PACE EIGHT THE CAPITAL thttpmat. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1920. C!l BAY CLEAR THRU TO POtDLETON PLANS FOR UNION OF PROTESTANT CHURCHES OUTLINED AT SESSION All grading on th Columbia River Highway from Portland to Pendleton Is now either under contract or com - pleted with the exception of a lt-mile tretch between The Dalle and the Deschutee river, according to Her bert 8. Nunn. stata engineer, who re turned Monday from a tour of Inspec tion over the highway. Nunn declares himself aa hlchly pleased with the progres of the work on the highway aa well as with the character of the work already completed. From Pendleton to Echo, tl miles, the eroding ia Bearing completion and will be open to travel about Juno 1. Nunn states. From Echo to Willows, B miles the highway Is completely graded ana gravelled and open to traffic This stretch Is a real "High epeea oaa , according to Nunn and is an easy two hour run by auto. The work has stood up well under the winter traffic and la in every particular a standard high way. At Willow the piers of a new bridge across Willows creek are fifty per cent completed and the bridge will be opened to travel in about 90 days do ing away with another pay ferry at McDonalds. From Willows to Arlington, 11 miles, the grading and gravelling will be completed by June 1, and the road will be open to travel by May 1, a month earlier. Oracling on the highway between Arlington and Blalock is about 16 per cent completed. From Blulock to the Deschutes riv er the entire stretch is under contract for grading and the work is proceed ing rapidly. The grading will be ready for traffic about August 1, Nunn state. The Deschutes river bridge contract is progressing most satisfactorily with all the piers poured and one steel spau already in pluce. Work on the John Day river bridge has Just been completed, Nunn states, eliminating another toll ferry from the highway route. Grading work on the highway be tween Hood River and Mosler Is 85 per cent complete and will 'be finish ed, within three weeks. This piece of Work constitutes one of the most im portant gaps in the entire highway, according to fJunn, eliminating as it does one of the most dangerous ronds on the river route. Construction work on this stretch has cost approximate ly $50,000 per mile. The road will be open for trafflo within the next thir ty days. From Hood River to Portland all the grading has been completed and all paving with the exception of 11 miles and two paving plants are al ready set up and ready for work as soon as the sun shines. It is expect ed that the paving on this stretch of highway will be completed by July 1. ronmr rnftii "nii LOUHrt rnuii ILU New York. Feb. 5. An outline of the plan for a merger of approximate ly 21 evangelical Protestant church bodies, under the nam of the United Church of Christ in America, which is to be acted upon by the Interchurch Council of Organic Union at a three- day conference beginning in Phila- delphla today, was made public nere today at the headquarter of tlie Presbyterian church, the originators of the movement The plan approved by an ad inter Ira committee of SO Protestant cler gymen of various denominations ap pointed last December, carries a pre amble declaring faith in God and other fundamentals of Christian ity as "a common heritage of the evangelical churches." It provides (lj complete autonomy in purely denom inational affairs; (2) formation of council, a representative body, meet ing bleannually, through willed the united church will act; (3) represen tation to be on the basis of two min isters and two laymen for the first 100,000 communicants and two minis ters and two laymen for each addi tional 200,000 or major fraction there of; (4) that constituent churches ex cept as limited by the plan, "shall continue the exerciss of their several powers and functions as the same ex ists under the denominational con stitution;" (5) that the council shall harmonize and unify the work of the churches, including missionary ac tivities, evangelism, social sen-ice and religious education. It is pointed out that the recommen dations of the ad Interim committee are but steps In a movement for creat ing "a real ecclestlcal entity, with ec clesiastical powers, holding and ad ministering ecclesiastical property and funds of such united church." This it is said, may require a trying out per iod. "After the plan shall have been In operation for a term of years," the announcement states, "the importance of divisive names and creeds and meth ods will pass more and more Into the dim background of the past, and ac quire even In the particular denomina tion Itself, a merely historical value, and the churches then will be ready for and will demand a more complete union." The form of union advocated, it Is de clared, "does not interject Into the deli berations of the council any disputa tious topic, any question of the valid ity of orders or of the modes and sub jects of baptism or of the formulation of a speclfio or comprehensive creed." The hope Is expressed that "the evan gelical churches may give themselves with a new faith and ardor to the pro. clamatlon of the gospel, which ig the only hope of our stricken world, and to all those ministries of Chriatlan love and leading for the community, tne nation and the nations, by which they shall reveal to men the mind of Christ and hasten the coming of his Klne- dum." Emphasis Is placed by the commit tee on the "federal union" feature of the proposed amalgamation. "It is an organic union," the report says, "that has the vital principle of growth and development. The council has definite functions and duties and these func tions and duties may from time to time be developed In like manner as the functions of our federal govern ment In the United States may from time to time, by constitutional amend ment, be modified or enlarged." The proposed Constitution of tne United Church of Amerlna. 1IM rnvlRnil sets forth the following as It Article of Faith: "The United Church nf Chi-lat nni adopting any school or creed, recog nises In the historic creeds of the evan gelical communions varying express ions or their common Christian fulth. It avows their common belief in God the Father, Infinite in wisdom, good- noB ana love; and in Jesus Christ, His son, or Lord and Saviour, who for us and for our salvation, lived and died and rose again and llveth evermore; In the Holy Spirit, who takcth of the things of Christ and revealeth them to us, renewing, comforting, and In- sntrlna' the bouIh of mn tn th. Scriptures by which the will of God is vtvniDu, in me cnurcn, tne living Douy or unrist: In the snprnmenU nf baptism and the Lord's Supper, insti tuted by Chrlut and comiiiittri l,v M. to the church; nnd In life eternal bey- " me grave, it accords Its members ootn as groups and ns Individuals In all Increase of UU barrels more than the Kavloua high record of lust Novem ber. Of the total number of wells drilled, 420 were "dusters' 'and 147 reduced gas. Hines to Outline Stand On Wage Demand Today employes Presented last Jiilv. Th an. liouncement will be made at a confer ence with oftIiers of brotherhoods and ether ralroad union. No Intimation was given by officials as to th con tout of the dlretcor general's reply. Artfruuke Joseph Most . Likely to Be Named King Budapest, Jan. 81. Hesitation of rohduke Joseph as king by the Hun gcrlan national assembly seem prob eble a a result of the strong royalist tendency in this country. This move 1'ient perautts despite objections to the llapsburg on the part of the allies and Hungarian loclullgta, op or bishops, superintendent or sup erintendents chosen by it in the prose cution of their duties and have super vision of missionary, educational, Sun day school and corporate administra tion. The central authority la tba United Church, it is proposed, will be vested in a National conference. It will meet annually and will be composed of two delegates chosen by each synod, with two additoinai for such number of churches in each Synod as shall nui the conference membership not less than (00 or more than 1,000 at any time. Washington, Feb, J President Wil ton contracted a cold several days ago and had a narrow escape from influ enza, hi physician, Rear Admiral Grayson, said today. Every precau tion Is now being taken to protect the president, Dr. Grayson an Id, and no person with even the suspicion of a cold ia permitted to enter his room. Dr. Grayson said the president was steadily, though slowly Improving. 03" Production During January Sets Record Oil City. Ta.. Feb. S In anil unfavorable weather conditions dur lug January 2, 114 wells were com pleted and production msgregated 452, SOT barrels In the oil regions of tin tviintry, according to the monthly re view of Tho Derrick made publio to .4.,.. u"J". ... n Bi.i,n aim nm HlulvmuItlS m all The production figures showed nn leHHor matters that broad liberty nrABua ,,f sal ii,. .v. 'wherewith Chrlut hnih .... Washington, Feb. 8 Director Gen- c-ol Hlnes today will declare the at- ......... v. (.u, , (,l(,, uii iua waKti - ""vivdi ui ii-Miernuy, oraer titmiana or the two million railroad ana union or effort" each church ntao , i , ! .i . . nMn(,il ...... Y..I.. m v. - I H 1 ran. ti .-. ........ I .. - .... ,, 'wherewith Christ hath not n. Kach local church belnnirlnir h. United church will have anthnrltv Hir er the following: (a) control of' pro perty held by it; (b. the terms of ad mission or members on rnnfui,.n faith; (o) the times and modes of ministering the Sacrament.: ta Initiative in the settling: or d! of a pastor; (e) the forms of worship used; (f) discipline of members; (g) the cause to which It ahull pm,trii.t. and the amounts to be given. in tne interest of "fraternity, order of id- the Officers Who Kidnapped Italian General Caught Turin, Feb. J. Four lieutenants, five sub-llcutenant and one sergeant of Captain Gubiiel D Aiiiiunsio g army, vho kidnaped General Nigra, com mander of the Italian 49th division, intloaed at Istrla, lust Wednesday night, are imprisoned here, after hav ing in crossed the armistice line. Other "desperate deeds" are charges against them. The raven Is the first bird mentwn J by name in the Bible. ship, without other condition, any per- n oearing a certificate of dlsmiHsioh irom any church of the United church; (2) it will maintain I lie m,,i,i r,i,u. vance of the sacraments 0t baptism, wie i.ora s supper and administer bap t!m by immersion fur f)m h that form; (S) It will authority of a district council and par ticipate In its meetings through stated ly iiuim-n aciegutes. Local rhtirches. accorJInff tn t plan, will be grouped geographically ....w Kiwici councils ot varying sites. Kach church will be represented in the council bv its lurntor miH n gate, with an additional ,i..w,.i. each 100 members or major fraction inereor. ine district council's duties will include the ordination of minis ters and It wi 11 have "ih r discipline or expulsion under condi tions prescribed by the national con ference." It also will hav tl. to "terminate the membership of any cnurcn refusing to meet Ha obliga tions." Each church will be required to pay a per capita tax of 25 cents a member, th game to be known as "council dues." and which will be ii,.,t for administrative expenses. A state synod, composed of churches in each state, and consisting of five delegate from each district rnunril and five addltioaal delegates for each 35 churches or major fraction thereov will hear and nam uonn AtmoAia rmml th district council, support the bish- City Methodism Marshaled for Evangelistic Campaign Plan are quickly taking shape for a great Methodist forward movement in the city. Dr. Mahood. who is the syv cial speaker, is clearing the deck tor action and outlining a campaign that will count for much in the near future. The meeting Monday night was well attended and the message of Dr. Ma hood was very appropriate. He stoke from the text Isaiah 62. He made a strong appeal to the churches to awake to the tasks of the present day. Dr. Mahood believes tremendously in the gospel as the only remedy for modern social and industrial Ills. He I un- spalring in his denunciation of the churches that fail to apply this saving gospel to present needs. In a word, he is a modern man with a modern message. Be sure and hear him tonight on the subject, "The Sights That Fail." The large chorus choir selected from the three eMthodlst churches, under the leadership of Dr. Aldrich, will lead In the singing. The Rev, P. M. Blen kensop will sing tonight. (111 KAJIES DAY Governor Olcott this morning named 1 N. Day of Portland as the third member of the committee created un der house Joint resolution number eight enacted by the special legislative session for the purpose of investigat ing the feasibility of state action in establishing railroad connection be tween Bend and Klamath Falls. The other two members of the committee are Senator Roy Ritner, appointed by the senate, and Representative Denton Q. Burdick of Redmond appointed by the lower house. The resolution provides for the In vestigation of the feasibility of dis mantling one of the two railroads now operating through Deschutes cann ' to Bend and using the material in ex tending one of the roads on to Kla math Falls thus establishing railroad communication between that vast southern Oregon territory and the rest of the state. The project also includes the construction of a state highway over the right 6f way of the dismantled railroad. The commltte will report at the next regular session of the state legislature. Three Drop Corn Killer 'Gets-It" Stops Pain Immediately And Corns Go Quick, The way to handle corns ia the tried and proved "Gets-It" way the way that millions have found quick est, easiest, safest and most reliable. Four opinions were handed down by the Oregon supreme court this morn ing as follows: Bertram S. Griffin, et al, appellants, vs. Emma A, Griffin, appeal from Yamhill county; proceeding in habeas corpus for custody of two minor chil dren. Opinion by Justice Bean. Judge II. H. Belt affirmed. Meryl E. Olds, appellant, v. Walker D. Hlnes, director general of United States railroad administration; suit for damages on account of injuries re ceived in railroad accident. Opinion by Justice Burnett. Judge Robert G. Mor row affirmed. Hildegard Levlne vs. David Levine, appeal from Multnomah county, suit to recover money alleged to be due on payments required in decree of di vorce.'- Opinion by Justice Harris. Judge Robert G. Morrow reversed and case remanded. Mintla S. Slattery, appellant, vs. Nancy J. Shelly, et al, appeaj from Lane county; suit over real estate transaction. Opinion by Justice Ben son. Case modified as to costs and disbursements. CANCER To any person who may be inter ested I will state that 1 was afflicted with CANCER involvl, g almost tho entire lower Up for two years or more. I consulted with Dr. H. C. Stone, Salem, Oregon, who applied n medi cine for five days and the CANCER came out entire to my -greaitt satis faction. The place healed up nicely nnd Ican truly recommend Dr. Stone and his treatment. A. J. HUrvIUSON, Banks, Oregon, Routi 3, Box 13 2. WE WILL PURCHASE Your HOUSEHOLD GOODS What have voa to sell? PHONE 1177 Our Dealings Are Square Farm machinery sold on Commission WE ARE 100 PER CENT AMERICANS LUCAS and LUCAS Liberty and Ferry Sts. A few drops of "Gels-It" knocks the hurt out of any corn at once and soon loosens it so It lifts right off without any feeling. Oh, what com fort I How grand: to walk and danoo and jump without a single twinge! Why not? "Gets-It" the never falling, guaran teed money-back corn remover, costs but a trifle at any drug store. Sold in Salem and recommended as the world's best corn : remedy by J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry, Capitol Drug Store, IVm, Neimeyer, Frank S. Ward, Cry stal Drug Store. Adv For That Tired Feeling Try BOWLING Come up and enjoy yourself o;i our newly re-finished alleys. Ladies' Days Every Tuesday and Friday af ternoons. CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS, COXFECTIONERV CLUB BOWLING ALLEYS Over Salem Hardware Co, POOL r TOMORROW-THURSDAY ORA CAREW In . , LUV1 Scenic-Topics Comedy Hear Hawley's Wurlitzer Number Evenings Senate Passes Bill to GtC Soldiers Increase in Pay Washington, Feb. i. Pay increases for officers and men of the army, na vy, marine corps, coast guard and pub lin hulih sorriceH atrereeatinK 59.- 509,000 for the next year are provided in a house bill passed today by the sen nt. rvm missioned officers will re ceive an advance of 10 per cent and enlisted men above tne rana or pnvaw will receive an increase of 20 per cent Efforts to amend the measure so as to nrovide more money for privates were unsuccessful. Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 3. Passengers who arrived here early today on a night train from Portland reported to the police that a thler went tnrougn thel nersonal effects on the train and stole $133 in cash, and checks for $2,535. They said they suspectea a negro passenger who left the train at Tacoma. . v name for the club was not chosen until the third regular meeting held Tuesday. At this time Kafoury Broth ers were hosts to the club, a sump tuous banquet being provided. Tha emnkrveea have found in this club the realisation of a long felt desire to promote a spirit of co-oper ation in the routine or tne aay ana to provide vehicle foTthTT of social association. J" meetings of the club arTS ti . . given j oda and experiences. Th. m ffia evenings are Interspersed l01 fellowship gatherings, when si? lare provided for and a ! '7s"". itiiae had. ' seala Club Formed by Employes Represents Social Spirit Employes of Kafoury Brothers Store have formed a club which will be known as the Kafoury Clerk s Progressive club. Although the organ ization wa scompleted December 2, a For Long Distance Auto Trucfo Willamette Valley Transfer Co.J WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING. tttttAtft-rttttttmt t ttt tttttttn ummiittHt When Your Eye Trouble Too Think of DR. MILLER Eyesight Specialist The Best Optical Service 510-12 U. 5. Bank f 0 Phone 341 Dress Goods -that are crisp and new are here at money-saving prices Amoskeag Ginghams yd....29c and 35c Challies, 36 in. wide, yd........... 33c Percales, 36 in. wide, yd....29c and 35c 36-in. pillow tubing, yd....'.:..... 49c '42-m. pillow tubing, yd .' 59c 36-in. plaid dress goods, yd 69c 36-in. serge dress goods, yd. 79c 36-in. black and white check, yd....69c Romper cloth, yard 39c 36-in. silk poplin, all colors, yd ..$1.49 56-in. wool flannel, yd $1.49 38-in. all wool poplin, yd $1.98 56-in. tweed coating, yd $3.45 Our Prices Always the Lowest Gale & Company -, Formerly Chicago Store Com'l. and Court Sts. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department Continues to receive the latest from New York's leading masters. The fabrics of which these new models are fashioned are of the best, and are bound to appeal to the woman who wishes to have her apparel up to the minute. You will find us prepared with a splendid stock of the leading colors, and materials in Suits, Dresses, Coats and Skirts An inspection will surprise you of their merits and low prices. . Incorporated MS (MMV 7$m