gnDEKK CONTROL . JWD CIVIC PRIDE To make North Salem the represent m. Salem beautiful, was the keynote nl well attended meeting of the Korth Salem Improvement aaauvmuun the Highland scnooi rj wbuu hout a hundred North Salem resl- ." consideration io various " urt, for community betterment fWl Exchange week in North Sa . to planned for the first Week In amU. At this time Salem residents Hi gather surplus bulbs and plants Lb their properties and will -ho for wanted varieties or contribute them to individuals desir ,.. beautify residences. One of the most Important topics eoMldered dusirg the evening, was dis rusBion of the iafluenza and smallpox eoidemlcs now eAi..6 .. J Ray Pemberton mentioned the vari .'. nhases of the 'flu" appearance in Salem and presented some trite rules applicable to tne appearance ui me disease. Dr. Pemberton advises those iriio have contracted the disease to a, to bed and stay there until tie malady passes. This is urged as the best means of conserving individual strength, as the "flu" is a severe drain upon vitality. In discussing the smallpox epidemic, Br. Pemberton snid that upon first appearance, it is difficult for the lay man to distinguish first symptoms of "flu" from those of smallpox. It is noticeable, however, that the ftouy body temperature at first is higher In the latter disease, subsiding as the case progresses, while Increased tem perature in "flu" cases usually persists tor a longer period. The doctor pointed out that most 01 the objections to vaccination, arises from the occasional inflammation of the immunize member. It was empha sized that the scab or "take" should bo thoroughly protected by sferile gauze, and that contact with foreign matter, unclean clothing or hands be eliminated. A case in point was of a lndy who claimed that her little boy's aim had became badly inflamed and that the vaccination wound became vi-ry large. The lady admitted upon Interrogation, that no medical atten tion had been given the arm until the Inflammation probably from outside causes became serious, needed medical attention being disregarded for about 12 days. Consideration was given the reports ot various committees engaged In pro moting street Improvements. Reports from north Fourth street showed that -property owners there are thoroughly Interested in the promotion of paving for that street. Many property owners on Haiel avenue have also signed a paving petition. The sidewalk committee, reported that most of the poorer walks, border upon vacant) or neglected property, and measures were discussed by which owners of these properties could be forced to take care of the disreputable and dangerous sidewalks. J. W. Maruney gave a comprehen sive talk upon floral planting and care. He named many attractive plants and shrubs, which could be utilized by Sa lem property owners in creating at tractive residence surroundings. Mr. Maruney namedj various plants, the Mexican orange, cotonestea and Eng lish laurel, as especially novel and at tractive floral acquisitions. The uni form planting of trees and shrubbery through a general plan was also urged by the speaker, who named the Orlen- j tai Sycamore as being a good tree for reet side planting. Mr. Maruney re- ! minded rose lovers that February 28 was the best time for the pruning of rose Dusnes, warning that early prun ing would drain upon the sap re sources of the plant too early in the stuson, Mrs. H. C. Hummel was appointed 10 represent the association in con irrring wun committees from the ftiotners club and with h teachers circle in ROfMl ri n tr n III. . . - iiuIAlj ine committee in charge ot the A-umi oaiem riorat Exchange wus nnmea as follows: Chairman Mr. w P. Ringo. Mrs. C. R. Scott, Mrs. George ..nuur, iurs. tnni paulus and Mrs. a. jarrei. - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1920. fl TANK TAKES Central Howell central Howell. Or.. Voh t m.. program and basket social that was to bo given February 13th has been post poned to a latter date on account of tne nu. Bernice Cowden Wait Ollt nf Brhn1 last week on account of a sore font ' A party was given at the Central Howell hall January 28. There was a mrge crowd out and evervhnrfv - i j f " ea mat they had a good time. The evening was spent in playing games. At midnight a light lunch The hall was decorated with red crepe paper na Japanese lanterns. Mrs. Abe Steffen went tn Rlem . day to spend the week-end. Support the Bov Scouts anfl n,nj the death knell to the Reds. Cloverdale Cloverdale. Feb. 7. Dr. itrnrv sn. pies left the latter part of last week for a Visit to her brothers In Ran Francisco. Ivan Hadlev is having seise with "the influenza: VA hnna tn see him out again soon. The -school a Illihee wan clnced Monday, as both DUDils and tem-her were sick with the grippe, but as all were doing nicely, not much time was expected lost until school would open again. Mrs. James Craisr was rnllcfl in aa. leni last week to the bedside of her daughter, Violet, who was a hln-h school Btudent there. She returned home Wednesday, brlnerlmr Mlaa vi olet with her, who now is Improving irom an attack or flu and pneumonia. tmaries Pickett of Portland camp Thursday evening to visit his mother ana sister at the latter, Mrs. w. J. Hadley's, home. A. Conn of Salem, who owned a fruit ranch here, sold It a few days ago for $4200. There is about 21 acres In the tract. Mr Krom was the pur chaser and expects the place to be occupied In about two months. W. Jones of Salem Is spending thn week at the home of his nephew. F A. Wood, and helping with the ranch work. Some one is moving Into the houso Just opposite from Mr. Zimmerman's presumably owner, who expects to stay here at least part of the year and attend ,to. his prune, orchard and 'other farm land," . , "V " The W. C. T. U. ladies held their monthly meeting in Turner Wednes day at the- home of Mrs. Edward Far ris; owing to the difficulty of trav eling the road at this time, only a few were there. WHiPP PLACE OF HORSES Flagstaff, Aril. Fth. 2. Th .-kin. pet tank, which roared aud banged uu cmniiea its way to victory in bat tle in the war ae-ainst nm,,-.. i .. D .......... .o lt l- ung horses and mulen nut ,,...!... in tne great pine forests of. northern Arizona, One big lumber concern ha tnaf put two tanks to work, having bought mem irara me war department Each tank has displaced 30 horses and 14 men, according to comnanv nffirlaie Using horses, it was im tne company to haul during the winter months on account of deep snow. The tanks, however, take no account ot the weather conditoins. PAGE THREE North Howell North Howell. Feb. 7. Stev ens attended the funernl nf hin sla ter, Mrs. Rispa Ringo, in Woodburn last ween. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Foster is verv ill at their home here. - The census man comnletefl hla work in this neighborhood thla week Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Sawyer or North Howell, Jan. 20, a daughter, to be called Margery Helen, and to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rawer nf Sll- verton a daughter was born the same day. The boys are ' brothers. Miss Edna Stevens of Salem snent the week end with home folks. Miss Cella Bump, who is teaching near Halsey. visited Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cutsforth mo tored to Portland Sunday and spent the. day with Mr. and Mrs. Burr As.i- well. The contract for the school house Lions are the only animals of the cat family to have circular ounlls when their eyes are contracted. CHILDREN should not be "dosed" for colds - apply the outside treatment VICRS VAPOIflJ "YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30C.6Of.U.2O NEW YORK GOES WILD OVER A NEW SONG The latest New York sensational ballad PRETTY LITTLE RAINBOW, Is at present quite a fad In the. Bast. The song possesses a simple waltz re frain, with a beautiful melody' iwliich impresses you immediately, and from all indications will be the most pop ular hit this country has ever known. Following is a portion of the chorus clipped from a copy just received: 6KT Pretty Little Rainbow i J? J lit - He Rain - fatmltt n.e J ice a c vnuBtnilea eain. I'll kiu vnnrtarVi -n ' Mk iny ol light ut'a 1,11,1 mg thro tin night, ynu'rjpiii t.t Al though the song has been pub lisher! a. short time, thousands of nnnica hava heen nnlrl. There. Is slight advance over the popular mus ic. This can be had for phonograph and player piano, USED GARS . 'Because of the low profits on Chevrolet cars we allow less for used cars, w exchange, than most firms. . , . : . , - It naturally followa that our prices to you on used cars are lower than usually asked. FOR YOUR GUIDANCE. One Ford touring in fine shape, always had the best of care, not a junk neep by any means, shock absorbers, motor runs, like a watch, good paint, Pace, $350.00. Another Ford touring, recently overhauled, good body and top, just the car for rough, hard work, priced right, $300.00. ' . otill another five-passenger Ford repainted, seat covers, shock absorb ers late model, practically as good as new, priced at $450.00. . 1918 Ford delivery, like new, just the car for the grocer, baker or fruit Power at a price that -will appeal to you. . ' . Another 5-passenger Ford, right up to the minute, a tote of extras, re painted, runs like new, priced at less than the market. . .; 9ne oi our customers left a 6-cylinder Kissel Kar with us to sell. Its a J nve, with cord tires, convertible into a 7-passenger. Just the car for hire work. Look it oven The price is right. . We have a few model "Four Ninety" Chevrolets, 1918 model, good tires m m nice shape. Priced right. ou will find good treatment here and goods at fair prices. . Salem Automobile Co. PG. DELAN0 SALEM DALLAS . X.I.E0FF Distributors Chevrolet and Scripps-BootH Cars Republic Tires l wood was let to the lowest hM.w this was the boys of North Ho well, commonly known as the "cheese gang", who are doing it more for fun tha,n money, thus a saving for the msirici. The lep year dance In the Cheese hall Jan. 17, was a. great success and a large crowd was In attendance. Andrew Russ was taken to the hos pital Saturday for an operation per formed by Dr.. Hickman of Gervais. Tills spring will see a number of new cars tn North Howell. Ellis Stev ens has ordered a Dodge, C. A. Saw yer an Overland, C. Hemseck receiv ed a new Ford this week and several others are ordered. There are 49 cars here In a radius of four miles, all owner by farmers; we don't think any other farming community In Oregon can beat that.- 590,000 la Boris Stolen From Wall Street Broker New York, Feb. 6. Bonds valued at $90,000 were stolen last night from the office of James R. Peering at 135 Broadway, it was announced In Wan street today. The outside door of the safe was opened by using the com bination and the inside door was forced open. lution this morning Instructing their committee in Washington to Inform .Director General Hines that seven days will be allowed for action on thei demands. While officers of the brotherhood made it plain that failur of the Washinsrton nfrotLUuina woui.i nica n an immediate order for cessation of work by 300,000 members, it was in timated an appeal might be taken to President Wilson as a last resort. Detroit. Mich.. Feb. 8. Inaistn- that action upon demands of he main i tenaiice Of wav emnloves and ralln-av shop laborers for wage increases was decided upon by grand officers of the workers brotherhood in ronferenpe Here. The Union officers adopted a reso- BUY REMNANTS kT TSI Remnant Store M Nortk Commercial If you are an An: in real patriotism v Boy Scouts. lean and believe i are behind iho HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Jtmk f A3 Kindt Beit Price Goaranteed CALL 398 . CAPITAL JUNK CO. Tht Bqnare Dsl Hou.- 171 Chesnekela St Fhoct 3SS r m D TOMORROW-IONDAY.TUESDAY Continuously Tomorrow- USTIN F In ZANE GREY'S "LIGHT OF THE t WESTERN STARS" LARRY SEMON In 'THE SIMPLE LIFE", PAR JJAWLEY HANDLE THE H0PE-J0NEs u ii a - . I r tit 'X i y:io r. m. ! ARNUM t w'-'v' ! .. -...,.,,,.,,,.iMiiiiijjt)i Anil,.., ,.,.,,,.,, , , ,,,,,,1 THE UNIVERSAL CAR January Was a ecord Breaker We were allowed an extra allotment of FORD CARS in January to relieve the pressure our our accumulated orders, which enabled us to deliver 99 FORD CARS ' last month.' ' . On the last day of January we booked orders for 7 FORD CARS and two FORD SON TRACTORS. THIS IS" A RECORD WHICH NOT ONLY PROVES THE POP ULARITY OF FORD CARS AND FORDSON TRACTORS BUT ALSO PROvH THEIR RECOGNIZED DEPENDABILITY. .h. M3:B2!!CHIOa The Factory Output is strained to its limit, which means that from now on we cannot have any extra allotments Therefore yau MUST place your order NOW if you expect to enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of FORD CARS and FORDSON ' TRACTORS-$25.00 does the trick. PLACB TOUR TODAY Valley MotorCd. TLACE TOUR ORDER TODATT