THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1920. r . . . w- n T IE FUN run rOTY BEAUTIFUL EDITORS FAREWELL TO TO1OT LEAGUE : PROVES EYE-OPENER S.1 Ml, taw .4 mn Droueht lo the attention city ; Carson, N. D Feb. 5. J. Bernard ll4st Smith, in resigning as editor, of the Grant County Leader, a Nonpartisan ...mlar week: 41 . .... ... k. taken : paper in Grant County, bids farewell A " vrth Stlem Im-1 in a pointed letter which was publish- !Tf 01 lnc " .. A In thfl Carson Prpaa Ho l tL p - J : .;.,n tms :,.-- , - Ljt ss(H'"' H;hlana school I tighth man who has been employed ! ,'tl f , . u snou. I be svn, as very jrood Am erican should and do u. 1 prid ;mseit on bang l! pPr A ,)eri. jean, hem-e 1 am through wiUi yoa, "You parade under the J of being the Nonpartisan friend of the fanner. Mhiie at heart you are no bet ter than some of those who have al ready ensaged forced passage on the I 'Soviet Ark,- the piaee where some of you ought to be. "To the farmers, who believe that the Town'.eyism controlling- the af fairs of the Nonpartisan league is all inr xuua. 1 saw .'nnn vnnr vou PAGE FTVB. ML MERCHANTS OF 'FRISCO COMBINE TO REDUCE PRICE and see where the' doctrine 'is leading !in clHthinsi drygoods and shoes have i the Culled States who. it is said, Is de sired by the allies for his alleged con-;nH-iiuus v ith Bolo Paslm. The count iCespite his sin prise, seemed to be j mMU.v ar;u:,,d. He declared tiwt he, ivr&K'not afraid to (uce He ad- ed that he was ready to go 1f wanted , and that lie might even put the allies! In a quandary if they attempted to j ll-r-ittn M., . ! ... ; - f - Three Brownsville boys attending i n automobile school at Ktusn p iiv i gauizauons or t-an r rancisco retail have all contracted measles, according merchants including the big dealers ' to a wit-gram received. A rhindct-rous when shot falls in a cruuemng position instead of on its sale. San Franciscd, Feb. 6. Threa or-' ,CU l"' ....hnnce- nnd. by the league newspapers and all have of street park-' left "disgusted or worse" according tttitmi"3 Ma liv w aiscus" U,inS of street park .,.-....r bv J. aa of he Salem r.ora, M and aim" of the Sale"' 'w 1 "...inn will be ex- MaeI 7rL I F. Hutchason, ... .tliin , that canvassed the of to the Carson paper. Mr. Smith's letter follows: ''To the readers of the Carson Press: . - s . "I beg space in your valuable pa per to inform the public that I have tock severed my. connection with the Grant County Leader as editor (?) there- A wo weeks raising ! Vmid for the company. m I rp of influenza J. Kay Pern- vast and Miss Isola Smith, pi- Of Alleged Suicide j3i IP By Fact Story p. of heroic rescue from a wa in and all of the other thrm- tils were uasneu iu iu b- ( iy afternoon, when .Mrs. j. u. ,f j4 North Firteenth streei I the true details of attempt It of Charles Lofstedt, a pa rte state hospital, Thursday, .khed stow statins that Offl- ijl. Moffitt has responded to a L t man was attempting sul d that Moffitt had dragged i, the water Has Deen reiiueu Mrs. Fisher and the officer. Mi of thff rase are mat wi las found In a wet and bertrag- ,ditlon near the Fisher. home L taken inta the Fisher home im temporary aid until an offi- :d be summoned. So far as Is no one witnessed Lofstedt'3 in the waters of North Mill t Fifteenth street. Incoherent ill made by the man indicat ht had fallen Into the stream Unl. Officer Moffitt arrived at the home, he found Lofstedt at Ue and returned him to the i)ital. 1IBERTY BOXDS iTork, Feb. 8. Prices of liber- t 2:55 p. m. today were: " J7.02; first 4's 90.90; second flnt 414'i 91.22; second 4&'s W 44'a 93.20; fourth 4U's nctory i 3-1's 97.08; victory '8NAL Tf ANT ADS PA"? of. . Adieu, Canned ..Editorials.,.. "During the short timeI have been a resident of Carson. I have enjoyed associations with some ' very good American citizens, but none of- those has in any manner been connected with the 'Leader' nor with the Non partisan league. As to those who have ordered , me, around, sent me .'canned' editorials to publish in that defunct sheet known as the 'Leader' and! to those who have placed the red flag of anarchy ou- par with our beloved and revered Stars and Stripes and to all those who have defended such ut terances and statements to alt those. I can only feebly express the'eontempt I bear, and that every American citi zen should bear, for such individuals. "To you who desire to be socialists, bolshevisls or red flag followers of any name, to you, I bid adieu. I wash my hands from any connection with your nefarious plots; some of you would be prime candidates for depor tation. "Above all things I place my Ameri canism. The sugar-coated plum, which was described -' to me to' entice, me here has vanished, the scale has fall- lou.' i,et at the facts. Tou have i been fed on fiction." io me parson fress and its many 100 per cent readers, I wish to regis ter any appreciation of the - many kindnesses, bestowed upon me..- Do not be led astray by any of that bunk I have had to publish in' the Leader. The Cahill article regarding the red flag was forced on tue for publication and was written by one who. so it appears to me, la miahtf umi-te...i for the office given him bv the count!" administration. Can it be tbut the i red flag "was the flag he endeavored I to protect while in the service? ! "Respectfully. . j "J. Bernard Smith." Sore Throat, . Colds. Quickly Relieved by Wizard Oil Hamlin's .Hamlin's Wizard. OH is a simple and effective treatment for sore throat and chest colds. Used as a'gar gle for sore throat it brings quick re lief. Rubbed on the chest It will of ten loosen up a hard, deep seated cold In one night. How often sprains, bruises, cuts and burns occur in every family, as well as little trouhles like earache, toothache, cold sores, canker sores, stiff neck and tired aching feet. Sooth ing, healing Wizard Oil will- always bring quick rlief. 1 Get it from druggists for 30 centa. If not satisfied xeturn the bottle and get your' mono driest. Kver constipated or have stele head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whipa, pleasant Tittle pink . pills, 30 cents, duaranted. , " (Adv) has granted a divorce decree in favor of. Ann' V Cummins in her suit against Ruben O. Cummins. The cou ple1 were n!!rried at Salem in Novem ber, 1917. Mrs. Cummins in her com plaint alleged that her husband had deserted-her about one year after their marriage. She is also awarded $500 as permanent alimony, cost of the procedure and the restoration of her maiden name of Anna V. Lomax. combined in a campaign to reduc? liv j ing costs, John H, At wood, special assistant to the United States attorney: general, announced here today. 1 In large newspaper advertisements i the organisations will advise consum-j era here- to buy -only essentials. At-1 Wood said. Several large stores have agreed to hold up contemplated im provements, aggregating in one case $1.000,00, so that selling costs may be kept down, according to the assist ant attorney general, who has been investigating the cost of living in the west. The merchants, he said, have agrsjd not to r-arlc !; n;-lc-s 0" goods on hand when an advance in price in the commodity is announced. Atwood, who planned to- go to Ta coma. Wash., announced today he had been recalled to Washington for a conference with Attorney General Palmer and believed that hei not return to the Pacific coast. j INDIGESTION j- GOES, GONE! 'Pape's Diapepsin" at once fixes Your Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomach . S c - & c c RTIRI -every word of if " I w it is, because I have tried it I " H you are suffering ai I -did with a skin-trouble that itches and burns liU mad, and is so unsightly that you dread o be seen ; if you are trying as I did treatment -after treatment without real lielp, then you can imagine how I felt when Resinol gave me instant relief and soon healed the eruption completely. My doctor prescribed it. "Why don't jmt try Resinol Every druggist lelli Kcainol OintiMDt ftlul Rest not t'oap. Sample free, write to Dept. 42-K, KetU lot, Ualtimara, Md. itmtmimt Gti It esm for that skin trouHe txin JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY ...... M - irtW-ffl" H"a Because its Good That's why most . Salem folks now eat Bake-Rte Bread 0Ie product, scientifically made Entirely different than the or dinary "Baker's" Bread. Try it and be convinced. aIT HAS THE ROJMABE TASTE" m OUR DELICIOUS PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, ROLLS. DOUGHNUTS A surprise awaits you if you haven't eaten our NUT BREAD" "A Meal In Itself" Sanitary Bakery Bernstorff Surprised At Allies' Demand For Trial Berlin, Feb. surprised men Von Bernstorff, 6. One of the most in Berlin- was Count former ambassador to Stomach acidity causes indigestion! ; Food souring, gas distress! Wonder i what upset your stomach f Well, don'tl bother! The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the i lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, hoartburn and bclc-hinc of cases, due to ! would : acidity, vanish truly wonderful! I Minions ot people vknow that it is j needless to be bothered wilh indigos- tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stom- j Mb.. A few tablets of I'upe's Diapep- sin neutralize aridity and- give relief j at once no waiting! Buy a box of Pape's Diapepsin now! Don't stay mis-j arable! Try to regulate your stoniaehi so yoifcatt eat favorite foods without eusing distress. The cost is so little. The benefits so great. (Adv) The bigger your family the less you can afford to buy common tea it costs so much. ( "What do you mean by that ? The tea I am using costs much' less than Schill ing's." j By the pound, yes. By the cup, no. Schilling's manes a lot more cups to the pound. It is actually cheaper. ' Don't believe it? Your grocer pays your money back if you don't find it so. - There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In , parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco rna-5 f REE TO "v mm . . & ISUI vi 9 : Dob' EVc Cal-UcJ Vo Try Thit Nw Hum Cm Tim Anua Co Vi Without Ciwniar! h Ui al Tut. Simetr CImw flul i tin Tabltt Occuiouilr ur4 Rid WkI oi rUm. Lei Ka Prove This Fres. Mr Internal m. thl Ivr th trpnlmi'nt nrt prmmunt rellpfof plies lnthrjnrr-rt one. Thousands upon housudsof rte. fvil letters festlfy to tills, and I wttnt j ou lotr tnis method at U17 expense. No mutter whether jour . Ik of lent atanniniror recent deveiopiuent, wbt-thrr M ichronicorai-nt. wiiem-r it In oi-cn-lonajor permaucot. you should send frir thin free trial treatment. Nf mur where you live no matter wh your HKeortwuupatton -u you r trontjred with piles, my method will r-ll-e you promptly. 1 eDcially want to send It to tho apparently Hopeless cases whereull forms at nlntmnts, salves, and otfler local ar ptlrntiona have tailed. 1 want yo to realtee that my method of treatlna piles Is the one most depend Blila treatment. This liberal offer of free treatment l too important for you to Brlet a duals oay. Writ now, Bend no money. Simply XOUAY COUPOU - bai do thi' l,ow Free r!e tliimsdy E. H. Psire, rageBldn., Marshall. Mleh. Pl' aie send free trial of your V-thod lUrds nesla only for rearing their younif and not for shelter. I CMSTJrjt. We Have Prepared for a Grand Rush Saturday 9 IS PI rfl II Men's DreSS Shoes Hundreds of men who have already taken advantage of the prices on cloth- $9.00, $10 and $11 Values ing, shoes, etc., are telling their friends and neighbors. The papers, are being $5.95 read by other hundreds until now it is a well known fact throughout Mar- Men's DreSS Shoes ion and Polk counties that we are actually selling clothing during this sale at $5, $6 and $7 Values jr rp w-i . ' - e.95 Less Inan ractory Prices Boys School Shoes " " -" ' ; $3fJldS 63 MensSuitsFor $14.85 V Mens Overcoats at $17.85 : Suits that were $17.50, $20.00, $22.50 One line . men's $25.00 Overcoats, Ladies Fibre Hose and tQ $25 0Q ' Blle Sevgeg' you'll be surprised when you see Worth $1.00 and $1.25 Black - , , . , , these coats at Tan and White among them, mostly small sizes tnese coais at 75c $14.85 . v m : Men's 25c Fast Black Sox . - M ,n ; 6 pairs for ; , Men 3 Overcoats ;. Jl.OO ; , ' Men's Suits .For $26.25 Big line of men's overcoats, plain or Men's $2.50 Fleeced Suits that were 0,5.00 and up be!ted' mad ! Oregon wool, Cotton Union Suits' to $:57.50, staple 'or young-men's sty- priced special at ClfK -.;' $19.95, $22.50, $29.25, $35.95, $40.50 J1'03 les, sizes P6 to 44. See them at" Men's $5.09 Natural & "P' Wool Union Suits v ' ; $3.95 Men's Raincoats at $3.85 Men's $5.00 All Wool Cell's Suits at $29.95 $5.00 and $6.00 rubberized rain coats, , Flannel Shirts Suits that were $:57.50, $40 and up to special for this sale ' $420 staples, waist seams, plain or ( $3.85 , Men's One-Piece belted, worsted, cassimeres and Regular $10 fancy rubberized rain Khaki Work Suits . tweeds coats, special iJ."j jege Men's $2.50 and $100 ?5 ; Negligee Shirts : ; $195 .. t7,n Bovs Kmcker Suits , -., . men S SUItS at .DU Knicker Suits, Waist Seam, Belted or Men S $2 and S2.Z5 Suits that were $45.00, $50.0O and up Plain. Some with two pair Pants Negligee Shifts gij to $60.00 staples or young men's sty- $12.00 and $12.50 suits at J g5 TToTa j go les in waist seams' telted or. plain $14.00 and $15.00 Suits at ..... $10.95 kn S $2.50 and $i M,PA $16.50 and $18.00 Suits at........J12 Soft Hats, black or colors $37.50 $1.95 . r : Men's and Bovs Caps . Men's Overcoats at $14i5 Men's and Boys' Mackbaws $1.50 and $2.00 Values A. x Made of Pure Oregon Wool 75C Small line of Overcoats that were Mackinaw. ...- $745 BOVS' $150 and $2.00 $20.00, not m,any it is true, while $15 Men's and Boys' Mack-. . , y ClothHats theylaS: ... inaws..,. $H.85 ; ;" r"":-.- 75c ' ' : "l- ' $14.85 ' ' ' ' ' - $2Q Men's Mackinaws : $15.95 I pielite l! ! I lalem Woole Store 457 State Street' s Mills