Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 29, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Neu) Toaay - Where Small Ads Get Results at Sm
C2f I sS
. .ord Each insertion one j
' ' insertion 6 cent., one -month.
Wt- "f it cents, una Xr. per
insertion ' ,d js
;t. ctnt4- "
h.rtion only In New Teday.
, fc . .d not tak-
nCne. unless advertiser has
SEnt. No .Uowanct tor
New Toaay.
?7aE-A sore bulding Call at
v summer St. .
- "T, state $700 will take Chev
li'l, ,rll condition, with ex
flf .5jr'.., At V High. 2
"Tvrpii A few head of stock ewes
B Pecker. Silverton. . 30
rTvTF-o Work by man and wife.
'SfiW 4, Winger hotel.- :
F0R S5 per' 1000. delivered in
. A. Bhanafelt. F.U 4. box
US. Saleni.
-...-rppIiicubator about 259-egg
5. Buckeye r' Queen Prel;'"'
uiVTER Experienced girl for pen
cil housework; good wages to ca
S,igirl. 835 Oak St. 27
kip U-E 3-months old pedigreed
Chter White pigs. lit. 7, box 91.
tiiVTKH Modern house, keeping
or furnished house near
Highway Garage. Plume 19S4J. 2i
WANTED To rent small house close
t or on car line. Phone 9SF.1. 2S
AyrEl Man of neat appearance,
pleasing personality, and good hab
its to fill permanent position in Sa
lmi Soliciting and collecting. Guar
anteed salary and commissions.
Must he between 21 and 40 jears
of a?e. For particulars write Asst.
guif. care this office. 27
FOR REXT 5 room modern flat,
furnished. Phone 5S6.T. 2S
FOR SXE 5 year old fresh Jersey
cow. with calf. lit. 4. box 70A.
John Kuhnke. 28
FOR SALE 2 V acre tract Just out
side city limits, 7 room house with
Or without furniture, piano, good
bam and outbuildings, lots of fruit.
jSJt'tl, terms. Corner Park and l
streets, Kt. 7, box 8. 30
FOR SALE By owner. 6 room furn
ished cottage. 6 room plastered
house, good location. Trice $1000,
y, cash. 18 acres good black soil,
close in; good house and barn.
Price J 4750. terms. P.rand new
Chevrolet car and fresh cow. Eaw
vt-r & Emmett, room 3, Buyne bids-
40 ACRES all In cultivation, highly
improved, 6 miles north near Pa
cific highway. Price $10,00U; small
pavnient, long lime on balance nt
6 per cent. Hart MiKillop Co., 20K
Oregon bldg. 27
I ACRES bearing 'Royal Anne and
Bins eherrles, some logans find
strawberries, close in. Price $1750.
Han McKillnp Co., . 208 Oregon
bldg. 27
10 ACRES 214 miles northeast of fair
grounds on good road. Price 81 B00.
: Hart llcKillop Co., 208 Oregon
bldg. 27
FOR SALE 6 room house on North
Cottage street, close In. bungalow
style, large lot, full basement, large
fruit trees; with immediate posses
sion. It you want a home right now
see this. Priced ehenp, $1750 with
. easy terms. Others to select from.
: R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg.
Phone 43.
FOl'Xt) Bunch of greenbacks. Partv
prove property and pay for this nd.
Call at West Hoyt and Rex streets,
franklin Hen-ting. 26
or. SALE Remington typewriter
a 111 til,, ....,, . - -
.v. :win evenings. zt
For an c !.,
--- wnl jumse cneap, to
move away, inquire M. J. Trustv.
nOUSP mnrdi. .... Zn
'ANTED Employment wanted bv a
niarneil nmn i,....,. i....j 1 '
in v i''- u.m e.viJerienue
n bookkeeping and office work,
in. 1, '"idling money and mak-
Box XXX Capital Journal. 26
VI10MAX Franquet walnuts grafted
"n black roots. These trees nr
jhwvn in Oregon nnd aclimated so
je freeze had no effect on them.
. also have a good line of berrv
-.""" and bushes. Middle Grove
""wry, J. C. Hen-en, Prop. 30
W Trade Good house and corner
'ot m , Portland for small acreage
war Salem. Address James Letson.
" J"in St., Portland.
Wil! ! VUte prk-e- AdJess C. M.
ervais, Rt. 2
'OR STP t '.'
' for sale. Phdne 2063W.
"mount Low rates.
r repayment privileges.
yy prompt service. Ask
.V. .
Oregon Bldg. r
FCRxiptT "
833 FerrJ00"1" anA apartments
X l iii 1 ronms
' Jfny; no children. 25
Real Estate Houses
KOH SALE Three lots, small hm,u
plenty of fruit; reasonable terms.
644 State streeL si
FOR SALE C room modern home on
excellent lot. Call 236 Bush SL 23
FOR SALE By owner a modem ten
room house with garage. 1133 Court
St. Price $8000; terms $2600 cash,
balance, to suit. Inquire of H.
Pohle & Son. 240 8. Liberty St. 25
FOR SALE S room cottage, modern
except heat Car :. lint. . pavement,
bam. pood condition. Price f 1S50.
half cash. Box 25 Journal. 26
FOR SALE Sacrifice & room bunga-
au . inrge iois, liz leet Iront.
Call at 1242 N. Front St. 27
FOR SALE 6 room plastered house,
electric lights, city water, two nice
nuts, fruit trees- and ohlcken house,
near mute school; can be seen at
2446 Hazel ave. . 3
FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnish
ed modern 5 room house, with bas
ment. 630 N. 17th St. zn
FOR SALE 10 room house, furnish
ed, lot 71x165. Tj blocks from State
house on Winter street. Price $4090
Terms if desired.
Good hotel, close in with 16 rooms.
Price $3200. Wilson & Co.. room 8,
D'Arcy bldg. 25
FOR SALE 6 room house with base
ment, modern except furnace, two
nice lots. Plenty of fruit. Garage
nnd chicken house. Call at 1910
Trade St. 29
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE Nearly new 2-ton Dia
mond T truck, all equipped. Phone
1608J. A. H. Biederman. 31
FOR SALE 1 Hudson speedster, us
ed four months; 1 1918 Dodge; 1
1918 Grant six; a 1916 Ford road
ster In A-l condition, a classy re
painted Job. We have the Bruns
wick tires, "the up to the minute
tire." Cherry City Garage, 170 S.
12th St. 27
FOR SALE 1920 Oakland six tour
ing car. Part cash, balance on
terms. Phone 810. 27
DR. ALBERT R. MIDLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341.
LOCAL or long distance truck haul
ing of any kind. Phone 1177. 27
BEAVERDAM, onion land, rent free
for clearing. Address S-B care Jour
nal. 25
WANTED To borrow $1500 on good
real estate security. C. W. Niamey
er, Masonic bldg.
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re-
Iinlshed. Phone 1673. The Salem
Refinishing Co., 156 S. 12th. 28
WANTED To Ust property. ,Whnt
have :you to list. A. L. Seamster
Realty Co., 416 Masonic bldg.
Thome 353. -
WANTED Lease and option. Want
to lease with option to buy from
five to - sixty acres. Prefer place
with berries or gardening. Do not
want Improved buildings. Address
P. O. box 125, Redmond, Or.- 25
WANTED Old Junk, old clothing.
tooltK gems, musical instruments,
cameras. Will call day or evening.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone
WOOD SAW Fishers boys will saw
your wood. Phone 1004. 25
WANTED Fluff and Colonial rag
rug weaving. Cor. Mill and 20th St,
WANTED Ironing 3uc an hour, fine
clothes a specialty. Call 1193 North
6th St. 25
WANTED Reed baby buggy.
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED seamstress will go
out by the day. Phone 1413. 331
WANTED Girl or woman for gen
eral house work. Call 2525 S. Com
or phone 55F13. '
5 room bungalow with 2 lots.
Paved street. East $2000
8 room modern house' with
basement, In ideal location,
close In. Paved street. J4500
6 room modern bungalow close
to car line and paved street
5 room modern bungalow on
State street. $370
6 room modern cottage bunga
low close to state house; fur
nace heat; paved street $3000
Good 5 room house, east front
close to Highland store $1000
House nnd 1 acre of fruit, only
10 blocks from State street. A
snap at $2100
40 acres 1 mile out on pav-d
road. Might divide, $250 yer
5 acres 2 miles from town,
close to car; good S room house
18 acres ty, miles out; S acres
In fruit. Land all cultivated
List-with us for results
4-7- Oregon bldg
WANTED Work all afternoon and
evening, good hand with machin- j physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore-er-v-
J O P cr Journal. 25 ' gum bldg. Hes. JJhon 58F5; office
SHOEMAKER wanted at 279
Com. St The $2 for $1 Stori.
N. :
For Sale.
STRAWBERRY plants, rrogresslve
Linwimns, r.nersourg ill. ana ; n
1 -. . 1 : r . . . ...
wnmn vimmw. .u
t.1 nri, ivvi piano
Place orders now. Ward K. Rich-'
ardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. 35
FOR SALE It acrts good onion land
...good, barn, small house near the
depot. Call or address J. S. Bum
gardner, Clatskanie, Or. - 37
FOR SALE Baled cheat hay $23 ton,
1 mile east on pen road. Phone 91
Flo.. 25
Leghorns, Reds. Rocks, Minorcas.
- Prices reasonable. , C. N. Needham,
. 558 State St. Phone 400. , 36
LOOK 6 acres near car line, on rock
road; good soil, mixed young orch
ard, 100 young walnuts, 6 room
housi. $4200, terms. 6 room, bun
galow, paved street, assessments
all paid. See It. Room 416 Masonic
bldg. Phojie 353.
FOR SALE OJd papers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Frultland nursery has
a few thousand Italian prune trees,
grafted Franquet walnuts, and al
bo other nursery stock. Phone 111
F21. Rt 6, Salem, Or. 25
APPLES delivered, 3 varieties. Phone
your order to Walter Pearmine, 98
"F2. 26
WOOD for sale, also take contract
hauling wood. Phone 674R after 6
p. m. 26
FOR SALE Fine milk cows, or will
trade for fat cows. Call 87F24 24
DRY wood for sale, four foot, and
sawed. Call evenings 1678W. 48
FOR SALE 10 to 40 acres, no bet
ter loganberry land, right in. Terms
J. H. Koltes, Hotel Bligh. 27
I HAVE 200 acres rich bottom land,
40 acres in cultivation, balance pas
ture, $70 per acre. Busy terms. M.
Tompkins, Amity, Or. 27
FOR SALE First class clover and
cheat and oat and vetch hay.
Phone 39F5. 27
FOR SALE Strawberry plants Et-
terburg 121, $5 per thousand.
Phone 87F25. ' 27
FOR SALE No. 121 strawberry
plants, extra fine, $3 per thousand
tf vnu rllrv tl,o, .,,, at 1L ,llt
east Sunnyside school. ' Jefferson
road. Phone 107F24. SB
FOR SALE One extra fine Barred
Rock cockerel, dark markings; two
Partridge Rock cockerels, Mrs. Ar
nold, 447 S. Com. Phone 1946M. 25
NEW Zealunds, young does nnd bucks
from pedigreed and registered
stock. Capital City Rabbitry. Rt. 6.
box 161. Phone evenings 74F2. 28
6 ROOMS of beautiful furniture, In
cluding $450 piano for sale. House
for rent to buyer of furniture only.
Call 589 Trade St. 25
FOR" SALE Several million feet 2d
growth saw timber. Will consider
pay as cut basis to responsible par
ties. Summer or winter road. W. H.
Trindle, Bank of Commerce bldg.
FOR SALE 8 pigs, 3 months old, $5
to $9 each. Ralph DuRette, Ger
vals, Or. 28
Red roosters. 1717
N. Liberty.
TWO milk goats for sale, fresh in
May 1493 N. Summer. 20
PIGS FOR SALE 25 pigs 8 to 10
weeks old, choice $6; also some
shoats and brood sows to farrow
in February, $30. L. F. Hill, Rt. 8,
box 125, Salem. Phone 59F4. 28
FOR SALE Almost new 7-drawer
Singer sewing machine. Inquire at
674 N. 15th, 4th house from Ma
rion. 25
FOR SALE Belgian colt two years
old past. Thone 64F14. 20
FOR SALE A few pure bred Anco-
na cockerels, Sheppard s strain.
See James Fry, Rt. 3, box 253. 27
INCOME tax records for sale at 141
N. High. Phone 340. 50'
OAW wood for sale. Phone 933. 26
Seed potatoes cheap.
FOR SALE Craftsman leather
couch, 2 sets of express harness,
Pioneer vacuum cleaner, 12x12 vel
vet brussels rug, man's bicycle,
large ice box. Bargain. Come quick
, 395 S. 12th. 2"
FOR SALE 20 acres fenced and
plowed ready for crop, suitable tor
logans. prunes or poultry. JVo build
ings. No waste. On fine trout
stream. V mile from paved road.
y, mile from shipping point and
school. W. H. Swank, Aumsville, Or.
FOR SALE Bargain, Studebnker
car, also good driving and saddle
horse. Phone 1121R or call at 407
N. 18th St. ' 26
FOR SALE 20 acres, 2 houses, two
nmll hums, family orchard; 5 acres
of beaverdam. Price $4400. Also a
Ami lnv-nut to rent. 3 acres of beav
erdam, 2 crops for the clearing of
2 acres. Square Deal Keauy lo.
FORD and good coffee route for sale
cheap. Call at 430 S. 14th St. after
c n m. uoine east. -
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. White ana Kwnmn,
i ir a Honk hldir. Phone 859. Dr.
White! res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
-u tai
rev. yiiuu. ...
FOR plumbing and general
work. Call 174SR.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gat Tank
Tractor KadUUHi splK7
Ford Radiator for Sale
191 a 12th Street 8alem. Ore.
DR. JOHN L. LTXCH, osteopataic
pnona int. . :
'ESTES A MAG EE, real estate. If wet
list tt we advertise it. Portland of
fice 909 Chamber Commerce; Sa
lem office 4! Oregon bldg. over
electric depot. 34
.1. T. T T imVW i .
wltn cherrington's Piano House,
415 Court Rl Phone 352 Si
second hand goods bought, sold
and exchanged. If we hava't what
you want, we'll get It. Try us. W.
Lobke, 241 N. Com l SJ. Phone 41,
Salem, Or. :
THE International Correspondence
school will hare their local repre
sentative at the Bllgh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to givd. the public information
regarding the schools and their
LET us list your property..' A. L.
Seamster Realty Co., 416 Masonic
bldg. Phone 353.
YALE Hand laundry. 194 S. 12th
St- Phone 8.
BACK on the job with a new Hoover
Rugs cleaned 40 cents per rug. L.
L. Buckner, Phone 16. 27
TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur
niture and appliances bought and
sold. 141 N. High. Phone 340. 60
NOTICE I have calls every day for
small properties on terms. If you
have any please list with me. H.
Brown, room 8, Bayne bldg. 27
FOR TRADE Nearly new top bug
gy Tor work horse. 1712 Ferry, Sa
lem. 25
ROOM and board call 636 N.
PARTY who took Harley Davidson
bicycle from the side of Grey-Belle
Is known. I'lease return to save trou
ble. 3 ; ; 25
Good Buys
Fine 10 acre tract near Salein, good
house, some other buildings. Fine
dark loam soli. One acre prunes, cher
ries and apples. Bargain, $4500..
15 acre tract about 4 miles from
Salem, sot buildings; 6 acres bearing
prunes. One acre loganberries and
other fruits. For quick sale $6400,
$2500 cash, balnnoe easy terms.
Good modern 5 room bungalow,
full basement and sleeping porch, on
car line. Price $25,00, $1000 cash, bal
ance easy terms. ' ' '
Fine 13'acre tract miles from
Salem, fine modern bungalow, good
' a,rn- rcl'rd- e?fme loun1
i"""' ivyv.
16 acres of choice loganberry land
near Salem, plowed and ready to set.
Snap for $210 per acre.
For bargains and square deal set
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. Club bldg.
160 ACRES, 10 acres been cultivated.
20 acres good bottom land, good
running stream. 1,500,000 feet of
good timber. Mile of school, 6
miles of town and railroad. Near
Yoncalla, Douglas county. $10 per
acre, terms to suit.
We' can sell your house if your
price is right, if It isn't we can't
recommend it and won't list it. Ev
erything personally Inspected. We
have callers every day.
Estes & Magee
428 Oregon, Salem, Oregon
ard varieties; four acres prunes;
25 acres, 13 acres in apples of stand
acre grapes; chickens, 2 horses, 3
Jersey cows and two calves, besides
equipment worth $2000 goes with it.
2 miles from one of best county
seats in western Oregon. Price $17,
800 acre tract, 22 acres 8-year old
apples, Spltzenberg and Newtons;
: 22 acres prunes, 8-years old. Nice
home, bath, fireplace; running wa
ter; $3000 barn with modern stan
chions, water, etc; two silos, mod
ern hog house, with concrete floors,
water; family orchard from grapes
to apricots; 75 acres in hill land,
balance cultivable. On macadam
road two miles from railroad town
in Douglas county. Grand place for
stock and fruit. Price $26,000.
20 acres, 16 acres In walnuts ana
prunes In good condition. Well lo
cated, beautiful scenery. Price $6,
600. $3500 cash, balance to suit.
PEARCY BROS., Horticulturists
Apples, Prunes, Walnuts
210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663
Good Buys.
80 acre tract located 6 miles east of
Salem, good house and barn, fruit,
good road. Price $16,600.
Well improved 3. acre tract, goou
5 room bungalow, barn, fruit, paved
road, close to school. Price $12,800.
66 acre tract located 4ft miles
from Salem, 40 acres under cultiva
tion, balance timber and pasture,
spring, 18 acres bearing prunes, fam
ily orchard, 6 room house, large barn
rock road. Price $18,600.
51 acre tract located on main high
way, close In, house and born, 8 acres
bearing prunes, about 1606 cords of
standing fir timber. Price $300 per
Well Improved 20 acre tract on
rock road, close to main highway; 6
acres cherries, 4 acres logans, 5 room
plastered house, barn, well, price
10 acres all in neanng prunes, ciose
In, hard road, good plustered bunga
low, electric lights. Price $8500.
80 acre timber tract, located on
gravel road, house. Price $80 per acre.
32 acre tract, 10 acres cumvaieu,
balance slashed and timber; family
orchard; spring water to buildings, 7
room house, good barn. Price $5000,
14 cash, balance terms.
Well improved 56 acre farm locat
ed 6 miles from Salem; good 8 room
modern house, Darn, orcnara, pest 01
soil. Price $200 per acre.
200 acre farm, lflt acres cultivated,
house and barn, lots of timber, 6
miles from Salem. Price $100 per
360 acre farm located pear Silver
ton, house and barn, best of dark
soil. Price $100 per acre.
6 room house located in South Sa
lem, corner lot. Price $2600, $900
down. Balance terms.
5 room bungalow located In South
Salem. Price $2800.
6 room house located at 1330 South
Commercial street, bearing fruit
Price $2800. "
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street
Rpsf ftllVS
j "
40 hfi-es, 16 in bearing prunes, fair
improvements, near Salem. $.4000 will
handle. "
acres, 93 in cultivation, fine 1m-
provements, 2 silos, 5 miles from good
town. per tiers. will han
160 acres, pa it river bottom, good
improvements. 4H miles from Salem,
gravel road. $175 per acre.
2 y acres, not far out. on good road,
house, barn, fruit and berries. $200.
10 acres, rood 4 rtmni huiiE-lnw
(burn, family orchard. $4750.
it acres, good location on gravel
road, best valley loam, fair improve
ments, family orchard. $7000.
15 acres, close in. good land on
good road. $500 will handle.
I acre at slate Institution, nice 4
room bungalow with water in house.
Price $1250.
II acres, river bottom, close in on
paved road, well improved. 5 acres in
loganberries, 1H strawberries, 100
walnut trees 12 years old. $4560 will
handl ,e
30 acres close to town, all in culti
vation, good barn, to trade for Sa
em residence.
341 Stat street
Very Good Buys.
S room house, plastered, modern, S.
18th. $1800. Sell or trade. '
7 room plastered house, very sub
stantial, east, good locality. $2100.
5 room house, fair condition, plen
ty of fruit, lot 76 150, close in. $1100
6 71-100 acres close in, mostly In
2-year old prunes, no buildings, $2,
100. It acres close In, deep red soil, 6
in cultivation, more easily cleared.
$1500. Cash or terms.
40 acres, 25 acres in bearing fruit,
mostly prunes; 10 acres brush and
pasture, buildings; 36 stack drier.
$300 per acre; owner wants to live in
city, will take city property up to $8,
000. 40 acre bearing prunes, no bulld
ngs, $400 per acre.
Walter McLaren
Room 28, 180 "N. Com. St.
Long Distance Hauling,
long distance freight hauling. Daily
service to Portland, outside trips
anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of
fice 445 Court str-et. Phone 998;
night phones 679J, 674R. Saleju,
Or. 36
Salem Scavenger Garbage a,nd re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal
removed. Office phone Main 117.
. Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd St Bush Bank, Salem, re.
MARION-POLK -National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent 803 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan .
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
6 and 6 percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 tSate St Phone
Safety Razor blades. .
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Oet our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furnlturt
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phona 734.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
Inches high. Paln:s, ou and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry od hop
hooks. Salem Fence anv' Stove
Works, 260 Court street Phona 124
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sti.
Bills payable monthly In advanca
Phone 67
Lodge Directory.
JCV". wHEMEKETA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at I. Harry Levy, C. C.; r, J. Kuntz
K. R. fc 8.
Oregon Grape oamp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening In Mccor
neck hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie . Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1416
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in 1. O. O. r . nan. uienn 1;.
NJlet, M. A. ; C A. Vlbbtrt, ttcrt-
tary. 140 Owen street
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. -Meats
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
' McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ro. C. C. L. 8. Geer, clerk.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246
meet every Thursday evening at I
o'clock In McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. H. G.
Coursey, V. C. . Frank A. Turner,
Seattle Man Appointed
To Railroad Position
St. Paul, Jan. 29. Appointment of
Charles O. Jenks, vt Seattle, as aist
ant federal manager of the Great Nor
thern railroad was announced here
today. It Is understood he will succeed
J. M. Gruber, vice-president In charge
of operation. Jenks will mak his head
quarters here.
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $20110; feed
oats 89 85c; milling oats 15 88c;
cheat hay $1920; oat hay $21922;
clover hay $14025; mill run $47648.
Eutterfut: Kutterfat, 62c; cream
ery butter 64 65c.
Pork, -real and muttoa: Pork oa lost
14 S-4c; veal fancy, 23c; steers
HT 8c; cows 6T l-2c; spring lambs
llST12c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings
7tJ9c '.
Dressed pork 18 621c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 42e;
tight hens, 24c; heavy hens 26c; old
roosters 15 16c; springs 24c
Vegetables; Onions per pound lc;
celery dos. $1.7$; potatoes, Yakima
5c; Oregon 4 4 V4c; sweet potatoes 8c
beets per sack $2; turnips per sack
$2.50; carrots per sack $1.25;cmfwy
per sack $2.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c dox.
Fruit: Oranges $4.506.00; I mom
$5gr5.50; bananas 11c; honey ext.,
20o; bunco oeets 45c; cabbags tc;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; srrapst
15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caultfflowet
$1.75 dos; red peppers 25c lb. rhu
barb 12 He
Retail price: Eggs dozen, 60c;
creamery butter 68 78c; couutry but
tor 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 3.40
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Jan. 29. Cattle steady;
receipts 6: steers best $11.60
12,60; good to choice $1111.60; me
dium to good $9.5010.25; fair to
good $8.609.50; common to fair
$7.fi0(fi 8.60; choice cows and heifers
$9,504(10.50; good to choice $8,500
9.60; medium to good' $7.60 8.50;
fair to medium $6.60(fi8.50; can neu
$3.50iji6.50; bulls $6 If 8; prime light
calves $15.5017; medium light
$12. 50 15.60; heavy . calves $7i
12.50; mockers and feeders $8Q9.50.
Hogs steady; receipts 416; prime
mixed $15.50016; medium $15.00
&16.50; rough heavy $12,00U.00,
pigs $12.6014.60.
Sheep steady; receipts 191; eastern
lambs $16.50rl7.60; light valley $16
16.60; heavy $14.50IB15.60; feeder
lambs $ 12 (fi) 1 5 ; yearlings $13 13.50;
wethers $12013; ewes $910.50.
Butter '
Portland, Jan. 29. Butter firm;
cubes extra 68c; parchment
wrapped, box lots 62c; cartons 63c;
half boxes He more; less than hnlf
hoxeB lc more; butterfat 5960c f.
0. b. station; 62 6 4c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs,
Portland, Or., Jun. 29. Weak;
Eggs tilling price cast count,
4Cc; buying price case count' -49c;
buying . price 60c; selling ' price
candled 62c; selected candled In car
tons 53c.
Poultry: Hens 30 34c; broilers 28
roosters 16o; turkeys dressed 47c;
geese 2025c; ducks 35 40c.
Wheat and Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $72; oal
$fil,60 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $58.00
Hay: Buying price, valley timothj
$20(6 28; alfalfa $31.60; grain $25;
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch
Millstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, clt)
artago $2 extra, Mill run, car lots o
mixed cars 45 ton; rolled barley $73
rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $73
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $66; cracked $68.
Real Estate Transfers.
Mnry E Goudy to A J Suxton
uiuiKiina Huxion 8.12 A
tloudy gardens 4S 1W 800
Alonzo L .Seamster and Hulh
(teamster to Anna J Seam
ster, prt bl 11 Myers add
Mary K Ooudy to Robert Mor
ris tr 12 Uuudy gardens....
Rose Graham and J V Gra
ham to George H Mason and
Enuimla Aluson prt sec 3
Paul A Harris nnd Cnrrie L
Harris to Monroe Nye and
Alice Nye, It 30 and 40 Stei
wors fruit farms
Robert G Miller and Ella J
Miller to Pliebe A Donald
son, pi t It 6 bl 3 Heed's add
James Culavan and Mary M
Cnlavan to I J Relger and
Katie Relger, Vt acre1 63 1W
I It Relger and Katie Relgor
to James Caluvan and Mary
M Calnvan, Its 7-8-9 Kenne
dy Acres, also It 8 and 1 A
off si It 4 Kemiedy Acres...
Joseph Ackerman and Ottlllle
Ackerman to Christian Engie
I A sec 10 6H 1 W
G W Waterbury and Mattlo
Waterbury to Wilson T Dor
rs nee rind Kiln Dorrauoe, Lt
II and 12 bl 6 Ben Holt's
add Woodburn
Belle Elder to Hallio Mlllsop
and Ralph A Watson, pit
Its 5 and 6 bl 11 University
acid Salem
Claude P Hindi) and Hazel O
Hlade to T M Lukens and
Margaret Lnkens, It 11 and 2
Cowlng's add Hilvertou ,.,
M C VV'oodard and Edith Wood
arrl to Charles C Gilles and
John A Gilles, 7.80 acres
Thomas B Alien I) L C 6H
1 W
MC Thomas and H D Thom
as to Jennie To 1 man It 10-11
12 bl 21 Capital Park add
Hal em .'.
Beet Growers Organize
National Association
Denver, Colo., Jan. 29. Two hund
red and fifty beet growers from all
parts of the United States today com
pleted organization of the United Hta
tes Beet Growers federation and td
morrow will present their concerted op
position to the $12 a ton flat price an
nounced for the 1920 contracts by the
Great Western Sugar company of
Denver and offer in Its pluce a sliding
scale that will, In their opinion, bring
a 50-50 division of the net profits ban
ed on the seabord price of beets.
An unu-unlly large number of small
pox cases have developed In Deschutes
Ntimtip -hU u-lntr In Henri alone
there are 50 case. Nt death have re
Time Tables.
No. Northbound
64 Oregonian : S:00 a-ia.
It Oregon Express 6:55 s-m.
28 Willamette tdmtted :17 a.m.
18 Portland Passenger l:5t p.m.
24 Coos Bay . i.ii P m.
14 Portland Express 7:45 Pn-
6$ Oregonian ... -
IS For Eugene
15 California Express
17 Roseburg Passenger
27 Willamette Limited .
13 San Francisco Pass...
... 3:lt a-nu
lt:45 a. ro
utes a-L.
4:01 p.m.
:44 p.m.
10:03 pm.
73 Arrive at Salem t:lt am.
14 Leave Salem 4:0t p.m.
161 Leaves Salem, motor 7:00 s-ra.
163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p-m.
Thru car to Monmouth and Alrli
171 Leaves Salem t:l$ p.m.
163 Arrives Salem 8:35 a.m-
164 Arrives Salem .... 11:00 a. CO.
166 Arrives Salem 3:20 nt.
172 Arrives Salem T:4 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. -Portland Salem Bugens
6 Ltd 8:16 am 10:15 m 13:30 pr
7 10:45 am 12:50 pm Salem only
9 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:85 pat
13 Ltd 4:46 pm t:4t pm t:5t pa
17 6:t5pra 1:07 pin Salem aalr -
19 9;20pm 11:20 pm i dem only
North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son ttreet 16 and 20 minutes later)
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. Eugene Salem Portland
9 7:16 am
10 Ltd 7:25 am 9:45 am 11:30 am
12 13:06 pm 2:St pm .
16 Ltd 1:55 pm 4:00 pm 6:66 pm
20 Salem only 6:30 pm 7:40 pm
22 4:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm
North Bank station (arrive Jeffer
son street 16 minutes earlier.) Ltavt
Northbo ad
Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem .
8:20 am 9:46 am
2:35s pm 4:00 pa
6:18 pm 7:65 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvalltt
10:16 am 11:37 am
6:44 pm 8:06 pm '
4:13 pm 6:40 pm
Waconda, Jan. 29. Contrary " to
press reports sent in from her last ,
week, the source of which are un
known, church services at Waconda
have not been discontinued and tht
statement that the church building
had been condemned Is without foun
dation. The Wacouda church services
are held In the school house and that
building in in the best of condition.
Services are conducted every Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Arheart, who purchat
ed the Klrkwood farm and are now
making their home there, were Salem
visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Keene have
been confined to the house for a few
days with severe colds and a touch
of the grippe.
Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Savage spent a
couple of day In Waconda recently.
Mrs. E. M. Palmer wn a Salem vis
itor Saturday.
D. E. Blackburn and family are
spending a few days in Aumsville a
the guests of tholr parents.
The Ladles Aid meeting was held
Wednesday, January 28, at the home
ot Mrs. Henry Stafford.
All of Wncondn and many outsid
ers gathered at the school house Fri
day evening and were ably entertain
ed by Mr. and Mis. F. W. Jones of
Forest Grove. The character work or
Mr. Jones and the quality of his wife's
voice are very well known all over the
Pacific Northwest.
C. II. Hubert and son Walter Visi
ted In the community on Monday.
Miss Flora Polley spent the weeK
end In Salem ns the guest of her mo
ther Mrs. M. Polley.
George Marks made a usinera trip
to Portland last week.
Thrift report cards to be used In
the educational thrift course recent
ly adopted by county school stiperln
tendent'e of the state, have been re
ceived by County Superintendent W.
If. Smith. The cards are for circula
tion to all Marlon county schools, and
may be used In conjunction with the
regular report blanks.
Superintendent Smith is receiving
many request from the different dis
tricts and stales that the curds will
be distributed a rapidly as desired.
Tuesday, 800 of the 'cards were sent
to the Hilvcrton schools, nnd 100 were
distributed to Aurora. The card 1
proving popular In Salem, the fol
lowing schools have sent In request
for varying quantities: Washington,
500; Grant, 200; and 100 to Kngle
wood. The Inauguration of thrift activities
In the schools has received the oo-op-erutlon
of the IT, 8. Department of
Agriculture, Oregon State Banker'
Association, Oregon 8tte Teacher'
Association, Oregon Agricultural Col
lege and the State Department of Ed
ucation, The plan of the thrift cards is to
encourage individual savings among
the pupils In attendance at tht
schools, and to uid In acquiring habit
of keeping accurate aooounts. The
savings report Is to be handed to the
teacher on the last Friday of each
month, when the accounts will be
checked. The 1920 thrift year expires,
November 26, when the cards will be
gathered up and the records of Bar
ings made by pupils In districts will
be checked up to give the total for
Marlon county. At this time the final
summary score will be forwarded to
- 1 J. A. Churchill, Thrift Director for