me, without benefit, until
I got a bottle uf Number 40 and it
helped me so much that I got two
more bottles and since taking the
second bottle. I am feeling fine. I
wish to recommend Number 40 to
anyone needing a blood medicine ns
I believe It is as good as recom
mended. Mrs. Jane Uoodwln, Uideon,
Mo." Number 40 Is demanded in. de
praved conditions of the system, es
pecially of the blood and general
health. In chronic enlargement of the
spleen or livsr. In chronic malarial
poUouiug, lUmoves the niuaes of dis
ease by stimulating the removal of
waste, thus encouraging nutrition.
it raiadng and lowering the flag at Kmployed wllh success In blood truu-
nunrinn and sunset. They have asked b'8. chronic rheumatism, catarrh, eo
tnat all ttulem n sidents oliserve this oenia and skin diseases. Made by J.
Cirtmony with them, whenever pass- C. Mendenhall. Kvansvllle, Ind. 40
ttM near one of the troop flag staff St . years a druggist. Sold by Bchaefers
tits times mentioned. drug store. (Adv)
Prevent Flu and Colds
Three Rules You Should Observe
Sleep 8 hours With Windows Wide Open.
Eat wisely exercise regularly don't worry.
Avoid crowds and persons having colds.
Ouch i Lame Back
Rub Backache, Lumbago, Soreness
Stiffness Awy Try This!
Back hurt jou? Can't ' straighten
UP without feeling sudden pains,
sharp ache cad twinges? Now listen!
That's stwnbago, sciatica, or ' maybe
from a strain, and you'll get blessed
rWtof the moment you rub your baok
with aoothlng, penetrating "Hi. Jaeeba
Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness,
tameoaaa and stiffness so quickly,
loa simply rub It on and oat conies
the pain. It is perfectly harmlees.and
doesn't burn or discolor the skin,., j-,
'Limber up! Don't surfer! le a
small trial bottle from any drug store,
and after using It just once, -you'lf
forget that you ever had backache,
lumbago or sciatica, because your
back will never hurt or ' cause any
more misery. It never disappoints
and has been recommended for (0
Flu this Year is Milder
The rules given above, recom
mended by the New York city
board of health, are guides to good
health at all times. Particularly
should they be followed just now,
when influenza Is again abroad in
the land. Authorities agree, how
ever, that the flu this year Is less
severe than in the last epidemic
the attacks are shorter and the
death rate lower. In fact, many
physicians insist that the epidem
ic now being reported from so
many sections are not flu at all,
but simply the old fashioned grip.
Keep tho Air Passages Healthy
Whllo we know very little more
about the flu now than we did
last year the germ itself has
never been positively Identified
still most authorities agree that
flu germs are breather In. If the
system Is In good shape and the
membrane or lining of the air
passsges is In healthy condition
these germs are thrown off.
A good plan Is to melt a little
Vlck's VapoRub In a spnon, night
and morning, and Inhale thu va
pors, also ajiply a little up the nos
trils several times a day, especial
ly just before being exposed to ,
Trout all Colds Promptly
Above all, keep free from coldt.
na colds Irritate the lining of the
air pasuges and make them ral
breeding grounds for germs.
Prompt use of Vlck's VapoRub
aids In preventing colds. For head
colds, sore throat or hoarseness
rub Vicks well over the throat and
chest and eover with a warm flaiw
net cloth. For deep chest colds,
severe sore throat or bronchitis,
hot wet towels should first be ap
plied to the throat, chest and
back between the shoulder blades,
to open the pores. Then lVcks
should be rubbed in over the
parts until the skin is red spread
on thickly and coverld with two
thicknesses of hot flannel cloths.
Leave the clothing loose around
the neck, so the vapors released
by the body heat may be freely in
haled. These vapors. Inhaled vith .uli
to the lungs and air passages. At
the same time Vicks is absorbed
thru and stimulates the skin, thus
aiding to relieve the congestion
Fsc of External Treatments for
t'oliln Increasing
Vick's YapoKub ie the discov
ery of a 'J-jrth Carolina druggist
who found how to combine in
salve form the standard time tejt
ed remedies, Camphor Menthol
Eucalyptus Thyme, etc. so
that when the salve is applied to
the body htat these Ingredients
are liberated In the form of va
pors. Vicks is particularly recom
mended for children's croup or
colds, since fl Is external! applied
and therefore can be us.;d freely
and often without the slightest
harmful effects.
The best evidence of he valuj
of Vicks is the Bteaili'y Increasing
number of people who have boe.i
converted to the use of Mils "out
side" treatment. , ,
Beginning with i!v c istnmers of
a. small retail drug store, the us !
of Vicks has grown ye.w by year
state by state until now more
. than 17 million Jurs are used nn
,. nually. And this In sp'te of tho
fact that Vicks is a imjw term of
5 treatment to many folks In th
north .ind vtst. Vljke can be had
'! at all druggists m three sires
' 30c, 0c. and $1.20. (Adv)
Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat.
ing, Antiseptic Liquid
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, bkrtches, rmgwoTm, rashes
and similar, skin troubles. Zemo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
$1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is sootliing to
the most delicate skin. It is not greasy,
is easily applied and costs little. Get
it today and save all further distress.
The . W. Rose Co., Cleveland, 0,
TliU Question is Ever ou the Lips of
tlic Afflicted
Eczema, tetter, erysipelas and otb-! !0 .n!1!,e
er terrifying conditions of the ?kin ; ly nreueh the seat of the i " , "'
are deep seated blood troubles, .and j it a fair trial to be cun - Gil
applications of salves, - lotions and .efficacy. """Kin'
washes can only afford temporary re
lief, without reaching the real seat of
the trouble. But just ' because local
treatment has done you no good,
there is no reason to despair. You
simply have not sought the proper
treatment, that is within your reach.
Tou have the experience of others
who have suffered as you have to
guide You i,i .f
I terrifying ,be irrii,.til
f the ...kVJ mi""
ofjhe'skin, s. k - J B kum
Our chief medieal aav,
authority on blood and ,ti M
ere, and he will lake pk!? J
lng you such advice as your Ltf
case may need, absolutely'"
cost. Write today. describL
case, to Mediea, Uepartmi
ispeeific Co.. 252 Swift iU;
Atlanta, Ga. Mrat,r,,
For Colds tirlp or Influenza
and as a Preventative, take LAXA
Look for B. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. 30c. (Adv)
Ye Liberty
11 &. (Ec
Outfitters to Women, Misses
and Children.
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices
"IgsSgT ' ' WITH
Florence Rockwell
s I wifrm futrtam .1
Seat sale opens Monday, Opera House Pharmacy
Prices: 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Mail orders now '
Bligh Theatre
Louis B. Christ Presents the ,
(The Finest Dramatic Organization on the Pacific Coast)
The Play That Made Mary Pickford Famous
You've Read the Book, You've Seen the Picture
NOTE: The Alcazar Stock Co. will play here Every Mon
day and Tuesday Nights. NEXT "Nothing But
the Truth."
at. .
tar ors.
SoU in Black
Gunmetal or
f 'Mahogany
Calf er In.
Tha Shoe that
give you "ex
tra Service
every step
Comfort every
A Superb
of Beautiful
Fo practical, everyday ww for tatting comfort Tor tfc ssrt f wrvicc J
haw a right to expect look to the Buckmcht Army Shoe. It will pre jrt t
aew sciuc of tboe-comibrl I aew UBoVrMmdiog of Uuw-ecooomy.
-Mule OS the famous Mnsaoa Last front top-grade material by top-aattsi
workmen. Won fcy tfcoawads of tnes hi all waft of life. Get t pair Isday!
ManBfacturws BTJQKXNGHA If a HECHT Saa Tiaaelset
Bxclasiv Agent
S67 State fitrt t, Salem. Oraajsa
This collection comprises only the most popular of the creations which are now in vogue
ami which the best well dressed women have most approved of for present and future
wear, the low price will show you how economically they can be secured.
Prices $1.00 to $15.00