Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 06, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    uc; six.
.... ..,.., tMm I- riuiiiiHrili-
(Krom Congressional
..n,.i.nri riurk Hoover,
Branch. Iowa. AuKut IS. 18T4. Qua
k,r pare.... After death of lreut.
In 18M nt to Oregon in charge or
relatives residlnK at Newbcr an.l S
. .,.ii 1S91. r.ccamc self-
supporting at thirteen yesr of nfce.
Went to Stanford university. Ca .for
nix. 1891. raduti..S 195 as mining
engineer. Employed ,.rofessl .ul
In New Mexico. Colorado. California
and Oregon until IK". Trt time with
T nite.1 Suites geological survey. In
III went to Australia In admlnta rt
tlve metallurgical worn and mining.
Keturned to California 1899. After
few month left fr China as an en
gineer advisor to the Chinese govern
ment Returned to California 1900.
a ter outbreak of Boxer
After few months left California
again for China as manager of In
works, comprising coal mines
ihorities and the robber was
and the money returned.
n . t I 1 r 1 I-
pirtOT "lUTCD! iim UKUl Journal unpiuje
jmtM lAlLKLfthiJj na victim; Funeral Saturday
i minister of the fiospel Elmer L. Tcr- prjPca wag ' .
ana ansa Mabel cultural , '"".Mbe,
till. newsiKiperman, ana ansa .uaoei cultural commit.,!
! lirassfield, meniler of the lodge. pre- TK-i u6
! suiuably fired by true leap year faith,
were married In mock ceremony, it, mnaai(lt ;
' , i ofii.r lh weilflinir that ' State Crut.. i
ueveior.t - a j " vTjrpc
according 10 ponce
Mr. Ternlt,
pin i " -.
re-; Us business.
Th funeral for C. B.
. . ., .li.l I ..l.w W!
Jment of Ihe Capital journal w.. -----
One of the biKSest classes to
' , , i . ts..loi.i rh:llller 8,
I initiated at it meeting lectins;
twice wedded man, and profits Mtin!..' ,
"omit b ,
I'nited :
London. Feb. J. The United S.ate
I'eCOrd ) j " W VHf IUMU I'VI fcOl LIFIUMUU.IUU 111
born West - "'irf.
U'pruAtlltuiei ..vvv.vvv mriij, araiiu-;
ins' to figures compiled by British 'sti-'
ibiiielans. France headed the 1st,
while (Ireat Britain came second
t grand total of 11.604.467.
Harper. 31
Cologne, Feb. fi Bank ri'bhers imve -
been operating In parts df Gemrtmy
1.. t na imtir t Hilt 11V t
,wc,uj rs I v ' " . VI- U..-
were collecting money for the allies "
foi damage caused by the German
nt-mt diii-inf thn wikr. i r'.,-i nml I intinn
........ " - i . fc. a rl...i,ih mmiUIIM. tuuiv i - . . . ,
In one Instance aocordlng to stories' v, " , , :.clock Saturday ! initiatory exercises refresnmenis .r
In the uiecnanirai u.i""
,ir....o. - -,..,11 ' ri;ise
v..rih Fairmount : of the lodse in tne m
- i i.v ,,iht The class
.street Thursday afternoon oi i""- nlBllllie,s f
'tti ur ...... - . .
were present.
death was the third
influenitt this ye-r in
published In, the -Urrman newspars. ,iii be in the' I.
I h. .h- onie.,., f Itei- ., afternoon. will be in tne
tan and accompanied by five fuardsj0- F metry.
and six Belgian soldiers, entered the ! Mr. Harper's
bank of Probst and company In Aache'to result from
few days ago .saying he was seeking Salem. .
stolen money. The man showed papers ! Prior to his employnient at i ne
Is. the total number of men who were purporting to have been stamped by .Capital Journal he was with tne Slo
tting fed from army stocks, is placed Ithe Belgian minister of Justice and In-'printing establishment,
t.t 1,924,000 while Great Britain's, w jsisted upon making a search of, tne' Doaides his wife. Mrs. Cora M. Har-
bank's vaults "to determine whether he ta survived by three children,
the institution held any coin stolen In . ' . T,,th 4 and Ina. three
The ration strength of the American la
ray In France on Armistice day, that 1st
Belgium In 1915."
tion strength in this theater on the
same date was 1.731.578. This does
rot take into account prisoners of war.
i:r the negro labor employed by Eng
land. ' -
America's combatant strength in
France on Armistice day Is set down 'the man locked Probst in his private
at l.KO.pna and Great .Britain's uti office and helped himself to about
1.1 Ii4. TOO. The combatant strength In-1 nnn mnrli. and 75 .flilA
dudes all troops whose functions arc, 'francs.
months old. Mrs. Harper and the two
The man dismissed the entire force t Mn cnIui,, are also suffering the
cierKS ana men aireciea tne owner,
Probst, to open ths vaults. Afterwards
in the first place, fightln
The captures of prisoners and guns
in France during, the victorious of
Probst reported the affair to the au-
It is -recorded that 1110 calling
I . . l tl,o
Belc'an 'V.'haies were smeu -
(winter of 1S09-10 at Hvalfiord, In Ire-
and works, fleet of twenty ships, ca- f(,n((ive aBainf)t ,he (;ermany army
.... ..u.... .,1,1 harbor works, em
ptaylr.; T some 25.000 men. Ketunu-d
to California in 1901.
In 4 ullfornlii Hliu-o lll.
"Thereafter opened offices In San
Francisco. New York and J-omlon
visiting all points annually. 1"'1;'"
In administration of large Indus .rial
I,- cmhrnfinir rujiwn,
Ideal work, mining, iron
lnnil and electrl
prises In California, Colorado. Alaska
jirisfs rn,in:,. on-
.tAVi,. iml a. iiusmii ."
til the war broke out In 1914.
' a trustee of Stanford university
. l nrt MDtMIl lliuvii tii..-
in affairs of that insiltu-
Il"1'"'" ' . ... ... l...l,,UU 111
and Mteel.
electriciil entci-
tion an., - . ,, he
Went tO LOiraira
When the war
that state,
m ur.,. l,rnkn out
broke out becalne engaged In the or
gantation of return of stranded
ZerU 'ins. In October. 1914, organ-
commission for relief In
and remained in Europe during the
war with the exception of a return o
the Vnlted State, in the fall of 19 la
end in the winter of 1917.
. Belgium HolM Work.
The commission for relief In B- -gium
from October. 1914, until April.
SlT. handled the Import of upward
f 100,000,000 bushels ui wnt-ni.
beans, peas and other cereals, to
gether with many thousands of torn
meat products; operating Its own
fuet of from fifty to seventy ships
own mills nd In addition th,re W
acquired and redistributed cereal and
0 her staples In the occupied territory
involving between 30,000,000 ..nil V
000.00(1 bushels .of other cereals and
oumiUtles, etc. Tho.eomm ,1
slon for relief In llelgium organl'.e
n rtUrlbuted a .'Htlon to 10..M.D 0.M;:
people, directly employinK upward o.
125.1MI0 people In Its operations.
!"The personnul was nfa W'nt
lofU voluuleeis. and the total ovei
liend expenses "of til" commission up
to-Ap.ll. 117. 7 "f 1
The aggregate, amount of money ex
pended on Imported .oodstuffs nn
through the organisation In the pui
chuse of native food suppllowwiu ap
proxln.alcly 500.000,000.
Never ffUv Ki't'ker.
"Never sought public office. In any
shape or form,
"Keturned to the I'nited Slates or
ths direct request of the government
acting entirely as a ' volunteer for
service during the war only."
llueiios Abes, Feb. 5. --The nd tlc:il
campaign for the election of new nieni'
Vers of the Argentine Chamber of lie.
putlcs next March has begun with acts
of violence.
The "opening gun" of the campaign,
advertised to be fired by the demo
cialn pregreslsta party at a mass meeting-
held at -the 8nn Martin theatre,
turned out to be a real bomb exploded
lit the midst of the meeting by pall leu!
opponents of the pinly. No one was
seriously Injured, although there was a
Later when those who attended the
meeting were marching down s reet,
they were attacked from a cafe by
group of political opponents who
threw flower pots, plates, glasses,
chairs and tables at them, provoking
some retaliation In kind.
tin the following night the same
theatre was packed by members of the
Uiidieiil party, the one now in power.
Htreet manifestations followed and
some of the miinlfeslants stoned the
office of a nswspaper opposed to the
Exchange On English
Pound Advances Today
New Yolk, Feb. 8 Hates on de
mand bills for the ngllsh pound ster
ling opened at 53.34 Ibis morning and
soon advanced to 13.39, This Is 20
eeiils above the record low retti-heif 1
day before yesterday.
Kates on franc checks opened at
14.10 to the American dollar, up 48
centimes from yesterday's closing quo
IhiIoii. t Ih linn lira opened at 18.42, UP
4 ii centimes.
tween July 18 and November 11, 1918,
:re given as follows; :
British armies. 200,000 and 2540 re- i
spectively; French armies, 135,720 and'
180; American armies, 43.300 and1
1421; Belgian armies, 14,500 and 474.1
It Is poUited out Unit In addition to!
the above there were 80,000 British'
combatant troops In Italy who co-oper-1
uted in the final defeat of the Aus-: yi-i '
army at lltorlo- eneto, capturing
;!0,000 prisoners, and that In the east
ern theatres of war, Palestine ami
Mesopotamia, where ally lit 400,000
British troops on an average through
out 1918 were fighting, the complete1
difeut and destruction of thn Turkish1
at my was effected by the British alone i
and a total of S5.000 prisoners taken, i
The Hulem affirmative debating
eam will Invade the halls of Albany
high school Friday night in an attempt
to wrest argumentative honors from I
that school. At the same time, the
Sllverton affirmative duo will meet Ri
Icm high school at the local high audi
torium. Tho question fur debate this year is:
"Resolved, that congress should pro
hibit ImmlKiutloii for a period of not
less than five years." Interest In me
contest).! Is running high lis Friday
night's results will materially lmu-
cute Salem's chances for victory in
competition for s:me' honors' In de- .. r ,
.The first debates of the seasjn were
staged (list Friday -night, when Palem
(Ideated Albany and Sllvertony ,
At the present tlmo, , the standing
of the teams of this triangle are nn
iillows. MAIem, 0 p ilnts; Hhverton, 5
mints; Albany having losV debates u.
both halciu and Hllverton, is accredited
wllh only one point. There are tanr
debute triangles In ithls district, and
17 districts In the s ate. By the new
debate series plan, at the end of the
season, all district leaders will meet
at Eugene during Junior week end and
will engage In a three day dot!
tournament. Members of Salem tennis
who wll lpartlciputo In Friday night's
contests are: Affirmative Rnlph
Wilson and llalph Bailey; negative
Percy Hammond and Robert Notson.
Dr. Denton's sleeping garments, soft knit sizes, 1
to 8, ; Rubens infants' vests, cotton or wool, sizes
1 to 5; Minerva Yarns, beautiful shades, for sweat
ers, silk mixed, 4 fold Zephyr, Shetland Floss and
Knitting Worsted.
R. & G. Corsets, popular styles reasonably pricfed;
Model Brassieres, a good assortment, pretty de
signs; Universal Outing Flannel night gowns, spec
ially good; Althena Knit Underwear for ladies and
'". U? .. ; .....
children. ........
Black Cat Hosiery, silk at $ 1 .50. $ 1 .75, $2.50
Ladies' Lisle Hosiery at, pair.....,,.... 50c. 70c, 90c
-f t '
' Children's Silk Lisle Hose at", "pair.. 69c 70c
Koveralls, Blue Denims, fast color, Levi Strauss &
Co. Buy standard merchandise, always give satis
faction. Cheap goods are dear in the end.
240246 Commercial Street
'initiation of two of J hi- new j J faftQ Qf WIl PilCeS
members proveu u ..u.v ... - ,
. f... ths other Artisans, hum '
unit .' ...
of state.
Opposed By Ssnale Body
Kozer. deputy secretary
blindfolded' and held with ropes, gave
an active demonstration of boxing,
c ..,i -i the deputy secretary
he threw 'himself from his feet sever- report today on Senator Gronna's bill.
Washington, . Feb. S -A favorable
at times.
With Governor Olcott acting as the
repealing the war time measure under
which the government controls wheat
complete report of
:..... f hkmniv were fiUl aeainst ' 1A n.iA aU. .
muir-- - o - - - t ' "vv"'vv and
be in-: him. The governor rame iw r-
his fee, aiuiouneea tne mar
perfectly legul.' :
j . . . .111 nn
was or liie Ariis;iii uwj mbivtti ov
the orsan-i oial in the hail next Thursday eve-
Following thejnjnfj. j
its Ate...
e .
for Lrver and 3
to purify the bkwd.tkw W?
hy ptl'vernhMcnWrJ
itsBditdotttlKmktiouJ , i
Won't Look
Old' And
"DllinHMial Vyv" Make r'niletl Apisir
il llrlglit, Cuiorfnl ami New
Iion't worry about perfect - results
l "Dluniond Hyes," guaranteed to
t.ive a new. rich, fadeless color to any
f,ihiic, whether It be wool. silk, linen
rotton or mixed fooils dresses,
tlousea. stoeklnga. skirts, rhlldren''!
conls, feathers, draperies, eqverlngs.
Ths Direction Hook w h each pack
age tells so plainly how to diamond
tje over any color that you can not
miifce a mistake.
T match ny material. hM-e drug
fUt sho you "Ulamond lye" Color
Or ' (Av
Entertain Only Friends
At Your Table
Some people have been entertaining a secret enemy
at the breakfast table for years.
Coffee has a subtle smile, but the caffeine in it harms
There's a-kindly, cheery, satisfying table drink, wait
ing to be your breakfast companion and constant
friend. ,
Send Word to Your Grocer Today For
Instant: Post
The wholesomeness of pure grains, a rich pleasing
flavor, resembling coffee, a freedom from any nerve
irritant has become the favorite of thousands: it
may be YOUR friend in need
"There!s a Reason" for Postum
Sold by Grocers A
Made by POSTUM CEREAL CO., Battle Creek, Mich.
C f) AND L E R S ( X
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
Europe Welcomes The
r Chandler Six
NOW and then you read something about "French style and line" In
automobiles, or perhaps It's "the newest English idea." And some
folks have gone across to get the newest suggestions.
Europe hasn't built automobiles for five years and Europe is crying for
new cars and good cars.
America's style Is Europe's style now.
The Chandler Six, popular in many other countries for years but kept Out
of Europe the past three years because of war-time prohibition of shipments,
is welcomed everywhere in Europe now welcomed for the excellence of its
performance, and quite as much for the beauty of its styles of body. ,
The Chandler, represented in the British Isles by Messrs. H. G. Burford
& Company, Ltd., of London, was exhibited by that old established English
automotive house, at the great Olympia Motor Show,
and was "quite the sensation of the show," says a London cable.
"Three hundred and seventy Chandlers were sold in two days."
Apparently England is greatly pleased withr America's best style in
motor cars.
Tho Chandler Offers Highest Quality- At The Fairest Price
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, S1S9S Four-Passenger Roadster, S1S9S
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, 1975 J '".
Seven-Passenger Sedan, S2S9S Four-Passenger Coupe, 12795 ; Limousine, SIM
(All Prices . o. b. Cleveland)
(Dealer's Name) "t
Oleson Motor Gar Co.
349 N. Commercial Street. Phone 666
rprr With Every Dollar Purchase One Package Golden Rod Was
" w, uvi x m v-v.
Old Faithful Catsup 25c
G .A. Coffee, per lb 52c
White Wonder Laundry Soap,
5 bars nOc
Kneedit shortening, lb 36c
Sardines, 10 oz. can ...17c
Baitlett Pears, per can ....19c
Libby's Pineapple, 2 cans .35c
Palmolive Soap, 3 bars for 25c
Large Market Baskets ....15c
Good Broom '. $1.00
8 c
iTTi;i- T il rp i-ncr fon ......11
vvniie ljiiy iuuiui,uco, v
Larrre can Uncle John maple
syrup -
bird seed, per package
Split Peas, per pacKage
.. 2
Pop Corn, 2 ids. ior
Corn Meal, per sack -
Cocoa, per lb
. ... ... M
Phez Jam, 5 lb. can ior
385 Court Street
899 North Commercial
Phone J