- THR f!APTTAL JOURNAL TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1920. if" work of the foundation lwin u""'j iinisnea. PAGE ..-Musical I ch'i . 1(,sf.eetln6 of Salem -Monthly banquet 11' -. class. T. M. C. U 1 ,f-OPn forum meet" Everything in shaving equipment. Razor blades sharpened. Hauser Bros Top work of all kinds. Cushions made and repaired. Top covers and curtains. O. J. Hull. T. M. C. A. bidg. 35 tW-McetinB of South Wr Christian church. Cottage street. Science Grand opera house, . tM4-T- W. a A. 1 , in Salem. Jon C. Al- jUure at PM -H'schoolgrad-- TBaaket social. War Veterans at ar- "loncert at First 'ludge McCamant at PU'C ,ibrary' Marion Count, .Vr clini0 at Commercial club. "Old Darby. the J65.000 master piece of the great French artist, Rosa Bonheur. that is on display at Meyers ff'jre ;i attracting many. Besides doiens of older people that have visit ed the store to se the painting, teach era with their pupils have taken them there to make a detailed study of the picture It will be on display for sev era days yet With more positions open than there are applications to fill them the labor situation in Salem was de Glared good by City Recorder Race Tuesday, head of the municipal labor bureau. The ability of the bureau to $ ! place about all men who have applied reflects credit on the good work g is doing to allay unemployment in the city. Frank Hrubetz, of Liberty, Route who was arrested Monday noon by ! Traffic Officer Moffitt on a charge or driving past a standing street car, i was nnea s uy foitce Judge Race g Monday evening following his plea of .guilty to the charge. ..r.k.r. teweler. Salem. Baby . State St. Tel. 00. chicks. o8 State o J9 . Bradford, executor of the EtU P """" ... designated tnh IS, l'20' as tmie r lal account. Saturday night Auburn hall. ... of No. 1 cleaned clover 1Sv pw , OJOtJ 3K u (or fare. - .... .... Hunt, well Known oa- an. .....- ,, in U.ician, is reporwu dci.., - LtbeSalem hospital. habv chicks for sale Thurs- r r o anA 4- 00inftn this weett. duo om-.-c p. in. tw. iv .mind of a Beries of lectures btojrvwi at the public library wm ttlnn Wednesday, Feb. 11 by Pro- John C. A macK, who wu. Uimk u his subject "Americaniza- U." ftb. 18 Judge McCamant of Ltiui mill elve an address on Washington." (tari used car bargains at Salem tile company, 162 North Commercial pit 35 M. C. Larson, manager of the Sa lem Btore of the J. C. Breier com pany, has returned from Lewiston Idaho, where he attended a conven tion of store managers, February Before returning home Mr. Larson visited in Idaho and Washington. Your own terms on a good used car this week at Salem Velle company 162 North Commercial. 3 The meeting of the Iowan club which was to have been held Tuesday evening has been postponed until further notice because of the Influ enza situation. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Robinson of Toronto, are the guests of friends fn Salem for a few days. Tte Professional and Business Wo rn club will meet Tuesday evening pfto home of Dr. Mary Rowland, f Court street. A social hour will the hllsinpfut HfHalnn nnrt It la that as many members as pos- will be in attendance. Because ft lie limited amount of space, the "Wm for the evening has been until the Y. W. C. A. ara again av.iiluhto fnt moat. - - tNrposes, E. A. Schiffler of Pendleton attend ed to business in Salem Tuesday. O. P. Hoff, state treasurer, was Portland visitor Monday. W. M. Duncan and W. S. Wiley of Klamath Kalis are business visitors In Salem. While here they are guests at Hotel Marion. Circuit Judge George G. Bingham was called to Portland Tuesday whure he will preside in court temporarily vacated by the Illness of one of the members of the Portland bench. Cir cuit Judge Percy R. Kelly Is presiding in department No. 2 of circuit court, hearing cases on the February docket in this department. T. J. McDonald, city marshal of Burns, was in Salem on official bus iness Tuesday. Mrs. Francis Clark, superintend ent or schools lor Harney county, was a Salem visitor Tuesday. While.in Sa lem, Mrs. Clark consulted with the state school superintendent's office, concerning vaccination in city and county schools In her district. I Fori i Vone 1 3 n owners, get our nronosition Man Ton and nn i " Hull, Y. M. C. A, bids. 35 W. R. C. : - nome or vr v,. m ...i C " Chemeketa street Thursday rj nuiar monthly meeting. A r wi be rendered in com of Lincoln's birthday. m meraDers are invited to i I" strops and dressing. Hauser i 36' 'J,6 who conducts a print 8hraent on North Commer- i,CJP,,'lt ln Portland f"PiMt of relaUves. Wer"" America will hold regular mn.ti.. ST,!? "treet. Tuesday H h Ivf? Mrfy an social eve SiVth mbers of the their friends are Invited. 5 who B V. ,T thanka to a Ed ll ?nfr the fl0ral of nr U H'"' Mrs. Samuel t 35 X0TICE .LEa:,W have open N w, k Work at 85 ?ti..ran,odern iuip- NcbZ 4 mach'"ery to han- ll , h" Pord ,ine of for promot .t. CAnn w.i . ' ' HANKS Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly award ed a decree Tuesday, in the divorce proceedings of Clara A. Shields vs William Shields. The couple were married in Marion county January 25, 1916. The only child born to them is dead. In her complaint, Mrs. Shields alleged cruel and inhuman treatment, charging that her former husband was a pervert. No property rights or question of alimony was in volved in the suit. Mrs. Shields states that because of her husbands actions that she was compelled to leave him in 1917. By the terms of the recree, her maiden name Clara Haines, is re stored to her. -- The will of Lyman Hill, who died ln Salem February 7, 1920, has been fil ed for probate. The will makes be quests to the following named heirs: To Edward L. Hill, 43, a son and to Elizabeth Armstrong. 65, a sister, both residents of Salem, share and share alike In personal effects and in a 10 acre tract of land situated near Salem. The will stipulates that Edward Hill may acquire Elizabeth Armstrong' half interest fn the land upon payment of the cash value of such interest. To Arthur G. Hill, 35 of Gallatin, Mo., a son and to Dorsey Bently, 33, a daughter, Borup, Minn. bequests of 1100 each are made. Two grandchildren, William Hill and Cyn thia Hill, residents of Gallatin, Mo. are given $50 each. The estate con sists nf real and personal property valued at about $1300. The request is made that Edward L. Hill be appoint ed as administrator of the property, -hiwus pussioiimes or success -or tne farm loan and stock land bank business and general business conditions here William Gnat, from th federal California loin ! I.- bank, of San Francisco, was visiting " oarera xuesttay. While hers he is me guest or A. C. Bohrnstedt. local representative of the federal farm loan system. In the evening Mr. Grant wiu leave for Corvallis. returning here Friday and Saturday for further investigation. QmtTkm: Circuit Court. S. J. McLean vs. Henry L. Holt Complaint The Roth company et al vs. Frank Callabra. Answer. Charles Maxwell et al vs. Marshall L. Waring et al. Execution. Clara C Shields vs. William L. Shields. Decree. Clara Shields vs. William L. Shields. Findings of fact and conclusion nf law. August Kehrberger vs. Llaie Up pendahl et al. Default and decree. August Kehrberger vs. Lisle-Up pmdahl et al. Answer of Irene Margaret A., and Elisabeth Sanders, as guardian. Probate Court. In the matter of the guardianshin of the persona nd estate of Ira Mar tin, an incompeteife person. Order confirming report of guardian. Jacob S. Young estate. Final de cree. William Smith Tureman estate. der for sale of personal property. imam Smith Tureman estate. Or der directing citation to issue. Sarah Jane Watt estate, an Incou,, potent person. Order, discharging guardian. In the matter of the guardianshin c. i. i jjaviuson. Sr. Order. Edward Upendahl estate. Order. ,. Edward Upendahl estate. Under taking. Anthony Jones estate. Administra tion s undertaking on sale of real es tate. Joseph William Stelnkomii estate. Order setting time for hearing final acount , Sarah Jane Watt estate. Order. Vc Eliza.-E. Haney estate. Order ap pointing administratrix and apprais er!. Louis Silverman estate. Inventorv hnd appraisement Caroline Daberco estate. Order. " Carah Jane Watt estate. Invenroi. and appraisement. Or- IDAHO Fl DEFEATS BEARCATS42T02I Moscow, Idaho, Feb. 10. The University of Idaho won from Willamette university at basketball hers last night 4J to 21. DAILY STATISTICS Born 1 KALB To Mr. and Mrs. George Kalb halem, route 7, a boy to be named Lynne Paul, February 7, 1S20. WOBBLIES SAYS HE RECEIVED THREATS Montesano, Wash., Feb. 10. W. E. Josh, state witness iii the trial in tlia superior court here of 13 alleged X. W. W. accused of criminal syndical ism, testified today that he was threatened while in Aberdeen last night if he gave testimony here, sim ilar to that which he gave in thu trial at Tucoma of I. W. AV. facing similar ccharge. Josh said two men approached him last night in an AU-I trdeen cigar store. One said, accord ins to the witness: You are here to give the same tlopn you frave in Tacoma we "jn.'S.' You bet," replied Josh. H'cli, If jou do you probably nev er will get away from here," Josh says he was told. A. E. Allen, former I. W. AV. of Seattle, testified that during the war AA'. Av". workers in the Ames ship- ard bored holes In the hull of a wooden vessel building there so that when the Bhip was launched It near. ly sank and was only kept afloat by divers who went under the water and stopped the leaks. GOMPERS ASKS SHIP mm to AID LABOR'S TIGHT Washington, Feb. 10. Opening the polltican campaign of the American - ederation of Labor, President Gom pers in an address today before the Ship Building Trades Convention here a&ked the aid of the unions represent' ed ln electing members of congress ana other officials favorable to or ganized labor. He promises every as sistance of the federation in obtain ing for the United States the great est merchant marine of the world, through continuance of the war-time construction program. Mr. Gompera said the failure of the congress to carry the ship program to a logical conclusion was typical of the attitude of congress oward that body so far as all constructive lsgis lation was concerned. "n me war over, ne sum, mem bers of congress are "talking them selves hoarse In the' attempt to fur ther invade the rights of the people of the United States." '.'It is a policy just the reverse of that In every other . country," tin speaker asserted, describing th? lib eral movement in Europe. It is your duty to see that this tendency toward autocracy is suvbed. In our fight you can expect the bitterest opposition from every enemy of laboir especial ly from every standpatter, reaction ary and soma, damn fools on the hill'." Notwithstanding the facet that the Boy Scouts and Commercial club are bavine individual drix-s for funds this week, the teams at worok on the bndget for the T. W. C A. were work ing; enttiuiatiLlly Tuesday, the oneuinir day of the campaign. Wkh ! '"b the balance of the day. the Commercial club rooms as av cen tral working point, the raptaias and ineor assistants, began their caxvaa-sing-at :S0 in the morning, and con tinued with undiminished vigor ehw- ...-ea will be served every afternoon of the drive, from 4 to :$ o'clock, and'iha reports of th campaign leaders turned in at that time. JOURNAL WANT APS PAT " Meet Ma at Meyers FEBRUARY Df LINEATORS HAVE ARRIVED COME AND GET YOURS The New Spring Voiles will charm and captivate everyone." The new shades " are delicate, and the designs very unique. DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS Washington, Feb. 10. Rejecting President Wilson's advice, house dem ocrats in caucus last night went on record as opposed to universal mili tary training by a vote of 106 to 17. The president, in letters to democratic leaders earlier in the day, asked mat action be withheld so that the party's stand might be left to its national con vention. -A ; i The rejection of the president's ap peal was double in It mope, for be fore declaring against "military train ing, the caucus rejected 88 to 37. a proposal that all action on the ques tion be deferred "at this time." This vote,' cast on the motion of Represen tative Doremus, Michigan, came after a three hour discussion behind closed doors, and Immediately afterward on the straight out question, universal training advocates dwindled to seventeen. Irish Raiders Capture Police Station at Cork Cork. Ireland, Feb. 10. r. After air attack lasting some time within an .exchange of rifle shots, two hundred armed men last night captured the i(: Castle Martyr police station. They temporarily made prls- oner the five policemen who uerenueu tne station, ine raid- ers seized arms and amniuni- tion and decamped. ZS TONIGHT "bt of the "ESTFt aiAKS Although the demand for nurses In the past month has greatly exceed ed the supply, AVlllamette chapter, American Red Cross has been doing everything in its power to secure them. The home service section was also responsible for lectures, given last week in the various schools of the city, concerning the influenza sit uation. The report of the chapter for January, as compiled by Mrs. Carrie H. Chanel, recording secretary, is as follows: Interviews 757; families dealt with. 215: new families. 82: letters written, 306; cash expended, 1298.51. Two Willamette students, Roy Skeen and Cecil Shot well, are ill with the flu. having been quarantined since Friday. Oscar Payne, another student, is caring for them. ! ST-uv A crew ot men is at work in old Waller hall on the'university campus tearing out the ruins of the interior to make ready for rebuilding, which will commence as soon as this is fin ished. aPrt of the building may be ready for use before the end of the school year, and it will be finished by .fall. Kork on the new Lausanne is 'also progressing rapidly, the cement BLACKSTONE IS WELL RECEIVED BY CROPS All the magic of India, China and Krvnt were like playthings in the hand of the great magician, BlaoK stone, at the Opera House last nlyht For two hours the audience thorough ly enjoyed the wonderful illusions and trickery of this master, each on more baffling than the one bntore. There were a great many things that made the evening one of gen uine pleasure, first of which was the personality of Mr. Blackstone himself. One usually pictures a ma gician as a sort of wierd and uncan ny person, but such was not the case last night. Mr. Blackstone is quite human and very witty. He keeps the audience in a roar of laughter the greater part of the evening. Cirt-u lating among the audience a consid erable part of the time, he performs various tricks in jch a refined ai.fi entertcniing manner that no cne could take offense. As for the tricks a id illusions per formed by Mr. Bli.stoiie and the supporting company, they Include! even thing from card H'cks to the mort unbelievable allusions, lnvir-i iki,- hnoovpr contaMine a quip or a turn which would biln- a laugh. Blackstone and ni& company tive an en!:rly Cilfnent n?r. formunce tonight and the distinct en joyment of everyone last night, should insure a big house. xvj sav xsvm ivKanor JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Second Hand Phone 3 ,-, Ferry and 1177 Liberty WE HANDLE EVERY . THING We are open for GOOD SQUARE BUSINESS And ' Guarantee Satisfaction LUCAS & LUCAS SERVICE Our service Is of the highest qual ity. We are equip ped to satisfy the most e x a c ti n g client. The cour teous conduct of our staff matches the up-te-date-ness of our' equipment. They come 38 and 40 inches wide and are priced from 50c to $2.00 per yard . This Is Scout Week Do A Good Turn Daily Tomorrow Big Sale WHISK BROOMS AND 2-IN-l SHOE POLISH Your choice of a whisk broom or 2 boxes of .-.a. Polish and Shoe Cleaner -.. C Tomorrow Only The Brooms are of the best quality and as for the Shoe Polish and Cleaner You get 55c worth for 25c. Sale opens, 9 a. m. - You Can Always Do Better At mm Li v ilOOOE 7T GOOIUGOOD S ZLS Who Always Do Better By You Have you done your duty for the Boy Scout Movement-If Not, why not? iitinniiiHtiii iiniiiHi' ; Mil i-j'H'-n . - After a hearty meal you'll avoid that stuffy feeling, if you chew a stick of Other benefits: to teeth, breath, appetite, nerves.1 That's a good deal to get for 5 cents! : 1 II . CHEWING GUMf N , j j4 ISeaSed TteHHfepf Right