Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 02, 1920, Image 1

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Average for Quarter Ending
December SI,
54 5 8
Uercber Audit Bureau of Circulation
Associated PreM Full Leased Wire
55; minimum 42; rainfall
Twelfth Member Seated at
Montesano Today; Defense
Invokes first Premptory
Challenge Right
Montesano, Wash.. Feb. 2. The de
fense Invoked its first peremptory chal
lege an hour after court opened today
in the second week of the trial of 11
alleged I. W. W. charged wits the mur
der of Warren 0. Grimm, one of four
victims of the Centralla Armistice day
shootings. Thomas C. Connor, former
liquor dealer of Montesano, and the
first temporary Juror passed, was the
man excused.
Challenge Falls.
The Jury box, which lacked one man
of making the dozen necessary when
court opened this morning, was filled
by the seating of Walter Quennell,
cigar dealer of Hoqulam. He was
seated notwithstanding a challenge for
cause by the defense. Attorneys Geo.
F. Vanderveer, for the defense, and
W. H. Abel, for the prosecution, In
dulged In sarcastic clashes this morn
ing and the court was forced to call
tlwm to order several times.
Abel during Quennell's examination
charged that Vanderveer was "trying
the Jurors" In alleged endeavors to
shuw prejudice and Vanderveer re
plied, In effect, that he had such a
right. The prosecution has used one
of Its peremptory challenges and the
defense one. The defense must use an
other peremptory before the prosecu
tion Invokes Its second.
Other Trials Walt.
Trial of 13 alleged I. W. W. on
charges of criminal syndicalism, sche
duled to being this morning in the
court of Judge Ben Sheeks, was post
poned until Wednesday morning on
account of the Illness of County Prose,
cutor Stewart.
Portland, Or., Feb. 2. Portlanders
were In doubt today as to who was
their postmaster. Frank S. Myers,
who has held the office for seven years
and whose resignation by February 1
was asked by his superiors in Wash
ington, reported for duty and contend
ed that he still was in office, having re
fused to resign. He Indicated that he
would make a legal fight for his posi
tion. Robert A. Barclay, chief postofflce
Inspector, who came here from Spo
kane to take charge of the local office
until a successor to Myers is appoint
ed, also was on duty in the chief In
spector's office at the postofflce, and
expressed determination to take over
control of Portland's mail dissemina
tion. The situation was expectect to
dear during the day.
The postofflce department has not
made public Its reasons for asking My
' resignation, beyond stating that
fnctlon existing between the postmas
ter and Harry Durand, assistant post
master, necessitated the removal of
win. Durand tendered his resigna
t D" ?vl days ago. His friends have
ated they would endeavor to have
tan reinstated. He was under civil
wvlce and had been a postofflce em-P'uj-e
for many years.
Myers Refuses to Quit.
'Jraere idsna ,rt i... , . . . .
In. d . "y -niei insp-
wLT5 t0 Poatoffice employes
frnm . . na Mr Myers refrained
n B oraers' indicating that he
cn"nue as postmaster, how
liny 8 8ettlement ' the contro
ller. 8ftement made public today,
kind Jit0: Rnd no charS any
fin "," e oeen made to me. The
PuMle d?ratl0n is 8ervic to the
hilt to thi8 8ha" be impaired
t-stl.1 , he Potmaitershtp con
1 deter"' 1 and 11 doubtless will
""ermined by law."
! the , la Brown Py dur
ftat U has been ln office and
h been praised a-,
men, 8 by the Postofflce depart-
l TAKES 01
tlT.0W f the "nslup
U W n fr0m Dr' R- E- 1
tti?" ComPton. former state
the reluJ1'" "ected Sani
wi .g ,0,iStelner om a ten
5 '.h0UBh Steiner's au
'uCSS lnt;ndBt " the state
Utlonmnrhalchargeat the ln
"lr f H, .? cmPleted the turn-
"Mr another day or two.
Court To Decide
If Trousers Are
Liquor Vehicle
Chicago. Feb. 2. The United Ktt.
district court wilt be asked to decide
whether the trousers- nf Phri v
Thomas. Chicago bank president, are
a vemcie- ana ir they are whether
they should be confiscated by the gov
ernment and sold at auction.
Mr. Thomas was arrestee! Katurrinu
night in a cabaret when ha nmdnnui
a bottle of liquor from his pocket and
concocted hlghballla for himself and
three companions.
A new chief of police to succeed
Fercy M. Varney as head of the Salem
opllce department, will be appointed
by the city council at Its regular ses
sion tonight, If a quorum is present.
Either Verden M. ' Moffltt, present
trafic officer, or Jack Welsh, engin
eer at the Wlttenburg-Klng plant will
be appointed, it is believed, as no
other candidates are known. I
Perhaps In no other appointment
to be made by the council has the
public taken so keen an interest.
Shortly after publication that Traf
fic Officer Moffitt, an ex-service man,
was a candidate against Mr. Welsh
petitions began to appear in the buui
uess districts urging the council to
appoint Mofflt to the post.
The council is known to be div
ided on the matter of appointment of
these two candidates. Because coun
cllmen decline to commit ' themselves
1; is not known who has the majority
veto to win the appointment.
Individual members of the Ameri
can Legion have approached mem-
bers of the council urging the apv
pointment of Mr. Moffltt as chief.
Mayor Wilson Is said to have been
approached by several legion men,
and while not naming the candidate
he would support, inferred that he
probably would support the former
As Councilman Halvorsen, and
Craig are out of the city, and John
son may be attending a convention in
Portland, it Is possible a quorum will
not be present at the meeting.
Answering 'charges enumerated by
bis wife In her dvorce pettion; that
he had neglected his family, made
fiilse accusation against ner ana mat
ha hart lHrlnannait thipr daughter.
Marvel, Edward L. Hill filed answer"
and cross complaint Saturday ln the
lvorce proceedings or catnenne tim
against Edward Hill.
In this rebuttal, Hill asserts that he
owns all the property Involved In the
action and that his wife owed him
C5 when she married him. The Kid
napping charge is also denied, Mr.
claiming that he took his daughter,
Marvel mil. 14. from her mother. Dec
ember 31, because the mother "was
not a fit person" to have custody or
the girt.
Mi- Hill further claims that his
daughter is in Marion county and that
isne is being given me uesi ui ir
and superior educational advantages.
The cross-complaint charges that
Mrs. Hill had voilated her marriage
vows and had committed adultry up
on divers occasions, namely in the
Jfars 1810, 1913, 1914, 1916 and 1918
with many men, among them F. W.
Troctor, John Ratzburg, Otto Beatty,
Downer Halferty, Clyde Clagget and
F. M. Lick are named.
Hill claims that his wife deserted
him n 1914, but that, nevertheless, he
has provided for her and Marvel, nl
addition to taking care of his invalid
father. He specifies that he gove his
wife possession of their farm home
near Salem, and that in following his
trade as contractor and builder he
was compelled at times to go to other
slates for employment, but that dur
r.Ig the years 191S, 1918 and at all
other times he nrovided money and
a home for his wife and daughter.
Hill asks for the custody or tne aau
Rhter and for a divorce decree.
French See Urgent Need
for Big Wheat Acreage
Paris. Feb. 2. Production of wheat
must be Increased In France, accora
ing to newspapers commenting upon
yesterday's meeting of the council of
ministers, at which the situation rela
tive to cereals was discussed. It is said
the acreage sowed this year is less than
that seeded in 1914. and that the
French government will not be aWe to
continue making up the difference be
tween the price fixed for wheat and
that paid for bread.
Salem, a city beautiful, home of
blossoms, flowers and songbirds, and
paradise of tourists and lovers of na
ture. For this the Salem Floral Society
has worked and to them the beauty
the city now has Is to be credited.
But that it mighf be more thank
ful, and that this city might have on
its most gala garm of flowers, shrub
bery and trees, the citizens of Salem
are urged to take an Interest in the
"city beautiful" movement and to
plant now. During the summer
months Salem will be host to thous
ands of visitors the Elks, Shriners
and others who plan to come here to
hold conventions and meetings.
Mass Meeting Called.
To stimulate interest in the move
ment, and to pledge citizens to mak
ing this "The City Beautiful of Wil
lamette Valley", a mass meeting, at
which every citizen of Salem is In
vited to attend, will be held a week
from Tuesday.
Decision to hold the mass meeting
was reached at the weekly luncheon
of the Business men Monday noon In
the Commercial club when general
discussion of plans to beautify the
city was made.
That the Floral Society Is disband
ing because of the lack of civic inter
est in their work, and because they
have no financial support, was told by
J. W. Maruny, head of the society. At
the last meeting of the society, Mr.
Maruny said, only five members were
present, and when It became neces
sary to raise the membership dues,
the membership waned entirely.
Club To Aid.
The civic department of the Com
mercial Club was Instructed to ar
range for the mass meeting, and to
strive, In conjunction with the floral
society, to advance- the city beautiful
Idea here.
Pointing put that California capital
izes its, blossoms, and annually at
tracts thousands of tourists to the rol
ling hills of bloom, T. E. McCroske?
said that the same should be done
here. He told of the blossom-draped
hills south af the city during prune
blossoming time, and of the great ad
vertising possibilities for the ' city If
motion picture camera Bien are invit
ed to come here to film these scenes
for exhibition in all parts of the
. Mrv Maruny urged a uniform plant
ing law in the city whereby all shrub
bery and trees would be the same. He
spoke In favor of preserving native
shrubbery, and told of the ease with
which the citizens could plant trees
from surrounding hills along . the
streets of the city.
Scouts Will Help.
Expressing the willingness of the
boy scouts of the city to take a part in
any general planting movement, Wal
ter Denton urged the business men to
attend the annual meeting of the
scouts to be held Wednesday and to
encourage them in the work.
The Importance of the Duroc-Jer-sey
sales ln the pavilion at the state
fair grounds Wednesday was cited by
Mr, McCroskey. All the northwest Is
attracted to the sales, he said; and he
urged the business men to "display
the real Salem spirit" while the vis
itors are here by entertaining them.
. Luther J. Chapln and F. W. Jobel
man also spoke ln favor of concerted
action in making Salem the "City
Portland, Or., Feb. 2. An auto stol
en from M. M. Rounds here Friday
night, was found yesterday ln the
Clackamas river, Just beyond Glad
stone, according to Information re
ceived by Detective Tackaberry from
Sheriff Wilson of Clackamas county
The machine, according to Sheriff
Wilson, had left the road which runs
near the river at that point and
plunging over a 40 foot embark in ent
had landed In about seven or eight feet
of water.
The car had gone Into the river some
time after midnight Saturday night,
the sheriff said.
That some persons were riding In
the hiachlne at the time of the plungs
Is believed by officials. Whether they
made their escape or were swept avuj
by the current was not known. r
List of War Offenders
To Be Handed Huns Today
Paris. Feb. 2. The list of Oerms
to be demanded by the allies an
placed on trial charged with violations
of the laws will probably be given au
German representatives here today ac
cording to the Petite Partsien. It is
expected Germany will resist this de
mand, the newspaper says, and that
the peace conference will probably be
forced to consider future action and at
the same time examine different viola
tions of the conditions and armistice
and peace treaty by Germany.
Nice. Feb. l.-"-The American am
bassador to France, Hugh Wallace,
who has been here for the past five
days, left for Paris at noon today. He
will attend the ambassadors' confer
ence tomorrow.
i:i raw
Conspiracy to Secure Senator
ship by Purchase" If Nec
cessary Exposed In Open
ing of Trial today
! , . :
Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. . The
fraudulent election conspiracy which
the government charges against Un
ited States Senator Newberry and co
defendants had Its inception in New
York ln 1917, according to the open
ing statement which Frank C. Dailey,
assistant attorney general, made to
the Jury In United States district court
here today. He named Senator New
berry and William Cody, whom he
described as "a legislative agent for
large corporations, particularly the
American Telephone and Telegraph
company and the American Book
company," as the men who made the
"preliminary arrangements." He ad
ded: "They had determined to purchase
the United States senatorship ln
Michigan for Newberry."
Mr. Dailey jold the Jury that the
senator was then on "patriotic work"
In New Torkf City as a Uentenant
commander lnj the navy, adding that
the American! Book company "was
largely controlled by the Barnes
family, to which Mr. Newberry was
related by marriage."
Mr. Dailey said Mr. Cody was com
missioned to hire a manager for the
campaign and J. D. Hayden, Wash
ington correspondent of the Detroit
News, was bffered $500 a month but
refused the position, because "he did
not want that kind of a Job."
Mr. Dailey said solicitations of Hay
den ceased suddenly after the latter
had advised Mr. Newberry "not to
conduct a 'barrel campaign'."
Tolls Of Conference.
Mr. Dailey then shifted the scene
to Detroit where he said In February
there was a conference of Michigan
politicians krtjw,n, ,as "Cody men."
(Continued on page two)
Wauhlnirton. Feb. 2. A verv severe
earthquake lasting more than two
hniirn end centered between 3.300 and
3,800 miles from Washington, was re
corded early today on the George
town seismograph. Shocks began, at
fi!42 n. m. reached the maximum at
about 8::0:0 o'clock and ceased at
9:03 o'clock.
Chicago, Feb. 2. The United States
government seismograph at Chicago
university recorded the most pro
nounced earthquake n months this
morning. The shocks, which were still
continuing at 8:45 o'clock, were
heavier even than the recent Mexican
The' fifst shock was recorded at
5:42 o'clock and the maximum was
reached at 7:40.
Seattle- Feels Quake.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. .The Univer
sity of Washington seismograph early
today recorded an eartnquaKe wmcn
was estimated centered at a point ap
proximately 5000 miles east of Seattle.
The first shock was' recorder at 2:b4 a.
m. At 3:13 the quake was so heavy
that the east and west needle of the
seismograph was thrown from its po
sition and rendered useless, he re
maining "north and south' needle con
tinued recorded until 6:24 a. m.
Washington, Feb. 2. Cabinet
changes were the order of the day here
today. Carter Glass, secretary of the
treasury who recently was appointed
to succeed the late Thomas 8. Martin,
expected to be sworn in this afternoon
as senator from Virginia. Uava
Franklin Houston, who has been sec
retary of agriculture since the begin
ning of the Wilson administration, will
take the oath of office as succensor to
Mr. Glass, and Edwin T. MeredIJi of
Des Moines. Iowa, becomes head it the
department of agriculture, succeeding
Mr. Houston.
Mr. Meredith, the new agricultural
department head. Is the editor of "Suc
cessful Farming" and president of the
Associated Advertising clubs of the
world. He also is a director of the Chi
cago federal reserve bank and was one
of the exceHS profit advisers of the
treasury department.
R. H. Campbell, manager of the
Salem district of the Standard Oil
company. Is home from a several days
stay ln Portland. While in the met
ropllis Mr. Campbell atended the con
ference of district managers of the
company in Oregon.
Tombstone. Ariz., Feb. J. Three
men of the 210 accused of kidnapping
in connection with the deportation of
1186 striking copper mmers and their
sympathizers from Bisbee, Ariz., to
Ariz., to New Mevico on July 12, 191T,
went to trial in the fnnhi.e
court here today. Frert Ran.uher
James Boyd, mine shift besses of the
w arren mining district, and Phil Tov
rea. Bisbee meat dealer, were the first
defendants to face the state court
The other defendants Include mining
officials, bankers, business and nmre..
sional men of the Warren district,
which embraces the mining camps and
cities of Bisbee, Lowell, Warren, Bak
ers ville and other smaller camps.
Rjunnppmg Charged.
The state chare-en the dafanj.,.
with putting into effect & LMn,nnu,
conspiracy to deprive the deportees of
meir mwiui ngnts. Besides the de
fendants It Was Bald bv the nrn.l.
ing attorney that more than 1000 per
sons participated ln the deportations,
rounding up the striker. nni Vm tin
thizers, loading them into boxcars and
ocuumg mem across the state boun
daries into New Meirlcn i.,
the deportees were care for ln a great
camp provisioned and cared for by
United States soldiers.
The defense, it was Intimated
court opens, will attempt to show the
strike was the outgrowth nf I w w
agitation, that miners who cared to re
main at work were kept' from the
mines by intimidation and that the de
portations were lawfully resorted to
under direction of the sheriff, Captain
Harry Wheeler, who swore lrt the Ha.
fendants as deputy sheriffs.
Defendants Prominent.
It was said that attemnt nnM he
made to show that the United States
was at war and that the strike was
crippling this countrv's effort tn h.
tain copper for manufacturing muni
tions ana otnerwise carrying on war
The defendants include the
prominent men ln the state and mil
lionaires are Included ln their "num.
Bend, Or., Feb. 2. Holes bored by
crawfish ln the earthen wing-dam di
verting the waters of the Deschutes
Lrlver through the plant of the Bend
Water, Light & Power company, are
cconsidered responsible for a washout
which occurred yesterday and which
will cost the company several thousand
dollars. '
Water impounded ln the Joint log
pond of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
company and the Shevlln-Hlxon com
pany a mile above, was suddenly re
leased, while the pond was being clean
ed out, with the result that the por
tion of the wlngdam, weakened by the
boring of the crustaceans was quickly
swept away.
When first discovered the flood mert
aced the Ice plant and creamery but
nn alarm brought the members of the
Bend fire department, and volunteer
workers Joined them, filled sand bags
and carried tons of hay to be placed ln
front of a temporary dam of timbers
which was hastllly erected. At one
time 200 men and boys were at work
checking the widening breach, and
largely because of the aid given by vol
unteer workers It was not found neces
sary to suspend power service.
Washington, Feb, 2. An answer to
the wage demands of the 2,000,000
railroad employes presented last July
will be given tomorrow by Director
General Hines. There was no intima
tion ast o what the government's at
titude would be but It was said today
that the answer would be "definite and
This conference probably will be the
last on this subject during the period
of government control which ends on
March 1. Decision on the demands of
the workers had been deferred pend
ing the outcome of the government's
efforts to lower the cost of living.
Officials would not venture an opin
ion whether he would refuse to nego
tiate further or whether the final
statement meant that the government
had declined to meet the wage de
mands. 2-
Ride if Yiung Folks at Late
. Hour Stopped by Mrs. Shank
Riding through the downtown
streets at 10:55 Sunday night, In vio
lation of the ctly curfew ordinance, a
party of young folks, none of them
more than 17 years old, were accosted
Police Matron Shank, brought to
ice headnuarter and returned to
elr homes by Officer Branson.
The voumr folks. Onal Neal. 8. Leona
Neal, 12, Donald Neal, 10, Leona Oeer,
11, and Elmer Neal, 17. were riding in
ja car driven by young Neal. He Is the
son of E, E. Neal, 895 Marlon street.
Benefactor Is
Robbed By Man
He Brought In
It is said that to be a good aaman-
tan is to be the respected and revered
of your fellow man.
But If this fellow, be friended by a
truly good Samaritan, respects and re
veres his benefactor he doesn't show
Friday Dr. O, B. Miles, who resides
at "The Ranoh," brought a man to his
home. The fellow said he was an ex
soldier, a champion of democracy, and
down and out. He moved the physi
cian to pity.
Saturday and Sunday the main loit
ered around Dr. Mile's home. And lo!
Sunday night he fled. And with htm
he took Dr. Miles' best overcoat
Monday police were aiding the gooa
Samaritan ln his search for the un
grateful guest
During the present prevalence of
smallpox ln Salem and also throughout
the state vaccination of school attend
ants will be required and prompt ac
tion urged ln accordance with state
laws. One section of this law provides
for free vaccination of persons desir
ing protection against this disease. Im
mediate Immunization Is advised by
health authorities.
City Health Officer R. E. Pomeroy
will accommodate school children de
siring vaccination between the hours
of 9 to 10 a. m. and 1 to 2 p, m every
day, at his office ln the Oregon build
ing. Between the hours of 10 a. m.
to A a. m., and 4 to 6 p. m., school
health officer will vaccinate the stu
dents at Dr. Pomeroy's office.
At the special session of the 'Salem
board of public Instruction, Friday
night, resolutions were adbpted re
questing that parents of pupils attend
ing Salem school co-operate with the
board in complying with regulations
Issued by the state board of heattn
combatting the growth of epidemic
In a recent letter to clerks of school
boards, the state health board callec
attention to the Increasing number of
smallpox cases, the existence which
warranted precautionary action being
taken. This letter called attention to
the stute law, which requires that dur
ing epidemics, teachers and pupils at
tending public schools must be vao-
nated or be restrained from attending
such schools.
At the Friday night meeting, the lo
cal board gave consideration of the
fact that there are now 15 cases of the
disease in and near Salem, but as most
of these had arisen outside of the
Bchools It was decided to avoid clos
ing the school and If possible to render
the enforcement of sterner measures
To this end, the Salem school board
Is sending a letter to guardians and
heads of families, asking that school
attendants be vaccinated and assuring
the parents that the board is doing ev
erything in its power to bring about a
reasonable observance of the law.
Should the t eDldemlc continue its
spread due to the lack of vaccination,
the schools will probably be closed.
That paragraph of the state law
which permits pupils to remain out of
school, if, in the Interests of public
safety, they refuse to be vaccinate, w
generally regarded as. being spineless
concession to the antl-lmmunlzers and
dllly-dalliers who would adopt the bol
shevik attitude of "I must have my
way or I will Interfere wtih education
al processes, other phases of progres
sive national life."
In the militarized forces of the Uni
ted States, vaccination has proven ef
ficient In reducing and obviating epi
demic, despite the fact that members
of these forces worked and lived under
all condition. In lmmmunizlng troops.
It was commonly observed that those
who had been vaccinated previously,
suffered little Inconvenience from the
"takes" of the vaccine. Many men
who had been previously vaccinated
even later than the seven-year period
were found to be practically Immune
to the disease. On the other hand it
was readily noticeable that effects of
"take" or reaction upon the previously
unvacclnated nian was much greawr
than the comparative effect upon a
previously unlmniunlzed child. Aside
from the fact that vaccination Immun
izes against smallpox, local health au
thorities state that.observatlon and re
search has proven that the unvacclnat
ed Individual transmits the disease
(through clothing apd personal eon
tact) much more readily than can an
Individual who has been vaccinated.
New York, Feb. 2. Several Germans
were among the merchants who ar
rived today on the Scandinavian
American liner Helllg Olay from Co
penhagen and Christian!.
Renewal of Debate Oa Fl::r
Assured Wbea Re;
1 !
Leaders Join Move:
Bring Pact Back
Washington. Feb. 2. Countering
the democratic move to take up th
peace treaty In the senate, republican
leaders today gave notice that they
would formally ask to bring the treaty
up for debate next Monday, one day
earlier than the democrats had decided
The development was regarded ast
practically assuring another long per
tod of discussion.
Rules May Be Suspended,
In giving the notice in the senate.
Senator Lodge, the republican leader,
said he would first ask unanimous con
sent to proceed to "consideration of
the treaty with reservations."
"I trust" he added, "that unanimous)
consent certainly Willi be given. In
case It Is not, I shall make the neces
sary motion to suspend the rules."
The announcement apparently took
the democrats by surprise and the re
publican leader was asked to repeat It.
Preparing Reservations.
Democratic and republican leaders)
are understood to be preparing reser
vations to offer as soon as tne rcis
again Is before the senate, In soma
quarters It was predicted that many
of the points at Issue soon would b
eliminated from the agreement on the
basis of the work done by the Informal
bt-partlsan compromise committee.
The possibility that open debate would
facilitate agreeent nn article 10 and
the Monroe Doctrine, however, waa re
garded by many of the senators as re
mote. Washington, Feb, 2. A renewal ot
senate debate on the peace treaty(
next week was regarded as virtually
assured tdday when republican lead
ers decided to Join with the demo
crats ln the movement to bring the
treaty back Into the open senate,
Senator Lodge, the republican lead-
rer, planned lo give notice today thai
he would move oh next Monday to
suspend the rules and proceed to con
sideration, of the treaty. The demo
crats' already announced that they
would make a similar motion Tues
day of next week.
In the form proposed by Senator
Lodge, the motion will require a two-
thirds majority, but the general pre
diction was that more than that num
ber would support It.
Should Senator Lodge's motion fall,
the motion of the democratic leaders
the following day will be ln such form
that only a majority would be neces
sary to pass It, the party leaders say.
New York, Feb. 2. Mrs. Cora M.
Splker, of Baltimore, went to Kills Is
land today to complete formalities for
the admission to this country of Hiss
Emily Knowles, Miss Knowles, art
English war worker, was detained with
her baby on the way to Join Mrs. Splk
er and her husband, Lieutenant Perley
R. Splker, whom she met at a camp
tn England while he was training te be
an aviator and she was a member ot
the women's auxiliary service.
Mrs. Splker was accompanied by
Guy S. Splker, brother of the lieuten
ant, who has offered to marry Miss
Knowles ,and her lawyer, Benjamin
Kirschsteln. They took a $1000 liberty
bond to the Island to deposit It as re
quired by the department of labor for
the admission of Miss Knowles and
her baby to the country for three
months care of Mr. and Mrs. William
K. Battersby of Fall River, Mass. Mr.
and Mrs. Battersby were expected to
arrived here late today and to take the
20-year-old mother and the child back
to Fall River with them.
Mr. Kirschsteln says he had received
letters offering financial assistance toj
the girl, praising Mrs. Splker for her
"magnanimous action and her sweet
and forgiving nature' 'and commend
ing Guy Splker for his chivalrous offer.
During last month Officer O. F. Vic
tor dealt with 133 "hoboes and crooks,"
according to his report for the month
submitted Monday to Acting Chief of
Police Rowe. Officer Victor's beat la
at the Southern Pacific depot and
train yards, and night after nigh) be
meets vagabonds who he , advises to
take the next train out of the city.
Many of the tramps are brought to the
city Jail by the officer and given bedst
for the night or held for investigatron
of'- their suspected connection with
crimes. '-.
The vicinity around the railroad
yards Is called "a tough community'
by police and the presence of Officer
I Victor .there has had much to do with
keplng peace ln that neighborhood.