Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 07, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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jleu) 1 oday.
s Get Results aiSm
all Cost
vv neve d
if rjTESiIurin o" ' A MAGXIFICE
t""jS& 5 nt one m0m,; j last year's pri
n. - i 7 rents, one year, per
; rtions.
Minimum per ad
,A s nt9"
r'w rtion only in .-...
in"m advance and not tak
t?teT?ne ml advertiser has
t-Trure foretold, send cume.
I,lRM for uuthfui. reliable con
ihfiaf reading. Hazel Hause,
C It AngelesJCaK
l-:C3nSil"7iIapri acre.
f " mler ulow. 10 good cow.
4 horses and machinery.
i'1 on place, bam Urge
t rfor "0 head stock. Located
h"J.fI.n Salem. 2 miles of
. n miles
i town
with siaiiumu
l. will be
mil? irutu
Pric? 1100 per
i j this year.
i " i-iino down anil
: .'.- in
. , ..t fh! Ran.
, low rate
.me Or.
i will, A"1"
--r"TI.'a rmllle
former Judge
irhv in 30 days almost
'.Liw Read how he
! ? v. ,v the same
'W "', . i.h ennui chance of
'"Tffriie for free copy of his
Jntg Co., 1 w" 3433
St.. e"
-rpjuJ-Lot 6xl5. on .Marion,
j.r-.erm. inquire 5M
12th. St.
'KESVE Everbearing straw -fin-v
plants. Yield from June to
Novmiher. Bear rirst season
i Thrifty acclimated plants $l.aj
J hundred by mail post paid.
K Richardson. Pnone 494.
ffzEXBERG apples, good quali-
1150 per box delivered. . Y ard
i Richardson. 1'lione 4H4. cSS
JRf Ros potatoes, not frosted,
f twd to plant or for table use. $".
tier hundred (lelivei-oct. uaru tv..
kicharujon- Phone 4 H4. c?8
iB SALE Cow. 2274 N. Church
,iff idumbing and general repair
writ, call 1746 It. . m.SS
ojfsALE 4 F.-C. Leghorn roosters
a A. C. strain. Phone HSiiW Sat-'
why and Sunday. 33
toll SALE 20 pigs, 8 and 10 weeks
old. Choice G. Also some snoars. L,.
F.Hill, Rt. 8, box 125. Phone 59
i1. , . e3S
S WLK An attractive subiirban
Mnie.' J rooms, modern plumbing,
iwrd tvood floors. 1 acros gt'Ottml,
(ruit.1 berries and beautiful shrub
beryr garage, barn, near school nnd
er line on' paved street. Price J4,
IW. terms. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn.
275 State street. n:i4
JOR SALE 7 room house on paved
strut close in, modern plumbing,
well arranged and In good.condui
Hon. 12500, 2ai down and 25 a
month. Modern 5 room bungalow
i smith Salem, sightly location,
Ortiilace, basemen't; lot 60x100; a
food buy at (280(1. W. H." Graben
!r j- Co., 276 State St. a34
WANTED Colored woman wishes
aiuatwn, Hotel or restaurant pre
hmi. Phone 109411. h:!4
iTO'TEIs-To hear from owntr of
sooa rancn lor sale. State cash
Price, full particulars. D. F, Bush,
wnmpoui, Minn.
pHEB-Ewybody send for names
nu aadreaa wealthy people desir
in marriage: sent nnrone free. Ad
fes P. 0. B. 209, San Francisco.
f T.1 corsets soid" by Mr" Alice
'y, toi n. aist. Measures tatt-
. fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
sftmoon. Phone' 1902J
riSl'!1 ma'e worth over 50,-
annons to marry honorable
wtKraan. Write Mrs. Warn SSlsU
JiPleJULos Angeles, Cal
KiRRT If lonely; for results, try
5;. ,ana most successful
m.lleMaker;" hll"l,re''s rich wish
wrrlaj, soon; strictly confiden-
. most reliable years experl
S,.,"?,"1!""18 ''- "The Suc-
OaWyid, Calif.
Ball, box 556
- xm. Phone fmii
will' saw
ring with
1 li- n .. tire
Court sV . "'oven rrom
i HI,
and m l, ln"at l
'Hie thu . V '"iKisn oatn
ths m, " "atu nous
'h bath lo .. f1""-
.0 ,4
thing for
lady and
itl.,. """natisin
"in rheun
k&e,14 J''ice only
rC"'Leknvr c"'rinn3bertv
Leave at Journal office.
"keft)i, '! 'rge furnished
r il'011 St,
111 1
I- . ' ivu 1 a
ground floor.
as r.
"nnlilnr,',.. -nlc"Ko,
m h rt. .
,lC-CJl "1 'and vicin-
! r ,al '"WmiaKt. "nmeaiately.
j I'naBitif. a . P posit ,
Il '"Ct nuvv- Clos
on. Big
ng ter-
Minsters to
(9i U8t be marred
.. ,- e
?? Harrow-" ?LV1,,ch P'-
.jl- 1 1,0e 427R
, 1 offi. "e'batl suits. x
" eacj; ;'uouth roclt
n 1790W1
""e fruit -. . 0 rooms
?ar ft!0;1!, ,to! jn.
ino - tor nsffl
h TH i '"r year
S t?U"i near city
I "Tirr: 'ifice
".;. KadriiV. Jour -w-
t:, adcli"i
eve. Phon. 53S
h.n store- h"" ancl
1. .-Hr i.
tea. t!.
Jin. a 5 ait ir "1I,'-est-
. c35
CNT home f.r sale at
price, Upstairs has 3
urge bedrooms with big closets.
Dowustairs has reception halt, beau
tiful living room, dining room,
with built in china closets having
leaded glass doors, kitchen, pantry,
bedroom, sleeping porch and bath,
cement basement, furnace heat.
Floors all double with silencer be
tween. Lot 851415, on paved
street, about 10 minutes walk from
Bush bank. Immediate possession.
This offer, good for 8 days onlv.
Price 1550ft. half cash, balance
terms. Phone 655M. 33
FOR SALE Cheap, 5 room house on
carline and paved street, close in.
Price $875 if taken at once. Phone
483. - S35
FOR SALE Choice seed potatoes!
Also fence posts. Phone 44F5. c3S
FOR SALE! Sow and 7 pigs, Cots
wold lamb. Phone 71F22. e3H
LOST Or strayed, black and white
pointer. Call 1526W. k36
FOR SALE 8 room house on paved
street near school. Price $3250, on
Installments. W. A Liston, agent.
t'OR SALE Or will trade for Salem
property, a room motiern bungalow,
at Jefferson, full basement. Phone
1524 after 5:30. N. H. Jones, 555
Marlon St., Salem. Or. a38
WANTLD 5 or 0 room house, close
in. can 3. 33
GOOD BUT in land, Bo acres; 55
acres cultivated, balance timber
and pasture, six room house, good
burn, well, first class fruit nnd ber
ry soil. Good drainage. Located 6
miles from 'Salem on rock road. If
sold within 10 days, will take $125
per acre. W. H. Urubenhorsi & Co.
276 State street. 33
WANTED A woman to care for in
valid. Address 2090 Ferry St. g34
FOR SALE 8 room house, bath elec
tric lights, lot 91x125. $1750. 64
blocks rrom State St. on N. High
St. Phone 34F13. 833
t.AIt GAIN 100" acre farm two miles
from a good town, 95 acres in cul
tivation, balance pasture, fair build
ings; ten cows, ten hogs, four liors--es
and one half of machinerv go
with place. Price $16,000, $6000
cash, terms on balance. W. II. Gra
benhorst & C(i., 276 State St. b34
FOR SALE 5 room house at 1105
Shipping street, large corner-lot, on
;car line. This, is a bargain.' Price
$1000. 'W. H. GraBenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. n34'
FOR 8"A"LE Bay mare" about 1250 lb!
Work any place. ' Call at comet
Owen and Fir street. e35
WANTED Somebody suffering with
rnumntism call 174!). - i34
20 ACRE prune orchard for sale, fuTl
bearing, good condition;, indications
of a good crop this year; fl room
house, barn, rock road. Rosedale
district. I will sell at a bargain this
month. $3000 cash will handle bal
ance easy 6 percent. S. R. Penr
son, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43b
ROOM house bargain, good condi
tion, sleeping porch, 3 lots, fruit
trees, barn, driveway, paved street
and sidewalk, near car line, "a few
blocks north of State street. Ex
ceptional buy Price $1800. Terms,
$500 cash, balance like renti 8 per
cent. Many others. S. R. Pearson,
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. a
WANTED Ten hands for work in
loganberries; Monday aV m. B
Cunningham. Phone 21F2. g3S
POSTS WANTED 60 to 160 season
ed onk. Call or write Arthur E. Pet
erson, 228 Oregon bldg. S8
SEE us about- that- modern house U
have for sale, close in, we want it,
and will get you the cash. John H.
Scott Realty Co. . 88
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, call 178 S.
Liberty St. day time. 1258 S. Com'!
after working hours, g35
For SaleHouses
FOR SALE -Sacrifice, 6-room "bunga
low and 2 large lots, 132 feet front.
Call at 1242 North Front St. 33
FOR SALE-r-7 room house and one
acre, of ground at 2406 Oak street;
2 good wells, barn tind other out
buildings on place. a4t
FOR SALE One o the finest subur
ban homes in the valley, bearing
orchard, modern buildings; ft lpve:
ly home nnd a good investment.
$23,000. Box (17, Salem. a36
FOR SALE Nice ,6 room modern
house, barn, garage, carline and
pavement, $1850. Portly furnished
if desired. Box 38, Journal. 34
BARGAIN 5 room house, south Sa
lem, $750. Lot C 0x1 00. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. aH3
FOR SALE By owner, 2 houses. In
quire at 898 Broadway. Big bargain
If old soon. 34
FOR SALE A five room modern
bungalow, large lot, 694 N. 17th
BUY THIS INCOME 30 room apart
ment house all furnished, always
full; will stand investigation. Can
be bought right. H. M. Baker, 64"
Ferry St. Thone 1806W. a33
FOR SALE Lot-- 66x157 on Marlon,
two storv house, plenty of fruit.
Price $2000. For terms inquire 796
N. 14th St. a3'i
For Sale Farms
10 acres all under plow, fine for
berries, on rock road. $2000; nan
cash. 10 acres, about six acres or
chard, "good location. $2400. 40
seres splendid land, fair buildings,
close in on main road; $12,000. 40
acres with prunes and loganberries,
some timber, fair buildings; $12,
000. Five room bungalow, paved
street and car line. $4000. F. L.
Wood Bayne bldg. b34'
FOR SALE A real buy for someone.
.132. acres, 70 -acres under plow,
good soil nnd rood buildings, lo
cated 1 mile from city limits of
good town with good school, 14
miles from Salem and will be 1
mile of paved road this year. Price
$90 per acre, $6000 down, long
time on' balance. Chas. Ransom,
Aumsville, Or. b33
For SaleNursery Stock
F.TTERSBURG 121 strawberry plants
$7.60 per 100; Wilson $8. Address
P. O. 214 Salem, Or , . nw
STRAWBERRY plants, progressive
. Everbearing, Ettersbtirg lit
Wilson. Vigorous well rooted plants
Place orders now. ward K. Kicn
ardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. 36
FOR SALE A few thousand Italian
prune tree alga grafted walnuts.
FnitflfinH nhemp 11F21,
. ' . d4J
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
plants from young yard.' Stemmed
ready to plant at $4 per 19
While ther last Phone 22F21. $$
FOR SALE Wilson and Oregon
trawberry plants. Call $55 North
21st St. il
2000 LOGANBERRY plants wanted.
Phone 40F5.
ii 10 liOP GROWERS-100,
0Q hop roots for sale. For partic-.
miosis can at izi soutn commercial ;
For Sale Livestock
ANTLD An extra gentle work
. .ura. jv. senmtut. K. 3. box
FOR SALE 60 egg Cypress Incuba
tor, J5.00. Milk strain Billv Goat,
FOR SALE 15 head shoau. 59 lba
Also Ford service car in good con.
dition. Phone 1425R. 34
FOR SALE Or trade, a team of
small horses for cow or. targe mare
. weighing 1400 or more. 1412 North
Capital St. e33
Foil SALE 2 nice, fres'a Jersey cows
Call 778 South 12th. e34
FOIt SALE CheapTl team weight
: 2300; 1 driving mare 1000 and two
ponies. 2865 Brooks ave near fair
grounds. 33
FOR SALK Holstein registered bull,
No. 219517, by Wit Ulan Lad. No.
S9497 and Lady Annis 2nd, No.
114693, James Cordon, Silverton, R.
F. D. 4. phone Silverton, Red 144. '
34 I
FOR SALE Chester White male hog
and seed oats. Phone 44P5. e37
For SaleWood.
DRY wood for sale, four foot,
sawed. Call evenings 1678W.
contract hauling wood. Phone 674R
after 6 P:m. 33
FOR SALE Slab wood in car load
lots. Crabtree Bros., Staytun, Or. 37
WANTED Wood in large quantities.
Phone 1090M. 33
For SalePoultry
Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorca.
Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham,
' (58 State St. Phone 400. 36
FOR SALE Two R. I. Red cocker
els. Phone 34F21. f33
FOR SALE 18 single comb Rhode
Island Red pullets, $1.50 each.
Mrs. John Korsad, Rt. 7, box 29. f33
For Sale Miscellaneous
INCOME tax records for sale at 141
N. High. Phone 340. 50
GROCERY store for sale. Write J A
Capital Journal. ' 36
FOR SALE 1 light one-norse wag-
. on, 1 rubber tired open buggy, 1
light harness, 1 200-egg Reliable
Incubator, 1 brooder. Apply 1760
Waller street. 34
FOR SALE Old papers .for wrap
ping and packing 100 bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay for sale
at barn. C. S. Teepie. Rt, 1. Phona
8 to 9:30 p. m. C63
FOR SALE Large reed baby car
riage in fine condition, cheap. See
it at Chambers Furniture Co. on
Court St. c3'l
FOR SALE Gray seed oats. Phone
53F11. c33
FOR SALE 8-horne vertical boiler,
complete. Price $100. C W. Davla,
435 N. 17th. c33
CLOVER Few hundred pounds
choice seed, 50c lb. G. H. Mudge,
Chemawa, Or. Phone 14F25. c35
FOR SALE K hand stump puller, as
good as new, one third price, W.
A. Shutt, Rt. 6, box 123B. c33
399 or call 197 S.
FOR SALE Good wood saw and
black horse, 7 years old, will sell
reasonable.. Call 1704 N, Broadway
evenings. c33
FOR SALE Pool hall and lunch
counter. Stock tobacco and cigars;
good business. F. L. Wood, Bayne
bldg. c36
FOR SALE One square piano, one
dozen Plymouth Rock hens. Call at
1745 South Liberty street. 35
cheap on terms. The Wiley B. Al
len Co., 619 Court St. 29
FOR SALE Checkering upright pi
ano, cost $1000, will sell for $250.
Phone 71. c33
FOR SALE Genuine leather daven
port. Come to see all day Sunday.
1915 Fail-mount ave. . c,13
GOT to sell one big team 3300 lbs;
one bay mare 6 years old, one team
2100 lbs; harness and light wagon;
also one Ford in first class shape;.
In alley, old barn, back White fee l
store. Got to leave Sunday. A bar
gain. c33
WOULD you bet $1 against'-an auto
mobile if you had more than an ev
en chance of winning? I offer that
proposition in a square deal, no
graft. Oil Lease Holding Co. Only
25,000 units. Send $1 to be sure of
getting In. Money back if it doesn't
look good to you. A postal will
bring all the facts, f. L. Dunn, Trus
tee, Colorado Springs, Colo. c33
FOR SALE Gas drag saw in good
condition. Price $90. Tel 113F3 eve
nings. " c34
FOR SALE Or trade for hens, 120
egg Old Trusty incubator- and
brooder, new last spring. Write
or call at 995 S. 14th St. c33
WANTED By couple with 2 little
girls, modern house, furnished or
unfurnished. Best of care and ref
erences! Address Box 30 care, Jour
nal. E33
GIE'.LS wanted at the Glove factory.
1456 OakJU. Steady work. g34
BRIGHT young man. good address,
and initiative, to travel with me,
here and abroad. Must deposit $200.
Exceptional opportunity. Work in
teresting and dignified. Handle own
money. No canvassing. Address Box
44 care Journal.
2 STENOGRAPHERS wanted by tho
Fhez company. 1 general stenograph
ic and shorthand work;. 1 interested
in botany and chemistry. Call room
413 V. S. National bank bldg. g34
W7 ANTED Man and wife for farm
work; no. children; steady work;
will furnish board. Box 26 Journal.
WANTED Girl or woman for gener
al house work in country. Box 26
WANTED Experienced salesman
for shoes, window trimming, etc.
"' 22 care Journal. ' ' s"33
W'ANTD Man for farm,, married
man preferred. Call 14""'" g3
WANTED Some one to epni
wood. $1.15 per cord for splitting.
Robt. A. Beer, Salem, Rt . IVi
,iaii cart nl Brooks. $4
WANTED Maid -t:
deal school.
Phene 848.
' WANTED Girl or woman for gen
eral house worn, tau
, tcL-11
or pbb tut .
Wanted Situations
ing call 108. J.Biederman Trans
fer. 49
-'WANTED To trade house ii
for house in Salem. 105
j3J j
WANTED Modern house keeiiiiie
rooms or furnished house, near
state highway garage. Phone 1!MJ
13 1
Phone S1F15.
buy a milk
FOR SALE J room house, close in,
wadking distance. 7,35 Ferry St.,
newly tinted and finished in white
enamel. Large lot, fruit trees, big
garden. Price (3000. $2000 down,
balance monthly including intir
- est. For sale by owner. ' a54
I WANT to buy veal of all kind.
Phone 1576M, 137
STRAWBERRY plants. Elterburg 121
extra fine, (3 thousand, dig them
yourself, H mile east, Suunyside
school, Jefferson road. Hurl Pear
son. Phone 107FS4. m35
WANTED To do typewritten copy
work by the piece. L T care Capital
Journal. 133
WANTED Fruit traet, will give good
close in Salem residence a part
payment,, balance cash. Address
Bo 248, Dallas, Polk Co., Or. 133
WANTED A man who can sell elec
trical appliances, washing machines
and farm lighting plants. The Elec
trical Machinery A Engineering Co.
175 S. Com'l, Salem. g36
WANTED Old junk, old clothing,
tools, gems, musical instruments,
cameras. Will call day or evening.
Capital Exchange, 3,37 Court Phone
WANTED 1 to 5 stands bees in mod
ern hives. Box 999 Capital Journal.
' 137
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new suits $45; eleaning and press
ing. 544 Stater Society Cleaners;
Phone 15.. Chas. Eara Sparks,
tailor. 52
WANTED Unfurnished apartments".
No children. Phone 1268.
FOR RENT 2 6-room flats. Close in
See J. H. Lauterman, Argo hotel, .
FOR RENT Furnl7heXrms'l'oi
tight housekeeping; parties with
children need not apply. 1309 N.
Com'l St. J35
FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished for
light housekeeping. 1040 Leslie
street. - - -;",,-.'., " ' " j;i3
WANTED A strictly modern home
well located, phone 1516M after 8
; o'clock. .. . . i33
WANTED A strictly modern bunga-
low. Car to trade for equity in
house. Phone 358- j
' 1601.
3 room unfurnished
610 N. Com'l. Phone
'"' J33
FOR RENT One room, modern,
furnished for lighb housekeeping.
? 825 S. 14th St. j34
l'"OR RENT 6 room furnished bun-
galow. Phone 760 Y-after 8 p. m. 33
Bargains- and Investments.
Nice 10 acre tract 3 miles out; set
buildings 6 acres bearing orchard,
good soil. Price $4008. - .
62 acres near town, new bungalow;
all in cultivation; nejir school. Snap,
$100 per acre. .--'
Fine 24 acres near Salem, largj new
bungalow, barn and other buildings.
Orchard; good farm tools, machinery,
feed, large flock poultry; excellent
soil, good location. $8000.
12 acres close In, all In high -state
cultivation, good buildings; 2 acres
orchard; stock, tools, hay, feed, wood,
poultry, all for $6500; easy terms.
10 acres best dark loam soil near
Salem, 6 room house, barn, well, or
chard, 80 rods from school and
church; only $4500, terms.
16 acres choice loganberry land
near Salem, best loam. Price $3500.
15 acre fruit tract, prunes, logan
berries and cherries; fair buildings.
Close in, $6400; terms.-
For bargains and square deal,
Perrine & M-arsters
211,12 Com. club bldg n
Kinney & Smith
j Suitable for raising chickens or for
dairy ranch. On fine road 011N on
mile from R. R., close to good schools
23 acres under cultivation, 15 acres
in crop, 2 acres fine family orchard
and berries. Nice stream of living
water. Fair Improvements. A real bur
gain at $3600. Some terms.
2 miles from good city. Has fine
family orchard and is in a fine berry
section,. About 60 acres in cultivation,
bulance is pasture and timber. Has
fair sized house, large dairy barn,
silo, hen houses, etc. A lot of this
farm is new land. l'rice $12,000, Good
1 mile to town and good schools;
located on excellent road. 30 acres of
fine land in cultivation; balance is
good pasture. Fine, family orchurd.
Could raise several acres of fine lo
ganberries on this place, Fuir im
provements. Place is stocked with sev
eral cows, horsex, 60 chickens, sev
eral tons hay, feed, seed and good
line of farm equipment 20 acres
now In crop. Every tiling goes, at $6,
000, Terms.
Call at our office and let ub give
you the particulars about these and
other places. Tell us what you want,
we either have it or can get m for you
Give us your listing of all kinds of
property whether improved or other
wise. We are here to serve you.
Kinney & Smith
201 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Phone 1180 n
Priced Right.
A small place on highway, build
ings, some fruit, extra good soil; just
right for chickens. At Wood burn.
Will consider small property . hore.
Price $1200.
A good buy, 5 room house, part
plastered, close to car, targe lot, barn,
some fruit Terms. $1100. .
Good cottage, good lot. $900.
A house and lot, extra close In, to
exchange for house, farther out, and
$ rooms, good condition, on terms,
has barn. $760.
Close in, 6 room house, lights, bath
city water, plastered. $2000.
H. E. Brown,
Room 8 Bayne bid. With P. L. Wood
341 State street 33
$i-50 Fine 8 room house, paved
street, basement, fLra place, one
acre. Ideal home. .'
9SSOO 5 room bungalow, large lot,
. plenty of fruit, near car Un
and paved street
tH.0 room bungalow, paved street
$20041 room modern bungalow, pav
ed street, good location. Terms.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
418 Masonic bids. Phoni 823 a
Good Buys.
10 acne loganberry tract. 8 acres of
loganberries. 8 room house, large
barn, well, running water. Price $6500
5 acre loganberry tract, 4 3-4 acres
loganberries, good i room house,
barn, well. Price $5000.
10 acre tract located on main Pa
cific highway 1 J-4 miles from car
line; 5 acres Italian prunes, balance
first class loganberry land, l'rice $4.
500. 30 acre trnct, 1 acre cultivated,
house, small barn, spring and well,
close to school,, about 500 cords of
standing second growth fir timber.
Price $2000, ,
ft acre tract located close to carlind
good soil, plenty of fruit and berries,
small buildings. Price $3600.
5m cre tract located 1 miles
from Salem street carline, about 20
acres of fine timber, 8 acres bearing
prunes, 'house and bai n. Located on
main Pacific highway. Price $300 per
acre. cash. .
20 acre tract located on good hard
road and R. F. D. close to Pacific
highway, 4 miles from Salein; good
5 room plastered cottage, barn, well,
5 acres of cherries, 4 acres of logan
berries. Price $9000.
5 acre tract, 4 acres loganberries,
4V4 miles from Salem. Price $3000.
8 room modern home in good lo
cation, all furniture goes; paved
street Price $5000. - 1
6 room houso located in south Sa
lem, corner lot. Price $2600. $900
down, balance $25 per month, 6 per
cent interest. . . . '
8 room house and five lots locat
ed in south Salem, not far out; large
barn, good soil. Price $5000, $2000
down, balance terms.
7 room modern home located at i
11 10 North Capitol street, large lot,
garage. Price $5500.
8 room house located at 1330 South
Commercial street. Price $2800.
W. H. Grabenhcrst & Co.
275 State street
Best Buys
1 aero all in loganberries, 4 room
house, close in and on car line. $2400
H cash.
. 22 acres, good valley loam, 8 room
house, barn, family orcfiard, 1 mile
from town and school. $4750, terms.
20 acres best valley land, well drain
ed. all but 3 acres In crop, family or
chard; 6 room house, fair born, 3H
miles from Salem. $7000. Terms.
5 acres good loganberry land, close
in. $2000.
10 acres close in, all In prunes, good
house and barn. $8500.
40 acres set to walnuts, berries
could be planted between; good soij
and well located on gravel road, I Vj
miles Salem. If sold, together, $225
per acre. Will subdivide. Very easy
15 acres, IS room house, barn, 214
miles out, 1 acres strawberries, fum
ily orchard; a nice home. $5500.
20 acres close to Salem, $160 per
acre. $500 ,wlll handle.
15 acres close to Salem and car
line, best valley soil, $4500, $-500 cash
balance terms.
100 acres, 2 houses, barn and oth
er buildings, 18 acres orchard, 25
acres best beaver dam, 88 acres clear
ed, on Pacific highway close to Sa
lem; a good buy at $200 per acre,
82 acres, good black soil," on main
road and mall route 6 miles from
good town. $3600. '
7 room, water, lights and bath on
paved street, lot 150x160. $4000.
6 rooms, modern, close In, $4300.
7 rooms and bath, modern except
fire place. $-1000.
5 rooms, 2 lots with large cherry
trees, full basement. $1800.
5 rooms, full dutch kitchen, bath,
2 lots, 1 block to car. $1700.
8 rooms, modern except furnace
and fire place, at school. $3200.
Socolofskv. '
' 341 State St.
Real House Bargains.
6 room new, modern cottage, 2 lots
on N. Liberty St. This is a swell lit
tle place. $2500, $800 cash.
5 room good house, bath, toilet,
electric lights. A good buy. $1600,
near school and street c.1!-.
8 room house, plastered, electric
lights, bath and toilet, improved
street $1500, good terms.
8 room modern bungalow, full base
ment, $3200.
7 room modern bungalow, large lot
full basement. A swell home. $3300.
5 room house, bath, toilet, electric
lights, close in. $1800. $600 cash, bal
ance $10 per month.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg 38
' ' 10 ACRES
6 acres bearing fruit; AW out on
good road. No improvements. You'll
have to hurry to get this one. $2250,
$1250 cash, balance 6 years. John II.
Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n
Real Investments.
New store, new building, 34x50,
with a hall over hear, located In a
good town., Good 6 room house, small
barn, and one small building 26x30.
Consists of 1 71-100 acres, with fam
ily orchard. Store Inventory $2000.
All for $6850.
Get a start in ' loganberries. 6
acres, loganberry tips to set 1 acres.
tine berry land, good community, all
In cultivation, and 150 cherry trees.
Price $2000, $750 down. Terms to
1114 acres, best of loganberry land.
i miles of Halem near puved roathl
year, all In cultivation. Real buy at
$2600.' Terms.
20 acres, 18 acres under cultivation. room bungalow, new barn,
some fruit, good fruit land. Buildings
alone worth the money. $1250 cash,
balance terms.
80 acres under cultivation, 12 acres
in bearing prunea of which 4 acres
are set to English walnuts. Land
lightly rolling. New room bunga
low, good barn, family orchard. 3
miles of Bilverton, Good buy at $10,
500. Term.
Buy now for every day's delay may
mean an opportunity lost
Estes & Magee
42S Oregon. Salem, Oregon
Portland office 909 Chamber of Com.
LET us list your . property.. A.. L.
Seamster Realty Co., 416 Masonic
bldg. Phone $63.
STES MAGEE. real estate. If we
list it we advertise it Portland of
fice 909 Chamber Commerce; Sa
lem office 42 Oregon bldg. ever
electric depot $4
Bring your listings of small farms
and tracts. Price them right and we
will do the ret
201 Bank of Commerce Bldg. .
Phone 1138
Liston's Bargains In
1 Six room bungalow, modern ex
cept heat. Goes at $3.". -
$. Five room, homey bungalow,
modern except heat two large lots.
$3200. (Photos of numbers 1 and 2
may be seen at my office.)
S. Five room bungalow, modern ex
cept heat lot 75x180, on carline.
$265. '
4. Six room fully modern bunga
low on paved street, $3000.
8. Five room cottage with basemen.,
on carline, $2300.
7. Seven room strictly modern with
steam heat, 4 blocks from state house
W. A. Liston
Agent, 484 Court street a33
FOR SALE Six cylinder Saxon road
ster. If you are interested come and
take a look at it. F. A. Erixon, 201
Masonic building, Salem. q3i
FOR SALE Almost new Samson
tractor, with extension rims. Phone
96F2. e37
The oldest It's been the best Binca
1901. The newest First 1-cylinder
delivery; first i-cylinder; first 4
cylinder; first Liberty truck; first
army truck in France; It is 1I13
greatest Tiauling machine on earth.
See it at Salein Auto Exchange.
239 State.
GOOD 5 passenger Ford body for sale
cheap.- Salem Velie company, 163
N. Commercial street c35
Also upholstering
of all kinds, seat
covers. 8ervlce. O.
J. Hull, Y. M. C.
A. Building, Salem, Oregon.
One dollar spent on a poor truck
means three dollars worth of re
pairs and lost time. '
Two dollars spent on a good ma
chine works for you every minute.
The Gramm-Bernsteln truck in the
oldest and the newest and the best
In America.
Salem Auto Exchange, 229 State.
Your protection In buying or sell
ing a used car la the dealer' integ
rity. 1 , ,
If we sell you a used car, It's worth
the money.
Salem -Auto Exchange, 229 Stale
APPLES, Cummlngs, 84K13.
BACK ON the job with a new Hoov
er. Rugs cleaned, 40c per rug. L. L.
Buckner, Phone 16. 33
R. W, BALLANTYNB, piano tuner
with Cherrlngton's Piano House,
4.cuil..St.i.Ph..Jie? ?3
THE most possible service for the
price. We work all parts of the city
and country. Verlbost Transfer.
Phone 13J4, 129 8. Com'l. m33
exchange, 395, South 12th, will han
dle your household goods on com
mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining:
better prices than selling to second
hand merchants. At present have
nice cienn stock to select from
Cannon phone 19.
PARTIES contemplating building
bungalows, cottages and residences
of any kind should see me about
plans, specifications, estimates and
labor. Address 27 care Journal. m85
THE International Correspondence
school will have their local repre
sentative at the Bllgh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to give the public Information
regarding the school and their
second hand goods bought, sold
and exchanged. If we havn't what
you want, we'll get It Try us. W,
Lubke, 241 N. Com'l St. Phone 841,
Sttlem, Or.
Money to Loan
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time,
i and 8 percent Interest.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Halem, Or.
.MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 5 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.'
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and sdrgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 68F6; office
phone 1 394. o67
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
$10-12 U. S. bank. Phone 841.
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, l)rs. White and Marshall,
506 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
rea. phone 134.
YALE Hand laundry. 194 8.
St. Phone 8.
TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur
niture and appliances bought and
sold. 141 N. High. Phone 340. 60
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pny you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Fnrnlture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Safety Razor Blades.
SA'ETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art RfPalr Shop, 347 Court Bt
refuse of all kind removed on
monthly contract at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor car now on display. Come
and see them. 22 State 8t Phone
Water Company.
corner Commerci-I and Trade Sts.
Bill payable monthly In advance.
Phone $7.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt ;id repaired.
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 2 to 5S
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc.. loganberry' and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street. Phone 12 1
Long Distance Hauling.
long distance freight hauling. Dally
service to Portland, outside trios
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 445 Court street. Phone S;
night phones S70J, 874R. .Salem.
Or. 3
Lodge Directory.
JC. CH KM EK ETA lodge No. I
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
KNTaTiTOF" P YTHIaS meet at Mc
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L, Tucker. C. C; P. 1. Kunta,
K. R. & S.
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator sen-ice. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie K. Bunn, 648 Union Bt
recorder, Mrs, Melissa, Persona,
1415 N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
CnItED ARTISANS Capital Assem
bly No, 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C.
Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert, secre-
M0.0118 B
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP il8 MeeU
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lie
- erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. P. Ross, C. C; . a Geer. cterlt
Oregon Cedar Camp No. $24$
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock in McCornaok building.
Court and Liberty streets. H. G. .
Coursey, V. Ci Frank A. Turner,
r.rnln- Wheat Kn. t 122.10: feed
oats 80 Iff 85c: milling oats 85 88c;
cheat hay $120; oat hay $31922;
clover hay I23Q 24; nun run mnjm.
Butter fat: - Rutterfat, 62c; oreara
e'ry butter 84 85c
Pork, veal and mnttoii Folk oa foot
It 3-4c; veul fancy 23c; steers 189
8(8 0c; cowa 6ft 9 3-4c; spring Uimbs
11 Vic; cowa 6 4(, 3-4c; ewe. 4$Go;
sheep, yearling 13c.
Wressed pork 18 Hp Hie.
Eirirs and noultrv: Eggs cash 37c;
light hens. 2-tc; heavy hens Stic; old
roosters 1516o; springs 24c. -
Voir omhlpn.- Onions ner Dound 60:
celery doz. $1.75; potatoes, YaJttm-
5c: Oregon 3 (&'4c; sweet potatoes o
bents iwr sack 82: turnips per sack
$2.60; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips
per sack $3.50; spinach 10a lb-i. rad
ishes 40c doz.
Fruit: Oranges $4.50 8.00;. J mom
$7 7.50; bananas 11c'; honey extract
20c; bunch bectB 45c; cabbage 7c;,
head lettuce $1.25: carrots 45c: Br US-
sell sprouts 16c; cauliflower $1.75 doz;
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb iSftc;
peas 1 Bo lb. . '
H.-tiill nrlce: Eires dozen. 43c:
creamery butter 68 0700; country but
ter 86c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 $.49
soft wheat $3.90,
Portland, Or, Feb. 7. Cuttle ateudy
receipt 237; ateera best $11.6B
12.50; good to choice $10.60 11. 60; -medium
to good $9.60 10.60; fair to
good $8.60 9.60; common to- fair
7.60 8 60; choice cowa and heifer
$9.50 10, GO: good to choice $8,500
9.60; medium to good $7.0.60;
fair to medium $6.60 1& 8.60; canuer
$3.508.50; bulls $6.258.60; prim
light calves $15.50 17; medium light
fl2.K016.50: heavy calve HO
,50; stockers and feedor $89.6.
Hogs lower; receipts 30; prime
ijilxed $I6.504M6.00; medium $15.09
to15.50: rough heavy $11. 00 15.08;
pigs $1:115.
Simon uteadv: rere l)ts 771: eastern
lambs $ 16.50 ; 17.50; light valley $18
16.50; heavy $14, 6015. 60; feeder
lambs $12 15; yearlings $13.6014;
wethers $13& 13.50; ewes 10 12.
Portland, Or. Feb, 7 Butter firm;
mihi extra 5960c: parchment
wrapped, box lots 62c; carton 83c;
half boxe H more; less than half
hoxe lc more; butterfat 6960e f.
0. b. station; 62f64c Portland. .
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., Feb. 7. Weak;
Egg s-lltnir price ca count
43o; buying price, case count, 4'c;
buying price 45o; selling price
candled 50c; selected candled In car
ton 53c.
Poultry: Hens 30 33c; broiler 85
0 40: roosters 18c; turkeys dressed
4-!) 50c; geese 20L25c; ducks 35 if 40c.
Wheat and Mill Stuff,
whut' 12 20: harlev. 872: oat
$60.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $57.09
n' nnvlna nrlce. valley tlmoth.
tuiMtm- nirulfu 1111.60: grain $26:
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch
Mlllstuffg: Price f.o.b. mill, elt
artage $2 extra. Mill run, cur Vot o
ml..,l narm lij tun! rolled b0.rlV $71
rolled oat $68.50; ground burley $7$
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $88; cracked t;s.
Any amount. Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon