'to DfflKFS Tfl ! flJUM ALLEGIANCE HIH OTHER PARI Y j; Jif whether it be nationalization 0f in dustry or other destruction of individ ual initiative. - KurrnxM ro Be Fought. I "Both these extremes, camouflaged or open, are active enough in the country today. Neither of the doml-' ration would promote those construe- ive economic policies that will tret us down from the unsound economic practices which of necessity grew out! or .ine war, nor would they secure the; fcood will to production of our farm- i -.,. ia Herbert Hoover j , . . m Yolk. " - Ho. I wuiners or maintaia the in nlghi isaueo - juative or our business men. TLFSn AY PFP.T?TTAT?V in inon - .. -.v, - wv. V f THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ran WITH COMMISSION I PAbfl FIVE. UiUement given out by Kred O. Buch i telchainaan ofthe commission. I W-l-h. r.-.ij :- been iwretaiy of jthe c:!imis.s4,)a ;s:nc in September. 1MJ. has lemWed tils regnation hi ' iwiner nome WITH TT.M K IXH.VENZA UNTIL RUSH IS OVER i i i -ir.i thp oresi He announce.. ...... - - ,"x . f.,r the nomination and that mdidate n . . him one is "' ,,, r nations is liliC4ll'; ' ok.ctiol, ne gays a" .! f..r the warty that stands 1 . rn resnonse to requests ,ur the leas ue. t0 8ither 7i he o her of the Sreat political . Mr Hoover says he will wait , ore definitely appears what M Manager, stand for, and will P 2 a prerogative of American lt &.i." Hi. statement fol- ,ws; .j, t.. answer a l:rge number "III 01 "cl an m -.stairs let me em- m that the inuuMi". tcj cm: A in I have t:iKt-n 1 day off conference in ... lvw Vnrk S.WtP.vsSin) matters in p-..l.l, ncv Xol f' Miulit. "is an Vrn-n tint MM anil '" "m "l ' " 'f . T , rl'"-' N" mP auUl''" speak fur me ponucuij. American cmzen u uum aneestrv, 1 am naturany ,f,v interested in the present crltl ;.,uatlon. Sly sincere and only .jliwal desire is that .me or both of t .,ieat poilticHl parties will ap 'J, the vital issues which have nn out of the war and are new th a clear purpose looking to ;e of our people, anil that candl M capable nf carrying' out this wor houid be nominated. Hoover Is for IiCasue. "II the treaty goes over to the pres Mial election (with any reserva m necessary to clarify the world's inil that there can be no infrlnge- iMnt of the safeguards provided by iir constitution and our nation-old iditionj) then I must vote for the ,artv that stands for the league. With If litre l hope not only of the pre- mtioii of war but also that we can Leiy economize In military policies. mm la hope of earlier return of con Kiiknce and the economic reconstruc- m of the world. 1 could not vote with a party if it ttrt dominated by groups who seek nt aside our constitutional, guar- luts for free speech or free repre. WnUtlon .who hope to Ite-estaetlsh jrantrol of the government for profit il privilege. I could not vote with a ; "ent. secretary of the pregon 1 I public sen ice nimm!inn -. I ..Tim i - a . . ... n nuse res-' iiir .uca luun iurwaru. not biick.l p.mrinn ward. I do not believe in We than ! ZZ TZ T"- to gie;U parties. Otherwise, com- e com,nission until the binations of groups could, as in Eu-' 1resent ingestion of business is dis rope, create danger of minority rule, j p"!d of and wi" Probably be succeeo I believe in party organization to sup-l ,y a me,nber of the present staff n.t- n.u.i 1.1..).. J Of tile Plknihli...nn . .. i""1 '. .ui-a.o ui.u 10 carry great' accoraing to aj issues ana consistent policies. 'Nor ! ' : can any one man dictate the issues of I great parties. It appears to me that the hope of a great majority of our: citizens in confronting this new period ' In American life is that the great par- j ties will take positive stands on the! ninny issues that confront us, and will ! select men whose character and assj-j ciations will guarantee their pledges, i Question l'p to Parties. , I "I am being urged by people in both ! parties to declare my allegiance to! either cine or the other. These who I know me, know that I am able Joi make up my mind when a subject is: clearly defined. Consequently, pntil it ! more definitely, appears what the par- j ly managers stand for, I must exercise! :i prerogative of American citizenship ! and decline to pledge my vole blind-i fold. "I ami not unappreciuUve of the I many kind things that my friends have ! u!vaneeii in my behalf. Yet, I hope! they will realize my sincerity in not j i.. his i.i hsu to undefined parti, an- snlp. " ... , . i" c .uuty ms legal attainments together with his fllM.TIT jriHiK . . -v . imiiuij a;i juugiuem ana general experience have i I o as-' i,-vr;! yea; s tf that time enabled him to establish an enviable cU'l'k. . record & raratarv nf tK tl. It Ik period t -.at Wright will re- an1 we '! that in our necessary ac- Win Or.. l"rt. l. Hairy H. Itelt, n 1. . " . . . Mnlanu . 1 l-il'...il l,l.l,..t It..... I - . :., T , . ' .. iwt im.iun ;r.o or v vt- irvguauon tnt com- ......v . lantniii the i i " "l engage In three ino.itha k iiae.-. his close touch misiioa and the state ia losing the 'it'es. - U -confined to his home in e practice of law and enter the race with the affairs of that bodv making "ices of a valued employe," declared! lhe w'pi u part of the ciiy with a t-ict P , ,1 nonunin for dis- his services invahiabie in the ronsid- Bftchel in speaking of Wright s d- re ti-k of Inflaensa. Judge Kelt i , Vr,l"'y r- i10" coumy- Wright eration of a number of Important esses c-811"1 return to sever his connection "uttered with the disease In a, light .. ....... c , u. luumy antl was new pending. laE3 wt,n tne cnimlssion. r rm last year during the epidemic in Mr. Wright is an able attorney and - "-v ,,ut ,r- A- B- ftarbuck his Fruit of the witch hazel does not attending physician itato .that his j "..u H..a toi 13 years before coming to Salem mature until the year following the i of the severest to come uti- SHE IS BUILDING FASCINATING GOWNS blossoming ot the plant der his oiserv:itioii so fir this year. lOtT: Suffer Prosn Piles Sena forTree Trial Treatment. No matter how lpr.g or how bad . go to your druggist today and est a 60 cent -box of Pyramid Pile Treat, ment It will give relief, aad a singla ta hope for any form of socialism, SHOWING , TODAY ;- WeKnow You WiU Like - "BY PROXY" Starring ROY STEWART ft 'At. v. tf :.'.',.v,i tvsift.,.rrt' ST i ; ; u . NEW SALEM HOSITAL TO BE READY BY FALL The new Salem hospital will soon be under construction on the old Salen hospital site at the east end of Cen tei street near the state hospital grounds. This was decided at the meeting of the board of control Mon day. Excavation was nearly finished on this site when first plans for build ing were postponed during the war times in 1S16-1917. Plans tor ue structure promise a hospital up-to-date and modern in all appointments. Salem has long needed more ade quate hospital service and the expan sion ef the Salem hospital is expected to aid in felieving an unsatisfactory situation. The Salem Deaconess hos- ital, which has ben in this city for a comparatively short time is also plan um it were dominated by groups Kling t0 enlarge, according to B.. r- w vmtm or Triangle Bv Proxv Jm hate to laugh, get 5f" "BoW to Be Miser. " Million a Year" gjnme your grouch. IfYou Like to - Laugh Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Then See This Funny ft Pture, where StTproTagirl ': '- 1 j1 THEATcre i W HUGH nouncement made some time ago. This will give Salem two good hospital units. . At the p resent time the' Salem hos pital Is located iir the McKiriley school building at South. High, street, a This building will ba required for school purposes by September 1 and for this season it is planned to have the new hospital building completed by that time. Assest of about 150,000 are at th disposition of the Salem hospital board of control in carrying out their plans or expansion. William MoOllchrlst, Jr., T. B. Kay and Charles K. Spauld Ing are members of the building com mlttee. 'ir. . f L..V.VII i-r, y. Vl'Vlj'ft The Pyrami dSuiUe From a Single Trial tox often relieves. A trial package mailed free In plain wrapper if joa Bend us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PTEAMID PRnO COMPANY. 671 Pyramid BUg., Marshall, Mich. Iflnilly enil me a Free sample nt Pyruiid file Trettnfont, ia plain wrapner. Name. .., Street : ty..' State 4sK Ipil IVkodbvrn. V . fIeKanao U Broolc,. ; ., kr,on ffW; 3 : ! jit . ! ins vN. v I J , . j v , A 1 x "n, V s i - v V ' ' Shells producing mother-of-pearl are found in abundance in the MIsslp pi liver and its tributaries. F.lni-ksUmp traces the custom i-f al lowing three oavs nf grace tj the tier mans of the time of Tacitus. A pheasant nest Is .usually li'te;- of grass? and let.vs. Nearly nil" li.-mnls have the same power as the cii&uieleon to change cil. or. although not to us marked a degree. IJheiiy l..ll.vas made in Lond.ui In 1732, but on account of a defect in mere wound was recast in I'hiiedalphiu in K53. Exquisite The wonian vho desires to be beautiful should be highly critical of all the toilet good she uses most particularly of her face powder. Soul Kiss Face Powder is, in a word, exquisite of purity, of texture, of per fume the choice of the discrimirteting woman. Mevcr Brothers Drug Co. baiat Louis Soil Kitt Toilet Water ap;jculi in in fruiranm Miss Kiuraa Rydstrotn ia a successful business woman who delivers .her own creations In a smart motor brougham. Sbe once dusted the furs We In tho' office she now owns In the "Big City." Elderly People Have A Daily Health ProbleEi Stomach muscles and digestive organs N slow to act as age advances MOST piy.ple find lhe -years t'.,-if"'y -k-.-"f("v..jPwai ... ....... ."J m JT .. . . confronled with tlie fact that they can no longer digest everything they woulil like to eat. It then becomes their duily task to avoid what they know to lie inrojuc con stipation. When exorciso end light diet fail it will lie necessary to resort to arlilicial menus. Strong ?mysi -ami cathartics, however, .re not advisable for elderly people. They act too powerfully and a feeling of weakness results. What ia needed is a laxative containing rtl'cctive but mild Eropcrties. This is best found in r. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin which is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. It acts gently and without griping, and usod a few days will train the digestive organs to do their work naturally again without other aid. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin bas been on the market since 1892 and was the private formula of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, who is himself i' l&Qi past 80 years of age and si ill ai ti vo ' in bin priilessiiin. Itcau lie bought at any drug store and one bottle is enough to last even a largo family ninny months. It is a trustworthy preparation. Fn s(te of the fact that Dr. CoU tiwU's Syrup Pepsin it the largest jelling liauii laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benejiu have not yet used it. 1 you have not, und your name t bottle Washington many who need its benejiu have it used it. If jnt have not, send I name and nddrtst for a jrte trhd I to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Jit I ungton St Montatllo, liliiuils, Hundreds of Men Are Now Wearing Suits That Were Bought At o Hill - . I, WEDNESDAY 1 WilLEVV,s I iNfer J x liberty n - 1 4 j Lost and Found "When the "phone rang and a man told me he had found my bag I was just tickled pink. There wasn't much money in it, but the bag was a gift from a friend and I value it highly. Why, I can hardly believe that I have it back. There must be magic in your Want Ads." So spoke a well-known lady of this city. No, there isn't any magic; it is just that most people are honest and nearly everbody reads our Want Ads. Whenever you lose or find an article of value a Want Ad in our Lost and Found columns i3 the best way to locate the loser or the finder. Little Messages Like These Travel Far: HAd LOST Will ptrion wiw 11114 pvr l-(br ba?. with mnw- FOUND Wrijt wtdtj owwr mf trinwd re, cents! tun? Sl2;0. km ttaie desxribiftf article im Thm-nT r."i" r.m drum a f u.w am art raranl. 'i'luua Blca- tuencat. aJ)ll: nam lii. , Our Want Ad columns are a wonderful Information Bureau. Patronize them freely for all business purposes. " Read and Use the Want'AJs in THE CAPITAL JOURNAL .-.... SV-4 i! During the first six days yet they cannot be missed from this immense stock. Four days yet remain, the best of the entire sale. That men everywhere appreciate real bargains in high grade merchandise has been shown by the throng of eager buyers that crowded this store each day, Note below the savings on suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. ' ' MEN'S SUITS FOR $14.85 . MEN'S OVERCOATS , Suits that were $17.50, $20.00, $22.50 and Regular $25.00 Overcoats, buy them to up to $25.00, some Blue Serges among -them, mostly small sizes a $14.85 -V $17.85 MEN'S SUITS FOR $26.25 , . -MEN'S OVERCOATS Suits that were $32.50,, $:)5.00 2nd up to . i ..... $37.50, staple or young men's styles, sizes Regular $20.00 Overcoats, not many left 36 to 44. See them at $26.25 $14'85 MEN'S SUITS AT $29.95 MEN'S RAINCOATS Suits that were $37,50, $40.00 and up to '... . ,n. , Regular $o and $6 Rubberized Raincoats $42.50, staples, waist..-seams, plain or belted, worsted, cassimeres and tweeds io or $29.95 - - . . - - . MEN'S SUITS AT $370 BOYS' KNICKER SUITS Suits that were $45.06, $50.00 and up to Regular $12.00 and $12.50 Suits, while $60.00 staples or young men's styles in waist seams, belted or plain : : S37.50 . 1 48.95 SALEM WOOLEN MILL S STORE - Men's. Dress. Shoes $9.00, $10.00 and $11 . values ' $5.95 Men's Dress Shoes $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 values . $3.95 IJoys' School Shoes $3.00 and $3.50 values 2.45 Ladies' Fibre IIosc with $1.00 and $1.25 black, tan and white 75c Men's 25c Fast Black Sox, 6 pairs for $1.00 Men's $2.50 Ileeced Cotton Union Suits $1.95 Men's $5.00 Natural Wool Union Suits $3.95 Men's $5.00 All Wool Flannel Shirts $3.95 Men's One Piece Khaki Work Suits S3.95 Men's $3.00 Jersey Sweaters, black and colors $2.G0 Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Negligee Shirts $1.95' Men's $2.00 and $2.25 Ne?;!icc Shirts ;i.65 EoyV Sl.50 and $2.00 Cloth Hats - 75c