WEATHER FORECAST Tonight nd Wednesday fair; mod- CIRCULATION Average for Quarter Ending December SI. 191 . . . sterly winds. 54 5 rrult ea; Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Associated Pre Full Leased Wire DANIELS REPLIES TO CONTENTION OF SIMS RnTHIRD YEAR. NO. 29. SATEM nmrnnM rrTir'ori'Av i.tttaD 1 SELECTION OF ; JURY HOLDS UP RADICAL Til Slate Now Exercising Right of Challenge; Two Excused . from Duty;. Illness Delays Court Opening Montesano, Wash.. Feb. S. The ,iate exercised its third peremptory challenge today in the trial of eleven alleged I. W. W. charged with the nurder of Warren O. Grimm, one of the v ictims of the Centralia Armistice day shooting. It was the seventh per emptory challenge to be Issued since the beginning of the efforts to secure it jury on January 26. ' . Two Are Excused. S. L Tuffree. electrician, Aberdeen, was the man excused. , In his place .. E. Sweitzer, farmer of Oakville, was called for examination. Mr. Sweitzer was seated. The defense then exercised its" fifth peremptory, excusing G. F. Burns, oil er, of Hoquiam. This makes a total of eight peremptorles that have been ex ercised, leaving only ten more before h-fore a permanent jury la secured Counsel for both the prosecution and f.efensetoday estimated that a jury Yight might be secured by Thursday afternoon. -One Defendant III. Opening of court was delayed hatf an hour this morning when it, was re ported that Bert Bland, one of the cltven defendants was ill His ondl ton was found to be no serious, how ever, and he took his place in the court mom with the other defendants. Of ten names of the regular January ve nire left in the box, only three an swered a roll call this morning, sewn being reported ill. They were excused for the term and it was expected the '"special venire of 806- would be called upon today. Members of this special venire have been attending court since liif trial started January 26. ATTEMPTS TO ;IS IN CITY JAIL Charles Jones, 38, a colored man. Is being held In the city jail, following his arrest Monday mgnt by Officer Motor near the Soutr.ern Pacific train lards. Jones is said to have attempt ed to Induce a small girl, while she as going to school Monday morning, o go with him down Into the creek bottom near Mission street, and the lew Park school. The girl's mothter notified police and caused Jone's ar rest. He Is booked for Investigation. Shortly afternoon Monday Traffic "lcer Moffitt hastened to the ,Yew ark school In response to a com- rn' th" flv hoboes were bother "g the children as they were going school The officer ordered of th. Wn Jones was tt member rested lr,y' The qulntet were "wj Tuesday by Chief Welsh. U Train Service Normal ot schedule Not Changed ' &Lm y' reg0n ElectrIc at UcHonm'rerLS that track re"con- nylldeal ot mi'understandlng, nd d,schaa' he train are receiving h trP1t Pagers only on " Stt Iar'n- 0th"8m runnin. ,ImpreSSlon that tra" ne on wt5Mrepl?frmation of 011 Inter O'egon E.ectrioeL,:0int8 0ut that a" Part on S I 3rriVe and d- whkh f,the lom-Woodburn! M 5ar,d'rt 'VeS at Marlon "fee'1 "chool triln" V K,,own as n stree t. nd. makes the ""'"M to ' M a mafter ' "-' "ruction I When tra " Hh reetiscom- to Mhmhr won tlilyMeeting Tonight ,fkT nn ,b he , mo,'he cL ':ht thp aembly ::r, Z future of th, ua up Rcgu!ar businesi REASONS FOR CHANGING RECOMMENDATIONS OF KNIGHT BOARD IS GIVEN Admiral's Opinion Influenced by Long Shore Duty, Secretary Declares; Commanders of Ships Attacked by Submarines Defended as Most Deserving of Medals for Meritorious Conduct in Face of Danger Washington, Feb. i. Personal dif ferences developing between Read Ad miral William S. Sims and Admiral Henry B. Wilson, former commander of Amreclsan naval forces off the French coast, were followed" by the omission of Admiral Wilson's name from the list of officers recommended for medals by Admiral Sims, the sen ate committee investigating naval dec orations was told today by Secretary uameis. "While Admiral Sims recommended young officers who served well In min or posts for Distinguished Service Medals and other flag officers under his command for the same honor." said Mr. Daniels, "he omitted that distin guished admiral who commanded all American naval forces off the French coast, Rear Admiral Wilson, now com mander In chief of the Atlantic fleet . Wlliton's Service Good. "When the history . of the war Is written Admiral Wilson's service will stand as high tag that of Sims, . Mayo, Benson or Rodman." When it was decided appoint Ad miral WUsoh chief of the Atlantic fleet Secretary Daniels said, Admiral Sims wrote a letter of protest Washington, Feb. J. Taking up the contentions of Rear Admiral 'William S Sims In the matter of naval medal awards, Secretary Daniels today before the senate Investigating sub-committee took emphatlo issue with the admiral. The secretary went into detail in ex plaining changes he made in confer ring decorations as recommended by the commanding officers of the navy p.nd by the Knight board : of medal awards. ' , -H outlined the chief dlfferenees be tween his views and the views held by Admiral Sims. These were at vari ance as to the importance of service at sea compared with service on shore and differences on the question of whether a Distinguished Servlne Med al should be awarded under t'ny cir cumstances to a commander of a ship sunk or seriously damaged by enemy submarines or mines. Influenced by Shore Duty. Asserting that Admiral Sims while on shore duty( both In the Spanish-America nand world war 'demonstrated abll ity of a high order," Secretary Daniels said "the position of Rear Admiral Sims ln placing shore duty above ua duty in the danger zone is, no doubt, influenced by his own reoord." Figures were presented by Mr. Daniels show ing that during the last 25 years Ad miral Sims had served about nine years at sea. As Justifying his contention that In dividual duties ashore are necessarily of secondary importance to duties afloat, Mr. Daniels asserted. "On shore a man decides Important questions with time to weigh the pros and cons and If he makes a mistake his error of decision is not immediately followed by disastrous results. At sea the commander is in Imminent peril of death. He must make momentous decisions in the flash of a single mo ment, often when his ship has been at tacked, and when coolness and poise are necessary to save the lives of score of hundreds of men. A mistake In this emergency is fatal." Sea Officers Deserving. In support of his contention that a commander of a ship sunk or damaged by submarine attack was entitled to a medal if he showed proper qualifica tions even though the ship was unable to combat the submarine, Secretary Daniels cited numerous examples in American naval history and also point ed to Instances of such awards by the r rench government during the world war. "In the stiletto attack of submarine warfare," Bald Mr. Daniels, "it is not the fact that a man strikes or is struck Uiat tests true mettle and true naval leadership. The question is: Does he play the part of nan, with chivalry thought only of others and of his coun try? And has he by preparation and foresight done all that is possible to meet any and every emergency? And vlien he faces a court of his brother officers, do they find he has measured up in the terrible ordeal to the high naval traditions? Admirals Mayo ana Cleaves and Vice Admiral Grant rec ommending commander officers under them for Distinguished Service Medals who displayed these high qualities v. hen their ships, struck by mines or torpedoes, were sunk or damaged. The bnard of awards approved their recom mendations. The greatest thing that a man ever does ln tms worm is 10 turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone. If meda s are not elven lor tnrs sort of noble courage and coolness and direction in supreme danger, what on earth are they designed for?" Rank Means Nothing. ...... Referring to Admiral Simp state ment that hs had not recommended phy enlisted men for medals because "we had nothing to give them," the sicrefarv called the committee's atten- t'on to the act creating the awards whlcl! h '.aid I n.d" no distinction ed'Tanan adm'ra1, CaPt3ln en'i8t" THO QUITS FORCE; WELSH STATES POLICY Officer Walter 'P. Thompson, day patrolman in the business district of the city, Tuesday morning tendered his resignation t '" g Chief Rowe to take effect Immediately. Wednes day Mr. Thompson will begin work with the Salem Street Railway com pany as a motorman. , ; During the past year as patrolman downtown Mr. Thompson, with his Jovial and friendly disposition, has won many friends. Regret at his de parture was expressed Tuesday by sev eral members of the police depart ment. He has served as an officer in the city for several years under Chiefs Shedeck, Varney and Hamilton. : Morelock Takes Job. The text of his resignation handed to Acting Chief Rowe reads: "Owing to the fact that I have re ceived a better position with a better salary I herewith tender my resigna tion to take effect immediately." A. Lee Morelock, during the past iwo weexs acting aay sergeant, was delegated patrolman downtown tem porarily by Chief Jack Welsh. Harry A, Kowe, who has. been acting chief, returned to his post as day sergeant. Welsh Tells Policy. Chief Welsh, who signed his bond and took oath of office in the morning, summarized his policy thus: "I am not coming in here with a chip on my shoulder: and therti will not be any shakeups or anything of the kind. I want to- work with all the boys, and hope that I may get along with them well." SEFI OF OPERATORS FALSE Washington, Feb. 3. After sum marizing arguments presented by the United Mine Workers before the coal strike settlement commission, John L. Lewis', acting president of the union, today attacked the figures of miners earnings presented by the operators yesterday, questioning their depend ability and declaring they carried "their own condemnation" even it conceded to be "representative." "The operators themselves," Mr. Lewis said, "In submitting these earn ing statistics, have produced evidence that overwhelmingly supported con tentions that miners wages are piti ably inadequate." Citing the operators figures show ing that in 1919 the average monthly earnings of miners ln northern Illinois were 333.64, Mr. Lewis declared such an average was "pathetic." INJUNCTION SOUGHT TO END ENFORCEMENT OF DOG LICENSE LA W A suit, tended to test the validity of the stte dog license law, enacted by the state legislature in 1919, was filed In circuit court here this morning by attorneys for E. Hofer, editor of the Manufacturer. District Attorney Max Gehlhar, Sheriff W. I. Needham. County Clerk U. G. Boyer, Acting Chief of Poyce Harry A. Uowe and Consta ble Walter DeLong are named defend ants. ' The complaint alleges that 'the de fendants in this case are without au thority of any kind In the premises for the reason that the act of the legisla ,iure unusr which ..... v unconsum"""i " License Held T'p. Pending the outcome of the suit Is suance of all dog Iic?nses In the coun ty clerk's office ceased this morning. Col. Hofer, who is bringing the suit, owns a buller terrier which served un der the Stars and Stripes in France, in hi eorr.nlalnt he asks that the de- fondants D8 restrained irmn pro- ing against him and from collecting e-!the license fee required by the state "SnJir"! CflDilCILIIliV, VELCJ1 AS HEW POLICE CHIEF Petitions Requesting Appoint ment cf Moffitt Disregard- ed; Ward Boundrv Issue Is( n r f i m.i. uuse ci lively lilt By. a vote eight to four Jack Welsh, chief of police here in 1915 and 1916, and at present an engineer at the Wittenburg-KIng plant, Monday night was appointed thief of police to suc ceed Percy M. Varney by the city coun cil. Verden M. Moffitt, traffic officer, was the other candidate. No heed was paid to a petition ask ing the council to appoint Traffic Offi cer Moffitt that? had been presented to the council by (9 business men of the city. " Gerald Volki member of the police committee, nominated Mr. Welsh. Vtter Calls Volk. . ? This brought t Councilman Utter to Lis feet, declaring f "I would Ukib'to ask Mr.' Volk X Question. DhuVt you say two weekspending more of his money than the pgo that you wished the appointment cf a chief postponed because of the ab sence of Mr. Craig, chairman of the police committee? You did; and I would like to' Know why you ass a much In haste to make the nomination now?". V-.- "The record flon't show that," Volk retorted. "I know the. records don't,". Utter responded. "But my memory, and the (Continued on page two) SECOND ATTEMPT TO aETASDOTOCK Will FILED TODAY Portland, Or., Feb. 3. An amended petition seeking to break the will of the late Henry PIttock, has been filed ln the probate court on benalf of Mrs. Caroline P. Leadbetter, wife of F.,W. Leadbetter, attacking the validity of the last testament ot her father on similar grounds but with more wealth of detail than the first petition, from which three important clauses were stricken by Circuit Judge - Tazwell, January 22. The new attempt on the will, It was learned today, centers about the alle gation of undue influence, the peti tioner alleging that C. A. Morden and O. L. Price, trustees under the will, conspired to "secure large Influence, power, emoluments, salaries and com missions," by persuading the late Mh. PIttock to draw up an Instrument pre venting heirs at law and the minority stockholders of the corporations in which deceased was a stockholder from having .any power to regulate the business policy of the estate or corporation, or enjoying any of the PIttock estate except "a relatively In significant Income portioned out monthly," by the creation of a 20 year trust fund. G OT.D COIX SHIPPED New Tork, Feb. 3. Gold coin valued at approximately $10,000,000 will be shipped to South America be ginning today. Most of the metal is consigned to banks in Argentina, Present shipments are believed to be for the purpose of stabilizing ex change. Section 11 of the complaint, which sets forth the reasons the sttae Is il legally enforcing the law reads: County Made Liable. "(1) That It attempts to make a county liable to the owner of any sheep, goals, or other domestic ani mals killed or Injured by any dog or dogs, and thus, casts upon the county a debt or liability that is Inherently and rightfully the debt or liability of the o wner of the dog doing the Injury, which Is contrary to the principles of every free government and that said act contains no provision authorizing a county, after It has paid for the In Jury done to the domestic animal, to recover the amount so paid from the owner of the dog which caused the inlurv. (21 That the Question of licensing 1 and controlling dogs is a matter of j could not be active and that he could purely local and municipal concern, not be expected to contribute one dot and that the said enactment of the leg- jlar to this movement. This detormin- islature Is a direct Infringement of the' '. J'.'V,",. Draru , . m section 1 (a, of the constitution of the - ' (Continued on page two, swberry Conspi DEFENSE SAYS SENATOR ENTERED RACE BECAUSE OF URGING OF FRIENDS Grand Raplds-Mlcn Feb-3 Tru man H. Newberry entered the 191) Newberry entered the 191t) senatorial campaign ln Michigan at the solicitation ot others and not ln furtherance of a scheme to get a seat in the senate, said James O. Murfin ot Detroit, in outlining to the Jury fn United States district court the atti tude the defense will assume toward the charges of conspiracy and fraud for which 123 men are on trial. Judge Murfln explained the defen se's view ot the specific details of the offense charged in the six counts of the indictment, emphasizing that con spiracy is the essence of the charges. It was pointed out that on the first four counts "the gist of the charge is not fraud In the election, corrup tion in the election, but that these respondents are charged with conspir ing to aid, abet, assist and encourago Truman H. Newberry to commit an offense, to-wit: The offense of ex- law allows. Expenditures Not Limited. ,It was further argued that "under the Michigan law, as lolig as expen ses come within the eleven enumerat ed classes ln the statute, there is no limit as to the amount of money a committee ot a candidate's friends can spend ln his behalf. "It my purpose," Judge Murfln told the Jurors, "to point out to you ln ex act detail everything that was done by anyone connected with this cam paign. The campaign was unusually hot, and in analyzing and considering what these respondents did, the at mosphere under which they did it should be considered. "Our country was at war and the situation was critical in the extreme roe late ot tr. oivmseti , world was hanging in the balance "While there had been rumors ln Michigan that'lienry Ford would be a candidate for the senate, his candi dacy was actually announced on June 14, 1918. . "Rightly or wrongly, there was a very general feeling that Mr. Ford dl l not represent the type of American who at that critical Juncture should represent his state ln the United States senate. "Rightly or wrongly, many people remembered his campaign against military preparedness. Many people remembered his well meant, mis guided efforts to bring about what now appears would have been a Ger man peace. Many people were bitter over the fact that he was not active in the war and that none of his fam ily had become active In the war. "On the other hand, Commander Newberry had had an honorable rec ord in the Spanish-American war, when in the navy. He had been sec retary of the navy in the cabinet of that militant American, Theodore Itoosevelt. . "Within 48 hours after our country entered the world war he volunteer ed and in the spring of 1917 was com niiisaioned Ja lieutenant commander and made aide to the commandant of the third naval district at New York. Kis brothers and his two sons wero f lso in military service. "This combination of 'circumstances roused many a man in Michigan to the" belief that it was his patriotic duty to do all n his power to assure the selection of Commander Newber ry and we expect to show conclusive ly that they were prompted not by pay, but by patriotism that they were actuated not by avarce, but by Americanism. "Gettng into this campaign was not of the choosing of Commander New berry and he entered with the utmost leluctance and only after repeated urging. "As early as August, 1917, a group of representative citizens had a con ference on the senatorial Hiiimtinn. In addition to the governor of the stat? there attended a publisher, a bank er, a lawyer, a soldier and a business man. Says Newberry Reluctant. "After canvassing the qualifications of other distinguished republicans it was their composite judgment that they should organize a movement to elect Truman H. Newberry. Their de sires were communicated to the com mander, (who, by the way, never left his post of duty from the spring ot 1917 until the war was over). Mr. Newberry expressed doubts as to the propriety of his being a candidate and refused to consider the proposal. In December and January this movement began to gather force until finally the commander seriously set out to deter mine whether It was his duty and would be desirable for him to run. "It was not until this had all hap pened that he consented to the use of his name. He stipulated that he could not leave his duties; that he atlon not to be actjvevnor to contrib ute one cent was religiously adhered to by him from the beginning to thi end and the proof will positively show School Supervisor A. N. Arnold vlslt that not one dollar of his money waged schools In the Marlon county south ever handled by any one." em district, Wednesday. Denies Charges of Iracy To Secure Seat MOVE TO JOIN ALL VALLEY COUNTIES The first step to organize the coun ties in Central Oregon into a Central Willamette Valley Federation, an Idea conceived by M anager T. E. McCros key of the Salem Commercial olub, Was taken at a meeting Monday night of the McMinnville Commercial club: Mr. McCroskey, Walter Denton, Luth er J. Chapln, Dr. Henry E. Morris and J. H. Walker, from Salem, attended the meeting. Sulem Men Assist. The Salem men assisted ln the re organization of the McMinnville Com mercial club and after stirring enthus- lasm aided ln raising the club's budget far above the estimated goal Feasability of incorporating the several counties In the valley Into a community federation, along the lines of the Marlon County Community Federation, was discussed at the meet ing. The members of the McMinnville Commercial club laid plans to form a county federation In Yamhill county, and agreed to co-operate with the movement to organize the Central Willamette Valley Federation. Meeting on Tonight, The regular monthly meeting of the Marlon County Community Federation and annual election of officers, will be held Tuesday night at the Commercial club auditorium at 8 o'clock. Dele gates from all parts of the county are. expected to attend. Discussion during the evening is expected to center on the plans for the Central Willamette Valley Federation. British, Belgians and French Plan Alliance Paris, Feb. 3. Discussion relative to the question of a defensive alliance be tween France, England and Belgium have progressed materially during re cent conferences at Ypres, according to a Brussels dispatch to the Excel sior. It la said the Belgian govern ment has drafted and sent to the French government a general outline for the projected common defense in case of a future German attack. Youngstown Newspapers Grant Employes Bonus " Youngstown, Ohio, Feb. 3. News- papers here today announced a ten per cent bonus to both mechanical and editorial forces effective February 1 to continue until the cost ot living de creases. The raise follows a similar 10 ner cent bonuB Effective last October 1. SOME CHICK Pasadena, Cal., Feb. I. With an egg weighing four pounds enough for a meal for eight persons Martha Wash ington, a veteran egg-producer at an ostrich farm here, has opened the season, She is the most reliable egg layer among1 the more, than 300 ostriches at the farm, and for many years has been the first each season to lay an egg. Revolutionists Control Vladivostok Says Report Washington, Feb. 3. Revolution ists have entered Vladivostok and are ln charge of the town, the war de partment was advised today by Ma jor Leon Graves, commanding th American expeditionary force ln Si beria. General Graves' message dated Jan uary 31 said the crowds In the city were orderly and that the allied for ces were patrolling the streets to pro test Innocent people and to prevent looting. The revolutionists platform general said, declared for the end of civil war In Siberia and the lnterfer-; ence by foreigners in the Internal af-, fairs of the country. HI PIQE Heads list of MFFEIH Frederick William and Otsar Sons of Former Kaiser Are Among Those Whose. Ex tradition Is Demanded Paris, Feb. 3. The list ot Germans accused by the allies of war crimes and whose extradition Is to be demanded. is headed by former Crown Prince Frederick William and several other sons of the former German emperor. The list will be handed to Baron Kurt Von Lersner, the German representa tive here this afternoon. Included In the list are Dr. Theobald Von Bethmann-Hollweg, former Ger man Imperial chancellor, Field Mar shal Vnn Hinripnhiiri?.' GennrRl Rrtafl Ludendorff, formerly first quartermas- ter general; Field Marshal Von Mack- ensen, Crown Prince Rupprecht ot Bavaria, the Duke of Wurttemberg and a number of other princes and titled officers. Paris, Feb. 3. The entente rejoind er to the refusal of Holland to accede to the allies demand for the extradition of former F.mperor William Is immi nent, according to the Petit Parlsien. The newspaper- says that, while th i.ote will be generally conciliating to ward Germany It will consider, ln cana ot a new refusal by Holland, measures going as far as the breaking ot diplo matic relations or a naval blockade ot Dutch porta " . ' .', Fl SIGNS FOR $250 LUMP The first woman in Salem poses sing sufficient civic pride to "plunge" Into the stock market here and .buy stock In the Salem Homebullders As sociation is Mrs. L. G. Curtis, whu conducts a millinery establishment at 125 North High street. Tuesday morn ing she appeared at the Commercial Club and signed up with Manager McCroskey for $260 worth of stock In the company. Final figures could not be obtained during the day, and the latest figures released showed slightly more than ,45 000 worth of stock sqld, leaving a deficit of 5000. Tlie committee In charge of stock sales was continuing Its work Tuesday. Chairman Thorns B. Kay said that he hoped to be abla to announce the sale of the required 350,000 ln stock by Thursday. Concrete Ship Lost Found Wrecked on Beach Astoria, Or., Feb. 3. A wireless message was received today by the coast guard cutter Algonquin stating that one of the concrete water tenders vi.leh were lost a week ago while be ing towed to Ran Francisco by the tug S'ocum has drifted ashore near Grays f'arbor Jetty. The hull was in three pieces and there was nothing to InoU cute its name. The stranded craft is belloved to be the Captain Coloquhoun, which broke loose from the tuf off the Columbia river lightship last Monday. ! Herring Industry May Be Rival of Salmon ristung Cordova, Alaska, Jan, 6. (By mail.) The herring Industry, contering at Latouche, on Prince William Sound, Is ra lidly developing and may eventually rival the salmon Industry In importan ce .according to local officials of the United States forest service. Durlasj 1919, 11,849 barrels of herring were 'shlpned out. I Figures compiled by the forest aer the 'vlce show that In addition to the her- ring pack, 236,000 cases ot salmon aet 20,295 cases of clams were handled during the year at Prince Williams Sound, the entire product being valued at nearly 30,500,000. j An eagle kills Its prey with Its claws ivnd never with its beak.