Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 29, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Portland. Or. Jan. 29. A surges-
that steps be taken immediately
U the attention of shippers who
M fcoies. to the conditions which exist
US?i reference to supply and demand.
' . telegraphed from here Wednes
I -by J P- Keating, chairman of the
re Coat Box Manufacturers" con
wnoe to the members of the Nation-
Canned Fruit and Dried Fruit Brok-
association. National Canners'as-
' cijtion and Canning Machinery and
a,ooly association, who are assembled
ration at Cleveland. Ohio
At a meeting held here Monday,
manufacturers from Oregon. Wash
Lrton California. Idaho. Montana and
Rrulsh Columbia agreed that there is
f insufficient supply of box lumber
ft present Stocks are being further
Educed by a heavy and increasing do
mestic and oriental export demand, It
W lite'legram stated that the situ
.ion calls for immediate considera
tion by large domestic users of boxes
ho should anticipate their minimum
Ldsand purchase without delay, tak
ing early delivery. The box manufac
turers desire to be informed without
delay of the total minimum requlre-'nients.
Fairfield News Notes.
Fairfield, Or., Jan. 29. Mr. and
Mrs. Brown and family from Hillsboro
are guests at S. V. Tarker's this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. DuRette and
Mrs. Ralph DuRette made a business
trip to Salem Tuesday.
Mr. and Wis. Allsup and daughter
spent the past week with relatives in
Frank Parker, who was attending
high school in Portland the first se
mester, is now attending Woodburn
Miss Merle DuRette attended the
banquet given Friday evening at tho
hotel In Corvallis by fraternity Sigma
phi Epsilon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Tuttle entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. B.
J. J. Miller and little daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Cockerham, Miss Vera Crls
tle of Woodbun and Louis Aral
Loretta Lovegren and Myrtle Imlah
spent the week-end with home folks.
W. M. Mahony of Portland spent.the
week-end on the ranch.
Youth And Gray Hair.
Can never go hand in hand says
Prof. John H. Austin, noted bacteri
ologist, hair and scalp specialist of
To retain one's youth, one must be
'Id of gray hairs. My discovery
solves the problem.
A scientific process for developing
the natural color of the hair in a sim
ilar manner to that of developing the
photographic negative. It is posi
tively the only satisfactory and last
ing treatment for restoring color to
the hair in a mild, healthful mnnnoi-
-Co-Lo Hair Restorer Is absolutely
"armless and will not -injure either
uio nalr or scalp; is not a dye; con
tains no lead or sulphur; will not
Wash Or rUb Off' hai nn aa.ltmon. nnrl
b as clear as water a pleasing and
uuma remedy to apply.
Co-Lo Hair Rtnn i
-A-for Black and all Dark Shades
i crown.
-AJ Extra Strong, for Jet Black
air only
A8 for all Milium l, ,.,.. ov,,i.
-A3 for all Very Light Brown, Drab
uourn snaaes.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer on sale
"try drug store.
Portland has increased its capital
stock from $18,000 to iSO.OOO, ac
cording to a certificate filed with the
corporation department.
Organized for the
nig in a general farming and agricul
tural business the Coos Bay Farm
Land company of Marshfield, Coos
county, filed articles nf inr..
tion with the corporation nirt.m
here today. The company is capital
ized ai au.uuu with the following In-corporatA-s:
Charles Hnii n c rw
ment, W. J. Conrad and A. E. Alles-
Other companies filine article tn.
day were: . ; -.
E. J. Burke Wool
land, 1100.000: E. J. P.iirk. .' w w
Judd and HT W. Collins
Taylor-Carey Motors
Dalles: $5000: Roeer TV Si,',ntt
Loring K. Adams and Amy C. Adams.
Peter Pan Photo company, Port
land: $5000: R. W. Wilbur, s n
Spencer and H. B. Beckett.
Coos and Curry Land
Mtyrle Polna: $2000: Cecil P nor.
ter, Clarence Carter and A. O. Thomp
The East Side Box company -of
Water Permits.
The appropriation of water
Lieutenant M. V
jthis city, has announced his candi
dacy for the nomination to the office
of ftcrptarv nf ctn t o nn . . i
Big and Little Sheep creeks for the j T , . " eg.ster.
irrigation of u . lieutenant Parsons, who is a prac
acres of land in the Mountain Sheep l,?"8 l.'J this cit"'
irrigation district in Wallowa coun- ?u,t the,la,e war ith the ma
ty, is sought by A. W. Chaunn of I" "! " ,wa5 m some f tne
Joseph, who called m . v. ! n""?81 I,snunS m ranc
neer- Percy A. Cunner. Winpdav
In the Interest of the district which
is now under process of organiza
tion. The district expects to vote
a $125,000 bond issue soon, according
toAIr. Chaupp.
Application for the appropriation
of water from Imnaha river for the
irrigation of 40 acres in Wallowa
county and by 'Louise Hoerlein of
Hood River covering the apropria
tion of water from a small tributary
of Hood River for the irrigation of a
small tract in Hood River county,
were also filed with the state engi
neer Wednesday.
BjrtB. &rt-U0Ml Y.u Try TM. N.w Horn.
C' U Without
WliUO'Iim!- Simply Chew
Ut He Prove This Free.
to matter my elnse.
Eiinot Wcfnt dJ?ur CBSe te '
K!' T n boL,oa ,lve no mt ter
ltb S 'Wlton ou are
wompti?' my me(ll0d wU1
LWly'bo JieiU to "Di to th.
b"toiiedr ou,er
fitlnip; IE8"" taat m, method
bt tment? U the one Uepena.
I&VSSX fc,'r trtment i,
IS; w" now si to Df,'e-t single
FaPHe Remedy
to: 're, trial of your M-t. hod
Dentistry Under the
E. R. Parker System
IF your teeth need filling, a dentist
who makes a specialty of fillings
can do the work best
If you neeci crowns or bridge
work, a crown and bridge dentist
is the man you want.
If artificial teeth are required,
you can get the most satisfaction
from a dentist skilled in plate
w " --
If a tooth must come out. a first-class exlrflrfor can f.itrft
it out without hurting. ,
If your teeth are diseased, a dentist with full knowl
edge of the subject should be consulted,
Ihis is the kind of dentistry done; 'rytmt
in offices using the E. R. Parker Sys-. vs.
tem. The kind of work you need is jj-CAvf
uone oy ine man wno Knows now to
do it particularly well.
i 'Examinations and advice free.
Registered Dentists Using the
Dr. D. M. Ogden
Mr. Parsons is 38 years old. He
taught school In this county when but
IS years- td. In 1908 he was admit
ted to the bar. and has always prac
ticed since then 4n Lane county.
In 191S he was a member of the
state legislature from Lane county,
and was author of the county depos
itory law. When the country went in
to the great war Mr. Parsons enlisted
in the marines and was soon after
commissioned as first lieutenant.
Funds for the purchase of uniforms
for the team will be raised at a
dance, to be criven in u ,n
Court and High streets, Friday even
ing by the Uirls Drill Team of the
Artisans lodge. The elrls hnvo ..
drilling for the occasion and will add
special attractions to the evening.
The Drill Team will visit Eugene
late in March to attend a conference,
there of Artisan lodge representatives
and they hope to have their uniforms
by that time. If insufficient funds are
raised at the dunce Friday night an
other dance probably will be held in
The girls plan to compete In a state
function at Woodburn in May, and
with the uniforms, thev clni
they can make Buch an effective ap
pearance as to win the honors for
Salem. ' '
Made to Order Jewelry
The making of original jewelry is a specialty with
us. Our facilities for designing and manufacturing
are at your service on request. We will be glad to
assist you.
Jewelers and Opticians
Corner State and Liberty Streets
Claxtar, Jan. 69. Mr. and Mrs.
John Westley left Wednesday eve
ning on the Shasta limited for Long
Eeach, Cal. They will be the
of Mr. and Mrs. Rpy Westlev of Lontr
Beach. Anionir other Rlnvtnr nwni.
spending a few months in California
are Mr. and Mrs, Allle Kites now of
Arlington. Cal., and Mr.
Thomas Day of Los Angeles.
James Martin with his gasoline
dragsaw is helping in the good work
ui mnu clearing" oy sawing many of
tho great logs onnewly cleared land
nere - .-
William Rlckman Is attending trao-
tor school in Portland. The large
We Save Money for You I
$75.00 Range $60.00 $40.00 Table
$18.25 Oil Stove $15.Qj $50.00 Buffet $40.00
42-Piece set Gold Band Dinner Set $7.98
25-Year Guaranteed Sagless Spring, $15.00 i
35-lb. B. M. 0. E Pure Silk Floss Mattress $24.00
40-lb Cotton-J elt, Built Up in Layers $13.00
Peoples Furniture Store i
271 N. Commercial St Phone 734 1
number of tractors, automobiles, etc.. .berries here Is looking unusually
on this up to date farm make this H. It is anticipated that many hun
course necessary. :lred dollars will come to this section
Much wood cuttin is bem don 'ft'-'," this luscious fruit
here. With this commodity at 12 per ' Th 9th ndt Dar,y he!d at Kilz"
cord wood cutters and wood haulers 'r 5Cho1 "riday evening was a sdc-
find a ready demand for their i,m.:f'ss ln evry wa-
duct Th soaking rain of the past few
The very large acreage of straw- 'days has S'eatly freshened pastures
With three new banks qualifying thi
week Orepon now has 15 Btate bank
members of the federal reserve sya.
tem. The latest addition to the system
are the Athena State Bany, Athena,
UmatiSlacounty; First Bank of Reeds
port, Keedsport, lxug!as county: ami
the IVilas City Bank, Dallas, Polk
Clearance Sale of
Floor Lamps
This Week Only
We are reducing stock to make room for
lamps now oh order, and every lamp now in
Stock is marked much below our usual low
figures. . '
$49.00 lamp and shade $38.50
$50.00 lamp and shade $43.00
$40.00 lamp and shad'e. $32.00'
$46.00 lamp and shade ; $37.50
$36.00 lamp and shade $31.50
j( ' I'"' s'1) 1 i ' ' i
if iMiui-wn M-rtnfuiKiiiTiiiri n il lilfi Himil'nrfirn i
$34.00 lamp and shade. $29.50
$38.00 lamp and shade ..$29.50
$38.50 lamp and shade $22.50
$35.00 lamp and shade ...$29.50
$30.00 lamp and shade $27.00
Every lamp in this sale is a beauty and well executed in Adam brown mahogany
with a suitable shade of pleasing color. Buy this week. Next week will be too late
' ' to make a money saving.
340 Court. Street
Salem, Oregon.
Mrs. O F. Lamson
On the Situation in Armenia and the Near East at
Thursday, Jan. 29, at 7:30 p. m.
EVERY person in Salem is invited to hear this
entertaining speaker tell about the life and customs
of the people now making an effort to exist m her
native land "ARMENIA". Come and learn what
HERBERT HOOVER has been doing since the Ar
mistice was signed.
This will be an instructive lecture and FREE! ,
No collection or subscription to be taken.
16 Z ' $63616
gEWMM' ZJ-r- ' jqjjl ONE-TON TRUCK , I
You need this truck in your business. 4 I
, As the season advances you will need it more than ever; but as the set-n advan- III I
III ces we shall not be able to make deliveries. You should act now and be j repared to I
I get your share of the prosperity of the coming season. I
This year will be the banner year for the Willamette Valley. I
Portjellres PortagjeTires
fill Oversize Ail (3 Gvers9 , I
I ' lr ydlley Motor Co. . '
MMtttmlMMt h