il FARMERS NOT LINED p WITH IABQR FOR COMING CAMPAIGN u-asEton, Feb. 10. Farmers or- Nations will n. 3in lhe AIcan of Labor in its to elect this year pmy trades union movement, frien"' f p Atkeson. represen- AyoUNG JUNO. ational Grange, which Hne to f the ? jjs leMOC members. . Atken pointed H,t that pTe" ot the.frranse. National e .rTunion. International Fann American Ftaa Bureau Fed Cotipwa rs Natlona, Congress, 'National Milk Producers Feder "1 re Tntly met here and formu f 1 aTiatiorm ot principles, 555 tit tadividaal member, should SfSUa to exercise their r:Sht of nonal preference in voting?, program has been rent to every JL-Serof congress. Mr. Atkeson said iTtt ray b expected, farmers "nrtirw the attitude of legislator "1.11! nffnctinc their interests. . ' AtH-on aM. the interests of the farmer? and of organised labor were not identical, i, fact, were diametrically opposed on someEtioi.s. ...... PROMINENT STOCK M PASSES AWAY Dallas. Or.. Feb. 10 Fred A. Kozer, one of 6rS'.'n- prominent stockrala ers died at his home near Rickreall early Saturday rooming after a several day's illness with pneumonia and kid trouble . ' . The deceased was born at Mercer, Pennsylvania. January 7, 1866, "and was a Eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ley! Koser. He came to Oregon about forty years ago and settled on a farm near Dallas afterwards moving to Rickreall where- , he has resided far the past thirty jlai Mr, Koser leave? to mourn his death a wife, Mrs. Bmin. Koser and one toother and three sisters all of whom were at his bedside during his illness .with the exception of one sister who 'lives in the eaet. An only son of Mr. and Mrs. died last spring fol lowing a short illrebs with pneumonia. Funeral service were he'd Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Chap man chEpel in this city. Interment took place in the low.1 I. O. O, F. cemetery. : f 0 - - ' .; ' ... , I twivw jw,f ay j wrWiA it us a gy v v - I 1 1 II II '1 I agiMMWW mm .1 ... , . , , THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1920. CITY BEATmaiL Fs GOAL TO BE SOUGHT IE TEHEE Drawn b r. Ilitentt tot ti Lonaon Sstere. itorwir.tM to iup c. 8. a n One or Matanias f.nnottt crtwiits, Li.livt8 Ci.;is A r.onj tbe Pinei. and Snows. , . t'T tb n t. r, "A .lo,:n-- r ROYAL ARtH MASONS ENTKItTAlN VISITORS Dalfes, Or., Feb.MO. Th, firstoi aafries of parties to he given by Ains north fhajiter No. 17, , Royal Arch Masonsr was given in the Masonic hall in Dallas Saturday night and was a most enjoyable occasion. ' -Members of the chapter from Salem aiid other adjacent cities were present. Cards and, music furnished the entertain ment of the evening. A delioious ban quet was served at a late hour. ' INCORPORATIONS. The " Supple-Martin 'Shipbuilders company of Portland, organized for tr.e purpose of carrying on a general shipbuilding business, filed articles of incorporation with the corporation de partment here today. The company Is capitalized at $50,000 with the follow in? Incorporator!!: Joseph Supple, Dan Martin and L. E. Crouch. Other corpomiiori s filing articles to fey were; Ar.dresen company, Portland, $5000; f u Lrombiitt, W. H. Matters and Jonn Guy Wilson. Federal Guaranty company, Port , JSO.00O; Robert F. Maguire. 'J. K Winter and V. H. Maguire. Home Construction company, En t'rpris,, J5000; I. E. Snyder, George r Chy aria v,r F savage.- i-"l,c Con,r't company, Portlana, MM; C P.. jikM .a, F. S . Bt .rnsand J B: Hosford. l.!r.?.rford C"ar'r "mpany, Port 4 $10,000 ;Aibrty )H. Cas;'E. Kfir.g &na 0. Lansing Hurt. The capital stock of the Hall & Em- Inc-; of Port!and hM toeen Te to a certificate tiled today. wJ141 0f th Klamalh Valley K!amt, Forwa--a.g company of aTr f' iB chenl to the Kla, . ,et0rage C0I"Pany. accord- HAWAII PLANTATION VVOBKERSBACKONiO Honolulu, T. H., Monday, Ftb. 9 Pablo Manlapit, president of th? Fili pino sugar plantation workew union, today said ha would visit nl planta tions on the island of' Oahu before Tuesday morning aud instruct the Fili pino strikers- to return to work. Man lapit issued a-statement in which he accuses the Japanese of bad -faith for fulling to supply strike funds to the Filipinos. He added: 'I believe that instead of being an industrial, strike for the purpose of raising wages the real ol'.Wt of the Japanese is to cripple the industries of Hawaii In the hope that they -may be overtaken b.yan, alien race. As Ameri cans we cannot be parties t'- any such program and it becomes our duty as citzens of t'te United States t help the people of Hawaii! break the strangle hold which the Japanese community is tr: Ins to obtain upon it;" :J-. if $ HAIR OFTEN RVISEJ)', I : . i, I AJUJJC.WS WAM!IU : 'S-:;vp should be used very carefully, if yiu Want to ketp your : Most ."caps and pb pared slv.rr.pois contain, too much "alkali. This dri9 the scalp, ir.ikes hair hritrte, and i-.;::;.e !t. ' '- Tire' best thing for sieiciy u.tla Mul s;fie0 coi.oar.ut oil ehiaipao (wliich Js pure and grest-ei'ss), and is better -I an anythir.e eie you can Se. One or two te;i.opoor.fu!s wiEWanse the hair and s;alp thoroughly. Jmply .".Olsten the hair wr.tcr aji 1,4 ub it l .-rich, Ariz sea' Is a word of Spanish-Indian oripn-meamng - Little Creeks." .n v-runy l,.ther. which r.' cjuteasily, rornovir.g t-ry particle of itiv'dirt, lundruff and ex.i-.isive oil. Thjj hair iyies (j-jickly 'and evenly, and It leaves :he s:-.lp soft, an 4 the hair''f!iVe and -iik;,', bright, iustr jus, fluffy and easy to manage. , ., 'oa. CAQ ,f Mulsjfied cotE.nit oil shampoo at any pharmacy, 5i's very tea;', and a -few ounces will supply "very member of the Hmlly lot- Ar.c .r.d at len?.- Egyptians vtr.erati-d tir.:?s embalmed them. owls can captured W-.7 tn Wfma from ancient feometry dated 1100 t'"jyCr!:yInnar't ct o'-d Germanic 'Bo;.,if ' the Ar.glo-Saxon Everyb first taste P0ST,P: Spanish Influenza Epidemic Grows Many Cases Develop Into Jhdl; Pneiunonla. Easier to Prevent thuu Cure, How to Avoid " The constant daily increase of Span ish influenza reported by physicians shows clearly that many people are falling to 'take' tho simple ordinary- precautions necessary to avoid infec tion. For, while influ-nza, after its development, is sometimes difficult to cure. It is an easily preventable dis. ease". --.-' The best plan is to begin treatment before the first -symptom starts. For no other disease will develop so quick !y or spread so rapidly. You may foel fine today be sick tomorrow end lose a week or,more.of work. You will indeed be fortunate it pneumonia does not develop. The air today is full of Influenza germs. Every breath you take is like ly to draw them into your nose and throat. You can prevent the disease by killing the. germs before they spread throughout your body. There is probably no safer or surer way 'to do this than to go to the nearest drug store and get one of the famous Hyo mei Inhaling outfits consisting of a bottle of the pure Oil of Hyomei and a little vest pocket,' hard rubber in haling device Into which, a few.drops of the Oil of Hyomei are poured. Just breathe this Oil of Hyomei deep Into your nose, throat and lungs and every particle of air that enters your breathing organs .will, be charg ed with an antiseptic, germ Killing balsam that will destroy the germs that have found lodgment there. .You can't do this too often. No or dinary night ,' and .-warning .. gargling or throat spraying Kill "be -sufficient so long as during the, day. you come in Constant contact with - infection. The' Hyomei inhaler, is'.snfal! and can be conveniently carried ,na har.dbsg orvestpocket,;. Every.VJ'4.1f ' hour er ' so throughout the day .take it out and! draw a few braths.-of its pure Ileal-i ing air IntoTyotir nosf?nd'throat. By j doing this you can ; prevent mieciwn and check l t;e -further.fpr of the disease evei though yc.'r are coming in -direct - rcn'a -s .w;tii'it..-.T,his as an inexpensive, treatment'! the inthlw will lust a -lii-time and :fur.l-r sup plies of the Oi! of Hyorii'.! cah be' had at any drug store fur.a. few, cent. I NOTE: Oil of ITyom'.ji.'o ..ror.giy reconimerided-nbove- fii'thr- y.r jven tion of S!r.i;-b infiuiffa; i5Xo; r,ew iiierv rhiit. i ihe-iU ,') 6id-and.dn;e tried .ueui-'r.c-M a new. dtee;.fce.iKyomrf .ha'.W!: star.iiara i in the treatment of '.'c'f.tarrtind colds for over, twenty years; atd w wa py.; druggists, everywhere, 'tiuooreu.i u . people in Salem and " vicinity keep ; Hyomei 'outfit: with inhaltr on the, bathroom Fhelf for - regular ,-. winter . Use: If you have br.e, tje.f it out now and mm" it. if Ou .haven, t t r.e, So to 'the nearest ! ufug , store - and get one today. It is "he. duty or:.ycry persuu. . j-.ot -only ipr his owii tt.i.;e l-jt lor mo community to do ail in prever.. further 'spr'-ad- - of ,tf,is epi Paradise Lost Will be the Topic of f !'' l4 ' - f i , ' '- I f ;1' 1 ;Re?.J.EMaiiiD.a The first Mttbdist Church Tonight A Lf-rj-? Chorus Choir f-f Ex ' ctL'ent Voices The Mcissg-e will be Scriptur al, Evangelistic, Non-Sensa-, . tional and Helpful A.'Ccr&i-Wrfame to Ail Servfc es tvery even; ng ex-ff-nt Satiirdav at 7:30: after-' ;rx.rj at 3 -.00; and a epecial r.essage to women only ty Miss Mahd at 4:00. IN HASS KEETIHO Every man r.r.d wcm;n who would like to see Salem a. city beautiful, a Jity of flower draped parkings, streets the mas meetlnjr waa caned for the purpose of discussing what action should b taken to make iilem the city beautiful. to. hold the mass meeting when the sentiment of '.he citizens might be soun.led was reached two weeks ago at a luncheon of business men in the Commercial club. J. W. Haru-y, head of the Flor al society, after declaring that d;s Kindment threatened his eo-iety be cause of lack of interest, told of the many things that should be do,,.! in the city to promote its beautv. Th,? ned with sentry, like tree, and bioom XTJl? I mi v a t wii.(u iinriii an i . it! club, that forthwith culled the mass meeting. , Pome of the matters probably to be taken up at the mass meeting win be legislation compelling the uniform planting of trees, the planting of per manent fiower in . the couithousa scuare, and the stillzation cf parts of parks for flower bods. J-A. WHITE NAMED N POLICE EOECE .ai;e i th '1 wrrt b- wc-K to best advci i itu-er White w (n. r.v anrt 6 a. x. ai.d tr.;j t.;iti.i lie narks." .ire tn . , , . . t me c ommer lal club at eight o'clock tonlcht tol he mass meeting called by the busi ness men of the city na- the ga!oM Flora society. The meeting will be held In the.auditorium of the club h.nhih.l eVe 01 p!fin;i"g on here and the pressmg need for more eare to.the beauty cf the city obvious J. F. White, tor six yt;.rs aj ati.v man with the Portland iolice u-),art mentv and reputed to be a most ca pable police officer, Menday -was ;.. pointed night patrolman on the lov-il farce to succeed Troy Fr.insoa, whn was released last week iy chivf Welsh. In commenting on the apt olntaie:;t Chief Welsh said: "11 shall be my jolicy to gtt mer. on the force who are bet f'tt-d for the place, and who will work for ef ficiency. I have considered several applications for the place, ana select ed Mr. White because I fceLeve he can .1 trie etct if !WrK J. " .' 'v'i'. Juiise 3 .. . -.i ZK.n T. il.e-.a in as i.? , Htat'ii affirK . w. C G.l r. - Ii, ClarK. :..! jj. h -.- lv.a i.anitd :.i :.ppr:us pro;.trty, whlrh :k vo-loed ."ir.ri ai.U ni'arts; ur? ; fKlows wila K., w.: O.irr c Roberta 3. Kn(;er. s:. rt--. Florida; Hony '.'t.ipii. ar. 1 li-orreit Chap.r: brother PUlCfl' vet:i 6 rtMig. .'.or S -s or tiw . ' eel a t -. Te Vrnthiw. Ss'-erii. - of the Dutch S-t ' IndWK. oo-, -t ;:47,CO0,C0O av r.n a:ul ar; v tual.y unexplored. JOIIRNAXi WArrT ATS tA Y .'OURNAL WANT ADS FAT OOUJttfJAZ, WANf ADS JA1 World's Greatest Invention m its 3. VMS' G ill or i iA -if - i 61.1 i 1 . 1 DEAL Areola -Radiator-Boile . Puts IDEAL HOT WATER HEATING comjort ct. low ted in cottages, fiats, or stores, unth or wilhcui cellars. The IDEAL-Arcola takes the place of a parlor stove. But a stove wastes much. of its heat up the chimney, whereas the IDEAL-Arcola is water-jacketed, and conveys its heat by hot wotet circulation through pipe-connected AMERICAN Radiators stationed . in the adjoining rooms. Every bit cf the big volume cf heat developed from each pound of fuel is therefore made useful in keeping ALL the rooms raiformly, healthfully warm.' There is no coal-wacte. The IDEAL-Arcola does not rust out or wear out-will outlast the building is a eiuia:e, permanent investment! Shipped complete ready for immediate operation The beauty cf the IDEAL-Arcola method is that no cellar 3s needed. Everything is on one floor. The Areola is placed in any room that has a chimney connection. No running to cellar. If there at e two or more tenants in the building, each can have his own Areola and mate the temperature to suit his own needscan mat e his own climate! If you do not wish at first to heat the entire building, buy a small size IDEAL-Arcola and later on buy extra sections for the IDEAL- Areola and two or three more radiators to warm more rooms. Oe&sly be&ti&g he&!iifJ keitkg ' free from fire ikL! Vmkt atovea, there are no coal em leaks into the living-room. The EEAV Areola deSvm the soft, radiant warmth of hot watra not the d-yj burnt-out atmosphere of stove besting. There it no fare-risk to bmkunrj uo tongar to children fire lasts for hours t The Ar eola burns hard w soft coal, colt, ess. or wood. Brings cutt of beebng down to ti toroart eotcl aod fwt IDEAL oomfort. CiUfcf ahowiftf PH inn of Imuet, iai'V n.t, stores,, attHm, tU., witli lbs UJEAL-ArcoU BolWr in p duties wiS b wiled (fietj. Write tody. Siniple wey tf Ijeerinf foaMoom eetUtrleiM COttOff tiy IDILfelr Arcoto fcuduit.(.Bo.iJt ud three AMI'SWCAN FtHluitimt. 55 - - - Z t 4-H " - - (Z - m IV4 XII mo JV4 P'Icmi . imlodn Rmnmion Tank ir.ii rit,i vlr I'ei.wi ,tr. n,x (wt,i.. k,l. iw.. uipped con)l.(, (cUni ueurart viwtiw mt U.h. Vei .,. Sm,!", Special uinir borrh,, , M rte H-himkitM,! l,lii,l,rt ,rtr , imt AMERIGMlDlirOOMPANY Vlione or write us at 12 1) 21 Fourth Avr. Seattle, Wash. did t y all dealers Kc delusive stents l'' . FWU-lrtDlila, RotmOmK, lwrt, Read, WltWJm, ButtW, VkWt., U:tml, Mien,. ' . . 1 , wito, bw rrawawu, uwnuwnoi, noma., nmuaxiv iwuw. vnaKmuuitV. J tm rim rv fw wrs , . n - ''-;i Pot Needed jf' y! The Easier Kind of Coffee No Coffee jsQ boiling, no straining, no muss, no bother, no grounds, no waste," no' - coffee-pot. Scientifically refined by Mr. Washington's refining process. It comes to you in concentrated powder form, and all that is necessary is to add the water hot cr cold. Dissolves instantly. Any one can tiiarv. u.wiuttiy puic, ucuciuus conce, witn stTengtn to suit individual taste. Made in the cup at the table. . .. . Send fo: Free Recipe Bot)kltt - a WaHngton Sales Ox, Inc 1334 Fifth Avenue, New Y rk iJ ! Mil ; Originated COFFEE' !rj Mr. Wctif'tngton in J 11 ! ti ! t ill- IWmU demic ax.J tO Sti.ttP it " '