Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 29, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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fA t fl SIX.
Jack Johnson to Return; Seeks Fight With Dempsey.
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
inruw man
Hhutvn the Associated lres yesterday
by Johnnun. The former champion is
confident he call iirranfre IckhI diffi
culties In time to fishl Jack Dempsey
before the latter meets (.ieoi'Kes Car
pentier, of Fi'ancefcnnd UHHcrts IK-nip-'
must meet liim before he can
inim the world's championship.
I'lnus all 1'n'iNired
The letter nhown by the former
champion was written by him to
Charles K. Clliie, United State dis
tiict Htlorney -in Chicago. It said
Johnson would frt to New York by the
way .of Savannah, arranging throuKh
the Aiaericiin enibiiMiiy here for feder
Hi aK':iHS lo meet him In New York
. Johnson reUeMtcd Mr. Clyne to Ktve
luni thirty ix hours of leeway after
he arrived In Chicago so that he
iiilKht secure bondsmen and make otli
er iHtjal pieimialions.
Johnson asserted yesterday that lie
weiijhed 213 pounds but would go in
to training immediately after reach
ing New York and would be able to
inak.' Ills old time fighting weight.
SklptHil lioniU Once
Jack Johnson was tried In Chicago
early In 1911 on charges of having vi
olated the XI. mn "white slave" law.
and bt'lng convicted, was sentenced
to a year Imprisonment In the fed
eral prison at Leavenworth, Kansas.
Johnson appealed but before the case
was argued before the higher court
1 10 forfeited him ball bond of (15,000
by fleeing from home near Chicago to
Montreal. Canada.
l.ate In June 1913 he Balled for
Kuiope and has not been cm Ameri
can soil slmfe that time.
News for dyne
Chicago. Jan. 29. Charles K.
Clyne, federal district attorney, who
prosecuted Jack Johnson, then heavy
weight champion, today said he had
received no (sinimunlcatloii from the
negro lnc he left Chlengo. Mr.
Clyne would not comment upon the
probable reception of Johnson should
lie follow out his announced Intention
to return to Chicago and face the
chnrges ngalust him,
Johnson's Indictment Krcw nut of
ullcgatlons that he paid the railroad
fare nf a Woman from I'ltlsburg to
The same team which proved bo ef
fective acainst the Oregon Aggies here
last week will start tonight's game
i against the I'niverslty of Oregon five
for the Willamette Bearcats, accord
ing to the announcement made this
morning by Coach Mfthews. Change white todav released two players,
Pitcher Frank Shellenback being turn
ed overto Oakland of the Pacific Coast
, league and Catcher Eddie tSumpf to
I Des Moines of the Western league.
Mexico City, Jan.
noil, former heavyweight -pugilistic
Ul nur,u' imay be necessary, said the coach, but
turn to t'.ie l.'nlted States at once tojhe was unable to Work out a more
face charges pending against him In , formidable combination previous to
Chicago, ill., according to a letter tne game
Chicago, Jan. 2. The Chicago
Interest In the game, which Is the
fifth conference contest for the Bear
cats, is running high and, despite the : Sa" Francisco, Jan. 29. Ollle An
silenc.e of Mathews regarding the out- derson .an umpire in the American as-
coine. some local fans are backing Wll- soclatlon last year, was signed today as can rugby team in the Olympic sched-
lamette to win. Keports from Eugene an umpire in tne facmc coast league iule, Mulonev said
Stanford University. Jan. 29. Con
tinuing his campaign to get western
athletes on the teams which will rep
resent the United States in the seventh
Olympiad, H. Winifred Maloney. train
er at Stanford, has written Frederick
Rublen, secretary of the A. A. U. In
New York recommending several track
athletes who will be on hand when the
Olympic tryouts commence.
In regard to the entry of an Ameri-
Indlcate that Coach "Shy" Huntington
Is also looking for a hard scrap and
the Oregon lads are primed for a real
Tonight's- game will be called
promptly at 7:30 o'clock, with Gatto-!
way, of the Portland Y M. C. A., as
the probable referee.
The tentative lineups for the game
are: I
Oregon Durno and Llijil, forwards: I
Latham, center: Jacobberger and
Chapman, guards. i
Willamette Irvine and Wapato, for
wards; Jackson, center; Rarey and Mo
Kitterick, guards.
for this season.
The Polecats are still undefeated In
tlm Willamette university lnter-cluss
league, having won six games straight.
They lire a team of freshmen, nnd the
personnel Is I lain and Kills, forwards.
l.awHon, center, and Zeller nnd Har
ris, guards. Haiti, l.nwson nml Zeller
wnre n varsity football men. High
Individual point men In the loaittte are
Kills, Mrevey, Hmull, Ksteli, Curtis,
ltobblns and Sloue.
Pld Won l,nst Put.
Polecats o
Hmilors &
JtobcntH 5
Juniors ... J
Wolverines 7
Pussyfoots 7
Pirates ft
Porcupines ft
Premiers 7
Hooligans 4
Jlnwirbticks 6
The Salem Senators. That Is the
name Willi which liiddie Bishop pro
poses to christian his diamond aggre
gation. In choosing the name, Hiddle
makes no apology to the Sacramento
tribe of alibi furnishers, ns hn claims
that Salem Is the capital city of Ore
gon has a right to adopt a contempo
rary cognomon for its aspiring game
With the furthering of Bishop's
plans, the personnel of the Senators Is
already being recognized as a 100 per
cent ex-service organization. Of the
20 men uvallablp to the club, 15 were
overseas and ull were in the service.
A very apparent reason for Bishop's
success In securing worthy exponents
of the game for his own lineup, is that
he chummed with them while In the
service. The migration to Salem Is
merely a "cumin tagllher" of the clans.
Schroeder, Walter Krackee, O'Malley
and Holmes were coinriides-ln-arnis In
France, leaving Portland, September
21, 1917, wth company A, 'l 47th field
artillery. During their service the four
men were members of an organization
Spaulding's athletic almanac of Amer
lean Expeditionary Forces champion
ships and records of inter-allied games
recently Issued, contains a photograpn
nnd mention of C. N. McLeod, first
lieutenant, 11th marines.
McLeod, who is a resident of Inde
pendence, was one of the eight army
officers who received the gold medul
In the officers' rifle competition. His
score was 632 out of a possible 600.
The first ward In this class went to
Major P. 1). Foster, 108th artillery,
1st battery, who made the score of
This score was made at the A. E. F.
rifle, pistol and musketry competition
held May 6 to 17, 1919, nt the d'au
vours range, Belgian camp, near Le
Mans. In this competition, 3500 offi
cers and men participated. It was re
garded as the army's greatest shoot
and the competitors were selected after
rigorous tests in which more than 500,
000 took part.
"During the last Olympic games
America was accused of having en
tries only in events where she was al
most sure to excel. The sending of a
rugby team to Antwerp, especially as
rqgby Is essentially a foreign pastime,
would tend to set at rest any such fal
lacy. "After the recent rugby tournament
of the combined Stanford-California
rugby team during the inter-allied
games, I am postive that the Pacific
I coast could furnish a rugby team to be
' reckoned with."
Portland, Or., Jan. 29. Roy Mc-
Cormlck, light heavyweight champion
of Great Britain, won a ten-round de
cision over Captain Bob Roper of Chi
cago here last night at the Milwaukle
arena. It was McCormick's fight all
the way and his terrific body punches
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 29. Jimmy
Wilde, the British flyweight champion,
will make his third bid for fistic hon
ors In this country tonight when he
mets Mike Ertle, a St. Paul, Minn.,
bantamweight Is a scheduled 10 round,
no decision contest.
Oregon Without Home
Track Meet This Year
Eugene, Or., Jan. 29. The Univer
sity of Oregon track team has three
meets scheduled this spring, but 110
conference meets have been scheduled
for the home cinder path.
vii amy o, uregon will clash In a
iracn meet with the Universtiy of
Washington at Seattle. It will partlci
pate In the conference meet at Stan
ford on May 15, and on Hay 22 the
trackmen will meet Oregon Agricul
tural college athletes at Coivallis.
team which won 25 consecutive games anrt right crosses to Roper's chin had
while In camps and oversens. the soldier champion groggy several
Other men, now on the Senator's times.
tentative roster had very good records
while in the service.
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 29. Whit
man defeated Spokane university ngatn
l ist night by n score of 37 to 14 In
liolly contested basketball game. The
K hum was much faster and more even,
ly fought than last night, but Spokane
was outplayed throughout.
In tin exceptionally fast basketball
game at the Indian training school
Wednesday night. Chemawa won from
the O, A. C. freshmen with the score of
28 to 25. The play was referred by
Coach Mathews of Willamette and was
snappy throughout.
The girls' team from Chemawa de
feated the Salem high school girls In
a good game, the score being 13 to 4.
The O. A. C. freshman team which
played Chemiiwa Wednesday night is
making n four-game loop ,tlie Chema
wa Kiinie being the first of the series.
Three former Salem high school piny
ers are with the rooks being (llenn
tlregg, Arthur Ross nnd Glenn Acker
man, The freshmen will play the Ha
uler American Legion ,the Hammond
Lumber company. Astoria and the Co
lumbia Athletic club of Astoria, return
lug to Corvallis, Monday, February
Earl Dalril, Seattle featherweight,
and Harry PelHinger of San Francisco
fought ten fast rounds to a draw.
Mike Pete of Seattle and Tommy
Mayes, San Francisco welterweight,
fought a Bix round draw.
Neal Zimmerman, Portland feather
weight, nnd Lackey Morrow of Taco
ma, traveled six rounds to a draw.
Johnny Hoscovltch of Portland won
a technical knockout over George Fid
dler in a scheduled four round bout.
Fiddler nult at the end of the second
round. The fighters were middle-weights.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Or., Jan. 29. Prospects for a girls'
uucneiuau game witn uregon are
bright. Members of the Women's
Athletic association at the U. of O.
are in favot of the game, but formal
action on the challenge from O. A. C.
will be deferred until the association
meets some time this week. As yet
a varsity team has not been chosen at
Oregon but the imerclass games which
are being played will undoubtedly
bring for material for one.
San Diego, Oil., Jan
Marysville Club Catcher
May Locate In Salem
Walter Krackee, late of the fimmn
Marysville club, has written to Riddle i
msliop .asking what opportunity there
is in MUem for location here. Krackee
is married and wishes to make his resi
dence here with his family. Krackee
desires to play bull during the season
but wishes to locate permanently whein
he can keep in employment the ver
Krakee has had several years of ex
perience in the progressional game a
his ability as a catcher is recognized.
He has a 300 sllltroinar recnr.t an hcL
29. Roxlnir mnilo
bouts nf !n ... 1. , ."',.. ne recent-
I.UK4UU11 vin oe . iy
staged 111 Tijuana every Wednesday
returned from overseas' service.
Apples have been movine- nut
Hood River eastward at a rapid rate
afternoon beginning February 11. Tom
.lones, veteran promoter, announced
ilei'M tn. I,... A 11 . ...
. . . miin.uiieeiiieiii s to tti'iira a una t,..i..,.- ..,.
exhibitions -.,.' e r ".on nas cme nor-l
,, muuj wan iiiiu, iota! Mipments retch nnivnvi
Governor Esteben Cantu of Lower Cab n.ately 150C curs, of . , , V
longed to the association.
ifornia, he said.
Be Young In Body, Mind and
Looks Despite Your Years
How often you have rfX
wished that you could X -Ai-indulge
in the strenu- -Is.
0113 exercise of out
Aw snorts with th - !r f
vigor and enthusiasm
of youth! -Dut the
end of the week finds
you all in you are
tired, listless and lack
the energy logo out for
a ikuiuu3 whir or a
round of the links or
any other exercise Umt re.
Utiles much pliyjical exer
tioi Many a man, even in
his middle forties, has a
vsue foelinjf that he is
"getllr.if old'' and right
at a time when heshotiUibe
at his very best physicully.
in the sontie that the years
Hrt" ptwing heavily "utton
Iiiin - biit in tlit sense that
lua viuil forces nre wasliug
.'iwav taster than N:itine re
places the worn out tissues.
...tail Hr
Lectures Here Tonight
Thousands-yes milliona-of people find
themselves in this condition early in life. And
there is no excuse for it You can cheek that
tendency to grow olJ. You can carry your
youth with its joys and enthusiasm into your
id s and Ml s. Hut you must Rive Nature all the
Mr- yHi nt. Th. !. .(... ,. n,-,is,.
1 Xi
4. .
The Great General Tonic
It firlrhM. the Woed - wily ,timuNit. hesrt. ll.mM
kidney. t ,.rml , (.,,, .k TOr ".g
1 Kt)
M In f4inl
I xO ! Juiitu".lt ita"arBtnft tKtixlti.
ft tti ilioiiii'i;,ii rnf,i.t'ml.iJ-M.n.- u C V
1 . w ou tiirrf
.1 1.1. w.wm!,,MiihiMir
-.4 ru
oiirdrui tw-tuoKirfow JU wtil iMlUiwr for it
m.J:!:,.. Lylto Mdicine Co, iu.TJ,'
- . 1
If -A 7
I x X
I f -nmHf v.
, . '-'v ' ,
Bh0.,!'v.!r"i Chtmh TonUb, Wnta una
Vr 1. .. . V .,ra " Arim-nh,,, by bu-tli. irradnnU
t'f .lolm IlopkiiM I'nlvcrsltT. she I. i-i...i..i.. .
Chandler Dispatch
MANY admirers of the Chandler Six choose the
Chandler Dispatch. For two years this model
has outsold all other cars of the so-called sport type.
Its popularity is one of the high spots in motordom.
The new series Disnntrh is n snannv. himrltnma
" - " 1 v " J J H
car, seating four adults in perfect comfort. It is of I
most Deautirui design and iinisn; mounted on the
standard Chandler Chassis, famous for its mechanical
You are asked to pay much more for cars which
might perhaps be compared with the Chandler. And
cheap cars sell for but little less.
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, SW5 Four-Passenger Roadster, SMS
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, S197S
Seven-Passenger Sedan, S2S9S Four-Passenger Coupe, S2795 Limousine, S339S
All prices f. o. b, Cleveland)
349 North Commercial St. Phone 666
if ";l ' '
HlHul6 "Ul
are drS irSSS delectable dishes, piping hot,
Ran!Tbri f fl I Cei'tai"ty With which I UniversaI Pol,ceIiin
session "01'S of ;exceeding charm makes it really a priceless pos-
cocktoSrWt' durable UNIVIT Porcdean-Pea-.
Can I Kkf?7, 1 "0t,Ch,!P' Craze or discolor- Clean as chiM dish
sink? wC Z Pr?eIain wth. Who would have a tin bath-tub or an iron
conLL her nvVe? Burns coal or' small space;
concentiates heat m oven. Very economical of fuel. Cash or terms.
l.c ion-f mii AoinorinHtiiiis