i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1920. i it Boy Scout Week. ' . -Bualnea Men's Jta, ' Commercial club. ..-Meeting of Floral Commercial dub. ,iMusic concert. Jfschool auditorium. . , jleeting of Salem Jie. Commercial club. ,:l.r ?i Monthly banquet SiTi-op'1 forum meet Commercial Club., club I n m. I dr.M.ting of South -SLibrSta- Sc'-o Grand opera house. 8 I b W. C. A. ! "l-High school grad- ! uUtn exercises. P fffc IS Basket social. j spaai" War Veterans at ar- Borj, f-- .,, county Children'" oureu v (jnunercial club, Porter J. Neff, , leadinai attorney of Medford, spent Saturday in Sa lem on business at the state house. Leslie H. Springer, who is employ ed ia the Hauser Bros, store in this city, waa called to CorvalUs Friday arch fcaternlllar tvnl i . W " '1Bre " Basketball t i..; ... J. J" ' -..v.a''Fanle between O. A. C. and Washin Attrooiid Town PAGE SEVEN. ui mm.ai. srajani. antrii iurai w nvanniai . auaranteed: Includ.ne i-W . "'i1?" s.tate Springer haa offi- rvirMaiii II358. So T. S. WatU aMJberty rax age. Ferry St 14 W. F. Maurer of Harrison, Ark., who came to Salem a week ago for a visit of indefinite length, is so pleas ed with the valley that he haa pur chased a farm five miles south of Sa lem and will make that his home. A. D. Thompson, of . the Remnant store on North Commercial street, haa returned from- a several weeks visit in Chatham," Ontario, Canada.-- Dr.'W; C. Kantner. pastor of he First Congregational church, who was called to Seattle last week on account of the death of his son will not re turn to Salem until the middle of next week. James Elvin, secretary of the T. M. C. A., who waa a former pas tor of the church, will have charge of the services tomorrow, both morn ing and evening. Ut UW, watchmaker, jeweler. Salem. strip voui A valuation of $743T.88 has been placed upon the John E. Lewis esate I by Charles Ransom, Rosa Condit and Charles F. Melm, appraisers of the estate. Real property located in Ma- rion county sums up to $6446.50 and J, personal property Is valued at S991.8S Alex LaFollette, Harvey Crawford gland I. W. Townsend, appraisers of 1th. n-t i a - H T f I . m . i '" luMwuii Aiiiitt xuwnsenu imvo iciruuru upon me estate s tioid ings, consisting of real property val ued at (10,000. I un your au:u. TZ.t nnr rr on the hummei ni M the Fair uruui.u. ,nr repairing. Vl repair automobiles and fli All work guaranteed. An, 3; shop at end of paj sat oa Pacific Highway. S I ni collision of his own machine La mother at the corner of Capitol U D Atom Friday evening was re- Lxtti U police Friday nigm uy vw C tnafori, a guard at the Oregon ' penitentiary. The name of the jrjrw of the other machine was not kuitti, Both cars were Biignuy lump. Lnlit Methodist church Sunday koninl U o'clock, hear Dr. Ma in Dr. 1 C Stone can now be found at fyfcri Dru store. Bate ehlcki. S58 State St. TeL 400. a HI club members dance m Cotillion hall. Sat. 3J Suc4 Auburn hall tonight 33 The funeral for'John b". HardWlck Vht died at his home here Friday, id be held at the chapel of the Webb : Qwch undertaking company at 1 a. Monday, according to an an nsceoient from there Saturday. Leslie Methodist church Sunday Slog 11 o'clock, hear Dr. Ma-83 ight damage to the roof resulted pm fire et nine o'clock Saturday Nraing in the home at 25 South 22d pet The blaze waa quickly extin- PWeJ y the firemen. The fire is M U have started from a riefentlve Me Hthnitl.f xhiii-nl. c,,.v, fuming H o'clock, hear Dr. Ma- 38 i Oeelinr of S.llpm liilnmnUla Inlen will be held at the Commer r m Saturday night at 8 o'clock. ( Wen in the city are asked to ba "' Plans for the coming auto Hlte ihow will be made. owners, get our proposition on cover and 33 Ban trtn j i . w cover jO.J.Hull, Y.M.C.A. bldg. lZt ?iethM,l church Sunday r 11 "'dock, hear Dr. Ma- 33 Im, j,. ocn onaier, nas C Wa from the navy, after The third estate appraisement re port for Friday was filed in the Roby J. Stroud estate by W. B. Way, O. D. Needham and Gus Cole. Property, the total value of which is placed at 113, 738.09 is enumerated'as follows: Real property 312,000, personal holdings represented by promissory notes, $1, 738.00. In a deoiee and order signed by judge Bingham, the Phea Farms com pany ia declared to be the owner of 154 acres of land In Marion county, in a suit tiled by the company against C. D. Winkler, a H. McCasIln, Ma bel McCaalln, . Rollin . McCasIln, Jane McCaslin and others. The suit was nri marlly instituted for the purpose of clearing title to the property in quea- uun. During the pendency of divorce proceedings in the case of Catherine Hill against Edward Hill. Mrs, Hill has filed a motion asking that their daughter. Marvel, 15, be given into her custody, Mrs. Hill alleges that she is In poor health aggravated by the spearation from her daughter. She alleges that Marvel is held at u Catholic institution in the county and mat sne is refused permission to visit her own daughter. The HtUe giri was placed- ih the school by' Mr. Hill. No fatalities resulted from acci dents In Oregon industries during the week ending February 5, according to the weekly report of the state in dustrial accident commission. A total of 293 accidents were reported for the week, 266 of which were subject to the provisions of the compensation act, 23 from firms and corporation!! mat have rejected the provisions of the act and five from public utility corporations not subject to the pro visions of the act. The aid of the state registration board has been Invoked by Chas. W. Lawyer of Newark, Ohio, in locating his sister Mrs. Ida Lawyer Brooks, of whom he has had no trace for the past 35 years. Lawyer states that he has reasons to believe she is located in southern or eastern Oregon. She is wanted in connection with the set tlement of an estate. . number of hish school games but this was his first exper ience in collegiate circles. Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson supervisor of schools for southern Marion county, visited the Mount Angel district, Thursday making a curvey of the dis trict with a view to the possible es tablishment of a part time school. At the Grassy Pond school, distrrct No. 56, Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson spent an afternoon in attendance at an old fashioned school program and spelling- match. Miss Nellie Hastie is in charge of the school and many moth ers of the school pupils were In at tendance. Hot lunch was served dur ing the afternoon by the school chil dren who acted as hosts to the visit ors. y A. N. Arnold, supervisor of schools for northern Marlon county returned Saturday from a trip of inspection of schools at Rlchey and at Silver Creek Falls. DDGET IS GOAL OF SCOUTS HERE L1M DRIVE Circuit Court. The rarm Co. vs. C. D. Winkler et aS. Order. Phe rarm Co. vs. C. D. Winklar et al Affidavit. Phea Farm Co, vs. C. D. Winkler et al Motion. x Phea Farm Co. vs. C. D. Winfci.r Observance of National Boy Scout week in Salem next week will be a seri ous matter with the council and the various troops. There will be no clam orous celebrations that will mark the advent of the week In other cities; no bands will play; the scouts wont climb greased; poles, scale the Mights of buildings or ge on paper chases. Be cause every ounce of energy the scouts can muster will be directed to ward the raising of the budget tor this year. This waa decided at a meeting Fri day night of the scout council in the Commercial club, when plans were laid lor raising the budget. Good Tiiue Urged. Perhaps the onlj participation the Salem scouts will have in the week will be the Inducement of every man, woman, girl and boy- to da a good turn for some one each day during the year. sacn scout wm preach this; and each fraiw MRS11D C1M I'lEIi'SSTID B8!PIYGi?fil RIGHT TO SEIL STOCK Paris, Feb. '-onn et a vs. Frank Day et cLaage of attitude on the part of the t .inls an euthorities on motion British government regarding the rx-to,mi8s- tradition of Germans accused of vio- wuiuun R.- Kaiser vs. E. M. Page, lationa of laws of war. executor of the last will aati tasta- While it was understood that Great roenta and the estate of Joseph Fatrica Britain was the most insistent of all Kajser. deceased. Answer. , powers represented at the peace con- rues rarm Co. vs. C. D. Winkler et ft re nee in demanding the trial of for at Order approving bond. Permission to sell $200,000 worth of I its capital stock in Oregon was grant ed to the Inland Empire Boat & Truck ..-.lu..1,M.TOl n'pa,ny, Saturday by Corporation , vvwiuiniuiicc ocnuiaerman. This company which was only recently granted articles of incorporation will operate a line of boats on the Colum bia and Willamette rivers with a Una of auto trucks as feeders for the boat line. The Portland-Wyoming Oil syndi- ' granted permission to Phea Farm Co. va C. D. winki... t at. Bond. - ;ror Emperor William and other prom- se" S,-0B of its stock in Ore gen. rmwivMi that th. n.is - Articles of incorporation were file Phea Farm Co. vs. C. D. Winkler et showing a tendency to leave the loitia-,Wlf? M16 dePrtment today as follows: ruuungsor ract and conclusions tlve in the process of extradition to1 , '-""""r. Jueorora. i,oo; vainenne Hill vs. E. L. Hill. Mo-' " was uon ror return of child and exhibits. ! Uirkenhtad, lord chancellor m. oaraner et al vs. C. E. Taylor Motion. , general merchandise; A. W. Hubbs, Anna E, Hawes vs. William Watson Taylor, Fannie Marion Stevens and Fenjamin F. Stevens. Complaint .amerine will vs. Edward I Hill. said yesterday that Baron in"uM naJP Olsln. id, lord chancellor of Ens--'. Gnonda Fruit company. Sa- land. is understood to have made It VT l- ios,an J- Nunn, Jennie clear the British government favored TvUnn and B2 Durland. a radical modification of the list in n""m,e..0' th? Btker verIn older that an agreement with Ger-l"",any.f Baker tg ""W to th many might be reached. Oregon Motor company In supplemen- rv iJl ..... . ttai-y articles filed tnHou jrrvniier Aiuierana aeciarea in tnei DAILY STATISTICS Died. HILL Lyman Hill, 92, at his home, Judson and High streets, Saturday morning. Funeral at Chanel of the Webb & Clough company Monday ai iu a. m. Burial City View ceme. tery. Lyman Hill, 72 years old, who came to this city four years ago to make his home, died at his residence at the corner of Judson and High streets early Saturday morning. 'The funeral will be held at the chapel of the Webb & Clough company 10 o'clock Monday morning, Rev. Loughbridge officiat ing. Burial will be in City View ceme tery. Mr. Hill ia survived by one son, E. L. Hill of this city. L WOULD GO TO ta'P. ASSEMBLY FOR NATION LEAGUE - - -..i.iu aa jam. .yum i tinu ucuittreu in uifli ilotlon for support of wife, suit money chamber of deputies last evening the ' 4 A and attornevs fri. Rihihu. niii. nt .k. w ' Now they number "-"'Pointing administratrix. George is reported to favor a substan - " -v Muimta uiiioa wuu u hul i v.:utii. m. ipn nun. -i-oui nas pieagea nimseif to observe: "" Kaiser Va K. M. Vo.Ke, of the Rhine until Germany had ful- dictum personally. executor of the estate of Joseph Pat- filled all the terms of the Versailles . he growth of the Scout mavement rlelt Kaiser. Motion. treaty. In Salem has been marked during the Prooat Court I past jear. A year ago there were 70 nnetta H. Robertson estate. Older London, Feb. 7. Premier Lloyd m.-uuis in saiem, .4 kJE. Real Estate Transfers. 100 Adoption of the league of nations without reservations that would ne cessitate submitting the reservations or resubmitting the . treaty to other signatory powers for further action on their part is strongly favored by M. Z. Donnell of The Dalles who on Friday filed with the secretary of state's office his application for a nl n PP nn thit l.aniihllr.ai. nlmaww haL lot as a candidate for delegate from I mt"t .payin tuvotmnt that can be mere tnan 390. This expansion of the lun soules estate. Affidavit of tial niodifieution of the list of Gcr movement has-made it necessary to Publication of executor's notice. mans whose surrender the allies de- employ a trained scout executive, en- Clar E- Gulss estate. Affidavit of "'"nd, the Westminster Gaiette says ire ma scouiing program and pro- vwucauon oi executor's notice. today, viae ouaget sulticient to promote the J- A- or estate. Affidavit of pub work. ' lication of admrnlstratrix-s notice ' $5000 Needed. James F. Lewis estatt. Affidavit m It is estimated that 35000 Is required Publication of administratrix's notice !.,. n pZI,, n . to c.rrS on the scout movement in Sa- Willi. P. Conaway estate. "a, "vtw. uTw'C lem and warning that unless this of publication of executor's no- and Emma A Brosher, prt bl amount is raised the future of the or- tlce- 77 N Salem $3850 ganizaiion in tnis city will be jeapord-1 "eorge v. Whitney estate. Afflrla. osanna Wattars and W iztd was sounded at the meeting Fri- v" publication of administratrix's day night Beginning Monday morn- notice. ing business men of the city who are Catherine I. Scollard estate. Afflda interested In the movement, and have vit of publication of administrator's come to recognise the importance ofnotlce- scout training for a hoy, will comb the Joseph P. Kaiser estate. Inventory city for funds to raise this budget. and appraisement Walter Denton, scout commissioner, Henrietta II. Robertson estate in speaking of scout week, declared Bond. , Saturday: ' ; . Jane L. White estate. Report of "The Boy Scout movement ia ths a,e of real property, greatest peace organisation tha world Guardianship of Andrew Frey et al. has ever had. The scout takes an oath . Semi-annual report Guardianship of Andrew Frey et al. Order approving semi-annual repmi. William a Mott estate. Petition tor appointment ef appraisers in Harney county. William a Mott estate. Order ap pointing appraisers In Harney county. m INCORPORATIONS. to be true to God and his country. To keep himself physically fit morally clean arid mentally alert and to be pre pared to serve and act In any emer gency. "Is Salem warranted in contributing this amount to the Boy Scout move ment in this city? 'To those who are not familiar with the movement It might not be amiss to say, ask any teacher In our public schools; any parent of a Boy Scout; any judge of our courts, or the police, the warden of tha state prison, or su perintendent of the., boys' training I school. The answer would be the same in every Instance, to-wit 'lt ia ths Mildred Robertson Brooks has been appointed administrator of the Hen rietta Robertson estate. Heirs and kin are: John P. Robertson, C. H. Robert son, Mildred R. Brooks and Mabel Robertson, all of whom are residents of Salem. the second Oregon congressional dis trlct o the national republican con vention in Chicago next June. Don nell Is the first candidate to announce from the second district which Is en titled to two delegates to the national convention. In his declaration of prin ciples he says: "I believe strongly in" the league of nations and believe that the treaty should be adopted without reserva tions that would necessitate submit ting the reservations or resubmitting the treaty to other-signatory powers for further action on their part, I will obey the will of the people In refer ence to candidates as expressed at the primary but my personal prefer ence is for the nomination of candi dates who favor the league of na tions." The secretary of state Is instructed to have after his name on the ballot: "Carry out the people's will expressed at the primary adopt the league of nations. made. Scouts make better students in school. Better sons In the home. They are never mixed up In neighborhood trouble or before the Juvenile courts, and do not become imates of our pen al Institutions. "Scouting builds for1 real patriotism and Is the only effective weapon against Bolshevism." Former Mexican General And (hitkw Is Caught Mexico City, Feb. 7 Guadencio De La Llave, formerly a federal general but In recent years an outlaw leader In the Vera Cruz region, was captured February 3 In a battle near Nautla, state of Vera Crus, and Is being taken to Vera Cruz for a court martial ac cording to an official statement. The battle was disastrous to the rebel forces, It Is said. Watters to T J Smith, It 7 ' bl 5 Whitney add Stayton Hazel M Newsuni to C W Gra- benhorst. 78.22 A Wesley Shannon B L C 63 1W Kllzabeth M Brown to Linnie I'areglon. ft A NW H seo 20 83 4W aw ... Charles LeBrun and Dorilda LeBrun to William Leith and Rose Leith, 07.08 A seo 11 14 and IS cl 50 68 2V 11.000 Frank E Smith and Leata, Smith to O R Clearwater It 8 bl 11 Yuw Park add Salem Dora II Bloom to Polly A Pierce, 4 A 73 1W . Christina Langwell and Ira Lang well to Ole Homien and Betsey Holmen, Its 4 and S Hall Home tracts 3500 C D Fults to Charles A Street It I bl 1 McCoys add Salem 3G00 Mamie M llayden and Bamuel L Hayden to Eliza Wolfe prt It 6 bl 1? University add BOOM FRANCHISE ASKED Application for a franchise granting the right to raft or boom logs on the Coos and Williams rivers and their tributaries in Coos and Douglas coun ties was tiled with the publio serv ice commission today by the Coos Bay Logging company of North Bend. A baby's brain grows more In the first year than In all Its remaining life. The Associated Engineering corpora tion of Portland, capitalized at 8125.- 000 was today granted permission by the corporation department to sell 875,000 worth of Its stock. Articles of incorporation were filed today as follows: Tanlentich Timber company,' As toria; 8100,000; W. P. McGregor, R. K. Both and W. P. O Bryan. George G. Bowen Sales company, Portland, 85000; George G. Bowen, Joahn A. Jennings and M. M. Walthle sen. Paciflo Motor Sales company, Port land, 810,000; Sherwood Hayes, Mr. Ziegler and II. V. HarUell. Permission to operate in Oregon haa been granted to the Willlamspoi-C Wire Hope company a 8100,000 Penn sylvania corporation. Warren Thomas of Portland will be attorney In fact for the corporation In Oregon. Home Building Firm Stock Holders To Meet Next Week Organization of officers to direct thet destiny of the Sulem Home Builders association Is expected to be made at a meeting of the stockholders to be htld the first of next week. No defi nite date for the meeting of tho stock holders has been set. The stock holders will name the board of directors, who In turn will name the manager of the company, and other officers. The shooter fish brings down In sects from a distance of from one to four feet by squirting them with water from Its mouth, A railroad Joining Tru and Argen tine Is nearlng completion. "Harry L. Brown, county judge of Lane county, who has served In county offices the past 20 years, announces that he will not seek nomination but will retire to private life. - - "'American Ambassador To Washington Is Replaced Urn " 8m'lce- nd wiH be ITwT ,,n aa5'- Mr. Shafer - -.a IJIR ann nrill M ----- vuuuirj inn upon his return. FiW! duties I. f. a.. TvuX i ne can now b found ug store. 33 ttTL'! klnds- Cushions and bldg. 33 ej mil ... i '" vus tepairea. Top covers S a 1 Hull, 7. m. C. A. - tnJf? , aul an8er return ri,i tnem Ua -f W fvrane,RC0- According C th rain,aI1 ln hmily ,,;?i8 Wlnter has been M2h. Vht however. Clt' and Mrs. Hauser vSrt H,,0nthe trip Mr. ! Hjrof Eugene. ;irfe,ttr night at the ar- ' 83 ,. Headrlck I ' uroay night. 1 33 CVf & tract" we gA 12-20 Mon- valuation of real and personal Property at 87721.91 Is noted in the Inventory and appraisement of the Joseph Kaiser estate. M. E. Pogue, Elmo -8. White and W. F. Keyes were appraisers. W. C. Gleeson, N. A. Dibble and W. G. Wells of Harney county have been appointed by County Judge W. M. Bushey as appraisers of the hold Ings of the William 8. Mott estate in Harney county. "Locust View Farm" is the name affixed to the 50 acre farm of Sam uel Tovert, near Turner, according to a declaration filed by Mr. Trovert, Saturday. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn left Saturday afternoon for Portland to spend the week end with relatives in that city. Coming from CorvalUs, where they are attending the Oregon Agricultural Collefe, Miss Irene Curtis, Miss Grace Hill, Miss Vivian Hargrove, Miss Ruth Scbultz and Miss Ethel Frazier are In Salem, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Reatha Hughes Lowe. Mrs. O. P. Hoff, 296 North 14th 8treet, has as her guest over the week end, Mrs. Anna Read, an In structor In a Portland school. CBARRAT EASY" Frank Chambers, a banker of Eu gene, was a business visitor in Salem Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton, of Port land, arrived In Salem Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Reatha Hughes Lowe. Damage amounting to about 1150 i was sustained by an auto driven by :0. E. Henry, 20 North Liberty st. (St 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning ' when It collided with a street ear at jthe confluence of Liberty and Com mereial streets. Obstruction of view ,by a sign board near the cldar fac tory Is said to have been responsible , for the accident. The colllssion was reported to police. No one was In-'Jured, Mexico City, Feb. 7. Ignacio Bo nillas, Mexican ambassador at Wash ington, will turn the embassy over to Alfonso Siller, counselor, on February 11 and return to Mexico to engage in his campaign for the presidency, ac cording to authoritative reports. Senor Siller will leave Washington to become Mexican minister to Peru upon the arrival at the American capital of Salvador Diego Fernandez, formerly In charge of the foreign office here. Coca, which Is cultivated ln the Pe ruvian Andes, contains a stimulant which tend to enslave Its users to a greater extent even than does opium. The sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, like the earth, have atmos phere surorundlng the globes, but the moon Is believed to have no atmosphere. An ostrich egg holds as much as two dozen hen eggs. SERVICE-, Our sen-Ice Is of the highest qual ity. We are equip ped to satisfy the most e x a c tl n g client. The cour teous conduct of our staff matches the up-to-dateness of our equip ment " Meet Me At Meyers- IJIi:U:MW.I.:H-4M:H Advance Shipm ents Spring Suits The new arrivals will not disappoint. They ar.i neat, stylish and possess that individual chirm you can only find shown in Fashion's Center. THE NEW POLO COATS just in will find a ready sale Don't delay selecting yours. Spring Wash Showing Goods Here We Are At 261 Court Street, Between Front and Commercial We will pay top prices for eggs ' At' all limes. We will handle your other produce a little later. We also receive phone orders for Val ley Brand fresh roasted coffee Deliveries made every afternoon. fr"r Thanking you in'advance for your early patronage R. S. McNeill & Co. Salem, Oregon. ' 1 ' ' 261 Court Street, Don't forget the number I Phone 330 This showing .includes the most exqa?;ile VOILES, in patterns new and novel. 40 inches wide. - TISSUE GINGHAMS, 27 inches wide, in dainly patterns. ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, XI inches wide, in new plaid effects. : $1 or $5 spent on the Boy Scouts Will Abolish Penal Institutions-Sure! You Have Got the Price Pay It I Don't Fail to See Rosa Bonheur's Wonderful Painting, "Old Darby" It is not a reproduction, but the original paintinjr valued at $65,000.00. EXHIBITION IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR SECTION On 40 lears In Bus! ness and Always in the Lead. You Can Always Da Better At iCiOOULOOOD 3 Who Always Do Better By You 40 Years in Salem nd Boosting Our Home Town.