Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 10, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Publish-! erery evening eeept 8un
ay by The Capital Journal Printing Co,
lit South Commercial street.
Tlthonea Circulation una Business
Olfioa, 1; Editorial room, ii.
GEORGB PUTNAM. Editor-Publisher
Entered as second clu mall matter
t fcsiem. Oregon.
euBscnuTioN rates
By carrier 60 cents month. By mall
j cent a month, $1.15 for three month.
2i tor six monuis, per, yenr m
arion ana poiK counties. .iewnr
''By'order ot TT. S. government, all mall
aubscripttona are payable In advance.
Advertising representatives TV. B.
Ward, Tribune Bldg., New TorK; w. H.
Blockwsll, People Cm IMg-, Chicago.
The Aasociatd Cress 1 exclusively
entitled to the use for republication or
all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thl paper
and alto local news published herein.
Rippling Rhymes .
By Wult Mown.
. rioon the farmers will be tirmlng.
plowing up me doskv uoua, imn win
AS AN aftermath of the war, Henry Alters, the Portland mil
ler, must pay a fine of $10,000 and serve three years in the
federal prison at McNeil's island, for the United States court of
i appeals has affirmed his conviction.
Albers, it will be remembered, was convicted because of se
ditious remarks to a deputy marshal who engaged him while in
toxicacted in conversation on a train with the deliberate object of
trapping him.
Albers, who is an old and respected citizen, a business man
to America as a young man to make his fortune. He made it
of more than ordinary ability, was born in Germany and came
legitimately as a result of industry and sagacity, and no evidence
was submitted to show that he ever committed an overt act
against the government of his adoption.
Albers sympathies were against the Allies in favor of Ger
many, the land of his birth, before America entered the war,
which is not to be wondered at. If they remained with Germany
after the declaration of war, he was discreet enough to keep si
lence save on one occasion when intoxicated. An -intoxicated man
who has lost control of his reason and his tongue, is likely to say
most anything and it savors of persecution rather than prosecu
tion when a few words of drunken babble will outweigh a life of
honest endeavor, and end an otherwise honorable career in shame
and ignominy.
Had Albers actually striven against America, and sought to
lose the war, as Eerger sought, there would have been justice in
his conviction. But it seems to have been deemed necessary when
the country was at war, to make an example to check sedition
CHINK Y lU'lia, BfVaVB "llH1, . ,, . . ml . - . i
eoon be Hue and charming, and the "ciitc rtiucia uiviinunuu. xnc cmci scin-jr , i. mcic unc, na.
hen'ttm wearing ht iiB. Every day is I long since passed. His punishment has already atoned for his in
fcrinKins nearer spring, the season we j discretion. He was the victim of war hysteria and his further
punishment benefits no one. He is a proper subject for executive
- lJTvf trpmff S?Aft,
VV J O UU lJ J ur-
: 5 tf .T 1
n i. u-ar tpt .r
A.', i 1(0..
Tniiv Robin said. He had expected to
With Jolly Robin following close be- j have a ride. And naturally he was dto-
once more. "SKy pona: ne Htuuuru.
"1 don't want to go to Bky Pond. 1
want to go to the South!"
"Well. Sky Pond's south of Pleasant
Valley," Jasper Jay explained. "It's
right on your way to your winter
home. And all you have to do when
you reach Bky pond will be to find
another sign, which ought to say some
thing like this: To the South, one
admire; and this precious thought
crows clearer as I feed the furnace
f ;re. When I'm slinking down the ashes
v. hen I'm heaving In the coal, this
reflection goes u-fliishlng through the
fibre of my soul; and I wave the rusry
m Her iiiul I slum (ho furnace door, for
I will not need to stoke her, m the
si ring lime, anymore. Oh, the winter
winds are chilling, and they jolt us
when they strike, fint the aprlng
time's calmly drilling somewhere lip
I lie dusty pike; and she's bringing
birds and roses and a swarm of bum
Mb bees; we forget our frosted noses
vhen we think such thoughts as these.
Pprliig In coming, gentle reader, with
that luseioim snille of her', and the
fanner with his seeder will be sowing
oocklelinrs, and we'll get up picnic
I al lies in the sylvan dells and glades,
where the happv village smartles will
ettort Hie giggling maids: and we'll
lc knee deep In clover, and forget our
every sore, for the winter will be over,
lied the spring will have the floor.
Lyman Hill was born In Province,
Quebec, June , 1847. In 1864 he went
to rirant county, Wisconsin, four years
later he returned to Canada and was
married to Cynthia Uroux in 1871.
In 1RS1 they moved to ISoscobel, Wis
vuiisiii, living there about 20 years.
He then went to Minnesota and in
lr I came to Oregon.
Ills "wife died Heptember 20, 1S08,
leaving four children, one Surah Al
berta having preceded her to the gre
Me died of cancer after a lingering
Illness of thirteen months, lie was
piitlent mid uncomplaining to the lust,
The summons cams Vit scveu thirty
it, in., February. 7, ISUO, being 72
e:n'H. ?!i dfiys. '
In ISM) he united with tlu . 1).
Advcnllsl church and has always been
mi ardent believer In the cause which
lie loved and wus faithful to the end.
One son, I., a Hill of (iallaliu, Mo.,
ln ceiled him July 6, 191R.
lie leaves to mourn his loss three
children Dora, Ilrs. Chas. Heiilly of
romp. Minn.; Arthur (i. of Ciftlatm,
Wo., ami Kdward L. of Halem, Oregim,
and elr.hl grand children. Also one
Mother, S, A. Illl of Wood, R P.; two
Bisters, .Mi s. Marl ha Lucas of Chum
In linln, N. I),, and Mrs. Haniuel Arm
Mtrong of Siileni, Oregon,
The funeral was held at 10 o'clock,
February 9, 19211, from the undertak
ing parlors of Webb 4t dough. Dr.
l.oiiKhrlilKe (ffii I.iUiik'. I'.iirlal in ilin
City "View cemetery.
CONGRESS evidently learned nothing from the lessons of the
war and the nation will be found as unprepared in future
contingencies as in the past. The best preventative of war is
a real League of Nations in which the United States bears its re
sponsibilities and exercises an important influence yet the sen
ate has so far rejected the League.
Failing the League, the only alternative is for the nation to
keep half-way prepared for conflict, with a comparatively small
regular military establishment and some form of universal mili
tary training, whereby for a few months of each year, the youth
of the country receive beneficial physical training.
Yet congress refuses to establish any system of universal
training, permits the most important branch of the army, the
aviation corps, to languish, and other vital branches of the ser
vice to decay. Another year or two and America will be as help
less to resist armed aggression as when war was declared and
months of precious time be wasted in organization and drilling.
It is the hope of everyone that the Unifed States will never
have to participate in another contact but the dread of militar
ism is so great that the lessons of the war remain unheeded. - It
would seem that Americans are afraid to trust themselves.
As President Wilson says, the "demonstrated advantages to
the youth of the country which comes from military service m
the war plainly suggests that in the national interest, quite apart
from purely military considerations, a moderate and carefully
conducted course of universal training may have the highest pos
sible advantages." Yet the. Democrats in the House rejected the
executive's advice, and of course the Republicans will also reject
it. The war taught nothing to the politicians in congress.
..................... ... i.. i i.
hind him, Jasper Jay flew directly to appoimea. ii""'" "
i ... . . A I'jin ii nit
line cross-roads, almost half-va 10
the village. Once there, he perched
himself upon the sign-post at the four
corners. And Jolly Robin seated him
self upon one of the boards that were
nailed to the post.
"Here we are!" aaid Jasper Jay.
"You see how easy it la,"
"When will the post begin to move?"
.T.,llv Rnhin Innuitwl a hit nnvioilslV.
He had waited a whole day to begin i thousand miles, lou see how simple
his long journey to the South, so it was it is." Jasper Jay remarked. W itn a
only natural that he should want to jsign-board to guide you, you cant go
start at once. I wrong."
"What's that you say?" asked Jas-I Bui it seemen to jony mat me new
per Jay. And when Jolly repeated his ! way of travelling was far more uir-
nneatinn koran tn wrenm with ficult thBU the old. He aid S3 mUCh
laughter. "Well, that's a good one!" to Jasper Jay, too. "I wish '
he said at last. "So you thought the ho added "I wish I had started yes
post was going to pull itself out of the terday, with the others."
ground and fly away with you. old At that Jasper Jay said, "Nonsense!"
ycu?" ' And he muttered something about
"Why, yes!" Jolly Robin replied, j dunces, and mollycoddles, and yes!
"Aren't these wings?" he asked, look- j 'frald-cats!
Infected Teeth Are
a Menace to Health
ing down at he boards. "They're
already spread," he observed.
It was some minutes before Jasper
Idah MSGldne Gibson
Heiiin, Feb. 9. Cm-many Is pre
nfirlng n list containing th names of
allied soldiers and high offictalt who
re accused by the llerllu government
t f violation of the lnwa of war and
1-tiins to submit it ns a counter pro-l-osal
to the demand of the allies for
extradition of Oermnns who are ttl
Itged to be war criminals.
This list Is In the course of compila
tion ami It is expected It w ill be ready
for publication und delivery shortly.
I: will contain specific indictments
M.ned upon alleged authenticated mn
ttrlnl which is one file in the (iernian
Jaehives. It was stulc.l tonight tier
many, however, would not demaitiT e
ti'tdltlon of the mtin named in its in-
John Learns About Women
John got .up and 'Stamped angrily
out of the room.
My nurse came In softly and said:
"Don't you think you have been up
long enough? 11' you are going home
day after tomorrow, you must conserve
your strength. Mrs. Cordon."
1 allowed her to help me back to
bed. but I 'felt 1 never should care to
leave the hospital.
As I sunk among the pillows she
g;ue me a teaspoonim ot something
rather bitter, I think It wus a sleep
Inr pot Ion, for 1 soun went to sleep.
I was wakened by the voices of John
mid Alice in the other room.
"I'd like to know, Alice, why you
luitl Into uiy affairs!" John's voice
was nylng,
What do yon menu, John?"
VVell, I Imagine you told Katherine
that I was a stingy, old skinflint.
"Soiuelhing of the sort, but I must
i n less thai stingy, old skinflint
leesn't fill the bill in my estimation
"Well, I want you to understand
that I'll run my own household, and I
don't thank you to Interfere. You
know very well that if I gave you or
"Oh, you think It's smart, do you?
Well, I will explain then that your
childhood pal, lless Moreland, sug
gested it to mother and me one vaca
tion when we- came hour? from board
ing school and mother was voicing
liei annoyance at not having any ready
money, lless said that she had done
this for years with her father's bills,
for, although he was very generous in
her allowance, it never yuite covered."
"Crent goodness, I learn something
m w about you women every day!"
"You haven't learned that about
lMitherine or me. John. Neither of us
would sloop to such a thing. I never
did It. before I was married and I
nf rtiiinly don't have to do It now with
the Income that Tom settled on me!"
"Ves, anyone could tell you have a
.map, and that's another thing I'd like
to speak to you about. I don't think
you should send Katherine so many
flowers. It really makes me look
foolish, for when I know you are send
ing bo many It Is silly for me to add to
their number." -Jtlossoms
Not raid For
"So that's thfl reason vnn ti'neim't.
given Katherine a flower since she has CIlln,8('
been lilt Well, John, It may be news
- - , 1
C'. ''
J MWji A.Mp
"Then I shall have to fly, after all,'
said Jolly Robin
Jay eould answer him, for he was
laughing again. But finally he man
aged to speak.
"Those aren't wings!" he cried.
"They're sign-boards, to tell you which
road to take. Of course, you can't ex
pect to mad a lign when you're sitting
on It. J ust go over to the fence across
th road and you can see the sign that
you're on now."
So Jolly Kobin fluttered over to the
fence. And from fherq he could see
the sign-board plainly. This is what It
looked like:
"There!" Jasper cried, when Jolly
had read .the sign afciuWYou see how
osy-h Is.. All you noed-tlo Is p follow
this road to which the haVnd pointsi-
"Then I shall 'have te fly, after all,"
Perhaps Jasper hadn't intended that
Jolly Robin should hear those words
and perhaps he had. Anyhow ,hc was
sorry afterward that he had spoken bo
loud. For the first thing he knew.
Jolly Robin flew straight at him with
shrill chirps of rage. And Jasper was
surprised and frightened, too
that he flew off as fast as he could go.
following the road that led to Sky
Pond, fifteen miles away, with Jolly
Robin after him.
Jolly chased him for a long time,
u I'tH at last Jasper Jay swerved to one
side and turned toward home.
(Hut jolly Kobin followed him no
longer. He kept straight on, and on
and on. And he flew so fast and go
far before he stopped that he over
took the party that had started a
whole day; ahead of him.
So he travelled to his winter home
in the old-fashioned way, after all
And though Jolly Robin laughed when
he told his friends about Jasper Jay's
new stylei-of travelling, there was one
thing over- which he could not smile,
even then.
You Bee, " 'fraid-cat" was a name
he -couldn't abide.
VERY many people have infected
teeth -without knowing it. .The
' tooth roots are often diseased and
still there may be no pain or any out
ward sign of trouble.
Doctors say that hundreds of cases
of inflammatory rheumatism, chronic
stomach troubles, Brighfs disease,
nervous diseases, epilepsy and even
insanity are caused by infected teeth.
Some go so far as to declare they are
the greatest danger to health today.
If your health is not as good as it
should be, the cause may be infection
at the tooth roots, -where poisonous pus forms and i
taken up by the blood and carried all through the system
Have your teeth thoroughly examined by Registered Dent
tists using the E. R. Parker System. Their offices o
fully equipped with X-Ray machines for making careful
examinations, and their experience fits them to give ajt
vice that is well worth having. Your health depends to
much upon your teeth that delays are dangerous and
costly. Consultation and advice free.
Registered Dentists Using the
Dr. D. M. Ogden
Approximately 10,000 Indians enter
ed the army and navy service- of the
I'nlted States, prinlcpalty by" enlist
ment in white organizations.
The weather fish does not depend
entirely on Its-gills for taking in oxy
gen, but swallows a certain amount of
air and the stomach has a contrivance
for utilUing the oxygen.
' I
For -real effectiveness, this old
home-made remedy lias no
quid.. Easily and cheaply
' ' prepared
New England furnishes the greatest
amount of granite in the United States.
loan never know how quickly a
bad cough can bo conquered, until
you try this famous old home-made
remedy. Anyone who has couehed
lall day and all night, will sav that
the immediate relief given is almost
like magic. It is very easily prepared,
and really there is'nothing better for
Into, a pint bottle, put 2 ft ounces
of Pinex; then add plain granulated
sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or
you can use clarified molasses, honey,
or corfc syrup, instead of sugar syrup.
r.itner; way, the ful pint saves about
two-tkirds of the money usually spent !
for cough preparations, and give you
a more positive, effective remedy. It
Keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant
children like It.
iou, can reel this take hold in-
1 , jStantlw soothing and healing the
Lead polnoning is a common ailment i membranes in all the air passages. It
of workers in entherware and china 'Promptly loosens a dry, tight eough,,
plants iaml soon you will notice the phelgm
'hin out and then disappear alto
There are more than 1,500,000 free-' gether.; A day's use will usually
mason In the United States and Can- Drenl un an ordinary Uiroat or chest
ada. soia, ana it is also splendid for bron
chitis, croup, hoarseness, nod
THE big, simple, impressive facts
about the 50-horsepower Series 20
SPECIAL-SIX tell their ownstory.
Here is a car, costing only $1785,
manufactured by a great, successful
automobile concern, which is
quality car at a moderate price.
an unusually good-looking car.
a roomy, five-passenger car of 119
inch wheelbase. - -
an easy-riding, perfectly-balanced car.
an economical car to run, try low .in
gasoline and tire expense. .
an amply-powered car.
a car that a woman can drive.
a convenient car for the owner-driver.
equipped with cord tires.
A demonstration will prove its quality
and serviceability on the road. 4
f. o. b. Detroit
The common sun fish' is carnivorous ; chia asthma.
and in hatching season is especially Pinex is a most valuable concen
pugnaclotig. jtrated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, the most reiiuble remedy
Masonry bridges were made In voryjor throat and client ailments,
early times by both the Romans and To avoid disappointment. nk vnn.
.druggist for "214 ounces of Tinex"
with directions and don't accent anv.
to you, but I haven't paid for one 0f IGlndjttone firmly believed that Homer j thing else. Guaranteed to give ahso-
..t lior n oAiit nf m nn av hafriVA VAU
were married you didn't keep It five those blossoms!" wa8 11 Tfal man deseriblng historical ' lute satalsfactlon or money refunded,
minutes." I "Who has?" asked John In a tone I ITh P'nex Co.. Pt. Wayne. Ind.
"No, because we had hundred irom which I knew he suspected thei
plat-en to put the little cash that you uonor.
doled out to us. You would rather "Kan bnepliasd, of course. Haven't
pay a bill at a store by handing over, I you learned, John, that there Is al
i'i lordly fashion, a check for $100 to 'ways a man around the corner, ready
some man In authority than to give us ' to proffer to a wife as attractive as
$50. lo you kno, John Gardpn. , jours, the attentions that her hustvand
tV.-'d J:ilMUh", I..f.ou
f.uhl go after th t nueu tf .-."
l,t.f,.r.- they tackled J '
Mis Km Moots wrote her name on a
f.-di ess ' t'day she got letter
from a oil kintr.
what you have driven your mother to,
and what you would have driven your
wife to do? In fact, your own mother
suggested It to your wife, just a short
tune ago, for fear the discrepancy In
bills would reiict upon her."
"I'plulu, for llt-Nvon's Snko!"
"What are you talking about? Ex
plain, for heaven's sake!"
"1 will explain! When you pay your
bills over the counter with such deep
sutiHfiic.tlon and the feeling that the
unto behind i looking at you with ad
miration because of your ability to
write a check for the amount, how
would yo'u like to know that' in reality
lu is thinking what a poor fish you
arc! He knows, John Gordon, that
toother has added aumetlines 50 per
cent to different article In tliat bill
with the understanding that the over,
charge shall be paid to her in cash."
"Alice Cordon ,are you craay?"
"Alice (lot don Stmlaire. if you
please! I am perfectly sane, and your
mother has only exercised her fem
inine prerogative of Betting the best
of you any way she can."
"1 shall stop mother's charge ac
counts tomorrow."
"Will, I guess I've kicked up a nice
row now." said Alice ruefully. "But
villi- treatment of Katherine in the
mailer makes me so confounded man
that I thought 1 would Just let you
know how silly your highhanded Ideas
"What did Katherine do when
mm her said this to her?"
She did what nil women would do
under the circumstance. She refused
to be a party to mother's method."
"Where did mother get the Idea?
Si.K-lv with her oUl-fanhloned Ideas
she Woul.U'ti't be smart enough to
think of that!"
neglects to give?
"And my wife aocepts them!' was
John's ugly rejoinder.
"Yes, she accepts them through me.
lint don't you know, John, that Kath
erine would rather have one little
primrose plucked from the river's
bank If you gave ft to her than that
fcrfat roomful of roses In there from
any other man?"
(To He Continued '
73 Year Old Rheumatic
Throws Away His
"I am irnw 73 years of age, and or
a number of years have suffered with
rhi, ecienut and a severe
Itching. I was compelled to walk on
crutches. I obtained no relief until
I began to take Number 40 Kor The
Blood. Have taken eight bottles and
my rheumatism und the itching ec
senin is all gone. On Christmas day
I laid away my crutches and get
around rretty well without them.
Tou have nty permission to use this
- ' i advertise Number 40, i
feel that I have received great bene
fit and will continue th treatment,
believing I wll receive more, and I
w sh to ivt ommeiid It to other like
sufferers to do as I have clone and
try Number 40 and get relief. With
great pleasure I subscribe myself,
Yours very truly, Isaac" l.udwlg. Pel-'
pbos. Ohio. March IT, 1917." Num.
bet 40 Is demanded in grouty condi
tions, malnutrition, poisoning, auto-u-xhaiion.
coiiatiimtiun. chronic rheu
matism and r.iiuii h, Hver complaint. I
and all diseases arising from Impure'
Lioocj ;-.nane by j. c. .Mendenhall,
Evansville. Ind., 40 year a druggist.
Sold by Schaefer j Drug Store.
Concerning Epidemics
In Kpidi'iiiu'.s the germ fastens most midily
on fruitful soil a system that is in poor
Stoppage of food waste, ami the resulting
decay, generates poisons which are absorbed
by tin I1oh1, lowering its power of resist
ance to withstand the attack of outside
germs such as in'liicnza.
In plain t'.:rr:s. .nstipntion rumimwt's Epi
demics. If you Veep your inti'stiiial passage clear ami
functioning regularly to get rid of this waste,
your system will Ik- kept in good condition to
successfully ooie with disease germs to winch
you nmy he exoscd.
That is what the Nttjol Treatment does with
out straining, and without drawing on the
vitality of other part tf the IhmIv, as do other
forms of treatment.
In plain terms, Xujol dirourajf runxlixition
and itn diuitjerou. cvtixniienccx.
Keep your body clean inside with the Nujol
Treatment. It is the best possible Sickness
Nujol is sold by all druggists iu bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark.
Beware of products reprweuted to be "the name as Nujol." You may
suffer from substitutes.
Address Nujol labors! ones. Standard Oil Co.(New Jersey), 50 Broad wav.
New York, for valuable health booklet. Jre, "Thirty Feet of Danifer.'"'
- -
R Good Buy
in land
65 Acres
55 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture; 6
room house, good barn, well, first class fruit and
berry soil. Good drainage. Located 5 1-2 miles from
Salem on Rock Road, If sold within 10 days, will
; take $125 per acre.
273 State Street .
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.