Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 10, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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-- ""m r,jjKUAKl 1U, LVJ.U.
here Small Ads Get Results at Small Cqsk
New Today - Wi
f ccTrTKDAD RATES.! FOR SALE I FOR RAT. P. . tott xtT,: T . 1 . , '
"u ite P?r w0.r . i'U.k one month
!4 u,s. Minimum Pf !-
5 insertion only in New Today.
hi "advance and not tak-
- nhone. uin -----
ver Pt''nl v0 allowance tor
sfgr-furntohed room in pri-
-- vHSne Collie dog. had on col
c,r. E. - rlrr' kSB
-HTftPTrooni bungalow. tur
rRJ i nil afternoon!? or evening
"""TT t incoln street.
jfiPCooTTaiid housekeeper,
ANTf'i niid. Call at Peoples'
Cp-! and 3 centsjb.
jl wrds of wood on It. in center
4f " e region, five miles south of
toJm, highway, at $140
acre, from owner? Phone 15o2
F uTsTf Elutiaotive suburbs n
iom. ndJolnhiB city limits, five
lores, all varieties fruits and ber
ri fine soil, gravel road, ten
alk to streetcar. Price $5,
m -000 down, balance 6 percent.
rJCimbnll. box 18, Rt. 7.
n)(rS4LE -'8 clvs 1,11 '" eultiva
tton'pirt seeded to wheat, oats: new
huw. near Pacific highway, north;
it, loganberry district. Price S!!l0.
Hart JtcKjllop Co., 208 Oregon Mdg
pilTsALB 1919 lhilck touring car.
Perfect condition. Cord tires. Price
S1400. Phone2006.I. q37
WAXTKl' At once a man for gener
al' farm work, especially good man
Kith team for plowing. Pay by
month and room and board. Write
or see M. Bath. Mucleny. gj!7
sASTKI) At once wood contractors
to cut about 1000 cord fir, also oak.'
See or write 11. Rath, Macleay, .Or.
FOlt P.K.N'T 10 acres. 2H miles
from Salem on Jefferson road; will
rent for cash or term of years or
one year; also 3 sows for sale. See
owner at plac, W. It. Sweet. J37
FOR SALE Stock of groceries In a
good thrifty community, will glve
tease en building' for' number' of
years. Address I Sox Store, Journal.
FOP. SALE Fly owner 5 room mooV
m house, place for car, chicken
yard. $1750 on easy terms or 6
per cent discount for cash. 8f0
N. 14th St., Salem. 037
TVI'KWRITKR for stile or rent.
Phone 1F3 c37
l-2(i TITAX tractor for sale, and 3
14-inch bottom plows, all In good
first class shape. I.. Townsend.
(wvais. Kt. 2. c43
LOST Monday afternoon brown kid
move, oetween Meyers store on
Court Stl and Peoples cash store
flat,.,... in tlW.. ,.V: ....
...... ...... . .
WANTED Chattel loan of J 100
afcthist $1600 security at 10 percent
for l! months. Address Loan Co
,1. Polt,l t..i 1
-.. Vp
R00J1 and board for two gentlemen
reasonable, 765 K. Church St. ni36
m SALE-10 White Leghorn hens
JL?!e12245 JCtJtageSt. 85
Foil RENT Nicely furnished rooTSS
in good home, to middle aged ladv
w elderly couple. Address 13 O 1'
jure OudtaJonninl. j3(j
KiR SALE Single," top huggv In
gdoil condition. Address Ctu-1 Asnin
yall, Cerrais. Jjr Rt. 2. c3T"'
WSEIi T P'-'h "milk cow. ji.
Shepard, Salem, Or., Rt. 8, box 144
wnd, 18MB Center St. $35 C W
eiwyerajojnJchldff. 'ja
lelS'Er7 '"' "liouse, go53
T" nl wer house, lot B0x37
S"'Pt', Prlce 4"00
Hon & Co., room S, D'Arcv bldg
1 lSt-'bk i'rnna
el "J- I"tho,, ekere,.
P"re blood Tancrea. Phone S27R.
tioTpECTCSr-i, j
ins mo,,,; ,ulr' tui'"isled sleep
i Z H aLS Bi,ri,W tor rent.
o t tG.'T ' Rhwl Iln1 ReTli
50 Phnd l,ro(,ivity, 15 for
RdHior. ,.,10
Bros p , (l- Allen, Hunt
r5imjLCo1Phone 150. g37
'eh ?,d 'k7n berrv
mi)ker n","'1 ",1,k cow.
j, tan be seen at 735 Ferry
R0 '.eT- . o 3
1308 vnV.nml ulture "for
wlt'and V.',mi'" f"""eral house
fhone 8,o Cash' ba,n on terms
,an your IS 0(1 work!-. We
vu to n,;rs ?ni
sihi forgi A" the service
Tranr ph'he, Piiee. Veribest
c S. Com'l.
' wrty, s "'" lr,au tor Salem
' after s sa'ment. Phone
gg, N- a Jones, 655
fc.i: kaftan u . ' . .i
$' ana nav.j um n0U8 on
rLJen at onc- Phone
!? rih- 8 te, fruit
Elntaik : J lay- Pava street
fTr-5! bldir t,. R Pearson,
' st'n byer. ,rg:
KOR FALK Ijh 66x123. old n..use.
, city water, pfvd street, un block
to oar, north Com'l. Price $1060.
$300 down, balance like rent. Call
736 N. 14th. -a j 5
FOR SALE 7 room -house and one
acre of ground at 2406- Oak street;
2 good wells, barn and other out
buildings on place. a 4 1
FOR SALE Cine of the finest subur
ban homes in the valley, bearing
orchard, modern buildings; a love
ly home and a good investment.
$25,001). Bok 67, Salem. a3
FOR SALE A five room modern
bungalow, large lot. 694 X. 17tn
St. - - 841
4 room house und 3 lotsr X Liber
ty, city water, for $700. $100 cash.
-6 -room house and two lots for 70f
$100, balance $12 on each per
montn. uooa room house, new
barn, 1950 N. Front St. for $1200.
$200 cash, balance $12.50 momu.
1 lot.
Also large 7 room plastered house
and barn for $1000, fine lot, city
water. $250 cash and $15 month,
all tt S per cent semi-annual inter
est. Also good 4 room house on X. Com
89, for' $1200, $200 cash, $12 per
month.. Nice lots for $300 each, easv
terms. A nice coi "r lot on 21st anil
Oak. 60x100 feet, vomer, $200, $?r
cash, balance $5 month. Also our
fine home, 20 acres, 3 miles east of
pen; team, wagon, cow, 3 hogs, 50
chickens, 12 tons hay, 100 bushels
wheat, tools, etc. $9500. 1-3 cash,
balance time 6 percent. Buy home
now while cheap on easy pavments.
Rynns. Phone 19F3. " n30
For Sale Farms
20 ACRE prune orchard for sale, full
bearing, good condition; indications
of a good crop this year; 5 room
house, barn, rock road. Rosedale
district. I will sell at n bargain this
month. $3000 cash will handle bal
ance easy 6 percent. S. R. Pear
son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43b
FOR SALE 160 .acre farm 5 miles
from Salem, nearly all in cultiva
tion, 10 acres in fruit, good 9 room
house, wind mill and tank house,
water piped to house, barn nud
hog house; silo, barn for 25 cows
and 6 horses. Address Bt$ 70 Jour
nal. b39
For Sale Nursery Stock
ETTERBBURO 121 strawberry plants
$7.50 per 1000; Wilson $6. Address
P. O. 214 Salem, Or. m35
STRAWBERRT plants, rrogressive
Everbearing,, Ettersburg 121 and
AVilson. Vigorous well rooted plants
Place orders now. Ward K. Rich
ardson. 2395 Front. Phone 4S4. 35
FOR SALE A few thousand Italian
prune trees, also grafted walnuts.
Fruitland Nursery, phone 11F21.
STRAWBERRY plants, Etterburg 121
extra fine, $3 thousand, dig them
yourself, H mile east, Stmnyslde
school, Jefferson road. Hurl Pear
son, Phone 107F24. m35
FILBERT troes, prune trees, Mnzzard
cherry seedlings, strawberry, rasp
berry plants for sale. Pearcy Bros.
210 Oregon bldg. d35
PROGRESSIVE Everbearing straw
berry plants. Yield from Juue to
November. Bear first season plant-
' ed. Thrifty acclimated plants $1.53
per hundred by mail post paid.
Ward K. Richardson. Phone 494.
Fov Sale Livestock
FOIi SALE 20 pigs, 8 and 10 weeks
old. Choice $6. Also some shoats. L.
F. Hill, Rt, 8, box 125. Phone 69
F4. e3S
FOR SALE -Chester White brood
sow, weight about 200 lbs; 1 Guern
sey and Jersey cow, fresh. Rt.
box 30, L T. , e36
FOR SALE Cow. 2274 X. Church
St. 85
FOR SALE Sow and 7 pigs, Cots
wold lamb. Phone 71F22. e38
FOR HALE Hay mare about 1250 lb.
Work any place. Call at corner
Owen Hnd Fir street. e35
FOR SALE Chester White male hog
and seed oats. Phone 44F5. e37
For Sale Wood.
DRY wood for sale, four foot, and
sawed. Call evenings 167SW, 48
contract hauling wood. Phone 674R
nfter 6 p. m. 33
FOR SALE Slab wood in car load
lots. Crabtree Bros., Stayton, Or. 37
A REAL bargain, one big team. 3300
lbs; one team colts 3 years old, 2,
450 lbs, and one team, 240(1 lbs, 7
and 8 years old; one pony, harness
and wagon for team, got to sell, I
guarantee sound and - true. Old
barn in alley back of White feed
store or 17 8 ji X. Bummer St. e35
FOR SALE Six cylinder Saxon road
ster. If you are interested come and
take a look at It. F. A. Erixon, 201
Masonic building, Salem. q35
FOR SALE Almost new Samson
tractor, with extension rims. Phone
96F2. c37
The oldest It's been the best since
1801.. The newest First 1-cyllnder
delivery; first 2-cylinder; first 4
cylinder; first Liberty truck: first
army truck In France; It is th?
greatest hauling machine on earth.
See it at Salem Auto Exchange.
229 State.
GOOD 6 passenger Ford body for sale
cheap. Salem Velie company, 18
N. Commercial street. c36
Also upholstering
OI ail Kinas, seai
'J covers, sen-ice. u.
C7 J. Hull. X. M. C,
Building, Salem, Oregon.
the car that one can enjoy the
most good to look at. to talk
about, comfortable to ride in, sure
to go when and where one wants It
to go. In other words a good car.
The Monitor Light Six is a good
car. Ask us to prove it. Salem Auto
Exchange, 229 State. 135
FOR SALE Studebaker bug to trade
for team or equity in house. Phone
S53, evenings 172
one who, bringing a copy of this ad,
. buvs a new car or truck from us
before April 1st 1920. Salem Auto
. Ann nl
fcxenange. ai jsiaie. -
SELL IT j our used ear. If It's good
we'll get a good price; If poor, a
poorer price but we'll sell it. bon-
. l.. Bn un .iir Healer and
buyer will be friends. Salem Auto
Exchange, 229 SUite.
' v)l
! - - iuiov.i.uu.iluu (i KAi JTAirI - 1)1 RF.(, TORY
r or bale Poultry., .wood saw Fisher bo-s-wurawi"! Tr-cr z -l-r4 Krm
Leghorns. Peds, Rocks, .Minorca- i
Prices reasonable. C. N. Xeedham, '
558 StatSt. Phone 400. . 36 !
FOR SALE White -Let-burn, weker- i
els. Tanered and Fesvis strain, $2!
to $5. 105F16.
For Sale Miscellaneous
INCOME tax records for sale at 141
N. HighPhone S40. 5
GROCERY store for sale7Write J f
v-apuai journal. ' 86
FOR SALE-Old papers for wrap-
: ping ami pacKing loc bundle. Cap-
iii.ouumai otlice. .
FOR SALE Baled clover haylor sale
at barn. C. S. Teeple. Rt. 1. Phone
oui:j p. ni. c55
EARLY Rose noriit,M,i
good to plant or for table use. $5
per hundred delivered. Ward - K.
Richardson. Phone 494. . c38
Sl'ITZENBERU apples, goad quaTT
ty, $1.50 per box delivered. Ward
K.JRichardRon. Phone 494. cSti
FOR SALE rhniT 'TC.".'r
Alsofence posts. .Phone 44F5. c3S '
Kl SINESS opportunity for business,
business men to secure stock in
chain of accessory stores, own and
manage your own store; have agen
cles for best auto bodies, tira
and accessory lines. If interest
ed act, do not wait. "Address Coast
Autoparts Sales Co., Salem, Or.
' c35
FOR- SALE Oood bicycles, $12 and
$18. Good ranges $30. 30 ft stake
chain $1. Hardwood dining chairs
$1.50; dining table $4. and other
bargains. 359 Chemeketa, 2 doors
easiArgo noiei. c35
GOOD piano for sale, $200, $25 down
$6 permonth. Address Box Piano.
Journal. c30
FOR SALE Piano. Call after 6 eve
ning 1157 N. Commercial St. c36
CLOVER Few hundred pounds
choice seed, 50c lb. G. H. Mudge,
Chemawa, Or. Phone 14F25. c35
FOR SALE Office partition', with
glass. Apply room 319 Oregon bldg.
.' c35
A TEAM of good working horses, har
ness and hack for sale. Call 240
Kiver St. C40
FOR SALE Onions cheap. ' Phone
399 or call 197 S. Oom'l. ' c56
FOR SALE Pool hall and lunch
counter. Stock tobacco and cigars;
good business. F. L. Wood, Bavne
FOR SALE 36-00 Advance separator
in first class condition. Too large
for our engine. For information call
or write Chief Engineer, state hos
" pital. Phone 154. c36
FOR SALE One square piano, one
dozen Plymouth Rock hens. Call at
1745 South Liberty street. 35
cheap on terms. The Wiley B. Al
ien uo., 619 court St,
FOR SALE Or trade for hens, 120
egg Old Trusty incubator, .and
brooder, new last spring, i Write
or call at 995 S. 14th St. V jC33
Wanted Help
WANTED Boy to work on fruit farm
one who can drive team. Phone 12
F25. ' ' f35
WANTED Woman or girl for house
work, good wages for right party.
Thone 2091J. g35
MIDDLE aged or elderly woman
wanted for house work. 320 North
Com'l! g36
WANTED A stenographer, state ex
perience and salary expected. Phone
number, references. Address B-Cap-ltal
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, call 178 S.
Liberty St. day time. 1258 S. Com'l
after working hours. g35
WANTED Ten hands for work In
loganberries, Monday a. m. : B.
Cunningham. Phone 21F2. g38
WANTED Two teamsters to work
on ranch. Must be marred men.
Phone 491. " g
WANTED A man who can sell elec
trical appliances, washing machines
nn'tl farm lighting plants. The Elec
trical Machinery & Engineering Co.
175 8. Com'l, Salem. g36
WANTED Man and wife for farm
work; no children; steady work;
will furnish board. Box 26 Journal.
WANTED Girl or woman for gener
al house work in country. Box 20
Journal. g35
Phone 6 46.
at deaf school.
WANTED Girl or woman for gdn
eral house work. Call 2525 S. Com.
or phone S5F13,
Wanted Situations
STRONG, capable girl wants work
every day from 10-to 3 p. m. M K
Journal. m36
lng call 1608. J.Biederman Trans
fer 40
WOMAN wants day work, preferably
ironing or house cleaning. Will
wash. Experienced chambermaid
hotel. Address or call at 437 South
Commercial. No nhone. h35
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED To rent 4. 5 or 6 room
modern house. Address Box 11 Cap
ital Journal. '36
POSTS WANTED 50 to 150 season
ed oak. Call or write Arthur E. Pet-i-nn
Sox Oreeon bldg. 38
FOR plumbing and general repair
work, call 1746K. m38
I WANT to buy veal of all
Pnone loibJl.
WANTED 1 to 5 stands bees in mod
ern hives. Box 999 Capital Journal.
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new suits $45; cleaning and press
ing. 644 State: Society Cleaners;
Phone 195. Chas. Ezra - Sparks,
tailor. 62
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
j me, Hollpvne Phone 636
in g
W. 135
FOR RENT Furnished house, four
rooms. 3-4 acre of land; cherries
and berries. On car line. Phone 112
F13. li9
rnl, t L-VT 9 flftts. Close in
See J. H. Lauterman. Aigo noiei.
7. , npx-T EiiuhnH rimml for
run iv ---
light housekeeping; parties- with
children need not apply. 1309 N.
Com ! Bt. E2
WANTED A strictly modern bunga
low. Car to trade for equity In
house. Phone 353. J.
WANTED $1000 loan on good
real estate security. A fine 5 acre
farm all equipped, for sale or trade
Address HOX z journal
FOR RENT Clean furnished front
sleeping room, close in. S62 8.
Church. Phone 1$1.
WOOD SAW Fisher bovs will saw
your wood. Phone 1004- ::. n,;ti
AIRfr'RKK -Carefrve motoring with-'
Dayton , Airless tires moved from
$37 Court St. to 171 High St. 8000
miles and up- m38
WANTED Old junk, old . clothing.
tools, gems, musical instruments,
' cameras. Will call day or evening.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court Phone
4S. -
exchange, 395, South 12th, will han
dle your household goods on com
mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining
better prices than selling to second
hand merchants. At present have
nice clean stock to select from.
-. Cannon, phone 19.
PARTIES contemplating building
bungalows, cottages and residences
. of any kind should see me about
plans, specifications, estimates and
labor. Address 27 care Journal. m35
Look These Over
100-acres, 90 'acres In cultivation.
god buildings. Located within 6 mires
of Salem on a gravel road. A real buy
at $100 per acre.
5 room plastered bungalow, all mod
ern except basement. Located in the
north part of town, within H block
of car line. Price $2250. Good terms.
Estes & Magee
428 Oregon Bldg, Salem.
Portland Ofice: 909 Chamber Com.
Bargains and Investments.
Extra nice 20 acre tract, close to
Salem, high state cultivation, good
huildings; orchard. Fine home for any
one. only $7000.
11 acres close in, choice dark loam
soil, 2 acres cherries and other fruits,
fair buildings, fine road, nice location.
$4500. ' . ;
12 H acres 1 mile' from ear line. 6
acres cherries and apples, small fruits
farm buildings, choice land, good lo
cation; $0500.
80 acre farm near town, 60 In cul
tivation. Team, stock, poultrry, ma
chinery, crop, all. for $135 pvr acre,
terms. ,, -
100 acre farm near town, good build
ings, mostly in cultivation, orchard,
choice location; fine home and a bar
gain for $125 per acre.
Perrine & Marsters
211,12 Com. olub bldg n
Kinney & Smith
Suitable for raising chickens or for
dairy ranch. On fine road only one
mile from R. R.Jclose to good schools
23 acres under cultivation, 15 acres
in crop, $ acres fine family orchard
and berries. Nice stream of living
water, Fair improvements. A real bar
gain at $3600. Some terms.
2 miles from good city. Has fine
family orchard and Is m a fine berry
section. About 60 acres in cultivation,
balance is pasture and timber. Has
fair sized house, large dairy barn,
silo, hen houses, etc. A lot of this
farm is new land. Price $12,000. Good
1 mile to town and good schools;
located on excellent road. 30 acres of
fine land In cultivation; balance is
good pasture. Fine family orchard.
Could raise several acres of fine lo
ganberries on this place. Fair im
provements. Place is stocked with sov
eral cows, horses, 60 chickens, sev
eral tons hay, feed, seed and good
line of farm equipment. 20 acres
now In crop. Everything goes, at $6,
000. Terms.
Call at our office and lot us give
you the particulars about these and
other places. Tell us what you want;
we either have it or can get it for you
Give us your listings of nil kinds of
property whether Improved or other
wise. We are here to serve you.
Kinney & Smith
201 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Phone 1130 n.
$0200 Fine 8 room house, paved
street, basement, fire place, one
acre. Ideal home.
$2500 5 room bungalow, large lot,
plenty of fruit, near car line
mid imvd street.
$IK."0 6 room bungalow, paved street.
$3000 8 room moaern punguiow, pav
ed street, good location. Terms.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic bldg. Thone 353 a
Real Investments.
11 acres In a good community, new
5 room house, new barn; 10 acres In
cultivation, one acre of bearing straw
bu-ries. Price $3000.
20 acres. 10 acres under cultivation.
New 5 room bungalow, new barn.
Good fruit land In a fruit district.
Buildings alone worth the money.
Price $2500. good terms.
13 acres, loganberry tips to set 2
acres, 150 young cherry trees, best of
loganberry land. Price $2000, $769
cssh. Balance to suit
14 acres, ail in cultivation, fine for
fruits of any kind. '4 miles from Stay
ton, 214 miles of Shel burn. Price $1.
120, $620 cash. Own terms on balance.
Look these over.
Estes & Magee
428 Oregon. Salem, Oregon
Portland office 909 Chamber of Com.
Brine vour listings of small farms
and tracts. Price them right and we
will do the rest.
201 Eank of Commerce Bldg.
Phone 1130
Real House Bargains.
6 room new, modern cottage, 2 lots
on N. Liberty St. This is a swell lit
tle place. $2500, $800 cash.
. S room good house, bath, toilet,
electric lights. A good buy. $1600;
near school and street car.
8 room house, plastered, electric
lights, bath and toilet improved
street $1500, good terms.
8 room modern bungalow, full base
ment, $3200.
7 room modern bungalow, large lot
full basement. A swell home. $3300.
6 room house, bath, toilet, electric
lights, close in. $1800. $600 cash, bal
ance $10 per month.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg 38
( acres bearing fruit; 414 out on
good road. No improvements. You'll
have to hurry to get tbie one. $2259.
$1250 cash, balance 6 years. John H.
Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bide. n
Good Buys.
; uuua duvs. . UDtician
10 acre, loganberry tract. "S acres of
loganberries, 8 room house, large
bam. well, running water, price $6500
a .ac-re. loganberry tract 4 3-4 acres
loganberries, 'good 5 room house
barn. well. Priw $5000.- ; ..; i.
10 acre tract located on main Pa
cific highway 1 3-4 miles from car
line: i acres, Italian pi-uues, balance
first class loganberry land. Price $4,
500. 20 acre - tract, 1 acre cultivated,
house, small barn, siring and well,
close to school, about 500 cords of
standing seeond growth ftr timber.
Price 4200.
4i acre traot located close to carllne
good soil, plenty of fruit and berries,
small buildings. 'Price $3600.
51 hi acre tract located 1 Vi miles
from Salem street carllne, about 28
acres of fine timber; 8 acres bearing
prunes, house and barn. Located on
main Pacific highway. Price $300 per
acre. 14' cash. .
20 acre tract located on good hard
road and R. F: 1. close to Pacific
highway, 4 miles from Salem: good
5 room plastered cottage, barn, well,
5 acres of cherries, 4 uorea of logan
berries. Price $9000. -
5 acre-tract, -4 acres loganberries,
4j miles from Salem. Price $3000.
6 room modern home in goott lo
cation, all furniture, goes; paved
street. Price. $5000.
6 room house located in south Sa
lem, corner lot. Price $2600, $900
down, balance $25 per month, 6 per
cent interest
8 room house and five lots locat
ed in south Salem, not far out; large
barn., good sol'. Price $5000,, $2000
down, balance terms. .
7 room modern home located at
1110 North Capitol street, large lot,
garage. Price $5500.
6 room house located at 1330 South
Commercial street. Price $2800. .
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
. " 275 State street
Best Buys
1 aero Jill , in loganberries, .4 room
house, close In and on car line. $2400
'k cash.
22 acres, good -valley loam, 6 room
house, barn, family orchard, 1 mile
from town. and school. $1740, terms.
20 acres best valley land, well drain
ed, all but- 3 acres In crop, family or
chard; 6 room house, fair barn, 3 H
miles from Salem, $7000. Terms.
5 acres good loganberry land, loso
it). $2900. - : -1
10 acres close in, all In prunes; good
house and barn. $8500.
40- aeres set to walnuts, berries
could be planted between; good soil
and well located on gravel road, 1 Vt
miles Salem. If sold together, $22o
irer acre. Will subdivide. Very easy
15 acres, 6 room house, barn, 2
miles out, 1 acres strawberries, turn
ily orchard; a nice home. $5500.
20 acres close to Salem, $160 per
acre. $500 will handle.
15 acres close to Salem and car
line, best valley soil. $4500, $500 cash
balance terms.
100 acres, 2 houses, barn and oth
er buildings, 16 acres orchard, 25
acres best beaver dam, 80 acres clear
ed, on Pacific highway close to 8a
lm; a good buy at $200 per acre.
82 acres, good black soil, on main
road and mail route &' miles from
goed town. $3600.
-. HOI'SES v
7' room, water, lights and bath on
paved street, lot 150x150. $4000.,
I rooms, modern, close In. $ 4 S 0 0.
7 rooms and bath, modern except
fire place. $4000.
5 rooms, 2 lots with large cherry
trees, full basement $1800.
5 rooms, full dutch kitchen, bath,
2 lots, 1 block to car. $1700.
8 rooms, modern except furnace
and fire place, at school. $3200.
341 State St.
Lost And Found.
LOST Or strayed, black and white
pointer. Call 1526W. k38
LOST License tag E23 in or near
Salem. Finder please leave at this
office. " k39
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 58F5; office
phone 1394. o57
INCOME TAX Don't worry over
your Income tax returns. T. A. Rlne
hart will make it for a small fee.
He knows his business. Room 403
Hank of Commerce bldg. 137
THE International Correspondence
schoolwill have their meal repre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to give the public Information
regarding the schools and their
Money, to Loan
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time!
: CM and 6 percent Interest
City building loans.
A- C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple. Oalem. Oregon
. , Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd, ft Bush Bank. Salem, Or.
MAftioN-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6V4 percent. 303 Salem Bunk of
Commerce. W. D. Smith. .
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 State 8t. Phone
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 67.
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you aell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 347 Court Bt
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rate. Cs pool cleaned. Dead ani
mal removed. Office phone Main
DR. ALBERT R. MDLLKR Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
510-12 y. S. bank. Phone 341. -
' Osteopath.
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. White and Marshal,
606 U. S. bank bids. Phoae 859. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834. .
TALE Hand laundry. 194 S.
St Phone 8.
TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur
niture and appliances bought and
sold. 141 N. High. Phone 340. 60'
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years experience: Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks' Salem Fence and Stove
, Works. 260 Court street.- Phone 121
Long Distance Hauling.
long distance freight hauling. Daily
son-ice to Portland, outside trips
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 445 Court street Phone 98;
night phones 679J, 674R. Salem,
Or. t
Lodge Directory.
pCfr-v CHEMEKETA lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7-:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, a C; P. J. Kunti,
K: K. ft 8. '
Oregon Grage ramp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening iit McOor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder, Mrs. Melissa Persons.
1416 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F, hall. Glenn C.
Nlles, M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert, secre
tary, 340 Owens street. -
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. Ci L. 8. Oeer, clerk
Oregon Cedur Camp No. 6246
; meets every Thursday evening at 8
.o'clock in McCornack building,
i, Court and Liberty streets. H. G.
Coursey, V.. C; Frank A. Turner,
No. . Northbound
64 Oregontnn 6:40 a m
14 Oregon Express ............ 6:66
28 Willamette Limited 9:17 a.m.
18 Portland Passenger ...... 1:50 p.m
24 Cooa Bay ............... 6:36 p.m
14 Portland Express . 7:46 p.m
63 Oregonlan 8:18 a.m.
23 For Eugene . 10:05 a.m
It California Express ...... 11:05 a.m
17 Roseburg Passenger 4:08 p.m
27 Willamette Limited 6:44 p.
13 Ban Francleco Pass 10:0$ p.m
78 Anlve at Salem 0:10 a.m
74 Leave Salem - .......... 4:00 p.m
161 Leaves Hniem, motor ..
163 Leave Salem, motor ..
165 Leaves Salem, motor .
Thru ear to Monmouth
171 Leaves Salem ..............
162 Arrives Salem . .........
164 Arrives Salem .............
166 Arrive Salem
172 Arrive Salem
.. 7:60 am
.. 9:28 a.m
...1:55 p.m
and Alrll.
.. 6:15 p.m
.. 8:25 .m
11:00 a.m
, 8:20 p.m
, 7:40 p.m
Train Leave Arrive Arrlvi
No. 'Portland Salem Eugent
6 Ltd 8:15 am 10:16 am 12:30 pre
7 10:46 am 12:60 pm Salem onl)
9 2:05 pm 4:16 pm 6:35 pa
18 Ltd 4:45 pm 6:40 pm 1:60 pa
17 6:06pnv 8:07 pm Salem onl
19 9:20pm'll:$0 pm & ilem onl)
'North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son street 15 and 20 minute later)
Northbound -Train
Leave Arrive Arrlvt
No. Eugene Salem Portland
9 7:15 am 9:30. om
10 Ltd 7:26 am 9:45 am 11:30 an
12 12:05 pm 2:30 pn
16 Ltd 1:65 pm 4:00 pm 6:50 pm
20 Salem only 5:80 pm 7:40 pa
22 4:25 pm 7:56 pm 10:00 pn
North Bunk station (arrive Jeffer
son street 16 minute earlier.) Leav
Nortliboi jd
Leave Corvallis Arrive Salea
8:20 am 9:46 am
2:36 pm 4:00 pa
6:18 pm 7:66 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvalllt
10:15 am ' 11:37 am
6:40 pm 8.00 pm
4:12 pm 6:40 pm
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $22.10; feed
oats 80 85c; milling outs 86 88c;
cheat hay $1920; oat hay $21ffl22,
clover hay $23'8'24; mill run $4748;
Butterfat: Butterfat, 62c; cream
cry butter tiff 66c.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foci
1 3-4c; veal fancy 23c; steers 100
8 1 9c; cows 6 4r9 3-4c; spring lambs
ll'c; cow 8C9 3-4c; ewes 46c;
sheep, yearlings 13c.
Dressed pork 1821c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs caah 37c;
light bens, 24c; heavy hen 26c; old
roosters 15 016c; springs 14a
Vegetables; Onions per pound 6c;
celery doz. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima
6c. Oregon 3H4c; sweet potatoes 8c
beets par sack $2; turnip per sack
$2.50; carrot per sack $1.26; parsnip
per sack $3.60; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40o doz.
Fruit: Oranges $4.60 6.00; I mons
$ 7 7.50 ; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 7c;
head lettuce $1.26; carrot 46c; Brui
sed sprouts 16c; cauliflower $1.75 doz;
reu pepper 26c lb; rhubarb 1214c;
peas 15c lb.
Retail price: Eggs dozen. 43o;
creamery butter 68070c; country bul
ter (5c; flour, hard wheat $3.250$.4O
oft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Or. Feb lO Cattle steady
receipts none; steers best $11.50 ft
12.60; good to choice $10.60 11.19;
medium to good $9.561.50; fair to
good $8.50 9.60; common to fair
$7.50(f8.50; choice cows and heifer
$9.50310.50: good to choice $3.50-
f 9-50; medium to good- $7.608.50;
fair to medium $(.50$ 8.59; cannera
J3.56(p.f 0; bulls $6.25?S.50; prime
light calves $15.5017; medium light
$12. 60-5-15.50; heavy calves $7
12-60. Blockers and feeders $S$9.60.
Hogs steady- receipts none; prime
mixed $13.75 tt 16. 15; medium $15.25
V 15.75; rough heavy $11.00 S 15.25;
pigs $13 15
Sheep steady; receipts nonereastem
lambs $16.50 17.50; light valley $1S
16.50: heavy $14.50 15.50; feeder
lambs 1215; yearlings $13.50914;
wethers $13 (ft 13.50; ewes $10g l2.
Toftlnnd, Or. Feb 10 Butter firm;
cubes extra 69 hi & 60c; parchment
wrapped, box lots 2c; cartons 63c;
half boxes He more; less than half
hoxes la more; butterfat 59 f 60c t.
o. b. station: 629640 Portland.
Poultry and Egss. ,
Portland, Or,, Feb. ,10 Weak;
Eggs selling . price caae count,
43c; linying price, case count 43c;
buying price 45c; selling . price
candled 50c; selected candled In car-
I tons 53c.
Poultry: Hens 30 33c; broilers 3S
(S40; roosters 18c; . turkeys dressed,
49j50c; geese 20L2ic; ducks 35 J 40c.
. Wheat and MID Stuffs.
Wheat: $3.20; barley, $72; oat
$60.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $57.09
; Hay: Buying price, valley timoth.
$20($28: alfalfa $31.50; grain $26:
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch
MUlstuffs: Price f.o.b. mill, clt
art age $2 extra. ' Mill run, ear lot o
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $7$
rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $71
scratch feed $80.
' Corn whole $66; cracked $68,
Real Estate Transfers.
i L Larson. to John A Wldness
and Kristofa Widnesa, 6 A
Peter Cox D L C 6 8 1 W..
Gladys- Gray 'Palmer and R J
Palmer to- Florence A Ris
tlne, prt it 5 and 6 bl 17
Salem . .
Ed Ruef to C B Clancy, prt D
L C John Baker and wf ...
James B Young to Emily B
Boas, Its 1 and 3 Central
add Salem
I T Worden and Emma J Wor
don to Albert Rich and Del
la Rich, 13.80 A sit see 26
Arthur E Harder and Elisabeth
Harder to Frank A Sandberg
and Cora Sandburg, 60 iA
seo 28 in 48 1W
L T Reynolds and Ruth 8
Reynolds, 8 A Hughes' and
Orpha Hughes to C L Wright
and Margaret Wright, prt
D L C Donald Pressley 78
J T. Mack and "Jane Mack to
V L Rex Coleman ti
Oladls Eva Coleman, It I bl
1 udd "C" Woodburn .....i
John Peyree, William Peyree
and Jessie Peyree to A J
Barham and Laura Bar ham.
L E Btebe and Orra Bebee
prt I) L C Abrum Olinger 88
2W ,
Charles Roth and lieolyne
Roth, John H Brosr and Es
ther Broer to Ray Brnmmer
and Evelyn Bremtner, It - 2
Eastside add Salem
Isaluh Beecroft and i.ucinda
Reecroft to Alson H Bunn
and Carrie Bunn. 16.05 A
John Martin D L CC 78 2W
H F West and Gertrude West
to F L Chambers, Prt bl (I
Sulem ...
W K Hhultz to C N Matlock
Matlock, It 40 and 41 Halls
home tracts
Mabel Adams Paterson and I,
K Paterson, Frances Adams
Reynolds and C A Reynolds,
Louise Adams, Alfred L Ad
onis. Alfred Coolige and
Edith Coolige to Jennie H
Gibson. It 1 bl 1 Parkside
add Silverton
C L Morgan to Emma Lmi"4i-
r-oier. It 14 Phelps add Sil
verton Anna Wenger to David Wenger
40- A In AS 1W
Autrust Woelke and Btgna
Woelke to LesUcr Waltman,
45.05 9 bet sec 19 and 24
In 69 1W .....
John A Aumnrle and K A
Pease to -CCllnton II Reeves
prt It 1 and 2 bl 2 A Smiths
add Jefferson
V " "'.rpnsen to Mnttle M
Christensen, prt cl 665 J M
Bates, con 9 A sit I0S 3W
ny amount. Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon