THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FRIDAY. JANUARY 30, 1920., STOCKHOLDERS OF CREAMERY MEET! TENTATIVE PLATFORM CF NEW LAND AND LABOR (Continued from page on) empirical union, was selected secre- Itary. A temporary committee or organuja- Stockholder. M in. pu-. ,Uon Mra)1 foUow,: Fred peratlve Creamery were in "nd' I Weckerlf Portland; L. H. McMahan. anc Friday at the annual meeting l. , c Murphy L, Grand; th. company. Th. morning wa spent ( Jam Albny . R cberrk k. in a budnea easlon at the Marion (Akamai: O. H. Baker. Bend; O. B. followed b ya banquet looldman. Corvallla; J. H. Brothers, Th. afternoon session of Ihe cream- Eugene; ery men was devote to formulatlve program and to consideration of spe cial plan for enterprise growth dur iag the year 1920. ROBERTS AND BROMLKI SPRING TENMS SURPRISE) Philadelphia. Jan . Cramer Rob ert and Charles S. Bromley, Philadel phia, sprang surprise when they de feated Jay Gould and J. W". Wear, also t Philadelphia, In the semi-final round of the national amateur rac quets doubles championship here to day by the following score: 17-14; 17 14: 11-10; It-. In the other semi-final match, the T. C. Pell and Stanley Mortimer, New York, triumphed over r. L. Kreung. Dr. B. M. E rougher, Rose- bum;: T. L. Van Orsdaie, McMlnnville, and L. K. larB, Polk county. The fiuanoe committee is: C. R Hartwlg. J. D. Brown and L. J. Sim eraL The following men were selected for platform ceniinittee: F. B. Coulter, Arthur Brock. M. M. Burtner, James Bryant. Louts Bowerman, B. at. Brougher. t. E. Van Orsdaie, A. B. Goldman and L. II. McMahan. LIBERTY BO.VDS New York, Jan. JO Prices for lib erty bonds at 2:55 p. m. today were: V 98.60: first 4 s 91.50; second 4 s 90.66; first 4Vi's 91.64; second 4 It' third 4's 03.06; fourth vic- 44'S 99.90: victory 3 3-4's 98.04 huysen and R. F. Cutting, also of New s 98 0B- . .. m . mm . e I. 1C I Roberts andBromle'y will' meet Pell! The town of Oakland IS miles north an Mort.mer forth, title tomorrow, j JvF cerned, on account of smallpox. JOURNAL WANT AD8 PA r Caddock And Stetdier figiit For Title Tcisigkt Tree Naral Scenes Are Feature Of Coming Film New Tork. Jan. Jl.-E.ri Caddockj Battleship and of Iowa and Joe Stecher of Nebraska jboth exterior and interior, win meet tonight at Madiaon Square Gar- U-hnlcally correct in the Thomas H. den to decide the heavrweleht cham-1 Inc Bp,rial production, "Behind the pionshlp at catch-as-Stch-can ,larrin- Hobart Eosworth. ling. The winner, in addition lo-'- starring. the wona s wnicn cum - curing a firm hold on championship Utie, will receive a large tor three da)- c0m"""If" " ure hM itf .h cat. recelnt. The match day as a Paremount-Artcraft picture. share or tne gate receipts. n j' - . ... rtor ir. 'performed a remM"" is to be to a finish, one fall to decide inn was " , of I desired to get a picture the winner. George Bothner has been vln Wlllatt enlisted the services c - Semi-Annual Report of County Treasurer and Clerk of Marion Co MARION COUNTY FAIR TXD on the deck of the submarine sub-i merged. To get the proper angle the cameras had to be placed on top of the conning tower. Lieutenant Cook French Fisliers: Protection 1 1 l ieutenant John Cook from the H-S at the submarine base at San Pedro, z-i him through the naut ical' seta. Mr. Cook approved all the , ... k.,o, t before they were mipnuj ' . .k.nhul and he was with -Mr. .i.. kfiKhiii and on thelt ......... - vier-; conning lower as poiwioiw, uuti me ( . . uia witn navai ...,. cu u me ncb for relief. """ ! was asked to submerge the boat, buti Brest, J.m 3sr to stop as close to the floor of the Jwro h, , " a- In ible, that the , th. " " "" , strict accordance line. chosen as referee. Lieutenant Cook also ' directed tne . ,V on a xarmer nea r ; The minUtry ha, . ... f submarine while the action p.ciun u.B. "m 7 " ! uo" aplanes at th iTT" wV being taken. In doing this be chain of :t stump Pur b,k under plied with bomLti remarkaDie ieau ii ruo.u. ,.v.u.u juai-area of 300 yards l -" of Boswortn aoove tne annie. igrounds of the pest 5 W. B. Vann of Clatskanie lost hi grip while washing windows in .the fourth story of an apartment house and fell to the ground. He suffered the fracture of a leg and arm and sev eral ribs and was Internally injured. He died an hour after the accident. NEW DREAMLAND RINK EAST END BTATB STREET SALEM, OREGON ROLLER SKATING Every Afternoon and Evening Commencing SATURDAY JAN. 31 1:80 and 7:30 P. M. Music, Large Hardwood Floor January Clearance Sale WOOL? STORM SERGE, 36 inches wide, in blue, grey, brown,-red and green. Specially priced, per yard.. - 98c ALL WOOL COATING, 56 inches wide, in Plaids and blue and brown mixed at, per yard - ........$3.75 WOOL SCHALLY at per yd 55c, 95c REMNANTS One-Half Price Look Over the Wonderful Values at Half the Market Price - Miss Opportunity Welcomes These With an Eye to Economy - Apron check gingham 19c 27-in. Dress Gingham 29c :)6-in. Dress Gingham 39c 36-in. Percale 29c Devonshire Cloth 39c Good grade muslin, per yd 25c Hope muslin, per yard .;...29c Heavy grade flannel, blue and pink, per yard 25c 9-4 bleached sheeting, per yard....69c 9-4 unbleached, per yard 65c LADIES' STOItE 406-474 STATE blitj j-:t MEN'S STORE 416 STATE STREET Pric $125Q, f. o. b Salem. Roadster Same Price The Lowest-Priced Highest-Value Six on the market The tu kin nil Henslhle 81s boa the tinre Its first Introduction four years distinction of being the Inwext priced the unusual merit of the Oakland all-cylinder ear built today. The lm-j Sensible Six has given rapid growth to -poitance of this fact to the buyer lien the popularity and esteem in which it Among Its valuable features are the six-cylinder, bverhead valve, 44 horse power engine the force feed lubrlca- i tn the conditions which make possible , is held by Its users, and now the second tlon of engine bearings the heated In th low cost of the Oxkland. ; j hundred thousand of these cars Is well', . ..,,, . . , These cause, are-fir, scientific, along in production. . , j"" mnlf,i ",c slmplied design which reduce the' Altlwuch very moderate In cost, , the long-seml-elllptle springs- manufacturing cost, at the same time 'act priced hundreds of dollar belm the Hotchkiaa drive ths 12x4 inch Improving the quality of the ear, nd ! com n rattle Rise, the Oakland, by rea-i tires, extra large for the weight of the cend. .teady We production which! son of U practical design. Its large Lu,. leather upholder? makes the Oakland company the sixth production and the great resource! " . .. Urgeat producer In th world and see- back of it. haa the qualities demand- ,B aep' ria' nvily cushioned seats ond t nly on concern in Ihe pro-led bjj exiiertenced. discriminating pur-i"na th complete high-grade erju'p ductlon of sis-cylinder cars. 'ehuw-ra, . uient and fittings. Our spring shipment has arrivei for delivery, at ence. Come and see our stock of Oakland Sensible Six American Automoblk Company 185-197 South Commercial St. Phone 399 un nro?nn Jan. 1st. 1920. I taiH., - ,1 t tdta k.l . Aj tuvpa And amount lururui JUiy 4, xii, iNiijftiice Semi-annual statement of money received o taxes and am y Dteborsement- vouchers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.80 30.27 44.53 .. en . Yi.r 4 Via K1fnff Hllll ,1. . I'Aiirtrv rpu Mil i vi v uio - County. Or;go:fVo July 1st. 191 to January 1st, 1920. 4912 Tax Roll. Cash on hand July 1st. 1919. - ' Collected since that date - - -"Cash on hand Jan. 1st. 1920 11S Tax Hull. Cash on hand July 1st. 1919 Collected since that date - - Cash on hand Jan. 1st 1920 -- 1114 Tax Roll. Cash on hand July 1st. 1919 Collected since that date Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1920 - 1915 Tux Roll. Cash on hand July 1st, 1919 Collected since that date including Rec. No. 19103.... Total : Turned over Aug. 26, 1919 Turned over Dec. 31. 1919 Total " Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1920 - 1910 Tax Roll. Cash on hand July 1st, 1919 210.77 Collected since that date including Kec. No. 18712 ... 264.7S Total "'-"f; Turned over Aug. 2, 1919 J 7.7& Turned over Dec. 31. 1919 ' 1'5T-7S Total Cash on hund Jan. 1st, 1920 1917 Tax Roll Cash on hand July 1st, 1919 "2.14 Collected since that date, including Rec. No. 1888.... 1,112.93 Total Turned over Aug. 26. 1919 fj2-" Turned over Dec. 31. 1919 991.54 $1.00 subtracted from T. O. to correct Rec. No. 17947 1.00 Total - ' Cash- on hund Jan. 1st, 1920 : 191H Tax Roll. Cash on hand July 1st, 1919 8,993.60 Collected since that date including Rec. No. 18300....405.942.78 Total - $412,936.3 Turned over Aug. 26, 1919 - 18,269.51 Turned over Sept. 10. 1919 iv.siu.ia Turned over Sept. 22, 1919 26,079.37 Turned over Oct. 7, 1919 - Turned over Oct. 23, 1919 189,656.98 Turned over Nov. 21, 1919 78,082.60 Turned over Dec. 31, 1919 9,299.05 Total Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1920 State of Oregon, County of Marlon, ss. I, IV. I. Needham, Sheriff and TaxCollector for Marion County State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is true as I verily believe. W. I. NEEDHAM, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Marion County, Oregon. paid I Balance 2.00475 205,51 9.001 0.00 0.00 74.80 74.80 0.00 47 . 53 475.53 0.00 212. (I ..$ 1,645.07 1,645.07 0.00 ..f412.93fi.38 0.00 Seini-Annual report of Treasurer's Office Marion County Oregon, six months, ending December 31, 1919. For GENERAL FUND. July 1st 1919 Balance Receipts, 1915 tax Receipts 1916 tax Receipts 1917 tax Receipts 1918 tax Recorder's Fees ...... Clem's Fees Depository Banks Interest.. Fines Surveyor's Fees Billiard Hall License Transfers from other funds Miscellaneous Disbursements Warrants paid $ 47,461.96 H State tax 64,064.30 Transfers to other funds 305,360.06 Balance t 118,425.76 $284,340.51 38.39 258.79 815.03 188,788.23 4,489.11 4,440.41 3,548.48 563.00 340.75 75.00 42,126.36 5,488.02 $535,261.03 HIGH SCHOOL FTXD. July 1st, 1919. Balance ., Receipts 1915 tax Receipts 1916 tax Receipts 1917 tax Receipts 1918 tax Receipts Tuition Transfers from general fund Disbursements Vouchers paid $24,247.78 535.261.08 $11,304.17 2.99 4.84 0.02 6.857.54 3,603.57 2.465.65 $24,247.78 $24,247.78 SPECIAL SCHOOLS. July 1, 1919, Balance ; Receipts 1915 tax Receipts 1916 tax Receipts 1917 tax Receipts 1918 tax Interest and bond redemption Refund Disbursements Interest and bond redemption $ 8,851.88 Vouchers paid 76,02448 Transferred to general fund g2.g4 Balance .. 9,238.74 i 5.085.14 16.55 60.74 287.17 74.566.76 13.837.97 343.41 $94,197.74 $94,197.74 SPWLL ROAD DISTRICT. July 1, 1919, Balance Receipts 1915 tax Receipts 191S tax Receipts 1917 tax Receipt 1918 tax Transfers from other funds Disbursement Transferred to other funds .. Balance ' $.15,268.72 3.00 12.73 . 24.27 21.393.91 2.598.76 $40,407.83 .. 18.895.66 . 'Ol STY SCHOOL FI XD. July l, liif, Balance- ... . V. a of America V. ft. A. C Barber"" ' Stat apportionment " .. . w Pur-" l a bind rental 3I i-' j, Transfers from general fund ; ZZ... f . : Ptwlmrsements . ."" ,.. Vouchers paid ......... Balance : $59,303.39 $59,303.39 8.694.09 5.00 23.S9H.40 T1.9J 77.21S.04 . $100,104.39 J.W7.05 $19.S3.44 $109,813.44 IXDKMXrTV FTXD. July l. 11. balance Registration fees ..... Intel c4 .. Balance $857. 5 fm.os 3. :i. LIBRARY FVXD July 1. 1919, balance Extra funds from school districts Transfers from other funds Balance SPECIAL CITY TAX. July 1, 1919, balance 1915 tax 1916 tax 1917 tax : 1918 tax Disbursements Vouchers paid : $73,658.29 Transfers to other funds 102.7 J Balance .. 2,171.17 $75,932.31 TRANSIENT TAX. July 1, 1919, balance Receipts, 1919 tax Receipts, 1918 tax Receipts, 1917 tax Balance ...I3.066.U 111 SUMMARY. July 1, 1919, balance RECEIPTS 1 DISBURSEMENTS $698,853.39 BALANCE 188,840.80 lis . ' $887,694.19 State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss. I, D. G. Drager, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true a-f rect statement of the amounts received and paid out and reman hand in the County Treasury of Marion County, State of Oregon, six months ending December 31, 1919. D. 0. DRACO County Treasurer for Marlon County, Stated SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. Of the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, showing ike s and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said Counlj. M allowed, amount of warrants drawn, the amount of warrant! mm and unpaid from the 1st day of July, 1919, to the 1st day of Jam On What Account ' Allowed Claims Roads And Highways ...' $295,274.15 !?' Registration and Elections ' 88.73 Sheriff's Office 4,052.97 Clerk's Office .'..... 3,266.15 Recorder's Office 1,942.30 Treasurer's Office 1,389.01 . Surveyor's Office 938.93 Assessor's Office - 4.281.44 Court House 3,200.39 Circuit Court 1,000.01 County Court and Commissioners 3.001.82 Justice Court 1,754.61 Coroner 127.35 Insane 100.00 School Superintendent 3,566.98 Health Officer '. 399.05 Fruit Inspector 681.25 Indigent Soldier '. 540.00 - Dependent Mothers : 1.243.25 Care of Poor :.. : 10,162.96 1 Jail ;.: , 435.29 Juvenile Court v 23 68 District Attorney : 440-66 - Stock Inspector 201.60 Tax Rebate 474.20 Scalp Bounty , . Sealer of Weights and Measures 294.73 Feeble-Minded : : 202.13 Fire Protection , 246.70 Gopher and Mole Bounty 1,841.35 Indemnity for. Diseased Cattle : 1110 State Fair 559-6' War Contingent :. - 80-90 $342,683.24 ,J Outstanding unpaid warrants on the 1st day of January, GENERAL FUND. I .. 232.3 U21 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 .1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 245.59 294 0 . 143.52 158.40 165.75 2,015.01 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. $ 249.8J 359.1' 146.40 135.89 S3.M 78.51 75.8! Total Warrants.. SUMMARY STATFM r..vr. ..,mJ'. J ne following is the statement of the financial ' . of Marion, State of Oregon, on the 1st day of January, l''- T VAmT.ITircS 1 a' . To warrants drawn on the County Treasury, outstanai s ,,, the 1st day of Janunry, 1920 Delinquent Taxes 1909...... 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1310 191T........ . 1918 RESOURCES. ...I V By fund in hands of the County Treasurer TOTAL. :..-...4.!v.l....-.i. St MI ft OF frre-nn Pn.nltf Itn.L.n m t I 1 it 1 1 d-. .. . .w. . f Maritm. BUV.rft do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true nd cor'tl of number and amount of claim allowed by the County J"f ' for the six months ending on the 31st day of Decerobe r. rf counts allowed, the amount ef warrants drawn nd the 4 r outstanding aad unpaid the same appears tip" ,ne 1 nnd In my official custody. irflb ' WITNES8 my hand and the Seal of Use County Court - j this 27th dey ttt Janunry. A. D. 1SJ0. r G. - (SEAL) i ! 8i7.5 fSil.M