Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 02, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    All firound Town
jyk Meeting of Art Ap
e,, Legion and distribution of
nedalt- Armory.
s Annual member
Jner. T. W. C. A. Aa-
-ciation rooms. ... library
F A. .uasruw-
c Lecture In
by Df-
.tb rooms unucr
of Marion count, chil
V7bureau. 1:30 P- m.
Til t Meeting of North
Jem Improvement asaocia-rtoa-
Highland school.
i Rov Scout Week.
tML -
school auditorium, t
W IS - Marion
Wren's bureau
I commercial club.
. 1 1 1 I Y,
campaign in Salem.
W. C.
Rome Lais, JS, Mount Angel resi
dent who was bound over to the grand
jury. Saturday In Judge Unruh', court
was released Monday on 11000 honrt
Joseph Utehty. II, also of Mount An
gel is also out under ie bond. The
two men were bound over to the grand
Jury charged with contributing to the
delinquency of a minor child. District
Prosecutor Max Gehlar filed the
charges against the men. Florence
Kephart. the 11-year-old girl In con
nection with whom the
jinade, is being held at a local hospital.
Lieut Edw. L. Sunnio nj
l.-.-i . . "
iw,'""S wi oergeam Dawson. Berea.
and Corporal Ditto, all of the 67th
I Artillery, C. A. C. now stationed at
Camp Lewis, Washington, arrived
nere last evening to
Tacorna. Wash., Feb. X Projector
w. U. Askren was greatly elated today
over the conviction nt h. e j
w- w- charged with violating the
state syndicalism law.
ihe conviction nuni tit t m-
W.ism is Uboo In Tacorna," Mr. Aak-
ren earn. "The case esUblishes a prec
edent, and is an imrxirt ant ntnn 4H
war against radicalism In
The prisoners were found ruiltv hv
a jury in superior court at 11 o'clock
last night after 5 hours of delibera
tion, ine foreman of the Jury said to
day that originally thr
iv,. , . v.
. jui v w r. i m aBnmar nnmintiA.
commence the.lieving that the I. W. W. organization
uipaigu ior miner man individuals were suilHr
ve, watchmaker, Jeweler. Salem.
Foor, Hotel Marion. 29
leading funeral
ViavL Mrs.
tne new regular army. They finally voted for conviction when
1 I tKA Aikn. J
I '" wluc jurura agreed to ask the
. rt appreciation section of the I court to exercise clemency in senten
League wlu meet n the 'cing the prisoners. The state law pro
public library Monday evening at 8 vldes a maximum sentence of $1009
o clock. This is the first meeting of fine and five years in the penitentiary,
the class since December, and work Attorney Ralph Pierce, who defend
ant oe resumed where It was dropped, ed the prisoners, was not in Tacorna
Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert nrpsirlcnt nr todav. It In "v,. v ,
. . - - I-.-v. . v fciL e WiU u u-
peal the case to the sunremo mip t
test the constitutionality of the syn-
the League, will preside.
leading runermii ""'""'s iu
Blgd0n Sor service. Moderate Postmaster Huck
jlrettors. Superior , delivered and i
word received bv
kesteln Monday, un-
refused narml nnot
'packages originating in Germany wi'l
n, nd Mrs S. C. Stone nave re- oe returnee to their origin ata the ex-
f rom an extended visit at Long plratlon of thirty days from the date
""T California. ,of the receipt at the office of address,
Bewh.cai.iu instead of at first ascertaining the
nnce Moose Hall Wednesday wish of the sender. Undelivered and
s refused packages received in Germany
. ' from the United States will hB trpntort
! $1.50 per box de-m like manner.
-.11 Martf illinlpS
W"""?.'.,,,. i.h.,ton Phone
WfllTl Uioimiu"-"' f
Owing to the absence of a quorum
at the last irathprlnr- tVlA Onhn1
and meeting of the stockholders of the
City Co-Operative Creamery
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward
Auurhter Miss r ranees vyu, -u-vini.ive creamery
Id Monday from Albany where they, will be held next Saturday morning at
. tne week end- While there they 10 o'clock in the Commercial club
ttmded a dinner dance at Hotel Ai- auditorium.
taW. given by Mr. and Mrs. E. R. stockholders
auditorium. Mr. Katz will address the
on the purpose and work
tany given by Mr. anu mr ..,iuraH3 iui ine purpos
WMftrook In honor of the Assembly of the Dairyman's League.
,.r . ooiiilst of the . -
dUD. SOLiOB aiv " -- 1 ....
a. Ackiey nas purchased the Sham
Rowland of the Row
Edgar ai- iw
. . ,. unniiDW
In Portland:' He was accompaniea oy
rock cash grocery at 306 South 25th
The restaurant in the Argo hotel
building which was to have been open,
to the public February l. will open
next Sunday, February 8. Jack Loper,
. . . .. - T3 ... W U
UWing U me HlJepttliiUtS Wi I -1 ' J b. .avs uwjjcr,
, , U..1..U TCrltUA hafl WI1 known refltniirnntai.v urlll Mn
.VII. naiuu , i mm mmu i ----- - . . u . , tt 1 1 1 liaii-
uenu oancere, iaipn t , ,
jMtponed her Wednesday evening ,aS the new establishment
fencing class until February 11.
Vim Muriel Simpson, of Portland,
was in Salem Monday as the guest
tt her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A Simpson, 160 Division street.
Mia Simpson is playing the xylo
piione with the .McCormick orchestra
which is touring Oregon and Califor-
The Red Cross wishes nurses to reg
blw at Its headquarters In the post
office building. Phone 332. t 30
State Parole Officer Percy M. Var-
ney, his wife and father-in-law. are
Confined to their rnnlrl Anno at' Kfirt
Center street suffering from attacks of
iiuiuenza. me nome is quarantined
and a nurse is in attendance. The at
tack of flu is slight.
Moose Hall
After several days illness with
pneumonia Hazel Grazen, one-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jacob
Gnuen, of Hopmere, died Sunday
Horning at nine o'clock. The funeral
wu held at the chapel of the Webb
Clough company here' Monday after
noon, burial following in Clagett
A N. Arnold, supervisor of schojls
for southern M irion county, has re
buwd Irom a tour of inspection of
tie schools in his iii.trict and reports
tie finding of linpruvementn in many
the schools Among oth. r pro
trusive projects nnl..d by Mr. Arnold
ii the serving of hoot noon-dny
hnches at the Illilioe, Sidney, Battle
Creek and Liberty schools.
Eugene, Feb. 2. Mrs. Berths Shif-
flett, an 18 year old country girl, wife
of Harley Shifflett, waa arrested Sat
urday and placed In the Lane county
jail on charges of obtaining money un
der false pretenses. It was easv. she
During the past month she has Wn
writing checks in sums ranging from
$5 to $20, using her friends' names and
some she invented, then Dassine them
on local business men.
No Questions were asked: as on each
check she gave a different fictitious
home address. The iroins WAR ffnnrt
she said, until one hardware store ask
ed her to Indorse the check again.
This time she forgot and used her own
name. She acknowledges her auilt.
Her parents live at Shedd and other
relatives up the McKensie river.
The changes of precinct boundaries
in the city by the court court has i'r-
en rise to much speculation as to
what ahall be the fate of several coun
cilor! en Of the CitV. Thn.,,.), .h.
change, made by the court the original tTh.! X StUte
ward boundaries In the city have bee v f0 me" Dt ,h viet
completely disarranged, and acUonTf 1?, TT, mUSt eIeaBe ln Ken"
the city council to reUstabfirt. 1' ac?'iUe G food st.pplie
Washington, Feb. 2. The Russian
bolshevik army has been nut ttfl work.
; according to a press report of a de
cree usuea oy Lmne January 15. r-i
ceived today by the state department
Argentine Quake Shakes
Down Many Fara Houses
Buenos Aires. Feh. rii,ini,..
from the state of Mm.-i. nr,-
lail. report that an earthquake Sunday
" "wn a number of houses in
the country districts, creating great
panic ainonir the Inhabitant. Th. a;-
patches say that in Intensity the earth
shock is without precedent in that r-
war a lines is necessary.
In this process of re-establishment,
which, it-is point out by City Attorney
Macy, must be done to conform with
the newly established precinct boun
daries several present councilmen
may be ousted .and new onea will have
to be elected. Whether thia shall to
be done, however, depends on what ac
tion takes in re-establishing the ward
Vcy" - ' ;. -."".'!M
lUT.IITTI IHI T,llirTr,ff1.1.tTiniIinTlllf.,WI.Tl1lltfl
GRAZEN -Hazel Grazen. one-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacog
Grazen, of Hopmere, died of Pneu
monia Sunday. Funeral at chapel
of Webb & Clough company Mon
day afternoon. Burial ln Claggett
University of Oregon, Eugene, Feb
2. Arnold Shot-well, who spent It
months ln the service with tho Amer
ican forces in Siberia, returned to the
University of Oregon to take up grad
uate work.
Shotwell left the United States in
August, 1918, as a member of Ambu
lanec company 4 and was with thp nl-
lied forces near Vladivostok until Da-
eember 11, 1819.
The majority of the nnmilatinn of
Siberia, he said, are in sympathy with
tne noisneviki, and it is only the pres
ence of Japanese and Czech soldiers
in large numbers that prevents the
radicals from taking the whole coun
try around Vladivostok. At the time o
his daparture, Shotwell said, Bolshe
vik! troops were rapidly driving for-
wara aione tne line of tho Trim.
Siberian railroad and foreln Arlmlrnl
A-oicnaK to make a swift retreat.
Butte Bricklayers Ask -$1
Per. Day Wage Increase
Butte. Mont.. Feb. 2. The hrlKViav.
ers union of Butte, an organization of
ome 25 men, went on strike today to
enforce demands for a wage Increase
of II, from $9 to 310 a day. No other
union walked out today. '
Tomorrow morning new working
rules, dictated by the Associated Indus
tries will be posted, and if any work Is
done by the building trades it will be
Washington, Feb. 2. Solicitor fieri
eral King said today that by asrree
ment with Attornev llcnprai Rir.o n
Rhode Island, arguments before the
supreme court in original proceed
ings brought by Rhode Island to de
termine the validity of the forierai
constitutional prohibition amendmen
would not be heard before March I
at ine earnest. Tne agreement was
made because of the lame numher
of cases assigned for areument im
mediately after the court receive nn
jwarcn 1 after Its February recess
New York, Feb. 2 Prices of Lib
erty bonds at 2:55 p. m. today were
iWa, 98.28; first 4's. 91.28; secon
'.."; urst 4'A'g, 91.46: secon
at the third regular meeting of I
a clerks of k'afoury Brothers mer
chandise company, held Tuesday,
January 27, the club, organization of
"hich was completed In December,
o" as Its official name "Kafoury
Owks Progressive Club." The pur
Wee of the organization to cultivate
ImI!nUinesf' and understanding
- Uie employees of the establiah
. and to plan means for the bet-
performance of their duties. Pro
" wm be given by the members
e various departments, to offset
seriousness of the business meet-
meeting wag hela at the cear
"""01 bouse Saturday to dis-
c.h neeled improvements on
road ipHtn . i-
.s , lne tggett cem.
2" impassable, and t a funeral
kam it. " was necessary to
aalt.? I ' Kun and convey
ttu. pJ.' mner means, to the
hseral . . were atending the
whine, i r "sen t0 lcave
e to the grave.
fc ui an aut,. .,, r.
Ulan j ... : -
rta .f th, . " wreck'nK In a ditch
au I? poliee "we y Sheriff
n f. Wn county. Police
"a and ""ei that the car was
a Wed to keen a watch
loinr ?aMea through thia
tii-. . . tater A nail
that thrrna-
UJ ....c wuiiumib uauoa il win ue t-i o, m.ofi; iniru, s, 3.utf; fourth
unner rnese rules and tne wage scale4Vs, 90.58; victory 3's, 97.92; vie
for 1919, it was stated today. tory 4 3-4's, 97.92. "
I 3 Board and Lodging C
r""is and Kwrckd north of
aes, a abandoned by the
Board and Lodging
Three square meals a day and clean, well fur
nished rooms where you can live in comfort and
happiness can be found quickest and easiest
through our Board and Lodging Want Ads. The
Sest places in this city advertise regularly in our
Classified Section.
Turn to these Want Ads now and pick out the
.jcation, price and conveniences that appeal to
you. Then go and make your arrangements.
Or, if you are looking for something special,
'nsert a Want Ad of your own.
Want Adt Like These Do The Work
tt. In ftow privsU torn. Fttt
Iblnjr atwiutflj" fleftit. HIS-cirt
rmct. niSHBi! BurrfBodliiK. t-i-rrih-rrt
!, ipitolly low ntM.
iU.p eutahfe tirj mn4rm wca wu
ptiTttaf fir adjAitili b'h, 1b privtt
tame. Wed tide prafmad. Hut
For everv business purpose you'll find it
excellent habit to
Read and Use the Want Ads in
Our service is of
the highest qual
ity. We are equip
ped to satisfy the
most e z a e ti n g
client. The cour
teous conduct of
our staff matches
the up-to-dateness
of our equipment.
cut and freight Umber to the railroads
and to the factories and organize
transport facilities and Join in general
bull dint o Derations. Thev milt ulan
especially assist the fanners.
According to the decree the army
will be headed by a revolutionary
council whose chairman will be one
of the members of the defense coun
cil. The revolutionary council of the
army will be superior to every local
authority in soviet territory.
a contract whereby the lawyers were
to have received 7, per cent interest
in the property for handling eertaia
litigation for the Tjosevigs and 1I;J-versen.
San Francisco Attorneys
Win Interest In lues
San Franrfsco. Fh f t,,.i
awarding to P. J. Donohue and Ed
mund Smith, attorneys, a Tti nern-nt
interest in a group of mining claims
at Chitna, Alaska, owned bv Chris
topher and Ely T Tjosevig and An
drew Halversen was upheld today by
me mite states circuit court of ap
peals here.
After the mine holW hj
their claims for $117,900, the attor
neys brought suit, charging breach of
Bill Creating Hawaa
As State fctrc&ced
Washington, Feb. J, A bill pro
viding for the granting of statehood
to the territory of Hawaii, under qual
ifications to be determined by con
gress was Introduced today by Hawai
ian Delegate Kalanianaole.
ifffty Stale apct
I ! LI
..... , . (
fa bbdrtl (SX. g
(VVooaWm. V , fehainaAf-jl
Ml Varv-i rV (SUytonlM
n i i t n i i i
mm mm earn m s
: fi
The Picture you'll
Never Forget
Bligh Theatre
Shipments for every Dep artmcnt are Arriving Daily
In new and novel patterns. GINGHAMS, from the best Cotton Mills in America,
WAISTS, SUITS, UNDERWEAR and all the needed apparel for good, economical
40 Years
100 per cent
Square Dealing
and Good Goods
Spell Success
You Can Always Do Better At
Whc Always Do Better By You
40 Years
Kprnt In Marion
County as its
Lending Store