Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 07, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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XHK t- KER METHODIST CHrRCHi musical service by the members. All
Market street. Sunday senooi m a.
in. Classes fur all. Preaching at 11:00
k. in. and 7:30 p. m. Prayermeeting
Thunidiiy 7:30 P- m. Friday. Saturday
and Sunday at 7:30 p. m. and Sun
day 11:00 a. m. Our district elder will
lirinH the Messages. W. J. Johnston,
Rev. Win. Montgomery of Syracuse, N.
Y., will speak in the morning- at 11:00
o colck and Rev. Lewis Ryan from
Soudan, Africa in the evening at 7:30.
Sunday school :45; B. Y. P. U. :30
p. in.
TION The Salem Ministerial associa
tion will meet In regular sexslon Mon
day morning at 10 o'clock In the Y. M.
C. A. A book review, "How to Train
tile Devotional Life," will be presented
l A. Wells.
tin Institutions Sunday will be held as
follows: 9:00 a. m.. Feeble Minded
Institute, by K. S. Hammond; 2:30 p.
in.. Cottage Farm, by R. N. Avlson;
3:00 p. in., Girls' Training School, by
L. V. Porter; 3:15 p. m.. Tubercular
Hospital, by 0. F. Holt
are Invltej to attejia at :3i. me
evening sermon. "When The Evange
list Was Here.'' U the first of a series
in preparation for the coming ram
paign of reveal and evangelism. Lei
and W. Porter, pastor.
practice. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. prayer(
meeting: 8 p. m., teacher's training;
class. We extend a cordial invitation I
to all. R. L. Putnam. pas:or. i
Shopmen Refuse To Gve Up
8-Hour Day For 9 Hours
CASTLE CHAPEL UNITED ! Tacoma, Wash.. Feb. 6. Five
BRETHREN Cor. of Nebraska and hundred boilermakers. blacksmiths
Scventeen2th street, George Chapman. ; ana machinists In the Northern Pa
pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.. W. W. cific shops here voted yesterday to
Rosebaugh, superintendent Preach- disregard the order of the railroad
ing at 1 la. m. and M0 p. m. Cottage 'administration to work those depart-
I prayer meeting at the home of Albert ! ments on a nine hour schedule begin-
Feustman. corner of Twentieth and ' iK this morning. The employes this
j Nebraska streets. Tuesday evening, i mornlng appeared at the usual hour
f.iv ociock. Prayer meeting at tne for yrork an(j gay they will quit wnen
cnurcn on inursday at 7:30 p. m. La- their eight hours is up.
early today from his wounds, Charles'
W. Reiliy. his assistant, died yester
day morning a few hours after the
Nineteenth and Marion streets. Regu
lar Sunday services. Sunday school at
8:45. W. B. Hardy, superintendent.
Preachln at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
Young People's Bible school at 6:30
p in. to 7:30. Song and praise service
from 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. Midweek pray-
enneeting Wednesday evening at 7:30.
We extend a cordial Invitation to any
and all to these services. A. Wells, pas
tor. Florence Wells, deaconess.
dies Aid Wednesday afternoon.
CHURCH State and Church streets,
Rev. R. N. Avison, minister. :!!
They contend that Director Mines
and the railroad administration are
attemntine tn cclnnil the issue of
granting inccreases in pay. They as
sert they will continue to work on an
m., the old time class meting, W. L. 'eight hour schedule as per agreement
Cummings, leader, room 4 downstairs, i they have with the administration.
9:45 a. m., Sunday school, Prof. J. W.
Todd, superintendent; Crace Smith,
assistant; 11:00 a. m., the pastor will
speak to boys and girls from Matt 7-
24. Morning message,
Monday. 7:30 a. in. holy communion;
9:45 a. in .church school; 11 a. in.
morning prayer and sermon, "Man's
Involution Toward Angelhood;" 7:30 p.
in. evening prayer and niHlress,
Story of Jesus." Everybody welcome.
Charles II. Powell, rector.
Cottage and Center streets, Rev. 1.
L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. in. A cordial welcome to you. L1
vlne worship and preaching service at
II a. m., "Home Thoughts on ( for
People Who Need It." Christian En
ileavor at fi:30 p. ni. Kvenlug wor
Mlilp and sermon at 7:30 p. m. I'o tne
dead communicate with the living or
is there anything true la spiritualism?
If your loved ones gone should be able
to send a message to you, what would
they say? Prayer meeting on Thurs
day evening at 7:30 p. m.
Rev. W .C. Kantner, pastor. Regu
lar servcies at the usual hour on Sun
day. Sunday school 10 a. m. W. I.
Staley, superintendent Morning ser
vice at 11 a. m. In the absence of Dr.
Kantner the morning and evening si-
vice will be in charge of James Elvln.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. nr. At
7:30 a patriotic service in honor of
Lincoln's birthday. Subject "Person
al War Experiences," by Allan Ka
foury of the Motor Transport service,
Elwcll of the U. 8. Marines, Colonel
Carl Abranis of the 162nd regiment,
and Fames Klvin of the Y. M. C. A.
Midweek service Thursday eve 7:30.
Soul." 3:00 p. m. usual service at the
Old Peoples Home 12th ;and Ferry
streets. 6:30 p. m., senior Ep worth
League, Lester Day, leader; junior Ep
worth League In Epworth Hall. 7:30
p m., Evangelist Mahood's theme,
"The Books Opened." A full chorus
choir led by Dr. Aldrlch. Come early
If .you want a seat. Watch for an
nouncements "for the afternoon and
evening services during the week.
Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 6. Ray
Lawrence, one of the two men shot
'The Value of a . by Patrolman H. L. Barlow early yes
terdav during an attempted roDoery,
AhcA t the cnuntv hospital here
Hire of the visiting- pastors now at
tending the convention in Portland
will be In Salem this coming week.
Kev. William Montgomery, of Syra
cuse, New York, will speak in the First
Huplist chureh tof this city Sunday
nicining, February 8, and Rev. Mr.
Ryan, returned nllssionary from Africa
will speak from the same pulpit on
Sundav evenln?. On Monrtnv nnH Ttid
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock services i lr'
Ruptured? Try This Free!
New Invention Sent on SO Days' Trial
Without Expense to You
Simply send me your name and I
will send -you my new copyrighted
rupture book and measurement blank.
When you return the blank I will
send you my new invention for rup
ture. When It arrives put it on and
wear it. Put It to every test you can
think of. The harder the test the bet
ter you will like It. You will wonder
how you ever got along with the old
style cruel spring trusses or belts with
leg straps of torture. Your own good,
common sense and your own doctor
will tell you it Is the only way In
which you can expect a cure. After
wearing it 30 days, it It is not entire-
Portland, Or., Feb. 7. Oregon's
Rhodes nehnlnr? Frnnlr Flint nf Hnlam
has the honor of having ben admitted Iv satisfactory in every way if it is
ti the most noted college In Oxford not easy nA comfortable :f you can
University. Out of a party of 24 schol- not actually see your rupture getting
nr from oil i,a.i f im.ri mit better, and If not convinced that a
fwas the only man to secure admittance j cure 18 merely a question of time just
tn Rniiini i. f tv, ' return it ana you are oui uuuS.
two Oregon Rhodes men, both of
whom were chosen from Reed college.
The second scholar will enter Oxford
Commercial and WuuliiliK'on streets,
11 I'l. I'eniberton, pastor. Meeting for
worship wllh singing ami preaching at
11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Itllile school
ul 10 u. m. wllh classes and grades
for all, Carl K. Miller, superintendent.
Young people meet In C K, ut 6:30 p.
in, IIukIik'Sh meeting mid following;
the devotional meeting Thursday, 7:30
p. in, ,
teenth and Clieniekcla streels, F, W.
l.i.uner, puitiur. Sunday school, 10 a,
m, Henuoii, 11 a. in,, subject. "A
Good Day" , P. A.. 6:30 p. in, Sor
inun, .7:13 p. m. , I', A. monthly
Meeting at the home of Frank SlritiiH
bauglil, JMO South High. W. M. 8. ai
the church Tuesday ut'ienioon at 2:30
p in.
will be held at 032 South Commercial
sheet. On Monday und Tuesday even the services will be held in the
Center Street Methodist chureh, cor
ner of Center and Thirteenth streets.
Tike Cli'meketa street car, get off at
Thirteenth street and go one block
north. A most cordial invitation to
be present Is extended to all Interested
in gospel and miBslonnry work. Come
out and hear these speakers if possible.
Corner south .Nineteenth find Ferry
stieets, 11. C. Stover, minister. Sun
day school at 10 a. in. III charge of Mrs.
H. I'l. Edwards. Morning address by
tin- pastor Special muslu by Golden
Barker and Cecil Deacon. Christian
Kudeavor at 0:45 p. m. Evening serv
ice at 7:30 p. in., subject "A Great
Task." Solo by Klbort Laclinllo. An
them "The Day Awakes'' lira Wilson).
Bth street and Gaines avenue. Evange
list A. It. Bell will give another Btr
inoii sludy at the 7:30 hour tomorrow
evening, subject, 'The Day ot Judg
ment A Definite Time," The evange
list declares it Is court week In heav
en today and promises that he will
uliow from the Itllile the very day
when the Judgment In heaven began.
The study will be illustrated by a pro
phetic diagram.
5tn and Mill streets. The district sup
erintendent will preach at 3:00 p. m.
Sunday school at 2:00 o'clock. Christ
expects something ot the Scandinavian
folks In Salem; come and let us direct
you to your religious obligations In a
time of sterling challenge to the
Church of God. Sunday evening the
Scandinavians will Join In the evange
listic, meeting at the First Methodist
CIH'HCII Corner Soulh Commercial
and Meyers streets, Horace N. Aldrlch,
pastor. 9:4B a. m., Sunday school,
with classes for nil ages and grades.
K. H. Khoten, superintendent, Primary
department meets In Leslie hall, under
the supervision ot Miss Sue Williams.
11:00 a. m., public, worship, with ser
mon by Rev. J. W. Mnhdnd, the eran
gcllRt who la conducting the series ot
meellncjs In the city, In which all the
Methodist churches are united. Doctor
Alalmod will bring n great message.
Hear him. No other services will he
Id 111 our church for the day, ns we
will attend the evening meeting in
First Jlolhoillst church and will also
Join In the meetings of the week there.
SCIENTISTS Sunday service Is held
at 440 Chenieketa street at 11 a, m.
wihject of Bible lesson "Spirit". Sun
day school at 9:45 a, m. Wednesday
evening testimonial meeting at 8:00
o'colrk. Reading room. 303 Masonic
Temple, open every day except Sun
day and holidays, from 11:45 a. m.
1 1 11:00 p. in. All are cordially Invited
to our services and to our reading
- Corner ot Winter and Jefferson Sis.
Thomas Aeheson, pastor, Sunday Feb.
Hth Sunday school 9:45 a. in. Classes
for all ages under the care of capable
teachers. If you are stranger we wel
come you to our school, you will feel
at home wilh us. Public worship 11:00
a m. Rev. J. W. Warrell will preach,
subject, "God In Nature." Class meet
ing "1:15. Because of the union evan
gelistic meet lugs we will not hold the
Epworth league service t :30 p. ni.
nor the preaching service at T:30. In
tte id we shall Join the other churches
U the First M. K. church. We urge
full attendance of the membership at
the, meetings. Kvaugellstio meetings
every night of this week at 7:3U p. ni.
On Tuesday afternoon the W. H. M. S.
Ittbln school at 9:45 a. m. Morning
worship at 11 a. m. Young Peoples
C. W. meeting at 6:15 and evangelistic
preaching service at 7:30 p. m, Bible
sludy class on Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Thursday, 7:30 p.
in. woman s nllssionary meeting meets
an uay Wednesday nt the home of ff.
Wesley Thomas. Miss Malone, who
has siient several years in the Hawai
ian Islands, will speak nt. 2:30 In the
uuernoon. it you tire not a regular
auenuur elsewhere we give you a cor
inai iiirimrmn to our services, We
preaen the full gospel of salvation fro
all sin through the shed blood of
lesus L'hrlat. Mrs. Francis Liter, sev
eral years a missionary to Alaska and
wen Known minister In the Friends
cnurcn, will preach on this Sabbath at
the morning service. I. U. and Ida J.
Lee, pastors.
CHURCH Coiner of Seveteenth and
i curt streets Bible school, 10 a. m.
1 he Hoy Scout troop of the church will
bo present In a body and the morning
services will he tn honor of tho troop.
sermon upon the benefit of a Boy
Scout troop to the community, preach
ed by tho pastor. Junior Christian En
dcavor, 3:30 p. m. Young Peoples
i nristian Endeavor society, 6:30 p. m.
.-ong service aim sermon, 7:30 p. m,
subject, "Obedience Is Better Than
wacririce." Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.. Loval
Sons and Loyal Daughters social at the
pastors home, 161 South Fourteenth
street. Wednesday, 7:3Q p. m., choir
This Will Interest
Stomach Sufferers
Says IndlgvMilon routes from an ex
vtts of hydrochloric acid
A well known authority states that
mumnrn irounic ana inuigestlun ars
nearly always due to aridity acid
stomach and not. as most folks be
lieve, from a lack of digestive juices.
He states that nn excess of hydro
cniono acid in tne stomach retards
digestion and starts food fermentation
then our meals sour like garbage in
can, forming acrid fluids and gases
which Inflate the stomach like a toy
balloon. We then get that heavy,
lumpy feeling In the chest, we eruc
tate sour food, belch gas, or have
heartburn, flatulence, waterbrash, or
He tells us to lay aside all digestive
aids and Instead, get from any phar
macy four ounces of Jad Salts and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa
ter before breakfast while It Is effer-
till meet al the home of Mis. S. Drake vesoing. and furthermore, tn ertnMni,
Norlh flh street. Mrs. M. C. Bliss! this for one week. While relief fol
the field secretary for the society will low the first dose. It Is Important to
be present and will addess the meet-' neutralize the acidity, remove the gas
j making mas, start the liver, stlmu
, late the kidneys and thus promote a
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH On free flow of pure digestive Juices.
Center and High streets, one bine I J id Salts is Inexpensive and is made
north of the city hall. High school fiom the acid of grapes and lemon
liara-alaureate sermon at 11.00 a. m. ! Juice, combined with l.thia and so
"The Authority of Ood." The mid-year I dium phosphate. This harmless salts
graduating class will occupy the front Is used by thousands of pvopl for
center section of seats. In the evening' stomach trouble with excellent re
the C. E. Mograili W.U be A pecial suits. (Adv)
During the trip to England on the
Adriatic, Flint had the pleasure of tak
ing tea with Lord Gray, speci2al am
zassador to the United States whose
recent utterances on the league of na
tions have aroused much comment.
Flint graduated from Reed college
last year. Usually the only Americans
accepted by Balllol college are honor
graduates of Yale, Harvard and Prince
Washington, Feb. 6. The passport
vise fee would be increased to ten dol
lars by a provision written Into the
diplomatic ni propriatlon bill today by
the senate foreign relations commit
tee. The present rate is one dollar and
comlttee members estimated that the
Increase would bring in 15,000,000 an-aiiunlly.
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean
serious disorders. The world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
' etS
bring quick relief and often wotd off
deadly dtseas. Known & the national
romiJT of Holland for mors than 200
fssrs. All druggists, in thrae sixes.
Look for lb suoio CoI4 Modal oo evory bo
4bJ Mcopt so iraitatioo.
Any rupture appliance sent on 30
days' trial without expense to you Is
worth a trial. Tell your ruptured
fronds of this. EAS5THOLD CO., 2163
Koch bldg., Kansas City, Mo. (Adv)
' nS,''OMSJSMwpjoj;
-If SlIlliB
More Eggs
To get thrifty, year round layers, you
muit supply th natural elements
that simulate egg making.
Dr. LeGear's
Poultry Prescription
Supplies the element! needed to keep
your hen in good laying condition.
It builds them up and provides tho
vigor and vitality so necessary to
profitable laying. It is an indispen
sable remedy for baby chicks lo pull
them successfully through their fust
critical weeks. Ask your deader
about it today.
Large and small packagta,
- Dr. L D. LeGear Medicint Co.
St. Louis, fclo.
Dr. L. D. LeGear's Remedies ate
sold In Salem, Or., by E. L. Rarkus &
Son, 887 S. Commercial St., F. P.
Keiiuaway, 1405 North Church SU
J. J. Vtarlng.
You can call it a Starting Battery
but whatjrou really buy is
B wa s s ii. ij s a I m . A
and naturally' you want
that performance to be of
the highest possible quality.
When you equip your car with the
Starting G
you get quality performance persistent, dependable, enduring.
You get a product that is as nearly 100 percent right as 32
years of specialized storage battery building experience can
make it.
There is an "Exl&C" made exactly to meet the individual
needs of your car come in and look it over.
t OOK r OR
R. D. Barton
171 South Commercial St.
4U inters, 4U summers
Since Then Have Rolled
Forty winters and forty summers
have rolled away since persons who
are living and well today first took
the prescription for "Number 40 for
the Blood." "Number 40" is com
pounded from ingredients that are
set down in the V. S. Dispensatory
and other authoritative medical books ,
as follows: Employed In diseases ofi
the glandular system. In blood trou-j
bles, mercurial and lead poisoning,
scrofula, rheumatism, catarrh, con-1
stipation. liver and stomach diseases.
Under its use. sores, ulcers, bodily
eruptions, and scrofulous swellings
that have withstood all other treat
ment disappear as if by magic."
Sold by Schaefers Drug store. (Ad)
6 ROOM HOUSE, 2 good
lots, garage, on carline,
good well with electric
motor and pump, BOO
gallon tank. A good buy
at $2,000
7 ROOM HOUSE, close in
on Winter street, East
front, nice lot $5,000
6 ROOM HOUSE on paved
street, modern in every
way, basement and fur
nace, not far from Cap
itol $3,000
6 ROOM HOUSE, fairly
modern, big lot on pav
ed street and carline.
House ready to occupy,
for $3,000
O ROOM HOME, on paved
" street, close In, modern
in every way $4,500
6 ROOM HOUSE, modern
and ready to occupy,
at $5,500
ICC ACRES close in, ISO
UJ acres in cultivation, fine
set of buildings, Just off
paved road, $170 per
, ' acre.
m ACRES with good build fine land, 130, acres
cultivated, close to pav
ed road and station, for
quick sale, $120 per acre
5 ACRES 1 mile out, "close
to car line, good 5 room
,-. cottage bungalow $4,000
i 1 1 A ACRES 1H miles trom
: lw Salem, no buildings,
paved road $2,500
. CA ACRES with good build
; v" ings, 1 mile from Oregon
City, nil under cultiva
i tion .. $12,500
7 ROOM HOUSE close In'
on Liberty street, big
lot $2,500
ROOM modern bunga
low on "D" street, 2
good lots $2,000
! OA ACRES close In on pav
ed road, for quick sale,
$250 per acre.
3 AUTOS always ready to
show property,
400-7-8 OREGOX BLDG.
Definite Time
God "hath appointed a day in which He wilf7"
the World." Acts 17:31. J Qge
"We shall all stand before the Judgment Spat
Christ." Rom. 1410. " ...
A Prophecy of the Bible pointing to OUR DAY'
declares: "THE HOUR OF HIS TGOD'S JUdq.
MENT IS COME." Rev. 14:7.
. Every one of us has a case pending at the Bar of
God. Your name is on the Calendar.
The Bible makes known the time of the opening
of the Court.
Have you engaged your Advocate ? See 1 John 2:L
Come and Hear this Wonderful Bible Study and
know the Time in which we are living. To be foi
warned is to be fore-armed.
S". D. A. Church, N. Fifth Street and Gaines Ave
. Take N Commercial Car
(I j 'anmmmmw - iVj MT-' f
Bethlehem Tonnage is always
figured as tons delivered. And a
Bethlehem day is twenty-four
hours long.
4 Ton chassis 2 Ton chassis
Ton chassis 3i Ton chassis
162 N. Commercial St.
J. JV. Jones,. Mgr.
u ir..-4ipn
dlU Cnhinetl
Hi M
FirstSmooth surf aces all surfaces are fin
ished perfectly smooth, easy to clean.
SecondRound Corners inside comers and
outside edees are rounded to assure cleanliness.
Third Pastry Compartment keeps cake and
delicate pastries fresh for days.
Fourth Removable FlourBin a unit in itself.
So easily removed for cleaning. A patented dis
tributor sifts flour evenly and fine.
Fifth Automatic Sugar Bin-absolutely moist
proof. A tip forward opens; a tip - backward
closes the lid. No valves to clog.
See This Superior Kitchen Cabinet
at Our Store
Call and inspect the models we show in snowy white enamel or beautiful golden
oak. Our easy payment plan permits you to use the "kitchen maid" while yon
are paying for it. .