Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 06, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    FACE FTfiHT.
Walla Walla, Wash., Frb. . VS'hit
nuui nosed out Wll'llamctte university
lust night in the hardest fought has
kctbnll game seen h?re thin' year, by
the wore of 2t to 21. After last nrgnt
ovPrwhclmlnK defeat the Bearcats
I'iime hack strong and started with a
rimh that had the Whitman followers
, dismayed. The first half ended with
Kurleske s Missionaries on the short
end of a 17-to-ll score.
Whitman staged a great comeback
in the second period, passing and shoot
ing at will and holding Willamette to
f iir points while they were running
ui If. Wapato was the center of the
vWtor's team work and was a giant on
dffense. Gillette, with nine points,
was the high-point man of Coach Ma
thews' aKKiogation.
For Whitman, Dement, center, and
Enh forward, were the bright and
shining lights on offense, while Peter-
nun was a stumbling block for the
Willamette shooters and an aggressive
player on offense. Ulch waB high man,
making II points fur the mtsfiunarltB.
Howe :
Whitman Willamette
flaiver (2) F- (8) Wapato
Kirn 117) ...V 9) Olllette
Dement ) C (6) Jackson
Pefeimn (2) (i Keary
Wilson a Dimlck
Cliemawa Basket Shooters
Maintain Victory Record
The Chemewa basketball quintet fle
fenied the Parkway Athletic club play
t i s at Portland Thursday night, by the
hi ore of 18 to 4. The game was fast
and the boys from the Indian training
whool maintained the excellent play
Nlaiulard which has marked their
g lines this season.
The regular team played at Portland
Friday night uud was: Deities, Dow
ncy, forwards; Shepard, center; -Nix
mid N'lckolls, guards.
Radical Rule Changes
; For Tennis Proposed
New York, Feb. 6. Proposals for
iMilical changes In tennis rules and us
w. nation regulations were among the
mutters' before the annual meeting of
(hu 1'mtod tSatea National Lawn Ten
pis Association here today. Delegate
from clubs and sectional organisations
In all parts of the country were pres
ent, ;
The foot fault rule to be offered np
piars lltely to he cully umtmded,
but a clearer duflnltlon than at present
In force will probably be the ultimate
Piii Ih, Feb. C.The Prince Of Wales
has been offered the presidency of the
li'ternutlonnl Huxlng I'nlon. He hus
rihervcd Ills decision. '
Milwaukee, Wis, Feb. 6.Dnve
Hughes, backer of Jimmy Wilde, fly
weight champion of the world, has de
nied that Wlble had signed to meet
Frunkle Mason for the flyweight chain
ploiiHhlp tit Toledo, Ohio. "Toledo hns
(ffmed us a 47500 guarantee," wild
Hughes. "It must be $10,001) or there
will bo no fight."
Ttolio, Idaho, Feb. 8. John Freburs.
heavyweight wrestler of Chicago, Is
on Ills way west to meet Ad Bantr-I,
I. nlil heavyweight champion of the
world. In this city. Tile match Is
w heduled for February 11. "
Kuiieiio. Or.. Feb. 6. The Wash
li gloti State college basketball team
defeated the team of the t'nlvcrslty
of Oregon oil the Un'iil floor lust night
lie the score of I'D to 27. The feature
of the game was the long pausing of
. the visitors, numerous biiHlcels being
thrown from the center of the floor,
iii leor slurred for Washington State
while lHirno ns usual played a bill.
. llMit game for Oregon,
oiti:kivi: ii:xifj
Copenhagen. Feb. 4. Reports Unit
the bolshevlkl government of PiiKsIa
plaiiH ft military offensive Hgalnst Po
land are denied by Maxim fJtvlnoff,
representative of the aovlet govern
"Syrup Of IW
l.ixik ul loliuocl Hi miovo rmlsniiH from
Mtigiutili, liver mill ImihcU
Act-ept "California" Pvru,i of I'ig,
on.r look for Ilia Bnai 'California on
th package, thru yon are tare your
child is having the tut inj a out harm
lew htxstiv or phyjie for to litt8
tO!Hch, fiver ant boweli. ( hiMr.-n
iova its delicious frailr taste, full d
rfliln for chi!,r done on uiz but
t'e. (live Jt without fear.
Mother! Von muit aaj "California"
Boy Ymnf Winter's Supply of
I pcUi i
If"' l! 1M
Druggists have stock today but a short
age may come at any time.Last winter
druggists in many sections were out of
Vicks for months
Where Vicks Began
The Drug Store in which O. Henry Spent Hi Boyhood
This ts the drug store in CrMnsboro, N. C purchased by Mr. Luniford Rich
ardson in 1888 froni Dr. Porter. Dr. Porter was the uncle, of. "Will' Porter,
who, under the nom-de-plume of O. Henry, became America' greatest short
story writer. O. Henry practically grew up in this (tore and learner1 here the
profession of pharmacy.
It was during hit yean behind the prescription counter of this drug store
that Mr, Richardson worked out the formula for Vicks. .
, Directions for the Use of Vicks
VICK'S VapoRub comes In salve
form. When applied to the body
iti action ia two-fold.
1st. INTERNAL. The hent of
the body releases the ingredients in the
form of vapors. These vapors are in
hated with each breath, carrying the
medication through the air passages
to the lungs.
2nd. EXTERNAL. In addition,
Vlclci is absorbed thru and stimulates
the skin, attracting the blood to the
aurface and aiding the vapors inhaled
to relieve the congestion.
For Deep Cheit Colds, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Hoarseness
For severe cases, hot, wet towels should
be applied over the throat and chest to
open the pores of the skin. Then Vicks
' should be rubbed well In, spread on
thickly and covered with two thick
nesses of hot, flannel cloths. The
clothing should be left loose around the
neck and the bed clothes arranged in
the form of a funnel, to that the vapors
arising may be freely inhaled.
For Head Coldt, Atthma, Catarrh,
Hay Fever, Whooping Cough
For these troubles, Vicks can be used
for chest colds or can be melted in a
spoon and the vapors inhaled, cr a
little applied up the nostrils and
snuffed back into the air passages.
For Spasmodic Croup and
Children's Colds
Vicks is particularly recommended
for children's colds, since it is exter
nally applied and can, therefore, be used
often and freely with perfect safety.
For spasmodic croup, rub Vicks over
the throat and chest until the difficult
breathing is relieved; then spread on
thickly and cover with a hot flannel
cloth. An application at bedtime
usually prevents a night attack of
For 'Use as a Liniment,
Poultice or Plaster
On account of its and
rubefacient effect on the skin, Vicks has
been found excellent for many minor
ailments, such as Bites, Boils, Burns,
Bruises, Cuts, Frost bite, Itchings,
Muscular Soreness, Poison oak, Sun
burn, Headache.
Vicks Is Not Meant .to Replace
the Physician
At the first symptoms of a serious
illness, such as pneumonia, a phy-
How the Use of this External Treat
ment for Cold Troubles
Has Grown
MORE than a score of years ago, Luns
ford Richardson, a druggist in a little
North Carolina town, was trying to
find a new way to treat spasmodic croup and
colds. . He had been trying to find it for years
he needed such a treatment in his own home
-he knew thaf epicac and internal medicines
disturbed the delicate digestions of children
that the only wav to get medication directly
to the air passages and lungs was in vapor
lbrm. So he was searching for an effective
vapor treatment which would be economical,
convenient, and which could be used without
the necessity of closing up the sick room and
thus excluding the fresh air, so important in
tne treatment of colds. ,
, At last, this druggist found a process by
which he could combine in salve form the
standard,, time-tested remedies Camphor,
Menthol, Eucalyptus, Thymol and Turpentine
..f with other volatile oils so that when this
salve was spread over the throat and chest the
ingredients would be vaporized by the body
heat. These vapors, inhaled with each breath
all night long, carried the medication directly
to the parts, affected and at the same time the
salve was aosorbed thru and stimulated the
skin, aiding the vapors inhaled to relieve the
congestion. This product? was named Vick's
Now over 17-Million Jars ,
are used yearly
Vicks was found to be good for a great many
troubles besides spasmodic croup, and as time
went on, its sale increased county by county
and state by state, until now pver 17 million
jars are used each year almost one jar for
every family in the United States. And th'is
in spite of the fact that Vicks is still a new form
of treatment to many people in the North and
far West.
The best testimony to the value of Vicks is
the increasing number of families who, each
year, are converted to the" use of this real
"Little Bodyguard in the Home.'!
Here is the record of thenumber of jars used
annually for the last :ew years:
1912 . . ,
1915 , ,
1916 , ;
1917 i ", A ;
? ' .' . 347,748 Jars
, 523,152 Jars
' ... 1.027,063 Jars
t j . . 1,357,590 Jan
. . . . 1,462,330 Jars
t . . . 2,418,213 Jars
. . , , 4,302,764 Jars
6,799,511 Jars
JL'-t. ' , i '2. 17,377,408 Jars
sician should always be called. Many other
'troubles, -such as chronic catarrh or con
tinued headache.
call for thediagnosis
of a good doctor.
Vicks is simply an
emergency remedy,
which can be kept
in the home ready for instant use and
which can be used freely, with perfect
safety, on the youngest member of the
Samples Free
If you have never tried Vicks, we will be
glad to send samples free to you anH eny
of your friends whose names and addresses
you will send us.
100 Milton Avenue '
Greensboro, N. C
rH't"l8 C Pt "anipies tree to you ani eny Greensboro, N. C
ifclB8 i i -Mx is is jM
! Where Vicks ''Jj f-U'lM
This ia the present plant of the Vkk Chemical Cmnpan)
Gientboro, N. C, employing a force of 237 people engaged
exclusive' In the manufacture and marketing of one prepare tioa
only, VicV VapoRub.
Insist on the Genuine
At ell Druggists
1 s -'5.