THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1920. page seven. ere stria sueiKesults !Vet? Today-Wh nn 1 i, i i ; ... . MM "A I I rirord-Each insertion one cents. lliiiltat"1 9 aa -rtlon only la New Today. in advance and not tak- l-SS&t No alienee for New Toaay. - r., L-Holstein registered lull, f'K- h Wit l lah Hud No. N' :"o.i' ljdv Annis 2nd. No. ',m..rd..n.lverton. R. ' ft 4 pnoe v-,to. Red 1H "TmiAt once a man to live in fl,1fVee rent, except to do a few A bachelor preferred. Can &- "TL-ir-urnislied house or apart IsiLE Nice 5 room modern barn, garage, curline and " ix:,o. Partly lurmsneu . m :ile Almost t.easuiuiuio j-i.v.... . - flTNOGRAl'H KliS WANTED lly he'piifi company- 1 general sten Lanhic and shortliand work! 1 In toVted frf botany and chemistry. Call' room 413 V. S. National Unnk U)X Silver . mesh bag, had sonic small change and railway, ticket. Finder call Z003K. 2 rtir. SALE l'oung calf. 1 10? Court siwi'j'hone 1144V.. 31 LOST Park lllue 1,Ciul uag- with flor" al dejiifn in colors. Contained anions other things a Red Cross ohrek for $1. Reward if returned to Capital Journal. . 2i FOR SALE White sowing machine in best of order. Price $7. Cluing mvay.-822 North High. ' ' 211 FOR SALE Good ' range at -IMS Ferry street. 31 NOTICE TO HOI (IKOWERS 100. 010 hop roots for sale. I'uv partic ulars call at 121 Stiuth 'Commercial 34 FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness at Till South i:lth. - 31 NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture exchange, 395, South 1 2tii, will han dle your household goods on com mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining better price than selling to second hand merchants. At present have nice clean stock to select from. Cannon, phone 19. FOR PERMANENT RELIEF .from high blood pressure see Dr. Schultz. Call 6G4 or 1310J. 30 I'OI! SALE 800 lbs new wire. Phone WANTED 2 -light housekeeping moms. C. I). Adams, general del ivery, Salem. ' 31 WANTED Position as stenographer. mie experience. V.nx 144. Cars Capital Journal. 30 FOR SALE 15 head shoats. 50 lbs, AIM Ford service car in good con dition. Phone 1425R. 34 WRllE Percheron horse for sale. Phone 65P5. . 31 n!LfA.LE Nfw Bteimvay pinno. .uuiutiu useu only one 5" south -High st. Phon V A ITm o . r ' - ' 1 I 1 1 1 rf" m're '"m.-excellent 2. ,?d l0Ka,l,l''-y land, nil in buildings, family orchar Lo- EJ'i"?1?11 statlon flve iil('8 -Jmfclem Address box V, enref rn . .... I fnereHt"-Kil'st 1-cyliiuler le'S, first 2-cylinder- first 4-: " "uck'T '-'V true? Art, mat. k " 1 ranv- is the 22 State. Ut Exc,lan; "or"'" , ttin With Phone 1289. "g to1' elld''- FOR Sit r 1 quire at m 0W,,1P'' 2 hou'S- I"" "SSj rOR SALE y Allen Co., 619 Court St. bench i '. cf . 't of music ami Themi" T price dipped befor. .- PUS. ?rt ire now nff Jh raise In Wt:rr, last year's r-'ueasyto-n,. ', no ran. fARM LOANS payment privfleges. y Prompt senice.Ask rtour year loans at HAIXS& ROBERTS L WegonBldg, uregon WANTED By man and wife with 2 iitlle gil ls, room and board, plume 1517W. ay WANTKI) Wood In large quantities. Phone 1090AI. ... u tOR RK.VT .2 5-room flats. Close In See J. H. Lauterman, Argo hotel. WANTED I'nfurnished apartments. No children. Phone 1268. . YOl'NG WIDOW WITH 2 BOYS wants housekeepers position with gentleman, near school. Mrs. Klla B. Robinson, Rt 1. box as. Get vais. Oregon v. ji WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS from flock carefully Hoganized for . high laying qualities. On free range Strong, vigorous chicks. Hatch Feb. ,24th, jnid later.. $16.00 per hundred. Order early. , Laurel Hill Toultry Farm. Phone SF22. ) bOR SALE A real snap. 160 acres j 100 acres under plow, 10 good cowa I 1Q hogs, 4 horses jind uiachv, 2 houses on place, barn large, enough for 50 head stock. Located 11 miles from Salem, 2 miles of good town with standard high school, will lie -mile froln paved road this year. Price $100 per acre, $7000 down and balance easy terms, low rate interest. Chas. Ransom, Aumsville, Ore. WANTED Some one to split eord wood. $1.15 per cord for splitting. Robt. A. lleer, Salem, Rt. 9, 3 miles east of Brooks. 34 LOST A strand of gold beads. 152 North Commercial, Salem Variety Store, reward. 30 LOST Child's necklace. Cold beads strung on gold wire. Phone 11D3 or leave at Journal. Reward. WANTED MODERN house keeping rooms or furnished house. near Highway Garage. Phone 1984J. 31 FOR YOl'ft HAILING AND Mov ing call 1C08. J.Hlederman Trans fer. 40 FOR SALE 6 room bungalow at 1357 North-Winter street. Price $3600. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 30 FOR SALE 6 room house at 3S6 Lincoln street. Price $2600. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 30 TWO SLEEPING ROOMS FOR rent close in. Inquire 636 North Front. 30 FOIl SALE A few medium sized potatoes at 3c a lb. 1862 Broadway. 30 Wanted. WANTED Two -year old rooster. Phone 99F3. Oregon 29 LOCAL or long distance truck haul ing of any kirld. Phone 1177. 27 WANTED Old junk, old clothing, toots, gems, musical instruments, cameras. Will call day or evening. Capital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone 493. WANTED A few mattoftock iewes P. B. llecker, Silverton. - 30 WANTED Garments to remodel; new suits $45; cleaning and press ing. B44 State; Society Cleaners; Phone 195. Chas. Ezra Sparks, tailor. " 62 WANTED To hear from owner of ranch for sale from 40 acres up. Must be a bargain. Give descrip tion, location and price. W. F. Wourer, G. D. Salem, Or. 89 WANTED Four or five room mod ern furnished house. Two in fam , ily. Can furnish references. Phone 833. 30 WANTED No. 1 cross cut saw. 2 horse Oliver plow. C. C. Mitchell, Turner, Or 30 WANTED &n. extra gentle work horse. Mrs. K. Schmidt. R. 3. box 116. 33 WANTED Second hand safe, phone 340, 30 WANTED TO RENT Good 5 room house. Phone 19G0R. 30 WANTED SMALL FARMS. Bring your listings of small farms nnd tracts. Price them right and wel will do the rest. . KINNEY & SMITH 201 Bank of Commerce Bldg. . Ptone 1130 Osteopath. DR. JOHN" L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore gon bldg. Res. phona 68FS; office phone 1394. , 29 OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur geons, Drs. White and Marshall, 506 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall res. phone 83,4. Real EstateFarms FOR SALE 20 acres fenced and plowed ready for 'crop, suitable for logans. prunes or poultry. No build ings. No waste. On fine trout stream. mile from paved road. M mile from shipping point and school W. H. Swank, Aurnsville, Or. 29 FOR SALE 2 H acre tract just out side-city limits, 7 room house with or without furniture, piano, good barn and outbuildings, lots of fruit. $3200, terms. Corner Park and 1) streets, lit T, box . - SO Money to Loan Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. SH and S percent interest City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon Scavenger. Salem 8carangr Garbage and re fuse of all kinds removed on monm ly contracts at reasonable rate Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals moved. Office ebon Main 1S7. Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a eprcUlty - Ford Radiators for Sale IH 8. 12th Street. Salem, Ore. T7t-.- C 1 l....,TTt x i ,.,-,. - . . . rate. j ueip wanted . Miscellaneous. , . STRAWBERRY plants, regressive Everbearing, Ettersburg 121 and Wilson. Vigorous well rooted plants Place orders now. Ward K. Rich ardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494, 35 FOR SALE Old papers tor wrap ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap ital Journal office, FOR SALE Fine milk cows, or will trade for fat cows. Call 87F24 24 DRY wood for sale, four foot, and sawed. Call evenings 1678W. 48 FOR SALE Strawberry plants, Et terlntrg 121 from year-old plants. $5 per 1000. Phone 15F3. ' Dr. C. W. Beeehler . 32 FOR SALE Or trade, 4-Hcres heavy fir timber. Will .consider car, P.ione 2098J. ; . , ... 29 FOR SALE' "Neat 5 -room house; modern except furnace; close in. Phone 2098J. . 29 FOR S.LE Or trade 10 head of hogs for cattle or sheep. Phone 1576W. 29 FOR SALE Large house, close in, on paved street, $500 down, bal ance monthly. 24 care Journal. 29 WORK horse for sale. 187 West Mil ler. 30 8-ROOM HOFSE On corner of Sum mer and Chemeketa. One of the fine homes in Salem. 295 Summer Street. 29 FOR SALE 5 Barred Rock pullets. Also 9x12 rug, only used 3 'months, at a bargain. 680 N. 20th St. 2!) G-ROOM HOUSE One block from State House, on Chemeketa. Mod ern, Full basement, a good uuv at $5500.- 295 Summer St. " 29 HAVING purchased the cash gro cery store at 355 South 2uth street, will handle staple and fancy gro ceries. Farmers bring your butter and eggs and receive the highest cash price. A. Ackley, Prop. 29 INCOME tax records for sale at 141 - N, High.- Phone 340. 50 FOR SALE Seed potatoes cheap. 44F5. 29 FOR SALE Wilson - strawberry plants from young yard. Stemmed ready to plant at $4 per 1000. While thev last. Phone 22F21. 33 DRY WOOD FOR SALE Also take contract hauling wood. Phone 674H after 8 p. m. 33 FOR SALE 50 egg Cypress Incuba tor, $5.00. Milk strain Hilly Goat, 1266 N. 16th St. Phone 1617VV. 33 FOR SALE 3-months old pedigreed Chester White pigs. Rt. 7, box 91. 30 FOR SALE 15 acres of unimproved hill- land, 12 acres good plow land when cleared, some timber. For quick sale I will take $850; $550 cash, the balance terms, j. C. Walk er, Marion, Or. i 29 FOR SALE Slab wood in car load lots. Crabtree Bros., Stayton, Or. 37 FOR SALE Good team and good job for sale. Phone 8-25 Turner, Or. 31 FOR SALE 1400 prune trees, 4 to 6 ft size. Will sell the lot at 45c each. Claude H. Stevenson, Rt. 3, box 175, Salem. Phone 36F16. 31 GROCERY store for sale. Write J D Capital Journal. 36 FOR SALE Second growth fir wood Phone 199. .30 FOR SALE 4-wheel trailer in good condition. Will carry a ton or bet ter Also some good pigs. B. C. Zie livoki, Salem. Route 9, box 111A. 30 FOR SALE 6 weeks old pigs. H. Hongola, route 6,-box 88. 29 FOR SALE OR TRADE For house or lot. 1918 or 1919 model Ford car. In itood condition. Has self starter and speedometer. 790 Nortli 17th. E. Kroeplim. 29 ran oai.k inn co-b- nvnhera Incu- bator in good condition. $25.00. Phone 86F15. 33 FOR. SALE Player piano, new. 2156 North Liberty. nearly 30 BURBANIC potatoes for suM). $3.75 per 100. Apples $1.60 bo Phone 109F11. 39 FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION At the J. C. Ferguson sale on Wed nesday, Feb. 4, in addition to what has already been advertised as fol lows: 3 geldings, age 9-10-11 years weight 1400 pounds each, all well broken, sound and true; 2 sets heavy breeching harness A-l shape; 1 Milbourn, 3Vi inch wagon, wide tires, good; 1 Winona 3',i inch wa gon, wide tires, good; 1 set single harness; 1 hand power feed cutter, nearly new; 1 horse power, com pletely new; 2 good walking plows; 1 14inch sulky plow; 1 2-section lever harrow; 1 dump box, 3 horse blankets;3 horse covers.curry combs and brushes; 2 good irwn wood racks; 1 slip scraper; double trees; neck yokes; devices; c rial 11s ana many other small tools. 29 FOR SALE .Sacrifice, 5-room bunga low and z large lots, ijj ieei irum. Cull at 1242 North Front st. -33 MONEY TO LOAN, for ... clients In amounts from i,uuo to o,uuu uu real estate security. Ivan G. Mar tin, Masonic Temple. 30 BACK ON the job with a new Hoov er, Rues cleanea. iwc per ru&. u. jj. Buckner, Phone 18. 33 FOR SALE Horse, 750 pounds, top buggy and harness. $50.00. Route No. 6, box 147B. M WANTED TO BUY From owner 6 or 6 room house, rnone im. LOST Browa and white bull terrier. Finder please phone 57 or 1111 FOR SALE 1 light one-horse wag on. 1 rubber tirea open pugity, 1 light harness, 1 200-egg Reliable incubator, 1 brooder. Apply 1760 Waller street 14 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY J0CR5AL WANT ADS VAX. WANTED Maid at deaf school. Phone. SIS. WANTED Good farm hand. C. C. Russelh Thone SFS. - - - 1 WANTED Men to cut 1000 cords 4 j foot hemlosk wood by contract. In j autre of Suauldinsr Logging Co. I Front' and Ferry street. Salem, Or. - - 29 WANTED Qirl tr woman for gen eral house work. Call 2525 S. Com. or phone S5F13. Optician DR. ALBERT R. JJILLER Optometrist-optician, eyea thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. 610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. Real Estate Houses FOR SALE Three lots, small house plenty of fruit; reasonabld terms. S44 State street. 31 FOR SALE 6 room plastered house, electric lights, city water, two nice nots, fruit trees and chicken house, near mute school; can be Been at 2449 Hazel ave. V " 32 FOR SALE 6 room house with base ment, modern except furnace, two nice lots. Plenty of fruit. Garage and chicken house. Call at 1910 Trade St. 29 MAN AND WIFE with 3 sons, ages 3, 11, 17 respectively to take charge of ranch, either dairying straight farming, some experielice in berry growing and gardening. Best of ref erences Address box 28. tare Cap ital Journal. 29 Lost And Found. FOUND Purse Containing money or der, Owner call and identify. A. D. Jones, 1125 S. 14th. 29 LOST Between Silverton and Salem Suit case containing basketball out fit.' Finder please leave at Capital Journal office. ' 29 FOR SALE By owner, 5 room furn ished cottage. 6 room plastered house, good location. Price $1000, , M cash. 18, acrea good black soil, close in; good house and barn. Price $4750, terms. Brand new Chevrolet car and fresh cow. Eaw yer & Emmett, room 8, Bayne bldg. 30 FOR SALE 6 room plastered house, electric lights, bath. Inquire 2325 State St. or phone-1051M. 29 Used Cars for Salet FOR SALE Nearly new 2-ton Dia mond T truck, all equipped. Phone 1608J. A. H. Biederman. 31 1 MAWELL 1ft -ton truck, first class condition, $650; also one Maxwell touring car, U" overhauled, $278. Moir Bros,, 371 Court St, 31 AUTO TOPS AND REPAIRING Also upholstering of all kinds, seat covers. Service. 6. J. Hull, Y, M. C. A, Building; Salem, Oregon, For Rent FOR RENT Down stairs front room 1436J. 30 FOR RENT 2 desirable sleeping rooms close in. Box L Capital Jour nal. , ... ,;..v , 29 FOR RENT Strictly modern 5-room flat, furnished. Phone E86J. 29 Some Attractive Properties. 87 acres of grafted Franquet walnuts in fourth year's growth in Waldo hills eight miles from Salem; road paved half way, well graveled re mainder. $17,000, half cash, bal ance on time to suit. 10 acres at railroad station, with wa- : ter right from irrigation ditch. : Fine 5 room bungalow, good barn 22x40, chicken house and brooder, two acres orchard, walnuts, pears, etc. 18 miles from Salem. $4800, half cash, balance at 6 percent. 80 acres between Monmouth and Dal las, 40 'acres in cultivation; 24 acres prunes, some logans and blackber ries; 15 acres in grain crops; bal ance pasture and oak trees. 6 room house, good barn for 20 head and sheds 3 sides; windmill and gaso line pump with tank; and store house. New 6-tunnel dryer and warehouse 26x50 feet. $18,000; $13,500 cash or trade, balance on time. PEARCY BROS., Horticulturists 210 Oregon bldg. Phone 6C3 Good Buys. 80 acre tract located 5 miles east of Salem, good house and barn, fruit, good road.-Price $16,600. Well improved 32 acre tract, good 5 room bungalow, barn,- fruit, paved road, close to school. Prioe $12,800. 26 acre tract located 44 miles from Salem, 40 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture. spring, 18 acres bearing prunes, fam ily orchard, t room house, large barn rock road. Price ib,duu. 61 acre tract located on main high way, close in, house and barn, 8 acres bearinii oruneu. uUUt 1500 cords of standing fir timber. Price $300 per acre. - Well Improved 20 acre tract on rock road, ciose to main nignway; acres cherries, 4 acres logans, 6 room plastered house, barn, well. Price $9000. 10 acres all In bearing prunes, close in, hard road, good plastered bunga low, electric lights. Price $8500. 80 acre timber tract, located on gravel road, home. Price $80 per acre. 32 acre tract, 15 acres cultivated, balance slashed and timber; family orchard; spring water to buildings, 1 room house, good barn. Price $5000,' H cash, bilance terms. Well Improved 56 acre farm-located 6 miles from Salem; good 8 room modern house, barn, orchard, best of soil. Price $200 per acre. 200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated, house and barn, lots of timber, ( miles from Salem. Price $100 per acre. 360 acre farm located near Silver ton, house and barn, best of dark soil. Price $100 per acre. HOUSE BUYS 6 room house located In South Sa lem, corner lot Price $2600, $900 down. Balance terms. i room bungalow located in South Salem. Price $2800. ' ( room house located at 1330 South Commercial street, bearing fruit Price $2800. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 state street WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw your wood. Vhone 100J. - . 32 (ESTES & MAGEE, real estate. If we list it we advertise it. Portland of fice S09 Chamber Commerce; Sa lem office -428 Oregon bide, over electric depot. 31 R. W. RALLANTYNE, piano tuner with Cherrington's Piano House, 415 Court St. Phone 853. 13 LIBERTY EXCHANGE All kinds of second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. If we havn't what you want, we'll get- it Try us. W. Lubke, 241 N. Com l St. Phone 841, ' Salem, Or. THE- International Correspondence school will- hrve their local repre sentative at the, Bligh hotel every Saturday to give their students all assistance possible. He also will be glad to give the public information regarding the schools and their , coursea . . LET us list your property..- A. L. Seanisler Realty Co., 416 Masonic bldg. .Phone 353. YALE" Hand laundry. 194 S. 12th St Phone 8. TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur niture and appliances bought and sold, 141 N. High. Phone 340, 60 VROMAN Franquet walnuts grafted on black roots. These trees are grown in Oregon and aclimated so the freeze had no effect on them. We also have a good line of berry plants and bushes. Middle Grove Nursery, J. C. Herren, Prop. 30 Best Buys 1 acre; 3-4 acre loganberries, all tipped; 5 room house, good outbuild ings, at caiiine, $2400. Easy terms. 1 acre all cleared, 4 room modern bungalow at paved road, $1250. All cash. Want to secure $500 loan on 80 acres of timber land. Want to secure $276 loan on 2 cor ner lots in Salem. 6 acres; 7 room house, outbuildings 1 acre fruit, 3 acres timber, close to car line. $3200; half cash. 40 acres, good improvements; 16 acres bearing prunes, $4000 will han dle.. 30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 3 acres apples, 3 acres in loganberries, new- dryer, fair Improvements. $5500 will handle. Socolofsky, 341 State St. What You Want . $lHflu 6 room bungalow on paved street, good location. A bargain. $4000 6 acres near the city, macad - am road, house, -barn and other improvements. . . $13,000170 acnes. 60 acres in culti vation. Lots of good wood; 344 miles out. Vi ' y property to $3000 and $4000 cash will han dle. $2.1,000307 acres, ..220 cultivated. Some timber, 4 springs, good stock or fruit proposition. 6'A miles from city in Polk county $10,000 cash, balanoe long tinier ti per cent. ,-. A. L. Seamster Realty Co. Room 416. "Masoniq- bldg. List your , : property Real Investments A real home Just outside of the city limits. 3 acres with a 6-room modern bungalow and own water system. Small barn, small chicken house. Family orchard and berries. Price $6,000, good terms. 20 acres. 10 acres under cultivation. New 6 room bungalow, new barn. Some strawberries. Buildings ulone worth the money. Price. $2500. Terms li acres, about 150 cherry trees, loganberry tips to set 2',i acreB; best of loganberry soil, all under cultiva tion. Price $2000, $760 down; balance terms to suit. PRUNE AND WALNUT farm. 80 acres, 73 under cultivation, 12 acres in bearing prunes of which 4 acres are set to Kngllsh walnuts. Land slightly rolling. Good buildings, fam ily orchard, 3 miles of Silverton. Price $10,600. Good terms. ' We have a real business proposition for man nnd wife with $l!i00 or $2000 Lstes & Magee 428 Oregon Bldg. Salem. 1'ortlund Ofice: 909 Chamber Com 30 Good Values 314 acre farm, 200 acres In cultiva tion, 114 acres In oak timber and brush; good buildings, on Pacific highway.- $35, 000.- 40 acres bearing prunes, 5 to 15 years; close in near pavement. $400 per acre. 0Ht acres close In; 7 room plaster ed house, good outbuildings; some slock and farm implements goes with the place. $4000. 20 acres, 8 acres In 5 and 8 year old prunes, 1 acre strawberries, other fruit; good buildings, good road, In ripe district. $6250. 4 room house, 6 lots, $600 pavement paid, 2fiuo strawberry plants, 20 prune trees. This place must be sold. Price $2100. 6 room plastered house, good lot, North Front. Will trade for acreage. $1600. 5 room, modern bungalow, 2 lots. Price $1100. Trade for acreage. Walter McLaren Room 28, 180 N. Com. St. Salem Long Distance Hauling. EMPEY TRANSFER CO Local and long, distance freight hauling. Dally service to Portland, outside trips anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of fice 445 Cfcurt street. Phone 998; night phones S79J, 674R. Salem, Or. $8 Money To Loan. ; On good real estate security THOU. K. FORD . )ver Lad d ft Bush Bank. Salem, Or. MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass'n. Government money to loan at ( 1-t percent 301 Salem Bank of Corameroe. W. D. Smith. Poultry And Eggs. EABY CHICKS Leghorns, Keds, Rocks, Minorcas. Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham, 658 State St. Phone 400. 86 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS FA Good Burs Investments. me 10 acre tract near Salem, good house, some other buildings. Fine dark loam soil. One acre prunes, cher ries and apples. Bargain, $4500. la aere tract about 4 miles from balem, set buildings; s acres bearing prunes. One jicre loganberries and otfier fruits. For qiiU-k sale $6400, $2500 cash, balance easy terms. Good ItllldArn & vnn. K,....ral.H full basement and sleeping porch, on car line. Price $2500, $.1000 cash, bal- am-e easy terms. Fine IS bin tn., ...ti.. -- -- " " - " " 1 " 3 "viii saleni, fine modern bungalow, good barn, famitv onhni .vi, finA soil, good road. Price $7000. 1 acres of choice loganberry land near Saleni. nlnweri nn.i muiIv Snap for $210 per aore: ror Bargains and square deal see Perrine & Marsters 311-1J Com. Club bldg. Why Sell For Less? WH will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store, $71 N. Com. meroial street Phone 7S4. Salem Auto Exchange. Monitor cars now on display. Come and see them. 229 tSata St Phone 869. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY raxor blade sharpening ma chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew art Reoair Shop, 347 Court St Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired, St years experience; Depot National and American fence, sites 26 to 68 Inches high. Pain s, olf and varn ishes, etc., loganberry od hop hooka Salem Fence am' Stove Works, 260 Court street. Pheas 114 Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67 Lodge Directory. gJC CHEMEKETA Lodge No. 1 meets evetfy Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kunts K; R. & S. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening In McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, S48 Union Bt recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 141$ N. 4th St Phona 143.8M. UNITED ARTISANS Captial Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C. Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre tary. 840 Owen street. W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. Meets every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome. C. D. Roes. C.C. L. S. Geer, clerk. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624(1 meets every Thursday evening at 1 o'clock In McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. H. G, Coursey, V. C. . Frank A. Turner, clerk. Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2(02. 10; feed oats SOftSoo; milling oats 8688c; cheat hay $1920; oat hay $2121; clover hay $2324; mill run $47fi48; Huttertut: Butterfat, 62o; cream ery butter 84 65c. Pork, yea) and mutton: Fork on loot 14 3-4o; vtal fancy, !3c; stoers 8 9c; cows 8&)9 3-4c; spring lambs l!jiU13c; ewes 4&5c; sheep, yearlings 7 So, Dressed pqrk 1821c. Eggs and poultry; Eggs cash 87c; Light hens, 24c; heavy hnns 28c; old roosters 15 ft 16c; springs 24c, Vegetables;. OiiIoub per pound 6c; celery dox, $1.76; potatoes, Yakima Co; Oregon 44!4c; sweet potatoes 8c beets per sack $2; turnips per sack $2.60; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips per sack $3,60; spinach 10c lb.; rad ishes 40o dox. Fruit: Oranges $4.606.00; 1 mons $7 St 7.50 ; bananus 11c; honey extract 20c; buncn oeeta 45c; cabbage fc; head lettuce $1.26; carrots 45c; grapes 15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; oaulifflower $1.75 doz; red peppers 25c lb. rhu barb 12 He. Retail price: Eggs dozen, 43c; creamery butter 6870o; country but ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.26 3.40 soft wheat $3-90 LIVESTOCK Portland, Or., Feb. Cattle slow, receipts 28; steers, best, $11.50 12.60; good to choice $11U.&0; me dium to good $9.50 10.25; fair to good $8.50 9.50; common to fair $7.608.50; choice cows and heifers I9.50S10.50: good to choice $8,509 9.60; medium to good $7.60 8.60; fair to medium $6.50$ 8.50; canners $3.50fc$6.5O; bulls $6.258.25 prime light calve $15.5017; medium light $13.6015-50; heavy calves $7 12.60; stockers and feeders $89.60. Hogs steady, receipts, none; prime mixed $15.75 16.25; medium $15.25 15.75; rough heavy $12.25315.25; pigs 112.75 14.78. Sheep firm; receipts, 441; eastern lambs $16.60017.80; light valley $15 16.50; heavy $14.5015.60; feeder lambs $12415; yearlings $13.50014; wethers $13$ 13.50; ewes $10$ 12. nutter Portland, Or., Feb 3 Butter steady cubes extra 88c; parchment wrapped, box lots 62c; cartons S3c; half boxes VtC more; less than half boxes lo more; butterfat 6906Oo t o. b. station; 264c Portland. Poultry and Eggs. Portland, Or. Feb. a. Weak; Eggs sailing pries ease count. 41c; buying price case count 40c; buying price 43c; selling price candled 47; selected candled In car tons 6 Sc. In Poultry: liens '30 33e; broilers 33 & 40; roosters 18c; turkej-s dressed 4950o; geese S0L25c; ducks 35fo40c Wheat amj. MUl.Stuffs. Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; oat $61.00 bid; corn No. 1 yellow $59.5 lid. Hay: Buying price, valley timotb, S8: alfalfa $31.50; grain Hi; cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch $-'6. Millstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, citj artage $2 extra, Mill run, car lots o mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $71 rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $74 scratch feed $80. Corn whole $66; cracked $68. Legals. IN THE CIRC'tIT COURT of Hie State of Oregon, fur Murioa . County City of Saleni, a municipal corpora tion, plaintiff vs Salem Bank of Com merce, and Edward George, defend ants. Siimmons for publication in fore closure of tax lien. To Edward George, the above nam ed defendant in the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby notified that the city of Salem is the holder of certifi cate of delinquency number 1688 is sued on the' 30th day of June, 1915, by the tax collector of the county of Marion, state of Oregon, for the amount of $10.27, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1913 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said county and state, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot one (1) in block three (31 of Burlington addition to the city of Salem, Oregon. You are further notified that city o( Salem has paid taxes on said prem ises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: - ' Tax Aint Rate Year's Date Ropt . of Tax Paid No. Int. 1914 April 15, 1916 ,17136 $5.30 13 1915 May 1, 1917.18521 4.89 15 . 1916 Jan. 1, 1918.17586 4.28 13 1917 April 30, 1919. .18198 4.29 16 1918 Oct. 1, 1919 .14259 4.01 IS Said Edward George as the owner of the logal title of the above. describ ed property Is hereby further notified that the city tif Balem will apply to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid for a defree foreclos ing the lien against the property above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this sum mons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and dofend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and ac crued interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be ren dered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above flamed. '" : This summons Is published by order of the Honorable -George G. Bingham judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for' the county of Marlon and said order- was mftcle anil dated this 27th day of January, 1920, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 28th day of Jan uary, 1920. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the state of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. . B, W. MACY, r Attorney for plaintiff. , Address 202 Gray bldg., Salem, Ore Rn. . Real Estate Transfers. Conrad Kill k and Nellie Falk to Charles Kuhnke. 20 A, sec 16, 8S3W t 2,200 James 1. Hcltzcl und Clara Heltzel to W. R. Darby and Elizabeth Darby, 10.42 A, sec 17, S:i W ., Charles H. Campbell and Ida Campbell to Dr. Randall P. Bradford, Dr. Pearl M. Brad- ; ford and i)r limine M Bradford, Lt 48, 49, S3, 61i fruc. Lt. 47 and 64. Smiths Fruit Farms 1 Lillian V. Budlong to William P. Ellis and Verlie Ellis, Prt Lts 8 and 4, University addi tion, Salem - W illiam F. Uchuller and Allies L. Schuller to Al. E. Weddle 10 A, D. L. C. Thomas Holt and wife, 10S, 8W 700 J. R. DuRette and Bellet Du Rette to L. H. Ostium and Mary B. "Osborn. Pi t Lt 6. hi "C" Joseph S. Smith ad dition, - Balem 1,650 Mary E. Van Patten and Clar ence Van Patten to Hiram W. Bras and Crura E. Braz pts Lt. 19 and 20, Capital Home addition, Halem 2,609 J, S. Johnston and J. F. John ston to 11. W. Ray und Edith Ray pt John 1!, DeGulre, i). L. C. in 4S3W J. F. Hteelhammer, ILL. Moore und John Dlnwuudle to Jo seph Du Boise and Clara Du Hoise, site in Woodburn (50 Peter Manegre to Louis Mn egre, prt Louis Pichette and David Mangrom i. L. C. 4H, 2W 2,000 11. G. Tllden and Irene Tilden to J. G. Funk, 21.25 A, sec 1, 78 1W 1,601 Hans Jorgensen and Sarah Jorgensen, 80 A, sec 26, 6U 1W 17,000 August Rohlke to U, J, Pearce and Lulu B. Pearce, prt D. L. C, J. B. McClane, 7S SW Blue Foxes Shipped from AiasKa 10 Japanese mm Ketchikan, Alaska., Jan. I, (By mall. ) Eighteen very sick blue foxes, enioute from Katalla to a small Is land In the northern part of the Jap anese archipelago, were on the steam er Alaska when It left here for Seat tle recently. There had been 20 of these foxes when the vessel left Katalla. but two died of seasickness on the first leg of their long voyage. The foxes were purchased in North ern Alaska and will be used In start ing a fox farm on the Japanese island. JOURNAL WANT AD8 FAT t