THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1920. PAP 8 TREES? SSB8 iNoming ouw Be or Greater Significance Than the Announcement of m mi loft m Tirm Butfi V7 -"l f A f- S v Days Get This Right In the limited space at our disposal it is impossible to quote prices on our entire stock of Clothing, however there is positively nothing reserved, as a 10 per cent discount will be given off of every Suit or Overcoat. Below will be found a com prehensive list of prices that will mean hundreds of dol lars saved to our patrons. Read carefuljy then come, you'll not be sorry. CP. BISHOP. BY C P. BISHOP Of tlie Salem' Woolen Mills Store AT THIS TIME AND UNDER THE PRESENT CONDITIONS, AFTER ALL ONE HEARS, FROM EVERY SOURCE OF THE HIGH AND EVER INCREASING PRICES OF CLOTHING FOR SPRING, HOWEVER THIS WELL KNOWN FIRM EVER SEEKING TO SERVE THE INTEREST OF OUR THOUSANDS OF PATRONS THROUGHOUT MARION AND POLK COUNTIES, IN OPEN DEFIANCE OF MARKET CONDITIONS HAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH IS SSSSS goods for ms AND B0YS THAT WILL BE mm T0 THE mm AT LESS THAN As Every One Knows The Salem Woolen Mills Store is one of the largest in the state with a reputation second to none for Merchan dise of Quality consisting of CLOTHING, SHOES and FURNISHING GOODS for Men and Boys. ..By buying in large quantities direct of manufacturers they are in the position to save you money on every purchase. Come and be convinced, come early as there is al ways a choice. For Ten Days, Wednesday, February 4th to Saturday February 14th Lot No. 1 Men's Suits Suits in this lot sold at $17.50. $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00. If your size is here you're lucky. Just to make things lively for opening day, for they will not be here long at this price, $14.85 while they last $14.85 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined Union Suits, all sizes, regular $2.50 sellers $1.65 MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR Men's $5.00 Natural Wool Union Suits, all sizes, good weight for spring : Lot No. 2 Is a Snap Men's $32.50, $35.00 and $37.50 Suits, all sizes in this lot to 44. Worsted, Tweeds, Cassi meres and Serges, Staple and Young Men's styles. Come early and get your pick. $26.25, you must see them $26.25 Lot No. 3 Looks Good Men's $37.50, $40.00, $42.50 Suits, Staple styles or waist seam, belted or plain for young men. all sizes and wanted colors. It is hard to helieye, yet here they are and plenty of them to dioose from, at only $29.95 during this sale MEN'S JERSEY SWEATERS Come in Black, Navy, Grey and Cardinal, regular $3.50 and $4.00 Slip Overs $2.00 . BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS Boys' Wool Sweaters, all colors, price made to close the line. Our regular $3.50 and $4 sellers $2.95 MEN'S COTTON SOCKS Men's regular 25c Fast Black Seamless Socks, all sizes, 6 Pairs $1.00 MEN'S LISLE SOCKS LotNo.5 Men's 35c Lisle Socks, Black, White and mr1 ni Colors. Buy them now at SlU6 iDCFfif 6 OUltS 25c - Always Staple, of the Bishop Quality, Standard MEN'S FIBRE SILK SOX ' weights, all sizes, regular, slims and stoats. Iifsoc'kf ValU6S' BhCk r C0lred Fibre Var prices from $30X0 to $70.00 ' ' Less 10 for 10 Days MEN'S SUSPENDERS , Regular 50c Heavy or Medium Webb Suspen- Lot No. 6 ders,arenow , '. - . O 35c Youths bmts MEN'S OVERCOATS Every Overcoat in stock marked at a special reduction for this sale. Prices range from $20 to $65' NOTICE For Full Particulars and More Complete List of Unmatchable Bargains that Await Shrewd Thrifty Buyers See Full Page Posters Left at Year Doer or Mailed to Your Address. Read, Believe and Save While the Opportunity Is Yours. $29.95 Let No. 4 v.--i Is a Wonder fas $45.00. $50.00 and up to $60.00 Suits. or Young Men s styles in Plain and Fancy worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds. Cassimeres, all Ute models Sale price $37.50. Think otitonly ... $37.50 Por Ten Days Only H Feb. 4 to Sat., Feb. 14 MEN'S RAIN COATS Regular $5.00 and $6.00 Rubberized Rain Coats, not many in the tyt. You will not get them again at the price $3.85 $10.00 Fancy Rubberized Rain Coats $5.95 MEN'S WOOL MACHNAWS Made of Pure Oregon Wool, Plain or Plaids, $15.00 Grade $11.95 320.00 grade $15.95 BOYS' WOOL MACKINAWS All sizes in two lots, $8.50 and $10.00 grades $7.45 $14.00 and $15.00 grades 1 ' $11.85 ONE PIECE WORK SUITS Worth $5.00, $5.50 and $6.50, Khaki One-piece Work Suits (Brand copyrighted) so cannot advertise. Suitable for Machinists and Auto men. Special $3.95 BOYS' BLUE BIB OVERALLS Ages 4 to 15 years. Our regular $1.25 Sellers 75c CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS Regular $1.50 Striped or Blue Chambray Play Suits, ages 4 to 10 years : 95c BOYS' CLOTH HATS Assorted lot Boys' $1.50 and $2.00 Cloth Hats 75c MEN'S DRESS SHOES One lot Men's Black or Tan Shoes, Lace or Button, regular $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 values. Pick them out before your size is gone $3.95 MEN'S DREESS SHOES Men's $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $11.00 Dress Shoes, Tan and Black, Lace or Button, broken lines and sizes. They'll not last long at $5.95 BOYS' BLACK BUTTON SHOES Small Lot Shoes for School or Dress, sizes 10 to 13'2 and 1 to 5. Regular $3.50 and $4 values $2.45 One lot, limited numhenmostly small sizes, long Pant Suits. Would cost at wholesale today $10 to $12. They'll not last long at $7.85. Come on Boys $7.85 lotNo.7 Boys' Knickers Odd lot Boys' Knicher Suits, ages 14 to 17 only. Regular prices were up to $13.50. These are marked Extra Special for this occasion. $4.95 can you believe it $495 Lot No. 8 Boys' Knickers Boys' Knicher Suits, Waists, Seam or Belted, some with two pairs of pants. New models, as sorted materials. Note the Prices: $12.00 and $12.50 Suits $8.95 $14.(H) and $15.00 Suits $10.95 $16.50 and $18.00 Suits -$12.95 Salem Woolen Mills Store Commercial St., Salem, Oregon