Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 03, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New York, Feb. l.-r-Charging that
"1h comDetitloti and rivalries of
evangelical denominations in the Uni
ted 8tata have resulted In astounding
waste and inefficiency" and that tt
per cent of the Protestant churches
hare a total seating capactiy of more
ttaaa 13.000.000, or three times their
requirement, the Rev. Or. Robert
Westljr Peach, pastor of a Reformed
Episcopal church in Newark, N. J.,
makes a plea for organic union of 22
national church bodies.
Dr. Peach's recommendations, to
gether with others, will be discussed
by the Interchurch Council on Organic
Union which begins a four days" ses
sion lu Philadelphia today. The New-
ark clergyman is one of 60 composing
the Ad Interim committee represent
ing various Protestant denominations
which was appointed last Decern uer
upon an Invitation by the Presbyterian
church, to approve a plan for bringing
about a merger. In his statement, a
minority report, he declared that Pro
testants had built perhaps "100,000
superfluous churches at a cost ot
Too Many (liurt-hea,
"If not a single church had been
built In the past II years," lis said,
"those standing in 10 would accorn
Biodate at a single service every Pro
testant communicant of the year 191
and every Roman Catholic In our
country, baptized Infants Includea,
and, besides, every man, woman and
tAitd In Canada, Cuba, and Porto Rico
and there would stlil be much room
to spare.
"These 88 per cent of our churches
reported over three sitting for every
communicant. At the Hume time, the
Roman Catholic churches reporting
had one sitting for every two and one
fourth members a ratio of nenri
even to one in our disfavor. The Ro
man churches are crowded, ours, on
an average less than one-quarter filled
for It Is the exceptional church
which, at Its principal Sunday service,
feat an attendance equalling SO per
cent of Its communicant roll."
The upkeep and the salaries Inctuent
to maintaining services In Protestant
churches, I)r. Peach said, "make nec
essary the raiding annually of millions
of wasted dollars; make necessary,
moreover, gruelling efforts to raise
this money. Inevitably there has aris
en the (Ireat Protestant Order of Men
dicant Pastors and Sisters, unincorpor
ated. Inevltubly also has followed a
widespread defection of church mem
bers, weary of continual solicitation to
give outright and to buy tickets for
suppers, entertainments, bazaars, etc.
Not the giving has repelled, In most
Instances," continued Dr. Peach, Mr
tha American people are generous
but the needless culls for uneconomic
Burden (irowH Heavy.
"Upon members who remain stead
fast have fallen the heavier burdens,"
he said. "This defection also Is main
ly responsible for increasing the two
out of three empty pews caused by
over-churi-hlng to three out of fopr.
Let not the pastors and members of
exceptional congregations blindly ques
tlnn tha general validity of these esti
mate. Withal, we have thousand of
unsettled communities without a tingle
church. In Ohio, for example, the re
cent Methodist Kplsoopal survey has
discovered scores of townships, six
miles square, without a single resident
minister. To wicked waste we add
woeful Inefficiency,
"In our division," Bald Dr. Peach,
"our people are groaning under the
burdens caused thereby, and under the
reproach of Incompetency, not only,
but the unchurched manses Ignore our
weakened testimony and reject our ap
npeal; our problems are multiplied,
our fellowship is marred, our Lord Ik
dishonored. These are the conditions
organic unity Is set to cure."
Singh Teaching Sought.
The Rev. William II. Hlack, I). D., of
tha Presbyterian church, Marshall,
Mo., another member of the Ad In
terim committee, in a minority report,
advocated the line of the terminology
uf the United States government for
iLsracUirluing the proposed new united
church and opposed a "restatement of
the fundamental doctrines of Chris
fan belief," declaring that "ell evan
Ktlical churches recognise and teach
that the holy scriptures are the in
spired word of Clod and nrs the only
ltfaltlbls rule of faith and practice."
Preexotte Is magicl Corns tnd
' calluses lift fight off
Doesn't hurt a bit
A. N. Arnold, supervisor of s-hools
Inproved onJln:is In many cf toe
districts. Directors have utilized the
winter months in Inaugurating neces
sary additions to school equipment
Teachers and directors aided by ir.any
broad-minded patrons of these school
ara found to be working together
for community good in several of the
(districts. Brief observations regarding
sos e of the schools is given.
KoNC-dale School.
The Rosedala school has the posts
set for a new fence around the school
grounds. One new room has been
built and equipped. A new Watermen
heating plant has been installed be
sides many other miner improve
ments. Miss Frazler and Miss Ander
son are the teachers.
Illlhee School.
The black boards have been refin
lshed, and a new lunch table for the
convenience of the teachers and pu
pils in serving hot lunch has been ad
ded. New outbuildings and yard im
provements are noted. Two sets of
supplimentary readers have been supplied.
Miss Edna Jenninon is teacher.
Liberty School.
A large oak tree that had become
dangerous by age has been removed
from the school grounds.
. An item of $-33 for taxi hire during
ImMishinc the lines, after twice report
line failure to reach any decision in Jthe year was cited by Utter as a rea.i
hhe matter, asked that a new commit
'tee be appointed to complete the task
Rome, Feb. 2. Reports have reach-
led this ctiy that the Italian steamer
Danunblo has been attacked at the
city of Trau on the Dalmatian coast
and that she was farced to lower her
Italian flag. It is said passengers on
the vessel were Insulted and some were
wounded during the attack. Consider
able excitement has been caused by
this report which follows rumors of
similar incidents at Spalato and othei
cities on the eastern shore of the Ad
riatic. Commenting on the Incident the
Vlornale D'ltaila, after citing other re
cent "Jugo-Blav provocations" again
urges the government to Insist upon
the application of the treaty o London.
"irtat I have maintained all along"
that the city should buy a car for the
police department.
Maybe same day
v e ll become wise enough and get a
car and save all this," he declared.
cf shaping the ward boundaries. The
luayor will appoint the committee later.
i i , , j Wcist Whims Aim kill.
one oi me most vaiwwuie p...'e- suggestions oy vteisi ina me wul,"iT.lke LAXVTIVE BROMO QUININE
In the world "Vld Uaroy paime" uanes oo (itiiniieiy esuumsm-u ...m .. . t tho Cough Hna-
bv the famous artist. Rosa Bonheur, Meeting were waived by the council j,leM(Iitohe aml wwrks off ,h cold. B.
will be on display In the ready-to-j AVeist said that he would like to se e . UKOVE-s siguatUre on eacS box.
vnar denartment of the Meyers inr n..e, - ......... Aav,
store. Liberty and Court streets, be- ctuncinnan sna.i n so
ginning Thuday- morning. The pic-1 said he regretwd the fact that the
ture is owned by the Fine Arts Pub- are atrairt of their l.Ule jobs and will
licity Syndicate, of New York and keep this mess-waiting in vam hopes
Toronto," and is valued at $65,680. that they might find some way to re
Invitations have been prepared and tain their positions.
are being sent out Into ail parts of j An offer of the county to purchase
the country inviting the public toj.i city asphalt plant was heard. The
come and see the painting. There will; council authorized the sale of the plant
be no admission fee. and any person
may view the canvass without cost
(Continued from page one)
state of Oregon, in that its effects is to
amend and restrict the general govern
mental powers conferred upon the city
of Salem, Oregon, by section 6 of its
present charter.
Constitution Violated.
"(3 That said act attemnts to de-
baseball (team organized with ,)rive a uerson of his nronertv without
Charles Stevenson as captain is work- j due process of law contrary to and in
ing out as mucn as the weather will violation of the fourteenth amendment
Permit. ' . . I in the constitution of the United Stated
China painting is being taught by0f America;
Miss Parkhurst, the primary teach
er, in connection with her other work.
- Frnltlmid School
A good live club was organized by
the pupils. The purpose is to pro
mote the general welfare of the school
The society has appointed commit-
toes to look after various school en
terurlses. Other improvements are a
new well, the reshlngllng of the out
buildings and the removal of some
trees that obstructed the playground.
Mr. llarrv Todd Is teacher.
Clemenceau to Visit on .
Nile and Perhaps Japan
rails. Feb. . Dr. Vlcard, who Ir
accompanying former Premier Clemen
ceau on his trip to Egypt, Is quoted by
the Kxcelslor as saying the Itinerary
will Include Cairo, Khartoum, a trip
up the Nile .and probably a visit to
Syria, Tersla and India. It is aiso snld
the former premier may visit Japan
before returning to France.
North Bend. Or., Feb. 1 A month
ly Increase of $10 In the salaries of all
grade teachers receiving tss than $100
per month ,and a like increase In the
wlurlei of all high school teachers, In-
"(4) That said act is in violation of
and contrary to section 1 article 9 of
the constitution of Oregon, in that It
fails to provide for a uniform and
equal rate of assessment and taxation
and further in that it fails to secure a
Just valuation for taxation of the per
sonal property subject to taxation un
der its provisions, and further in that
it burdens such personal property with
double taxation;
"(5) That said act is in violation. of
section 20, article 1, of the constitution
of the stuto of Oregon, In that it is un
equal in its operation."
Arrow wort from Montevedio Is one
of the plants best fitted for an aquar-
rim. -.' .
Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea
Makes Fine Laxative Syrup
Make It at Home and tinve ' About
11.50 Children Love to Take It.
Full Directions With Each 30-Ccnt
For a real tonic and blood purifier,
take a teaspoonful every night or
eluding Superintendent Robert Goetz. ievery other nlg,u for nt 'aat tre?
has ben authorized by the board ofl"118.
education here. The Increase will be
come effective at once. !
r Trouble Successfully Treated
tZ CALVACURA METHOD b ae tut tile, MUutJ ntttwd, tavvtttlyprtteatntf frMtta feral
Mr. !t.Kn MolsMiJn wrtt(4
' II o twni l.tlf h. MUlrtlQ ft
fh)(tl uf ihw Ii.nt- nitd 1
tin m pint- mm twittUitg
r ft f kill train uk1
Mr.PrMh M. WrifM nr
""Yourl vtM'U'a (, 1 i:uiJ
. vKo my l rather-1 u-Imw,
ml 1 ffM remninwwl M to
ftigiuiM, '
If Y.u ftfffr fwn ftan-
ttmfr, Avahu.jf Unit, rnititt-
tini'!f (iriif lUii. hhiv,
bci yor MMt.t i'lr, U-'h
lit! tir tiVfinKiif tU rm p,
cilf yi'iiii'tt U" 'iiinm lui-il,
4u int iifw'frt U Uiv) ibu
tttJbbW fet Mtlt-v.
If II y
Mia Ji JzsL
Hmmtm Tot. U bail adbvra to Tour
onH, flsonnnoUMmclosrtjr. Mtbaroottfl
ppi, cry, cmti lotikliitf, Uko riaiig, cur
iw the trouble If you wurt to ftvr yonr
Uir ADtt mitkult craw.
lt Us lrMi to yon by wiidinf e ft
MNfti Tr ttw t and our lilurtrtttod book,
"TlMtTr.vah or HclemwOw JkUdncH. ttwl
tkC$,ivHfir Natural Method of kUir Cultur
tium liie U IU14 iff hlr, d$ lvt twu rjundruit
irrtntisi ot tit ivftlp auil prouetM Uw fftvwtk
uf hu t,
will twul llbtml MUnrila of C lranirft Ma I
una our lllu't mted book oil the cure of Uw hair
tulp, If yoa Will writ your nitBte ftn4 ftddrew
i trfi nlvrr or(riiiML
M vvitlt-iM!) ot your good ftuLh, Jj
ftft HVHltJ0 ntldl'i'lHKd
?S3 22nl st
D II Now, Oder You rergst
s ruw
V of th
V. Vtt woru (Muwriftn
1. timi
-.3 - v. aa twill mwub
1 I V '.I Improve
V : i V H si en I of
(Continued from page one)
memory of every other councilman
here does." .
Volk did not reply.
Councilmen Scott, Utter, AVeist and
McCleland said that they voted for
Traffic Officer Moffitt This leaves
Mayor Otto Wilson, Councilmen Hager,
Slmeral, Volk, Schunke, Johnson,
Moore and Buckner who supported
Jlr. Welsh. Councilmen Craig and
halvorsen were not present and Coun
cilman Vandevort, who was named
teller, did not vole. . .
Wur Record Cited.
In nominating Moffitt, Vandervort
made a plea for consideration of the
traffic officer's war record.
"I would like to place the nomina
tion for Mr. Moffitt," Vandervort said.
"A man whom the business men have
asked appointed, and whom the people
of iltim wish to head their police de
partment. He is a man who has cross
ed the water to defend us, who willing
1) offered his life that we might live
ar.d prosper here. It is our duty; there
is nothing more that we should do than
to give him this Job he asks for."
A motion made by Councilman Ut
ter to suspend the appointment of chief
lor two weeks lost.
Following: the appointment of the
feh !ef considerable discussion centered
on the matter of changing ward boun
daries in the city to conform with tpe
precinct boundaries established by the
county court. A motion for the coun
cil to go Into a committee as a whole
to settle the ward . question failed.
Councilman Volk, who has been chair
man of the committee delegated to
work with the county court in re-es-
History of Number 40
40 years ago an; old doctor was
putting up a medicine for diseases of
the blood, that cured the worst cases
of blood troubles, and time proved
that the cures were permanent. After
many years I secured the' prescription
(being a druggist), and took each in
gredient separately 1 and referred to
my U. 8. Dispensatory and other
authoritative books on medicine and
found the medical properties set down
as follows: "Employed In .diseases of
les, eczema, constipation, stomach
the glandular system, In blood troub
and liver troubles, chronic rheuma
tism, catarrh, In sores, ulcers, plm
pies, skin eruptions, mercurial and
lead poisoning. Under Its use bodily
eruptions and scrofulous swellings
that have withstood all other treat-
men dieaonear as if bv magic." To
commemorate my fortieth year as a
druggist I named this medicine
"Number 40, For the Blood." J. C.
Mendenhall. Evansville, Ind. For sale
at Schaefers Drug Store. Adv
A tew cents buys a tiny bottle of
tha nvagta Kreesone at any drug store.
Apjfly a few drops of Fressona upon
a leador. aching c-nra or a callus. In
stantly that troublesome corn or cal
lus atopa hurting, then shortly you
lift tt out. root and all. without anv
pala, aaraasas or irritation. Thoaa lit.
tkt twtttoa or Freesona contain Just
mag to rid the fst of every bard
ears), aoft corn, eora kwlwaait the
taa aatf the calluses on bottom of
feet. 8 eaav! Bo si mole. Why wait:
Ka autubttc! Adv
THE 50-horsepower Series 20 SPECIAL
SIX is moderate in price, economical to
maintain and, with its 119-inch wheel
base, is big enough for the whole family,
amply powerful, thoroughly up-to-date
desirable from every standpoint.
It lines are distinctive it looks just what
it is. a high grade automobile. Its radiator,
fenders, body and top lines, genuine leather
upholstery, extension tonneau lamps and
cord tires, all tell their own story of a qual
ity car, in which each detail has been per
fected to increase the owner's convenience,
comfort and sense of pride in ownership,
I. o. b. Hnlem -
840 Court Bract
Remnant Store
264 North Commercial
Also Junk of AQ Etnd
Beat Prices Qnarantaed
CALL 398
Tho Boosts Deal Hmaa
171 Oaamekata Si, Fboao 898
71 Court Street
Phone S
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Mnfieo if Uaam's
OBl Of
OklMM Md!lBo asli Tea Osv
Haa Madieiao wkiefc will owo say
kaowa diwsaa.
Opaa 8a4Ts horn 19 A. M.
atU I P. It,
alaaa, Oraffa. FM tit
for J4000.
Ilosiilul Fro Di!ussed.
An ordinance, drawn by Councilman
Si-hunke, authorizing the city health
otficer to collect from patients in the
city isolation hospital M.50 a day for
all the time they are confined there
was defeated. Schunke said he under
stood that the persons confined there
were "able to pay that amount, and I
thought we ought to try to get the
noney before they close the hospital
next week."
"What if they haven't got money
enough to pay that?" Utter asked.
"Of course if they haven't got the
money," Schunke explained, "we won't
ask them for It."
There was no provision in the ordi
nance, however, exempting any indi
vidual from paying.
Inventory Reported.
An inventory of the holdings of the
police department and a report of ex
penditures for 1919, that was taken by
the police committee two weeks Bgo,
was read, with tho recommendation
that the "new chief try to keep clown
Yellow Mustard For
Sore Throat, Sonsilitis
Old fashioned remedies are often
the best. Tellow Mustard, in the form
of plaster or poultice, has been used
f or generations
for soreness, in
flammation, con
gest ions and
swellings wi t h
most excellent re
suits but it blis
.ered. Heat eases
pain and Begy's
Mustuiine made
,of pure yellow
mustard, togeth
er with othdr pain relieving ingredi
ents is just as hot, but quicker, clean
er, and more effective and cannot
When jour throat is sore, whan you
have plurisy, bronchitis or a pain
shooting chest cold you can get speedy
and lasting relief, with this most ef
fective preparation because heat eas
es pain. Every druggist has it 30 and
cents at druggists or by mail, S. C.
Wells & Co., LeRoy, N. Y.
ys' j i
In the dance, it b necessary
to use face powder that
stays on that keeps the
face cool and freeh- looking,
no matter how -warm one
Soul Kiss Face Powder is
very adherent and it is fasci
nating in its fragrance.
Meyer Brothers Drug Co,
Saiat Loui
Saul Kit fpee Cream
u the hmH otmdaftua ,
Shave Won't Dolt !
To be a t your best, you must feel at your best. The man that
is magnetic, popular, successful is the one (who radiates vigor
and health. Nothing pulls a man down more surely more in
sidiously than constipation. The poisons , arising from the
decaying intestinal matter take the color out of your face and
the "pep" from your strideNjCeep clean inside as well as out.
Byan entirely new principle mijol will keep the poisonous
waste moving out of the body. Every otherUform of treatment
either irritates or forces the system. Nujol Works on the waste
matter instead of on the system.
Nujol prevents constipation by keeping the food waste soft,
thus helping Nature establish easy, thorough bowxljtvacuation
at regular intervals the healthiest habit in the world. "
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take try it. .
Nujol is sold by all druggists in sealed bottles only bearing Nujol trade-mark.
Write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. New Jersey), 50 Broadway,
New York, for book!et"Thirty Feet of Danger."
A New Method of treating an Old Complaint
The justly famous
Famous for its never failing qualityof giving the utmost satisfaction.
Famous for its policy of not reducing quality during the time when some
manufacturers were reducing quality to increase production.
You All Know Phoenix Hose
Now here in all sizes in Black, White, Navy and Cordovan.
Prices including war tax
11 & totl3 (to.
"Where Shopping Is a Pleasure"