Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 10, 1920, Image 1

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A r rare tor Quarter Endio
December 31,
54 5 8
Member Audit Bureau ot Circulation
Associated Pjess Full Leased WUs
-h. and Wednesday fair, except
coastl raoderale
peris' winK
pgfY-THIRD YEAR. NO. 35.
Threatened Strike to be Called
Usiess leiimie munu
! Fortbconung From Hines at
Wlngton, Feb. 10 -Wage nego
tutiens'of the railway employes with
Director General Hine reached a critl
l .tag today ,and insofar as the
Brotherhood ot Railway Trainmen Is
.,.,.rf a strike loomed unless
pending demands are satisfactorily
W G Lee, president of the union,
M tsrved notice on Mr. Hines that
Ills men are "very Insistent and .must
we definite answer soon. To this,
Mr Hines replied that no statement of
mu d be maae unm ue m
again talked with the whole body of
labor representatives.
Mr. Hines made a tentative ap
pointment with Mr. Lee for late today
u consider the trainmen's demand
.Railroad administration officials un
derstand that a strike vote is being
taken by the trainmen. It was ad
mitted that Mr. Lee had informed the
iirortnr general on January 23 of the
union's Intention to invalidate Its wage
agreement on the prcscriDea au aays
notice. On that basis, it was presumed
,1,., h. remilred an answer to the re-
Iterated wage grievances by February
ii less than a week In advance of the
road's return to private control.-
It Is undestood that Mr. Lee is not
supported in the Strike by the other
train operators' unions. Most of those
attending the conference here, were
silent on this question, but some ot the
brotherhood leaders held that they
should first receive Mr. Hines full pro
posal before determining their future
course. . -
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 10.
Harbor Motorship corporation
of Aberdeen, Wash., and three
officers of the Seaborn Ship
Building company, of Taco-
ma, were indicted here today
by a federal grand jury which
has been investigating alleged
frauds in war time shipbulld-
tag In the Pacific nnrthwoat
Settle, Wash., Feb. 10. Captain
Jf Blaln, Seattle, former-north "a
ofie 'district manager of the United
States shipping board, was Indicted
federal grand )ury here today.
' the third time, on a charge that
e accepted secret commissions from
" Stewart Davit and Equipment
"rporatlon. New York, on sales the
Wporatlon made to the board while
manager. Blaln will not be ar-
tM on the third indictment, it was
;"' he Psted $10,000' cash bail
Zl!e, rst two Indictments were
"turned January is,
tulTf6"" M'etmenti were re
tened today by ,he grand Jury which.
ZrT" Jnveatln alleged rshlp
rjLaUd1 ln connin with the
W" tlme Wpbullding
&Jthe,Warrant8 w"e given to
rt ' Marshal ,oh M.v Boyle
ntt "iwl" not be made public
milled men are arrested.
London, Feb. 10. Serious consider
ation of economic conditions through
out the country was urged upon the
house of commons today by King
George ln his speech from the throne,
which opened the session of parlia
ment. He counselled patience ln the
passage of far - reaching reforms,
which he said, were necessary to meet
abrnomal conditions ,
' He urged better educational facili
ties, settlement of the Irish question,
adjustment of coal mining' controver-'
aSes on an enduring basis,- regulation,
of the liquor traffic and measures
stimulating. the growth of more food-:
stuffs ot home. He said bills would,
be introduced ln parliament dealing
with insurance against unemploy
ment,' regulation of working: house,
minimum wages and anti-dumping.
Referring to the recent conferences
In Paris and London he said:
Normal Conditions Needed.
' "I earnestly trust that as the result
of these meetings a settlement of long
continued Adriatic dispute will shortly
bo reached. In orders however, to
assure the full blessings of peace and
prosperity to Europe . it la essential
that not only peace but normal condi
tions of life should be restored in east
ern Europe and In Russia. So long
as these vast regions withhold tneir
full contribution to the stock of com
modities for general consumption, the
cost of living can hardly be reduced or
general prosperity be restored to the
"I believe our country and empire is
making rapid strides toward stability
and prosperity," he said. "The price
of foodstuffs and other necessary com
modities is causing anxiety to all the'
peoples of the world but I am glad
prices In these islands are appreciably
lower than elsewhere. This fact, and
the condtiion of trade with the outside
world, especially of . export, trade,
serves to show my people are proving
no less successful In dealing with the
bills war left behind than they were
In enduring war itself. If, however,
wo are to Insure lasting pregress, pros
perlty and social peace, all classes must
continue to throw themselves Into the
work of reconstruction with good will
for others, and with energy and pati
ence. In addition, legislation provid
ing for large and far reaching meas
ures of reform must be passed into
law. ' ' - - ... .
. "The condition of Ireland causes me
grave concern, but a bill will be im
mediately laid before you to give ef
ffec proposals for a better govern
ment of that country, which was but
lined at the end of the last session of
parliament. A bill to make further
provision for education for a consid
erable part of the child population of
certain districts makes the' question
one pf urgency but care will be taken
to make the measure compatible with
the home rule bill. !
"Despite increased agricultural "pro
duction during the war, the popula
tions of these Islands are still dant '
ous dependent upon supplies of food
from overseas and the financial bur
den of purchasing such supplies in
foreign markets against the adverse
rates of exchange is very great. V
,. ''Uneasiness is also being1 caused by
the unprecedented sale of the landed
property since the war. A measure
will .accordingly be proposed to miti
gate any hardship which this opera
tion may cause those who occupy the
soil and to stimulate and develop pro
duction of essential foodstuffs within
the United Kingdom."
Jaae 21-22 Selected as
Dates cf Rose Festival
Portland. Or., .Feb. 10.
Monday and Tuesday. June 21
and t2, were selected today as
the dates for the 1020 annual
Rose show of the Portland
Rose society. This will be an
out-doer affair and different in "
many respect from any rose .
show held here, in the past. -.
The first two days of the.
Shrine-Rose .. Festival were
chosen as the date for the din- v
! '.
Washington, Feb. 10. Rear Admir
al William H. Sims denied today be
fora the senate committee lnveatigat
ing naval awards that in conversations
with Representative Byrnes, democrat,
South Carolina, and other members or
congress, he had sought to belittle
Americas efforts m the war. ,v .-'.'.
The admiral said Mr. Byrne' ''must
either hare misunderstood me or con
fused the remarks made to him by the
people he talked to In Europe;' He
adedd that he did attempt to correct
the idea In. the minds of Amerioan vis
itors that the United States forces were
"winning the war because this attitude1
was hurting .us with our allies.?.-, v.
"They knew it was not true arid they
knew we knew It was not true. Ad
miral Sims declared. V
"I am surprised that I should' be
quoted as saying the merchant marine
should be left to Great Britain and J;he
United States should not deevlop a mer
chant marine." he continued, "because
1 never held any opinion on that subject."
Oregon Or! Back After
Six Years Among Bengals
, ,San Francisco, . Feb. 10. Miss
Leoda M. flrebe arrived here yester-
dla en route to her home in Oregon.
For the last six years Miss Grebe has
day on the Steamer Colusa from In
been stationed in eastern Bengal as
a missionary for the American Naz
arene Board of Missouri. ---
Portland. Or. Feb. 10. A petition
said to be numerously signed by citi
zens of Portland, Oregon, has been
I conveyed to the president through
Senator Phelan of California, asking
a pardon for Dr. Marie Equi, accord
ing to a Washington dispatch receiv
ed here today. ' v
Dr. Equl who was conyicted under
the espionage act at Portland, now
faces a threo year term In prison as
a result of .the recent action of the
United States supreme court ln re
fusing to review the case.
The Oregon senators were not ask
ed to Intercede in her behalf. Just
what representations have been made
to the president are not known, but
friends of the convicted woman have
i been pleading that she should be re
j leased because ot relief work said to
have been performed ln . the San
Francisco earthquake. " '
No traces of the settlements estab
lished ln 088 in Greenland have ever
been discovered.
Frederick YZia Offers to
Surre":r Self in Place ef
Hundreds cf Germans Nam
ed 03 AIIIsJ List
Washington, Feb. 10. The former
German crown prince has cabled Pres
ident Wilson offering to surrender
himself for trial it the allied govern
ments insist. The message 'was in
President Wilson's hands today,
Amsterdam, Feb. - 10. Former
Crown Prince Frederick William of
Germany' has offered to give himself
up to the' allies' n place of the hun
dreds of Germans demanded for extra
dition on the list recently submitted to
Berlin according to a telegram pur
porting to have come from him pub
lished in the Handelsblad of this ctty.
The telegram, addressed to the kings
of England. Belgium and Italy, the
presidents of France and the United
States and the emperor of Japan says:
"As the ex-orown prince, I wish to
take the place of my countrymen. If
the allied and associated governments
desire a victim let them take me In
stead of the nine hundred Germans
Who committed; no other crimes than
to serve their cointry ln war." ,
... ;,f .. .
Decision Not Altered.
Berlin, Monday, (Feb; S. Decision
was reached by the, committee on for
eign relations ot h national assembly
today to support the- government's
stand ln declaring 't'he ethical and pa
triotic Indignation of the German peo
ple at the allied demand for extradi
tion measures haVe been made physi
cally impossible and would produce in
ternal insurrection."
Independent socialist members re
fused to subscribe to this declaration.
The government has decided to sub
mit the official evtradltlon list to the
first attorney general at Leipzig with
instructions to investigate the offenses
listed and determine whether the
charges made by the allies can be pun
ished urtdetthe ewman criminal or
civil codes. He will also be asked to
determine to what extent these charges
trespass upon the rules of warfare.
-- Charges Must Be Specific
Only cases where specific charges
have been filed in the allies' list will
be considered by the government. For
instance, members of the cabinet are
convinced a trial of Dr. Theobald Von
Bethmann-Holhveg, for the violation
ot Belgian sovereignty and the depor
tation of her cilvlians would be wholly
infesible because these were military
measures for which he was not respon
sible. Wholesale blanket Indictments
such as were filed by Poland, It Is
stated, also fall to afford a tangible
basis of procedure.
The first votes received ln
the Capital Journal's straw
ballot for president show
Hoover a favorite with Wood
second. The first count Is as '
..Hoover ...........
Wood ..,..,.
Bryan -
, Capper ,.....-,.i.:
Taft ...
Capital Journal Installs Latest
Typesetting Machines, :
m ml' Lm0type PPeared,.fi,st.
hefl ';nc?'. ,ha( v it victory
C?' ,eUer at t''"- A" the
' P?Sed Lihoiyp- h.ts
.... , . " l" CU.
cy.-The machine Is equipped with,
three- magazines and an auxiliary,
each of' the former carrying two
faces of type, while the latter car
ries one, a headletter or bo.'d lace ad
vertising figures, all accessible with-
""lels renro today the later ( out the operator leaving his ,i eat
" '.he i Freat advunm'.e
,nf "Irter model, n... ....
vl ir.oueis. Tho,..
""'.Wife,,,, 1 -..v.v -m it ,
A new u ,mpany t0 Perfect.
1 l Li . H Linotype that
,:,,. is 'ih. . Cost approximating
tn last word in
The new machine will 'be used to
a large extent ln setting ads on 'the
Journal. "
- The Journal is keeping up with the
progress of Salem and will giva ail
the news all the time.
The following different .fac?s of
type are set by the Capital Journal s
new Linotype, without the operator
leaving his seat.
I ; I
Senate Delays Actica
0a Peace Treaty Again
. Washington, Feb. 10. The
peace treaty, referred to the
senate foreign relations com-
mlttee' yesterday to technically
t- rid it of cloture, was reported
back today by the committee
without debate and without a
. record vote. Republican and
democratic .' leaders agreed,
however, not to take tt up in
the senate until next week.
Lexington, Ky Feb. 10. Dawn to
day found Lexington an armed cum p.
Squads of armed soldiers who saw
Service at Chateau Thierry were pa
trolling the struts or guarding all ap
proaches to the city to prevent a recur
rence of yesterday's mob violence that
cost the lives of five , persons- and
caused Injury to a score of others.
: William Lockett, negro slayer of ten-year-old
Geneva Hardman, a school
glr), was confined In a steel cage In
the Fayette county court house here,
awaiting removal, either to the state
reformatory at Frankfort or to the
prison at, Eddysvllle.
Reports last night that 1500 moun
taineers were en route to Lexington to
lynch Lockett caused the command
ing officer to throw cordons of troops
across every road leading Into the city
and at every strategic point within the
city. At 10 o'clock last night the brig
adier general announced that the situ
ation was under control and that no
further troublswas expected. ...,
l lie
i Journal M.Hni u m-..... .. .
Hep . odel 14 Linotype, the perfection of typesetting' machln
w!!"ia! ournal 14 Linotype, the perfection of typesett
C. . ,urnal Modei 14 Linotype, the perfection of typesett
VaD', ,0Urna, Model 14 Linotype, perfection of type ett
TheC a ( , rno' Model Linotype, perfection of type telt
K rr P!U1 Journal Model 14 Linctvoe. the oerfection of
iv pltaI Journal Model 14 .Linotvoe. the uerfect
-a r, V!
How home-made liquor, an auto, the
encouragement of an older girl and
the lust of young men combined in
wrecking the life of Florence Kephart,
IS, was revealed ln testimony taken in
Judge Unruh's court Tuesday mow
ir.g during the hearing of Alice Smith,
19, n a charge of contributing! to the
delinquency of a minor.' Miss Smith
was bound over to the grand jury and
was returned to the county jail ln de
fault of $500 bond. Little Florence
Kephart was taken to the state tuber
culosis hospital.
Romeo Lais and Joseph Llchte, the
ycung men mentioned in the testimony
as having been parties to the crime.
are confined In the county Jail also
held to answer to the grand jury on
cnarges of rape. . ...
According to Florence, who at that
time was but 14 years old, she met
Lais and Llchte through Miss Smith.
Encouraged by the older girl and chid-
ed by the young men she was mlstreu.-
ed by them the first night they went
ridingNew Years eve. The second
night, the following Sunday, when
Florence remonstrated when Improp
er advances were made to her, liquor
was produced and she was Induced to
drink until she became intoxicated.
After tha( sh told the court, she
c uld not remember what happened,
only that, ashamed to face her moth
er, she fled to Eugene with Miss
Phillip Kuntz, attorney for Miss
Smith, ake the compratnt nitnm
her dismissed.
"I firmly believe that the guilty per
sons are not in this court room," he
declared. "When young men will get
so lowdown, dirty and mean as to do
what these men did ,and when they
fail go so far as to make the girl In
toxicated that they do not know what
they are doing, they should not be per-
mitted to run at large. Why should
these girls be Imprisoned for a crime
the men have done?"'
Miss Kephart testified that Lais and
Llchte had asked her to never "bawl
them out" if she got Into trouble.
Montesano, Wash., Feb, 18. Stipu
lations admitting ownership by six of
the eleven defendants, of rifles, piston
and revolvers taken after the shoot
ings at Centralis, last Armistice day,
were read into the record today at the
trial of the eleven defendants, all al
leged members of the L W. W. for
the murder of Warren O. Grimm, one
of four victims of the shootings. The
only weapon about which there is a
dispute as to ownership is a JS-65 rifle,
vrhtch the state alleges was owned by
Eugene Barnett.
This rifle, according to the state's
evidence, was found In the Avalon ho
tel ,and it is alleged that the bullet
which caused the death of Grimm was
fired from this hotel, and from this
rifle. The stipulation admitted owner
ship ot weapons by Britt Smith, Bert
Bland, O. C. Bland, Loren Roberts,
Ray Becker and Elmer Smith.
A. C. Hughes, chief of police of Cen-
tiT-lia, resumed the stand today for
cross examination. He told of receiv
ing the prisoners at the city prison and
Identified the guns taken from them,
which h later turned over to the
sheriff at Chehalls.
Defense Plea Loses.
Efforts of the defense to introduce
evidence that had not been touched up
on In direct examination, were futile,
the court sustaining the state's objec
tions. . '
T. A. Slmard, American Legion
member,' of Chehalls, who assisted in
rounding up the men in the L W. W.
hall after the shootings, told of the
capture of Mike Sheehan, Ray Becker,
James Mclnerney and T. C. Morgan in
an Ice box In the rear of the I. W. W.
hall.', He also Identified a revolver he
had found In the ice box at the time.
Morgan, who was found in the tot-
box, Is not one of the defendants.
Other Witnesses were to be called by
the state today to further Identify guns
t'iken after the shooting, and lay the
foundation for more Important evi
dence. ' Found Behind BUI Board
8. J. Llndley, Centralia bill poster,
told ot finding the disputed . 38-53
rifle behind a bill board he was
painting, together with three boxes
of shells. He turned It over to the sher
iff, he said, explaining that he had
met C. V. Cunningham, one ot the at
torneys for the state, on the. day he
had found the rifle and that Cun
ningham had said that he had been
looking for suoh a high, powered ri
fie. The rifle was admitted an an ex
hlblt, providing the state can later
connect it with the shooting of Grimm
The state declared that it will
make such proof, The defense has re
sisted the identification and claims
that it cannot be established. Sheriff
John Berry of Lewi county was re
called and identified the suit case
filled with wearing apparel found ln
a room in the Avalon hotel, as that
belonging to Bert Bland, one of the
defendants. The defense admitted the
Attorneys Clash. '
C. A. Btudebaker, attorney of Che-
j halls, clashed rather sharply with At
iiorney vanacrveer, tor tne aerense
' during cross examination, over the
' method of questioning. Studebaker
was called to identify articles he had
u.s.itwi ifl
OiJ RciuuCii Dctvt ccn C.
. and Silfer AdrccatcJ p
..Remedy for WC
: Chaos" .Now Exis&' b
found in rooms In the Arnold and
Avalon hotels and bullets he had ex
tracted from the Prince residence,
across the street from the I. W. W.
hall. Vanderveer asked Studebaker if
he was not one of the attorneys in
Lewis county who had agreed not to
render legal service to the defendants
1 Studebaker replying that he had
' reached such a conclusion, but did
not know what other lawyers had
On cross examination, Studebaker
said he had met no man in room No.
0 in the Avalon hotel, adjoining room
10, which he inspected. Vanderveer
had intimated such a person had
made a statement to the effect that
there had been no shooting done from
room No. 10.
Thirty fires with damages aggregat
ing $54,460 Is the record for Oregon
outside of Portland for the month of
January according to the monthly re
port of A. C. Barber, state fire mar
shal. Private dwellings head I he list
of classifications both In number of
flies and aggregate losses with a total
of 20 fires and losses of $27,880,
Washington, Feb. 10. Declaring
that foreign exchange had become
the "sinister International problem" '
Within the last six months and unless
adjusted soon "commercial chaos
would overwhelm international trade-.
Senator Thomas, democrat, Colorado,
urged in a speech today the reestab
lishment of the old ratio between gold
and silver and the creation of inter
national bl-metalism. '
"The time has come," he said,
"when Americans should take the ini
tiative and renew its proposal of 18T
for the establishment of parity be
tween the ancient monetary metals,
whole relative Values now oeciliats
between 15 V4 and 15 to 1." !
Europe Is Favorable !
Europe, Senator Thomas declared,
faces the problem of reestablishing -and
reconstructing her foreign trade
and would welcome any system ot
International stabilization of silver
and gold values that could be accom
plished without endangering the fi
nancial stiucture ' of - international
commerce or' credit. The slow but'
steady rise In the value of silver dor
ing the war in spite of efforts to pre
vent 1 more than restored the old ,
equilibrium between gold and silver,
he said, until today gold Is the cheap
er metal and it, rather than sliver,
needs the steadying influence of aa
International agreement.
The United States cannot coin sli
ver dollars today except at a loss.
Senator Thomas said, and the condl-
tion will soon apply as well to frae-!
tlonal currency. On such a basis, hs
declared, the coins will go to the melt
Ing pot as fast as they are made and
Inevitably precipitate throughout the
wtirld a famine In fractional mirren
unless the rat(6"'be; 'adjusted by in
ternational agreement; -
1 Too Much Paper Money
The volume of paper money In th
world Is out of all proportion to ths
value of specie, he said, and In this
condition lies the seat of the Interna
tional exchange crisis, -At the begin
ning of the world war the total paper'
money of the thirty principal na
tions of the world amounted to about
seven billion dollars, he declared,
and in December, 191, It had in
creased to more than forty billion
dollars, while the gold reserves of ths
same countries hart remained practic
ally stationary at around seven bil
lion dollars.
"We may, Indeed, we must," Sena-.
tor Thomas adder, "lend our credit to
those whose trade we need but we
cannot, save by mutual agreement
for the fixity of exchanges, remov
the gambling element from interna
tlonril trade, stimulate International
confidence In modern currency sys
tems, make the problem of dsflution
comparatively easy and re-establish
the regime of a saner and more de
pendable money medium."
Commercial Club Men Comb
City for Emergency Fed
In an attempt to raise the $10,000
emergency fund for the Commercial
club's activities this year during
week, the business district was being'
combed Tuesday by committees solic
iting $100 from members of ths
club, ",1'p to noon no other subscrib
ers than those published Monday has
been reported.
The practice of Manager T. E. Mc
Croskey of holding luncheons at Hotel
Marlon at which business men wore
ir.vlted to hear the condition the club
was In and a plea for financial aid.
was discontinued Tuesday, Many of
the men Invited to the luncheons were
not present.
!bn "uwraai Model 14 Linotype, the perfection 01
c-mmiu'ua! moaei 11 .Linotype, ine pent
"ft amtoi t . . ..
"l'ai.JOUma MnHo 11 T .innvnp flip nPTtPC
-m. wtav-A -A. i M-.-i.J .J 1 X
m Jocrral Model 14 Lisciype, U perfection cf ty
vj,v'JSannn p-aaa tr.nnn twnnrx firAnfi
Our New Model Fourteen Linotyps
Fire Drives 75 Patients
From Roseburg Hospital.
Roseburg, Feb. 10. Fire broke out
In the roof of Mercy hospital late
Monday afternoon, and before brought!
urder control the upper part of thej
luildiiig, a three-story frame structure'
was destroyed.
Citizens aided ln removing 75 pa-
, -..., ih, hulMlnfi, liitmea npre
thrown open to the patients and ln this
way none was exposed to any great
' Narcotics and stimulants produce
more than half the customs and exer
cise receipts of Australia,
Capital Journal's Straw Vote for President
Vote for One, placing X after name; then cat oat and mull or bring to
CsplUil Journal Office.
BRYAN ; " " " '" I
COX . . ! PALMER ..- ..
LOWDEN !f WILSON ...........
McADOO WOOD . , '.
Party Affiliation
Name .. .