THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1920. s-1- there is every Indication thus lar thai il will be. Professor Arthur von Jessen. pian ist of Portland, who will be the prin cipal attraction on the program, has . ' iff V' Portland. Mr. Merrick is the son of wards, Mrs. Otto J. -Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Merrick of San1 , . ,hd ein.-e his return from' j crh vSTh T the service has been employed as as-I t J' Jh" 1'arrar' MrfL !,. j.,s: - ;Vf H. Steusioff, Mrs. Jos. Baumeart- aranged series of cteht nrnn'hr.. V. . .:''. Mrs. Kafoiiry. Mrs. E. U Baker. two groups of three, and two .ulo j months in Franc, wiu, the en,ee.i R.,R I"?- H. Ol numbers. other features will be furn- and was decorated with ,h- rT. t H- J- Clements. isnea. the names of splendid local mu- Ouerr and Medaill, Militaire andi- J1' J' Roh captain; Mrs. sicians and readers to be announced Las recommended for a dUalnuSb!' f'J Curtis Cr0SS- Mr Iat"- ' ed service' medal. S,w4rt- rs. tt W. E.vre, Mrs. ine decorating committee. herl t.. .,, v.... . , Chester Cox. by Mrs. Frederick S. Stewart, has their residence at 1S5T S,h - I .. Miss An'8 Bayne-,-captain: Ullins Tiir a oianA . v. . . " - . wucftc eciiiug umi wui ue : street , . PAGE FIVB Mrs. l; S. Geer, Mrs. & O, Burton,, Mrs. J. H. McNary, Mrs. T. C Smith,' Mrs. P. E. tiraber, Mrs E. E. Fis'.ier. , Miss Elsie White, captain: Misses' Wheeler, Murray. Holt. Ilauch, Nor to;i. EushnelT, " Kcwle, Chapter, Trin- J!e, Halo. Whr your head feels like t r 4v. I a basket of broken bottles you need appropriate and beautiful. A group of Willamette university giris will serve as ushers. The admission price of fifty cents for adults, and twentv fiv r.unt children and Btudents has been so placed that everyone interested in child welfare work in Marion county ay assist in carrying it on. Harry Savage, Prudence Erunk, Bouglas. Arir-, Feb. t.J American Cursiilar lyer f ISoKales has beei; mrornied by Mexican officials that! ft-a Ueiitcnants Vshetv a9 AVnlf A Misses Marie Briggs, K aviators, detained at Nacosari slue cenna uar, a- ns-n aiuica last n enuesctay, will not he released until there has len further discussion between this crises. An nteresting visitor in Salem ml P. H. Th.m-. m.i-. inursnay. was Miss V. Louise ThompIG. c. Belliner. Mr, E R ' , government and 'Mexico. wl ... Zn. MirompsT hJ! V. Compton, ord received a, headquarters of the, iiiu to n.ainin oiuir, is witn The Mitsie company in tlie famous pro duction "Head over Heels" which played at the Heilig Thursday, Fri- j uay ana Saturday. Miss Stair was the Stomach or bowel dis order poisons the biood and thus irritates the rest of the body. SMmwmj-wmmt. fat kaaM, 10c, 2Sc I ('YN'YVY,yVYYVXvvvv-vyvwvvvv .a " . 1tlr V r ! t , . J .iiu oiumaj, MISS SMIr WM tile tnLi " !"AyT.r.h" le- n n guest f h" mo'her, her aunt, Mrs. Miss Marllia Swart, director of the C nlstiun church oroliestrn, which will give a concert at the First Christian church, Feb. 17. Miss Swart is one of Sulrm's ablest musicians, nnd extremely popular in musical cir cles of tlie city. The wedding of Miss Selma Kum row and George W. Splcer, January !S,( at the home of the bride's moth er, 1288 State street, was undoubted ly one of the prettiest of the season. Reverend H. C. Stover performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. The houser was beautifully decorated with palms and white carnations, the entire color Kheme being green and white. The bride's gown was a fashionable; crea tion of white crepe de chine, georg ette and silver lace. She wore a veil, caught up with orange blossoms, and carried an arm bouquet of pale pink and white carnations. Miss Florence Kumrow, a sister of the bride, acted at bridesmaid. Her dress was of rob in egg blue georgette, and her" bou quet of deep pink and white carna tion!. A niece, little Miss Margaret Smith, was flower girl. She? wore a dainty frock of robin egg blue tarle ton, and carried a basket ' of white narcissi. Lee Morelock was best man. Jlra. Otto Wilson played the wed- request of Alice Masaryk, daughter of the president of the republic. Mrs. A. A. Lee superintendent of the Light Bearer society of the First Methodist church, entertained the members of the class at a delightful party last Saturday afternoon in the Sunday school rooms of the ch Several children were given promo tion certificates to the King's Herald class. They were Maxine Myers, An nabelle Hawley, Virginia Berge, Del. pha Savage, Delphlna Savage, Stan ley Wilkenson and Stanlev Terrlne Assistant hostesses at the party were Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mrs. W. C. Wins low, Mrs. J. F. Murray, Mrs. Charles Kobln. Mrs. F; L. Utter, Mrs. H. R. Whitem, Mrs. J. C. De Harport. Mrs. Cecil Hawley, Mrs. U. O. Holt and Mrs. W. A. Marshall. ' The Three Link Needle club held a recent meeting at the home ; of Mrs. W. A. Wlest. 205S D atreet. dins march, and Miss Jtnhv Welch ' About 25 members of tha rlnh wota lang "I Lave You Truly;'". Following ' present. Hostesses for the affair were tin vGituuuiiy a i ijcepuun . wag . Iietu .io- . .n.. irai,' jura, flattie WH IM light refreshments served. Mrs.,iiams ana Mrs. Mary Adams. -After a brief business session music was en joyed, and the meeting culminated extended tour of California. Tn.,iv she motored o Portland, shipping her car from there to San Francisco, go ing with a party of relatives, by wa ter, to the Bay city. Mrs.. Upmeyer plans on motoring through southern California, returning, to Salem late in the spring. The women of tlie Congregational church were hostesses at a banquet Tuesday " night, at the church, at which the Salem teacher's club were guests of honor. Miss Lena Belle Tar tar, Miss Marion Dickey and Mrs. LaMoine Clark were entertainers at the affair, and a regular business ses sion followed the banquet. .Covers were laid for 90 guests. George Holt, a Willamette student who has gone to Seattle where he will enter the University of Washington, was the guest of honor at a farewell dinner Monda hight at the home of F. A. Legg, for which Kenneth Lees and Ray Smallev were inlnt 1 .Krfini - - . ....w.u. vniiLuii) nrimicvtjr. uuests at the affair were Mr. Holt.! The committee. . fn . llonald Ulover, and her sister. Miss! Aline Thompson, who accomnyni,i her to Portiand when she left. A great , i many Salem people motored to the metropolis to witness the performance ! oi neau over fieeis. .. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue had as their guests during the week Mr. and Mts.-Charles Piper of Portland. The visitors returned home Thursday eve ning. - - Mrs. AVlil H. Bennett is enjoying a brief visit with friends iu Portland. . A membership campaign will be carried on by the local Y; W. C. A. from February 10 ti February 14. Everything is in readiness, commit tees have been appointed and the week's program1 laid out along sys tematic lines. The city will be can vassed by teams headed by capable captains, and it is expiuted .that Sa lem will go "over tlie top'' with no Otto Wilson cut the ices and Miss Vi ola Smith presided at the coffee urn. Tie young couple left for . a short with the serving of lovely refresh 'tteflding tfin. TheV Hid nlanned on visiting In Chicago but postponed the journey because of the influenza sit uation. They will reside temporarily with the bride's mother at 1288 State street Miss Laura Maurer of Bismarck, N. D., and Miss Lois Maurer of Can- who have been guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oliver, have returned to Canby. ' Mr. and Mis. C. P. Bishop will leave ibout the 15th of the month for a Kneral tour of California.. They plan to he gone about two months. Considerable lqterest has been man" ut by the young musicians of our C1IV in ..-..I ... . uiti.csi.ra music, both in our school and churches. Hiss Martha Swart, who is direct 'H the orchestra at the Christian "wen is a cornet pupil of Henry Moudentneyer of Portland, formerly Wem and director of the Cherrian Through the efforts of Miss Swart lStra ha9 Kiven seve' con tt , he benefit ot the Inmates of , urlous state institutions. Uder the direction of Miss Swart tat? 8lVe a concert Feb- t!'e be"etlt of tho or" h n,H-"u"'"er nineteen piec- J eluding pipe organ whlch,,wiI, ments. The South Circle of the First Chris tlan church met at the home of Mrs. F, P. Smith, 1145 South High street, January 28, for their regular busi ness meeting. Mrs. Enoch Martin gave two very interesting readings "Billy's Rose", by Georpe R. Sims, and "Hamlet Sollloqy." Victrola and piano music completed the program of entertainment. Members of . -the circle who were present were Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. ' Cass Gibson, Mrs. William Busick, Mrs. Harvey Stanton, Mrs. o.IHn Humphreys, Mrs. Ben Walchor, Mrs. Lee Canfieid. Mrs. Hobson, Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs. W. A. Penny, Mrs. N. S, Bird well, Mrs. A. J. Bosey, Mrs. E. H. Benton. Mrs. S. A. Philnut and Mrs. S. F. Robinson. Guests of the circle Were Mrs. Enoch Martin, Mrs. Walter Pugh, Mrs, Owen Coterman, A. , J. Basey, F. P. Smith and Reverend and Mrs. Leland W. Porter. Officers for the new term are: President, Mrs. Charles Davis; vice presidents Mrs. F. P. Smith; secretary, Mrs. Clarence Townsend and treasur er, Mrs. Clifford Elgin. The next meet Ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Stanton, 1560 South Cottage street,' February 11: ; Robert Storey, Paul Doney, Millard Doughton, Jacob Nichol, Dean Pol lock, Rodney Allen, Frank Bennett and Harvey Speis. ' ; The Home 'missionary society of the First Methodist church 'met Wednes day afternoon In the Sunday-school rooms of the church. A cood renre- sentation of the personnel of the so ciety was in attendance and the reg ular business was transacted. Mrs. E. Bliss of Los Angeles was the princi pal speaker. '...--..,-. Coming' as a complete surprise to their many friends in Salem, the wed ding of Miss Anne Dorothy French of Portland, and Charles S. Merrick, of this city, was announced early in .the week. The ceremony was performed in Portland Sunday afternoon at the parsonage of the Unitarian church, in the presence of a very few relatives and friends. Mrs. Merrick Is ,the daughter of Mrs. Harriett Freiictt of . Executive committee Chairman Mrs. U. GTShlpley. List committee, Mrs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. Jas. Elvin. Headquarters, Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb Mrs. Chas. Weller. Soliciting teams, Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Business And professional womens teams, Miss Eva Scott. Speakers, Miss Nina McNary. Publicity, Miss Mattle F. Bcatty. Men's team, Paul B. Wallace. The teams as organized are Mrs. James Elvin, captain; Mrs Win. Ham llton, Mrs-TP. O. Bowersox, Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Mrs. R. E. Pome roy, Mrs. W. I. Staley, Mrs. Frank E. Brown, Miss Cora Talklngton, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. T. a. Bligh, Mrs. Lloyd Farmer. ' Mrs. John W. Harbison, captain; Mrs. Charles O. . Wilson, Mrs. H. A. Sbnne, Mrs. Clifford Farmer. Mrs. T. A. Roberts. Mrs. Geo. ShanrV Mrs. Frank Powers, Mrs. Wm. McGilchrlst, Mrs. H. C. Marvin, Mrs. 8. E. Ed- MMMMMMM ft Plans are progressing very satisfac torily for the benefit concert to'bS ---"a pipe organ which will I Biven m me urana opera nouse, reo- Bc Used for th o..... . .... .. oa.i. u j m i. i i ,t. find th ot-xieue Irom LUCla lunIJ vm, me pruueeus ui wiucn win he mar:h from Tannhauser by De U8ed ,0 further the work being -i'1 . done by the Marion county children's 'he Sextetio n,in i. ... . . ' k , .v.. a Sffart , "ayea by Hed- iii:ii ui uio anuu clarinet; Carl w.n, mittees are 'working arduonsl Martha Swart, cornet; ra VZet;zRlcharJ Riley-Jr" :'orn nled hi m troinone, accom- Hedda Swart at pl nd Mrs Frank Zinn mittees are 'working arduously to make the concert a big success, and 0 SI GAL ERGHANDISE Ukeleles, Banjos, Banjo Ukes, Guitars Other Stringed Instruments. POPULAR SHEET MUSIC 'THE INSTRUMENT OreUALITY AS A CLEAR CLb Myrtle Knowiand Sonora Dealer in Salem 415 Court Street Joanna Ja "wetu- with mes will assist the several vocal selec-j Fon hi'J,,'lenU attendlnff th. C'A- in CV. k y the Anican Y. W. lceC n the g "rtPo "mlsi0n ' , e ,lew republic, The of Polics In D,... '-":ea that - '"eue iittB h challhY- W C" A- ecre fc"r om.n 7 the 8ChooI select1 ZkaTI ch,,,re" that .hoii"' ,hein the close of (Po,i. 10 these newly wif'"ehmfn ar attending 0 ' '"aged in- the w "d gothic stmc ha tot . "e .""udle of larre e:,r. One aim f d'tion to trainin. the the work W , " Park. t- Weir n. ""ro worK ?:r. .k"01"6- ' to rebuild " ' medical "tten- "the.Tr"" and sports war Th 8Uffrd verely ti m .-. r- "hey cm. l then, tM. as . ' Z. 1 10 take ui f,l . . -"'un. ""f r. f ina, i v.. la Miss 1 c. 50 women ap- 2 -w- PIANOS and Player -Pianos Best and Cheaper Makes GEO. C WILL J Salem, Oregon r i onograDns and Records EDISONS VICTORS COLUSLBIA - AND STAKE GEO-C "WILL" Sewing Macliises All Makes Genuine Needles and Oil Sewing Machines Repaired and Rented GEO. C. WILL FTil Sheet Music And Music Studi McKinley and Century 10c Editions at GEO. C. WILL Music Store My Reasons for Advertis ing Facts About the Care of Your Teeth. PROGRESS in our profession "is evidence of leader--. ship and can best be judged by the williness of indi viduals to break away from old time traditions and to adjust their service to meet new ideas and new con-; ditidns. . . , . . -. .. . ,. s Is -there any gbod reason why you should neglect the -care of your teeth when the D&ntal profession is at your service, backed by many years of scientific re search plus practical experience? , - A neglected mouth. breeds disease which moves in a vicious circle through many ills. The , world does not yet realize what dentistry can do for humanity. My new offices are equipped with the most modern' ap pliances known to the dental profession. My years of, practical experience enables me to offer the public ef ficient service in all branches pertaining to dentistry. DR. C. A. ELDRIEDGE DENTIST .' ' . Corner State ami 'Liberty Streets, 204-5 Gray Block Over Hartman's Jewelry Store R Mighty Good Investment Most ranges, especially those made of cast material, soon become a source of great fuel expense to the user. That is why the users of M0NMCH MMIEPlBLE Soon come to realize that their range is an investment, an asset, not a liability. The saving in the amount of fuel used by a MONARCH over what an ordin ary cast range will use, will pay for the difference in price before a year has passed. Furthermore, in twenty years you still have a good range, one that can be used for many years, while the ordinary cast range will be in the junk heap. Gome in and investigate these exclusive features before you put your money into a-range: DUPLEX DRAFT. MIRCO PROCESS TOP TRIPLE WALL CONSTRUCTION VITREOUS ENAMELED FLUE LININGS ffonarcflJlanges Me old friends old booh and old songs, ore most appreciated when iime.has proved moSS their coorttiT JU "Buy SttirfaUeryTUj Then compare the price of the MONARCCH with what other dealers a:-k for an ordinary range. Your own judgment will tell you which to buy. f f . A Happy Home A i RAY L. FARMER HDV. CO. Cor. Court and Commercial Sts. "Everything In Hardware' "Honesty Is the Best Policy," Honesty is our Policy. Phone 191 ce,.7! i PPlto.Bto that Clecho-s'ovakia at the